Which means we will call you back. We will call you back: how callback services work. Anna Melamed, career coach, HR consultant

  • 13.11.2019

"To buy or not to buy?" "Call now or order later?" " good product but maybe there is a better one? While you are in doubt, weighing the pros and cons, and are about ready to leave the site, a tempting offer pops up before your eyes: “We'll call you back in a few seconds.” "Why not?" - you think, enter your phone number and after half a minute, without paying money for communication, you are already asking clarifying questions to the sales manager.

This is how the callback services that are installed on many selling sites today work. They say that they increase the conversion of the site at times. Let's learn more about them.

How it works

There are a huge number of various callback services: callbackhunter.com, redconnect.ru, perezvoni.com and many others. Installing them on the site is not difficult at all - it only takes a few minutes.

Kirill Bragin,

- Each of the services offers simple integration with the site: you need to insert a small code into the template or install a plugin - and you're done. Special knowledge is only required for individual solutions.

After that, a feedback form appears on the site (for example, a handset). When the client clicks on it and enters his phone number, the service dials the manager's number (if one does not pick up, the second number is automatically dialed) and the client's number. As a result, the calls are connected into a single line, and communication begins. The whole process takes a matter of seconds.

— On the site, this service may look different: as a button “order a call back”, “call me back”, a form “order a consultation” or “call from the site”. This is an additional type of communication, thanks to which the company's managers can contact the client immediately after he left a request for a call, and the connection can occur automatically.

What does it give

In addition to its main function - the ability to contact the client in a matter of seconds and prevent him from leaving the site without a purchase - callback services, depending on their functionality, can bring a lot of useful information to the company that uses it. For example, to determine the city from which the client “came”, the key query that brought him to you, and also to distinguish new visitors from those who have already visited the site before. In addition, many services provide the ability to record conversations, which allows company executives to evaluate and correct the work of their management consultants.

Dmitry Teplov,

- The callback service that we use stores data about people who have already ordered calls on other sites connected to the system. So, when a person leaves a request on our website, we already know his name and phone number. In addition, the service allows you to track statistics on users who have previously visited our site. If a person was interested in our trailers, for example, 17 days ago, we receive a real-time notification that he has visited again. Users willingly leave applications, ask questions. They have the opportunity to choose the time at which it will be most convenient for them to communicate. In addition, if a user visits the site after hours (when the company's employees are not in the office), he may not order a call, but write a message. From the moment when we had a widget on our website with the ability to order a callback, the number of calls received from the website has increased by 30-40%.

New opportunities give such services to customers

Olga Strizhko,
CEO of Tekmi:

- Firstly, the service is useful when a person searches the Internet for the service or product he needs, finds one or more options, but in this moment he is uncomfortable talking on the phone to ask clarifying questions. Leaving his contact number and indicating a convenient time for the call, he will receive a consultation at that time. Secondly, the service will be useful in a situation where at the peak time of the day all the lines in the company may be busy and the person could not get through to the operator. But the freed consultant will first of all contact the person who left the request and his data, and answer all questions.

How much does it cost

The cost of using callback services depends on the billing: per minute or per lead (contact). Often, the callback widget is provided free of charge, and you pay only for communication services.

Alexey Vinogradov,
owner of an iPhone repair service in Yekaterinburg:

- I constantly receive requests from the service - five or six requests a day. The cost, in principle, is quite low: I pay only four rubles per minute of conversation with a client. It pays for itself 100%.

Dmitry Teplov,
director of Krasnokamsk RMZ LLC (manufacturer of trailers "Expedition"):

- We pay for the use of the service upon connection with the client. On average, the cost of a conversation is about 120 rubles. This is quite an adequate price, given that the number of our potential customers is in the tens, not hundreds or thousands. The use of the service will be justified as long as the cost of each client attracted in this way is lower than the profit it will bring.

Call back or "chat"?

Callback services from the site are now incredibly popular. They are used by online stores, companies for which it is important to serve the client here and now (otherwise there is a great risk of losing him), companies from the segment ecommerce and other services where the main sales channel is the website, as well as those who have an increased load on "incoming" operators: "hot lines", consulting services, courier or logistics companies, banking or insurance organizations. In general, such a service is of interest to everyone who, due to the nature of their work, is especially at risk of missing an incoming call from a client.

But there are alternative means of communication with customers through the site: online chats, feedback forms, free "hot lines".

Natalia Zherebenkova,
marketing director of Pozvonim.com:

- In the case of chats, the operator may not always be in touch, and sometimes you will "knock on the void." Chat conversations take much longer than telephone conversation, and the client's doubts are not resolved promptly. In addition, there is no emotional component of the conversation, so the chat operator will somehow persuade the client to give his phone number in order to contact him by voice and convince him of the need to purchase. Feedback forms often contain an unthinkable number of fields, and people fail to fill them out the first time - this is very annoying. And even if there are only two fields in the form - name and phone number - communication with the sales manager will occur after the information first falls to his mail, and then there is time for a call. This can take up to a day, and if the client has left applications on several competing sites, then the fastest will win in the battle for the client. The disadvantages of free hotlines is that even if you have the patience to go through all the steps of an automatic greeting and get to the right department, you will not be sure that you will contact him immediately - you may have to wait a few more minutes for your virtual queue. The advantage of the callback service is that it takes into account all the disadvantages of other communication methods.

Capture or piss off?

Undoubtedly, callback services have their advantages: for sellers - an increase in website conversion and another way to "capture" a potential client, for buyers - the opportunity, if necessary, to contact the seller for free and very quickly. But there are also disadvantages: for example, some intrusiveness of the service, which annoys many. On which side is the advantage and whether to install this service on the site?

Olga Strizhko,
CEO of Tekmi:

- Now most people prefer to contact the organization they are interested in instantly - by mail or by phone. However, when faced with a situation where instant communication is not possible for the above reasons, an additional option will help to retain a potential client. The annoying factor here, in my opinion, tends to zero, since the person himself consciously leaves his data for communication. Even if during the time you call him back, he changes his mind or decides to buy elsewhere, your call will be taken absolutely fine. Moreover, by saving this contact as interested, after some time you can call him back, offer related products or services, inform about promotions or discounts. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not start to bother with calls, but to subtly work out a proposal that will interest a person.

Yaroslav Meshalkin,
partner of the WebPollMe.ru survey service:

- Intrusiveness, and importunity "on the forehead", of course, annoying. The visitor is asked to leave the phone, although in most cases he leaves the site just because he does not want to "continue to communicate with him." Another disadvantage of callback services is their limited functionality. An alternative to it can be a poll service. The principle of its operation is as follows: when a visitor leaves the site, a pop-up window appears in front of him in the same way, but it does not contain an offer to leave the phone, but a survey: for example, “Why are you leaving?” (not satisfied with the assortment, price, any other option) or “What could we improve on the site?” (usability, product description). At the same time, there is also a field for the visitor's contacts, if he still wants to be contacted later. But this is not necessarily a phone - it can be an e-mail, which is much more comfortable for introverts. Thus, the survey service involves the visitor in a dialogue, offers to leave feedback(an analogue of the "book of complaints and suggestions") and only then contacts.

Kirill Bragin,
Head of the GoodSellUs Internet Technology Agency:

- Callback is still the easiest and fastest way to establish a relationship between the client and the seller. Visibility and some intrusiveness contribute to a wide audience coverage - it is unlikely that a potential client will be able to leave the site without knowing that you can contact the operator / manager immediately. And it translates well into sales. On the other hand, callback services are very aggressive in their approach to working with site visitors: you will repeatedly have to close the left panel with an offer to contact the manager right now or close the modal window, where it will be written that you have been on the site for so many minutes, and more didn't give away all their money for their wonderful products. In a word, callbacks are both very convenient and extremely annoying.

Yaroslav Vakhitov,
General Director of OAO Meltor:

— I don't think this service is outdated. It is relevant, because it has new options, for example, limiting the possible time of communication with managers (for example, from 8:00 to 22:00), so that clients from Vladivostok do not wake you up at three in the morning, as it was before. Also, users can now write questions-messages. Usernames and traffic sources are identified, which makes it possible to measure their effectiveness. Another question is that such services are already used by almost everyone and this is becoming a must-be option, not a wow effect.

— To date, the callback service continues to be a relevant tool for many companies and help turn visitors into leads. Of course, in such services there are factors that strain users. For example, I am annoyed by obtrusiveness, which could have been avoided with proper tuning. If you carefully approach the choice of service, professionally configure all the parameters and focus it on helping the user, then it will definitely bring you results, and therefore, such a service is simply necessary for a selling website.

In any case, for those who are not sure whether they need such a feature on the site or not, there is usually a free trial period during which you can see if you want to tell your customers: “We will call you back in a few seconds.”

The last questions of the recruiter were heard. All! The worst is already over. The interview is over and after politely pronounced: “We will call you” ... Someone again and again uncertainly mentally analyzes the mistakes and merits of their answers. Someone leaves inspired by the friendly atmosphere of the conversation and almost confident in his success. In any case, everyone does not leave empty-handed. They didn’t say, “You don’t suit us.” They promised to call, so there is hope. What is in this phrase: a polite refusal or a real chance to get a job? ..

A day passes, a second, a third - and still no long-awaited call. “Well, nothing,” we reassure ourselves, “it’s not time yet. Maybe there are a lot of candidates and did not have time? Maybe the boss is busy? Or maybe I didn’t come up? .. You need to call yourself! No, why bother. Maybe I'll be denied." Maybe, maybe, maybe ... but how much longer to wait? And hope is replaced by confusion. This situation is familiar to anyone who has ever encountered a job search.

What to do? How to behave after an interview if the employer does not call back? On the one hand, it is scary and unpleasant to hear a refusal. I want to "save face" and not seem intrusive. On the other hand, by being persistent, we will demonstrate to the employer our ability to achieve goals and interest in this work. Yes, and the nerves will remain stronger. Uncertainty about the future is exhausting and tiring. There is, of course, another option - not to waste time waiting at all and continue the search. And you can even accept an offer from another company during this time, if the guys there are smarter.

Before we consider possible options of our behavior during the waiting period, I want to draw your attention to a very important rule. In this situation, the degree of certainty largely depends on ourselves. It is necessary not only to show yourself worthy during the interview, but also to finish it correctly. Every recruiter plans closing dates vacant position. Saying goodbye to you, he already knows approximately when he can call back. If the interviewer has not given you a deadline and date for making a decision, do not hesitate to ask him about it yourself. And also specify the method of communication with you, contacts and executive, from which you can get an answer about the result of the meeting. Having given you specific deadlines, the recruiter is forced to take on additional responsibility to you. And for you, this is an opportunity to once again prove yourself as a business person, familiar with such concepts as planning and time management.

So they don't call you. In fact, there are not so many solutions to this problem: either you yourself take the initiative, or you do not show it and wait.

Option 1. We are waiting

Some applicants believe that you should not force things yourself. And if you are interested in a recruiter, then he will definitely call. It remains only to wait patiently. I see several reasons for this behavior: 1) you are a passive person in terms of your psychological characteristics; 2) you are not very interested in this vacancy; or 3) you have internal problems. You have low self-esteem and you do not want to be rejected. You are afraid to appear unclaimed. Or you have a big ego, and you think “since they didn’t call, then I didn’t really want to either.” Sometimes the absence of a call is perceived as a blow below the belt. It is better not to know than to hear a categorical "no".

Yes, indeed, having a clear deadline for searching for a candidate for a vacant position, a recruiter is interested in making a decision as quickly as possible. But he does not make decisions alone. In many companies, internal communications are built in such a way that the process of agreeing a candidate with other selection participants is quite long. Someone may be on a business trip. Someone is sick and absent from work. And without it, no decision is made. Someone can not decide in any way who to look for. Often there are situations when, in the process of conducting interviews, managers change priorities and ideas about what a specialist should know and be able to do. In the end, a resume can simply get lost in the offices among the papers. So it turns out that everyone is waiting. Only a recruiter understands what he is waiting for, but what are you waiting for? As practice shows, for ordinary specialists, the waiting period can last no more than 7-10 days. For middle managers - 3-4 weeks. Well, if you are applying for a top-level position, then be prepared that they may call you in 5-6 months.

You can often hear applicants accuse recruiters of “is it really difficult to call and immediately report the result.” Experience shows that HR in 50% of cases, when saying goodbye to a candidate, already has a decision whether he will introduce the candidate further or not. But, let's not forget: he is the same person as you and I. It's also not easy for him to say no. In addition, even if a small amount of doubt, but present. His mistakes can cost the company dearly. Perhaps the screening of candidates has just begun and it is still difficult to compare you with other participants in the competition. Therefore, the recruiter needs time to weigh and analyze everything again. His task is to consider super talents and potential in you in 30-40 minutes. In his hands, in fact, not only your professional fate, but also partly the fate of the company and its own image. The result of his work is evaluated by successfully and efficiently working specialists. He is responsible for your success in the company and the success of the company along with you.

Therefore, the psychological burden on him falls quite large and the choice of a candidate is a very responsible task. And there are many candidates. You are the only one you love. A recruiter, on the other hand, processes one hundred, two hundred, three hundred or more resumes for one vacancy. These are 100, 200, 300 and more destinies, each of which has its own life and professional experience. Often he has to work with several or more vacancies at once. And the task is to choose one of all this number - the best of the best. So judge for yourself whether it is difficult for everyone to call back or not.

But back to the question - what are we doing: are we waiting or are we doing something?.. If we are doing it, then what?..

Option 2. Take the initiative in our own hands

In order to make a decision whether to take the initiative or not, I suggest looking at the situation through the eyes of a recruiter. He received 300 resumes, which he carefully studied. Of these, 150 candidates called and conducted telephone interviews. Further, for example, I selected 70 resumes that are most suitable for the requirements stated by the employer. Of these, 40 people were invited for an interview. Due to various life circumstances, suppose 30 candidates passed the interview. That is the top 30. Of these, 10 are chosen as the best. And only then - one is the best! He sits over these very, very resumes, test results, questionnaires and thinks: “And Ivanov is good. And Petrov is no worse. Which one of them?" Time passed between interviews. And then Petrov calls. Once politely reminded of himself. After a while again. Other things being equal, the candidates - who do you think will give the impression of being more active, persistent, more interested in work? The answer is obvious. But here, of course, the main measure. Don't make a recruiter's life a living hell - his day doesn't have to start with your call and end with a chat with you. Otherwise, there will be the opposite effect and, apart from irritation, this will not bring the desired result. So to do something or not - everyone decides for himself.

So, in order to attract the attention of a potential employer, we have the opportunity to either call or write. What you definitely should not do is to come to the company without an invitation. The recruiter may be interviewing at this time and is unlikely to leave his interlocutor to deal with your question. He may be in a meeting, somewhere outside the office. Or just be unprepared to meet with you. Your visit will only put yourself and him in an awkward position.

Should you call yourself? And here is an interesting statistic. The majority of applicants believe that it is not worth it. If they don't call, it means they didn't come. If they are interested in a candidate, they will call you back. From my practical observations, I can say that only about 10 - 15% of applicants call back and are interested in the outcome of the interview. Recruiters think the opposite is worth it. The phrase “we will call you” for them really means the possibility of continuing the dialogue. That is, the search continues, but final decision not yet accepted and you are on the list of applicants. There are, of course, times when a recruiter doesn't want to upset you and thus makes a polite no. But this happens less frequently. For the most part, there is simply no answer to this phrase at the moment.

There is another way to remind yourself. Write a thank you letter. In companies professing a pro-Western style of corporate culture, this is considered a mandatory norm of business etiquette. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the internal culture of the company. By sending a letter, the applicant not only reminds of himself and shows interest, but also expresses appreciation for the time spent and gratitude to all participants in the interview. The ability to be grateful is an important quality that any employer will appreciate. The letter should once again remind you of your strengths and what can you be useful company. It is advisable to send such a letter within 24 hours after the interview. Unfortunately, in our country such a culture of communication is not yet widespread. Many see this as pointless flattery. Let me remind you again - everything should be in moderation! Therefore, if you perceive it this way, then, of course, it’s better not to write. The important thing here is to be really sincere.


So, how to behave after the interview:

1) Be sure to specify at the end of the interview when, who and how will give you an answer about the result of the competition for a vacant position.

2) If you are interested in working in this particular company, take the initiative. This is primarily for your benefit. Initiative is a volitional quality that a person manifests consciously and intentionally when he has an internal motivation to change the situation. The 21st century is the age of global competencies. It is unlikely that you have some completely unique capabilities that distinguish you from millions. Now recruiters pay the most attention to the potential of the applicant, the so-called "skills of the 21st century." According to personnel managers of five hundred largest companies world, by 2020 the most sought-after skills and qualities in the labor market will be: the ability to set goals, plan your time, initiative, perseverance, high motivation, the ability to communicate effectively, curiosity. Professional skills can be taught to anyone.

3) Be patient. Indeed, it may take longer for an employer to make a hiring decision than originally planned.

4) Be persistent. But show your persistence tactfully and gently so that persistence does not turn into obsession. Avoid unnecessary contact with the employer or recruiter. In order to remind yourself and find out the status of a vacant position, make a second contact. First, write a thank-you note within the first two days, re-emphasizing your strengths. Later, within two weeks of the last communication, call back.

5) Keep looking for work. Even if this is your dream job, keep looking. I am convinced that we must be in this process constantly. Our active actions, firstly, will not allow us to become discouraged and lower our self-esteem. And secondly, periodic attendance of interviews and different companies gives you the opportunity to navigate the new trends and market requirements, work on yourself, improve your skills more and more in order to be a sought-after specialist and meet the new challenges of the modern era.

Good luck in all your endeavors!

I am glad to welcome you, dear friend!

If you are a job seeker with at least minimal experience, you understand that if after the interview the employer says that he will call you back, it means little.

The promise to call back is more of a ritual than a real promise. This is how it happened in the relationship of the parties in the labor market.

Also, let's not forget that in our culture, keeping promises is not a requirement for many people. HR representatives and executives of all stripes are no exception.

If you want to discuss the moral character of recruiters and employers, you are welcome to the top job search portals. There, those who want to let off steam in the comments to articles are a dime a dozen.

On our blog, we discuss otherwise. Practically useful and effective actions.

A few more words about rituals. There are several such ritual actions at the interview. For example, an offer to tell about yourself. It is not at all a fact that they will listen to you, and if they do, they will hear you. Some like why do you want to work in our company? Offer to ask questions and so on.

How to take a promise to call back

So, we agreed with you: the words “We will call you back” mean nothing.

Moreover, such a dry phrase is rather a negative sign. I hope I didn't upset you too much.

A positive sign - if your partner actively suggests a sequence of further contacts: who calls when, what Additional materials or documents are required, asks for contacts of recommenders, and so on.

Also positive markers successful interview are:

  • The interlocutor talks about the plans of the company and his division, talks about the team.
  • Asks if you are currently considering other options and job offers.

Negative signs:

  • Reluctantly asks questions, does not show attention, all in himself - listens only for the sake of decency.
  • Asks more about the companies you've worked for than about you personally. In this way, information is often simply collected.

Don't wait by the sea for the weather

Now about the main thing.

In order not to guess on the coffee grounds about what and how you were told and what it would mean, you should take the bull by the horns yourself.

From the very beginning of the interview, you should strive to ensure that. Show reasonable initiative and ask the right questions.

With regard to the topic of today's article, it is reasonable to apply the following actions:

1. The “Just Ask” Technique

Why guess when you can just ask how well the conversation went? Moreover, with such a formulation of the question, one can get quite real dividends. More. Read, don't be lazy

2. Agree on next steps.

When your partner starts a conversation about “call back”, be sure to specify when he will call back and at what time.

And say that you understand that sometimes you can’t make a call. And in this case, you call yourself. For example, the next day at such and such a time. And ask for a phone number.

Also ask for the email address to which you will write a letter after the interview.

Sometimes it makes sense to take the initiative and suggest the procedure for further interaction.

Example: “Pal Palych, let's agree: we will think over today's conversation and I will call on Thursday at 16 o'clock. Let's exchange phone contacts and E-mails”

3. Letter after the interview

This is not a ritual, by the way. The main purpose of the letter is to once again emphasize the benefitscooperation.The vast majority of applicants do not. And absolutely in vain.

How to do it right - see

4. Call yourself

The employer or recruiter will almost never call you. Therefore, you say at the interview that you will, if anything, call yourself. How to do it right and what to say - in

5. "Repulsion" technique

Sometimes your communication may be delayed. You called once - two - three times, the employer "does not moo, does not calve." In this case, it is reasonable to apply

Get it right. Your some perseverance is not importunity. Until you are told "yes" or "no" - this is activity and interest. These qualities characterize you perfectly.

Thank you for your interest in the article. I would appreciate a comment (at the bottom of the page).

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Have a nice day and good mood!

Quite often, the interview ends with the words: "Thank you, we will call you back!" Almost always, this means that the candidate is not interested in the employer and calls should not be expected. Why this is happening, we tried to figure it out by attending an interview in a large commercial and industrial holding.

Cool, with show-offs, with tongues ...
Which applicants will be hired?

"Thank you, we'll call you back" is the classic wording that most applicants hear after the interview. It only means that you, most likely, will not get a position. Why?

Grandmas on the table!

The first candidate for the marketing position is a young man in a clearly expensive suit. We look at the summary: a year and a half ago I graduated from a prestigious university with a degree in marketing, then I worked in a large trading company. Everything seems to be great. During the interview, however, it turns out that the young man did not even know about the analytical activities: there were 15 people in the department, and his duties included visiting supermarkets and compiling reports. That's not enough for a $1,000 job.

From work experience, the recruiter moves on to training at the institute. The candidate perks up and... delivers such a tirade that even I can hardly suppress a smile. The most delicate review about teachers is "freaks". Five minutes later, it becomes clear from the young man's stories that his diploma is the merit of his parents, who were able to pay for their negligent offspring.

What is marketing for you personally? - this is the last question.
- Well, you see... In principle, marketing is a way to beat money out of people and enrich the company.
- Thank you, we'll call you back.

S.L. You have seen everything yourself. Not only does the applicant not have the experience necessary for the company, but he also does not hesitate to talk about the diploma he has practically bought. Do you think this is such a rarity? Not at all. The "simplicity" of the candidates has no limits.

It is clear that any experience can be gained, but when a person immediately switches to the terminology from the "grandmother" series (and seems terribly cool at the same time), he is unlikely to get a job.

Not a word in simplicity

The next candidate is a 32-year-old woman. Basic economic education, marketing courses, two foreign languages, a solid resume, where both Russian and foreign companies. Speech is strewn with professional terms. During the interview, she talks in detail about her previous experience, referring to the company where she works. Through the word one hears: "in our company they do it this way", "it is customary for us that way."

How often do you make mistakes? - the recruiter asks
“My work is so responsible that it is unacceptable to make mistakes in it,” the lady minted.

To the traditional request for a definition of marketing, a woman gives such a "fancy" phrase, overloaded with the words "development" and "branding", that I have to guess what she had in mind.

By the end of the interview, when I'm sure that the marketer's position is filled, I suddenly hear the discouraging "Thank you, we'll call you back." Why did she not suit the personnel manager?

S.L. Firstly, previous experience is not very suitable for us: a person has worked in retail all his life, and he is unlikely to be satisfied that knowledge of a foreign language will not be in demand in our company.

Secondly, when I ask for a trivial definition, I do not check the applicant’s literacy, but his ability to formulate in an accessible way and the type of thinking (how abstractly or, conversely, how concretely a person thinks). And if I don’t hear a single word “in simplicity”, then I begin to doubt the ability to issue independent clear judgments.

Thirdly, the issue of errors is not accidental. Everyone makes mistakes. And if a person refuses to recognize them for himself, then either he is used to blaming his miscalculations on others, or, excuse me, he is lying.

And finally, did you notice how the woman constantly referred (in a positive way) to her company? I always have a question for the applicant: if the company is so great, then why do you want to leave it? There is something wrong here.

Sell ​​yourself to me!

The next interview is for the position of sales manager. A lady floats into the room, "breathing in perfume," like Blok's stranger. The aroma of perfume hits the nose.

Sit down, - the personnel officer offers her.
- Oh, can I have a coat hanger?

Having received what she wants, the woman slowly lays out her resume, diplomas, some other papers and an expensive mobile phone on the table. She looks around the modest office, a martyr expression on her face. It seems that everything in her cries out: "And in this squalor will I work ?!"

Excuse me, who am I talking to? - she finally squeezes out of herself.

The manager introduces himself. The woman winces and expresses a desire to talk to CEO. Having received the answer that such an opportunity will be after the initial interview, she sighs:

Okay, I have 20 minutes.
- Did you indicate in the questionnaire the address where you live or where you are registered?
- Where I live.
- Does it match the registration address?
- Yes, look in the questionnaire, everything is written there!

The interview continues in approximately the same mode of short questions and no less concise answers to them. Animation occurs only at the moment when the interviewer asks:

Is it true that a good "salesman" can sell anything and anyone?
- Naturally!
“Then sell yourself to me.

A further picture could be called "The Awakening of the Tigress". A woman suddenly begins to talk with interest, nodding periodically at the spread out papers, there is a list of transactions, numbers, high-profile names ...

Thank you, we will call you back! the manager interrupts her monologue.

S.L. Overestimation of own value - not The best way sell yourself. You should not come to an interview in diamonds and put a mobile phone worth half the salary of a recruiter on the table.

Moreover, you should not show disrespect (even if you are applying for a high position) and answer questions in monosyllables. Interest and burning eyes - 30% of success in an interview.

I often deliberately ask obviously primitive and stupid questions, this is an element of a stressful interview. For example, questions about registration had a simple goal: to provoke aggression. The woman began to get annoyed, and for a "salesman" this quality is unacceptable. A smart candidate will always turn the "stupidity" of the recruiter in his favor, reformulate the question, start a dialogue, try to "remove" information about the company. Moreover: he will turn the situation in his favor, forcing me to praise the company, so it will formally turn out that I am also trying to persuade him to come to work for us.

Do not know? Discuss!

The previous three interviews have convinced me that finding a good candidate is very difficult. Therefore, when another young man entered, applying for a vacancy in marketing, I already foresaw the notorious "We will call you back."

Before the interview, he turned off and hid cellular telephone, sat down and handed the manager a questionnaire and resume: a decent university (Academy of Management), two years of work in a serious company.

A dialogue begins, and after 15 minutes I find myself listening intently to a discussion about the effectiveness of SPAM. Sometimes it is obvious that the recruiter confuses the candidate with his questions (for example, he asks to calculate this very efficiency), but he is not lost: he discusses, asks, makes assumptions.

Call me next Monday on this number, I hear at the end.

Has a marketer been found?

S.L. Yes, the young man does not have enough experience, but a keen interest in the content of the work is obvious. Any professional question is instantly picked up and used to demonstrate all available knowledge. And one more thing: the most incorrect answer in an interview is “I don’t know.” Even if this is so, do not be afraid to reason.

I see the potential of this candidate, the ability to analyze new information, understanding the essence of the profession and interest in it. So even if a person today is not worth the money that he claims, then very soon the situation will change in better side. And it is quite possible that he will get a place in our company.

10 rules for a job seeker

  1. Dress neatly, but not provocatively. Avoid bright colors, strong odors and expensive accessories.
  2. Do not puzzle the recruiter with questions about where to hang clothes or put a bag.
  3. Kindly and extensively answer any questions of the manager, bearing in mind that in any (even the most stupid at first glance) question there is a meaning or a catch.
  4. Show a sincere interest in the activities of the company and in the vacancy.
  5. Don't bend your fingers.
  6. Don't answer "I don't know" to professional questions. It is better to start reasoning, try to come to a conclusion on your own.
  7. Express yourself in understandable words, do not abuse terms, especially translated ones.
  8. Try to provoke the interviewer into a dialogue.
  9. Don't forget to say hello and goodbye.
  10. Smile more.

Ford has begun taking orders for the GT supercar. But leaving an application does not mean guaranteed to become the owner of one of the 500 unique coupes. The company decided to carefully select those who are ready to shell out almost half a million dollars for a model whose racing version will go to Le Mans in the summer. The publication Road and Track tells what difficulties those who want to buy a rare car new have to face. And it's not just Ford.

In mid-April, Ford launched an online GT configurator and began accepting applications from potential buyers for the first 500 supercars to be assembled in Canada over the next two years. But even if you have 400 thousand dollars (this is how much the coupe costs without taxes, shipping and additional options), then just being first in line is not enough.

“We wanted to make the application process accessible to everyone. But as soon as you apply, we will definitely take an interest in your relationship with Ford. Do you own previous GTs? Are you going to take the car to car events or a race track? We are looking for brand ambassadors and those who are really going to ride the GT,” says Ford Performance Marketing Director Henry Ford III.

And these are not all conditions. Even before the start of accepting applications, it became known that Ford would sign an agreement with buyers obliging them not to resell the car immediately after purchase.

Applications for the Ford GT will end on May 12 (May 24 in some Asian countries), after which the automaker will have 90 days to select those five hundred people who will be allowed to give their money for the supercar. And there are a lot of people who want it: at the moment, more than seven thousand people have filled out the questionnaires.

Henry Ford also says that Ford units in the US, Europe and Asia will choose who they would like to sell cars to, and only after that the selected applications will be transferred to the head office. Many of those who placed an order for the GT are already known to the company - by their activity, for example, as part of club events. At the same time, Ford emphasizes that young people who have not previously owned cars of the brand have a chance to buy a new GT - the questionnaire contains, for example, items about customer activity in social networks.

However, the scheme invented by Ford to stir up interest in its coolest car is not too new. Artificial scarcity has long been used by other manufacturers of sports and supercars. For example, Ferrari or McLaren.

“If you are an ordinary guy and you want to buy a 488 (Ferrari 488 GTB, – note of the “Motor”), then they will simply ridicule you right at the dealership. So you go and buy a used 458 and then they put you on a two-year waiting list for a 488. But if you buy an FF or California right now, you'll be on the list of people who get cars faster,” says one customer familiar with the way it works. Italian brand.

Another Ferrari owner, who bought several 1980s Italian cars and an F430 in order to get a chance to get a 458, said the dealer offered to line up for a 488 Speciale. However, he wants the Aperta version, and in order to buy it, he first needs to order the California model. What he did: the most affordable two-door Ferrari will be driven by his wife.