"titmouse day". Scenario of the holiday - competition "Titmouse Day" for the senior - preparatory group November 12, titmouse day in kindergarten

  • 13.11.2019

On November 12, 2019, Sinichkin Day is celebrated in our country, established at the initiative of the Russian Bird Conservation Union. The holiday has become popular with children.

On this day, many kindergartens and schools hold themed morning performances dedicated to the protection of birds. We offer one of options holding children's holiday on Sinichkin day.

Scenario of the holiday "Sinichkin's Day" in kindergarten

- Dear Guys! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Sinichkin Day. In the old days, at this time in Rus', they celebrated the Day of Remembrance of St. Zenobius Sinichnik. He was considered the patron of all forest birds: tits, bullfinches, jays, goldfinches, waxwings and others.

- What kind of birds do you know? (Children will answer the question).

Then, according to the program of the event for preschoolers on Sinichkin's Day, a children's quiz will be held in which the children will need to guess riddles about birds (the presenters will show their images).

- A cry is heard under the eaves:
"Chick-tweet" yes "Chick-tweet!".
These are the songs of children
Teaches gray ... (sparrow).

- Red-breasted, black-winged,
Likes to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.

- Wears a gray vest
But the wings are black.
You see - circling, twenty couples
And they shout: “Karr! Carr!

- Who is on the tree, on the bitch
The score is: "Ku-ku, ku-ku?"

- Here the feathered one sat on the bough
And beats: knock-knock-knock!
Looking for food under the bark
He is hungry at times.

– Northern guests
Bunch of mountain ash pecks.
So elegant and bright
On the heads - tufts!

- The breast is brighter than the dawn,
Who? (At the bullfinch).

- Vereshchunya, white-sided,
And her name is ... (magpie).

- She doesn't sit still.
Everything flies all day long.
Fussing, hustling
The whole day rings "shadow-shadow"!
Guess what kind of bird?
That is funny ... (tit).

Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing, various plumage. It is difficult for us to imagine the world without birds chirping, spring without starlings, the sea without seagulls, a grove without nightingales!

- And how many pests are destroyed by birds! A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles and snails per day, a rook - up to 400 worms and plant pests. A family of swallows over the summer is about a million different harmful insects. Today you will learn more about birds, we will play and frolic.

An event for children on Titmouse Day will continue the story about the titmouse.

- All of you have seen tits more than once and you know well what they look like. Titmouse is a small bird (its weight is 20 grams, and its length is 15 centimeters). She has a black head and neck, white cheeks, a greenish back and a yellow tummy.

In the summer she is busy all day, because she needs to feed the hungry chicks. There are about 15 of them in a titmouse, and they hatch twice during the summer. So the bird flies all day in search of food. During the day, the tit eats as many insects as it weighs itself.

- Why do you think these birds are called tits? Not everyone knows that the word "tit" did not come from the plumage of these birds. They began to be called so for their sonorous songs, reminiscent of the chime of a bell: “Zin-zin!”.

- The people said:

  • “Titmouse is small, but knows its holiday”,
  • "The tit is small, but the voice is vociferous",
  • "A tit is a sister of a sparrow",
  • "Feed the tit in the winter, it will remember you in the spring."

There are many signs associated with this holiday. People remarked:

  • if birds appeared in flocks near the house, it means that frosts will come soon;
  • if tits squeak in the morning - this is to the night cold, whistle - to a clear day.

What else can be in the program of the children's event on Titmouse Day?

Then, according to the scenario of the holiday "Sinichkin Day" in kindergarten there will be a story about birds wintering in our area.

- Not only tits stay with us for the winter. Other birds also wait out the winter cold in our forests and parks. Birds have a hard time in winter, because they do not have warm houses, like you and me. How can we help birds this time of year?

With the support of the facilitators, the children give answers, the essence of which boils down to the fact that you need to make feeders and feed the birds.

- Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.
Their food is poor:
Need a handful of grain
One handful - and not terrible
They will have winter.

- You can pour bread crumbs and crackers, millet grains, rice, millet, buckwheat, dried rowan berries and other food into the feeder.

- Titmouse can be treated to their favorite food: unsalted and lightly salted bacon, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc.

In the program of the holiday for preschoolers "Sinichkin's Day" it is possible to provide that the children will read poems about this bird:

Tell me titmouse
Winged friend,
Why are you staying
Are you heading south?

The blizzards will come
Snow, cold,
And with feathered food
Winter is a disaster!

Titmouse - in response:
- Rescues the feeder.
Thanks a lot
For this, my friend.

Thanks for the seeds
Apples, salo...
Without them, in winter
I've definitely disappeared.

Outside the window a bird chirps
Yellow-sided titmouse.
Hungry in the winter poor thing:
Not a blade of grass, not a bug.
If only she had a little bread
Or some grains.
I'll hang a feeder here
And I will pour a mug of millet,
I will wait for the forest guest:
Come visit soon!

Games and competitions for children on Titmouse Day

The scenario for holding Titmouse Day in kindergarten may also include various games and competitions. Children will be happy to take part in the "Brilliant Titmouse" physical activity.

The children stand in a circle and repeat the movements for the teacher:

- A nimble tit jumps (children jump in place on two legs),
- She can’t sit still (jumping in place on her left leg),
- Jump - jump, jump - jump (jumping in place on the right leg),
- Spinning like a top (children are spinning in place),
- Here I sat down for a minute (sat down),
- She scratched her breast with her beak (stand up, tilted her head),
- And from the track - to the wattle fence (jumping in place on the left foot),
- Tiri - tiri (jumping in place on the right foot),
- Shadow-shadow-shadow! (jumping in place on two legs).
- They circled, circled and turned into children again.

You can arrange a game "Tits". To do this, put large circles of cardboard on the floor. Children - "tits" - run around the playground. When the teacher says: “Go home!”, the guys try to take the houses. Which of the children is left without him, he is out of the game.

Do not forget about the musical accompaniment of the holiday. Songs about birds can be heard on it: “Titmouse” (“I am a titmouse, little bird”), “Titmouse song”, “Sparrow”, “Little bird”, “Starling says goodbye”, “Crane”, etc.

"Titmouse Day"


On the birch near the house
Someone is shaking familiarly.
At the feeder noise, fun -
They are having a housewarming party there.
Quickly pecks grains,
It won't let us sleep in the morning.
Lavrova T.

Autumn is drawing to a close. Here comes the last month of autumn. For a long time in Rus', on November 12, Sinichkin Day was celebrated, that is, the day of the meeting of wintering birds. People prepared feeders, read poems about birds, made riddles, played and just admired the winter birds.A few years ago in Russia, at the initiative of the Russian Bird Conservation Union, Sinichkin Day was declared an ecological holiday, it is celebrated on November 12th. Sinichkin day in Russia is considered the day of Zinovy ​​​​Sinichkin - the patron saint of birds. According to tradition, on this day, people hang feeders near their homes and feed the birds until spring.

Why Sinichkin Day? Yes, because the tit is a bird of God for Rus'. Previously, in the old days they guessed at her: they threw crumbs of bread, pieces of lard and observed: if the titmouse first begins to peck at lard, then living creatures will be kept in the house, if it begins to peck at crumbs of bread, then there will be prosperity in the house.

The people said "The titmouse bird is small, but it knows its holiday."

Our ancestors met him noisily and festively; hung on the branches of trees favorite delicacy - lard; hosted parties.

Zinka does not eat much - drinks, but lives happily.

For several years in a row, this day in our country has been celebrated as the Day of the meeting of wintering birds, when you can hang out the feeders and start feeding the birds.

We have such a custom: as soon as the snow falls, hang a convenient feeder on a twig.

On this day, wintering birds arrive: tits, goldfinches, bullfinches, waxwings, and other birds. Of course, the main character of the holiday is a titmouse.

All of them move closer to human habitation in search of food. A popular sign says that if there are a lot of tits near the houses, wait for the onset of great cold weather.

"The tit squeaks - it promises winter, the cold calls out."

Zinoviy - titmouse in Rus', the holiday of fishermen and hunters was celebrated. On November 12, the fur hunting season and the winter fishing season opened. Hunters, gathering on this day for hares, were going to feast in one hut. It was imperative to catch at least one animal, which was called the birthday one, otherwise the hunt throughout the year could be unsuccessful.Therefore, they said: "Put down the horse, but leave the hare." At the same time, the true value of such prey was not great, and this was always remembered: "The price of a hare is two money, and running is a hundred rubles." Fishermen also went fishing on Sinichkin Day. If the nets arrived full, the catch was certainly celebrated with a feast on the river bank.

There are many folk signs associated with the tit, here are some.

The tit cries in the morning - by a frosty night, whistles in the evening - by a clear day.

Tits appear in flocks near houses - wait for the cold weather.

The tit squeaks and clings to the house - to the frost.

A lot of tits on the feeders - to a blizzard, snowfall.

Tits fly early to warmer climes - soon it will get colder.

A tit knocks on the window - to good news, a gift.

When a tit sits on your hand, you need to make a wish, and if the bird gives a voice, the wish will come true.

Catching a titmouse in a dream is a sign of overcoming troubles, achieving goals.

Here is such Sinichkin day!

Synopsis of the thematic walk "Titmouse Day" with the children of the second junior group"Story"

Educational area: knowledge

Integration educational areas: communication, socialization, reading fiction, work, age of children: 2-3 years.

Type of: cognitive research.

View: integrated.

Purpose of the walk: the formation in children of ideas about wintering

birds of the native land.


OTo acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating the holiday "Titmouse Day".

Folk omens associated with the titmouse.

OClarify the names of birds that feed on the feeder and fly near the site.

OTo consolidate knowledge of what sounds birds make.

OTo give knowledge about the nutrition and feed of birds in the winter season.

OTo develop the attention and thinking of children, the ability to correlate changes in nature with the life of wintering birds, to develop children's imagination and communication skills.

OCultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions, conduct regular top dressing.

Preliminary work:

OBirdwatching while walking;

OConsideration of didactic pictures "Wintering Birds";

OCreation of a subject-developing environment.

OExamination of the illustration "Birds"

OWork on the development of the articulatory apparatus.

OMobile game: "Sparrows and a cat".

ORepair of feeders with children.

Preparing to renew feeders

Painting feeders.

Feed mixture preparation.

Filling feeders with feed.

Know and remember!

Forest birds, including tits, should not be fed with black bread. Birds often leave part of the food in the crop, where the bread quickly swells and ferments; it might even kill a bird. Rye bread is especially dangerous because more yeast is added to it than wheat bread.

Unroasted sunflower seeds, medium-fat cottage cheese mixed with white breadcrumbs so as not to stick together, scraped lean beef, grated egg, hard-boiled, finely chopped fresh apple are placed in the bird feeder for tits. On frosty days, it is good to hang a piece of unsalted bacon, put a piece of butter. Tits should get used to other foods, except for seeds, so don't be upset if they don't eat it at first.
It should be noted that if you already undertook to feed the birds in winter, then this should be done regularly - as the feed is consumed. Otherwise, you can destroy the birds accustomed to feeding. It is especially necessary to feed the birds during bad weather, in icy conditions, after a snowfall with sticky snow and in severe frosts. On days like this, you can't stop.

Information for parents.

Make and install a feeder near the house.

Help your feathered friends winter.

Bring nimble birds and bring joy to yourself

and fulfill the old Russian custom.

Galiya Semeshko

12 november - Sinichkin day(or Zinovy ​​- Sinichkin) . This the day is considered among the people Sinichkin holiday: according to signs, wintering birds arrive by this time, which get closer to housing, where there is more food. For a long time in Rus' november 12 is celebrated Titmouse day, i.e. day winter bird encounters. People prepared feeders, read poems about birds, made riddles, played and just admired the winter birds.

welcomes you middle group Kalinka. We live in the north. And so winter comes unexpectedly to us and every year we take part in the Feed the Birds in Winter campaign.

Parents became active participants in this holiday. Together with their children, they made feeders and brought food. And now we have a bird dining room under our window. Children came to kindergarten with pleasure and proudly talked about the bird house. Thank you dear parents!

We have such a friendly group.

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I want to tell you about how today I took part in the procession under the motto "We are together" in the city of Moscow. In the morning we are our small team.

Purpose: to create an emotional positive attitude in children. Tasks: to form an ecological culture, respect for birds; develop.

"Titmouse Day". Thematic lesson for the ecological holiday on November 12 Titmouse Day is an ecological holiday. Themed lesson for the celebration. Purpose: To expand children's understanding of birds remaining.

Here it is noisy gold autumn, the crowns of trees thinned out, the trees got rid of their motley attire. Autumn is drawing to a close.

Autumn is drawing to a close. Here comes the last month of autumn. For a long time in Rus', on November 12, Sinichkin Day was celebrated, i.e.

According to the folk calendar, November 12 is Zinovy ​​\u200b\u200bthe Sinichkin, or Sinichkin Day. “Feed the tit in the winter - it will remember you in the spring,” they say in Rus'.

By the day of the titmouse, the children of our group began to prepare in advance. We read many books and poems. We got acquainted with folk signs about tits. They asked.

Sinichkin day. Scenario for preschoolers 5-7 years old

Scenario holiday-competition designed for pupils of senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions. The event is timed to Sinichkin's day, which is celebrated according to the national calendar on November 12 and is dedicated to the species of wintering birds in the Kemerovo region. This development can be used by educators, music workers of preschool educational institutions, teachers additional education, teachers-organizers for the preparation and conduct of events of a natural science orientation.
Target: education of ecological culture of children preschool age through the deepening, expansion and updating of knowledge about the wintering birds of Kuzbass.
Tasks: 1. to update and replenish the stock of knowledge of children about the types of wintering birds of the Kemerovo region, their importance for humans and for nature, types of food for different birds;
2. to cultivate a careful and responsible attitude towards human feathered friends;
3. develop the intellectual and creative abilities of children.
Event progress.
Presenter: Hello dear guys! We are very glad to meet you, and today this meeting is dedicated to wonderful world our feathered friends. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing, various plumage. Without bird chirping, the world would be boring.

For a long time in Rus', on November 12, Sinichkin Day is celebrated, that is, the day of the meeting of wintering birds. On this day, people prepared feeders, read poems about birds, made riddles, played and simply admired the winter birds.

Why Sinichkin Day? Yes, because the titmouse - the bird of God is considered in Rus'. Previously, in the old days they guessed at her: they threw crumbs of bread, pieces of lard and observed: if the titmouse first begins to peck at lard, then living creatures will be kept in the house, if it begins to peck at crumbs of bread, then there will be prosperity in the house.
Guys, what is a holiday without the most important heroine - a titmouse? Let's call her.
(includes a titmouse in a suit)

Tit: Hello guys! I am very glad that you have not forgotten about me. And which of you saw me in your gardens and orchards, on the street? All summer I lived in the forest. And now it is late autumn outside the window, and my migratory brothers have already flown south, to warmer climes. Why do you guys think some birds leave their native lands in autumn? (children's answers). That's right, friends, because with the onset of autumn, the birds do not have enough food. And we, sedentary birds, moved to the city by winter, closer to the dwelling of a person whom we are not at all afraid of and even hope for his friendship and help.
Presenter: Tits guys are very helpful birds. In spring and summer, they clean forests and gardens from harmful insects. During the day, this little bird eats as many insects harmful to plants as it weighs itself.
Tit: Thank you friends for appreciating me! And now I would like to meet you!
1. Representation by teams of wintering birds.
Titmouse: What good fellows you are, guys, that you do not forget my other wintering brothers! Thank you for your bright and memorable performances. It is immediately obvious that you are feathered - good friends! Do you know sedentary birds, but can you recognize migratory birds?
Presenter: Of course they didn't forget, Titmouse. And now the guys and I will prove it to you. Our next competition is the migratory birds riddle competition.
2. Riddles about migratory birds.
1.Black, nimble,
Shouts "Krak!"
Worms are the enemy (rook).

2.Front - awl,
Behind - fork,
Above - black cloth,
Behind is a white towel (swallow).

3. Motley cracker
Catches frogs.
Walks around,
Stumble. (duck).

4. Who is without notes and without a flute
Best of all displays trills,
Louder and softer.
Who is this? (nightingale).

5. He builds his nest in the field,
Where plants grow.
His and songs and flight
Went into poetry.
Wants to fly straight
Wants - hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights.
And in the fields sings, sings (lark).

6. I am a cheerful bird,
In a black speckled shirt,
I come to you in the spring
I live in the house right away.
I rise with the sun
I eat bugs dewdrops drink (starling).

7. Mother, I don’t know my father
But often I do.
Children I will not know -
I’ll sell them to strangers (cuckoo).

Titmouse: Oh, what you guys, well done! All migratory birds were recognized.

Presenter: Yes, titmouse, our guys not only know a lot about you, but are also ready to help their feathered friends in cold and harsh times. Look what wonderful and comfortable canteens for wintering birds have been prepared by kindergarten students!
The winter days are getting shorter.
You won't have time to eat
The sun will set behind the fence
No mosquito, no fly
Everywhere only snow, yes snow.
It's good that we have feeders
Made by a kind person. (Yu. Sinitsyn)
Let's listen and see what our young friends have prepared for us!

3. Demonstration and presentation of feeders.

Titmouse: Thank you, friends, for your kindness, for your care, for helping us, birds. With such sympathetic assistants, we are not so afraid of Siberian frosts. Indeed, out of 10 tits, 1-2 survive in winter. And if all the guys around help my relatives, then in the spring we will not remain in debt - we will protect your gardens and forests from plant pests, delight you with our singing!
Presenter: You are right, Titmouse, without the help of people, settled birds have a hard time in winter, because birds are not afraid of cold, but hunger. Do you know what kind of food to feed this or that type of bird? Let's play with you the game "Bird Cafe".

4. Game "Bird Cafe".
Each team is given one card with the image of a wintering bird and several containers with different food. The team should in 2 minutes create a menu specifically for their “bird client”, that is, select food for the type of settled bird that is depicted on the selected card.

1. Tits: unsalted bacon, unroasted sunflower seeds, pumpkin, watermelon, melon, hemp, white bread crumbs (cereal and gray bread - do not eat);
2. Bullfinches, waxwings: fruits of mountain ash, viburnum, hawthorn, buckthorn, bird cherry, maple;
3.Sparrows, pigeons: millet, oats, wheat, millet, sunflower, grain waste;
4. Woodpeckers: cones, acorns, nuts, sunflower seeds;
5. Nutcrackers: unsalted fat, meat, sunflower.

Titmouse: Thank you guys for the treat! I hope you remember to replenish your feeders so that our beautiful bird cafes do not hang empty all winter. After all, we wintering birds need your care! You did your best today, pleased us not only with your knowledge, creative approach, but also with respect for wildlife! Well done!
And now, while the distinguished jury sums up the results and determines the winners, let's play fun game"The birds have arrived." Once the birds gathered for a meeting, the meeting was secret, and it was decided not to let anyone in except the birds. You guys will be guards today! As soon as you hear that it’s not a bird that suddenly got to the “meeting”, immediately clap your hands loudly! Ready? Begin!
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts…

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Swallows, swifts,
Jackdaws, pasta,
Crow storks…

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, martens,
Crow storks…

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Bolts, cuckoos…

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Gadgets, cuckoos…
There are such birdies, chickadees, by the way, my relatives, because chickadees are different!
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Chibis, siskins,
Gaichki, swifts,
storks, cuckoos,
Even owl buns ...
It’s true that buns are not birds, but if you add only one letter “C” to them at the beginning, you get buns, and these are already birds. This is a type of owl. Why do you think they were named that? That's right, because they sleep during the day. Well done! Nobody missed! And now we give the floor to our jury!
Summing up and rewarding teams.


November 12 - Titmouse Day(or Zinovy ​​\u200b\u200bthe titmouse). This day is considered by the people as Sinichkin's holiday: according to signs, wintering birds arrive by this time, which get closer to housing, where there is more food. For a long time in Rus', Sinichkin Day has been celebrated on November 12, i.e. winter bird meeting day. People prepared feeders, read poems about birds, made riddles, played and just admired the winter birds.

Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you like home
Flocks on the porch

Their food is not rich:
A handful of grain is needed.
One handful - and not terrible
They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget?
They could fly.
And stayed for the winter
Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring

A few years ago, another ecological holiday appeared in Russia - Sinichkin Day. It was created on the initiative of the Russian Bird Conservation Union and is celebrated on November 12.

On this day, residents of different settlements countries are preparing to welcome the "winter guests" - birds that stay for the winter in our area: tits, goldfinches, bullfinches, jays, tap dances, waxwings. People prepare food for them, including "titmouse delicacies": unsalted bacon, unroasted pumpkin, sunflower or peanut seeds - they make and hang feeders.

Despite the fact that as ecological holiday Sinichkin Day is celebrated relatively recently, its history is rooted in the distant past.

In the folk calendar, November 12 is listed as the day of memory of the Orthodox Saint Zenobius Sinichnik. By folk omens, it was by this time that the tits, anticipating the imminent cold, flew from the forests closer to human habitation and waited for help from people.

On this day, residents of different settlements of the country are preparing to welcome the "winter guests" (Photo: Kuttelvaserova Stuchelova, Shutterstock)

Our ancestors noticed: if birds appeared at the house in whole flocks, it means that frosts are about to break out. And on this day, our observant ancestors predicted the weather according to special signs: if a tit whistles, it will be a clear day, if it squeaks, it will be a night frost, a lot of tits gather on the feeders - to a snowstorm and snowfall. By the way, the name "tit" did not come from the blue plumage of these birds, as many might think. They got their name for sonorous songs, reminiscent of the chime of a bell: “Zin-zin!”. And Zinoviy Sinichnik was considered a holiday of hunters and fishermen. As a rule, from November 12, the fur season and the winter fishing season opened.