Games and entertainment for high school students. New Year's competitions for high school students. Games-competitions for fans

  • 26.03.2020

These musical funny Games can be used at holidays and discos for senior classes.

Creative tasks

1. Compose a story from the lines of songs on the topic: “Russia is my homeland”, “Journey through native land”, “Forest is a wonderland”, “School time”, etc.

2. "Our words are your music." Come up with your own words to the melody of a famous song.

3. Compose a medley of famous songs. Sample Topics: “Childhood, childhood ...”, “Summer in the village”, “Fairy-tale state”.

4. Submit a video for the lyrics of the song (of your choice or on a theme).

5. Illustrated song. Choose a song for the proposed drawings.

7. Try to march in formation using a famous song, for example:

“A grasshopper was sitting in the gravel”;

"Tired toys are sleeping";

"The little Christmas tree is cold in winter."


For the game, prepare topic cards, put them in a bag. It is necessary to name the song or the corresponding lines from the song. Thinking time is 30-60 seconds. Sample answers are provided. It is possible that another team (or player) will offer an answer if there is no timely answer. The team with the most answers wins.

Topic name

Song title or line

1. Transport

1. Blue wagon

2. Antoshka

3. Place names

3. Chunga-Changa

4. Everywhere life

4. Grasshopper

5. It's fun to walk together

6. Events

6. Song of the crocodile Gena

7. Joy

8. Schedule of lessons

8. Two times two is four

9. Apple trees in bloom

10. Lily of the valley, lily of the valley

11. Start

11. Smile

12. Infancy

12. Top top

13. Toy

13. I was once strange ...

14. A coward doesn't play hockey.

15. Yummy

15. Five hundred popsicles as a gift

16. Radio of Siberia

17. Color palette

17. Orange song

18. Profession

18. Hold on tight to the steering wheel, driver ...

19. Seasons

19. What is autumn?

20. They teach at school


Flip cards can be numbered and ask teams to name 3-5 numbers. Do not repeat the above numbers. And then, according to the well-known logic of the game, read the proposal upside down.

1. Melons and watermelons withered,

The rains drowned underground.

2. Night of defeat, she was so close to you.

3. Friends restored someone else's hut, healed half of her loved ones...

4. Pigs, pigs, wake up the generals.

5. They cut down a birch in the field.

6. Crawl, crows, crawl!

7. I offered myself a hundred times.

8. There are so few unmarried girls.

9. From a grimace, a bright night is darker.

10. He was never a good subject without a name.

11. There someone in a beam got up.

12. Over the lake from shallows,

From the gorges of marsh waters.

13. Men's grief is not happy with the opposite in the distance.

14. No need for drivers to crawl beautifully in the snow.

15. Dance prevents me from destroying and dying.

16. Think about the weeks below.

17. One sad chicken died at my grandfather.

18. The boy laughs: the cube crawled.

1. Apple and pear trees blossomed,

Mists floated over the river.

2. Victory Day, how far it was from us.

3. Enemies burned their own hut,

They killed his whole family...

4. Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers.

5. A Christmas tree was born in the forest.

6. Fly, doves, fly!

7. You refused me twice,

"I do not want!" you said.

8. There are so many single guys.

9. From a smile, a gloomy day is brighter.

10. I was once a strange nameless toy.

11. Someone came down the hill.

12. Because of the island on the rod,

To the expanse of the river wave. ,

13. Women's happiness - would be cute nearby.

14. Let pedestrians run clumsily through puddles.

15. The song helps us to build and live.

16. Don't overthink seconds.

17. Two merry geese lived with a grandmother.

18. The girl is crying - the ball has flown away.


According to the proposed description, the teams or players, filling out their card, mark the answers under the number 1, 2, etc. Whoever has the most correct answers wins.

1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a headdress

2. Song about keeping the head of one of the mammals with brown hair

3. A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis

4. A song about animals with long ears that work as lawn mowers.

5. A song about four men in hats with feathers, who are grateful for their fate for many things.

6. Song about the tragic death of a small insect

7. A song about the future, which should not be cruel to our contemporaries

8. A song about a tanned girl picking grapes in a neighboring garden

9. Song about Aviation Paramount™

10. A song about a city where trains don't go and planes don't fly

11. Song about an animal that the whole house hates

12. Song about a lonely swimmer with a pipe

13. Song about using a smile as electricity

14. Song about the country,

where you can meet the firebird

and golden horse

15. A song about a creature that every mongrel knows

16. Song about misuse of sodium chloride

17. A song about the daily activities of children for 10-11 years

18. Song about a lonely beauty


1. "If it's a long, long, long time...".

2. "In the head of my sawdust ...".

3. "Somewhere in the world ...".

4. "But we don't care ...".

5. "It's time-it's time-we rejoice ...".

6. "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass ...".

7. "Beautiful is far away ...".

8. "Darkie".

9. "First of all - planes ...".

10. "The boy wants to go to Tambov ...".

11. "Black cat".

12. "And I will go into the water ...".

13. "From a smile the day will become brighter ...".

14. "Little country".

15. "Now I am Cheburashka ...".

16. "Don't rub salt in my wound...".

17. "What is taught in school."

18. "There was a birch in the field ...".


Prepare question cards. In this game, questions are focused on attention, observation, memory. The task of the players or the team is to give the exact answer with the lines of the song.

1. What words did the boy “attribute in the corner” in his drawing?

2. What can you do in a fairy tale?

3. Who is grazing in the meadow far, far away?

4. What did the geese do in the puddle near the groove?

5. What happened to the bear when he walked to his lair along a country road?

6. Who was the grasshopper friends with?

7. Why did they fall in love with the beetle, the good old man?

8. What's in Winnie the Pooh's head?

9. What are our girls made of?

10. Where does friendship begin?

11. Hanging on the fence, a paper sheet sways in the wind. What is written on it?

12. Dad can do anything! Swim breaststroke, argue bass, even chop wood. Why can't dad?

13. What causes a dog to bite?

14. From what weapon does the royal guard hit the sparrows?

15. Bremen Town Musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than ...?

16. What does a candidate of sciences do when a first grader is given a task at school?

17. What happened to the half-educated wizard when he wanted to make a thunderstorm?

18. One needle, two needles - what will happen?

19. Fast train picks up speed. What kind of wagons does he have?

20. If you stomp, ride and run along the path for a long time, then where can you come?

21. What song does the cheerful wind sing?

22. What song did the brave captain sing in trouble and in battle?


1. May there always be sunshine,

May there always be sky

May there always be a mother

May I always be.

2. In a fairy tale, you can swing on the moon

And ride a horse across the rainbow.

3. That's right, cows!

4. Washed geese paws in a puddle near the groove.

5. Stepped on a fox's tail.

6. I didn’t touch the booger and was friends with flies.

7. He has a very light soul, a merry fellow.

8. In my head sawdust, yes, yes, yes!

9. From flowers and bells, from notebooks and glances. From handkerchiefs and balls, from riddles and marmalades.

10. Well, friendship starts with a smile.

11. Missing dog named Druzhok.

12. Only a mother cannot be.

13. Only from the life of a dog can a dog bite.

14. If a sparrow is close - - we are preparing a cannon.

15. Roam friends around the world.

16. Candidate of Sciences and he is crying over the problem.

17. A got a goat, a pink goat with a yellow stripe.

18. There will be a Christmas tree.

19. The blue car is running, swinging.

20. You can come to Africa.

21. Who is cheerful - he laughs,

Who wants - he will achieve

Who seeks will always find.

22. Captain, captain, smile,

After all, a smile is the flag of a ship.

Celebrating holidays at school is fun, interesting and memorable for a lifetime. And the New Year holiday is especially distinguished, for which they always prepare in advance. We offer you a little help and our ideas on how to spend this day at school. Look at new contests for the new year for high school students who will help make the day better and more interesting. funny and cool contests which can be played by students and teachers. Watch, choose and play.

Dancing in boots.

Modern children may not know, but adults still remember about felt boots. They are warm and cozy in winter. Can you dance in them?
And so, for the competition, prepare a pair or more boots. Participants put them on their feet, the melody turns on, and dancing in felt boots begins!
You can choose absolutely any songs for the contest: rap, Russian folk, white swan, disco, 80s, and others.

Modern children.

Modern children cannot live a day without their phones and smartphones. And if so, then you need to hold a competition with their help. For this, the host also has a telephone.
3-5 high school students are called to the stage, who have phones with a camera. The host tells them: your task is to take a selfie with the girls from the audience faster than the rest. But only with those girls who are dressed in carnival costumes! Who will be the first to take 5 selfies with different girls and whoever returns, he wins.
The second stage of this competition: participants must quickly dial an SMS message on their phone and send it to the phone of the presenters.
SMS can be like this: Happy New Year! With new happiness! I'll come soon!
Whoever gets the message first wins the prize.

Dance of Santa Claus.

Have you seen how Santa Claus dances? He does it just fine! And in this competition, participants will have to repeat the movements of Santa Claus and show his dance.
Game example:

And so, show the participants a dance, they repeat the movements. After you turn on only the music and the guests should remember the dance movements.

Where does spruce grow?

Naturally, everyone knows that spruce grows in the forest. But the spruce also "grows" in words. That is, in some words there are letters from which you can compose the word FIR.
All high school students take turns calling one such word. Whoever does not name in turn is out. And the last one left wins.
Word examples:
- blizzard
- caramel
- teacher
- briefcase
And so on. There are many such words.

Joking telegrams.

Many send telegrams to Santa Claus. And sometimes these telegrams are comic and funny. And often they are not signed! In this contest, guests must guess who sent these telegrams.
The host reads the first telegram, the students answer. Who guessed - receives a prize.
Examples for the game:

Show the song.

Everyone knows New Year's children's songs. But can the students show them? In this competition, participants will have to show New Year's songs in motion, and the rest of the guests will need to guess them.
That is, whoever shows, he performs the movements about which the songs are sung. You can rehearse this competition in advance to make it more fun.

Who are you, mask?

In order for the competition to be excellent, we put the following masks on the faces of the participants:

We put on so that they do not see their mask. Participants stand in a row and ask the leader one question about their mask. The facilitator answers the questions: yes, no, perhaps, and so on. The task of the participants is to be the first to guess what kind of mask he has.

New Year's drawing.

This competition is not new, but fun. The task of the participants in the game is to draw a New Year's drawing on plates using mayonnaise and ketchup. Competition for time and who will cope faster, he will receive a prize: he can give all the plates, where there is mayonnaise and ketchup.

For high school students, they make up the main and most fun part of the New Year's program. They are always awaited with great impatience, everyone wants to participate in them. Usually, by the end of the evening, almost all the guests present at it are involved. for high school students are dedicated not only to the theme of this holiday. They always amaze with their originality and diversity.

You can hold an exciting competition called "Learning the ABC". The facilitator proclaims an opening speech that everyone is an educated person, but do they know the alphabet? The rules of the game are that for each letter of the alphabet, players must alternately say a congratulatory phrase, according to the current holiday. The first letter is A. An approximate text will sound like this: “Aibolit wishes everyone a Happy New Year!” The next letter is B. The phrase may be: “Be vigilant, New Year already on the doorstep! The letter B can correspond to such a phrase: "Let's drink to the ladies!". The most fun begins when the turn comes to the letters G, P, Zh, Y, b, b. Whoever comes up with the funniest or most original phrase wins a prize.

Another fun contest is called "Mummy". It will require four people, of which two teams of two players are formed. One member from each team will be the mummy, the other will be the mummy. The game consists in the fact that the latter must quickly wrap the “mummy” with bandages. Can be used as a material toilet paper. Fun will be provided for those present. After the winding is completed, you can perform the reverse steps of winding the paper into a roll.

New Year's contests for high school students, they can’t do without competitions for Santa Clauses. The Frosty Breath contest consists in placing a paper snowflake on the table in front of each Santa Claus. The snowflake must be blown away so that it flies off the opposite end of the table. When the last of them leaves the table, the presenter announces that the winner was not the one who first blew off his snowflake, but the one who did it last. This means that he has the strongest frosty breath, his snowflake froze to the table, respectively, this Santa Claus receives a prize.

In order to make New Year's competitions for high school students even more exciting, a competition for the best Snow Maiden is held. Each of them prepares their own festive dish, for example, an original sandwich or a composition of various fruits (products can be taken with holiday table). The design style should be New Year's. Then young people sit opposite the Snow Maidens, all of them are blindfolded. The winner is the girl who can be the first to feed her guest.

New Year's contests for high school students with the use of banknotes are of even greater interest. The Tomato Contest will require two volunteers to stand facing each other with a stool between them. The host puts a banknote on it and counts to three, after which the participants must quickly put their hand on it. Whoever does it first wins (for greater interest, you can give money to the winner). But this is not the end of the competition. The task is complicated by the fact that a new bill is placed on the stool, and the participants in the game are blindfolded. In this form, they must check whether it is in place. Then, on the count of "three", both players quickly clap on the tomato, which the leader quietly put down during the count. The onlookers laugh.

Many competitions for high school students have already gained some popularity. Among them is the contest “Dress up the Snow Maiden”. Each Santa Claus chooses a pair for himself, and dresses her up so that his Snow Maiden looks the most modern. You can use any items: cosmetics, Christmas decorations, extra clothes. The winner is that Santa Claus, whose partner will look the most original.

Where can you find games and entertainment that will help any holiday become a bright, unforgettable meeting? The kaleidoscope of competitions offers its own answer to this difficult question, it will help children to show the most best qualities and possibly unlock hidden talents. The proposed kaleidoscope is task games for teams, competition games for fans, competition games for leaders and outsiders, games - creative tasks for dreamers and why-do-it-yourselfers.

Task games for teams

1. Ha.

Each team member has a number. The first participant says: "Ha." The next one should say: “Ha-Ha”, the third - “Ha-Ha-Ha”.

Thus, the game continues until one of the players makes a mistake in the number of pronounced “Ha” or laughs. The loser is out of the game. The game continues until the 2 most attentive and collected team members remain. Then the final "marathon of laughter" is held. The loser performs the creative task of the winner.

2. "Paper balls".

Two teams are given sheets of newspapers (according to the number of participants). At the command of the leader, each player must crush his sheet with one hand to such a size that it fits in his fist. In this case, the newspaper should not touch any objects ... After the task is completed, the host can ask the players for the name of the newspaper and the date of publication.

3. "Hunting for boots."

Participants are divided into groups of 4 people. A circle with a radius of 3 meters is drawn on the floor. At the command of the leader, all participants take off their shoes and put them in the center of the circle. Then the host's assistants mix the shoes. At the signal of the facilitator, all participants run into a circle, look for their shoes, put them on and return outside the circle to their four.

Those who complete the task the fastest win.

4. "Live calendar".

Each team member receives a sheet on which an event is written. The team should put together their "calendar", explaining the links between events. The host announces only the month in question. The theme of the "live calendar" may be different. For example: " Holiday dates”, “Famous inventions and discoveries”, “Birthdays of great people”, etc. d.

Games-competitions for fans

1. "Young designers".

Fan teams are given the task of decorating a certain part of the hall.

The theme is determined by the moderator. Props are prepared in advance. For example: images of holiday pies hang at different ends of the hall, and each team must decorate their cake, give it a name and make a speech. Such a number of tasks for fans will allow everyone to find something to their liking. The same competition can run in parallel with the Musical Pause competition.

2. "Freestyle".

Dance competition for fans. The host reads the description of the dance, the dance couple determines what kind of dance it is, orders the music and performs this dance. A variant is possible: the couple must first perform a dance to the music of the guessed dance, and then, keeping the movements and pattern of the dance, to a completely different music. For example, a lezginka - to the music of a waltz, a gypsy - to the music of a break dance. Estimated art style and originality of performance.

3. "And the muse appeared to me ...".

The presenter reads only rhymes for the fans, according to which they must name the author of the poetic passage and read the entire lines. For example, rhymes are given "little by little - thank God", "somehow - to shine." The result should be something like this:

We all learned a little

Something and somehow.

So education, thank God,

We are not smart enough to shine.

A. S. Pushkin

4. "Horoscope".

All fans are divided according to the signs of the zodiac and make a written forecast of the game for their teams. The most original horoscope and the most correct one are evaluated.

5. "Auction".

Held with all spectators at the same time. Auction topics can be different:

1) Auction of names. Each participant calls his name. His namesakes rise in the hall. Thus, the most common ones are determined.

2) Auction of surnames. For example: cat, horse, water, etc.

3) Auction of proverbs. For example, whoever names more will continue this or that proverb on the topic of nature, personality traits, etc.

Games-competitions of team captains

1. "Mysterious letter".

Each captain receives a set of cards, on each of which he writes any phrase that is often found in letters. Then the captains exchange cards, compose a letter, trying to connect all the sentences in a common sense, and read it to the audience.

2. "Syllables".

The captains exchange syllables as they toss the ball to each other. For example, the first one says "yes", the second one adds "cha". And so on until someone stumbles, cannot form a word.

3. "Gordian knot".

Team captains receive cords of the same length, each with knots of varying complexity. Captains ask each other prepared questions from different fields of knowledge or questions different levels difficulties. After each correct answer, the knot is untied. The winner is the captain who quickly unties all the knots.

4. "Whose job am I doing?"

Team captains show the players of the opposite team the movement: traffic controller, violinist, postman, shoemaker, carpenter, boxer. The faster the team guesses, the more points the captain will receive.

Competitions for the very best

1. "Try on a smile."

Find from pre-prepared paper smiles the one that suits you best.

2. Competition of the most ridiculous skills.

Describe the most ridiculous skill, explain where and how it can come in handy.

3. "Who am I?" or "Mask, I know you!".

The participant wears a mask that he cannot see. He is given the opportunity to ask leading questions, to which the facilitator answers only “yes” and “no”. For a certain time or number of leading questions, the participant needs to determine what kind of mask it is.

Competition of recipes - real and fake, useful and "harmful".

For example: “recipe for eternal youth”, “recipe Have a good mood”, “Recipe for super-harm”, “recipe for invincible laziness”, “recipe for personal popularity”, etc.

Games - creative tasks

1. Find a word denoting what is named.

For example:

Construction machine, plumbing device. (Tap.)

An object for cooking, a block of stone. (Plate.)

An architectural structure, an organized group of people. (Column.)

2. Compose a story (or a work of another genre) using phraseological units.

On all sails, neither fish nor meat, remember your name, beat the buckets, a drop in the ocean, burn with shame, sit in a galosh, hold your tail with a carrot, etc.

3. "Let's get to know each other."

Each group represents some objects: light bulbs, tables, steam radiators, sneakers, etc. And prepares a series of questions for the other group. Then a "press conference" is organized, in which both parties take part. For example: two “light bulbs” and two pairs of “sneakers” sit down at the table. Everyone else begins to ask them questions corresponding to the chosen image.

Those participants whose questions and answers will be the most original and interesting win.

Leading. Hello guys! Do you know what day it is and what proverb to say? (April 7 - I don't trust anyone)

The guys answer.

Leading. And now I suggest you have fun and participate in competitions.

joke questions

1. What notes can be weighed? (Do-la-mi)

2. What stones are not in the sea? (dry)

3. Which is longer: one year or 12 months? (1 year = 12 months)

4. Why do some people wear boots and others wear boots? (On the ground)

5. What is higher without a head than with a head? (Pillow)

6. How far can you go into the forest? (Only to the middle, and then you go already from the forest)

7. How to write "mousetrap" in five letters? (Cat)

8. Which fields cannot be passed or driven? (Brim hat)

9. What stitch is not embroidered? (river, sea)

10. Which island pretends to be clothes? (Jamaica)

11. What do we eat for? (At the table)

12. What is not in pumpkin or melon, but is in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter "r")

13. What is the most valuable fish species? (Gold fish)

14. Why does a heron stand on one leg? (If she picks up the second one, she will fall)

15. To whom do all people take off their hats? (In front of the hairdresser)

16. What must be done to saw off a branch on which a crow sits without disturbing it? (Wait for her to leave)

17. Three girls walked under one umbrella. Why didn't any of them get wet? (It didn't rain)

18. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One)


For the competition you need 3 teams of several people. The host reads the text, and the players, moving in a circle, must do what the text says. The team that will show the best acting qualities and cause more laughter from the audience wins. Winners receive medals "Best Actor".

First team. You are a young, healthy man, you have a wonderful athletic gait. Suddenly your stomach hurts. But do not forget that you are a young, healthy man and you have a wonderful athletic gait. But, quite unexpectedly, your right eye begins to twitch - this is a nervous tic. Do not despair, because you are a young, healthy man. Of course, all this is difficult to bear when your stomach hurts, your eye twitches and rubs the prosthesis on your left leg. And you have such a beautiful walk.

Second team. You are a little three year old. You look amazingly and trustingly at the world. But you are a very small three-year-old child, and therefore you still do not walk well, and your head is large, it still does not hold well on your still weak neck. But do not forget that you are surprisingly and trustingly look at the world. Suddenly you stumble and hurt your foot. And despite this, you remain a small, three-year-old child who is very trusting and looks at the world with surprise.

Third team. You are young beautiful girl well-dressed and modern. You have a great make-up, beautiful shoes with thin heels. You are full of dignity and importance. But suddenly you suddenly broke the heel on your left shoe. But do not forget that you are a young, beautiful girl, well and modernly dressed. Suddenly, quite unexpectedly, the elastic band on your skirt is torn. And you are still the same young, beautiful girl, well and modernly dressed, even if you are hindered by a broken heel and a falling skirt.

Competition "Musical pause"

The facilitator offers the children summary guess popular songs:

1. This song is about the behavior of poultry that lived with an elderly woman. ("Two cheerful geese")

2. This song is about how good it is to play the harmonica in the rain, celebrating your birthday. ("Song of the Crocodile Gena")

3. This song is about the tragic fate of a peaceful insect (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”),

4. This song is about how hair color can affect people's relationships. ("Red, red, freckled")

5. This song is about animals that, despite their natural cowardice, went to the forest at night to mow the grass. ("Song about hares")

Contest "Reserve"

For the game you need: blindfolds for each player and cards on which the names of animals are written: cow, pig, rooster, etc. (one animal on several cards).

All participants in the game go on stage, that is, on the territory of the reserve. All participants in the game are animals, its inhabitants. Each of the players chooses a cardboard box (does not show it to others) with the name of the animal that he needs to voice. Everyone must have at least two relatives. Everyone is blindfolded.

On command: "Start!" animals must find their blindfolded relatives by voice or characteristic sounds and unite, holding hands. As soon as the players are sure that they have collected all their own from the territory of the reserve, they raise their hands up. If they are the first and at the same time they have not lost anyone, then they are the winners. Winners receive medals "Best Detective".

Competition "Gatherings"

For the game you need: stools, a towel.

4 pairs come out to play. Players are given a towel - one for two. One end is placed on one stool, the other end on the other. The players sit on a towel and grab the stool with their hands in order to securely fasten the towel between the stool and themselves. They fixed it - and on command they begin to move forward, only each in his own direction.

The towel is first stretched, and then left with someone alone. 2 pairs are formed from the winners. The competition is repeated. Then the winner is determined from 1 pair. The winner receives the medal "The most assiduous".

Relay "Rublathlon"

For the game you need: coins and a glass.

Teams can compete. Each participant from the start line must reach the goal (cup) and hit the target with a coin, then remove it from the cup, return to the team and pass the coin to the next player like a baton.

It is necessary to carry a coin to the target on the toe of the foot, putting it there and not holding it with anything. You also need to throw a coin at the target (into a glass) only with your foot, without helping yourself in any way.

If a coin falls on the way, then you need to stop, put it back in its original place, and only then continue moving. If the coin does not hit the target on the first try, it must be put on the toe again and then try to throw it again. The team that finishes the distance and throws before the other wins. Winners receive medals "Best Thrower".

Contest "Psychic"

For the game you need: a chair, a tray, peas, a handkerchief.

A chair (or stool) is placed. On it is a tray. There are peas on the tray, and all this is covered with a handkerchief.

Several people come out to play. Players need to determine how many peas are on the tray. To do this, they need to sit down on a tray covered with a handkerchief, feel, stand up and name the number.

After being named last option, the handkerchief is pulled off and it is determined whose assumption was closer to the truth. The winner is immediately given the title and the medal "Most Sensitive".

Balloon Taming Contest

For the game you need: balloons.

Any number of players.

The competition takes place in several stages. The challenge facing tamers is to deal with balloons like a juggler. First they are given one ball, then two, three, four. The interval between releases is 30 seconds. Whoever first drops the ball to the floor or holds it in his hand - he lost.

It is forbidden to shoot down the balls in one heap - each of them must fly separately from the others. You can help yourself with your head, shoulders and legs. Whoever lasts the longest is awarded the "Best Juggler" medal.

Competition "Rally"

For the game you need: plastic bags, plastic bottles, stools.

As with any rally, you will need to set the course. In our case, there will be two of them, and the same. As obstacles through which it will be necessary to pass or successfully bypass them, they use bottles placed on the floor (they can be bent around) and stools (you can pass between their legs).

The game starts on the command "March!", The athletes begin to blow on the bags, trying to cover the distance with obstacles as quickly as possible. First "there", and then "back", but without obstacles. The bag can only be controlled by breathing, it is forbidden to touch it.

In case of violation of this prohibition, the player is automatically considered the loser. Also, the "departure" to the opponent's track or any contact with him, his sports equipment or obstacles on his distance leads to the removal from the distance.

The winner is awarded with the "Fastest" medal.

Competition "Mimikoy"

The number of players can be any. They are given a card on which it is written what needs to be depicted with facial expressions and gestures. The guys guess.

For cards:

1. Sharpen a pencil.

2. Playing volleyball.

4. Sad penguin.

5. Cheerful cat.

6. Hot iron.

7. Cold ice cream.

8. A person who has just eaten well.

9. Eating grapes.

10. Artist.

Competition "Dragon"

Everyone who wants to stand one after another and firmly hold on to the sides of the person in front. The first player is the head of the dragon, the last is the tail. The dragon tries to catch its tail, but it dodges it.

Leading. On this we part, and I would like to wish you a good mood not only on the first of April, but also on all other days.