American business coaches. Top business coaches in Russia: what to learn from. Rating of business schools of the newspaper "The Secret of the Firm"

  • 13.01.2021

“You have to run as fast just to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you have to run at least twice as fast!”

(Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

This phrase saw the light back in 1865, and today it sounds fresher than ever. In order to professionally stay “on the wave”, “in the flow”, it is not enough to be who you are. It is necessary to develop, acquire new knowledge and skills - just so as not to lose positions; and to advance, you need to work twice as hard.

Open Google or Facebook - if you have ever been interested in seminars, webinars and trainings, you will be bombarded with announcements about training events of various kinds: oratory, leadership development, effective time management, negotiations, business English ... and a lot of specialized, purely professional trainings, programs, courses.

To prevent investment in knowledge from becoming a waste of money, it is useful to approach the issue of choosing training, courses, professional development programs, etc. as rationally as possible (several recommendations for choosing a business coach).

One of the sources of information can be ratings - training companies, trainers, schools, etc. We set out to collect information about such ratings in order to get an idea of ​​the service market in Russia and give you ground for reflection and conclusions. Unfortunately, there is little information available. More than enough information from the organizers of training programs (for the most part, advertising); independent evaluations in short supply.

However, some companies have studied the market for training services and shared the results.

1) All-Russian consumer rating of corporate training providers

Companies providing training services are evaluated by customers. As the organizers of the rating explain, the following are the customers: a) executives, HR directors and managers who organize trainings in their companies; b) employees of companies who were trained at trainings by specific trainers. Therefore, the rating is called consumer rating - because it is evaluated by customers themselves.

TOP 10 business coaches:

1) Boris Zhalilo (specialization - sales)

2) Valentina Mitrofanova (personal coach, labor law consulting)

3) Radislav Gandapas (leadership, oratory, self-management, self-motivation)

4) Konstantin Baransky (sales, negotiations)

5) Maria Gital (sales, service improvement, team building)

6) Mark Kukushkin (training of sales representatives, account managers, formation corporate standards sales, etc.)

7) Dmitry Norka (sales)

8) Zifa Dimitrieva (strategic leadership)

9) Dmitry Dimitriev (negotiations, sales, leadership, project management, etc.)

10) Vladimir Topolov (negotiations, sales)

TOP-5 winners in the category "Best Educational Program":

The first All-Russian study "The best business coaches in Russia 2015 - 2016"

The evaluation took place in 2 stages:

– at the first stage, the nominees were evaluated by a jury of 49 experts working in the field of business education,

– at the second stage, public voting was opened on the official website of the study; more than 50 thousand respondents were interviewed.

TOP 3 business coaches in Russia:

1) Maxim Batyrev (Combat) - according to the Kommersant publishing house, he is in the TOP-1000 managers of the country. Winner of the "Commercial Director of the Year" and "Manager of the Year" awards, author of the bestseller "45 Manager's Tattoos".

2) Denis Nezhdanov - President of the Business Training Corporation NEZHDANOV -

3) Vladimir Gerasichev - the creator of his own methodology, the author of the films "Context", "Life. Instructions for use”, author of the book “Dream Team: How to Create a Dream Team”, founder of Business Relations.

TOP training companies - Motton Pik agency rating - 2017

1) TRIUMPH Academy

2) Top frame

3) Sales Training International

4) STAR Personnel Ltd.

5) Bogdanov and partners

8) Business Partner

10) Organization of time

People's rating MBA.SU - 2016/2017

The research method is a survey of graduates of Russian business schools. The assessment was carried out according to 4 criteria: income increase, career growth, business connections, personal and professional development.

TOP-5 positions in the ranking

1 place:

  • Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University
  • Institute of Business and business administration RANEPA
  • MBA & EMBA Kingston / RANEPA (Institute of Social Sciences RANEPA)

2nd place:

  • MGIMO School of Business and International Competences
  • Institute of Business Administration and Business of the Financial University
  • GUU Graduate School of Business

3rd place:

  • Moscow International Higher School of Business MIRBIS
  • School of IT Management, Faculty of Economics, RANEPA
  • graduate School corporate governance RANEPA

4th place:

  • Higher School of Finance and Management RANEPA
  • IMISP Business School (St. Petersburg)
  • MBA Center (Business School) of the Ural Federal University (Yekaterinburg)

5th place:

  • Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University M.V., Lomonosov
  • Plekhanov School of Business Intregral PRUE G.V. Plekhanov

Interesting fact. One of the indicators of the effectiveness of MBA education is the growth in the income of graduates. As it turned out in the course of the study, even with zero career growth, graduate incomes increased by 29-54%.

Rating of business schools of the newspaper "The Secret of the Firm"

TOP 5 leaders in 2017:

  • ION RANEPA (joint program with Kingston University, UK);
  • St. Petersburg branch of Vlerick Business School;

Rating of the newspaper "Elite Personnel"

Dear ladies and gentlemen, I present to your attention a three-month work on the study of the Russian sales training market. The objective of this study was to identify domestic sales gurus, consultants and trainers who are the most competent in sales and related topics - negotiations, persuasion, working with objections, sales management, building sales motivation systems, etc. Oddly enough, until now such a rating did not exist. The last to investigate this topic were journalists from the salespro publication, which, as far as I know, “safely” rested in Bose a few years ago from lack of money (and, apparently, hopelessness that the sales magazine was not for sale).

Each of the people in this study is a unique individual, so whoever you choose for your next training, your company will not go wrong either way. Hire any of them and you will get the most out of what is available on the market. These people are brilliant in sales, have tremendous experience and can help not only the sellers themselves, but also the heads of sales departments, commercial directors and senior managers.

I know some of them in person, others in absentia, and others I have heard a lot about or read their books. By the way, there are those on this list with whom my experience of communication can be called more negative than inspiring. However, this fact did not affect the rating and the position of the coach in it. All these people are well known in Russian market and made a name for themselves in sales training, and not just in “everything” trainings. Whether I like them or not is the tenth thing. There is no doubt about their vast experience and qualifications. I know little about some of them, but by studying their websites, reviews and videos, I can draw fairly accurate conclusions about their competencies and level of expertise in the subject area.

I think that the professionals of this market will pay attention to the fact that many titled coaches of Russia, who (quite deservedly) are used to being in the first places in any such ratings, did not make it into the rating. The reason is obvious - this is the "TOP-20 Sales Coaches". And only for them. I have included here only those trainers and consultants who specialize exclusively in sales training and refuse other topics.

For example, you and I know such well-deserved, and even legendary, coaches as Mikhail Molokanov, Mark Kukushkin, Radislav Gandapas, Leonid Krol, Igor Mann and many others. Of course, in another case, they could also be in this rating, since they clearly deserve the right to be among the best coaches in Russia. And they certainly know how to teach sales. But you need to understand that although they can conduct training on any "selling topic", for them sales trainings, and the topic of sales itself, is no longer the main one. Almost all of them have long “outgrown” the level of simple coaching and have become “gurus” in some area, having “staken out” separate topics for themselves (marketing - Igor Mann, strategy - Radislav Gandapas, time management - Gleb Arkhangelsky, etc. ). And others have greatly expanded the range of training to reach more clients and, thus, left the "pure sales". This automatically excluded them from this list.

On what basis are the coaches placed? To be honest, it's subjective. I did not compare the cost of a training day for each of them, did not consider the average number of paid training days per year or the turnover of their companies. I didn't even look at their price lists. This rating is a purely subjective comparative assessment of one person. I evaluated the totality of my knowledge and the information received through various channels. For example, I have been to Radmilo Lukic's trainings many times, but not so many times to Sergei Azimov's. This was one of the reasons why I ranked SaleCraft's founder a little higher. However, this does not mean that higher is better. I rate almost everyone on this list approximately the same, and it would be extremely wrong to say (and understand) that one of them is better simply because he is higher. It is impossible to compare real pros in their field “directly” - everyone has very different temperaments, approaches and methods of conducting. But what I can say for 100 percent is that all the personalities of this rating are sales professionals of the highest category.

Slightly deviating from the topic, I want to note that it is very difficult to be a “pure sales coach” (sounds funny, right?) in Russia and the CIS countries. Before becoming CEO In the company where I work now, I have conducted many sales trainings and I perfectly understand those who, after three to five years of winding around the country and neighboring countries, go to another business. Teaching sales is an interesting, but extremely difficult and not the most profitable job. The average cost of a good sales coach is now 20-30 thousand per training / day. A good trainer deserves to receive at least 60-100 thousand a day, but there are not so many clients who are willing to pay adequately for high quality. When choosing between a rate of 20 and 60, most companies still choose the former. This list is a warning and a tool for these managers. A good sales coach should cost a lot! Remember this and do not compare the "incomparable".

The dream of any coach is to have at least 15 paid personal trainings per month year-round, but in reality it is difficult to achieve. Sometimes, it happens, of course, more, but more often - less. Having gained a wealth of practice, some coaches open own companies, others expand their own specialization towards general management or personal effectiveness. At the same time, the companies they created have a new name and thus “blur” the trainer’s personal brand that has already gained momentum. In this case, he has to start all over again.

Therefore, many nominees (such as Dmitry Norka or Asya Barysheva) build a brand around their own name. Western examples (the same Jeffrey Gitomer) clearly confirm the success of this approach. Wherever and however I work, my brand will work for me. However, it is clear that a brand built around the founder's name is short-lived. With his departure (unfortunately inevitable), in most cases, his company also disappears. If the brand is strong enough to serve itself without exploiting the name of an individual, it may be more durable and serve children or even grandchildren. However, it happens differently. For example, Arkady Mizernyuk, whose training I admire, is a very successful and wealthy businessman. He could have long ago relaxed on some island under the southern sun and received dividends from a successful youth, however, he, nevertheless, still conducts trainings with pleasure and considers that this is one of his two life missions. In my opinion, this approach deserves all respect.

I admit, calling this rating "Russian TOP-20", I am a little sinning against the truth. Since the list includes not only trainers who live in Russia, but also all those who often come here and can conduct training in any Russian city at any time. I considered this approach justified, since most often Russian (and any other) companies ordering training absolutely do not care where the trainer lives permanently. If we discard his experience and specifics, it is usually important for customers that the trainer be:

  1. Affordable(in terms of money and in terms of a quick appearance on the horizon)
  2. Russian speakers(or Russian speakers, which, in general, is the same thing)
  3. Hassle-free in the sense of drawing up contracts, cash and non-cash payments, flights, accommodations and preparation of all necessary accounting documents that are required by the intricate Russian legislation.

All participants in this rating, therefore, were classified by me as “Russian coaches”. So, for example, it would be foolish to exclude from the list the highly respected and charismatic Mr. Derevitsky, who, although he lives in Kyiv, has conducted a huge number of trainings in Russia. Alexander has found 1000 ways to deal with objections, and is undoubtedly a guru in this rather narrow and, at the same time, such a huge topic. Therefore, his books are still chased throughout the CIS. And Ekke is one of the most famous coaches in Estonia, but also absolutely accessible throughout the former Soviet Union and speaks perfect Russian.

Another logical question that you can ask is: “Why are there not 20 people on the list, but 18?”.


  1. I didn't want to add people to the list just because I absolutely have to list 20 people. (If this is important to you, add Pavel Bukov from RQ Lab to the list - he specializes not only in sales, but knows this topic brilliantly - and, for example, Vadim Dozortsev, whose team improves efficiency precisely through professional audit and modernization of the sales system, who how does he not see sales in the complex?).
  2. There are some other great trainers that are potentially suitable, but I don't have enough data to check yet, I'll add them later.

Perhaps I missed someone (in this case, I ask you to indicate in the comments those who deserve to get into the pantheon of Russian sales glory), but so far 3 places in the ranking are still vacant. Hurry up, as they say. ;) But, I repeat, only those who have connected their business career with sales, and only with them, can get into the rating.

As you can see, there is a nomination in which two people go at once. Coaches Maxim Gorbachev and Dmitry Tkachenko use the power of dual charisma and train together. Therefore, I did not begin to divide them in half (suddenly, without each other, they will not be able to conduct trainings as effectively?). Unfortunately, only one woman got on the list, this is Asya Barysheva, whose book “How to Sell an Elephant” was read by all professional salespeople. Among the nominees was also Tatyana Sokolova, who recently wrote Upgrade Sales, but for certain reasons, she did not make it to our rating.

I guess that's all I wanted to say as a comment. Of course, I did not want to offend, offend or upset anyone. If I forgot someone, I will gladly include it. I will be glad if this rating is useful to you personally and your organizations. As always, I look forward to your corrections, additions, criticism and comments.

Mikhail Lyufanov

So, I present to you a list of the best Russian business coaches in the field of sales

1. Dmitry Norka,
2. Radmilo Lukic
3. Konstantin Baksht
4. Alexander Derevitsky
5. Arkady Mizernyuk
6. Boris Zhalilo
7. Sergey Azimov
8. Sergey Zharikov
9. Nikolay Rysev
10. Sergey Rebrik
11. Asya Barysheva
12. Maxim Gorbachev and Dmitry Tkachenko
13. Alexey Urvantsev
14. Evgeny Kolotilov
15. Dmitry Semin
16. Alexey Zozon

Today, every second book author, speaker and trainer who speaks in front of thousands of listeners or in empty rooms, and also tries to sell his courses, calls himself an info businessman. However, the list of the best specialists in this field is not so great. If you bring together those professionals who earn really serious money and actively participate in international conferences, then there will not be so many names.

In this article, we have prepared an overview of the real gurus of the infobusiness, they are the ones who train thousands of newly minted trainers.

Andrew Parabellum

One of the most expensive consultants and business coaches in Russia. Andrey brought to Russia a new industry of infomarketing and infobusiness, and raised it throughout the Russian-speaking space. He taught several hundred coaches how to do business, and the most successful Runet coaches follow his recommendations. Among the students of Parabellum, one can single out Alex Ivanhoe, Azamat Ushanov, Nikolai Mrochkovsky, Anton Elnitsky. The main achievement of Andrey Parabellum is the development of a strategy for the complete automation of his business. It was the business that required constant contact between the coach and the student that Andrey was able to put on autopilot, for which the followers of Parabellum fell in love with the info business.

Oles Timofeev

Internet entrepreneur and founder of the GeniusLab company, in which the author, together with a team of amazing geniuses, creates legendary Internet projects. Olesya's mission is to convey best ideas human development, both personally and professionally. As part of his projects, he creates innovative trainings, investing his experience and knowledge in them, based on the principles of simplicity and increasing complexity. Oles is the developer of his own results-oriented private coaching methods.

Azamat Ushanov

Azamat's main specialization is teaching monetization and building a subscriber base on the Internet, and other related topics in the field of information business. Popular trainings of the author: “Mass Sales”, “Golden Asset”, “Plan for Selling Information from Scratch”. One of the most famous Russian specialists in selling information on the Internet. Learning from Azamat is an effective start own business. The author will teach you how to generate successful ideas.

Itzhak Pintosevich

most popular coach personal growth and motivation for super-achievements in the Russian-speaking world. Yitzhak's posts on Facebook are viewed more than 3,000,000 times a week and more than 200,000 people study his system on Youtube. The most popular training books by Pintosevich “Act! 10 Commandments for Success" and "Set Goals!" have sold over 500,000 copies.

Julia Pryakhina

Psychologist, female coach and online producer. Julia teaches women how to organize information business, her trainings and courses, helps psychologists to expand the flow of clients. In the format of online trainings and webinars, Pryakhina shares her experience and skills. In 2011, Yulia received the title of "Runet Infobusinesswoman" at the first annual award. Yulia Pryakhina graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the Ural State Pedagogical University and received additional education at Trainer Training.

Timur Tazhetdinov

An expert in promotion on Youtube, a successful Internet trainer, hundreds of people interested in successful info-sales and wishing to use the possibilities of Youtube to realize their ambitious plans have been trained in Timur's courses. Tazhetdinov believes that the secret of his success is that he not only dreams, but also does, is not afraid of difficulties and is sure that he will succeed. Timur is sure that money should be invested in knowledge.

Alexander Belanovsky

Author of unique techniques for optimizing business development. Oleksandr is one of the most popular coaches, whose events attract numerous audiences. The author's effective courses are devoted to topics such as personal selling, building an information business from scratch, the basics of oratory, and increasing the profitability of enterprises. Belanovsky helps infobusinessmen to increase their income by tens and hundreds of times.

Julia Shchedrova

Marriage expert on leading foreign and Russian TV channels. The organizer of the women's club "I Want to Marry", which has a record number of women united by one goal and motivation. Yulia is the author of the bestselling books Married in 2 Months and The Whole Truth About Dating Men. Shchedrova's courses are designed specifically so that every woman can come to success in her personal life step by step.

We will get to know the best business coaches Russia and find out how they became successful in the field of entrepreneurship. We present to your attention the TOP 20 best business coaches in Russia for 2018.

Modern people try to learn every day more and more new and useful information. For the most part, this applies to those who are closely associated with entrepreneurial activity, since it is businessmen who must be aware of new trends and quickly respond to changes in the field of entrepreneurship in order to stay “in business”. Many of these businessmen try to gain new knowledge by trial and error, but nowadays you can attend various trainings to improve leadership and entrepreneurial qualities.

Conservative entrepreneurs prefer to avoid attending this kind of training, but at such seminars you can learn a lot of new knowledge and get acquainted with successful people. For the first time, business training began to appear in the United States, but today the best business coaches in Russia can compete with the most successful entrepreneur-teachers in other countries.

People worth learning from: the best business coaches in Russia for 2018

Despite the fact that the popularity of trainings in Russia remains at a low level, there are a huge number of successful masters of oratory in the field of entrepreneurship in the country, so it will be quite difficult to rank business coaches in Russia, limiting yourself to only 20 coaches. Let's list some of the most famous coaches.

Let's start with the most famous (in terms of media) coach - Maxim Potashev. To an ordinary layman, this person is familiar on television. intellectual game"What? Where? When? ”, In which he has been a participant for a long time. In addition, Potashev is the managing partner of the consulting company R&P Consulting, which indicates his remarkable abilities in the field. Considerable experience in the managerial and entrepreneurial sphere allows him to remain one of the leading and most experienced business coaches in Russia. Most of Potashev's trainings are devoted to stories about the importance of goal setting. Of course, Potashev is included in the list of "leading business coaches in Russia."

No less famous trainer in the field of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is Itzhak Pintosevich. At a fairly young age, Yitzhak had his own personal business with large financial turnover, so there is no need to talk about the skills and abilities of Pintosevich. In addition, Yitzhak became famous for writing books. For example, "Act!" became a real bestseller. Now Pintosevich is actively engaged in training activities, successfully conducting various seminars. Visitors to such trainings note Yitzhak's good oratorical skills and the effectiveness of Yitzhak's program.

Sergei Azimov can be called one of the pioneers of training activities in Russia, although Sergei himself this moment resides in Germany. During his long career as a business coach, Azimov has conducted more than 600 trainings on various topics. Most of Asimov's lectures are devoted to the ability to create your own business, without having a big start-up capital. Unlike many other "colleagues", he received special training from leading business coaches in France and the USA.

He has extensive experience in the field of teaching, as he is the rector of the University of Psychology. For the most part, he is engaged in motivational trainings and programs to create a business from scratch. Kozlov's most famous program is Distance. Thanks to this course, more than 15,000 people have acquired the skills to create a business from scratch. Status, authority and influence, efficiency professional activity, leadership and charisma - this is an incomplete list of the main elements of the course "Distance".

The first female representative on our list, but not the most obscure. Mostly known for her ability to create her own brand from scratch. In addition, he is engaged in consulting activities. Has considerable experience in management activities, which he talks about in his programs and trainings.

One of the few business coaches who has extensive experience in state structure. For a long time, Mikhail has been training KGB officers. The main program, according to which Degtyarev conducts his trainings, is called "Economic Security". Degtyarev notes that the main reason for his success is economic efficiency his clients.

He became known for his innovative time management program. Most of the training is devoted to planning your own labor activity. He is the owner of the company "organization of time". Also, a distinctive feature of Gleb's activity can be considered his "LiveJournal", in which he publishes the main aspects of his program and simply shares his experience.

Perhaps the most popular and successful business coach in Russia, so the rating of business coaches in Russia in 2018 definitely cannot do without him. During his career, he has written more than a dozen books and films, after reading which, you can learn a lot of knowledge in the field of politics. He has many awards, including several titles of the "Best Business Coach in Russia". Most of his speeches are original and highly informative. Business psychology and oratory are the main specializations of Radislav. Many similar lists of the best business coaches in Russia in 2018 cannot do without the presence of Gandapas, which indicates his success and effectiveness as a coach.

A young and promising business coach, who is already the winner of many economic awards, including "Best Manager" and "Best Commercial Director" of the year. He is the author of books, one of which won the Best Business Book of the Year nomination. He has vast practical experience in the field of management, so his programs and courses are effective. For all the time of his activity, Maxim gathered more than 12 thousand people at his seminars, including from foreign countries.

The founder of the company "Business Master", which indicates the high level of management skills of Konstantin. It has own enterprises on the territory of Russia and Ukraine, so all Bordunos programs are closely related to entrepreneurial activities. The main focus of the courses is the psychology of leadership and entrepreneurial psychology. For about four years, Konstantin studied in Italy, so his foreign experience can be noted.

The main focus of Konstantin's courses is building a sales system. He has good oratory skills and has over twenty years of sales experience behind him. Over the entire period of his activity, he has implemented more than 320 projects and. He is engaged in writing, and quite successfully (recently a book was published with a circulation of 200 thousand copies). Often participates in television programs as a sales expert.

Tarasov Vladimir

Quite popular and experienced social technologist, writer and business coach. Throughout his career, he has written several bestsellers. For a long time he lived in Estonia, and now he is the head of the Tallinn School of Managers. Recently, he has been publishing his lessons in electronic form, which he actively uses at seminars with his students.

Top business coaches in Russia cannot do without, who is considered the most famous specialist in the field of sales. A rather “modern” specialist who actively uses the “real time” format in his speeches and trainings. That is, Vladimir, right on the phone, surrounded by his customers, demonstrates his sales skills. During his activity he has conducted more than 200 seminars in more than ten countries. He has written dozens of books and articles on headhunting. Actively participates in television programs.

Tatyana Sorokina

The second representative of the fair sex on our list is Tatyana Sorokina. He has vast experience in sales and sales promotion. Actively engaged in distribution activities. She has experience in management activities (for a long time she occupied leadership position in a consulting company). He also has several bestselling books on marketing.

For the most part, the general public is known for his speeches on business development and its strategy. The top business coaches of Russia in 2018 cannot do without Alexander, since Fridman has published and conducted more than 40 seminar courses throughout his training activities, the main topics of which are strategic development business.

TOP promising business coaches in Russia for 2018

Most of the listed figures have been engaged in training activities for most of their lives and have a lot of merits and authority in this area, but one cannot fail to note the less well-known, but quite promising teachers in building business and managerial abilities. As a bonus to the article about the best business coaches in Russia, we will add 5 more promising and young masters of their craft.

Yana Maley

A young but very sought-after business coach from Siberia. Has two higher education and significant experience in banking and insurance. She is perfectly familiar with the specifics of the work of banking institutions throughout the Russian Federation, which is her undeniable advantage in comparison with other business coaches.

Utenin Vladislav

An experienced expert in negotiation, which is quite rare in Russia. Specializes in sales and Conducts trainings on the development of managerial and leadership skills. In addition to Russia, he spoke at seminars in Europe and the CIS. Considered one of the most promising business coaches in Russia. Not so long ago, he published his new book "The Business of Slow Action", which received a good review.

Igor Chekotin

Chekotin can be called an already established and well-known business coach, but he was not included in our list. It should be noted that Igor has extensive experience in managerial and entrepreneurial fields, which allows him to conduct seminars on sales training and improving leadership and managerial qualities.

Popova Evgeniya

For a long time, Evgenia was engaged in banking. Now he has his own program for building a project for remote communication with employees. In addition, he often participates in various competitions (for example, the “school of young billionaires”) and television programs as an expert.

Mink Dmitry

Another promising sales coach. At the moment, more than a thousand clients have used Dmitry's services, which indicates his considerable experience and talent. Author of the book Expert Selling.

Interesting Facts:

  • Most of the well-known business coaches in Russia currently live abroad;
  • Maxim Potashev has 4 “Crystal Owl” cups in his treasury of awards for victories in the game “What? Where? When?";
  • Surprisingly, Yitzhak Pintosevich has an incomplete namesake who is also involved.

The best business coaches in Russia, the rating with which is provided above, will meet you more than once in various television programs and news feeds, because only at first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated in the story of successful sales and improving leadership qualities. Many trainers have been studying abroad for years and have extensive experience in entrepreneurial activity. It is worth listening to only those business coaches, the result of whose activities is obvious. Leading business coaches in Russia are becoming more and more in demand every year. foreign countries which speaks volumes about their success.

The most famous business coaches in Russia, as a rule, live in other countries, but it will not be difficult to get to the seminars of one of them. Most of the trainers listed in the top constantly “tour” with their trainings and seminars in many countries of the CIS and Europe.

If we consider entrepreneurship as a profession, then in the number of necessary skills it prevails over most others. Whereas a narrow-profile specialist studies one subject, but deeply, a businessman works, so to speak, "in breadth", trying to learn as much as possible about everything. In this sense, a novice entrepreneur must combine in one person a marketer, a techie, a manager, and, if necessary, an electrician with a plumber. Becoming a "free bird", working for yourself, you are not freed from the routine of a hired worker - you have even more of it. But the truth is, now you are accountable to yourself and the income in your pocket comes directly and, as expected, in a much larger amount.

Since this very income, or rather, its increase, is the main task for the entrepreneur, an end in itself, for the sake of which he, in fact, set off "in all serious" independent business, then he faces the main and difficult question: "How to do this?" . A beginner in this case will inevitably encounter some difficulties. Yes, even experienced entrepreneurs sometimes pat the back of their heads in confusion, unable to understand why all of a sudden "I began to lose money." In this case, it is better to turn to people who have turned helping entrepreneurs into their profession. Business coaches, whose theoretical knowledge is consistently supported by the experience of running their own business, are able to give useful advice, think over an algorithm of actions or evaluate the prospects of a particular solution. They are not just vociferous experts with motivating slogans. By looking at the situation from the outside and passing it through the prism of their experience, the coach can provide an objective assessment of your performance, which is especially important in the absence of a business partner or mentor. And if you lack certain knowledge to realize your entrepreneurial ideas, then a business coach from the relevant field will help fill this gap and master the necessary skills. To do this, you just need to choose yours. Therefore, we decided to compile a list of some of the most sought-after business coaches in Russia so that you get acquainted with their activities, and maybe take advantage of their help.

1. Radislav Gandapas

Those who are interested in business training in Russia are probably familiar with the name of this person. This is not surprising, because he is one of the most famous and sought-after business coaches in the country with extensive professional experience and a wide geography of performances. Therefore, even if you are not in business, but live in a large city, you may have met this person more than once on local posters or advertising banners. But to follow their call to go to his training or not depends on your goals. Radislav Gandapas is a specialist in the field of leadership and oratory, and therefore his seminars will be especially useful for those who want to hone their management skills, master the power of persuasion and make their own business communication most productive.

2. Maxim Batyrev

Having passed a rich career path from an ordinary employee to a top manager in a large domestic company, he has accumulated rich practical experience, which he laid the foundation for his consulting activities. The knowledge that Batyrev shares in his own master classes is supported by real examples from personal practice. Therefore, they will be useful primarily for business leaders, business owners and recruiters, as they cover such expert areas as management, sales promotion and employee motivation.

3. Mikhail Bakunin

A marketing expert helps freelancers, professionals in various fields and service companies build the most effective system sales. His main specialization is the marketing of professional services, which are now experiencing a kind of renaissance, responding on the Internet in the form of numerous ads. Standing out as a programmer, designer, tutor, specialist in advertising or psychology is not so easy now. It's even harder to sell yourself. This is what the trainings and courses of Mikhail Bakunin are focused on, who, relying on his practical experience (he is the founder of several companies), trains independent professionals in competent marketing and effective promotion of their services.

4. Evgeny Kolotilov

Sales technique, despite its apparent shapelessness, is very important in the implementation of almost any business process. It is especially important in the B2B sector. The volume of one-time sales here, as a rule, is quite large, and customers, as direct participants in the industry, require high requirements. Therefore, it is not always possible to exploit emotional pressure on the buyer. A large customer is a professional, so it is much more difficult to convince him than an ordinary consumer. Difficult, but not impossible. It is precisely these sales techniques that he teaches, whose work experience is measured not only by the number of years (and their figure, by the way, approaches 30), but also by the list of published books, has long secured the status of an authoritative expert. At the same time, Mann himself puts an inequality sign between the concepts of "marketer" and "marketer", making it clear that there is a difference between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. But this does not mean that one excludes the other. It's just that truly competent management is possible when they are used together. Therefore, Igor Mann positions himself as a universal marketer working at the intersection of theory and practice, which allowed him to develop a balanced business development methodology, which he willingly shares at numerous trainings and corporate programs. In his master classes, books and video courses, Igor Mann laid an extensive marketing management base for a variety of business tasks: increasing sales, working with feedback, negotiating, working with B2B, work schedule optimization and others. Therefore, his work will be useful not only for novice entrepreneurs, but also for experienced players.