Corporate culture in modern business: types, levels and best examples. Basic norms and values ​​of the organization

  • 23.02.2023

Corporate culture is an enterprise resource whose importance is difficult to assess. It acts simultaneously as an indicator of the image and an element of its formation, the formation of the company’s brand. This resource is not only a marketing tool, but also a tool for personnel management in general.

Modern realities dictate their conditions for doing business, which is increasingly becoming customer-oriented. In this regard, corporate culture in companies plays a key role and allows them to achieve success in promoting a brand and making it recognizable.

This resource can be generated:

  • Spontaneously - without the participation of company management, based on communication models chosen by company employees.
  • Purposefully - when general model corporate culture is formed by the company’s management and makes changes to it as necessary.

You should not rely on the spontaneous formation of this resource, since at any moment the entire system can go downhill. Therefore, great attention must be paid to control over the formation and development of corporate culture.

Concept and elements of corporate culture

The concept of corporate culture implies a certain behavioral model that all company personnel adhere to in the performance of their official duties. It contains norms and rules, traditions and values ​​accepted at a particular company.

The basis of the behavioral model is the general philosophy of the enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its activities. When developing it, management focuses on plans for the further development of the company and relationships.

If we summarize all of the above, we can highlight the main elements of corporate culture:

  • General direction of enterprise development;
  • Core Values;
  • Traditions and rituals that have developed at the enterprise during its operation;
  • Standards of behavior are rules prescribed by management or spontaneously formed rules, Business Etiquette, which determines how an employee should behave in a given situation;
  • Company style - dress code provided for employees, external design of premises, symbols inherent in this company;
  • Internal communications – rules of relationships between various departments, as well as all employees of the enterprise;
  • Team unity in achieving common goals;
  • Rules business negotiations, contacts with clients, competitors;
  • The employees themselves, who are both subjects and objects of the application of corporate culture.

Main functions

Corporate culture fulfills several important functions contributing to the development of the company and promotion of the brand. Among them:

  • Motivational – helps improve labor productivity, inspires employees to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles.
  • Image - competent internal culture of the company has a positive impact on the external image of the enterprise, attracts new partners and clients, and sets the company apart from its competitors.
  • Adaptation – allows new team members to effectively and quickly enter the team and get involved in work.
  • Involving - stimulates the active participation of all employees in solving collective problems and the life of the enterprise as a whole.
  • Identifying – employees realize their own importance in the team and at the same time belong to it.
  • Management – ​​determines the norms and rules for organizing the work of departments and managing employees.
  • System-forming - allows you to systematically organize the work and interaction of departments, making them more efficient and orderly.
  • Marketing – corporate culture is taken into account when developing a strategy for promoting a company in the market.

Corporate culture is also divided into 3 main levels: external, internal and hidden. The first represents how the company is seen by clients, partners, competitors, and its general image. The second is manifested in the form of norms and values ​​reflected in the actions of the enterprise’s employees. The third is expressed in the form of beliefs shared by all employees of the company.

Types of corporate cultures

Development of corporate culture and active implementation this concept began in the twentieth century. Since that moment, a lot of time has passed, approaches to this technique have constantly changed and improved. Some of the classical elements on which they were previously based have lost their relevance today.

The following corporate cultures are actively used in the modern business sphere:

  1. “Role” model - this type is based on a clear division of responsibilities between all employees of the company. Each employee acts as a cog in a large mechanism that works smoothly to achieve common goals. A distinctive feature of this corporate culture is the presence of a strict hierarchy, job descriptions,

Control at all stages labor process and careful workflow design ensure smooth operation of the enterprise. Most often this model is used in large companies, with a large staff.

The cornerstones of this type of corporate culture are reliability, stability and rationality. Due to the strict hierarchy and rules, this company model is not flexible enough, which makes it difficult for it to adapt to work under unstable market conditions.

  1. “Dream Team” is the complete opposite of the previous model. There are no strict restrictions, as well as a strict division of responsibilities and, as a result, job descriptions. The horizontal hierarchy inherent in this corporate culture assumes that all employees are equal participants in the process. The atmosphere in such companies is friendly, and communication is informal.

All issues that arise are resolved jointly by employees interested in completing the task. At the same time, division of areas of responsibility between employees is allowed. The responsibility of a manager is assumed by the person who has accepted the solution to a specific task and is responsible for it.

The main values ​​of this model are openness, freedom, creativity and team spirit. The main idea of ​​this corporate culture is teamwork, which allows you to solve even the most difficult problems. complex tasks. It is typical for startups and progressive companies.

  1. “Family” is a kind of mixture of the first two models. There is a vertical hierarchy, but managers do not act as bosses, but as mentors to whom any employee can turn for help. The model is characterized by a friendly atmosphere, devotion to “family” traditions, unity of work and customer focus.

People are at the forefront of this model. The company's employees and its consumers have highest value, all work is focused on them. With a strong emphasis on staff comfort and rewards, this type of corporate culture is distinguished high level motivation. Due to this, the productivity of workers increases significantly.

Family model companies are supported by loyal customers and dedicated employees.

  1. “Market” is a type of corporate culture focused on profit. In it, each employee fights with everyone else to receive preferences. This model is aimed at ambitious, purposeful employees, each of whom is a separate and independent unit. Personnel have value only as long as they bring profit to the company.

This model has a clear hierarchy that is flexible enough to change depending on the market situation. Employee leadership skills play a key role as they enable them to readily make decisions, take risks and take responsibility.

The main values ​​of the market model are leadership, profit, competitiveness, and determination. This type of corporate culture is characteristic of business “sharks”, it is quite cynical and in many ways has signs of despotic management.

  1. “Result-oriented” is a fairly flexible model, the distinctive feature of which is its focus on development and achieving goals. All work of companies operating according to this type is focused on achieving certain goals.

In this model, there is a vertical hierarchy of power, but managers are determined based on their qualifications and performance, and are not appointed “from above”, and therefore the composition can often change. Job descriptions are present, but do not delimit the company’s personnel, since employees have opportunities for development and active participation in solving strategic problems.

The main values ​​of this model are focus on results, freedom in work and solving labor issues, and corporate spirit.

In some cases, enterprises may exhibit signs of several patterns at the same time. This is common in fast-growing companies that frequently change leaders, change directions, or are acquired.

As you know, every nation is famous for its traditions and customs. Corporate cultures of companies are also replete with various traditions. Maybe they are the ones who help company managers maintain the corporate spirit of employees and work for the benefit of the enterprise. We decided to find out what traditions Novosibirsk companies have, who creates them and how they change over time.

Tradition is just nostalgia walking around in public in full dress uniform

Many managers will fully agree with this saying. Missing Soviet times With the corresponding attributes, companies come up with various external manifestations of belonging to a certain structure. The tradition of giving commemorative badges is widespread. Oksana Chernikova, PR specialist at CJSC Central Committee SELL, says: “After the employee completes the probationary period, the general director presents the company’s company badge. This is official confirmation that the employee is now a full member of the SELL team. I can say for sure that all newly arrived employees are looking forward to this moment. This tradition dates back to the very foundation of the company (“SELL” turns 15 this year).”

Another tradition associated with the company’s corporate badge is the presentation of gold “SELL” badges. You can receive it not only for length of service, but also for contribution to the work of our company, for excellent results, for introduced innovations, for dedication to SELL. The tradition was born in the company not by chance - this is one of the most interesting and enjoyable ways to reward a worthy employee. “Material reward, of course, is good, but it is short-lived and does not add uniqueness. Our first presentation of golden badges took place this year, at a corporate summer retreat dedicated to the anniversary of the SELL Central Committee, so this tradition is the “youngest” in our team. But, judging by the positive feedback from both the awardees themselves and other team members, we intend to continue it and recognize the very best employees. There is something to strive for!" - adds O. Chernikova.

The best employees of the People of Dela Holding annually receive a personal award from the General Director of the holding - a gold badge with the company logo. “The gold is real, 585 standard. It is also a valuable gift in itself. Well, and at the same time, status: not everyone has gold badges - you really need to earn them, make a very tangible contribution,” says Executive Director Holding "People of Business" Egor Ledyaev.

In nostalgia for morning exercises, the Euroset company came up with sports traditions for its employees. “On Wednesdays, instead of the daily planning meeting at the beginning working day- “physical education” - training in sports club. Every year in the summer, sports team building is held for heads of departments and groups, as well as leading specialists,” says Irina Kichkaylo, public relations manager of the West Siberian branch of the Euroset company.

People love traditions... Because loving traditions is also a tradition

What interesting traditions can Novosibirsk companies boast of?

For example, photo exhibitions are regularly held at the administrative office of MTS. “The authors of the photographs are employees of our company. For example, now a photo exhibition is dedicated to the weddings of MTS employees. Also among the company’s traditions is the fact that on Friday all employees (with the exception of employees in MTS showrooms) are allowed to deviate from the office dress code,” shares Irina Bragina, head of the training and development department of MTS in the Siberia macroregion. .

The Euroset company also has quite a lot of traditions. For example, enter any office without knocking, call colleagues by name and first name. By the way, employees simply call the chairman of the board of directors and founder of Euroset, Evgeny Chichvarkin, “Zhenya.” “An important role in this was played not only by the well-known informal style of communication of the head of the company, but also by his personal attention to the work of his people. On the Euroset internal portal, Zhenya answers questions from any of the more than thirty thousand employees. Our motivational campaigns to highlight the best retail employees have become a good tradition,” assures I. Kichkaylo. Regional managers whose branches show the highest performance at the end of the quarter receive a challenge yellow Mercedes Gelendvagen as a sign of distinction, and the best managers of sub-branches and directors retail sales- yellow AUDI A3. An employee of the Krasnoyarsk Euroset, who received a yellow car in this quarter, was pleasantly surprised by such a “gift”.

Employees of the SELL company who go on vacation bring a souvenir for the company upon their return. And it doesn’t matter where he vacationed - Altai, Kazakhstan, France, Egypt... “The collection of souvenirs brought from different parts of the world is in the company in the reception of the general director - and not only employees of the SELL Central Committee show interest in it, but also all visitors to the company . Of course, we do not set the task for the “vacationer” to bring a souvenir, but those who come across interesting things on vacation are sure to bring them to our collection,” adds O. Chernikova.

There is a similar tradition in the auditing firm Exclusive Consulting. Employees travel a lot on business trips and bring magnets to the office.

In contrast to the informal address adopted at Euroset, the People of Dela Holding boasts the opposite tradition - here, unlike many Western-style companies, it is customary to address employees as “You” and by their first and patronymic names. “I don’t know whether it’s valuable or not, but it sounds very official and businesslike,” E. Ledyaev is sure. A certain bonus is paid for each year worked. Our traditions have been maintained in the company for about five years.

At the recruitment agency Modern Staff, the team is united through tea parties: “About a year ago, we started a tradition of morning tea parties. Every morning at 9.15 we gather for fifteen minutes, turn off our phones, everyone pours a cup of tea and has a general conversation. Someone moderates it, and we try to choose topics that are close to our activities. For me, this tradition is valuable because it gives me the opportunity to see all the employees and communicate without interference. But for employees I don’t know. We need to ask them,” says Igor Eisvald, director of the recruitment agency Modern Staff.

Irina Tsynert, head of the PR department of the Charisma center, says: “We have quite a lot of interesting events. Firstly, Free Fridays are often held. On this day, work ends at 14.00 and everyone starts interesting activities together. For example, we had a day of blondes (mostly women work in the company) with the issuance of a blonde mandate, there was a charismatic communist subbotnik, there was a day of victory over a bad mood, a charismatic blackout (we went out of town on the day of the eclipse, where we admired this phenomenon) . On such days, everyone dresses freely, creative competitions are held, buffets are organized, carefully selected music is played, participants receive diplomas, mandates, etc. memorable gifts. These events are always interesting and fun.”

Nobody likes to have someone impose on them new order, but accepts and respects traditions. If you want order, create traditions!

How do traditions develop? In companies, traditions can be divided into formal ones (all new employees must be introduced to such traditions) and those that are informal (they develop spontaneously and employees follow them rather unconsciously).

Often traditions are invented by the leader himself, sometimes they come from the team.

I. Kichkaylo notes: “Tradition is not an order or tyranny of the boss. It is formed from someone’s message and the goodwill of those who support it. When the spiritual need of the people who like it is exhausted, the tradition disappears. There are unchangeable traditions, without which it is difficult to imagine the work of people at Euroset. For example, retail meetings before peak loads and the so-called “Zhenya’s letters” (published several times a year since the end of 2004). In them, Zhenya, in his typical manner, gives colorful instructions to sellers before the busy season and reminds them that he is monitoring everyone’s results. Employees always wait for these letters - they create a fighting spirit. On the other hand, letters reflect the company’s position and instructions for specific actions.” At the same time, at Euroset, ideas do not always come from top management. It so happens that Euroset is a work format for those who are hyperactive and unconventional. thinking people. They always have a lot of offers. And recently, retail employees of the united sub-branch “Omsk-Tomsk” published their own corporate newspaper, telling about the everyday life of sellers at Euroset.

At MTS, all employee proposals are reviewed by the HR department, and the most original proposals are gradually introduced into the company.

At the People of Dela Holding, traditions are formed based on the interests of the employees themselves. What they themselves want, as a rule, is welcomed and reinforced by the company administration. “We do not have a confrontation between the collective and traditions, because customs were not introduced artificially, but naturally from the desire of the collective itself. If you like it that way, then why not do it that way,” E. Ledyaev is sure.

At the recruitment agency Modern Staff, the idea of ​​tradition arose thanks to a tip from another charismatic leader. “We had attempts to confront managers. But they ended. Apparently, I liked the idea,” says I. Eiswald.

The Charisma traditions are also associated with their ideological inspirer Nelya Vlasova, who promotes a creative approach to both work and life. “And since all the employees were creative and open-minded, these traditions naturally fit into the worldview of the people,” adds I. Tsynert.

Is it possible to bring traditions up to standard?

Over time, even the most interesting traditions can become obsolete. This depends on a number of factors. For example, a change of leader, team, increase or decrease in its number.

“Yes, some traditions change with the renewal of the team, some traditions begin to fade, some, on the contrary, take on special strength. In particular, with the growth of the team, the tradition of a monthly meeting of all employees on the birthday of those with birthdays died out, as it became physically impossible for everyone to congratulate everyone. There was once an interesting tradition - a presentation of newcomers (electronic, on the company’s internal website). When a newcomer arrived, a beautiful page was created for him on the internal website, and this page was sent out via internal mail to everyone. But then (again with the growth of the company) it turned out that it turned out that it was not necessary for all employees to know absolutely all the employees of other agencies. We have too a large number of internal divisions and companies. Therefore, our tradition will also become obsolete in about three years,” says E. Ledyaev.

The tradition of tea parties at Modern Staff has also been modified. I. Eiswald says: “If earlier we talked on free topics, now we switched to topics close to our work.”

I. Tsynert says that “Charisma” used to hold film sessions, when everyone watched an interesting film together (and the working day ended earlier). But over time, the work became more stressful and this tradition dried up. “New people come who bring new ideas,” shares I. Tsynert. “The format of traditions is changing, but the desire to express oneself on the creative side remains, not only in work, but also in informal communication.”

In the search for original traditions, it should be remembered that their absence is also a tradition.


· Each person knows what specific goal is set for him and has an idea of ​​the goals facing other employees and departments.

· Each employee assumes that his colleagues treat their areas of work as responsibly as he does his own.

· Employees are not afraid that colleagues will discuss them behind their backs.

· People sincerely wish each other success. If one of the employees notices that his colleague is doing something wrong, he will point it out immediately and will not wait until the mistake is made and then gloat to his heart's content.

· There is mutual trust in the company. Everyone assumes that none of the colleagues abuses their position and capabilities.

· There is a general sense of desire to succeed. Everyone understands that the small daily activities of their colleagues - drafting documents, phone calls, meetings - matter to the overall result.

· Everyone knows that they can ask a colleague for help. The work is organized in such a way that no one has to do everything alone.

· People can cross departmental boundaries to help each other.

· People come to work with pleasure, and not just to feed themselves and their families.

· If desired, anyone can make a proposal or participate in work that is not within their competence.

· Everyone knows that they can talk to anyone at the top of the company without risking the wrath of their immediate supervisor.

Rituals and traditions in the organization

Euroset is the largest network of communication stores in Russia, operating in a discounter format (a store with a wide range of the best products at wholesale prices) and a leading dealer of the largest operators cellular communications. Today the company has more than 5,000 communication stores in Russia and abroad.

There are certain traditions in the work of Euroset; we will name and explain the essence of the most important of them:

"Social guarantees and benefits"

Euroset values ​​its employees and provides everything social guarantees, according to Labor Code Russian Federation (paid vacation and sick leave, paid study leave, "white" wage), additional compensation package (benefits and compensation).

"Career growth, development and training"

It also provides training for employees, the opportunity for personal and professional self-expression, each employee has the opportunity to gain professional experience in the company.

"Requirements for candidates and employees"

The main requirement for candidates is youth, energy, ambition and a desire to acquire professional experience. The company provides an opportunity for young people who are receiving education or have already received it, but do not have work experience, to start a career and acquire knowledge and skills for further professional activities.

"Corporate culture"

There are traditions in the company, we celebrate holidays together, relax together, hold corporate events (parties, sports competitions). Motto: “Euroset is a leader, I work here - that means I’m the best!”

The company widely uses spiritual elements of corporate culture, such as corporate congratulations, written messages to company employees - informational and congratulatory letters. The sensational messages of the head of Euroset, Evgeny Chichvarkin, to the army of his many thousands of employees can already be called a classic of the genre. To some, these texts seemed too cruel and even bold, but there was an audience who read them.

Myths, legends of the organization

People create their own little worlds in organizations and enterprises where they work throughout their entire lives. This is essentially a second life. And if it doesn’t have its own special culture, living and working will be a bit boring. This is how the construction of corporate legends begins!

A corporate legend is not only an escape from boredom. It unites the team and sets the rhythm for common impulses. Where does the construction of a corporate legend begin? From the same place as the usual culture – from spiritual and material values.

"Spiritual values"

Based on the fact that it is ideas that move the world, we will consider spiritual values ​​to be primary. After all, the construction of any company begins not with an office, but with the thought of its creation, with an idea - in general, with an idea, with a legend. As a rule, the whole idea ends with the implementation of the business process itself, and Euroset records the main points that moved the company at the beginning of its journey. We can say that such legends have already become the Constitution of the company, like its Corporate Code, that is, a fundamental document, after reading which every employee and client can understand with whom he is dealing. This is how like-minded people are found - the most faithful and reliable partners.

"Branded exclusive music"

A very modern element of the legend is the branded exclusive music. In many branches of Cherepovets, it is placed on call waiting at the telephone exchange; with its help, various corporate holidays are opened and closed. Euroset has already acquired a corporate anthem. Corporate music has the ability to connect people's hearts. " Music on-a-a-a-s tied up! ." – remember?

"Material assets of the company"

Various diplomas, awards, letters of recommendation, medals won at various competitions necessarily become part of the company’s legend. It is important to present it to people correctly. For this purpose, a special section has been created on the corporate website, which is regularly updated.

"Let's keep quiet about Nokia"

This is also a kind of legend. Since Euroset requires special delivery conditions from Nokia cell phones, none of the sellers offered a phone number from this company. The Finnish company's devices are placed in distant display cases, consultants do not receive bonuses from their sales, and they themselves are prohibited from using Nokia phones. In order to find out the reaction of the consultants, you can ask to see a Finnish brand pipe. Most sellers will remain calm. However, when a buyer talks about a specific Nokia model, sellers are forced to demonstrate it. If the “client” makes it clear that he has not yet decided on the model, and he is no more interested in Nokia than, for example, in Samsung, the consultant in most cases criticizes Finnish phones and in every possible way praises Korean or any others.

Communications in the organization


· A unique discovery of the Euroset company is its internal communications system. All employees retail network and office departments are constantly in a single communication field. Back office staff visit outlets, observe the work of sellers, communicate with them. This allows you to quickly adjust business mechanisms. On the other hand, any employee of the company can contact any of the top managers if he has a problem, and for some reason it is not resolved at the level of immediate management.

· In the spring of 2009, the company launched an internal corporate social network. It's called "Euroeverything". For our employees, Eurovse is a communication channel that allows them to communicate in real time, regardless of their location. Participation in EuroVse depends only on the desire of the employee. And, since the network now accounts for more than 50% of all company employees, the project is a success. “Evrovsyo”, which has full-fledged social network functionality, can become a serious competitor to public networks. At least among the company's employees. Each user has a personal profile, with their personal data, information about their hobbies and interests, and personal photographs. Social network includes a section “Ours” - a kind of “treasury” of places that are of interest to all employees. Here you can find information about various establishments (from a nightclub to foreign countries), who visited, give their assessment and advice to their colleagues. The service is popular and allows you to evaluate areas of concentration of social life and interests outside of work.

Instructions for making signs


Our Company employs more than 250 people. And all together we are doing something very good and necessary. Otherwise, our Company would have died long ago. But we live. We've been living here since 1993. During this time, we underwent many reorganizations and internal revolutions, which each time helped us reach new level in development.

Yes, we are developing. Moreover, every year, without stopping. And such development, of course, requires not only increasingly close interaction between employees, but also an influx of new players into our team.

It is not enough for us to be a close-knit, friendly team. We also need to be able to accept newcomers into the team who will help us grow further, help us develop and achieve even more and even better together.

So that everyone - both old-timers and newcomers - can live and work with us in a cozy and comfortable way, and so that our Company can develop effectively - there are certain standards and rules. Rules of the game together. They were developed over the years, by trial and error. And over many years, the formed code has absorbed everything that is necessary so that those 8-10-12-16 hours that we spend together every day are not a hard routine, but an interesting, important and rich part of life. Complying with these rules is a sign of basic respect for your colleagues and your Company. These rules are so natural that they are not included in job descriptions, employees. But, nevertheless, the implementation of these rules - necessary condition work in the Company. Because if one person doesn’t play by the rules, then he interferes with everyone else’s play, destroys our team and drags it down.

To prevent this from happening, everyone needs to know and follow these rules together. And so that they are not forgotten, we officially publish them for all employees to see.

Other rules of life in our Company, explanations from management and important notes on work are published on the Company forum. Employees need to regularly visit the forum and know the information that is published on it from “Official Representatives of the Company”(information from any forum visitors who do not have this status is simply a private opinion).

Since these rules were not created for the peace of mind of management, but exclusively for the comfortable and efficient work of employees, anyone who considers it important to propose some changes to these rules can safely do so. These are ours general rules. We created them together, and in the same way - together - we will create them further.


The simplest and most natural rule: in all your actions and decisions we must be guided by what is best for our Company. At the same time, if at some point the interests of any of the departments or employees of our Company are in some way contrary to the interests of the Company, then it is necessary to understand that the interests of the Company take precedence. Including because the benefit of the Company as a whole is a benefit for each of its departments and each of its employees.

At the same time, the employee must not violate his job duties. and taken on yourself obligations. If at some point during the course of work an employee still fails to avoid violating obligations, then he must do everything possible to Negative consequences from this were minimal.

Interaction with colleagues.

To live in peace and harmony, you need to behave in such a way that your colleagues feel support and understanding from you. Necessary treat your colleagues with respect, including from other departments. There should be a special attitude towards newcomers. They really need the help and support of experienced employees. Therefore, if they contact you, do not refuse them advice or consultation.

If an employee (and especially a newbie) asks you to help him with his work in something that does not conflict with your powers and responsibilities, then do it- after all, his work is no less important for the Company (and therefore for you) than yours.

At the same time, it is important to remember that you, as a person whom the Company trusts and is entrusted with responsible work, — access to important commercial information of the Company may be provided. And you yourself cannot always appreciate its value and secrecy. So remember: not everything you know can be shared with others (even our employees). You can provide information to an employee of our Company only if this information relates to his work.

If you undertake any obligations to other employees, then you are obliged to fulfill them(But if you are unsure whether to make such a commitment, ask the employee to discuss this with your manager).

If another employee made a commitment to you, but did not fulfill them, or simply refused to help you with something that you really counted on him for, then you need to inform your manager about this so that he can influence the situation and, if possible, prevent its repetition.

Likewise - If you feel that any of the employees are being dishonest, breaking rules or interfering with the work of the Company, then you should also report this to your manager or the Internal Control Department ( HVAC), because dishonesty on a team is dishonesty towards everyone. Therefore, we all need to fight it together. The only exception is the work of sellers. If you suspect dishonesty or negligence in the work of one of them, then you must report this to the head of the HVAC.

If you feel that your manager is not fulfilling his obligations to you or is being dishonest, then this is urgently needed. discuss with your manager's manager.

Managers should also not forget that ensuring comfortable work their employees are an important part of their work. Since our team is friendly, good, even informal, relationships often develop between the manager and the employee. However, it is important to remember that even if you are friends, you are still the boss and the employee. And existing relationships should not interfere with work. So, for example, if an employee gives his manager a gift (for his birthday, etc.), then it is important that this does not become a subconscious “bribe”, after which the manager will not be able to strictly demand that the employee fulfill his work obligations. It is important that friendly relations workers improved rather than destroyed them. The manager is obliged to inform his supervisor about cases of receiving a gift from his employees. so that he always understands whether this could lead to difficulties in his work, and, if necessary, suggests the correct line of behavior.

Fortunately, our team is friendly, colleagues often help and support each other. And these good deeds should also not go unnoticed. Therefore, if one of your colleagues did something good to you (especially something that was not part of his duties) or simply approached your request informally - don’t forget to tell his manager about this so that he takes it into account as an additional “plus” for his employee and may have encouraged him.

Interaction with partners.

There is no dress code within the Company, i.e. employees can go to work in any clothes that suit them(the only condition is that it does not interfere with the work of other employees). However, if you have a meeting with partners of our Company, then your appearance must be presentable and, if necessary, respectable.

Often partners give our Company gifts. Including gifts are given personally to employees, since they are official representatives of the Company when communicating with this partner. You must understand that you are receiving this gift not as a charming man or a sweet girl, but as an employee of the Company (even if it is framed as a personal gift). This means that all gifts, money, souvenirs, etc. received. - even those donated by partners or clients outside of working hours - do not belong to you personally, but to the entire Company. Therefore, if during or outside of work one of the Company’s partners gave you a gift, you must give it to your manager so that he uses it in the way that is necessary for the organization.

Interaction with the outside world.

Since we work and make a profit, naturally we have competitors with whom we compete for this profit. Since we are one of the leaders in our field, naturally, competitors often try by hook (and often by crook) to obtain information about our Company, its structure, means and methods of control, revenue or profit, employees, their salaries, telephone numbers, about our partners and relationships with them, about development plans, etc. It is important to understand that communicating such information to anyone outside can cause direct harm to the Company. That's why Communication of this kind of information is possible only in agreement with your manager.

Without approval from the manager, only open information about the Company can be reported. Information published on the official website of the Company is considered open.

An even more difficult situation is when inspection authorities come to the office. There is nothing wrong with this if you behave correctly. To make it easier for you to pass a possible inspection, to meet it calmly, with a smile on your face, we have developed a number of recommendations for behavior during an inspection in the office. Respectively in the event of inspection bodies coming to the office, each employee must act in accordance with.

In addition, people from the outside world do not always clearly understand which of our Company employees should be addressed with what questions. Therefore, if you receive a question (in writing, orally or by telephone) that is not within your competence, then even if you know the answer to it- forward the question to the person responsible for this area. For example, by forwarding a letter or calling and reporting it. At the same time, you can give any coordinates of another employee only in agreement with this employee. The same applies to other employees asking you questions. If the question you receive does not apply to you, do not ignore it, but redirect it to the right employee.

Emerging problems and difficulties.

In the process of work, any employee has many questions: about the structure of the Company, about its activities, about their prospects in it, as well as about the correctness of performing any task, about solving difficulties that have arisen, etc. To answer all these questions and to help you in difficult situations, the Company has a special person - your manager. Don't hesitate to contact him with questions, thoughts, ideas, or ask him for advice or information. A leader not only swears sometimes, but also very often helps solve problems and defends your interests and answers emerging questions.

At the same time, it is important to remember that your manager can not only give you instructions, but also cancel, if necessary, some rule in force in the Company, or the instructions of another manager (including a superior). If your manager does this, then it is necessary in the circumstances, so his instruction is mandatory for the employee to carry out, no matter what it contradicts.

If at some point you urgently need a manager's decision to complete a task, and you understand that delay can cause serious harm to the Company, but your manager is not available, then you need to contact a senior manager to coordinate your actions. If all managers are unavailable, and you are absolutely sure that this particular decision is correct, then you must act in accordance with this decision, even if this requires exceeding your authority. However, it is necessary to inform your manager about the decision of your superior manager and about your actions at the first opportunity..

In the event of emergency situations or force majeure, on which the activity or development of the entire Company may depend, the manager may require the employee to leave during non-working hours, on weekends, or even while the employee is on vacation. Naturally, the manager understands that such actions are unpleasant for the employee, and will try to somehow compensate for such a violation of rest. But this will happen later, but first - we all need to fight the problem together in order to prevent serious damage to our Company. It is especially difficult for the key employees on whom the Company rests. Their importance is difficult to overestimate, and therefore it is they who bear the main burden when critical situations or emergencies arise.

Office and other jobs.

Our office (warehouse, store, etc.) is our common home. We spend a lot of time there. And we not only work there. We also communicate there, eat (outside working hours, of course), relax, and do many other interesting and necessary things. At the same time, it is important to remember that in this house, besides you, there may be several dozen of your colleagues. And for them, as for you, it is important that no one interferes with the flow of work and respects their workplace. It means that basic rules of behavior must be observed: do not make noise and do not distract other employees from work; do not litter and clean up after yourself after eating; smoke only in designated areas, treat the Company’s property with care ( and entrusted to you , and public), do not take or use other people’s things unless you have received the consent of the owner of these things. And try to maintain your workplace in such a way that working in it is comfortable for you and those around you.


Our Company operates 365 days a year, seven days a week. And to ensure the smooth operation of the Company, the participation of all our employees is necessary (after all, if someone were unnecessary, then why would we need extra employees?). This means that any employee going on vacation causes disruptions in the coordinated work of the team. Due to this, When going on vacation, an employee must first think through and agree with his manager, who will replace him during his absence, and try to make sure that his vacation does not harm his work. Then the Company will not suffer, and the employee will be able to rest peacefully and not think about the rubble that he will have to clear out after returning.

Going on vacation must be agreed upon in advance with your supervisor. Besides, you must inform about your absence and who is replacing you during this time: to your employees, secretary, partners of the Company, for communication with whom you are responsible. The most convenient way to do this is through the forum, since the forum must be viewed by all company employees.

Good luck with your work!

History of the organization

The travel company "Nova Tour" is one of the leading travel agencies in the Vologda region, located in the city of Cherepovets. The company was opened in 2002. During this time, the company has earned a good reputation among partners and tourists, specializing in the field of inbound, outbound, cultural and educational tourism. The company offers a wide range of services aimed at both wealthy clients and students, offering tours for minimum prices. In addition, it provides assistance in booking hotels, air tickets to all countries of the world, as well as in preparing exit and entry documents. The company provides tourist services, organizes business trips and visits to international industry exhibitions, and also sells tour packages to resort cities in Europe, Asia and Africa: Greece, Turkey, Egypt, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Tunisia, China, Mongolia. The company also provides additional travel services, such as booking hotels in countries around the world, booking air tickets, railway tickets, tickets to sporting and cultural events, visa support, transfers, organizing business trips (exhibitions, fairs, congresses), excursions. For lovers of domestic tourism, they offer active tours in the Altai Mountains, Baikal, Khakassia, tours along the “Golden Ring”, holidays at resorts Krasnodar region, treatment in sanatoriums.

During its existence, the travel agency has gone through almost everything organizational forms in accordance with the law, i.e. from a small enterprise, partnership, to a limited liability company.

Currently, the travel agency's specialization is the organization of both group and individual trips, the development of which takes into account a variety of routes and budgets.

The fundamental principles of the approach to clients are: responsibility, individual approach, reliability.

The financial condition of the company is stable.

During its activities, the company was repeatedly awarded letters of gratitude for its repeated participation in social programs, as well as other charitable events that provided preferential or free service vulnerable segments of the population.

Basic norms and values ​​of the organization

The company's team consists of people who approach each application with responsibility, and whose decisions are precisely thought-out actions. The main principle of work is an individual approach to each client, careful preparation of tour and travel programs and achieving the best ratio of quality and price, responsibility, reliability, quality.

Rituals and traditions in the organization

It is rituals and traditions that make it possible to solve this kind of problem, since it is in them that our life, rules and regulations, norms and values ​​are reflected. Rituals and traditions allow intra-company culture to self-reproduce and develop. They represent a serious way of organizational influence on changes in people's behavior and consciousness.

Tradition is a generally accepted way of acting and behaving, transmitted through time and space. It meets the needs of society and is aimed at preserving experience. It sets the norms and forms of human behavior. This is a multiple concept that includes the following components: customs; rules; values; representation.

A ritual is a complex of attributes, actions and measures, created (formed) in a certain community and having a symbolic character.

The scope of application of traditions and rituals is very wide: a specific system of recruitment and selection of personnel, adaptation, motivation, group cohesion, customer service, maintaining the values ​​necessary for the organization, discipline and much, much more. Here are examples from the activities of the Nova Tour company:

1. If there is a vacancy, the search first takes place within the company.

2. A certain tradition during the probationary period is the issuance of a company set: pen, mug, folder, etc.

3. Celebrating the company's birthday.

4. Team sports, visiting recreational and sports enterprises.

5. Involvement of employees for the development and implementation of advertising campaigns.

6. Congratulations to employees who have concluded their first or anniversary deal.

7. Wall newspaper about employees.

8. Ten-minute morning tea ceremony.

These and other traditions arose from the desire of leaders to do something in order to have strong organization. Some grew out of naive rituals, simple friendship, some of them were born on their own and were picked up in time. One way or another, they were directed in the right direction, stored and created anew, so that a person felt the value of the company for himself and himself as a value for the company.