Projects on the theme of the first flight into space. Project "space world or life in space". Project implementation algorithm

  • 07.03.2020

creative project

"Mysterious space"

Prepared by the teacher

MADOU " Kindergarten No. 29"

City of Sterlitamak 2017


Several decades ago, few of yesterday's boys did not want to become an astronaut. This dream is not at all relevant for today's children. Meanwhile, space pirates, star wars and other alien creatures are the heroes of their favorite cartoons. Interest in the Cosmos awakens in a person very early, literally from the first steps. The mysteries of the universe always excite the imagination, from early childhood to old age. The sun, the moon, the stars - it's so close at the same time, and at the same time so far away. I think that each of us, including me, is very interested in looking at the night sky.

That is why I chose the topic of the project: “ Mysterious world space"

Problem: Insufficient knowledge in the field of cognitive development, the history of space exploration, what is there behind the clouds of our beloved planet.

Hypothesis: the most mysterious and fascinating thing in the world is space

Target works: Learn about the history of space exploration

Tasks: study additional literature;

select and organize entertaining information; give facts proving the mystery and amazingness of the cosmos

Stages of work:

Preparatory stage

1. Choice of topic.

2. Determination of questions on this topic.

3. Collection of information, its analysis and generalization.

Practical stage

1. Analysis of the collected information, 2. Design of the material

3. Research results

Generalizing stage 1.preparation and design of the presentation of the project. 2. Protection.

For centuries, people have been attracted

space with its secrets and mysteries. Humanity has asked itself many

questions about space that had no answers. People tried to know the secret space, gradually accumulating knowledge about it.

Space - it is a vacuum, in the unimaginable dimensions of which there are countless galaxies with their stars, planets and satellites. This is a frightening awareness of the insignificance of our planet on a cosmic scale and at the same time breathtaking from its greatness, beauty and the inability to realize its true size.

There are about 300 satellites in orbit today.

They serve to transmit throughout

the world telephone conversations, television

broadcasts, weather information. By signals

satellite captain determines where to sail the ship.

They help to study the Earth, Sun, planets,

In the vast expanses of space, our Earth rotates

Earth is one of the planets

solar system

The study of space began in ancient times. And only four hundred years ago, after the invention of the telescope, astronomy began to develop rapidly.

The 17th century is a transitional age for astronomy. At this time, the Milky Way, other star clusters and nebulae were discovered.

XIX century - astronomy entered a phase of numerous discoveries and achievements.

XX century - the launch of the first satellite into space, the first manned flight into space, access to open space, landing on the moon and space missions to the planets of the solar system.

We live in the solar system.

In the center of it is the Star - the Sun, around which nine planets revolve.

Before the first man flew into space,

scientists first sent various animals into the cosmic unknown.

The first "cosmonauts" - scouts were dogs, rabbits, insects and even microbes.

The first cosmonauts - Belka and Strelka became the first living creatures successfully sent into space for experimental purposes and also successfully returned to Earth.

Cosmonaut (astronaut) - a person who has made space

flying and conducting in flight

testing and operation

space technology.

A spaceship is both a home and a scientific

laboratory. They live and work there


First manned flight into space

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

1952 - first airplane flight

1957 - graduated from the Orenburg Pilot School;

March 1960 - cosmonaut candidate;

Vostok with Gagarin

board first went into space

and made a revolution around the Earth.

The first woman astronaut to go into outer space

Svetlana Savitskaya. This happened during her second flight into space in 1984. The duration of the stay in space was three and a half hours.

The first artificial earth satellite

our country launched

in 1957. Thus began the space age for mankind.

The first satellite revolved around the planet for 92 days, after which it entered the atmosphere and burned out.

During his work, various information about the atmosphere and the propagation of radio signals was collected.

Now we return to our beloved Earth. Did you enjoy being in space? Let's remember what interesting things we saw?

2. By airship,

Cosmic, obedient

We are outrunning the wind

We are heading for…

3. The rocket has a driver, Weightlessness lover. English: astronaut And in Russian …

1. To arm the eye

And make friends with the stars.

Milky way to see

Need a powerful...

4. The very first in space, flew at great speed brave Russian boy Our astronaut...

5. Lights the way at night, The stars won't sleep. Let everyone sleep, she can't sleep In the sky shines for us ...

6. The planet is blue,

Beloved, dear.

She is yours, she is mine

And it's called...

7. In space through the thickness of years Icy flying object. His tail is a strip of light, The object's name is...

9. The object is

in the Universe Insidious, not simple, He eats the stars Like a sandwich with caviar. Dangerously invisible And not visible to the eye So dark dark...

8. What do we see when we look out the window, Us bright light shining...

How much more unexplored in the universe!

Billions of stars and planets. And maybe there is a life on some that is at least a little similar to ours ...

Exploration of the mysterious space continues!

Vanyashina Natasha, 11th grade

Project, products. Abstract. Presentation.



State budgetary educational institution middle

secondary school in the village of Musorka

Project on:

Gagarin is the first cosmonaut. Russia's breakthrough into space

Vanyashina Natalia

Project Manager:

Zhelnina Tatyana Alexandrovna

year 2014


2. The origins of Russian Cosmonautics………………………………….3-7

3.First satellites…………………………………………………………8-9

4.Gagarin-the first cosmonaut…………………………………………….10

5. Flight into space………………………………………………………………11-12

6. Honorary titles and awards………………………………………… 13-15


8. List of references……………………………………………….......17-18


Our remarkable compatriot K. E. Tsiolkovsky, at the beginning of the 20th century, argued: “The planet is the cradle of the mind, but you can’t live forever in the cradle ... Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere , and then it will conquer all the circumsolar space. Now we are witnessing how the prophetic words are coming true.
The twentieth century will forever go down in human history as the age of space exploration. At the beginning of the century, a Russian scientist
K. E. Tsiolkovsky for the first time theoretically substantiated the possibility of space exploration with the help of rockets. He later wrote: "I will be glad if my work inspires others to further work."
After the October Revolution, many scientists and designers, who ardently believed in the implementation of the ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, began to work on their further development and implementation.
Already in 1931, groups for the study of jet propulsion appeared in Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov, Tiflis, Baku, Arkhangelsk, Novocherkassk and other cities of the country, and in 1933, by decision of the government, the world's first Jet Research Institute was created.
During these years, the first Soviet liquid-propellant rockets were created and tested. Experience is being accumulated in their design and manufacture, preparation and implementation of launches. It became obvious that the further development of rocket technology would require extensive research, design and experimental work, many of which were completely new areas in science and technology.
Specialized scientific organizations and design bureaus were created. As a result of many years joint activities these organizations constantly improved the flight characteristics of missiles.
In 1957, the first space rocket was created. On October 4, 1957, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was put into orbit in the Soviet Union.
The launch of the first satellite opened the space age in human history. It vividly demonstrated the high level of scientific and technological development of our country and laid the foundation for the rapid improvement of space technology. Following the first satellite, the second and third satellites with significantly larger masses and an expanded composition of scientific equipment were launched into near-Earth orbits. In January 1959, the Luna-1 spacecraft was launched towards the Moon, passing in the immediate vicinity of the Moon's surface and entering a heliocentric orbit. In September of the same year, the Luna-2 spacecraft landed on the surface of the Moon, and a month later, the Luna-3 interplanetary station transmitted photographs of the far side of the Moon to Earth.

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In February 1961, the Venera-1 interplanetary automatic station was launched to Venus, and in November 1962 the Mars-1 station was launched to Mars.
In the same years, the first manned flights into space were being prepared. They demanded the solution of a number of fundamentally new tasks. It was necessary to make sure in advance that a person can tolerate the factors of space flight and to prepare future cosmonauts for this physically and psychologically. It was necessary to ensure the life of the astronaut on the ship and remote control of his health in flight. It was necessary to create means of manual control of the ship and means of conducting radiotelephone communication with the astronaut. Finally, it was necessary to ensure the safe return of the ship to Earth. All these problems were solved in record time, and already in the spring of 1960 the correctness of engineering solutions was experimentally tested on the first unmanned satellite ships.
And on April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union launched the first Vostok spacecraft in the history of mankind, piloted by Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.
It became the second landmark event in space exploration. The flight showed the fundamental possibility of a safe stay and work of a person in outer space.
Yu. A. Gagarin's flight was followed by launches of other Vostok spacecraft. The duration of flights on them increased and was gradually increased to five days.
During these flights, the cosmonauts carried out increasingly complex programs of experiments and visual observations and demonstrated the high efficiency of human participation in space research. The results of the first flights made it possible to take further steps in space exploration.

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The exit of mankind into space is a natural process historical development: it reflects the eternal need of people to learn the secrets of nature, to look for new areas of habitat.
The years of the birth of the "rocket business" in Russia have not yet been precisely determined - some researchers attribute it to the 12th century, others to the 10th century. It is documented that in 1516 the Cossacks used rockets in military affairs.
The first descriptions of rockets and powder compositions for them are given by Onisim Mikhailov in his "Charter of military, cannon and other matters related to military science" (1607-1621). The "Charter" also describes the methods of using missiles. Initially, they did not serve military purposes - they were used as "funny lights".
In 1680, a "rocket factory" was founded in Moscow, where they began to manufacture fireworks, and then signal powder rockets.
In the first decade of the XVIII century. Petersburg, a special laboratory was opened, which at first started manufacturing firework rockets. Carefully studying the "rocket business", Peter I saw in the "funny lights" something more than a spectacle - the power of weapons. The first works on rockets appeared. In 1762, a book by M. V. Danilov was published in Moscow - the first original book in Russian, containing information about the manufacture of fireworks and signal rockets.
The military-scientific committee, which dealt with rocket affairs in Russia, concentrated its attention on developing the design of rockets. AT
In 1814, a member of the Military Scientific Committee, I. Kartmazov, made combat missiles of two types - incendiary and grenade. They successfully passed the tests. The military ministry of Russia has decided to acquaint the troops with the operation of combat missiles.
In those years, one of the outstanding domestic scientists, the hero Patriotic War 1812 Alexander Dmitrievich Zasyadko (1779-1837). Having made his first rockets, Zasyadko demonstrated them in 1817 in St. Petersburg, and then near Mogilev, where he opened a special pyrotechnic laboratory. The test results exceeded all expectations: the range of the rocket reached 1670 m. In 1826, a permanent rocket factory was established in St. Petersburg with the aim of mass production of rockets for the Russian army.
A prominent scientist and designer Konstantin Ivanovich Konstantinov (1817-1871) made a great contribution to the improvement of combat powder rockets. K. I. Konstantinov laid the foundations of experimental rocket dynamics.
A new field of technology - rockets - increasingly attracted the attention of scientists and designers.

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There were proposals to use missiles in the fleet and in the air.

Particular attention of scientists and designers was drawn to the creation of aircraft with a rocket engine. In the second half of the XIX century. in Russia, more than 20 projects of jet aircraft were proposed. So in 1849 a military engineer
I. I. Tretetsky (1821-1895) expressed the idea of ​​using the power of jets of water vapor or alcohol, gases and compressed air to power aircraft lighter than air. Admiral of the Fleet N. M. Sokovnin (1811-1895) published in 1866 the work "Airship", in which he gave a diagram of the design of an aerostat capable of flying "like a rocket flies." In 1867, retired artillery captain N.A. Teleshov (1828-1895) received a patent for a Delta jet aircraft. An interesting project of the Kyiv inventor F. R. Geshvend, who proposed to build an aircraft - "parolet" - with a steam jet engine with a nozzle equipped with concentric nozzles for air suction. In 1880, the inventor S. S. Nezhdanovsky expressed the idea of ​​​​creating aircraft with a liquid jet engine using kerosene as a fuel and nitric acid as an oxidizing agent, mixed immediately before the explosion.
The project of the revolutionary Nikolai Ivanovich Kibalchich (1853-1881) deserves special attention. Sentenced to death for participating in the assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander II, while in prison,
N. I. Kibalchich drew a diagram of the jet aircraft he had conceived. In his project, N. I. Kibalchich developed an aeronautic device based on the rocket-dynamic principle, considered the fuel supply system to the combustion chamber and the principle of flight control by changing the engine tilt. For about forty years, the project of N. I. Kibalchich lay in the secret archives of the gendarme department. Only in 1918 it was published in the magazine "Byloye".
Two years after the execution of N. I. Kibalchich, in 1883, the then unknown teacher Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), in his manuscript "Free Space", not only put forward a bold idea and the possibility of using the jet principle of jet propulsion for flight into space, but also developed circuit diagram apparatus that ensures the stay of a person in outer space. In his youth, while self-educating in Moscow, K. E. Tsiolkovsky met N. F. Fedorov, a utopian thinker, captured by the idea of ​​so-called philosophical cosmism. L. N. Tolstoy and A. M. Gorky showed interest in the “cosmic teaching” of N. F. Fedorov. Overcoming the idealistic foundations of N. F. Fedorov's "cosmic teachings", K. E. Tsiolkovsky became more and more a materialist.

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In 1895, an essay was published
K. E. Tsiolkovsky "Dreams about the Earth and the sky and the effects of universal gravitation",

The idea of ​​interplanetary flights, exploration of the upper layers of the atmosphere took over the minds of many scientists and designers. In 1896, a brochure by Alexander Petrovich Fedorov appeared " New principle aeronautics, excluding the atmosphere as a reference medium", where he described the device of the aeronautical apparatus he proposed, the movement of which is based on the jet principle. Work
A. P. Fedorova made a great impression on K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Having comprehended it, he formulated his idea of ​​creating a liquid-propellant multi-stage rocket designed for human flight outside the Earth.
The most important stage, characterized by the creation of the foundations of the theory of interplanetary communications, was the first part of the work "Investigation of World Spaces by Reactive Instruments" prepared by K. E. Tsiolkovsky for publication in early 1903. The scientist was able to publish the second part of his work only in 1911-1912. In this fundamental work
K. E. Tsiolkovsky established the laws of motion of a rocket as a body of variable mass, determined the coefficient useful action rockets, studied the effect of air resistance on its movement. K. E. Tsiolkovsky noted the advantages of rocket engines at high speeds, gave a diagram of an interplanetary rocket, while pointing out the advantage of using liquid fuel. Considering the rocket as the only practically acceptable way to fly into space,
K. E. Tsiolkovsky developed the idea of ​​building a composite multi-stage rocket. With his work, K. E. Tsiolkovsky largely determined the rational ways for the development of astronautics and rocket science.
One of the pioneers of rocketry, the talented Russian scientist Friedrich Arturovich Zander (1887-1933), was also inspired by the idea of ​​exploration and exploration of outer space. Even in his youth, he got acquainted with the work of K. E. Tsiolkovsky "Research of world spaces with jet devices", became interested in rocket science and astronautics and devoted his whole life to them. F. A. Zander entered the history of science as an enthusiast, a passionate propagandist of the ideas of space flights, who began practical work in the field of astronautics.
In 1921, F. A. Zander presented to the Moscow Conference of Inventors his project of an interplanetary spacecraft-airplane.

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The cultural revolution that began in the country, the awakening of the masses aroused a wide interest of many people in stellar flights. Among them was the talented inventor Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk (1897-1942).

Independently of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Kondratyuk derived the basic equations of rocket motion by an original method, considered the problems of energetically favorable space flight trajectories and the theory of flight of multistage rockets. He owns a number of innovative ideas, including the idea of ​​creating intermediate interplanetary rocket refueling bases, a proposal to use the planet's atmosphere for braking when landing a rocket. Yu. V. Kondratyuk proposed a scheme for flights to the Moon with the launch of artificial satellites into its orbits and the subsequent separation of the landing craft. He also put forward the idea of ​​using the gravitational fields of oncoming celestial bodies for additional acceleration of spacecraft or their deceleration during flights within the solar system.
The well-known Soviet scientist aerodynamicist Vladimir Petrovich Vetichkin (1883-1950) was engaged in the popularization of astronautics. Initially (1921-1925), V.P. Vetichkin made presentations on the problems of jet flight within the atmosphere and in interplanetary space, later - from 1925 to 1927. - he developed the basics of the flight dynamics of cruise missiles and jet aircraft.
In December 1930, F. A. Zander began working at the Institute of Aviation Engineering, in 1931 he began building the OR-1 air-jet engine, and then the construction of the OR-2 liquid-propellant rocket engine.
The OR-1 engine developed a thrust force of up to 1.5 N. It ran on gasoline and compressed air. The OR-2 engine was more powerful. The thrust force developed by him reached 500 N. The fuel was still gasoline, and the oxidizer was liquid oxygen.
In May 1929, for the first time in the USSR, experimental studies of liquid-propellant rocket engines were started in the gas-dynamic laboratory. The head of the development of these engines was a talented engineer (now academician) Valentin Petrovich Glushko.
The jet propulsion study group also played an important role in the development of domestic rocket technology. It brought together many rocket enthusiasts: F. A. Zander, aerodynamicist V. P. Vetichkin, talented engineers S. P. Korolev, M. K. Tikhonravov and others.
The work of the group was led by a technical council chaired by S.P. Korolev. The first flight of the GIRD-09 rocket was carried out in August 1933. The length of the rocket was 2.4 m, the launch weight was 19 kg, and the share of fuel was 5 kg. The engine developed a thrust force of up to 500 N.

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The first experimental Soviet rocket with a liquid-propellant rocket engine was the GIRD-10 rocket (the engine ran on liquid oxygen and ethyl alcohol). The first rocket launch led by
S.P. Korolev, took place on November 25, 1933 at the training ground in Nakhabino.

Although the engine mount was broken in flight, and the rocket fell 150 m from the launch site, this did not overshadow the joy of its creators, because another step was taken in the development of rocket technology.
In the autumn of 1933, on the basis of the gas-dynamic laboratory and the group for studying jet propulsion, it was decided to create the Jet Research Institute in Moscow. I. T. Kleimenov was appointed head of the institute, and S. P. Korolev was appointed deputy for the scientific part.
In the history of space exploration, the name of S.P. Korolev is associated with an era of remarkable achievements. The scientific and technical ideas of S. P. Korolev have been widely used in rocket and space technology in Russia.
An outstanding event of that time was the creation of the ORM-65 engine with adjustable thrust from 500 to 1750 N for installation on the RNII-212 cruise missile and the SK-9 glider designed by S.P. Korolev.
The largest event in the scientific life of the post-war period was the International Geophysical Year, which took place from July 1, 1957 to December 31, 1958. By this time, new guided long-range ballistic missiles R-2 were created in our country under the leadership of S.P. Korolev. They served as the basis for the development of second-generation geophysical rockets.
The first launch of the V-2A geophysical rocket built on the basis of the R-2 rocket was carried out on May 16, 1957. At the same time, a payload weighing 2200 kg was raised to a height of 200 km and successfully returned to Earth.
Since 1958, the next stage of systematic studies of the upper atmosphere up to a height of more than 500 km began with the help of geophysical rockets V-5A, V-5V. Experiments with the help of the V-5A rocket provided the most valuable material for the development of systems that ensure the vital activity and salvation of a person in space flight.
Preparations for the assault on space required the creation of special scientific institutes and laboratories industrial enterprises, a cosmodrome, a network of ground tracking stations, training of highly qualified personnel, and everything had to be done without analogues in world practice.

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October 4, 1957 entered the history of mankind as the beginning of the space age. On this day - the day of the launch of the first Soviet artificial satellite of the Earth - the eternal dream of mankind was realized - going into space. Flights were made to the planets of the solar system. Automatic devices successfully operated under conditions of enormous pressures and temperatures on Venus, in the vacuum of space and cold on the Moon. Cosmonauts live and work on manned orbital stations for a long time.
Ahead - new space achievements. But it all started on that October day in 1957. The first Soviet artificial satellite had the shape of a ball with a diameter of 0.58 m, and its mass was 83.6 kg. Two satellite radio transmitters, which made it possible to study the conditions for the passage of radio waves in the ionosphere, made it possible to obtain new information about the atmosphere. Successful work of the first satellite confirmed the correctness of theoretical calculations and design solutions incorporated in the creation of the launch vehicle, the satellite itself and its onboard systems.
The second Soviet artificial satellite was launched on November 3, 1957, just like the first one, as part of the program of the International Geophysical Year. The most important experiments carried out on the second satellite are biological. On board was the dog Laika. It was the last stage of the launch vehicle with a total mass of 508.3 kg. The containers housed scientific and measuring equipment, and an experimental animal in a pressurized cabin. The purpose of the biological experiment was to study the basic physiological functions of the animal in various parts of the flight. Before the flight of the second satellite, animals were repeatedly raised in rockets to a height of 500 km in order to test their tolerance for overloads and short-term weightlessness. But only orbital facilities made it possible to comprehensively study the effect of space flight factors - starting overloads, prolonged weightlessness, radiation - on a living organism. The first space flight of a living creature showed that a highly organized animal can satisfactorily endure all the factors of space flight, and confirmed the real possibility of man's flight into space.
The air conditioning system, equipment for feeding the animal and removing waste products, measuring equipment for studying physiological functions, and taking electrocardiograms were successfully tested. On the second artificial satellite, for the first time, direct studies of cosmic rays and solar radiation were carried out, which are not feasible from the Earth.

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The third Soviet artificial satellite (launched on May 15, 1958) became the first integrated scientific geophysical laboratory.

The mass of the satellite was 1327 kg, twelve scientific instruments were installed on its board.

Project goals: 1. To reveal the significance of the first manned flight into space. 2. Tell about the designer S.P. Korolev and the first cosmonauts. 3. To interest students in the problems of the development of astronautics. 4. To instill a sense of patriotism and pride in the heroes of our compatriots.

1. Study the literature on space exploration. 2. Select material on the topic on the Internet and create slides. 3. Together with classmates, visit the school museum of cosmonautics named after Yu. A. Gagarin. 4. Hold a quiz and drawing competition about space in the class. 5. Spend Classroom hour- a debate about the problems of the development of astronautics. Project tasks: 1. A black umbrella depicting the starry sky 2. Astrologer's hat and cloak.

In a space rocket With the name "Vostok" He was the first on the planet He was able to rise to the stars. Spring drops sing about this song: Gagarin and April will be together forever. V.Stepanov April 12, 1961 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan for the first time in the world launched the spacecraft "Vostok" with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on board. In space, Gagarin spent 108 minutes and made one revolution around the planet. On April 12, 1962, this day was declared a holiday - Cosmonautics Day.

Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna is the first female cosmonaut in the world. She flew into space in June 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft. The flight duration was 2 days 22 hours 50 minutes. A crater on the Moon is named after Tereshkova.

Space Today Since 1998, the International Space Station has been in Earth's orbit, on which astronauts from several countries are working simultaneously. Cosmonauts and various cargoes are delivered to the ISS by special spacecraft: Russian Soyuz and American shuttles.

Why is space needed? The system of satellites provides the possibility of communication between the most remote points of the planet Thanks to the satellites, the work of weather forecasters is possible, the prediction of natural disasters (volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis) in order to timely deal with them The dense and opaque atmosphere of our planet does not allow scientists to clearly see the stars from the Earth, observation from the airless Space surveys make it possible to discover mineral deposits Space exploration increases the defense power of the country Mars is the only planet to which a person can move from Earth

According to Anatoly Perminov, head of Roscosmos, RSC Energia is currently developing a new generation spacecraft for manned flights. Since 2015, it is planned to carry out a number of cargo flights, and in 2018 - a flight with a crew of 6 people into orbit around the Moon. Currently, flights are carried out from the Baikonur and Plesetsk cosmodromes. Starting from 2012, the construction of the new Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Region will begin. Rocket launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome:

Quiz: 1. What were the names of the dogs that went into space? (Squirrel and Strelka) 2. When did they go into space? (1960) 3. The closest star to Earth is...? (Sun) 4. In order to arm the eye and be friends with the stars, To see the Milky Way, you need a powerful ..? (telescope) 5. How long was Gagarin in space? (108 minutes) 6. A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon, But it can do it fast ..? (Rocket) 7. The rocket has a driver, an amateur of weightlessness. In English: "astronaut", but in Russian ..? (Cosmonaut) Conclusions made by students of grade 4 A at the debate “Problems of space”: 1. Dozens of satellites orbiting the Earth gradually fail and pollute the near-Earth space. 2. Sometimes there are unsuccessful launches of spacecraft. They crash in the atmosphere, polluting it with various chemicals. 3. Due to fluctuations in solar activity, many satellites fail. More advanced devices are needed.

A Russian guy took off in a rocket, he saw the whole earth from a height. Gagarin was the first in space... WHAT COUNT WILL YOU BE? Rostov flying club: many started their way to cosmonauts in the flying club. Despite the fact that a large part of the work in space is carried out by robots, astronautics cannot do without a person. After all, he is able to accept the right decision in an emergency situation.

Used literature: Encyclopedia for children. Volume 8. "Astronomy". Moscow, ed. House "Avanta" - 684 pages L. Lebedev et al., Son of the blue planet, M .: Education, 1973 Yu. Dokuchaev, Yuri Gagarin, M .: Det. Literature, 1971 V. A. Shatalov, M. F. Rebrov, Cosmonauts of the USSR, M .: Education, 1987 Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1987

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Childhood and youth

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino-Gzhatsky district of the RSFSR
He lived his childhood in the village of Klushino. On September 1, 1941, he went to school, but on October 12 the Germans occupied the village and his studies were interrupted for two whole years.

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By origin, he comes from peasants: his father is Alexei Ivanovich Gagarin (1902 - 1973) a carpenter, his mother Anna Timofeevna Matveeva (1903 - 1984) is a pig farmer.

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On April 9, 1943, the village was liberated by the Red Army, and schooling resumed.
On May 24, 1945, the Gagarin family moved to Gzhatsk.

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Yuri Gagarin (sitting in the center), his older brother Valentin, younger brother Boris and sister Zoya

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The Gagarin family on the day of Yuri's arrival for the holidays from the Saratov Industrial College.
From left to right: first row - Alexei Ivanovich and Anna Timofeevna; second row - Boris, Valentin, Valentin's wife Maria, Yuri.

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Students of the Lyubertsy vocational school in the foundry. Yuri Gagarin is third from the left.
On September 30, he entered the Lyubertsy vocational school.
Yuri simultaneously entered the evening school for working youth, the 7th grade of which he graduated in May 1951, and in June he graduated with honors from the school as a molder-founder.

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  • On October 25, 1954, he first came to the Saratov flying club.
  • In August 1951, Gagarin entered the Saratov Industrial College
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    Pilot career

    In 1955, Yuri Gagarin graduated with honors and made the first solo flight in a Yak-18 aircraft.

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    October 27, 1955 Gagarin was drafted into the army and sent to Orenburg in the 1st military aviation school named after K. E. Voroshilov.

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    • On December 9, 1959, Gagarin wrote a statement asking him to be included in the group of cosmonaut candidates.
    • On March 3, 1960, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force K. A. Vershinin, he was included in the group of candidates for cosmonauts, and on March 11 he began training.
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    From 1957 until he was enlisted in the cosmonaut corps, he served as a fighter pilot in the fighter aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet.

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    In 1959 he married Valentina Ivanovna Goryacheva. Two daughters grow up in their family - Galya and Lena.

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    Space flight

    They were not the best pilots in the country, the applicants were selected by Korolev himself, height, weight and health were important. The rocket to be flown was designed to send a nuclear warhead to the United States.

    In addition to Gagarin, there were also applicants for the first flight into space, there were 20 people in total.

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    Korolev was in a hurry. The launch was planned to be scheduled between April 11 and 17, 1961.
    The one who will fly into space was determined at the last moment by Gagarin and his understudy German Titov.

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    Three TASS reports were prepared about Gagarin's flight into space.
    The first is “Successful”, the second in case he falls on the territory of another country or in the oceans - “Appeal to the governments of other countries”, asking for help in the search, and the third is “Tragic” if Gagarin does not return alive.

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    Having completed one revolution around the Earth at 10:25:34 at 108 minutes, the ship completed its planned flight. Gagarin's call sign was "Kedr". Due to a failure in the braking system, the descent vehicle with Gagarin landed not in the planned area 110 km from Stalingrad, but in the Saratov region, not far from Engels.

    Slide 19

    “Stepping on solid ground, I saw a woman and a girl standing near a spotted calf and watching me with curiosity. Went to them. They walked towards. But the closer they got, their steps became slower. After all, I was still in my bright orange suit, and its unusual appearance scared them a little. They had never seen anything like it.
    Ours, comrades, ours,” I shouted, feeling a chill of excitement, taking off my pressure helmet. It was the forester's wife, Anna Akimovna Takhtarova, with her six-year-old granddaughter, Rita. These were the first people I met on Earth after the flight."

    Slide 20

    A helicopter took off from the Engels airport. On the way, they saw a truck from which Gagarin waved his arms. Gagarin was picked up and the helicopter flew to the base, transmitting a radiogram: "The astronaut has been taken on board, I'm going to the airfield."

    slide 21

    Nikita Khrushchev called Defense Minister Marshal Malinovsky and said: “He is your senior lieutenant. He needs to be promoted urgently."
    Khrushchev insisted on his own, and on the same day Gagarin became a major. Then Khrushchev called the Kremlin and demanded that Gagarin be prepared for a decent meeting.

    slide 22

    Gagarin descended from the plane and, approaching the podium, reported to Nikita Khrushchev: - Comrade First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR! I am glad to report to you that the task of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government has been completed.

  • slide 24

    Foreign visits

    • The government of Czechoslovakia awarded Gagarin the title of "Hero of Socialist Labor of Czechoslovakia".
    • Next is Bulgaria. When approaching Sofia, Bulgarian pilots met him with an honorary escort of fighters.
    • Gagarin visited Finland twice - in 1961 and 1962.
    • In July 1961, Gagarin arrived in England. There Gagarin was handed gold medal and a diploma of the Honorary foundry of England.
  • Slide 25


    • Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (April 14, 1961)
    • Hero of the Soviet Union (April 14, 1961)
    • Hero of Socialist Labor of the Czechoslovak Republic (April 28, 1961)
    • Hero of Socialist Labor of the People's Republic of Bulgaria (May 23, 1961)
    • Hero of Labor of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
      • Gagarina V. I. 108 minutes and the whole life. - M .: Young Guard, 1981. - 135 p.
      • Star: Collection / Comp.: N. Andreev, M. Drummers, V. Mitroshenkov. - M.: Moskovsky worker, 1982. - 207 p.
  • View all slides

    "Conquest of space" - The first flight into space. Alexei Leonov was the first to go into outer space. Svetlana Savitskaya was the first woman to go into outer space on July 25, 1984. On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft rose to an altitude of 327 km. We are proud of our country's achievements in space exploration! Cosmonaut number 2. Our compatriot German Titov was the second to fly into space.

    "Space research" - In the period 1986-1996. SSTL launched 8 satellites. Conclusion. The Russian Bird Conservation Union chose the lapwing as the Bird of the Year 2010. Simulator of the top cover of TGK Progress. On May 3, 2002 at 20:19 UT Hummingbird 2000 entered the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean and ceased to exist. SubeSats are mainly used for testing telecommunications devices and for remote sensing.

    "Space Exploration" - The presentation is dedicated to the Year of Cosmonautics and the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight. Very soon everyone will be able to become an astronaut. E.K. Tsiolkovsky. In the vastness of the universe. Will the moon become the base of earthlings? The road to space was opened by our Motherland. International space station. In 1 hour 48 minutes, Yuri Gagarin circled the globe and landed safely.

    "History of Space" - Let's go! The Luna-2 satellite made the first flight to another celestial body. Scientists. After his death, he was solemnly buried in his homeland - in the village of Shorshely (Chuvashia). M.V. Keldysh. With a diameter of 580 mm, the mass of the first satellite was 83.6 kg. K.E. Tsiolkovsky. VPGlushko was the creator of the most advanced jet engines at that time.

    "Space Journey" - The bottomless ocean, The boundless ocean, Airless, dark, And extraordinary. We built rockets, we designed costumes. And the audience was, of course, invited to the performance. "Scientific - research station". Everyone made a space theater together, Crosswords and riddles about space were guessed. And they surprised everyone with their imagination.

    "Journey into space" - stage 1. Methods for achieving results: Development creativity and the formation of a subjective evaluative attitude to the surrounding reality. Author Matalova Olga Alexandrovna. Project participants: What is the name of the planet we live on? Features of the content of the project: Stage 3. Project participants.

    There are 38 presentations in total in the topic