The branch of crop production is the cultivation of industrial crops. Agriculture (plant growing). Characteristics of the main crop crops

  • 02.04.2020

"Crop production" - There are also grain growers, vegetable growers, gardeners, cotton growers. Take any cultivated plant and describe it. The world. What is agriculture. Plant growing. For example, to always have bread on our table, crop growers grow crops, wheat, rye and others.

"Crop production of Russia" - Apk. Cereals. P a t e n i e a d s t o. Factors affecting agriculture. Roots. Farming is the oldest kind of activity? Fibrous. Livestock. Grade 9 Economic geography of Russia topic: Crop production in Russia. Fruit and berry. Potato. Bread. Prepared by the geography teacher Zvonkova S.A.

"Centers of Plant Origin" - Who is the author of the mutation theory? Lesson Objectives: What is hybridization? How many centers of origin of cultivated plants are there now? Homework. Summing up, grading. Who was the first to use distant hybridization?

"Plant cultures" - Fruit growing. Field farming. If there were no plants on earth, all people and animals would die. Floriculture. Plants dress us. Bulb onion - 1000 varieties. The gardener showed Us such a garden, Where in the beds, sown thickly. Tomato, cabbage, onion, plum. They feed us. Vegetable crops. N. Konchalovskaya.

"Lesson in plant growing" - Cereal crops, oilseeds, tuber-bearing, sugar-bearing, tonic. Cereal crops are the basis of the world Agriculture. Soy. Sugar. Crop production of the world. World sown areas of the main agricultural crops, mln ha. Potatoes World harvest of rice. Wheat rice corn sorghum soybean cotton sah.Tr.

"Cereals" - Soya. The main area for growing soybeans is the south of the Far East. Mustard. Industrial crops. Corn. The main region of its cultivation is the Volga region. a legume high in protein. Agriculture. Everyone knows mustard. Practical work. Seasonings and sauces are prepared from it, used in the pharmaceutical industry (mustard plasters).

Crop production in Russia - main industry Agriculture countries. The total volume of crop production in all categories of farms (the commercial sector, which includes agricultural organizations and peasant farms and the non-profit sector - household farms) of Russia in 2015 in value terms is estimated at 2,636.8 billion rubles. In relation to 2014, the cost of crop production increased by 18.6% or by 414.3 billion rubles.

sustainable development of crop production in Russia carried out only at the expense of the industrial (commercial) sector. The total volume of produced in agricultural organizations and farms RF crop production increased in relation to 2014 by 306.5 billion rubles (by 23.5%) and reached 1,611.1 billion rubles.

As for the non-profit sector - household households, the cost of manufactured products here in 2015, compared to 2014, increased by 11.8% to 1,025.7 billion rubles. Taking into account the fact that the average inflation rate in the Russian Federation in 2015 was 12.91%, we can talk about stagnation and a slight decrease in the cost of crop production in the non-profit sector.

Share of crop production in agriculture

The share of crop production in the total value of agricultural products in 2015 amounted to 52.3%, the remaining 47.7% of the value was provided by the livestock sector.

Branches of crop production

The main branches of crop production, according to the production classification, include the branch for growing grain crops (wheat, barley, rye, triticale, corn, buckwheat, rice, sorghum, millet), leguminous crops (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas), the branch for the cultivation oilseeds (sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, camelina, mustard), sugar crops (in the Russian Federation - sugar beet), potato growing, vegetable growing (open ground, protected ground), horticulture, melon growing, industry for growing spinning crops (flax, cotton, hemp ), fodder crops.

Crop production in Russian regions

The Krasnodar Territory made the largest contribution in value terms to crop production in 2015.

In 2015, the value of products produced in the crop production industry of the Krasnodar Territory amounted to 242.4 billion rubles, which is 17.5% higher than in 2014. The share of crop production in the Krasnodar Territory in the total value of crop production in Russia amounted to 9.2%.

The second place belongs to the Rostov region, where the crop production industry produced products worth 155.2 billion rubles, which is 20.8% more than a year ago. The share of crop production in the region in the total value of crop production in 2015 reached 5.9%.

Crop production in the Voronezh region is in third place with a share of 5.0%. total cost of crop production in the region is estimated at 131.2 billion rubles, an increase compared to 2014 - by 30.4%.

In fourth place is the Stavropol Territory with a share of 4.5%, where they harvested crop products worth 119.8 billion rubles, which is 17.6% higher than last year's levels.

The Republic of Tatarstan closes the top five in terms of crop production with a share of 4.0%. Over the year, the value of products produced in the crop production sector of the republic in actual prices increased by 18.0% to 104.7 billion rubles.

Crop areas in Russia

The total area under crop cultivation in Russia in 2015 amounted to 79.3 million hectares. In relation to 2014, the area under crops increased by 1.0%, over 5 years - by 5.5%, over 10 years - by 4.6%.

With regard to long-term trends, in relation to the period of 20, 25 years ago, the size of the area has significantly decreased - by 22.7% and 32.6%, respectively. In the late 1990s, early 2000s. in addition to the reduction in sown areas, the return per unit area - productivity - also fell, which increased the overall decline in the volume of harvests for most types of crop crops. Since the mid 2000s. in addition to restoring the size of cultivated areas, in the context of the introduction of advanced technologies in the cultivation process, crop yields also increased significantly. For many types of crop production (wheat, sunflower, corn, soybeans, rapeseed, rice), gross yields significantly exceeded those of the early 1990s.

Structure of sown areas in Russia

In the structure of sown areas in Russia, the first place is occupied by wheat, which in 2015 accounts for a third of all areas (33.8%).

Also, significant areas are occupied by such crops as barley (11.2%), sunflower (8.8%), oats (3.8%), grain corn (3.5%), soybeans (2.7%) , legumes (2.0% - mainly peas), rye (1.6%), sugar beets (1.3%), rapeseed (1.3%), buckwheat (1.2%).

Forage crops (annual, perennial herbs, corn for livestock feed, sugar beet for livestock feed, other crops) - 21.4% of all areas in 2015.

On the graphs, information on the sown areas of potatoes, vegetables and melons is presented only for agricultural organizations and peasant farms, without taking into account households. Data on other crops are presented for all categories of farms.

Important! Data on the yield of crops are included in separate articles. For information, follow the link -

Gatherings of the main crop crops in Russia

Grain production in Russia

The production of grain of all kinds in Russia in 2015 amounted to 102,429.1 thousand tons, which is 34.4% or 26,244.0 thousand tons more than 10 years ago.

Growing wheat in Russia. The volume of wheat production in the Russian Federation in 2015 amounted to 61,785.8 thousand tons. For 10 years, wheat harvests have grown by 29.8%. At the same time, the sown areas of wheat for the period under review did not increase so significantly - by 5.9%. The increase in gross yields of wheat, as well as most other crops, is largely ensured by increasing yields.

Growing rye in Russia. The harvest of rye in the Russian Federation tends to decrease, which is primarily due to a drop in demand for this crop in the domestic market, a relatively low, compared with wheat, profitability of cultivation. In 2015, the harvest of rye amounted to 2,086.7 thousand tons, which is 42.4% less than 10 years ago.

Growing barley in Russia. Barley harvest in Russia in 2015 amounted to 17,546.2 thousand tons, which is 11.9% more than in 2005. At the same time, barley sown areas decreased by 2.2%. The entire increase in barley production in the Russian Federation is provided by improving quality indicators.

Growing oats in Russia. The harvest of oats in 2015 amounted to 4,535.6 thousand tons - at the level of 10 years ago. At the same time, the sown areas of oats decreased by 8.4%.

Growing corn in Russia. Corn harvests increased 4.3 times over 10 years and reached 13,173.3 thousand tons in 2015. The sown areas increased 3.4 times to 2,770.7 thousand hectares.

Rice cultivation in Russia. Rice growing in Russia in the last decade in terms of production has achieved impressive results. Rice harvest in 2015 amounted to 1,109.8 thousand tons, which is almost 2 times higher than in 2005. At the same time, the sown area of ​​rice increased by only 40%.

Growing buckwheat in Russia. Buckwheat harvest in Russia in 2015 amounted to 861.2 thousand tons, which is 42.45 more than 10 years ago. The maximum buckwheat harvest over the past 15 years was in 2007 - 1,004.4 thousand tons.

Cultivation of sugar beet in Russia

Gross harvest of sugar beet in Russia in 2015 amounted to 39,030.5 thousand tons. For 10 years, the indicators have increased by 83.5%. At the same time, the sown areas of sugar beet increased by 27.9% to 1,022.2 thousand hectares.

Growing oilseeds in Russia

Growing sunflower seeds in Russia. Gross harvest of sunflower seeds in the Russian Federation in weight after completion in 2015 amounted to 9,280.3 thousand tons. In relation to 2005, the figures increased by 43.4%. The production of sunflower oil in the Russian Federation in 2015 reached 3,647.0 thousand tons. The volume of exports of sunflower oil from Russia in 2015, excluding trade with countries Customs Union EAEU, amounted to 1,237.4 thousand tons. The production of sunflower cake and meal reached 3,380 thousand tons. Sales of Russian sunflower meal to foreign markets exceeded 1,240 thousand tons. The accelerated development of the sunflower seed industry has led to a high dependence of the domestic market on imports of sunflower seeds for sowing.

Soybean cultivation in Russia. The volume of soybean production in the Russian Federation in 2015 reached 2,703.3 thousand tons. Over the past 10 years, the harvest of soybeans grown in the Russian Federation has increased almost 4 times, the sown area has increased almost 3 times.

Even 10 years ago, soybeans were actively cultivated only in the Far East and in some regions of the Southern Federal District. AT last years soybean cultivation in the Central Federal District has been actively developed, which is associated with the growing demand for soybean processing products from the livestock industry (the increase in meat production in the Russian Federation is mainly due to the farms of the Central Federal District).

Russia exports soybeans (only soybeans grown in the Far East are exported - mainly to China), soybean oils and meal (mainly to EU countries, North African countries, China). largest enterprise for soybean processing is located in the Kaliningrad region. The processing capacities of the plants in this region are also actively working on imported raw materials - the import of soybeans to Russia in 2015 amounted to 2,066.7 thousand tons (deliveries to the Russian Federation are carried out mainly from Paraguay and Brazil).

Soybean cultivation in Russia has huge growth potential. The global demand for soybeans is constantly increasing. The volume of world trade in soybeans in 2015 exceeded 115 million tons. For comparison, 10 years ago, in 2005, it was 65.9 million tons.

Rapeseed cultivation in Russia. The volume of harvests of rapeseed in the Russian Federation in 2015 amounted to 1,012.2 thousand tons. In relation to 2014, the indicators slightly decreased (this is due to the fall in prices for rapeseed oil on world markets), but over 10 years they increased by 4.2 times. The key drivers of rapeseed cultivation in the Russian Federation are the high demand for rapeseed oil from the EU countries, where it is used as a biofuel. Shipments to China increased in 2015. The development trends of the market for rapeseed seeds, rapeseed oil and cake can be found in the article at the link -.

Potato production in Russia

Vegetable production in Russia

Gross yields of open and protected ground vegetables in Russia in 2015 in the industrial sector of vegetable growing (the industrial sector is formed by agricultural organizations and peasant farms, excluding household farms) amounted to 5,312.2 thousand tons, which is 14.1% more than in 2014 and 83.2% more than 10 years ago (in 2005). The increase in fees in recent years is due to the release of a significant market share due to the fall in imports (suspension of imports of vegetables from a number of countries, devaluation of the ruble). In 2012-2016 there is an increased investment activity in the construction of vegetable stores, greenhouses.

Long-term and operational trends in the vegetable and potato market of the Russian Federation (weekly, monthly, annual reviews) can be found by clicking on the link -.

Crop production is one of the main branches of agriculture, mainly engaged in the cultivation of cultivated plants for the production of crop products. It provides the population with food, animal husbandry with feed, and many industries (food, feed, textile, pharmaceutical, perfumery, etc.) with raw materials of plant origin. Closely related to animal husbandry. Plant growing includes: Field growing, Vegetable growing, Fruit growing, Viticulture, Grass growing, Forestry, Flower growing .

The main object of research is crop production. - s.-x. plant (species, variety, variety, hybrid), its biology, requirements for environment- agroecological conditions. About 1000 species of plants are cultivated in the world (excluding medicinal and ornamental). From the biological characteristics of individual crops, plant growing studies: the duration of the growing season with. - x. plants; rhythms of growth and development; successive phases of vegetation and morphogenesis; the dynamics of the development of the root system and the assimilation surface, the accumulation of dry matter, the formation of economically useful organs and parts of the plant; metabolism; water and food regimes; winter hardiness, frost resistance, drought resistance, salt resistance, etc. When studying the ecological characteristics of agricultural - x. crops Crop production determines the relationship between the page - x. plants and conditions external environment by assessing the climatic and soil factors of agricultural - x. district. Analysis of biological and ecological features of cultivated crops, soil-climatic and production conditions of agricultural crops. areas is necessary for regionalization of types, grades and hybrids of page - x. plants, which is based on the data of the State Commission for Variety Testing with. - x. crops and the results of production tests, as well as for the development of rational plant cultivation technology. Technology of cultivation of page - x. crops includes the following basic techniques: selection of a variety (hybrids) that, under local soil and climatic conditions, has the most valuable biological and economic properties; selection of the best predecessors in crop rotation; tillage and fertilizer application systems; preparation of seeds for sowing; sowing (terms, sowing rate, seeding depth, sowing method); care of crops (tillage, top dressing, destruction of weeds, protection of plants from pests and diseases); harvesting. Rational technology of cultivation of page - x. cultures should correspond to soil and climatic conditions of a zone, page - x. district, economy, crop rotation field; biological features of the cultivated crop, variety, variety; production (economic) resources of the collective farm or state farm. In research on plant growing, field, vegetative, and laboratory methods are used.

Main tasks Crop production: development and improvement of cultivation technology for varieties of intensive type (capable of the most productive use of soil fertility, responsive to high doses of fertilizers and irrigation, resistant to lodging, pests and diseases, adapted to mechanized cultivation, with high product quality); work on the study of plant resistance to drought, low and high temperatures, soil salinity; development and implementation of integrated plant protection systems against diseases and pests; creation of the most effective forms of fertilizers; land reclamation; further study of the physiological, biochemical and genetic foundations of immunity; improvement of programming methods for high yields; development of highly mechanized methods of cultivation of page - x. cultures.

1. Why, with such a large area of ​​the territory of Russia, is the share of agricultural land so small? Compare their area with the area of ​​agricultural land in other countries (Fig. 9).

Indeed, agricultural land in Russia occupies small areas (2-3 times less than in the United States and developed European countries). This can be explained by the fact that most of the country's territory is located in a climate unsuitable for agriculture, where the soils are also bound by permafrost. However, the share of arable land in Russia is larger than, for example, in Canada and Brazil.

In Russia, the most plowed area is the Central Black Earth region, to the north and south of it the share of arable land decreases. To the south, the proportion of pastures increases, and to the north, hayfields. Eastern Siberia is the only economic region where the share of natural forage land exceeds the share of cultivated land (due to reindeer pastures).

2. Using the text of the textbook, name and show on the map the areas of cultivation of the main grain and industrial crops (Fig. 12, 13).

The main grain crops in descending order of their importance and share of crops are wheat, barley, oats, rye. Fill in the empty columns in table 5 using the text of the textbook.


Growing area


Spring wheat, winter wheat Central Black Earth region, North Caucasus, Volga region
Barley, oats Non-Chernozem region of the European part of Russia


Buckwheat Throughout the European part of the country from latitude 57° to 44°
Millet dry steppe
Rice Kuban floodplain, Volga delta, Tersko-Sulak interfluve, Khanka lowland


Peas Chernozem region
Soya Low-lying areas of the south Far East and irrigated plots in the North Caucasus

Crop production is most developed in the forest-steppe and steppe zones with fertile soils, a warm mild climate and an optimal ratio of heat and moisture for agriculture. These are the Central Black Earth, Volga and North Caucasian economic regions, which is why they are called the main breadbaskets of Russia.

4. Think about which branches of crop production are distributed almost everywhere (Fig. 12, 13). Why?

Vegetable growing is widespread, supplying perishable products directly to consumers.

5. List the main branches of crop production in Russia. Which of them do you think are the most important?

Complete the table that you compiled to answer question 1 to Figure 12 with columns for "products received" and "share in gross agricultural output." Using the table in 2, highlight the industries in which Russia occupies a leading position in the world.

6. Prove with specific examples that crop production depends on agro-climatic conditions.

To do this, it is enough to compare the map of zonal specialization of agriculture and maps of the distribution of individual crops with maps of natural zones.

Table 6 shows the requirements of cultivated plants for climatic conditions.

7. Recall from the 8th grade geography course how extensive and intensive agriculture differ. Fill in the blanks.

The difference lies in the ways in which production is increased. With extensive farming, agricultural areas increase without any change in farming methods.




Temperature for growth and maturation, °С

Cold resistance, °С

Length of the growing season, days

The sum of active t ° of the growing season, ° С




Melons (watermelons, melons) + 12 +20…27 0 100-180 1600- 3200 Deserts, semi-deserts
Grape Deserts, semi-deserts, subtropics
Potato +8 -2 60-120 800-2000 Southern taiga, mixed forests, deciduous forests

With intensive farming, investments in cultivated land and in farm animals increase. The costs are then repeatedly overlapped by increased yields, milk yields, etc.

The main methods here are selection (i.e., breeding new, more productive and disease-resistant plant varieties and animal breeds), chemicalization (the use of fertilizers and protective equipment), melioration (irrigation, liming, planting forest belts), mechanization (the use of various agricultural cars).

8. What is the specialization of agriculture in your region? What are the reasons for it?

To answer this question, first determine the general direction of agriculture in your area on the map on p. 33 textbooks or in an atlas. Then refine it using data from local history manuals and books, local media.

In order to determine the reasons for this particular specialization, remember the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of your region.

4. Agriculture. crop production

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This page searched for:

  • Prove with specific examples the dependence of crop production on agro-climatic conditions
  • Prove with specific examples the dependence of crop production
  • list the main branches of crop production in Russia
  • what is the specialization of agriculture in your region
  • crop industries in Russia

Plant growing is one of the main branches of agriculture. Its main object is a green plant capable of creating organic substances from the inorganic elements of nature. By cultivating green plants, a person converts the kinetic energy of the sun's rays into the potential energy of the organic matter of plants. It is in crop production that the green plant becomes the main means of agricultural production.

The main direction in scientific crop production is the study of the biological characteristics of cultivated plants and the development of their most advanced agricultural technology based on the equivalence and physiological indispensability of all factors vital for plants: light, heat, moisture, air and nutrients. Crop production, like other agronomic disciplines, is based on the data of physics, chemistry, botany, plant physiology, agricultural meteorology, soil science, agriculture, agrochemistry, breeding and seed production, entomology and phytopathology, mechanization, economics, organization and planning of agricultural production.

When studying the subject of plant growing, a grouping of agricultural plants according to the nature and use of the products obtained from them is adopted. All field crops studied in crop production are divided according to this feature into the following groups: 1) cereal grains; 2) grain legumes; 3) root crops and fodder cabbage; 4) tubers; 5) gourds and new fodder plants; 6) oil and essential oil crops; 7) spinning crops; 8) tobacco, shag; 9) forage grasses.

At present, the area under crops of agricultural plants on the globe exceeds 1 billion hectares. In world agriculture, there are more than 1,500 plant species. The group of field culture plants includes about 90 species. The largest areas - 759.4 million hectares, or 70% of all crops - are occupied by cereals (wheat, rice, corn, barley, sorghum, millet, oats, rye). The yield of cereal grains averages 19.5 centners per 1 ha, the gross harvest is 1477.3 million tons. Of the non-grain crops, potatoes occupy a significant area. Of the sugar-bearing plants, sugar cane and sugar beet are the most common, of oilseeds - soybeans, peanuts, rapeseed, oil flax, sunflower. Spinning crops are represented mainly by cotton, crops of others. spinning - flax, jute, kenaf and hemp - are insignificant.

From crop production, a person receives most of the basic foodstuffs, animal feed, as well as raw materials for food, light and other industries.

The most important feature of crop production is its seasonality. This is due to the fact that field crop plants are able to vegetate and produce crops only in a frost-free period,

Plant life in the field takes place in a constantly changing environment. Therefore, in order to provide the plant with the necessary living conditions, it is necessary to influence its environment in a certain direction.

In the process of creating favorable conditions for plant life, timeliness and high quality play an exceptional role. field work: tillage, fertilization, sowing and caring for crops, harvesting. Delay in the performance of one of these works can drastically reduce the quantity and quality of crop production.

In the development of plant growing as a science, the works of K. A. Timiryazev (1843-1920), I. A. Stebut (1833-1923), D. N. Pryanishnikov (1865-1948), N. I. Vavilov (1887-1920) are of great importance. 1943) and other scientists of our country.

K. A. Timiryazev is a classic of scientific biology and plant growing. He is the author of numerous works on these branches of agronomic science. "Plant Life", "Agriculture and Plant Physiology", "Sun, Life and Chlorophyll" and other works brought him worldwide fame.

I. A. Stebut in his work “Fundamentals of field culture and measures for its improvement in Russia” for the first time combined disparate material on the culture of numerous field plants. In many ways, this book has not lost its significance in our time.

The studies of D. N. Pryanishnikov were devoted to the issues of plant nutrition and the use of fertilizers. On a physiological and biological basis, he created a strictly scientific course "Private Farming" and a well-known textbook "Agrochemistry".

N. I. Vavilov made an invaluable contribution to plant growing, especially to the biology, taxonomy, and geography of cultivated plants. He developed the doctrine of the world centers of origin of cultivated plants and formulated the law of homologous series, which plays an important role in breeding work. His works are widely known in all countries of the world.

Research methods in crop production: field, vegetative, laboratory and production verification.