Rating of world brands. The most valuable brand. Rating of world brands The most expensive brands of companies

  • 16.05.2020

The modern war of brands is almost no surprise anymore. Huge companies tirelessly fight for a place in the sun, constantly improving their products and innovating in manufacturing process. It is not so easy to replenish the popular brands of the world and earn a place in the ranking. Domestic companies, unfortunately, have not yet succeeded. This article will focus on those well-known global brands that occupy leading positions in various ratings.


What are the most of the world in this category? The first places in the lists are occupied by such car brands as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota. These three companies always go together, periodically changing places and occupying the last places in the top ten (but this is by no means a bad thing!). The main directions of their development: orientation of sales to all countries of the world, advertising, search for new categories of customers. A little further from the main positions in the rankings is the Honda brand, which has recently focused on retaining old customers rather than finding new ones. But GE, which is not very well known in the post-Soviet markets, has headed the world's car brands. She won the victory after she decided to provide her machines with software and connect them to the Internet. The move was risky, although completely successful. For which the company made its way closer to the first places in the ratings.


Brands of the world successfully replenish companies that produce software for computers. So, Intel is sure to be in the rating - a company that is successfully developing and pleases consumers with a good filling of its "workhorses". Invariably in the ranking, the leading place is occupied by Microsoft, even despite who exactly was or is it. CEO. Timely response to all innovations, full support of the world of computer fashion - all that is needed in order not to leave the tops and be at the forefront. And unexpectedly bypassed the most famous brands in the world of Google thanks to the Google Glass program.


The best brands of the world in the "technology" section, as always, are replenished by Apple. It consistently takes a leading position, fully satisfying the desires and demands of its customers. Trying to keep up with her and Samsung. This company took a huge step forward after refocusing on Apple, emphasizing the interconnection of its products. Computer fashion is represented by HP, which also occupies a dominant position.


The most famous and always top-ranking brand in various ratings is Disney. He is always in the center of events, finding more and more new opportunities to win people's attention. By the way, the products of this company are focused not only on children (although, to tell the truth, mainly on them), but also on adults who are ready to have fun a certain amount of time. Apart from entertainment centers, toys and cartoons, this company creates various show programs and video games.


The list of the world's most valuable brands is often topped by Coca-Cola. She is always at the peak among the winners, changing her places from time to time. This happened, for example, in 2013, when, after thirteen years of leadership, the company gave way to other worthy brands. However, at the same time, Coca-Cola received another prestigious award, becoming the most creative player in the market that year. As for food, McDonald’s tops the rating of brands - a company that is ready to feed everyone in the world. She made a huge step forward after she decided on various new dishes, introducing into her menu the features of the cuisine of those countries where her restaurants are located.

household items

Gillette replenishes the brands of the world, always being in the top twenty. The company's products are aimed not only at men, but also at women. A special demand for products is given by the rapidly developing countries of the world, where this brand has a particular success. This, for example, concerns India, as well as the countries of the post-Soviet space.


And, of course, how can you do without the world of fashion? There are well-known brands of the world in this section of goods. For example, the leading position in the world of accessories is occupied by the Swiss company Rolex, which has been producing watches for almost 110 years. Their products are not cheap, but they differ in quality. And this accessory is an integral part of every successful and self-respecting person. This list must include Louis Vuitton - the only company that occupies a leading position in the world of fashion rankings. It specializes in the production of bags and suitcases, as well as other accessories and clothing. Most expensive brands the world is also led by Prada. Its history began in small store leather goods in Italy. However, thanks to the hard work and desire of the workers, today it is a well-known brand that is recognized all over the world. The company specializes in leather goods, it produces bags, hats, clothes, shoes and many different accessories. Close to her in nature is the company Gucci, which became famous in the 60s of the last century. She is currently producing leather accessories, clothing, as well as jewelry and perfume. The ratings also include the French company Hermes, which produces original bags and scarves. It will be interesting for many that the company initially specialized in the manufacture of harnesses, and as evidenced by its logo.


This section is mandatory for those people who closely follow the world of fashion. So, who occupies a leading position in the ranking of brands from the world of fashionable clothes? This is Chanel. Quite a long time ago, the petite but very charismatic Coco made a huge breakthrough in the world of women's fashion, forcing ladies to abandon uncomfortable prim dresses in exchange for stylish and practical men's trousers. Since that time, this company has not lost its positions and today is in the top of the ratings. Armani is preferred by many celebrities from the world of show business. Besides, this brand is also accessible to young people who want to always remain fashionable. Focus on everything age categories- this is the strong point of this Well, how can you bypass the well-known brand Dior, which became known to the public at the very beginning of the last century? These are not only great clothes, but also exclusive fragrances, high-quality decorative cosmetics - everything you might need. modern man to always be fashionable. Affordable at its prices is also well-known in Europe, but gradually gaining ground in the expanses of the former Soviet Union, the H&M brand. These are clothes for every taste, which will suit many people in style. In addition, it is very affordable at its prices. Thanks to this, you can always stay at the peak of fashion and be a stylish person. Comfortable and practical clothing in a sports style is offered by Nike, which has been a leader in the sales market for quite a long time. Offers urban style clothing to everyone famous company Calvin Klein, whose products are loved by many people in various countries peace. And the brand of sexuality and femininity is, of course, Victoria's secret, which mainly produces lingerie, but does not stop there. And for lovers of brightness and eccentricity, there is such a brand as Dolce & Gabbana. Their clothes always keep up with new fashion trends, wide colors and various prints, which is very popular not only with young people, but also with all brave people.

The world's leading brands cannot afford to stand still waiting for change. Instead, they are proactive and continue to grow without concern for maintaining the status quo. What makes them leaders in their industry is that they recognize the importance of investing in branding while investing in product innovation and improvement to stay ahead of the competition.

Analysts of the consulting agency Interbrand published Global Brands Report - ranking of the most valuable brands in 2017.

It is based on three main factors:

  • Financial performance obtained through the sale of branded products and services.
  • The role the brand name plays in influencing customer choice
  • Customer loyalty (brand contribution to the company's future profits).

The annual Interbrand Top 100 includes only companies whose business operates on three or more continents and receives a third of their profits outside home country. Therefore, there is not a single Russian company in the list of the most expensive world brands.

Here's what the most expensive brands of 2017 look like.

The five fastest growing brands this year are the largest social network Facebook (+ 48% in value), online marketplace Amazon (+ 29%), software developer Adobe (+ 19%), Adidas concern, which produces sports equipment, clothing and footwear for sports (+17%) and one of the favorite brands of coffee lovers Starbucks (+16%).

More than half of the world's top brands operate in one of four sectors:

  • automotive industry (16 top 10 participants);
  • technologies (15 companies);
  • financial services (12 brands);
  • and FMCG (9 trademarks).

The fastest growing sector in percentage terms was retail (19%), followed by sporting goods (10%), technology (8%), logistics (7%) and financial services (6%).

According to an Interbrand report, the 2017 list of the world's best brands is dominated by the United States with 52 brands in the top 100. The US is followed by Germany (10 brands) and France with its eight brands (mostly fashion and beauty): Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Axa, L'Oreal, Danone, Cartier, Dior and Moet & Chandon.

As Interbrand CEO Jez Frampton said, “The only constant is change, and we are living in one of the most exciting periods of change since the Industrial Revolution. The changes we are seeing are societal, professional, technological, economic, industrial and affect every aspect of commerce and life. In this ever-changing context, growth is becoming increasingly complex. Businesses must continually find new ways to make a brand both recognizable and relevant to a particular culture, create a platform that allows for an exciting and unique experience, as well as a means to remain relevant, meaningful and valuable. In this changing world, businesses need brands more than ever.”

Not all of us can buy clothes from expensive global brands. The history of each of the Fashion Houses included in the top 10 of such brands is interesting. The highest target for total annual revenue is $12.7 billion.

The proverb about “a meeting on clothes” has not lost its relevance today - on the contrary, the trend of following fashion is only gaining momentum every year. Many designers have made a name for people's desire to show their style, taste and status. You can find out which brands can be ranked among the most expensive clothing brands by looking at the rating of fashion houses.

List of richest clothing brands

Why do people buy expensive things? The reasons may be different, but such buyers would like to know what place the elite item they purchased ranks in the ranking. Not only the amount of the assessment is interesting, but also the history of each brand that got into the coveted rating.

AT modern society clothing serves as a determining criterion for his success. For many consumers, it is important that the label is included in the top number.

Table 1. Top 10 Most Expensive Clothing Brands Income Ratio


Set Items

Annual income, 2016

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • textile;
  • accessories..

$12.7 billion

  • clothes;
  • accessories.

$11.4 billion

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • accessories;
  • books.

$8.7 billion

  • clothes;
  • specialized things (for yachtsmen);
  • perfumery;
  • cosmetics.

$7.3 billion

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • accessories;
  • perfume;
  • flower service;
  • sweets.

$1.8 billion

denim clothing

$544 million

  • clothes;
  • accessories.

$364 million

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • accessories.

257 million euros

$79 million

  • luxury clothing;
  • Underwear.

$22 million

What is the idea of ​​"instant fashion" and how different is it from top brands? Read.

Pedestals of luxury clothes in 2017

278 boutiques - so much sales departments belongs to this most expensive brand in the world. Founded in 1921 by designer Guccio Gucci, today, in addition to clothing, it also produces textiles, perfumes, interior items and accessories. What are the differences worldwide famous brand? Experts note the presentability of each line of clothing. In every thing, conservatism and adherence to traditions are felt, which does not prevent experiments with materials and styles. Critics complain that each new collection becomes too predictable, but fashion designers object: in order for clothes to be popular, they must be wearable.

2nd place is occupied by Prada, created in 1913. This fashion house is presented in 250 stores located around the world. 979.2 million annual profits ensured their place "under the sun" in the fashion industry. Not the last role here is played by the ability of designers to combine clothes and try to combine fabrics and styles.

Today, the Prada collection includes not only luxurious dresses for social events, but also trendy accessories. The main credo: "Our clients do not have to prove anything to anyone", expressing the whole essence of wealthy people in this. It is wealthy people who can afford to purchase the outrageousness offered by the brand.

The bronze medalist was the Italians, this time the duet of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, whose work was embodied in the brand of the same name. The company is one of the youngest - the year of foundation was 1985. The bet was made on Hollywood - actresses who put on outfits from designers stood out among their colleagues. The style from the brand is chosen by bright and dynamic people - it is frankly sensual and sexy (“with the suggestion” of designers, lingerie style and torn jeans came into fashion).

In fourth place is Chanel. The brand began its victorious fashion march at the beginning of the last century. The simple little black dress proved synonymous with luxury and propelled its creator, Coco Chanel, to the pinnacle of success. 100 years later, nothing has changed - "comfortable luxury" (the company's creed) continues to excite the minds and along the way devastates the wallets of those who want to buy such clothes.

Today, Coco Chanel products can be bought in 310 boutiques located on all continents. The style of the brand has changed little over almost a century - it suggests minimalism of color and convenience. Most often, this is a clearly defined silhouette, although the clothes have acquired more democratic shades - even shorts have appeared in summer collections.

"Golden mean" goes to the brainchild of another Italian designer - Giorgio Armani. It presents both everyday models and high fashion collections. Distinctive feature style - negligence (it's not for nothing that brand clothes are popular among young people). The company produces both everyday collections and "high fashion". The fashion designer began with the alteration of classic men's jackets.

Experts distinguish the minimalism of images - Giordio Armani does not like unnecessary details. A simple formula: ingenious simplicity and incomparable elegance helped Giorgio Armani S.p.A. in the opening of 13 factories and 300 stores worldwide. The brand is considered one of the fastest growing and promising.

In sixth place is the Guess company, whose creators tried to convey that you need to live beautifully every day. The brand is relatively young - it was founded by the four Marciano brothers, who became one of the first popularizers of jeanswear in 1981.

How did jeans grow from everyday wear into a real dream? The Guess brand tries to make each of its models bright, fresh and sexy. Competent work of marketing and advertising services helps the brand to stay at the top of the fashion Olympus. A lot of world-famous stars are filmed in advertising - Eva Herzigova, Claudia Slate, Naomi Campbell and Letizia Casta. And to consolidate the success in a series of commercials, the outrageous socialite Paris Hilton was filmed.

Seventh place is occupied by American Marc Jacobs, former creative director of design house Louis Vuitton, whose collection from 2015 was a real breakthrough. The style is distinguished by bold geometric shapes, the use of patent leather and other creative solutions. The brand is very fond of celebrities - at different times it was advertised by Chloe Sevigny, Victoria Beckham and even the Russian group Tatu. Today at this "post" - Miley Cyrus.

Finally, the list of the French - Christian Dior in eighth place in the ranking of the most expensive clothing brands. It all started in the post-war years, when the first collection of women's clothing from this brand was able to revolutionize the world of post-war fashion. It was Dior who came up with the idea that every fashion designer should have his own sign.

After the death of the fashion designer, the Fashion House was headed alternately by Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Boan, Bernard Arnault and Gianfranco Ferre. Each of them tried to maintain the elegance inherent in the style. Trademark designers try to avoid excessive pretentiousness.

Today, this brand employs 56,000 people. The company has more than 160 boutiques around the world. Annual income - 24 billion dollars.

We are nearing completion - the ninth place is occupied by Gianni Versace. This Italian company did not cease to exist even after the death of its founder Gianni Versace - his sister Donatella continued the family business. The very first boutique outside of Italy was opened in 1991 in Glasgow, Scotland. Today the number of stores has reached 80.

The brand is considered luxury - most outfits emphasize well feminine beauty, but without the appropriate accessories look "on the verge of kitsch." A large degree of creations are created for girls with a model appearance - slender and tall. The brand does not forget about men either: every Russian is familiar with a crimson jacket from the nineties (also a creation of Versace).

And closes the top ten expensive clothing brands brand Valentino (Valentino). The Italian manufacturer of luxury clothing and underwear was founded by Valentino Garavani back in 1959. Now the brand is part of the Valentino Fashion Group.

Key signs corporate identity This trademark is named bustier and clothes in red. The master insisted: “Red goes to all women. There are 30 shades of this color - it's important to find yours."

The second priority is white, the apogee of love for which was the dress of Jacqueline Kennedy for the wedding with Aristotle Onassis. Modern tendencies focus on youth fashion. In these outfits, the stars also prefer to walk the red carpet.

Any brand needs to be realized. Such an assistant is, for example, the Wildberries online store.

Potential competitors

Despite confident positions in the top ten, none of the brands presented above can be sure that tomorrow it will not be overthrown from the pedestal. Competitors are very serious:

  1. The international concern Fendi is famous for its high-quality clothing, fur, and accessories. Experts say: bags of this brand will never go out of fashion.
  2. Hermes started working in 1837, but developed its production by 2008. In addition to clothing and leather goods, the brand also produces other items - from jewelry to gloves. The consumer likes it - it affects the annual income of 730 million dollars.
  3. Ralph Lauren has many subsidiaries and more affordable models (Polo Sport line). A striking example is Jennifer Lopez's dress at the Grammy Awards in 2000. Now the brand's designers are dressing the first lady of the United States - Melania Trump. Annual income rose from 776 million dollars.
  4. Burberry specializes in outerwear - the company has been at the peak of popularity for more than a century. Everyone knows the brand's signature trench coats. The brand's revenue is $323 million.
  5. Louis Vuitton is known for connoisseurs of quality accessories and bags. The company has more than 460 stores in 50 countries.
  6. World celebrities are dressed by Oscar de la Renta. Jacqueline Kennedy gave preference to the brand. Today there are no less fans - evening and wedding dresses with this name are so attractive.
  7. A potential competitor is the Italian brand Brioni, which specializes in men's fashion. The brand is named after a fashionable resort - the clothes it produces meet the expectations of elitism and quality.

Even fashion designers once started with a small atelier. It is quite possible to open it at home.

You can learn more about expensive world fashion trends from the video:

Every company wants to stay at the forefront of fashion. To do this, they not only follow the accepted trends, but also contribute their vision, creating Her Majesty Fashion.

Did you know that the global fashion industry is worth $3 trillion and the haute couture industry is worth $300 billion?

"The Devil Wears Prada" introduced fashion even to those who previously knew nothing about the biggest names in the world of style and beauty. Want to learn more about the most expensive brands in clothing and accessories? Our selection contains the best of the best.

Top ten

The top brands include:

  1. Chanel
  2. Burberry
  3. Hermes
  4. Prada
  5. Gucci
  6. Dolce And Gabbana
  7. Ralph Lauren
  8. Versace
  9. Giorgio Armani

These companies produce the most expensive clothes in the world.


Coco Chanel's journey is nothing less than an epic and legendary journey to the pinnacle of fashion. Brands with such incredible stories quite justifiably inflate the price tag.

Koko had a unique talent for feeling what the world needed. And her projects are relevant to this day. The revolutionary little black dress remains a must in every women's wardrobe. Millions of women of all ages dream of the legendary Chanel No. 5 perfume. Chanel was a revolutionary who believed that luxury should be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury!

The Chanel brand is valued at $7 billion.


It has been around for over a century and is probably the oldest fashion brand in the world. Thomas Burberry opened his first store in 1856 in Basingstoke, England.

The signature plaid pattern is the first thing we think of when we talk about Burberry. It was developed for the military and then gained popularity among civilians. The design has become such a hit that it is now part of a huge array of clothing and accessories.

Experts value Burberry at $3.4 billion


This is exactly what the name of this brand sounds like, and not “Hermes” or “Nermes”, as some people think.

Hermes has been around for over 200 years. It first appeared in the 18th century as a workshop making leather belts, saddles and sacks.

Erme is the epitome of sophistication and chic with everything they do, be it expensive bags, shoes, perfumes, clothes or even home interiors. Like many other companies, Hermes has experienced its share of ups and downs in business. However, the company weathered all the storms and continues to be a popular premium brand catering to the elite.

Having done long haul, Hermes today has a revenue of 5 billion dollars.


Miuccia Prada, born in 1949, a political science graduate student and former member and activist of the Italian Communist Party, is the current owner of Prada. She was the most modest heir to the elite brand that appeared in 1913.

Prada originally specialized in handbags, travel bags and suitcases for the Italian elite. However, when Miuccia Prada took over, she launched luxury clothing for men and women. Prada gained popularity even before this collection was released.

The company's net worth is estimated at $2.4 billion. Clothing and accessories from the brand are still among the most sought after around the world.


The history of Gucci began in the 19th century. Now the company is considered the most successful Italian brand in the world.

Gucci, who worked in Paris as an immigrant hotel worker, was fascinated by premium handbags, so they formed the basis of his business idea. He then returned to Florence, his hometown, and began working on starting a company. His sons joined him and helped expand the business in Milan and Rome.

The Gucci brand has always attracted a lot of attention. Over time, the company's products penetrated the US markets. The first store was then opened in New York in 1956 and eventually in other major cities in the United States.


Christian Dior, known as Dior, began his career as a prestigious couturier in 1946. Later, the company expanded to include Baby Dior for children and Dior Homme for men.

The company was one of the first to present its complete collection in its own residence, which was also their flagship store at 30 Avenue Montaigne Paris. In 1947, Dior also launched the Miss Dior perfume line.

"Dolce and Gabbana"

Dolce & Gabbana is relatively new compared to other big fashion house names. It all started in 1985 when Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana started to gain popularity.

Dolce & Gabbana started with knitwear in 1987 and also launched two separate lines of lingerie and swimwear, which also became a hit. Hollywood actresses fell in love with their clothes, wearing this label was considered a status symbol. Today, the company also produces the best fragrances.

Dolce & Gabbana's $1.4 billion in revenue speaks volumes for the brand.

"Ralph Lauren"

Shortly after he left his job in the army, Ralph Lauren joined the Brooks Brothers as a salesman and became the best in the business. He convinced management to let him open his own line.

Then Ralph organized own company in 1971. Today it produces perfume, accessories, men's and women's clothing. Ralph Lauren also designed the costumes for The Great Gatsby.

The net worth of the corporation is estimated at a whopping $5 billion.


Gianni Versace is an Italian who comes from a family of designers. He got into the fashion world quite early. He started working for his mother right after high school. He later moved to Milan and began freelancing. He eventually created his Versace label in 1978 and launched his first clothing collection.

He was also the first designer to understand the importance of Hollywood stars and supermodels, so he was especially active with this audience.

An $800 million empire was built in less than ten years. Today, the brand is valued at 5.8 billion. After the death of Gianni, the company is headed by his sister.

"Giorgio Armani"

The Armani company began operating in 1978 in Milan. Today there are several directions, for example, Armani Jeans, Armani Kids, Emporio Armani.

The brand has sales of more than $3 billion a year.

Forbes magazine released its annual review of the world's most valuable brands in 2016. What makes one brand more valuable than another? According to David Raibsteen, professor of marketing and branding at the Wharton School of Pennsylvania, it's all about consumer perception. If customers are willing to pay a higher price for a particular brand, or prefer that particular brand, it adds value to the brand.

Here are the top 10 most expensive brand names in the world, topping the rankings.

10 General Electric

Estimated at 36.7 billion dollars.

One of the most expensive and oldest brands on the list. It was founded on April 15, 1892 - 124 years ago. General Electric now has interests in a variety of industries: oil and gas, healthcare, aviation, transportation, energy management, software development, financial services, wind turbines, electric motors, weapons, household appliances, mechanical engineering and pharmaceuticals.

9. McDonald's

Worth 39.1 billion dollars.

The only global food franchise. Representative offices of the company are located in almost all major cities of the world. McDonald's attracts children in every possible way with the help of children's menus and toys, special playgrounds, small bonuses, as they understand that children will bring their parents to the poppy.


The brand value is 39.5 billion dollars.

Surely you at least once watched the film of this company, or played with toys produced by it, or visited Disneyland. Disney is about wonderful childhood memories that you want to pass on to the next generation.

7. IBM

Estimated at 41.4 billion dollars.

One of the most recognizable companies in the technology sector. Its full name is International Business Machines Corporation. IBM is currently engaged in computer software, hardware, IT services and IT consulting.


The brand value is 42.1 billion dollars.

As of February 2016, it is the 13th largest company in the world. In addition to automobiles, Toyota is engaged in banking, leasing and financing. It is also the first company to produce more than ten million annually.

5. Facebook

The cost is 52.6 billion dollars.

Demonstrates a stunning increase in the value of the brand name (44%). The average user spends 50 minutes a day browsing Facebook. That's more time than the average person spends reading (19 minutes), exercising or playing sports (17 minutes), and socializing (4 minutes) combined.

4. Coca Cola

The brand value is 58.5 billion dollars.

The headache remedy called Coca-Cola was created by pharmacist John Pemberton in 1865. Asa Griggs Candler later bought the rights to it and introduced Coca-Cola (already as a soft drink) to the world on May 8, 1886. Until now, the formula of this drink is kept secret.


Brand value - $75.2 billion

Microsoft has been able to increase its prestige in the eyes of customers with a host of new products including Windows 10, Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book. The tech giant has invested heavily in its cloud services, which are fast becoming its biggest money provider, and has expanded its retail strategy by opening a flagship store in New York in 2015.