Change consciousness. Presentations with IZMENI SOZNANIE: new money, nirvana and other pleasures

  • 13.11.2019

The cult digital conference IZMENI SOZNANIE has ended on the shores of Thailand. This year, a particularly strong team of speakers and lecturers has gathered, only the best specialists and true digital marketing geniuses. The sun, the sea and the main top managers of Russia - of course, everyone dreams of getting to the legendary conference. But if the Phuket sun is just a dream for you, don't worry. We publish part of the presentations from IZMENI SOZNANIE 2017 so that you can change your mind too.

Participants note that this year's conference exceeded all expectations. The event brought together more than 400 advertising industry leaders - marketing directors largest companies, leaders of leading international advertising groups and the most talented professionals in digital and media.

"Thailand was a very difficult destination and our risks were very high. Including from the point of view of key speakers. But - all our high-ranking guests prepared like never before and we were able to present an excellent business program", - said Gleb Sakhrai, General Director of PRT.

A powerful lecture program, the hottest topics and extraordinary parties. This year's theme is "New Money" (redistribution of budgets in a rapidly changing industry realities). Discussed everything related to the digital revolution, the latest technologies, automated advertising purchases, etc.

With the permission of the organizing committee of the conference, Sostav publishes part of the presentations from IZMENI SOZNANIE 2017. Rather, download, open and change your mind!

Monetization of Tech Start-ups in EMEA & CIS
Sergey Arseniev
GS Russia & CIS
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Digital trends for new money
Andrey Chernyshov, Maria Donskikh
Dentsu Aegis Network
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Venues - new products for new money
Alexey Arshinov
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Ekaterina Askerova, Victoria Kinash
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Maxim Tadevosyan
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Gold Diggers

Adtech for a billion: what technologies & startups will earn new money for us
Igor Perevozchikov
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From online to offline: a new path for FMCG
Stepan Mastryukov
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Bloggers: From Dusk Till Dawn
Andrey Koval
Isobar Moscow
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A little about bubbles, or what the process of business transformation in search of new money is
Mikhail Shklyaev
Dentsu Aegis Network
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Marriage of convenience marriage of trend & brain

BIG DATE FOR DINNER or why there is more digital in your salmon than in your CRM
Dmitry Fedoseev, Tatyana Lutkova
OMD Resolution
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Offline DMP
Artem Pulikov
Maxima Telecom
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Connected world: our journey to Nirvana
Ilya Gubarev, Victoria Kinash
Download key 10Mb

A look at new money from the side of the client, agency and Internet holding on the example of an ecosystem of projects
Natalya Grigoryan,
Anastasia Startseva
Julia Udovenko
Publicis Media
Timofey Los Group
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How to Satisfy Your Partner and Have Fun
Polina Abdullina
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Trigger platform Group
Igor Oganesyan Group
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Money & Trends: An International Panorama
Vadim Melnikov
OMD Resolution
Maxim Tadevosyan
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Travel Data
Sasha Pimshtein, Anton Baitsur
Download key 144Mb

Shake but do not mix
Mikhail Raibman
media scope
Download pptx 2Mb

New Money = New Solutions. Asian market experience and NextTECHNow program
Julia Udovenko
John Ng Publicis Media
Download pptx 152Mb

New games for new money

New rules: how the roles of adtech reality players have changed
Snezhana Chernogortseva
Download pptx 48Mb

How artificial intelligence will change the world around us and advertising
Alexey Ametov
Look At Media
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Online Games
Timofey Group

VR is the next big thing
Ivan Stepanov
DeLuxe Interactive
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Empire V
Viktor Ginzburg

Representatives of VKontakte, Mail.Ru Group, Aviasales, Yandex, RBC and other companies.

To favorites

From May 24 to May 29, Thailand hosted the twelfth conference for Russian digital marketing specialists, advertisers and executives major agencies Izmeni Conscience.

This year, the participants discussed the “new money” - how the distribution of budgets changes in the context of digital transformation, when new players appear on the scene who have not previously resorted to Internet marketing, or did not consider it as their main distribution channel.

The editors talked to the conference participants and asked them to comment on their presentations.

Photo by Artyom Pleshakov

Alexander Kruglov development director at VKontakte

​At the conference, I talked about the growing gap between marketers and the younger generation and presented the content that VKontakte makes with different creators for a younger audience.

It is difficult to say what exactly the conference was remembered for, since it is generally difficult for me to imagine how to organize an event for 450 people ten thousand kilometers from Moscow.

Emin Aliyev Managing Director of Criteo Russia Agency

The main message of my presentation is traditional funnel retailers no longer sell. Any buyer at any time is one click away from the purchase.

In order to attract the attention of buyers and manage their behavior, you need to learn how to work with huge amounts of data.

Ilya Gubarev Head of Advanced Products Group, Yandex Commercial Department

The market is talking a lot about integrating online and offline data – everyone is striving for omnichannel, measurability, personalized and loyal advertising.

But in order for us all to finally find ourselves in a brighter future, there are still not enough practical stories that would back up the words. Yandex, Dentsu Aegis Network, Mail Ru Group, Maxima Telecom and several other companies are all the players who are truly investing in changes in the Russian market.

Our group for Last year conducted more than 60 experiments. With the “Change Consciousness” audience, we shared our generalized experience and our proposals on what and how can be done now so that “tomorrow” comes as soon as possible.

Victoria Kinash Head of Industrial Sales, Yandex Commercial Department

This year, I considered a request from clients, addressed to both agencies and venues, to be close to a plea. We are very much asked to convey information about novelties, whether it be a product or technology, along with scenarios for implementing these tools into a business strategy.

And, of course, traditionally, all market participants spoke about the lack of qualified personnel who would have both knowledge of digital technologies and an understanding of how and at what stage this constantly growing list of tools can be put into practice.

Ekaterina Askerova head of department for work with advertising agencies commercial department of "Yandex"

​Change Consciousness participants finally spoke not from their position - platforms, clients, agencies, technologies - but in general about changes in the market landscape, media consumption and, in connection with this, changes in the focus of business tasks.

It is gratifying to hear that agencies have finally realized their role as business consultants, professionals who understand the different tasks of clients and are able to design solutions for them.

The sites here act as suppliers of technologies and products for business. And the effective achievement of results begins to depend on the successful integration of all market participants.

Timofey Los Head of Customer Service at Mail.Ru Group

First of all, we set ourselves the task of conveying the importance of current trends and working with them. Ideally, expertise in this area should be increased not only by sites and technology platforms, but also by other market players - agencies and, of course, clients. We have tried to reflect the most important market trends in several presentations; I will list four trends that I would like to focus on.

1) Working with big data. We need to move away from abstract models and create really working algorithms that allow us to optimize budgets and solve specific customer problems.

2) Conversion of data from online to offline and vice versa. This trend is closely related to the previous one, but it is worth talking about it separately: o2o is really new tools, new approaches and new, previously unseen horizons. For the market, such tools are, firstly, an additional way to track the quality of advertising campaigns, and secondly, the ability to create non-trivial mechanics that connect digital space and the real world. So far, only the first steps have been taken, but we are sure that in the near future such inventory will become an integral part of any advertising campaign related to offline business.

3) Cybersport and games. Since Mail.Ru Group is a gaming company, we share news and achievements in this industry. This is the fastest growing entertainment segment - everyone, or almost everyone, plays games now. Marketing should get rid of the stereotypical image of this industry as a marginal one - and integrate as tightly as possible into the gaming world (some of our partners have already done this).

4) Digital content. In modern reality, it should go to new level, to compete on the basis of quality and the ideas invested in it. The products that we and other players now offer to the market are fully consistent with this paradigm. Further it will only be steeper and more interesting.

New money:


Igor Oganesyan product manager at Mail.Ru Group

​The main idea of ​​the presentation is to show that the online and offline worlds are closer to each other than it seems. The incidence of the population of the whole country can be determined by tracking changes in the behavior of users of our projects from different regions.

We investigated the problem and proved the correctness of our approach by validating the model we developed on the data of the state research institute(Influenza Research Institute), as well as Quintiles IMS drug sales data.

The trigger platform allows you to display an advertising message with the maximum actualization of the problem for users, which means it can significantly influence the intention to purchase products.

It should be noted how difficult it is to organize an event of this magnitude. It is necessary to prepare interesting and useful sections together with speakers and moderators. It is necessary to hold the attention of a huge audience and at the same time create an atmosphere that will be as favorable as possible for gaining knowledge and communicating on business topics. It seems to me that the organizers succeeded perfectly, and there was always something memorable and important in every moment.

Polina Abdullina Head of Special Projects Department, RBC

​I spoke in the section "Marriage of convenience: marriage of trend and brain". Talked about how to use cross-platform media opportunities to make it profitable; what should be the project in order to get a large amount of support in RBC social networks.

Our audience is real people who read not only news, they also actively switch to lifestyle stories, as part of special projects they play games and take tests, they are interested in materials about style, health, sports, and family.

The organizers of "Change Consciousness" managed to create an amazing atmosphere in which business discussions of clients, venues and agencies, on the one hand, and informal communication outside the conference, on the other hand, are harmoniously combined. It is hard to imagine at what other event you can sit at the same table with representatives of all media and advertising segments, watch the waves and discuss the pressing issues of the digital market “without ties”.

Alexey Ametov co-founder of Look At Me and Setka

The event, like all the previous ones, was remembered by the crazy mix of the conference and the pioneer camp.

I talked about what artificial intelligence is. The main point of my speech was that AI is increasingly being used in a variety of areas, including the advertising industry.

From the interesting: the concept of a neural network was invented in 1943, and in 1958 they made the first prototype, but then they were disappointed in the concept. And only in the mid-2000s they returned to it, and then it started.

He also talked about how we at Look At Me and Setka plan to use solutions built using neural networks. In general, I had an educational program, that is, nothing particularly complicated.

For us now two priorities are priority: design and definition of topics and news occasions. That's what we're working on. The task in the first case is to make it as easy as possible to create beautiful and engaging posts for the web and mobile.

In the second case, it is to make it easier for the editor-in-chief or news editor to select news stories and search for topics. This will allow you to create materials faster and better.

Sasha Pimstein Vice President of Commercial Affairs, Aviasales

​[Aviasales CTO] Anton Baitsur and I talked about what Travel Data is capable of, how we work with it, and what non-obvious ways we can offer our partners to use this data.

For example, 30 clicks before buying tickets, we know that you are flying to Barcelona, ​​this insight can be safely sold to the conditional Nivea Sun. And we can also tell you exactly how much your New Year's ticket to Thailand, which you buy in November, will cost.

In addition, we touched on a new audience. New data is critical for us in the context of new money, which means we constantly need to look for new points of contact with new audiences and new ways of talking to them.

Everyone knows access to the old audience, but access to a new audience is where no one is looking for them: in serials, mixed fights, the channel of editor-in-chief Yuri Dud, for example. That is, a new audience and new communication practices bring us new data sets and, ultimately, new money.

Julia Udovenko Business Consulting Director at Publicis Media Russia

One of the main ideas that I wanted to convey, and which turned out to be in many ways in tune with other speakers, is partnerships and building an open ecosystem.

And it is in various kinds of collaborations, whether it be giants like Mail Group or technology startups just starting their way, that new opportunities lie.

Together with Nestle and Mail.Ru Group, we showed examples of our partnership and the impact of such projects on sales, and together with my colleague John from Publicis Media Singapore, we showed how we work with technological solutions in the Asian market and what trends we see.

This year, the theme of AdTech and MarTech has been touched by many among agencies, publishers, and clients, and, perhaps, replaced last year's "star" theme of programmatic.

I think next year we will see more applied solutions and cases in this direction. I personally really remember the section where client representatives talked about their pain points and what they expect from agencies - it was very useful to hear.

Well, the speech of Alexander Kruglov from VKontakte - I cannot help but note the fact that the largest social network began to produce video content, this is a landmark event. He showed interesting pilot episodes - I'm looking forward to their implementation.

Brand partnerships:

Technological solutions:

Dmitry Fedoseev Executive Director OMD Resolution Russia

The main point of our speech with [the head of the mobile segment of OMD Resolution Russia] Tatyana Lutkova was that data has long been successfully used everywhere, and is used in the most unexpected areas of our life.

Moreover, people are able to collect data that they never thought about before, going far beyond online. However a large number of companies on the market are still only on the verge of using data in principle, to the point that they don’t even put analytics system codes on the site, I’m not talking about DSP codes that allow you to optimize advertising campaigns much better. And it's sad, I want to change it.

Vitaly Bykov co-founder and CEO creative agency Red Keds

​In the world of fat and pure, we forget that there are creative companies and teams. In these teams, people are not functions, the share of talent, erudition often prevails in creative and innovative teams professional qualities and experience.

Together with Roman Tyshkovsky, we decided to tell you how to manage innovation and creativity. How does managing extraordinary people differ from traditional leadership. How to work with millennials. We built this report on real life stories, so the presentation itself is of less value than the speech.

Igor Perevozchikov director of digital development ADV

This was the subject of ADV's presentation at Izmeni Soznanie - technologies and start-ups that will be in demand on the market over the next 3-5 years.

In 2011, there were only 150 logos on the US adtech market map. In May 2017, there are already 5,000 of them. We analyzed where venture funds invest and what solutions key players buy.

On the horizon of three years, we will see how the focus shifts from content distribution to its creation. "New" content will satisfy the possibilities of fragmented distribution. Data will become a source not only for targeting, but also for understanding audience insights, and all solutions will be directed to mobile platforms.

In Izmeni Soznanie, for many years now, the consistently high level of participants and their reports has been surprising. One of the few conferences, if not the only one, that only gets better with time, and does not “fade”.

Ekaterina Kostyleva director of new development ADV

With 5,000 adtech companies on the market, it is logical to assume that large advertisers are faced with a one-stop-shop problem. Serving the needs of Unilever or P&G globally with disparate technologies is unrealistic, which is why giants like Oracle or Adobe are aggressively M&A to grow their Marketing Cloud. They buy up startups to build ecosystems and become serious competitors to advertising agencies.

The task is to adapt foreign technologies and platforms for Russian market requires huge costs and looks difficult in the current realities. At the same time, the demand for integrated platform solutions for marketing has already been formed, and we will invest in the development of our own platform solutions and technologies.

This year I liked the format: short reports and discussion panels are much more dynamic and perceived better. Well, despite the long flight, the "Asian" environment and a complete change of scenery perfectly tune in to the perception of everything new.

In what year, in your opinion, did digital become a mandatory part of the advertising industry?

In 2008. Actually, in the last crisis. I remember it well, because in 2009 we took a delegation of Clients to the IZMENI SOZNANIE conference in Istanbul for the first time.

Together with another company, they integrated a video screen with a special greeting into the annual Digital Guide.

From the participants of IZMENI SOZNANIE they heard that they go there with the understanding that in 3 days they will be able to conclude all advertising contracts for a year in advance. In general, how do you motivate advertisers (Clients) to become members of IS?

About contracts - I think this is a loud statement. We ourselves are always more modest in our statements. Because the number of contracts depends on the quality of the product, for which we, for obvious reasons, cannot be responsible. If the product is c***o, or just so new that the market has not yet had time to appreciate it, then IZMENI SOZNANIE is unlikely to significantly help sell it. This is partly why we strive to form a pool of sites and agencies participating in IS from well-known companies.

As for advertisers, the main incentive for them is quite complex. Something like "participate in the coolest event in the media industry." “The coolest event” is such a complex concept: it includes cool and creative business content, the main people in the market and awareness of oneself as one of them, adventures and discoveries, cool parties and, of course, what we call SOME MAGIC.

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