Work with the reputation of the company. What is online reputation management and who needs this service. Who needs an online reputation management service and why?

  • 13.11.2019

Reputation management in the network is a complex of works that representatives of any brand sooner or later think about. The very concept of reputation management is denoted in different ways - SD, ORM, SERM, reputation marketing.

It is not so important how the brand marketers will call the work package at internal planning meetings, it is important that reputation management work brings benefits to the brand.

If this is your first time facing the challenge of reputation management, then this article is for you. As part of the article, we will consider the main reputation management tools that can be launched relatively quickly and for free.

1. Monitoring system

Before you start managing the reputation of your brand, you need to understand what people write about it in general. As practice shows, users like to write about a brand on neutral sites that are not controlled by the brand itself. If there is a burst of mentions, it can happen anywhere, but the key discussions will most likely appear somewhere on the user pages, on the forums. Therefore, the frequent phrase from marketers “come on, we only work out in our group” is erroneous.

To identify brand mentions in real time, a monitoring system is used. There are many monitoring systems on the market. Personally, I advise you to try the very affordable Brand Analytics Express (the starting balance is issued immediately) or Youscan (they will give a trial period). In addition to them, there are several more systems on the monitoring market that you can try - IQBuzz, SemanticForce, BrandSpotter and others.

If you are interested in looking for leads in parallel with reputation management, you can try the free Leadscanner monitoring system for leads. Also, we should not forget about the free Yandex.Blogs and Google Alerts systems.

2. Analytics

We started monitoring mentions, we find mentions of our favorite brand. However, monitoring alone is not enough to manage reputation on the network. It is necessary to seriously analyze and properly adapt the data that is collected through monitoring for further work.

At a minimum, you need to understand:

  • where they write about the brand,
  • Who writes,
  • how many write
  • what coverage,
  • positive or negative
  • what kind of audience engagement,
  • similar analysis by competitors (see next section).

Some monitoring systems support automatic uploading of reports. However, sometimes it is necessary to manually recheck the monitoring settings in order to correctly identify tags and sentiments.

3. Play on competitor mentions

Recently, battles between brands like Tinkoff vs. Rocketbank have become a normal thing.

No one forbids monitoring negative mentions of competitors and introducing their theses into discussions. Moreover, you can collect not only negative mentions of competitors, but all mentions of competitors in a specific context.

For example, two options:

  • bank A monitors all crops of bank B about mortgage lending and covers it with its posts or comments. Bank B writes about a cool promotion at 12% per annum, and bank A will introduce its posts and comments everywhere that it has 9% per annum. Moreover, as mentioned above, you can also embed your posts in the same groups and forums, as well as start guerrilla marketing right under the posts of a competitive brand. Benefits – The brand will have a reputation for being more accessible.
  • users write negative things about mobile operator B. Marketers of mobile operator A in this case can infiltrate all discussions and offer their services to dissatisfied clients of operator B. For example, if a user complains about the frequent lack of communication in a particular area, or about the high cost of mobile Internet, then a competitive brand can offer such a user to deliver a SIM card to a convenient address with free mobile internet for 1 month. Benefit - the brand has a reputation as an active brand, besides offering gifts at the very beginning of cooperation.

In both cases, users will see which brand has more favorable conditions, or even a free distribution of freebies. At the same time, not only the user involved in the discussion will see what is happening, but also just observers and subscribers. Such a reputation management tool is especially useful at the stage when a brand enters already competitive markets, for example, the same market of mobile operators.

4. Respond to your customers

Unfortunately, about absolutely any brand, sooner or later there will be negative mentions. If there is no negativity about the brand at all, the question immediately arises - is this brand present on the market at all? Therefore, working with negativity is an integral part of the network reputation management.

Here are just some of the options for dealing with negativity:

  • answer on behalf of the brand, as an option - support service;
  • work as brand advocates;
  • park the negative - let's look further.

It should be noted that sometimes the most correct decisions are either to remove the negative (if the provocateur is completely inadequate), or not to answer at all (for example, if the negative on a neutral site is trolling).

5. Parking negative

In online reputation management work, it is imperative to keep in mind the difference between reach and engagement. In short, reach is the number of users who have seen a post, and engagement is the number of users who have somehow become involved in the discussion. Moreover, engagement can be called both comments and likes with reposts.

The goal of negative parking is to minimize the development of outreach by diverting the discussion to a non-public channel of communication. Offer clients to resolve a negative issue in personal correspondence, by email, by phone. Avoid the practice of having long discussions on “debriefing” as much as possible in your brand group.


A set of measures for reputation management in search results is usually referred to as SERM - search engine reputation management. The goal of the reputation management team in this case is to squeeze out unwanted sites for branded queries like “brand”, “brand reviews”, “brands reviews of employees” and the like. If we are talking about a person as a brand, then queries can be “first name last name”, “first name last name mayor city”, “first name last name corruption”, “first name last name diploma”.

The main SERM tool is most often a change in the tone of sites, which can be done on sites with negative content. Establishing the flow of appearances good reviews about the brand is possible by holding promotional campaigns among customers. Some of the negative sites can be removed from the search results by applying the law of oblivion (no guarantee of success) or by correspondence with the owners of sites that host negative content - see the next paragraph.

7. Digital law

One of the actively developing trends in online reputation management is digital law. And there are many reasons for this. It is not always possible to squeeze a negative site out of the search results using traditional tools. Hosts of sites with negative content may start demanding big money for removing content that is unfavorable to you. It's not worth giving up. To solve such problems, there is digital = jurisprudence. In fact, this term refers to the work of lawyers to solve the problem of removing unwanted content through legal procedures.

Examples of work on digital law include the following:

  • competent preparation of filing applications for the application of the law on oblivion;
  • drawing up justified claims to the owners of sites (sites);
  • pre-trial and judicial work with site owners
  • legally justified communication with hosting and domain registrars - sometimes it is possible to remove a page with unwanted content at this level;
  • domain delegation - subject to a number of conditions, you can remove domain delegation.

It is difficult for ordinary marketers to work at a legally professional level, and digital law has appeared to solve such goals.

8. Statistics and trends by industry

In the issue of further positioning of the brand and in assessing its prospects, it is necessary to use holistic and competent analytics on the situation in the industry as a whole. You need to know what are the current trends, what are the statistics of the growth or decline of the industry. What are the success (or vice versa) stories over the past years. All this can affect the positioning of the brand, which means it will have an impact on brand reputation management.

In fact, at this stage, there is no need to assemble a separate team of analysts and order a study from scratch. Every year there is a lot of research in the public domain. Examples include research being done by associations such as ACAR and RAEC. Also, studies from analytical and consulting companies like Nielsen and Deloitte regularly appear on the network in the public domain. On their sites you can freely find the necessary research.

9. Content Islands

Content islands are sometimes referred to as a tool for multi-channel SEO implementation. Content islands are all those platforms that you create in addition to your official website. Content islands can be used both as an SEO strategy and as a section of SERM work.

In addition to the official website, most brands create by default official groups in in social networks. However, for online reputation management, you can also create feedback cards, where you can then bring a loyal audience. Most reviewers create brand cards for free. And some brands even create their own reviews.

You can make several official sites - one large portal, one business card site about the owner of the brand, a separate site for collecting feedback and complaints, and so on.

In addition to review sites and additional sites, reputation management agencies are often created to branding cards on various encyclopedias and company directories. Try to do the same for your brand. The same Wikipedia allows any user to try to create their own article. The direct benefit of working with content islands for reputation management is that as a result, you can occupy search results pages with controlled sites.


As a result, I want to note that reputation management on the Internet is an integral element of the marketing tasks of any brand. While there are many reputation management tools, and we've covered just a few of them, even a novice marketer can try managing their brand's reputation using the tools described above without spending significant budgets.

In order to understand what it is about, it is worth first defining the concept itself.

Reputation is a third-party complex of evaluative ideas and judgments. You should not confuse reputation with image, since the latter is a “picture”, statements about yourself that were not initially supported by anything.

The term "reputation management" is close to PR, since public relations are aimed precisely at managing information flows to form a certain reputation. So, reputation management on the Internet is understood as a set of measures for working with information on the Internet to form the desired image. Initially, this concept was used by American marketers who tried to identify and neutralize negative messages on the Web (forum reviews from dissatisfied customers, “revealing” articles, blog posts critical of a company or brand). Then the concept grew, there were adjacent or even synonymous to it - such as PR on the Internet. In Western countries, such services are practiced very actively, while Russian SMM specialists have relatively recently begun to adopt such experience.

So we're talking about online reputation. They say about the World Wide Web that it knows everything. And this is true - it is often enough to enter your name in the search bar, and the system will return thousands of results, by which it will be possible to determine where and when a person or company was "marked" and for what reason.

Reputation management of a company or organization

The basic rule of working with communications is to keep everything under control. But there are two extremes here, which periodically fall Russian companies: to be silent or to say anything, just to speak. Let's analyze each of the situations.

If you or your company prefers to remain silent, then they will definitely start talking for you. Employees, customers, partners, competitors. Agree, this is not at all in your interests, since these communications will be clearly either subjective or negative. It is known that the ratio of positive to negative users is 1:4. That is, for 4 negative reviews on the Web, only 1 positive one will appear. And it is no coincidence that an employee who is satisfied with a salary increase will boast about it on social networks, but if he was fired, and even did not pay the due bonus, consider that your company is already mentioned on the Internet as an irresponsible employer. The same is true with clients: satisfied - good, dissatisfied - expect negative.

Since the Internet is a special environment, everything that gets there is quite difficult to control. However, according to statistics, Besides, high speed distribution, especially negative, sometimes leaves no chance to quickly fight even with false information on the Web.

That is why, if you have not yet thought about what your company looks like in the media (almost all of which have migrated to online spaces today), and even worse, if you simply ignore the negative, you risk losing not only your good name, but the whole business. The spontaneity of filling the Internet space, various blogs, forums, social networks (, Vkontakte) and others are a powerful and difficult to manage mechanism for forming an opinion about a brand.

Negativity in the network: work to identify

So, before you start working on your reputation on the Web, you need to assess the scope of the task and take control of the situation. To search for information, you will need to monitor online media and social networks. Then you will need to see which reviews suit you, and which ones need to be adjusted, that is, replaced with positive news.

You can monitor in the following ways:

Monitoring of search engines Yandex, Google, etc. on the main keywords manually - it will turn out long enough, difficult and not always effective (you will definitely miss some of the information);

Monitoring Yandex.Blogs ( and Google Alerts ( available systems for tracking mentions of an object in search engines, the information found is sent to email subscriber - the notification sometimes comes late, so if a negative appears on the network, you will be the last to know about it and will not have time to respond in time;

Specially designed programs that search the Internet, for example:,,,, etc., social monitoring systems. networks - services are paid, they work quite quickly, but there are errors, omissions of information. In addition, in order to use such systems, you need to know all the search keywords perfectly, otherwise the effectiveness of such a search will be reduced to zero.

Negativity on the Internet

You have probably heard that negative information on the Internet can be deleted. At the very least, "negative removal" ads can be found on the Internet today. Some companies boast that they have competent specialists who can hack the content management system and remove unnecessary information. But in practice, everything often does not look so simple. Most often, you are offered to make a lot of new sites that would allow you to move the site on which there is negative to lower positions in search engines. You can easily imagine the cost of creating at least a few sites yourself. So you probably won't want to use this option.

At the same time, we strongly advise you to predict the likely course of events after “removing” a negative review or posting an obviously “positive” one behind it - this can cause even more negative feedback from users, since the main rule of working in social networks is to give truthful information. Lies will always be revealed (just like in personal communication), and exposure will bring a new wave of crisis communications.

How to remove the negative yourself?

What to do if a negative appeared on your corporate site or even a personal account? You can try to solve this problem yourself. For example, there are numerous services that will help you "remove" from the Web.

1. Accountkiller - here you can find direct links and instructions for deleting pages in all popular services.

2. Google presents its set of online reputation management tools. The Me on the Web service allows you to track the appearance of personal information in the search engine results.

3. The DeleteMe site offers to “clean up” all information about you from the largest databases, for only $130 per year you get constant control over your personal data on the Web and a detailed report every three months.

4. Suicidemachine - this resource will delete information about you from the social network before your eyes: messages, photos, and so on. By the way, deleting a Facebook account here will take less than an hour, while manually deleting information takes about ten hours.

Thus, online reputation can be managed. However, it must be remembered that a good reputation is not only the absence of negative information, but also the presence (predominance!) of positive information. In order to replace one with the other correctly, without losing sight of any subtleties, it is of course better to contact the appropriate PR specialist. It will not only help you prepare and correctly post the necessary information, track the disclosure of the topic, calculate the effectiveness, but also help you draw up a holistic communications plan that will complement your marketing policy and help you solve your business problems.

When people on the Internet search for a product or service of interest, ideally they should find your company's website, your page on a social network, and positive reviews about you on other sites.

These 9 tips will help you achieve such a noble goal. Online reputation is one of the most important assets in terms of managing your company's reputation. If it gets tarnished, you will lose customers, sales, employees and partners.

Of course, this is not news to anyone, but it is worth touching on such a topic. Many firms do not pay enough attention to building a reputation for their business on the Internet - to how well they respond in Yandex and Google searches.

The main points in protecting your brand, according to virtual reputation management experts, are active work in this area, proper content optimization, constant monitoring of results, readiness to respond to negative messages and, above all, a realistic assessment of your efforts.

9 tips for managing and building a reputation for online business and brand protection.

1. Optimizing your company website.

Optimize several pages of your site using the main key phrases to search for your company name. What for? Search engines will see your company's website as the most authoritative source for providing information about you. Topic authority is one of the main factors that search engines look for when choosing the right search results to display. under your company name, you will help keep these pages at or near the top of the search results. Not only will this help your site appear more frequently in search results, but it will also lower negative content about the company that you have no control over.

It is best to use your company name in important places on the site such as HTML title tags and URLs (if possible), particularly on pages that talk about your company, such as "About Us" or "Contact Us".

In addition, on their websites, some companies refer to themselves in the first person. For example: "We make the most advanced widgets", instead of: "<Компания>makes cutting-edge widgets." However, using a third-person description is better, as it allows you to insert the company name, which will show up in the search results.

2. Diversify your online presence.

Your goal should be to actively occupy all niches in all 10 search results in Yandex, Google for the keywords of interest, on the one hand, this will show the superiority of your company in this area. On the other hand, you will be more likely that negative content about a company or product will not appear in the top 10.

You will never be able to get rid of negative information that you cannot control, citing negative reviews and newspaper publications as an example. “But still, you can balance this information by posting your positive content that you can control.”

To achieve a level in the top 10, your reputation on the Internet must be distributed in addition to the company's website, in such thematic blogs and social networks as Vkontakte, Google+, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. So far, social media promotion is low. Google crawlers crawl these social networks as reputable sources that can be trusted; all this will be important factors in order for these sites to rank better.

Anchor text is a hyperlinked word or phrase, such as online reputation management tips for job seekers, that will take you to another page by clicking on it. Search engines are used to determine the relevance of the page that is being linked to. If several pages from authoritative sites link to this article, this will increase the ranking of this article.

Of course, creating high-quality hyperlinks with anchor text from other sites is not an easy task. Those sites are out of your control and influence.

The best way is to simply ask someone to insert a link with anchor text relevant to your business. However, don't ask everyone to link with the same anchor text. Google monitors all attempts by people to influence bypassing the system and may lower the position of the page, considering that aggressive methods of promotion are being used.

If 60 percent of your links have the same anchor text, that's too much. Try to create a variety of . Get links from multiple quality sites using a variety of relevant link anchor text.

4. Constantly track your positions in search engines at least once a month.

Google your company name at least once a month, Beal advises. Do this more often if you have a large company that is often featured in the news. Use for important keywords so you know when new content about you appears on the Internet.

Don't just look at the first page of Google search results. Even though most users don't scroll any further, always check two or three pages of search results for bad reviews. Due to rapidly changing ranking results, such content can appear at any time.

Carefully review the content on the third and fourth pages of search results for negatives, as it may soon make it to the first page. Record what you find in a table: URL, page title, page status (can you influence it) and its rating (content is positive, negative or neutral).

5. To manage negative reputation, contact its creator.

Even if you constantly monitor your reputation on the Internet, one morning you can find an unpleasant surprise. The bigger your company, the more you will find articles with negative content about it in the top search results.

When this happens, contact the blogger, site owner, or other person who created and posted the content right away. Ask him if there is anything you can do to turn a negative opinion into a positive one. If that doesn't work, leave a (if possible) comment with your side of the story. Explain what you are doing or trying to do to improve the situation.

6. Also take care of your offline reputation.

If a bad reputation on the Internet becomes the norm for you, you need to think about why this is happening. Your reputation in the offline world is transferred to the world of the Internet. Treat your customers and customers well, encourage those who are supportive of you and leave a positive comment. Focus on your reputation in the offline world, your online reputation will depend on it.

7. Send out optimized press releases regularly.

Believe it or not, they can rank highly on Google for relevant keywords, giving your company another position in the SERPs. Press releases are like leverage to artificially fix a bad online reputation.

8. Pay attention to your Wikipedia page.

A Wikipedia entry about your company will almost always rank in the top 5 search results for your company name, Beale says. To see how it works, look at Google titles such famous companies like Microsoft, Sberbank, McDonald's. In most cases, you won't have to search further than the first three search results to find a related Wikipedia article.

You won't be able to control Wikipedia entries, as anyone can edit them. You must not interfere with the development of this Wikipedia article, as it would be against the rules of the public encyclopedia. If a Wikipedia article about your company contains negative or false information, contact the Wiki Community to find out how to fix it.

9. Constant monitoring of online reputation

It is very important to track all or at least some of the messages from the top search queries. The sooner you notice them, the more chances you have to level it. “One of our clients had seven negative reviews on the first page of a Google search”, “It took me a year and a half to have only positive information on the first page of a search.”

  • level of communication with representatives of other companies and target audiences– publications in the media, reviews of local authorities, customer experience with the company;
  • the quantity and quality of activities carried out by the organization(sponsorship of various projects, charitable activities);
  • geographical location of the company– country, region, region, etc.;
  • business reputation- the industry in which the company operates and its prestige.

These factors reflect only general aspects that affect the formation of a positive reputation. In each individual case, the organization chooses its own strategy. Therefore, when managing it, it is important to constantly audit the opinions of target audiences, identify negative reviews in time and adjust your reputation.

What is the process of building the reputation of an organization

As soon as a company enters the market and begins to interact with target audiences, a reputation is also formed. Only a novice company may not have it, and then only for the first time. So, let's consider what the process of its formation consists of.

1. The stage of forming the image of the company itself, i.e., a description of what reputation and opinion the organization wants to create with target audiences.

2. The stage of analysis and evaluation of the opinion of the target audience representatives regarding the company through surveys, questionnaires, focus groups. That is, first you need to understand for yourself what image the company wants to create, and analyze what reputation it has on this moment. Building a positive reputation comes down to narrowing the gap between the two. Such an analysis will help to understand which communication channels are most effective.

3. The choice of marketing tools and strategies for interacting with the target audience which will form the basis for the formation of a positive opinion about the company. Experts who specialize in reputation management form a proposal on the use of the right tools for its creation.

So, starting to build a reputation, one should move in two directions, in the first case, it is necessary to analyze the following criteria within the organization:

    Attitude to the leader of the company;

    The presence of a corporate culture;

    Comfortable working conditions;

    The number of employees with high competence in the state.

Based on the results obtained, a set of actions is formed to improve the internal microclimate of the company. Previously, this reputation was not given sufficient attention, but recently organizations have begun to realize that the internal the target audience has no less influence on its creation than the external one.

In the second case, such communication channels as the Internet and mass media are more often used for external audiences. Reputation building in this case is a series of positive advertising messages that are designed to form a positive opinion.

Building Online Reputation: Common Mistakes

Building a positive reputation is very often not so easy, and you can lose it in a matter of days. It is important to understand how to deal with such crisis situations in advance so that the company does not suffer damage. So, let's look at the main mistakes that can occur when building a reputation.

Mistake 1. Deliberately hiding the problem that has arisen, downplaying the consequences, or completely denying the company's involvement in the incident. Sooner or later, everyone will know this, and the consequences of this situation can cause even more damage than with a truthful consciousness at the very beginning.

Mistake 2. Intensive work with external target audiences and a complete lack of corporate policy within the company itself. Reputation is a set of measures, which also includes communication between an employee and customers, and a disgruntled employee has a reduced desire to provide quality service, which inevitably affects the reputation.

Mistake 3. Disproportionate distribution of attention between market participants. A large number of companies consider the reputation factor only when establishing communications with shareholders, investors, banks. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, since it is not designed for the future. When focusing on only one factor in the formation of reputation, its decline or collapse is inevitable.

To avoid such consequences, an integrated approach to reputation management is needed if the company is concerned about its future fate in the market, especially if the search for clients is carried out via the Internet and SERM can help with this.

What is SERM?

Reputation management in search engines (Search engine reputation management or SERM) provides the process of building a reputation in the network, taking into account the peculiarities of the mechanisms for promotion and SEO-optimization of content. As practice shows, in order for the client to accurately follow the link to your company, you need to display your site in the TOP-20. Why TOP-20? Since the monitoring of user behavior showed that 90% do not reach the viewing of the third page of search results, but view the first or, at most, the second.

Figure 2 - Scheme of reputation management using SERM

SERM-events are aimed at creating a positive reputation of the enterprise in the network, their main goal is to remove unwanted or increase positive information about the organization in the search results.

As for the question, who is SERM intended for, the answer is simple. It will be useful to everyone, from a large holding that sells cars to a housewife who sells her own gingerbread, regardless of scale, that is, all companies and individuals who do business on the Internet (online stores, financial and law firms, travel agencies, service providers, public figures, etc.).

There are the following SERM techniques:

    Placing positive content on thematic sites;

    Participation in events, exhibitions, holding webinars, using video resources;

    Website content optimization;

    Removal of negative information from the results of issuance.

Figure 3 - The main stages of creating a positive image of the company with the help of SERM

There are the following reputation management features that every company needs to know.

    The executing company does not have the right to post information about clients who have ordered reputation management services, for obvious reasons (in this case, clients are provided with complete confidentiality);

    Reputation management will not work once, as this is a dynamic process. At a minimum, you need constant monitoring of the situation and analysis of reviews on the network (for this, as a rule, special services are used or services are ordered from professionals, some of whom only monitor the situation, others approach it comprehensively and correct it if necessary);

    For those who are just starting to learn something about reputation management own company it is necessary to clearly understand that this issue requires investments, and understanding what kind of image you want to form among target audiences;

    As for the automation of this process, in matters of monitoring it can be automated, but manual labor is used for further actions;

    There is no universal method or technique for reputation management, the specifics of the company and the target audience are diverse, and therefore there is an individual approach to its management.

Building reputation with SERM

It is difficult enough for companies to build their reputation on their own without specialized help, however, you can choose an easier path. Let's turn to automated analysis tools (IQBuzz, YouScan), which work on the principle of small search engines.

Let us consider in more detail what is at stake, using the example of company X, if it is necessary to identify information about it, then when entering a key query, the sites that are in the database of this resource are checked and all mentions of this company are given out. The next step is to analyze the results and select a set of measures, after which companies often turn to third parties for help. The main advantage of automated monitoring is that it significantly reduces the time, otherwise imagine how much a specialist would have to spend on checking all sites.

However, you cannot fully rely on these resources, since their bases are usually limited, although they include a large number of included resources. Nevertheless, these are far from all the sites that the World Wide Web covers. Which brings us to the question, will it not happen that the search for "company X" search system will give out a site that may not be in the database of such services?

EFSOL's own development solves this problem. This module uploads the TOP-20 search results for the required keywords and calculates the company's reputation coefficient. The desktop looks like this.

Figure 4 - Desktop module "Reputation management"

It contains a quick menu for entering the main settings, according to which the criteria for searching for reviews are set.

Using this module, you can also generate a report on a topic, on a search query, or select one of the options. In Figure 5, a report on the monitoring object is built using a graph.

Figure 5 - Report on the monitoring object using the graph of the "Reputation Management" module

In general, there are a huge number of various methods, techniques and recommendations for solving rather complex problems in the formation and management of reputation. Let's look at some of them with examples.


In November 2014, we held a meeting with representatives of a large supermarket chain. It was attended CEO, his deputy and Regional Manager by sales. During the dialogue, it was agreed that the network is constantly evolving and there is a need to form personnel reserve employees as cashiers, merchandisers, merchandisers. We learned that the company posts vacancies on various sites, but high response rates are needed to ensure a talent pool. When choosing a company, potential employees pay close attention to its reputation.

Based on these requirements, it was proposed to the company's management finalize the existing requirements for vacancies on the sites, where they are already posted, in addition to changes in the wording of job descriptions, it is necessary clarify what kind of person the company wants to see in its staff. We conveyed to the management that reputation management is a whole range of measures. Naturally, the work should be carried out not only from outside the Company, but also inside, and therefore it was necessary work on managing the loyalty of current employees in particular: organization corporate events, bonuses and moral encouragement, an additional day off for each employee as needed per month.

Having phoned after 3 months with this company, we found out that vacancies are filled now there is a permanent pool of candidates. Sales increased by 5%, as events within the company influenced the formation of corporate culture.


Our long-time client at one of the meetings shared that he works in a highly competitive market. The field of activity of the company is the production of entrance doors. We recommended him take part in television projects, for example "School of repair". The next step was participation in thematic exhibitions, implementation of customer loyalty programs(providing an extended product warranty), held a number of actions, within which free delivery and installation was carried out.

Following our recommendations, the client increased the number of orders to a level that exceeds his production capacity. Now a separate budget has been allocated for reputation management, from time to time the company continues to take part in television projects and constantly supports the loyalty program.


A client approached our company with a problem of high competition in the market. The company is engaged in the supply of coffee machines. We recommended, having studied the characteristics of the industry, several options, but settled on the following. First of all, it was necessary take part in several online and offline exhibitions, provide free coffee machines for events both entertainment and business meetings. Further, developed a preferential system for fast food chains. And, most importantly, what was emphasized is high-quality timely service of coffee machines(in the event of a breakdown, etc.). As a result of the activities the company's market share increased from 35% to 40% per year.


At a freelance event, we met the owner of a jewelry company. The person is serious and has been in business for a long time, however, the company began to lose customers. He has a lot of online stores in the network. From experience, the following was suggested to him: take part in talk shows, sponsor events on television, pay more attention to network coverage. A set of measures was taken to remove negative reviews, posted