Presentation on Russian cheese. Presentation: Cheese production technologies. Moulding, self-pressing and pressing cheese

  • 27.04.2020

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Contents Introduction Chapter 1. The origins of cheese making. Chapter 2. The main stages of biotechnological production of cheese. 2.1 Requirements for milk for cheese making. 2.2 Main stages of cheese production. 2.3 Preparation of milk. 2.4 Coagulation of milk. 2.5 Treatment of rennet clot. 2.6 Molding and pressing of cheese mass. 2.7 Salting of cheeses. 2.8 Ripening of cheeses. 2.9 Packing, marking, packing and transportation. 2.10 Cheese storage. Conclusion List of used literature

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Introduction Cheese is a food product made from milk by coagulating proteins, processing the resulting protein clot and subsequent maturation of the cheese mass. An important feature of cheese as a food product is its ability to be stored for a long time. Thus, Swiss, Soviet, Dutch and other cheeses produced by traditional technology can be stored at sub-zero temperatures for several months. Cheese production is based on an enzymatic-microbiological process, the course of which depends on the physico-chemical properties of milk, the composition of starter microorganisms, their ability to develop in milk, in a clot and cheese mass and conditions. technological process.

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Chapter 1. The origins of the development of cheese making. Cheese is an ancient product. The history of its production goes back to the era when hunters began to tame wild animals, such as the tour, from which all breeds of large domestic animals known today originated. cattle. An ancient man discovered that if sour milk is squeezed out, a rather dense mass remains, which, after drying, can be stored. This kind of cheese is still being made in some places in the East and Africa.

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In the writings of the ancient Greek thinker Aristotle, one can find the most significant thing that was known at that time about the processing of milk, and, in particular, about the production of cheese - he described the technique of curdling milk and making cheese.

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In ancient Rome, the range of cheeses produced was already quite diverse at that time: cheese like cottage cheese, salted and unsalted, with wine and honey, with spices, soft homemade curds for fresh consumption and hard cheese that could withstand transportation overseas, etc. Cheese was stored in brine or stuffed into tarred barrels and filled with grape juice, the lids of which were covered with plaster. In those days, smoked cheese was already known, as well as hard cheese dried in the sun, which was grated before use.

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The Helvetians in the Swiss Alps have perfected their hard cheese making skills. Shepherds-cheese makers went to the mountains for several months, where they found a way to make the most rational use of milk - they began to cook large cheese: in the manufacture of one circle, the daily milk yield from several dozen cows left. Milk was processed in boilers, under which a fire was laid out (this is how the terms “cheese making”, “first heating” arose), the resulting clot was crushed and mixed with the trunk of a young Christmas tree with branches, and the cheese was pressed under stones. Such cheese matured for a long time, it did not need to be sent to the valleys often. This is how Emmental cheese appeared, weighing from 60 to 130 kg, ripening for more than six months and perfectly enduring transportation. Soft cheese remained a favorite variety in the plains, especially in the north and east of France, as well as in what is now Belgium, where the Franks from the Rhine and Main region settled. It was here that Brie and Camembert cheese varieties, so popular all over the world, were born. Cheese Camembert and Brie

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The solution to the problem of extending the shelf life of food was obtained thanks to the work of the chemist Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) and the French chemist and bacteriologist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). Pasteur proved that exposure to high temperatures kills microorganisms and developed a method for pasteurization. This paved the way for extending the shelf life of liquids, including milk. As a result, it became possible to produce high-quality cheese industrially.

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The famous scientist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (1845-1916) improved the method of pasteurization while studying lactic acid bacteria. Irish physicist John Tyndall's discovery of heat-resistant spores led to the development of commercially produced rennet. Cheese equipment was also improved, large milk processing enterprises began to appear, where centrifuges were used to remove cream.

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Chapter 2. The main stages of biotechnological production of cheese. 2.1 Requirements for milk for cheese making. The most essential requirements for cheese suitability are: - normal chemical composition; - lack of antibiotics, residues of medicinal preparations and plant protection products; - normal, rennet clotting of milk; - normal acidity of milk; - the minimum content of butyric bacteria; - chemical and microbiological stability of milk.

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The cheese suitability of milk is crucial the following factors: - normal feeding of dairy cattle, especially undesirable abundant feeding with silage, root crops, bagasse, bard; - the quality of water on the farm, which should be clean, odorless and tasteless; - health and maintenance in normal conditions of cows; - animal care and milk production hygiene; - qualification, health and accuracy of personnel; - fast primary processing of milk and cleanliness of equipment. Only in exceptionally favorable cases, the quality of milk fully meets all the above requirements. More often, milk has to be processed before production: cleaned, left for maturation, pasteurized, normalized.

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2.2 Main stages of cheese production. Regardless of the class of cheese and the volume of processed milk, cheese production includes the following stages of the process: preparation of milk for processing; curdling of milk; curd and curd processing; cheese molding and pressing; salting cheese; cheese maturation; preparation of cheese for sale (packing, labeling, packaging and transportation); storage.

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Designations of pipelines: 1 - raw milk; 6 - thermized milk; 11 - raw skimmed milk; 12 - pasteurized skimmed milk; 13 - unpasteurized normalized mixture for cheese; 14 - pasteurized normalized mixture for cheese; 15 - cheese grain; 16 - cheese; 20 - cheese whey; 21 - cream; Equipment: 1 - air separator; 2 - filters; 3 - counting and measuring device; 4 - cooler; 5, 7, 10 - reservoirs; 6 - lamellar pasteurization and cooling unit with a milk purifier separator; 8, 11 - plate pasteurization and cooling units; 9 - cream separator; 12 - cheese maker; 13 - whey separator; 14 - table for cheese molds; 15 - cheese press; 16 - container for cheeses; 17 - salt basin; 18.20 - racks for cheeses; 19 - apparatus for packing cheese under vacuum; 21 - scales.

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2.3 Preparation of milk. The purpose of the preparation is to provide the composition and properties of milk necessary for the production of cheese. Preparation of milk for clotting includes the following technological operations: reservation and maturation of milk, its normalization, pasteurization of normalized milk, cooling to the clotting temperature, introduction of bacterial starter, calcium chloride and rennet.

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Milk reservation. In factories, there is a need to accumulate milk in order to ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise. In this regard, when storing milk, it is necessary to take measures to prevent: the reproduction of harmful microflora to a dangerous level; changes in the composition and properties of milk that are undesirable for the quality and yield of cheese. To ensure the above conditions, milk is subjected to cleaning in centrifugal milk cleaners to remove mechanical impurities that have a protective effect on microorganisms. Fig. (Horizontal type milk reserve tank).

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Milk maturation. In the case when milk enters the enterprises immediately after receiving it on farms, it must be subjected to maturation. Freshly milked fresh milk has bactericidal properties and is not suitable for cheese making, as it is an unfavorable environment for the development of microorganisms, it does not coagulate well with rennet, and forms a flabby, poorly separating whey clot. The purpose of milk maturation is to improve it as an environment for the development of the microflora of starter cultures and milk-clotting enzymes. The microflora plays a leading role in the maturation of milk, which distinguishes maturation from reservation.

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Fig. (Installation is intended for receiving the normalized milk and cream) Normalization of milk. To obtain a standard product, the raw materials are normalized. In cheesemaking, it is customary to normalize the fat content in the product in relation not to the total mass of cheese, but in relation to the mass of its dry matter (mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of cheese). The fat content in the dry matter of cheese depends on the ratio between fat and protein, the degree of their use, the ratio between the different fractions of milk proteins, the degree of curing of the cheese and the breakdown of protein substances during maturation.

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Rice (Pasteurization and cooling plant with a capacity of 15 t / h for milk). Milk pasteurization. main goal pasteurization is the reduction of the content of pathogenic and technically harmful microorganisms in milk to a level at which they, during the subsequent normal course of the technological process, cannot damage the quality of the finished product. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the condition limiting the parameters of pasteurization is the maximum preservation of the composition and physico-chemical properties of milk, which affect the yield and quality of cheese. For cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating, a pasteurization mode is adopted at 71-72 ° C with an exposure of 20-25 s.

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Introduction of calcium chloride. As a result of pasteurization of milk, the balance between different forms of calcium salts is disturbed, as a result of which its ability to coagulate with rennet is sharply reduced. To obtain a clot of the required density under the action of rennet, calcium salts are introduced into pasteurized milk before curdling (usually calcium chloride in the form of a 40% solution). From 10 to 40 g of crystalline CaCl2 is added per 100 kg of the normalized mixture. Bacterial starters. The microflora of starter cultures consists of specially selected types of lactic acid bacteria, which are introduced into milk after pasteurization, which destroys most of the natural microflora of milk.

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Introduction of nitrate salts of potassium and sodium. Nitric acid salts, being unstable chemical compounds, are restored in milk, losing oxygen and turning into nitrites. Escherichia coli, in the presence of oxygen molecules in the environment, does not form carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other products of the breakdown of milk sugar, which contribute to swelling of cheeses. Nitrites act on lactic acid bacteria to a much lesser extent, without preventing the accumulation of lactic acid, which also inhibits gas-forming bacteria. In cheese, nitrites decompose, recovering to ammonia. Therefore, the introduction of nitrate salts of potassium or sodium in quantities of 15-20 g per 100 kg of milk does not cause defects in the finished product. Adding paint for cheese dough. Pleasant creamy yellow color of milk in summer period due to the presence in milk fat of a coloring substance - carotene. In winter, milk practically does not contain carotene, which causes its white color. The color of the cheese dough also depends on the color of milk, therefore, in winter, to give the cheese dough a pleasant yellow color, natural vegetable dyes - carotene or annatto in the form of aqueous solutions are often added to milk before curdling.

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2.4 Coagulation of milk. Coagulation of milk is the main method for isolating milk protein in cheese making, usually casein is released into a clot, the rest of the proteins go into whey, so they are commonly called whey proteins. Milk coagulation can be rennet and acid. Accordingly, according to the type of curdling, cheeses are divided into rennet and sour-milk.

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Cheese maker model "SI - 15.0" allows you to coagulate milk.

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2.5 Treatment of rennet clot. The purpose of curd processing is to create conditions for the microbiological and enzymatic processes necessary for cheese production. This is achieved by partial dehydration of the clot. In the resulting cheese mass should remain a certain amount of whey with milk sugar and salts dissolved in it.

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Serum selection. In the process of setting the grain, when a sufficient amount of whey is released, kneading is stopped, cleaned in presses, baropresses or mechanized pressing lines. The duration of pressing and the specific pressing load on the cheese is regulated in the walls of the bath from the remaining adherent clot and part of the whey is removed: for cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating - 15 ± 5% of the initial amount of processed milk.

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Grain kneading. The grain is kneaded to a certain degree of elasticity, the end of kneading is determined by the degree of grain compaction and the increase in the titratable acidity of the whey. The total duration of the process from the beginning of cutting to the second heating is on average 60 ± 10 minutes for cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating.

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2.6 Molding and pressing of cheese mass. Cheese molding is a combination technological operations, aimed at separating the cheese grain from the whey located between the grains, and forming a monolith (layer) from it, and then individual cheese heads or blocks with the required shape, size and weight. Three main molding methods are used: from the reservoir, in bulk, in bulk. Cheese pressing is carried out in order to compact the cheese mass, remove the remnants of free (intergranular) whey and form a closed and durable surface layer. Pressing is carried out under the action of its own weight (self-pressing) and external pressure.

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2.7 Salting of cheeses. The cheese is salted to give it the appropriate taste. Salting also affects the structure, consistency and quality of the product. At the same time, salt regulates microbiological and biochemical processes in cheese, influencing the formation of its organoleptic characteristics. Excessive salting sharply slows down the cheese maturation process, the cheese mass is first moistened from the surface, and then becomes dry and brittle. In case of insufficient salting, fermented cheese can be obtained. Usually molded cheese heads are salted using several salting methods: ground salt, salt grounds, in brine, combined methods.

Biotechnological production of cheese.

  • Fulfilled
  • 2nd year student 4 groups
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Krasnikov M.V.
  • 1. What is cheese?
  • 2. The main stages of cheese production technology.
  • Milk preparation
  • Curdling of milk
  • Rennet processing
  • Cheese molding and pressing
  • Salting cheese
  • Cheese maturation
  • Packing, marking, packaging and transportation
  • Cheese storage
What is cheese? The main stages of cheese production technology
  • AT general view The production process of rennet cheese can be represented by the following scheme:
  • preparation of milk for processing;
  • curdling of milk;
  • curd and curd processing;
  • cheese molding and pressing;
  • salting cheese;
  • cheese maturation;
  • preparation of cheese for sale (packing, labeling, packaging and transportation);
  • storage.
Preparing milk for processing
  • The purpose of the preparation is to provide the composition and properties of milk necessary for the production of cheese.
  • Preparation of milk for clotting includes the following technological operations: reservation and maturation of milk, its normalization, pasteurization of normalized milk, cooling to the clotting temperature, introduction of bacterial starter, calcium chloride and rennet.
  • Apparatus designed for the reservation and maturation of milk, its normalization and pasteurization.
Curdling of milk
  • Coagulation of milk is the main method for isolating milk protein in cheese making, usually casein is released into a clot, the rest of the proteins go into whey, so they are commonly called whey proteins.
  • Milk clotting can be rennet and acidic.
  • An apparatus in which, under the action of steam, the process of curdling milk takes place.
Curd and curd processing
  • The purpose of curd processing is to create conditions for the microbiological and enzymatic processes necessary for cheese production. This is achieved by partial dehydration of the clot.
  • The degree of clot readiness is determined by its density.
  • Clot processing apparatus.
Cheese molding and pressing
  • Cheese mass molding is a set of technological operations aimed at separating the cheese grain from the whey located between the grains and forming a monolith (layer) from it, and then individual cheese heads or blocks with the required shape, size and weight.
  • There are three main molding methods: from the reservoir, in bulk, in bulk.
  • Cheese molding machine.
Salting cheese
  • The cheese is salted to give it the appropriate taste. Salting also affects the structure, consistency and quality of the product. At the same time, salt regulates microbiological and biochemical processes in cheese.
  • Container, rack for salting cheese
  • Cheese curing system.
cheese maturation
  • Cheese after pressing and salting is a rubbery mass without taste and pronounced pattern. peculiar this cheese it acquires its chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics only as a result of deep biochemical and physical changes in its components in the process of maturation.
Preparing cheese for sale
  • Laser marking of cheese.
  • Packing.
  • Marking.
  • Package.
  • Transportation.
  • Cheeses are stored on racks or packed in containers stacked on rails or pallets.
  • Thank you for your attention

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Municipal autonomous institution preschool education of the city of Yalutorovsk "Kindergarten No. 9" PROJECT "CHEESE TALE" Completed by: Mirasova Ksenia Leader: Ulyanova L.A., Deputy DirectorYalutorovsk, 2016 THREE MAIN QUESTIONSWhat did we know about cheese? What do we want to know? What will help us to know? Cheese is a dairy product .Milk is given to us by cows.Cow's milk is healthy for children.I saw a film about a cheese factory on TV, it is very interesting there.What types of cheese are there?How did the first cheese appear? Ask adults. Read in an encyclopedia. Watch Discovery Channel movies. HYPOTHESIS: if cheese is made from milk, which is very healthy for children, then cheese is a healthy and necessary product in baby food. STAGES OF THE PROJECT FIRST STAGE - PREPARATORYReading fiction about cheese Watching cartoons Looking at illustrations on the topic “Cheesemaking in Russia” Reading encyclopedias STAGES OF THE PROJECT SECOND STAGE – MAIN STAGE Mom’s story about cheese production Reading mom’s thesis Watching the presentation “Swiss cheese” Watching a documentary film about cheese production Excursion with mom to the dairy department of the store, getting acquainted with the types of cheese Studying the composition cheese and its benefitsCheese tastingStudying the technology of cheese production at the factory STAGES OF THE PROJECTTHIRD STAGE - PRACTICALPurchasing and preparing the necessary products for the experimentMom's lecture on safety in the kitchenCooking Adyghe cheese Cheese is made from milk. In order to prepare 1 kg of cheese, you will need: 10 liters of milk. Cheese contains protein - casein, milk fat, lactose, minerals - calcium, phosphorus, zinc and all vitamins. It "absorbs" all the valuable properties of milk. Casein, which is part of milk, colors milk white. By the way, glue is made from casein. General adhesive for carpentry. They can glue wood, plywood, cardboard. And they get it from milk and dairy products. MY DISCOVERIES WHERE ARE THE HOLES IN THE CHEESE? It turns out that the holes in the cheese are formed due to the release of carbon dioxide during the fermentation process. A sourdough starter is used to coagulate milk and produce a curd. The sourdough contains bacteria. Bacteria are very, very small. They can only be seen with a microscope. As the cheese matures, acidic bacteria live in it and produce carbon dioxide. The gas cannot escape from the dense cheese and puffs out, which causes the formation of gas inside the cheese. different sizes air bubbles. When we cut the cheese into slices, the bubbles are cut and holes are made. Cheese makers call them eyes. MY DISCOVERIES WHAT IS THE USE OF CHEESE Cheese is useful for both adults and children, especially indispensable for the elderly. It is recommended to use it for bone fractures. Cheese protects teeth from caries. Helps in the digestion of food and pain in the heart. Eating 200 gr. cheese per day can cover the daily requirement for fats, proteins and minerals. This amount is equal to two processed cheeses or 2 servings of cheese soup. MY DISCOVERIES HOW MANY TYPES OF CHEESE ARE THERE? Mom and I went to the store. In the window I saw several types of cheese: Dutch, Kostroma, Poshekhonsky, Russian, Adyghe, Gouda, Brynza. From books and the Internet, we learned that there are 500 various types cheese. Although all this abundance can be reduced to 5 main varieties: - soft; - hard; - semi-hard; - smoked; - processed. There is cheese even with mold, but not simple, but edible, for example, Roquefort cheese. MY DISCOVERIES LEGEND ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF CHEESE The Arabian merchant Kanan set out on a long journey. He took food with him, as well as milk, which he poured into a traditional vessel - a dried sheep stomach. The merchant stopped for the night and decided to drink some milk. But ... instead of milk, a watery liquid (serum) flowed from the sheep's stomach, and inside was a white clot. He tried it and was surprised by the pleasant taste of the new product. This is how cheese appeared in the world, and it happened more than 4 thousand years ago. MY DISCOVERIES Peter I led the Russian people to the cheese hobby. Most of all cheese is produced in the USA. Switzerland is most often associated with cheese. Most cheese is eaten in Greece. The inhabitants of France became famous as connoisseurs of cheese. The most dietary cheese is produced in Russia. MY DISCOVERIES Milk is brought to the plant on special machines - milk carriers, where it is checked for quality and then reserved. HOW CHEESE IS MADE The milk is then pasteurized to destroy harmful microorganisms that can spoil the product. Then, special enzymes are added to the milk to coagulate and produce curd. HOW CHEESE IS MADE The resulting cheese grain is distributed into molds, where excess moisture is removed and we get cheese heads. HOW CHEESE IS MADE At the enterprise, cheese heads are sent to a special chamber, in which further maturation takes place and our favorite cheese is obtained. HOW CHEESE IS MADE Bring milk to a boil. Pour in 100 gr. vinegar and immediately remove from the stove. Serum formed in the pan and floating cheese on its surface. With a large spoon, take out the cheese and put it on cheesecloth. Squeeze it well. The resulting product must be put under pressure and cooled.. PREPARING ADYGEAN CHEESE INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT CHEESE Moscow is a monument to the famous processed cheese "Druzhba". The heroes of Krylov's fable, the fox and the crow, are holding a huge cheese in Samara. There is a monument to cheese "in the hole" in Samara. Participants take turns running down the hill for a head of cheese. The winner is the one who catches up with the head of cheese faster than the rest. As a gift, he receives this very head of cheese. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT CHEESE SHELLS In ancient times, there was a naval battle. The flotilla ran out of cannonballs. But the admiral remembered that dried cheese heads of the right size remained in the hold. He ordered them to load the guns. Opponents thought it was the new kind weapons and, frightened, withdrew. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE CHEESE MUSEUM There is a Cheese Museum in the Netherlands, which is famous for its interesting, curious and unusual exhibits. If you accidentally wandered into this museum, then after the tour you will know everything you need about cheese, and even more. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT CHEESE In order for a person to naturally smile in a photograph, photographers are asked to pronounce the English word “cheese” [cheese]. But if you pronounce this word in Russian "cheese", then the effect will be the same. RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH During the work on the project, I learned a lot of new and very interesting things about cheese. Cheese is a dairy product. Cheese is one of the most valuable foods in the human diet. It is produced exclusively from natural raw materials - whole cow's milk. It is very helpful for children. That's why in kindergarten Cheese sandwiches are prepared every morning for breakfast. During my research, I collected interesting information about milk, cheese and other dairy products, as well as about the people who produce them. I also learned how cheese is made at the factory. Together with my mother I prepared Adyghe cheese. And most importantly, my hypothesis that cheese is useful in baby food was fully confirmed. BE HEALTHY!

Biotechnological production of cheese. Completed
2nd year student 4 groups
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Krasnikov M.V.1. What is cheese?
2. The main stages of cheese production technology.
Milk preparation
Curdling of milk
Rennet processing
Cheese molding and pressing
Salting cheese
Cheese maturation
Packing, marking, packaging and transportation
Cheese storage

What is cheese?

The main stages of cheese production technology

In general terms, the production process of rennet cheeses can be represented by the following scheme:
preparation of milk for processing;
curdling of milk;
curd and curd processing;
cheese molding and pressing;
salting cheese;
cheese maturation;
preparation of cheese for sale (packing, labeling, packaging and transportation);

Preparing milk for processing

The purpose of the preparation is to provide the composition and properties of milk necessary for the production of cheese.
Preparation of milk for clotting includes the following technological operations: reservation and
maturation of milk, its normalization, pasteurization of normalized milk, cooling to
coagulation temperature, addition of bacterial starter, calcium chloride and rennet.
Apparatus designed for the reservation and maturation of milk, its normalization and

Curdling of milk

Milk coagulation - basic
intake of milk protein excretion
cheese making,
casein is released, other proteins
pass into the serum, so they
called serum.
Milk clotting can be
rennet and acid.
An apparatus in which, under the influence of steam
the process of curdling milk.

Curd and curd processing

The purpose of clot processing is to create conditions for microbiological and enzymatic
processes required to make cheese. This is achieved by partial dehydration of the clot.
The degree of clot readiness is determined by its density.
Clot processing apparatus.

Cheese molding and pressing

Cheese mass molding is a set of technological operations aimed at
separating the cheese grain from the whey located between the grains, and the formation of a monolith from it
(layer), and then individual cheese heads or blocks with the required shape, size and weight.
Three main molding methods are used: from the reservoir, in bulk, in bulk.
Cheese molding machine.

Salting cheese

The cheese is salted to give it the appropriate taste. Salting also affects
on the structure, consistency and quality of the product. However, salt
regulates microbiological and biochemical processes in cheese.
Container, rack for salting cheese
Cheese curing system.

cheese maturation

Cheese after pressing and salting is a rubbery mass without taste and pronounced
drawing. The chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics characteristic of this cheese
acquires only as a result of deep biochemical and physical changes in its components in
maturation process.

Preparing cheese for sale

Laser marking of cheese.


Cheeses are stored on racks or packed in stacked containers.
on rails or pallets.

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Cheese is a food product made from milk by coagulating proteins, processing the resulting protein clot and subsequent maturation of the cheese mass. During maturation, all components of the cheese mass undergo profound changes, as a result of which flavoring and aromatic substances accumulate in it, and the texture and pattern characteristic of this type of cheese are acquired.

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In general, the process of production of rennet cheeses can be represented by the following scheme: preparation of milk for processing; curdling of milk; curd and curd processing; cheese molding and pressing; salting cheese; cheese maturation; preparation of cheese for sale (packing, labeling, packaging and transportation); storage.

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Milk preparation

The purpose of the preparation is to provide the composition and properties of milk necessary for the production of cheese. Preparation of milk for clotting includes the following technological operations: reservation and maturation of milk, its normalization, pasteurization of normalized milk, cooling to the clotting temperature, introduction of bacterial starter, calcium chloride and rennet.

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Milk reservation. In factories, there is a need to accumulate milk in order to ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise. In this regard, when storing milk, it is necessary to take measures to prevent: the reproduction of harmful microflora to a dangerous level; changes in the composition and properties of milk that are undesirable for the quality and yield of cheese.

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To ensure the above conditions, milk is subjected to cleaning in centrifugal milk cleaners to remove mechanical impurities that have a protective effect on microorganisms. After cleaning, the milk is cooled to a temperature of 2 to 8 °C and stored at this temperature. Storing milk at low temperatures is accompanied by some deterioration in the physicochemical properties of milk, part of the colloidal calcium phosphate and citrates is released from the casein micelles, which weakens the intermicellar bonds. This leads to an increase in the resistance of micelles to rennet coagulation, which is expressed in its slowdown and obtaining a flabby clot, low syneresis, and an increase in fat and protein losses.

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Milk maturation. In the case when milk enters the enterprises immediately after receiving it on farms, it must be subjected to maturation. Freshly milked fresh milk has bactericidal properties and is not suitable for cheese making, as it is an unfavorable environment for the development of microorganisms, it does not coagulate well with rennet, and forms a flabby, poorly separating whey clot. The purpose of milk maturation is to improve it as an environment for the development of the microflora of starter cultures and milk-clotting enzymes. The microflora plays a leading role in the maturation of milk, which distinguishes maturation from reservation. As a result of the development of microflora, the acidity of milk increases by 1-2 °T. The maturation of milk has a positive effect on its cheese qualities, the coagulation of milk by rennet is significantly improved, which ensures that a clot of the required strength is obtained and simplifies its processing.

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Normalization of milk. To obtain a standard product, the raw materials are normalized. In cheesemaking, it is customary to normalize the fat content in the product in relation not to the total mass of cheese, but in relation to the mass of its dry matter (mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of cheese). The fat content in the dry matter of cheese depends on the ratio between fat and protein, the degree of their use, the ratio between the different fractions of milk proteins, the degree of curing of the cheese and the breakdown of protein substances during maturation.

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Milk pasteurization. The main purpose of pasteurization is to reduce the content of pathogenic and technically harmful microorganisms in milk to a level at which they, during the subsequent normal course of the technological process, cannot damage the quality of the finished product. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the condition limiting the parameters of pasteurization is the maximum preservation of the composition and physico-chemical properties of milk, which affect the yield and quality of cheese.

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Milk clotting

Coagulation of milk is the main method for isolating milk protein in cheese making, usually casein is released into a clot, the rest of the proteins go into whey, so they are commonly called whey proteins. Milk coagulation can be: Rennet acid Rennet coagulation occurs from the action of rennet on milk. Rennet is introduced into a cheese-making bath with milk cooled after pasteurization to 35 ° C, to which calcium chloride and the sourdough necessary for this type of cheese are previously added.

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The clotting rate is affected by: clotting temperature; medium pH; the concentration of calcium salts; enzyme dose, etc. Optimum action of rennet enzyme - 43-45 °C, pepsins - 40-41 °C. At temperatures below 10 °C, coagulation proceeds very slowly, it may not even occur. In cheesemaking, the rennet coagulation temperature is 28-35 °C, which is explained by the need to create favorable conditions not only for the enzyme, but also for the lactic acid microflora of the starter. With normal acidity (20 °T) and fat content of the mixture, the coagulation temperature is 32-35 °C, with increased acidity (22 °T, which is typical in the production of soft cheeses) - 28-32 °C. With an increase in the acidity of the mixture, the clotting temperature should be lowered by 0.5-1.5 ° C for each degree of acidity. Increasing the dose of calcium chloride from 10 to 50 g per 100 kg of the normalized mixture increases the activity of the enzyme by 20-60%. The rate of casein coagulation depends on the amount of rennet added. It has been established that the duration of clot formation depends on the enzyme dose in inverse proportion.

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Rennet processing

The purpose of curd processing is to create conditions for the microbiological and enzymatic processes necessary for cheese production. This is achieved by partial dehydration of the clot. In the resulting cheese mass, a certain amount of whey with milk sugar and salts dissolved in it should remain. In the finished clot, lactic acid fermentation and reproduction of lactic acid bacteria introduced into milk continue. As the compaction proceeds, the structural elements of the clot approach each other, as a result of which the capillary spaces decrease and the serum contained in them is released. The degree and rate of whey release during clot processing depend on the composition of milk, its acidity, modes pre-treatment and other factors, of which the acidity of milk is decisive. When processing cheese grain, it is allowed to carry out additional technological operations - dilution of whey with water and partial salting of cheese in grain. Cutting the clot and setting the cheese grain. The operation is carried out with mechanical knives-mixers. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the production of cheese grain of the required size with its maximum possible uniformity in this indicator. Processing of a clot of low density is carried out carefully, in slow mode. The setting of an excessively dense or rapidly compacting clot is carried out, if possible, accelerated, but without sudden movements that contribute to the formation of cheese dust.

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Cheese molding and pressing

Cheese mass molding is a set of technological operations aimed at separating the cheese grain from the whey located between the grains and forming a monolith (layer) from it, and then individual cheese heads or blocks with the required shape, size and weight. Three main molding methods are used: from the reservoir, in bulk, in bulk. Cheese pressing is carried out in order to compact the cheese mass, remove the remnants of free (intergranular) whey and form a closed and durable surface layer. Pressing is carried out under the action of its own weight (self-pressing) and external pressure. During the molding and pressing of the cheese mass, microbiological processes continue, the volume of microflora increases, therefore, the active acidity of the cheese mass increases and its further dehydration occurs. At the same time, the temperature of the cheese is maintained within 18-20 °C. Lower temperatures slow down the process of lactic acid fermentation and the release of whey, which can adversely affect the quality of the finished product. During the self-pressing process, it is necessary to periodically turn the cheese heads over in order to ensure uniform dehydration and compaction.

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Salting cheese

The cheese is salted to give it the appropriate taste. Salting also affects the structure, consistency and quality of the product. At the same time, salt regulates microbiological and biochemical processes in cheese, influencing the formation of its organoleptic characteristics. Excessive salting sharply slows down the cheese maturation process, the cheese mass is first moistened from the surface, and then becomes dry and brittle. In case of insufficient salting, fermented cheese can be obtained. Usually molded cheese heads are salted using several salting methods: ground salt, salt grounds, in brine, combined methods. The main method for hard rennet cheeses is salting in a circulating solution (brine). Brine concentration - 18-20%. The duration of salting for cheeses of this group is sometimes several days. When producing Swiss and Soviet cheeses, three to five times salting is allowed - "rubbing" of the cheese rind during the ripening process. The duration of salting depends on the moisture content in the cheese mass and the presence or absence of preliminary salting of the cheese in the grain.

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Cheese maturation

Cheese after pressing and salting is a rubbery mass without taste and pronounced pattern. It acquires the chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics characteristic of this cheese only as a result of deep biochemical and physical changes in its components in the process of maturation. Cheese ripening occurs under the combined action of rennet and lactic acid bacteria enzymes, which not only ferment milk sugar, but also participate in the deep transformation of milk proteins due to their enzyme systems. It is generally accepted that the ripening of cheeses begins from the moment of salting. When caring for cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating, they are periodically washed, the crust (salt grounds) is salted in order to keep it moist, preventing the formation of a thick crust and the development of mold and mucus on it. These cheeses are usually coated with paraffin or polymer alloys or films only after the fermentation chamber. To evenly induce a crust, cheeses of this group are turned over in the fermentation chamber approximately every 5 days, in a cold chamber - after 10. The frequency of turning also depends on the state of the cheese dough and the humidity of the room.

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Cheeses on the shelves are placed evenly, at a distance sufficient for their normal blowing.

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Packing, marking, packaging and transportation

Packing. For the convenience of the consumer, enterprises package mature cheeses in small portions into hermetically packed bags of polymer materials in which they are implemented. Marking consists in putting on each head of cheese the production date (day, month), production mark, brew number, information. For some types of cheese, the name of the cheese is additionally applied in accordance with the regulatory documentation. The production mark must consist of the following designations: mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of cheese (in %); number (name) of the manufacturer; abbreviated name of the region (krai, republic) in which the enterprise is located. The shape, size, quantity and arrangement of production marks on cheese must comply with the approved regulatory documentation for a particular type of cheese. When packing cheese in a film, it is allowed to place a production mark on the film, or a colorful label is applied to the film with the designation of the name, cheese content in dry matter and trademark (for enterprises that have it).

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Package. Cheese is shipped from the manufacturer (or from the enterprise where the cheese was ripened) in packaged form. Mature cheeses must be packed in plank boxes (according to GOST 13361) or wooden drums(according to GOST 9525), unless otherwise provided by the regulatory documentation for a particular type of cheese. For the sale of cheese within the region, territory or republic of the Russian Federation in which they are produced, and for out-of-town transportation, it is allowed to pack cheeses in cardboard boxes that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation. When transporting cheese from factories to wholesale depots, it is allowed to use reusable containers or special containers. Cheeses selected for packaging are weighed, the tare weight, net weight, gross weight and the number of cheeses are recorded in the accompanying documentation. At the same time, these data are indicated in the book of plumb lines. Before packing the cheese in a wooden container, it is wrapped in wrapping paper, parchment or sub-parchment. Cheeses of one name, variety, one production date and one cooking number are placed in each box or drum. It is allowed to pack cheeses of different production dates in one box marked "combined". Containers for packaging cheeses must be clean, free from foreign odors that affect product quality. The moisture content of the wood should be no more than 20%, mold on planks and planks is not allowed. Extraneous wormholes and resin pockets are only permitted on the outside of the packaging. Cheeses must be transported by all modes of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for the corresponding mode of transport, and in packaged form - in accordance with GOST 21929 and GOST 24579 (with fastening of packages in accordance with GOST 21650).

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Cheese storage

Cheeses are stored under the following conditions: temperature 4-0 °С and relative air humidity 85-90% or 0-8 °С and 80-85%. Cheeses are stored on racks or packed in containers stacked on rails or pallets. A passage 0.8-1.0 m wide is left between the stacked stacks, and the ends of the container with markings on them should face the passage. Cheeses packed in containers are stored for no more than 10-15 days. Storage of cheese together with fish, smoked meats, fruits, vegetables and others food products with a specific smell in one cell is not allowed. The quality of cheese is checked at least once every 30 days. Based on the results of these checks, a decision is made on the possibility of further storage of cheese without reducing its score.

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List of regulatory documents

GOST R 52972-2008 Semi-hard cheeses. Specifications. FZ-88 Technical regulations for milk and dairy products, defining general and specific safety requirements. Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN "Production of milk and dairy products"

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