Along fairy trails. Quiz: Along the paths of your favorite fairy tales. Competition "Fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"

  • 13.11.2019


The date of the: December 30, 2016

Grade: 1-5

Location: auditorium

Equipment and decoration:musical center, cards-tasks design of the assembly hall.


Since children's fairy tales are not just fictional stories that are interesting to the child, but also help to correct the child's behavior and solve her psychological problems. Fairy tales have a bewitching effect on the child, captivating him with the thread of the story to unknown countries along with fairy-tale characters. Children perceive the fairy tale as something taken for granted, which does not cause either criticism or discussion.

Lesson form: quiz " On fairy paths"

This form of conducting a lesson significantly increases the motivation of learning, efficiency and productivity. learning activities, ensures the work of the whole group, allows students to reveal their abilities, "liberate" thinking.

This lesson is based on the method of emotional immersion, which best contributes to the implementation of tasks.

The purpose of this event:consolidate and expand children's knowledge of Russian folk tales; to form a stock of literary artistic impressions, a personal position both in the perception of fairy tales and in the process of creativity; develop such forms of imagination, which are based on the interpretation of a literary image; develop individual literary preferences, instill an informal perception of fairy tales, develop a sense of humor; arouse in children an interest in a theatrical game, develop intonational expressiveness of speech, form the ability to build a dialogue between fairy-tale characters, enrich the vocabulary of children; to cultivate such qualities as mutual assistance, comradeship, friendliness, honesty in the game, justice; to promote the establishment of interpersonal relations between the children of the group, the expansion of the horizons of children, the development of imaginative thinking, the formation of educational motivation, the promotion of team building, the ability to work in a team.

The theme, purpose and form of the event correspond to age characteristics, the level of upbringing of students, and the prospects for their development. Directly at the event, students demonstrated their imagination, creativity, ingenuity, and developed communication skills.

The chosen methods contributed to the objectives of the lesson, the nature and content educational material, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. So verbal methods were used: explanation, questions; visual methods: slide show; methods of stimulating motives of interest in learning: cognitive tasks.

Form of organization of activities in the classroom: frontal. Student activity was high. The tasks were varied.

The psychological atmosphere at the lesson was friendly.

The event was organized and held at a good level, different kinds activities. The planned goals and objectives of the event have been achieved. Meeting with a fairy tale gave children the opportunity to feel new sensations and experience new situations, and this The best way get away from the daily routine and boredom. Such light emotional shakes are very useful for the development of the child's psyche and have a beneficial effect on the child's nervous system.

Quiz: "Along fairy paths" Responsible: educator 1 gr. Aksenova G.A.


1. Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.

2. Develop further interest in reading.

3. Develop memory, thinking, observation, speech.

4. Cultivate a positive and emotional attitude of all participants.

Leading:Dear children, today we will take a trip to the land of fairy tales. We will conduct a literary quiz "Along the fairytale paths" with you. 2 teams take part in the literary quiz: (Team names: Team...Geeks...Team Captain. Shakhov Ya. and the team..Clever. captain - Sinyova N. The jury members will help us to hold a literary quiz:

Tell me guys, do you like fairy tales?

And what are fairy tales?(Magical, household, about animals)

Now we will find out how well you know fairy tales. The tasks of all competitions are related tonames and characters fairy tales.

Our quiz rules are simple:

1 . For each correct answer, the team receives1 point

2. If the team does not have an answer, the opposing team gets the right to answer. After each competition, the jury sums up the results.

So I announce

First competition which is called "Warm-up.

I take turns asking questions, the teams take turns answering.

The first team to respond is...

1. The clock began to strike midnight, she jumped up and flew away like a bird.(Cinderella)

2. A girl is sitting in a basket with a bear behind her back,

He himself does not know it carries her home.(Masha and the Bear)

3. Knock - knock! Who lives in the terem? - I am a mouse norushka, I am a frog frog.

And who are you?(Terem - teremok)

5. And the crane pecks at itself pecks until it has eaten everything.(Fox and crane)

6. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail.(Thumbelina)

7. Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

I screwed up a little

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window.(Cockerel - golden comb)

8. He uttered a word - the stove rolled,

Straight from the village, to the king and the princess.

And for what I do not know lucky lazy.(By pike command)

9. There is neither a river nor a pond where you can drink water.

Very tasty water, in the hole from the hoof.(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

10. The goldfish answers: - Do not be sad, go with God.

You will have a new trough.(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

(Summing up the results for 1 competition. The word to the members of the jury .........)

Competition 2 "Further, further"

Host: And now each team will be given20 questions. You must answer immediately without hesitation. If you do not know the answer, say: - Further, further. At this time, the opposing team is silent, does not prompt.

Questions for the first team:

1. Where did Dr. Aibolit go by telegram?(To Africa)

2. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"(Artemon)

3. Bridegroom Flies-sokotuhi(Mosquito)

4. What did the cunning soldier cook porridge from?(From an ax)

5. Who did Emelya catch in the hole?(Pike)

6. Who was the frog in the Russian folk tale?(Princess)

7. A postman from the village of Prostokvashino?(Pechkin)

8. What did the heroine from the fairy tale "Twelve Months" go for?

(Behind the snowdrops)

9. What was the name of brother Ivanushka's sister?(Alyonushka)

10. How many years did the old man fish in the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish”?(33 years)

11. What was Pinocchio made of?(From log)

12. What was the name of the main character from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"?(Gerda)

Questions for the second team:

1. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood carry pies and a pot of butter? (grandmother)

2. What did the Fly-Tsokotuha buy at the market?(Samovar)

3. Baby's best friend?(Carlson)

4. What kind of hut did the Fox have in the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"?(Icy)

5. What was the name of Artemon's mistress in the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"?(Malvina)

6. A friend of Winnie the Pooh?(Piglet)

7. What was Cinderella's carriage made of?(From a pumpkin)

8. What was the name of the cat from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"?(Basilio)

9. Who caught the Goldfish?(Old man)

10. What did the Ugly Duckling become?(In a beautiful swan)

11. Which fairy tale hero wore red boots?(Puss in Boots)

12. A beast with big ears unknown to science?(Cheburashka)

Summing up the results of 2 competitions.

Word to the members of the jury.

Competition 3.

Guess the story by subject

An object will appear on the screen - you must name from which fairy tale it is.

ABC - "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

slipper - "Cinderella"

Mirror - "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

Samovar - "Fly Tsokotukha"

Axe - "Porridge from an ax"

Boots - "Puss in Boots"

Basket with pies - "Red Riding Hood"

Thermometer - "Dr. Aibolit"

Summing up the results of the 3rd competition.

Word to the members of the jury.

Competition 4 .

Complete the hero's name

I callthe beginning of the name of the hero of a fairy tale , and the teams take turns finishing the hero's name.

- Kashchei. .. (Immortal)

- Vasilisa. .. (Wise)

- Tiny. .. (Havroshechka)

- Serpent... (Gorynych)

- Sivka.. . (Burka)

- Skate... (Hunchback)

- Hen... (Ryaba)

- Princess... (Frog)

- Sister... (Alyonushka)

- Brother... (Ivanushka)

Summing up the results of 4 competitions.

Word to the members of the jury.

Competition 5.

Guess the melody

And now the contest "Guess the melody." Teams will have to guess which fairy tale this melody is from.

"The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".

"Red Riding Hood".

"The Bremen Town Musicians".

Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena.

"Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all."

"Three pigs".

Summing up the results of the 5th competition.

Word to the members of the jury.

Competition 6.

Team Captains Competition.

The captains enter the game. (captains put on a separate desk ). Task: captains must correct errors in the names of fairy tales.(Captains receive sheets with fairy tale titles spelled incorrectly)

Task 1 captain.

Correct mistakes.

Task 2 to the captain.

Correct mistakes.

"Ax Soup"

"Green Hat"

"Cat in Shoes"

"Two Little Pigs"

"The Fox and the Heron"

"Wolf and Five Puppies"

"A boy with a palm"

"Sister Tanya and Brother Ivanushka"

"Doctor Skywalker"

"Wood Fish"

"At the command of the hare"

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Ten Bogatyrs"

Competition 7.

Game with spectators.

Fans are actively "cheering" for their teams, well done. Let's see if they know fairy tales well. The point for the correct answer goes to the team. The most active fan will be marked.

Listen carefully to the tasks and solve fairy-tale puzzles.

1. How many animals did Kolobok meet in the forest? (4 )

2. How many petals does a flower have - a seven-flower? (7 )

3. What was the number of the cat in the fairy tale "Turnip"? (5 )

4. Three little pigs came to visit three bears, how many were there? (6 ) 4

Summing up the results of the 6th competition (team captains) and 7th (teams without captains). The word to the jury members.

Competition 8.

Blitz - poll for teams. ( Questions are asked by the moderator one by one. If a team does not respond, then another team may respond. The correct answer is worth 1 point)

1. Lives on the roof, loves jam and pranks?


2. Where did the seventh kid hide?

(under stove)

2. The most defenseless and cowardly hero of fairy tales?


3. What is the male name most often given to the heroes of Russian fairy tales? (Ivan)

3. King's wife? (queen)

4. Baba's vehicle is Yaga? (mortar)

4. A loaf is not a loaf, a pie is not a pie, but everyone wants

bite him? (loaf)

5. He drove up to the royal chambers on the stove? (Emelya)

5. The name of the boy from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"


6. A bird that wakes up the villagers in the morning? (rooster)

6. The princess who couldn't laugh?

(Princess Nesmeyana)

7. Who ate Kolobok? (Fox)

7. How many years did the old man from the fairy tale fish

A.S. Pushkin? (30 years and three years)

8. What did the soldier cook porridge from? (from an ax)

8. Queen with a harsh character and icy

heart? (Snowy)

9. In which fairy tale did the Cat eat the Cannibal?

("Puss in Boots")

9. A kind girl who worked day and night, serving everyone in the house, became a princess?


10. Mosquito weapon from a poem

K. Chukovsky "Fly - Tsokotuha"? (saber)

10. A kind old man who visits and gives gifts? (Father Frost)

Summing up the results of the 8th competition.

Word to the members of the jury.

Summing up the literary quiz. Rewarding teams, individual players.

Literature lesson summary for grade 5 “Journey along fairy paths ».

Goals: I. Check the quality of knowledge gained in the study of the topic. "Russian folk tales".

2 Contribute to the consolidation of the studied material.

3. To promote the formation of moral culture, the development of a sense of responsibility.

Tasks: 1. In a playful way, repeat the theme "Russian folk tales".

    Consolidate the studied material.

    Contribute to the development of mental processes (ingenuity, logical thinking, attention, imagination, etc.).

Methods and techniques: creative reading, research, reproductive:

    teacher's word


    tasks with a "trick";

Equipment: decree and telegram of Tsar Dadon, roadside stone, hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga, flying carpet, three wells, cobweb, spider, three leaves with riddles (maple, oak and birch), dragon, magic chest, key, secret of death dragon.

move lesson;

The teacher enters the classroom with an alarmed look, lets the students know that something has happened, thus attracting their attention, and says:

    Guys, the school received a letter addressed to our class, they just gave it to me. This is a very unusual letter. Do you know who it's from? (Student answers,) From the fairy tale king. What is his name? (Student answers.)

Yes, from King Dadon. Listen.

You are a goy-thou, go good! I turn to you for help. We've had a terrible misfortune. The insidious serpent stole children's fairy tales, urban and rural. A terrible snake stole, swallowed - an adversary, and without you, friends, there is no way to save them. Honest people, kind people, help us, don't be angry, set off on a journey, not a short one, defeat the horror - the terrible dragon. Otherwise, there will be trouble in Russia: without fairy tales, we only have half revenge, only bend our backs ... Not a people without fairy tales we are victorious horror! Well, for those heroes who dare, let the road seem easy. And, of course, without a doubt, I will reward all the heroes without regret.

King Dadon.

    Do you guys understand? The fairy tales that we were supposed to talk about today were kidnapped by a three-headed dragon. If you do not help them, then the Russian people will be left without fairy tales. And then little children will never hear their favorite fairy tales at night, and we will not be able to read them anywhere for our own.

pleasure. The fairy-tale king asks us to go on a journey to rescue fairy tales. In order to go to a fairyland, you need to know its laws. Remember them? (Student answers.) That's great. Let's hit the road.

    Tell me, please, where does the fairytale road always begin? (From the stone). Correctly. And on the stone, look (pointing to the stone), something is written. (I am reading).

If you are an experienced traveler, then turn right.

It's a wonderful country. Full of happiness and wealth.

If you are not a brave traveler,

Then turn left.

You will find a beautiful home there.

You will quietly meet old age in it.

If you are a stubborn traveler,

Then just go straight ahead.

But remember, traveler, there

Death walks the hills.

    So which path should we take? (Go straight) Why? (The first rule of a fairy tale: if the heroes are given a choice, then you need to choose what is less valuable.) Well done.

    Our road is not easy. Over the mountains, over the fields, over the wide steppes. And there is a forest ahead, dense, impenetrable. All sorts of dangers and predatory animals await travelers in that forest. At the edge of the forest stands a hut on chicken legs. Who lives in this hut? ( Baba Yaga) Correctly. (Pointing to the hut.) Do you know what magic words you need to say to turn the hut. Let's chorus. (Students say, the teacher turns the hut). I know that Baba Yaga can help us, she has a flying carpet on which it is written where to go next and what to do. Only Baba Yaga cut it into small pieces so that no one could use it. Therefore, we need to distract her, and three daredevils will try to sew a flying carpet. We will distract Baba Yaga with a boring tale. (Three go out and begin to assemble the flying carpet, and the rest tell boring tales they know.) On the flying carpet is written:

But first for the dragon

We will get death according to the law. Draconian death in a chest

Yes, in a stone crown.

Through ocean and sea

For water for life

We mark like birds

Let's bring our stories to life.

Remember, don't be afraid

If the sail-sun shines.

But if you don't save the light,

Three wells. It is necessary to correctly identify a well with living water.

Scoop up cold water

You are from the first well.

Drink to the hops to the trouble

You are from the second well.

Where the waves crash against the shore

At the crossroads of three roads,

Three wells and three trees - Draw water with a ladle ...

Only to the third, look, Don't even come close.

No one succeeds in drinking from the third well.

You remember this ban -

It contains the whole secret.

Students will guess which well contains living water.

Answer : the third well (since this is another rule of the tale:

"If there is a ban, it must be broken")

caves a. Three leaves (oak, maple, birch) are attached to the web, on back sides which riddles are written;

Students solve riddles to get the key to the chest where the secret of the dragon's death is hidden.

On the road jammed, jammed

You will enter an enchanted cave.

And sits in that cave with eight legs

A terrible miracle, and there is no way to pass.

And ask that terrible miracle

Three mysteries, three terrible.

Don't be afraid of riddles, guess

And take the casket behind the web ...

In that casket sits an inevitable misfortune -

Creeping death for a serpent terrible...


excellent catcher,

The weaver is exemplary.

Who will fall into his yarn,

That one will die.

What is a "lie with a hint" and for all people

"with a lesson"? (Story)

What gives us the strength of life

What snow hides in winter

What's nicer in someone else's

Under your feet is your answer.

Students solve riddles, get a key, open a chest, I read about the secret of dragon death:

    The death of a terrible dragon is not in the strength of a hero, not in red-hot iron, and not in intricate witchcraft. Creeping death is inevitable, the death of a dragon in your strong knowledge. If you manage to distinguish fairy tales from each other, if you manage to repeat the laws of fairy tales, then the serpent's head will not stand here - it will fall off its own shoulders.


    What is a fairy tale?

    What are fairy tales? How do they differ from each other? (Magic, everyday, boring, fairy tales about animals)

    What is a boring tale? ( annoying)

    What fairy rules do you know? Give examples.

    If the heroes have a choice, then they need to choose what is less valuable.

    To be surprised at nothing, to know everyone, to behave like at home.

    Show kindness and compassion.

    In fairy tales - a single value scale, i.e. an unambiguous view, for example, a hero is either positive or negative ...

    If there is a prohibition in a fairy tale, it must be broken.)

    What fairy laws do you know?

(Law 1: “It is said and done.” If an action is mentioned, it must be done. A fairy tale does not know a whisper, everything is reported to everyone

2nd law: the law of the trinity. A fairy tale loves repetitions, as a rule, this is a threefold repetition (2 + 1). On the third attempt, only one manages to do something.)

    What is a fairy tale?

    Saying (not in all fairy tales).

Main Narrative

    Ending (optional)

    Give examples of hints.

    Give examples of fairy tale endings.

As the children respond, all three of the dragon's heads fall off in turn.

So you guys have dealt with the evil dragon. He will no longer steal other people's fairy tales. All of you were great today. They were not afraid to fight the evil forces, they showed their excellent knowledge. And here is Tsar Dadon sent a telegram (read):

    He is a goy-thou, good people! I bow to you to the waist. Oh, thank you for saving the people, for saving, friends, the Russian land. You did not just help out fairy tales, you saved your soul, the Russian soul, the Russian heart, the Russian joy. May eternal glory be your prize and reward. Reward the smartest and most courageous in spirit, but in a royal way, the rest - at your discretion. King Dadon.

Lesson summary:

Once again I thank the guys for the lesson, I announce the grades.

Children's holidays at home. fairy tale scenarios and quizzes Kogan Marina Solomonovna

Game-journey "Fairytale paths"

During the game-journey, participants recall the content of old and new fairy tales, meet their heroes.

1. Decoration of the hall:

Fairy apple tree.

Seashore, waves.

Fairy forest.

Mirror ball.

2. Inventory:

Tables for practical work.

2. Costumes of heroes of fairy tales. You can use hats, masks, bright attributes: scarves, ties, bows, capes, caps, etc.

Music sounds. The leader comes out.

Leading. The trees whisper about something. And the birds can't sleep again. In the thicket of the forest, the animals started a dispute. Leaves rustle softly - it's fairy tales walking through the forest.

The music stops.

So, guys, we are going on a journey along fairy-tale paths to meet fairy-tale heroes. Help us on our journey...

Kolobok appears in the hall.

Kolobok. Hello children! I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather and came to you to guide you along the roads of fairy tales.

Leading. How glad we are that you came to us, Kolobok, you will show us the way.

Kolobok. And here is the first stop. Look, on our way, a magical apple tree spread its branches. Do you remember in which fairy tale there is a magic apple tree?

(Participants of the game answer the question: “Geese-swans.”)

What does she say in the story?

(Participants of the game recall lines from a fairy tale.)

And now the magic apple tree said: “Do not pass by! Taste the fruits of my wonderful! I'll probably take it. (Approaches the apple tree, takes off the apple ...) Oh guys! And apples are not simple, something is written on them! Come on, help me read.

Two assistants from the participants in the game come out, they read riddles, the rest of the children guess them at will.

Kolobok. Well done guys, now we can move on.

Music sounds. The light goes out. The mirror ball rotates, creating the illusion of movement. The music stops, the light gets brighter. Gingerbread man stops next to fairy trees and finds an envelope with a task.

Kolobok. Guess whose song it is, name the hero of the fairy tale and the fairy tale itself.

The host turns on the notes:

1. Thumbelina's song.

2. Song of Baron Munchausen.

3. Song of Cheburashka.

4. Song of Winnie the Pooh.

5. Tortilla's song.

Participants guess the heroes of fairy tales, call fairy tales.

Kolobok. What good fellows you are! Everyone got to know! Now we can move on.

There is a knock on the door.

Kolobok. Looks like we have guests. Please, come in.

Dr. Aibolit, Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio appear. They look sad, they go downcast. They stop in the center of the hall and are silent.

Kolobok. Familiar faces. And why so sad? Something is wrong with them. What do you guys think?

The participants of the game notice that they do not have the usual items that they never part with.

Kolobok. Guys, let's help our guests find their favorite items. Look carefully, maybe there is something near you?

Participants find a golden key, a red cap and a bag with medical instruments. Happy guests thank the guys and stay in the hall to continue the game-journey together. There is a signal, then a knock. The postman Pechkin appears with a bicycle, a mail bag on his shoulder.

Postman Pechkin. Hello! How long did it take me to get to you! Did you recognize me? Well done! I brought you telegrams. Here is the first one: “Help! will eat us Grey Wolf!" I don't understand anything. There is no signature.

Kolobok. And now we find out what kind of fairy tale it is. Hear someone coming.

A goat approaches the fairy-tale hut.

Goat. Little goats, kids, open up, open up! Your mother came, she brought milk! I, a goat, was in the forest, ate silk grass, drank icy water. Milk runs along the notch, from the notch - along the hooves, and from the hooves - into the cheese ground.

The leader appears from the fairy forest.

Leading. The kids heard their mother and opened the door for her. She fed them and went out to graze again. The Wolf overheard the Goat, waited until she left, went to the door and sang.

The Wolf appears, approaches the hut and sings in a low voice.

Wolf. You are children, you are fathers, open up, open up! Your mother came and brought milk. Hooves full of water!

Leading. And the goats in response ...

goats (in chorus). We hear, we hear! Don't sing in your mother's voice! Mother sings more subtly and does not lament so much!

Leading. And they did not open the door to the wolf. The wolf left, and the mother came and praised the children.

Goat. You are clever, my children, that you did not open the door to the Wolf, otherwise he would have eaten you all.

Kolobok. Got a fairy tale?

The participants in the game call the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" and its heroes.

Kolobok. Here are the good guys!

Postman Pechkin. That's not all! I also have a telegram, but a musical one.

A fragment of a song from the fairy tale "Thumbelina" sounds.

Leading. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower. And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail. That girl slept in a nutshell and saved a little swallow from the cold.

Thumbelina appears.

Thumbelina. Hello! I am very glad to see you! But I forgot what fairy tale I came from, who its author is. I can't go back. Help me!

Kolobok. Guys, help!

Thumbelina. Why do I have such a strange name?

The child from the hall. There is such a unit of length - an inch. It's two and a half centimeters. (Shows a pre-prepared piece of cardboard.)

Thumbelina. Exactly! This is exactly how I was in my story. Now I can find my way home! Farewell!

Thumbelina, dancing to the music, leaves.

Postman Pechkin. And that is not all! Here is a fragment of a letter: "An old man lived with his old woman ..." And nothing more.

The light in the hall goes out, only the seashore is illuminated. An old man appears at the seashore, casts a net.


For the third time he threw a net,

(The old man casts a net and pulls it out.)

A seine came with one fish,

With a difficult fish - gold.

Gold fish.

Let me go, old man, into the sea,

Dear for myself, I will give a ransom.

Buy back whatever you want!


The old man was surprised, frightened.

He released the goldfish

And he said a kind word to her.

Old man.

God be with you, goldfish,

I don't need your ransom

Step into the blue sea

Walk there in your own space ...

The goldfish leaves, the old man leaves behind her, hunched over, the storyteller leaves.

The participants of the game name the fairy tale "About the fisherman and the fish" and its characters.

The light turns on.

Postman Pechkin (turning the bike, says goodbye). Well, that's all, I went further. Goodbye!

Kolobok. And I found an envelope. See. It contains a task: name fairy tales in the names of which there are numbers.

The participants name the fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes”, “The Seven-Flower Flower”, etc.

Kolobok. Well done! You read a lot of fairy tales!

Music sounds. The light goes out. The mirror ball rotates, creating the illusion of movement. The music stops, the light gets brighter.

Kolobok. Guys, we are in a fairy tale again ...

A boy is sitting on a bench. Zhenya approaches him.

Zhenya. Boy boy, what's your name?

Vitya. Vitya. How about you?

Zhenya. Zhenya. Let's play tag!

Vitya. I can not. I am lame.

Zhenya. What a pity! I really liked you, and I would love to run with you.

Vitya. I like you very much too, and I would love to run with you too, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. Nothing to do about. It's for life.

Zhenya. Oh, what nonsense you are talking, boy! (Zhenya showed the last blue petal.)

Zhenya. Look! (Tears off petal and sings.)

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Tell Vitya to be healthy!

At this moment the boy gets up from the bench, and the children cheerfully run around the hall.

Kolobok. You see, guys, what a miracle happened thanks to the last petal of the seven-colored flower! The boy's most cherished wish came true.

Music sounds, the participants of the game glue blanks, flowers with seven petals are obtained. All the heroes of fairy tales come on stage. The participants of the game remain at the tables.

Kolobok. This is where our journey ended.


Keep a good fairy tale in your soul.

You take an example from good heroes!


Be yourself a magician for others!

Childhood will go away, but don't forget us!

A melody sounds, the heroes of fairy tales are removed.

From the book Theatrical Activities in Kindergarten. For classes with children 4-5 years old author Shchetkin Anatoly Vasilievich

Lesson 11. Imaginary journey Purpose. Develop imagination, fantasy, memory of children; the ability to communicate in the proposed circumstances. The course of the lesson1. Articulation gymnastics.2. Imaginary journey.3. Rehearsal of the play "Turnip". Articulation

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Synopsis of directly educational activities
"Fairy Paths"
for children with mental retardation of senior preschool age

Voronkova Natalya Anatolyevna,
educator MOU d / s No. 254,

- to form the ability of children to use the names of parts of the day and time representations (earlier, later, then);
- to consolidate the ability to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the number;
- consolidate counting skills within 5;
- develop the ability to compare objects in size and use these concepts in speech.

- to form the ability to perceive verbal instructions by ear;
- consolidate knowledge of primary colors;
- develop memory, attention, logical thinking;
- develop fine motor skills of hands and arms.

- to cultivate interest in mathematics, the ability to listen and work in a team.

Demo: fabulous attributes - fake stove, river, apple tree; pebbles made of cardboard of different sizes, apples of different colors, pictures with a symbolic image of the parts of the day, pictures based on the plot of a fairy tale, an easel with magnets, baskets of three colors: yellow, red, green, wooden silhouettes of numbers from 1-5, "dry pool" ( box with semolina or sand), a card with a picture geometric shapes painted in different colors.
Dispensing: colored pencils for each child, plates for geometric shapes, small pillows for each child, cards depicting a stove with holes cut in it in the form of different geometric shapes, geometric shapes cut out of paper, chips (for correct answers to children)
Technical means: audio recording of murmuring water and rustling leaves.

The course of directly educational activities:

Educator: Bunnies, I know how much you love fairy tales and adventures, and therefore I want to go with you to one fairy tale, which I hope you know well. On the way, we will do math tasks to help fairy tale characters. For each correct answer you get a chip. Let's get comfortable on soft pillows and listen to a fairy tale. And to find out the name of the fairy tale, guess the riddle:
Masha did not look after her brother Ivasha
Carried away on the wings of a bird from his own sister
But they won't be denied help.
magic stove
milk river
And an apple tree on a difficult road
Children guess the name of the story. (Swan geese).

Educator: Correctly this is a fairy tale "Geese - swans."
Once upon a time there was a husband and wife and they had a daughter, Masha, and a little son, Ivashka. Parents left on business, and the girl played with her friends. And I forgot to look after my brother. Geese-swans flew in, picked up the boy, carried away on wings. The girl rushed to catch up with them. For a long time she ran through the forest and suddenly saw a hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga sleeps in the hut, and the brother plays with golden apples on the bench. Masha ran up, grabbed Ivashka and ran home, and the Geese-Swans chased her. The children met on the way a milky river - jelly banks. (The teacher points to the river, the sound of murmuring water is heard).
“Mother river, hide us,” the girl asked.
“I’ll help you, just build a bridge of stones from the smallest to the largest,” said the river.

Educator: Can we help the girl complete the task?
Children: Yes.
Educator: In order to build such a bridge correctly, first select the smallest pebbles, then those that are larger, and only then the largest, and so as not to be mistaken. compare them by putting them side by side. Children approach the "pebbles" made of cardboard, different in size, laid out on the floor. They compare them, applying them to each other, first choose the smallest ones and lay out the beginning of the bridge from them, then larger pebbles, and complete the construction of the bridge with the largest ones. The teacher monitors the correct use of words in speech: small, more, largest. Children take turns walking across the bridge.
Educator: The children built a bridge and crossed to the other side.
And the river asked me to answer questions.

Game "Finish the sentence." The teacher starts the sentence and shows pictures depicting parts of the day, the children answer.

We sleep at night, and do exercises ... .. (in the morning).
We have breakfast in the morning, and play ... .. (afternoon).
We have lunch during the day, and we have dinner .... (in the evening).
We have dinner in the evening, and sleep .... (at night).
The sun rises during the day, and the moon ... .. (at night).

Educator: Well done, they completed all my tasks, ”the river said and hid the children under the bank. Geese-swans flew by. The children run further, and the swan geese again catch up with them. The children see - the apple tree is standing. (The teacher points to the image of an apple tree, the sound of rustling foliage is heard).
“Mother apple tree, hide us!” the girl asked.
“Complete my tasks, then I’ll hide it,” said the apple tree.

Task number 1
Collect apples by color, each in his own basket.
Children collect red apples in a red basket, yellow ones in a yellow basket, green ones in a green basket.
Educator: Didn't the guys mix something up? Are the apples picked correctly?
Children check and answer: “Everything is correct!”

Task number 2
Now count how many apples are in each basket.
Children count the number of apples in each basket. The teacher asks to name the number of apples in each basket, the children answer.

Task number 3
Well, now take turns lowering your hands into the sand, and find an object there. What do you have in your hands?
Children answer that they have different numbers in their hands.
Now put the desired number in the basket of apples.
The children are doing the task. The teacher asks to check whether the task was completed correctly? Pointing to the red basket, he asks how many apples are there, and what number was put in this basket. Then check in the rest.

Educator: Well guys, you completed the task correctly, but I see you are tired, let's take a break and do a physical exercise, stand in a circle and repeat after me:
Hands raised and waved. Raise your hands up and wave.
These are the trees in the forest.
Elbows bent. Bend your arms and shake your hands.
The brushes are shaken.
The wind knocks down the dew.
These are birds flying to us Imitating flying birds.
We'll show you how they sit. They squat down.
Wings folded back. Hands wind back like wings.

Educator: Thank you, take your seats. You are great! We completed all my tasks, - the apple tree said, I will hide you, and covered the children's apple tree with branches. Geese-swans flew by and flew by. The girl with her brother ran on. But again the geese-swans catch up with them. Children see - there is a stove by the road. (The teacher points to the stove).
“Mother-stove, hide us,” the girl asked.
“Complete my tasks, then I will help,” the furnace answered.

Task number 1
Parts fell out of me, and there is no one to fix it, help me, put each part in its place.
Educator: Guys, to complete this task, you need to go and sit at the tables. Repair the stove, find the location of each part.
In front of each child is a card with the image of a stove, with holes cut in it in the form of various geometric shapes, carved figures in plates.
The children are doing the task.

Task number 2
Educator: And now, the stove asks, paint over the figures with colored pencils: the triangle is red, the circle is blue, the square is yellow, the rectangle is green, the oval is left white.
The teacher shows a hint (a card with the image of figures painted in a certain color). The children are doing the task. The teacher asks the children what color they painted over the figures. The children answer.

Educator: What good fellows you guys are, you coped with this task, well, now after working with pencils you need to do finger gymnastics, repeat everything after me:
We'll pull the bast from the linden. The fingers are pressed to the table, we move them towards us.
Lapotochki all weave Knocking pads on the table.
Masha, Dasha, Sveta, Sasha, Petya We bend fingers on two hands
The children of Ukazat walk in lapotochki. and avg. fingers move across the table.

Educator: The stove hid my sister and brother. Geese-swans circled, shouted and flew away with nothing. The children made it home safely. And then the parents came. Here is the end of the story. And now let's remember the whole fairy tale from beginning to end and decompose the corresponding pictures.
Children tell a fairy tale and lay out the pictures in the right sequence: the swan geese carried the boy away on wings; the girl ran to look for him and found him at Baba Yaga; children run home; on the road, they were helped first by a river, then an apple tree, then a stove.
Educator: For the fact that you completed all the tasks and helped fairy tale characters, the apple tree has prepared a full basket of apples for you as a gift. On this, our journey into a fairy tale ended, and with it our lesson.

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During the spring school holidays in the preschool "Solnyshko" the doors were traditionally opened wide for teachers, parents and specialists of the city.

In the "Dandelion" group, everyone (and there were about 20 of them!), Could attend a literacy lesson - "Along fairy paths."

The lesson began in an exciting and unusual way: the bell mobile phone and some unknown person invites the guys to no one knows where! But to find out exactly where, you need to guess the word by the first sounds of the pictures. Guessed? Well, of course, in a fairy tale! Already the entrance to the fairy tale through the “tree” set the guys up for mystery and fabulousness. And when in the fairy tale there was a meeting with Little Red Riding Hood (Arina L.), who had to be helped, otherwise her grandmother would become seriously ill, the guys tried their best to show their knowledge: the problem is serious! The health of the old man depended on their help! And the task was not easy: you need to determine what sound is in the picture word: L or L. Then the task became even more complicated: you need to find the place of these sounds in the word! But our "heroes" were up to the task and they coped with the task!

Then the initiative passed into the hands of the children, they jointly obtained information: what and how to help Koza-Dereza (Kira Z.). They remembered that with colored circles you can not only play, but also perform a sound analysis of the word! Children's activity grew with the understanding that something else had to be invented for the Goat to grow horns. To make a sentence? Come up with a sentence that has a lot of words? And here is the solution: you need to pronounce the sentence that “The Goat has big sharp horns” with different intonation! Helped!! The Goat grew horns, and she ran to save her kids.

Well, it was not difficult at all to help the evil Wolf! It is only necessary to find friends for him, who, out of fear of him, hid in the snowdrifts. Friendship works wonders! And one could be convinced of this by watching how the guys, helping each other, look for pictures of animals and syllabic signatures for them. We made friends with the wolf with all the animals!