Automating business processes: how to streamline chaos? Description of the implementation of business processes How to link business processes with 1s documents

  • 06.05.2020

Main topics of the article- this is:

  • Directions of automation. What exactly in the work of 1C:Specialist can we automate? What should be automated and what should not? I will talk about examples of automation that are already being used by different people.
  • I'll tell you about how to create universal solutions - such solutions that will work on different configurations.
  • I'll tell you about tools, which help us automate our work, and help us write code that will write code for us.
  • Well, I'll tell about general scheme adapting solutions to user configuration.

Directions of automation

What are the most popular directions of automation?

  • When we talk about automation, we most often mean automation of administration tasks(creating archive copies, updating the configuration). This direction is the easiest, because all current standard solutions are built on the basis of the Library of Standard Subsystems (BSP), which already contains mechanisms that help automatically update the configuration and create a copy of it. Moreover, if your database is small and you have an active subscription to ITS, then the BSP itself can put a copy of your database in cloud storage 1C, so that you do not lose data, even if something happens to the computer
  • The second direction of automation is solution testing. In the 1C world, this is a little more difficult than in classical development, but, nevertheless, lately there has been a lot of talk about the fact that it is worth testing the configuration with every change, and it is better to do it automatically. There are a lot of automated test tools on the market today. The most interesting of them, in my opinion, are - "Scenario testing" from 1C company, as well as open source development «Vanessa Behavior». They have a slightly different logic of work, but, in principle, both of these solutions cope with the task of automating testing. Which one to choose is up to the user.
  • And the third direction of automation is what I will talk about the rest of the presentation is development automation. For many people, the only way to create 1C solutions is to write code in the configurator. But I want to talk about what there are many options for working with code programmatically.

Examples of development automation

What are the main examples of automation already implemented?

  • One of best examples I think Library of Standard Subsystems (BSP) and the process of its implementation. For those who have not been involved in merging with BSP, I will talk a little about the process of integrating BSP with other self-written configurations. This process consists of three stages.
    • In the first step, we combine the BSP with our configuration. At the same time, we have modules from different subsystems in the configuration.
    • In most cases, we need only some subsystems, so the second stage of implementing the BSP is cutting out from the configuration those objects that we do not need. This step is automated. You open a processing that is part of the Library of Standard Subsystems, this processing unloads the configuration into files, changes the text of these files and loads it back.
    • And the third stage of implementation, which is needed not for all subsystems, but for some - for example, if you implement the “External printed forms”, then, in addition to combining it in the configuration, you also need to connect it to the forms. This is a simple operation, you just need to put a line of code in the "OnCreate" procedure of the form, and also add a few small procedures. To automate this operation, there is also a separate processing called "Arrangement of code fragments". You simply run this processing, and it will parse your configuration and insert the required text into the forms.
  • Another example of automation is the development of external printing forms. In general, for any implementation transfer of built-in printing forms to external ones is one of the most common operations. This process can also be automated - Infostart even has a small processing, which is called so - "Constructor of external printing forms". It runs in the configuration from which you are transferring the printable:
    • You choose which print you want to render,
    • Copy the text of the manager module from this form into this processing
    • And the processing itself:
      • It takes a template from itself and inserts into it the text that is needed to connect the library of standard subsystems to the mechanism.
      • Prescribes in this text data about the printed form (its name),
      • Sets which document it should link to,
      • And pulls out from the manager module those procedures that are needed for this printable to work.

Of course, you will not get a fully working external printing plate, but you will get a template that is quite easy to adapt manually.

  • Another example is automatic code generation. It can be used, for example, for:
    • drawing form elements;
    • Code creation conditional design;
    • And for automatic creation ACS schemes.

Those who have been working on the managed interface for a long time may have noticed that the approach to creating conditional appearance has changed over the past few years. If in UT11.0 the conditional design was written in the constructor, then already in 11.2 all conditional design is built programmatically. This effect has two reasons.

  • The first is a feature of the platform, which prohibits the simultaneous presence of the same condition - fixed and custom.
  • But there is a second reason - this is that at the current level of development of typical configurations it is very difficult to prescribe all the conditions at the development stage. Because conditional decoration depends on:
    • From what options you have enabled;
    • From user rights;
    • And from the settings of the infobase.

Therefore, it is now recommended to set conditional appearance in managed forms programmatically. And, if you pay attention to the code for the formation of conditional formatting in UT11, then it is the same (the same variable names, the same indents). Obviously, this code was generated automatically according to the constructor.

  • Platform 8.3.6 introduced such an interesting feature as extensions. They allow you to change the functionality of typical configurations without changing the configurations themselves. However, the problem is that it is difficult to create one universal solution for different configurations, because different objects can be connected to the extension in different configurations. In this case, it is much more convenient to make some kind of general extension template, and add documents / directories to it programmatically.
  • And the last example is transferring your changes during updates. This, of course, can be done manually, but it is more convenient to carry out such actions precisely at the text level, especially if you are using Git mechanisms (branches). In this case, Git more correctly merges the type configuration with your changes. If the changes are small, then in most cases the update can go completely automatically.

Ways to create universal solutions

What are the ways to create universal solutions?

I think that every consulting programmer who works with 1C has his own folder of personal processing / reports that were made to solve a specific problem. The problem is that in most cases such developments are written for a very narrow task, and when a similar task appears, they have to be adapted. It is more convenient to spend a little time and make the processing initially more versatile.

  • One way to create universal solutions is to metadata analysis. In fact, all type processing uses this method:
    • Processing by universal data upload,
    • universal report,
    • Processing for the installation of details.

These tools work on any configuration, because they simply analyze the metadata of the configuration in which they are launched when they are launched.

  • In some cases, this approach does not work because different configurations require different rules of operation. In this case, you can use separate code branches for different configurations:
    • If the configuration is such and such, then we execute one text;
    • If the configuration is different, then we execute another text.

In most cases, this approach allows you to do one processing that works on different user configurations.

  • But this, unfortunately, does not always work. For example, for the same extensions, sometimes you need to have different files for different configurations, and each extension must have metadata for exactly this configuration. This is also quite easy to automate by creating a template with subsequent software adaptation to the user's configuration.

Programming tools for 1C products. Advantages and disadvantages of different approaches

What are the tools for program work with 1C products?

There is three main approaches:

  • it file parsing into small files;
  • Unloading inXML;
  • And object approach.

Let's look at each of them.


One of the most popular ways to work with 1C products is method based on the structure of 1C files. In fact, it doesn't matter if we're working with a configuration, a report, or an extension. Technically, it's just a container that has many different little files. Any product we can:

  • To take apart,
  • Change the parts we want to change
  • And collect back.

This seems to me to be one of the most popular ways to work with configurations among automation solutions.

This method is implemented by the utilityv8Unpack. What is her pros?

  • This is, first of all, simplicity. This utility is launched in command mode: we tell it which file we are parsing, and at the output it gives a directory with a bunch of files.
  • She is universal and omnivorous. It doesn't care what platform your solution is written on (8.1, 8.2, 8.3). Technically, the structure of 1C solution files has not changed for quite a few years.
  • Another advantage of this solution is its self-sufficiency. To change the configuration using v8Unpack, you do not need the 1C platform. Simply run the utility and show it where the file is. It does not interact with either the configurator or the platform. It parses any file into files and collects it back.
  • And its last advantage is that it is the only tool that can work with bytecode. If your processing or report contains modules that are supplied without source code, then v8Unpack will still parse them into text files. Of course, we will not get the Russian code there, but we will get the bytecode, which can also be analyzed and changed. Moreover, this bytecode can be converted into a normal readable code using the tools available at Infostart. Of course, this is only possible if the solution has not been run through additional software. If it was driven, then it is usually impossible to restore it completely, but it is always possible to partially restore it.

The v8Unpack utility also has minuses.

  • Its main disadvantage is that files, which are obtained after parsing, don't have clear names, and it is difficult to determine what exactly needs to be changed - you have to look through them all.
  • Well, the moment that it's all the same not an official decision from the 1C company, and an external development, although old and stable.

XML upload/download

The second way to work with 1C developments is xml.

  • it official mechanism, which is recommended by 1C and is used in all its products, for example, in the BSP and in the DSS. 1C Company guarantees that this tool will work correctly in both directions on the platforms for which it is launched.
  • The advantage of this solution is that it unloads the configuration into a clear structure. We have:
    • Root level - configuration level as a whole;
    • Separate folders - for documents, directories, reports, processings.
    • In each of these folders there is a subfolder for each document, for each directory.

Working with this structure is much easier than with a structure unloaded by non-standard means.

  • The new solutions also partial data upload available.
  • Also for this tool there are very many typical examples use in the same BSP. Based on these examples, it is very convenient to understand.

Well, there are some small minuses in that:

  • A configuration parsed on one platform may not load on another platform - we have to work on the same platform due to compatibility issues.
  • Besides, before version 8.3.7 this tool could not work with external reports and processing. Now there is no such problem, but if you are using an older platform, then you will not upload external reports and processing to text.
  • It does not know how to work with bytecode - it unloads protected modules in binary form.

In general, this is one of the most convenient tools - simple and straightforward.


And the last approach I want to talk about is object approach. I hope you all know that 1C is writing its new fashionable configurator on the baseEclipse. But I would like to point out that this is a bit more than a fancy configurator:

  • This is API access that the developers have been asking for a long time. This is what was implemented many years ago in the form of Snowpat, but a little more functional, a little better. If Snowpat gives us access only to read configuration data, then the Graphite project, which is implemented on the Eclipce platform, gives us access already to change the configuration. For example, we can write our own little plugin that will change the configuration as we need without restarting.

Algorithm for step-by-step auto-creation of 1C developments

About, how to use all this to automatically adapt your solutions to configurations. This slide shows a very simplified diagram applicable to extensions, processing and reporting.

  • The idea is that if your solution must have different files for different configurations, then you develop a template that includes all the mechanisms that need to be present to work this solutions in all configurations.
  • And in addition to the template are being developed rules that tailor this template to a specific user configuration(preferably for any configuration). For example, if you are implementing the same external printing plate mechanism based on an extension, then:
    • In the general template there will be mechanisms:
      • Print;
      • And downloading printables.
    • And the rules will contain information on how to connect this extension to directories and documents.
  • Thanks to this, for each configuration, we will be able to automatically generate a file with our extension, taking into account the features of this configuration.


In conclusion, I would like to repeat the main idea of ​​this report. The main idea is that everything that we can do manually, we can do automatically.

Of course, you don't need to automate everything. We need to automate the tasks that you are repeated(those tasks that you do with each update, with some modifications).

In general, all tasks that can be described in normal Russian can also be described in the program. At the same time, unlike a person, the program does not make mistakes, does not miss anything, does exactly what you asked it to do.

This article is written on the basis of a report presented by the author at the Infostart conference in 2016.

Automation of business processes sometimes seems to the head of a magic wand. But how to automate business processes in the best way? In order for the work to be argued, papers not to be lost, regulations to help, the team to act like a well-oiled mechanism?

In the article, we will analyze the nuances of building and automating business processes, consider how to avoid mistakes, what are the goals and objectives of automating business processes, and where to start. If you are thinking about improving business processes and perhaps introducing electronic system managing them, read the article carefully. And take a pencil!

Three whales of chaos in business: how to automate processes that do not exist

Before we talk about what opportunities business process automation opens up, let's think about what difficulties you are facing now.

The three bad "pillars" that keep chaos in business are universal. Most likely, you are also familiar with them:

  • Regular mistakes. Petrov made a typo, Sidorov endorsed an unverified document, Vasechkina sent an invoice with incorrect details. Such mistakes bring temporary and financial losses, twitchy eyes and work at night.
  • Downtime. The document is being approved for a week, then the second, the work is worth it. A key employee is on vacation or quit without handing over the case.
  • General confusion. Where did the paperwork go? Why did the secretary in the pile of sheets not notice the urgent document? Where should a specialist run when a client contacts him, if the right person is not available? This confusion and running around the corridors with bundles of papers is annoying and certainly does not contribute to productive work.

Even 10 years ago, business process modeling seemed expensive, time-consuming and therefore unnecessary to most companies. Some people think so even now, after reading horror stories about unfinished projects and millions spent, or even approaching automation from the wrong side. But it turned out that companies working on business process automation grow faster, overcome times of crisis better and outperform competitors. In such companies, employees feel more comfortable, which creates the right working atmosphere in the team. Examples are the stories of Toyota, Amazon, McDonalds, as well as our customers, whose feedback on business process automation.

Today, the ability to build business processes and know how to automate them are becoming an important competitive advantage.

Business processes: what do we automate, comrades?

Sometimes the management of the company, busy with strategic issues, is deluded: everything is fine with us. But if Petrov knows that in the event of a marketing task, you need to contact Ivanova, this is not a business process. But a specific action map that universally describes the steps that employees go through to achieve a specific result, this already looks like a business process.

An activity scheme, in order to call it a business process, must take into account three factors:

  1. The stability of the described links: multiplicity of choice of actions, transitions, conditions are taken into account.
  2. Regulation of actions during the process: calls, letters, attachments, appeals, sightings.
  3. Logical completion: specific achievable goal.

A clearly modeled business process will allow you to see the result and control the work at all stages in order to prevent losses and errors “at a low start”.

Depending on the occurrence of “thin spots”, the business process is changed, its stages are adjusted, and they look at which links are weak. If you have any difficulties with the development of algorithms, we are ready to help you. After all, the development of business processes is preparation for the project of their automation.

Is the heart of your business healthy?

Contact today and get an individual offer Business processes are the heart of the company. How do you know if your business is in shape? Contact us and learn how to get the most out of business processes and unleash the full potential of your company.

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The main goal of business process development is the magical transformation of chaotically woven chains of intercompany interactions into ordered, consistent and understandable algorithms. Let there be order in work, office, in the minds of employees and in the minds of managers!

Uri, where's the button? Goals of Business Process Automation

Now the question is: how to manage all this? Well, you need a whole staff of employees - to keep your finger on the pulse and carefully monitor the "thin places", "weak links" and the execution of everything that should be performed!

A quarter of companies are following this path, deploying quality departments, expanding managerial and secretarial staff. But it is much more useful to ask yourself how to automate business processes and transfer the control function over them to one space. Such a business process management system will be both a constructor, a monitoring mechanism, and a controller that gives signals when something does not go according to plan. But in order for the “magic button” to work, you still have to work hard.

Of course, the goals of business process automation are not only a convenient way to control. As a result, the use automated system business process management will help:

  • Organize regular tasks.
  • Minimize the human factor.
  • Clearly separate areas of responsibility within processes.
  • Keep all the details of the process under control.
  • Include in the customer interaction scheme.
  • Create a unified IT infrastructure with different access rights.
  • Save time, yours and your employees.
  • As a result - to save money on the management of the company.

As you can see, the goals of business process automation are in many ways the same as yours!

Business process management - a system of one company

To make it even clearer, let's look at specific functions business process management systems - "1C: Document Management 8" - on examples.

We have clearly seen how an automated business process differs from a “written on the knee” one. It remains to understand how to come to this level of automation.

The Secret Ingredient: How to Automate Business Processes Losslessly

You've probably heard stories about Company N, which implemented a super system, fiddled with it, and spitting back to Excel. This is what happens when a company encounters unforeseen difficulties. That employees sabotage the unusual way of working. That the settled processes do not give in to regulation in any way. That the implementation budget is beyond the desired. Then the system itself is heavy and incomprehensible, but it is necessary that “there is a button here, I press it, and everything works.”

Managers often forget the rule: the first stage, from which business process automation is built, is tasks. The document management system has a huge functionality that can satisfy the requirements of the most whimsical business. But first, these requirements must be presented.

Our research confirms that 70% of business difficulties arise just at the stage of fixing requirements and results. Therefore, we provide initial consultations, as well as offer a pre-project study service. This step helps:

  • identify "thin spots" in the company,
  • determine what goals are automation system,
  • understand whether the standard functionality is suitable for the company or whether changes need to be made,
  • find out what set of functions will be optimal for business,
  • determine which processes to automate in the first place, and which can be postponed. For example, areas that slow down the work of the entire company should be prioritized, even if the work on them is not the easiest.

Properly capturing system requirements and results is the secret ingredient to the success of an automation project. Sometimes at this stage it becomes clear that there is a problem with business processes. Then you need to modify them or build from scratch.

Having decided on the tasks that face the automation of business processes, we proceed to the formation of a project team and to the implementation of the project.

Do you want to know what results your business can achieve? Contact us for free consultation- we'll tell you!

Corporate business processes are a convenient and very effective tool for managing and automating enterprise business processes. Corporate processes EDMS systems"Corporate document management" allows you to automate both simple and complex processes of almost any enterprise.

The managers of the enterprise receive a tool for monitoring and obtaining information about the real work of the employees of the enterprise, and the employees of the enterprise are provided handy tool for quick and efficient actions to solve daily tasks.

EDMS "Corporate Document Management" allows you to create and modify business processes in the mode 1C:Enterprise, without the need to make changes in "1C: Configurator".

Corporate business processes EDMS "Corporate Document Management" allow you to perform efficient automation business processes of the enterprise and are a good addition to the automation of the workflow of the enterprise.

All relevant objects are located in the "Corporate Processes" subsystem.

Every corporate buisness process has its own number and date and is an instance of a previously designed business process type. Designing types of business processes is discussed in the section "Designing types of business processes".

Corporate processes are located in the "Corporate processes" subsystem of the system document management system"Corporate Document Management".

There are several ways to create a corporate process:

Creation of a list of corporate processes from a form. To create a process, click the standard "Create" button on the list form. If in the list form a selection was set for one of the types of business processes, then a new process will be created of the same type.

Creation of a list of types of business processes from the form. To create processes, select desired view process and click the Create Process Instance button. After executing this command, a corporate process of the required type will be created.

Create a process from a form corporate document. To do this, open the document form and go to the menu of the top panel "Business Processes". The items in this menu are automatically generated by the types of business processes that have the checkboxes for copying users from a document to processes enabled, or by the types of processes directly enabled in the document type settings. Creating processes from documents will be discussed in more detail in this section below.

Near the rector December 10, 2013 at 03:54 pm

The myth that 1C:UT has business process management (BPM)

"UT" is a very good product for solving the tasks for which it was designed. It allows you to manage the trading activities of the enterprise. Well analyzes transactions, purchases, warehouses, finances. Yes, in some cases it uses the "Business Processes" platform mechanism. But does this mean that trade is intended to manage business processes, or the logic of the enterprise? - No no and one more time no. This article is a cry from the heart. Because I'm really tired of watching presentations or reading descriptions of solutions on various sites. Websites of companies that are ready to sell any 1C product and turn a blind eye to what they are selling to the client. Appealing only a modest description of the product and not even understanding the essence of business process management. Management means that you can configure the system in such a way as to speed up and optimize processes, conduct various analyzes, identify weaknesses and much more. For those who do not see the difference between control and use of the mechanism, I will try to explain on my fingers:

  • UT. There are three BPs in which you cannot add or remove tasks, change the type of addressing, logic, you can’t do anything except move the process from specific documents tied to tasks. In fact, this is not control - it is the use of the proposed version of the logic of the program using the "BP" mechanism. Yes, it is possible to develop your own based on this functionality without wasting time on some basics.
  • CRM. This is really the only product on the 1C platform, where 100% of the platform functionality is used to work with the BP mechanism. This is a solution where the user independently introduces all the logic of the work of his enterprise by creating any route maps. It can call its processes when it needs and how it needs. And for what? And just to manage it all. To see how efficient processes are by collecting statistics on them. What would be good arguments to change the logic. What would be all unfounded. So that you can see all the plugging and stretching of the rubber at the stages. Throw out unnecessary steps - increase work efficiency. That's what "Management" is. And for this you need a lot more than three cards with a couple of blocks.
And in conclusion, for those who still do not understand the difference - the 1C company itself clearly writes what is in the configuration from the point of view of the PSU -

“The configuration implements the basic functionality of automating business processes - universal mechanisms for setting up processes, monitoring and analyzing their implementation, supporting business processes built into a standard solution and allowing specific implementation increase their composition with less labor costs.. ( fourth paragraph).

I draw attention to the word "basic" functionality for automation.

This is very far from enterprise process management. Hence the conclusion: when they tell you at the presentation that UT contains a BP management subsystem - do not believe it, when they tell you at the presentation there is CRM in UT - do not believe it. This is again the beginnings and basic functionality. I repeat once again - UT is a very good product, but for other tasks - operational accounting and planning trading activities, for its analysis. The concept of CRM is quite different. And there is only one truly functional product on the 1C platform to support the concept of CRM in the enterprise - This is 1C: CRM. In fairness, it should be noted that on other platforms there are also sufficiently functional products to support the concept of "CRM" in the enterprise.

Tags: crm-systems, trade management, 1s, business processes

The methodology of any of the 1C programs reflects the sequence of business operations of the organization, which can be combined into a single chain, called business process. To manage business processes, as well as streamline and automate these activities, a special mechanism was developed in 1C.

Benefits of using the business process regulation mechanism in 1C

  • The predetermined structure of the 1C business process determines, according to the accepted procedures, the sequence of actions of employees, which provides a systematic and formalized approach.
  • The omission of any stage is excluded, which does not allow violating the established work procedure and significantly reduces the likelihood of errors.
  • Constant, operational control of what is at what stage, as well as an assessment of the general state of the work segment being performed.
  • Identification of inefficient solutions with subsequent optimization of business processes in 1C.
  • Building (or modeling) the entire structure of business processes for the organization, which gives a common understanding for adoption management decisions different levels.

The passage in 1C of a business process is displayed through a graphical flowchart called route map, which gives a visual representation of what, in what order, under what conditions occurs. The business process route map is divided into stages. Stage in 1C is separated waypoint, in which you need to perform a specific task. A task- this is also an object of the route map in the 1C program. The task indicates the performer (or performers), to whom this task is addressed, deadlines and importance. Performers - users 1C. A specific employee, one of the members of a working group* (department, subdivision) or an employee holding a specific position (for example, a cashier, director, storekeeper) can be assigned as the addressee of the task.

*If the task must be completed by all employees of the working group, then such addressing is called group addressing.

Consider the types of routing as a chain of actions (tasks) that need to be performed to implement a business process:

  • Rigid- the 1C business process is carried out strictly along a certain route;
  • Conditional- the implementation of the 1C business process depends on the fulfillment of the conditions. There can be several conditions on the route, and each has two or more options to choose from. Depending on this, the route will be built;
  • Parallel- 1C business process can be divided and go along several parallel branches to the end of the route or connect * again at some stage.
  • free- 1C business process does not have a route, depending on the tasks set, automatically or manually by users.

*A parallel 1C business process can be continued at the connection point, for example, only if it is reached by all its branches.

We will consider the operation of the 1C business process using the example of a typical sale operation in 1C: Trade Management 8.3 using a demo base from the ITS 1C website in edition

The map starts with a point Start, without which the business process cannot be started (started). There can be several starting points, but in our example selection condition appears after it, and the continuation of the route depends on the result of the transaction.

Further on the block diagram there are yellow rectangles– waypoints with an indication of the employee* who must complete the task. All completed tasks will be shaded. End point - Completion. White rectangular footnotes - references- Explanation of waypoints.

* For simplicity, the executor in our example of the scheme in the yellow rectangles everywhere indicates the position of "Manager", but in practice the positions may differ, depending on the powers and duties of employees capable of performing the task.

To start the "Typical sale" business process, you need creating a deal with a client, therefore, you first need to set or check the settings in the appropriate section of the regulatory reference information (RDI). To do this, in the main menu, you need to go to the section "NSI and administration - CRM and marketing - CRM settings" and sequentially check the boxes "Deals with clients" and "Deal management".

In this example, in the "Reference and Administration - Organizer" section, there are a number of settings for the business process, also marked with checkboxes:

  • Subordinate business processes and tasks – the ability to launch subordinate business processes and tasks from the current business process (you can create hierarchical business processes);
  • Changing running business processes - permission to change tasks in an already running business process;
  • Start date of tasks - the ability to change the date for the start of the task;
  • Date and time in task deadlines – the ability to enter deadlines in tasks with an accuracy of up to a minute.

In addition, in the business process under consideration, there is the possibility receiving email notifications on new and overdue tasks. To do this, check the boxes “Notify about overdue tasks by mail” and “Notify performers about new tasks by mail”, respectively. If necessary, for each item, you can configure (change) the schedule for receiving mail.

Creating a deal with a client (buyer)

In the section "CRM and marketing - Deals with clients" in the list of deals, you need to create a new deal and fill in the required fields:

  • "Client" - the buyer with whom you want to make a deal;
  • "Agreement" - a standard or individual agreement with the buyer and with the terms of sale;
  • "Name" - the name of the transaction;
  • "Potential" - the estimated volume of the transaction in the currency of management accounting;
  • "Probability" - the probability of concluding a transaction in percent;
  • The "Status" field throughout the transaction has the value "In Progress". At the endpoint, the status should be changed depending on the result to "Win" or "Loss";
  • In the "Deal type" field, select from the list and set the value to "Typical sale".

After the deal card is saved, two hyperlinks will appear showing the current status of the deal:

  • "Stage" denotes in text form;
  • When you click on the hyperlink “Business Process Route Map”, the information will be presented in graphical form.

On the "Participants" tab, you can specify third-party legal entities. persons related to the transaction (but this is not required).

For business process promotion you need to go to "My Tasks" in the "Desktop - My Tasks" section.

Next, open a new task and fill in the details: start date and importance. This step requires the creation primary interaction on the transaction: follow the link "Interaction ..." and select the desired option from the list (filling in is very simple). It is important to set the "Reviewed" flag before saving the document.

This stage has been completed.

Next, by right-clicking in the list of tasks at the stage "Reflect the primary contact for the deal" set the status to "Completed" (or the "Completed" button in the task form), after which a new task will be automatically created. This task must be completed and completed by analogy with the previous one.

The next task will automatically appear "Prepare a deal". In the form of this task, you need to click on the link.

In order for the commercial offer to become valid, you need to fill in the fields on all three tabs. Some of the fields are filled in automatically. Upon completion, hold and close the proposal document. After that, the current task can also be considered completed by setting the status to "Completed".

Go through the following two steps in sequence: "Conduct a presentation on the deal"(product presentation) and "Agree on the terms of the sale of the deal"(here it is possible to adjust the commercial offer), after which the list of tasks will be as in the figure below, and the current task will become .

This task requires a customer order. You need to open the task and fill in the details. Next, create an order using the link "Create Order". The order will be automatically filled in with the quotation data. It needs to be edited if necessary. In case of prepayment, you will need to enter a payment document. All items in the order will have the status "To ensure". End the task by setting the status "Performed".

The new task will be the stage. To confirm this task, you need a package of documents « Commercial offer”, “Customer order”, “Sale of goods and services”. In the case of an advance payment, there is also a document confirming payment for the transaction.

There is a corresponding link on the task form "Deal Documents". By clicking on it in the list of documents, we will create an implementation document directly from the document "Customer order". To do this, all products in the order must be transferred to the status "Ship" and by button "Create Based" create and carry out the sale of goods. Click the button on the list form "Shape". The transaction package will be updated. After that, the task can be transferred to the status "Performed".

The next task will be. Here you need to check the documents for paying for the transaction, subject to a deferred payment (also by reference "Deal Documents"). This step must be completed when payment is due.

The last step will be . Open a deal directly from the task form using a hyperlink and change its status to "Won". Save changes to the deal. Then set the task to status "Performed".

In conclusion, consider some interesting features of 1C business processes

  • The performer can redirect any task to another employee (the "Redirect" button in the task form).
  • In the task, you can set up a reminder to yourself (the "Remind" button) and receive a message at a certain moment. Moreover, programmers can set up 1C in such a way that users will receive notifications about new or overdue tasks. In the latter case, the manager or employee who is assigned (redirected) the task can take prompt action.
  • 1C business processes can be launched automatically. This can be implemented using regular tasks on a schedule or on an event in the system. Therefore, it is convenient to use 1C business processes for regular recurring procedures. A 1C business process can be called by another business process. To do this, one or more executable tasks of the parent business process must specify a call to the subordinate business process.
  • Note that different stages of the business process can be addressed to different employees, and the execution of the next action (task) will be transferred to another employee. For example, if an advance payment is required, it will be impossible to ship the goods without the accounting department of the payment document, and if the payment is deferred, the employee responsible for this must allow the shipment.