"Naval battle of Tsar Saltan and pirates". "sea battle of tsar saltan and pirates" Izo sea battle of saltan and pirates pano

  • 22.04.2020


teachers primary school

Abramyan Irina Nikolaevna

on the topic: "The sea battle of Tsar Saltan and the pirates."

Expressing intentions through decoration.

Lesson topic:Sea battle of Tsar Saltan and pirates. Expressing intentions through decoration.

Type of occupation: individually - collective work - decorating the ships of the fleet with paints or colored paper (application) with symbols expressing good or evil intentions.

Targets and goals: to give an idea about the symbolism of images, about decoration as a method of expressing intentions, feelings, moods, acquaintance with works visual arts.

Meta-objective goals:

1) Cognitive universal learning activities:

To learn to identify the features of objects in the process of their examination (observation);

To learn to reproduce from memory the information necessary for solving learning task;

Learn to understand color gradation;

To teach the search for the desired color with the help of gouache paints, watercolors, using the "whitening" technique;

Learn to compare color scheme with natural objects or works of fine art.

2) Regulatory universal learning activities:

To teach how to plan the solution of an educational problem: to build a sequence of an algorithm of actions;

Learn to adjust your activities: make changes to the process, taking into account the difficulties and errors that have arisen; outline ways to eliminate them;

To learn to analyze the emotional state received from successful (unsuccessful) activities, to evaluate their impact on one's own mood;

To learn to evaluate to compare with the model the results of activities (someone else's, one's own);

Learn to evaluate the level of proficiency in a particular educational action

(answer the question “what I don’t know and can’t do?”).

3) Communicative universal learning activities:

Learn to perform creative work using the information received in the lesson;

To teach to express one's own opinion when analyzing the works of one's comrades, to "keep" the logic of the narrative, to give convincing arguments.

Personal Goals:

To form an interest in the culture and history of their people, home country;

To teach to express a positive attitude towards the process of cognition (show attention, surprise, desire to learn more);

Develop the ability to evaluate your own learning activities: their achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, reasons for failures.

Lesson equipment:

For students– watercolor, gouache, colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil.

For the teacher- a visual range of illustrations, underpainting for teamwork, templates for ships and sails.

Visual range: reproductions of works by artists - N. Roerich "Overseas guests", illustrations by I. Bilibin, B. Zvorykin for "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", drawings of pirate "evil" ships, ships of "good".

Literary series:"The Tale of Tsar Saltan" by A. S. Pushkin.

During the classes

Class organization.(1slide)

Hello guys. We tune in to the working wave and strive through the steps of knowledge to new discoveries. Our motto:

Today we work in groups. We repeat what we know and consolidate, and strive to learn something new.


1. Self-determination to activity

During several lessons we worked on what topic? (the topic “How does art speak?”) How, by what means can an artist express feelings, mood, intention, character of what he depicts? (in color) (If it is a person or an animal, then facial expressions, movement. If this is a landscape, nature, then the main thing in the artist's painting color.(tablets with these words are posted on the board))

2. Updating knowledge and fixing individual difficulties(2 slide)

- Remember what genres are distinguished in the visual arts? ( landscape, portrait, still life.)

If you see in the picture

The river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds

Or a snowfield

Or a field and a hut,

Be sure to picture

It is called. . .

If you see in the picture

A cup of coffee on the table

Or juice in a large decanter,

Or a rose in crystal

Or a bronze vase

Or a pear, or a cake,

Or all items at once,

Know what it is. . .

If you see what's in the picture

Someone looks at us

Or a prince in an old cloak,

Or a climber in a robe,

Pilot or ballerina

Or Kolka is your neighbor,

Be sure to picture

It is called. . .

What are the names of the works presented here? (3slide)

Well done. Now remember and list what types of fine arts you know? (Painting, arts and crafts, graphics). Correctly.

But we will focus on only one of the genres. This is graphics. What is graphics? (picture). (5slide)

Conclusion: Graphics are black and white and color. Graphic works are drawings, sketches, sketches, book illustrations, labels, newspaper and magazine cartoons, posters, posters, fonts for books.

Now, put your heads on the desks. Focus. Try to imagine what you hear. (recording noise and splashing water)

What sounds did you hear? What did you imagine? Describe.

(an audio recording of splashing water sounds, against which the voice of the teacher sounds)

Sea element. Sea. It has always worried people. Attracted to itself with its mystery, strength and beauty. Here we go to the shores of the sea.

viewing pictures of sea coasts . (6-7 slide)

Is it possible to determine the mood of the author by looking at the color? (8slide)

Today you and I must learn another technique of artists.

Guys, I claim that we will be able to find out what kind of reception we are talking about. But for this you need to think about the next task.

3. Designing a new way of doing things.

Localization of difficulties. Formulation of the problem. The topic of the lesson.

-"AT distant kingdom, in a distant state ... "- What work usually begins with these words? (story)

(On the board is a strip of drawing paper, on which the sea is drawn and white ships are attached).

The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is urging;

He runs in waves

On inflated sails...

From which work are the lines? (9slide)

- Do you remember "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." by A.S. Pushkin? Let's mentally fast-forward to the tale of Tsar Saltan. - How did the people in the fairy tale cross the sea? (on ships) (10slide) - Remember, the fleet of Tsar Saltan sailed to visit Prince Gvidon? And since he sailed to visit, he decorated his fleet. And how could he decorate?

- The fleet of Tsar Saltan went to Tsar Gvidon, but on the horizon the sailor notices the approach of another fleet. (11slide)

How are you guys

do you think it is possible to determine which fleet is approaching: a fleet going on a holiday or a fleet going on an evil, dark business?

To do this, let's look at the figure. (12slide)

What is shown here? (ships, fleet, two different fleets...)

Why did you decide that these are two different fleets? ( this can be seen from the sails, this can be seen from the decoration of the bow of the ship, from the guns on the decks ...)

Quite right, so there is another artist’s technique for expressing intentions What do you think it is?

it decoration. Jewelry characterizes its owner, reveals his ideas about beauty and can even express his character.

(tablets with this word are posted on the board)

Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done. Let's go back to class and have a rest.

Fizkultminutka.(Perform with the teacher.)

The wind is blowing across the sea

And the boat is pushing.

(Get up from the desk.)

He swam back first.

(Steps back.)

And then swam forward.

(Steps forward.)

And swam, swam along the river,

(Waving movements of the hands.)

Gaining full speed.

(Walking in place.)

4. "Discovery" of new knowledge.

So, how can you show intention? Color, decoration, movement.

If two different fleets meet at sea, what will happen ? (the battle)

The topic of our lesson (posting on the board) Sea battle of Tsar Saltan and pirates

How to show it in motion? ( ships should sail towards each other)

What do you guys think, what task will you have today?

The aim of our lesson - create a fleet of Tsar Saltan and a fleet of pirates who have met at sea and are ready for battle. To do this, we will divide into pirates and sailors of Tsar Saltan. . (I divide the class into two halves.)

An evil wizard worked for us here, took and wiped off all the paint from the ships. And now it is not clear where the fleet of Tsar Saltan is, where the fleet of pirates is.

Now take each of your boat.

How could their ships be decorated?

- What can be depicted on the sails?

- What colors will we use for the fleet of Tsar Saltan? (Warm) (14slide)

What symbols can show kindness?

What colors will we use for the pirate fleet? (cold) (15slide)

What symbols can show evil? (kite, pirates, skull and bones, dragon face, birds of prey, monsters, snakes, sun, swan, heart, flowers, butterflies…)

Reading by heart 2 students

Well, imagine, as in the old days,

Ships went to robbery, to war.

Guns on board on both sides,

On the sails, then an eagle, then a dragon.

The nose threatens with a bared mouth

Whether it's a tiger, a lion, or someone more toothy.

The flag flies with a black cross,

With a lightning flag, with a snake tail,

Draw a formidable ship on paper!

Now imagine a different ship

Sparkling sail above the wave...

Let the seagull soar on the flag

After all, the flag speaks of peace.

On the flag, a butterfly, a bee

Call for good deeds...

Think about how to decorate the nose:

A mermaid with a mane of hair,

Dolphin with a nose like a needle -

Dolphins do not bring evil;

Dress up the ship like a parade

You are in the most festive attire.

5. Work on the task.

Independent work students.

So what are we going to do?

- Do you have any questions about the assignment? Let's get to work.

Music plays quietly during operation.

Students are given ready-made sketches of ships and sails that need to be cut out. Remember the rules for working with scissors.

The game "Clap, stomp.

You remember the conditions of the game. If I speak correctly, then you clap your hands, and if I'm wrong, you stomp your feet. And so they began.

1. Give the scissors another "sharp" (blunt) end.

2. While working with scissors, do not walk around the classroom.

3. "Hold" (don't hold) the scissors close to your eyes.

4. When cutting out, watch the fingers of the “right” (left) hand.

5. After working with scissors, do not leave them open.

6. Each instrument should have its own place on the desk.

(The rules are posted on the board.) (16slide)

Based on this, work begins on decorating ships in color using the appliqué technique. Before decorating the silhouette of the ship with color, the children are invited to lift the boats up so that the two fleets sail towards each other. In other words, for one group of schoolchildren, the nose of the ships is turned to the right, for others - to the left.

Having chosen the right color for the ship and for the sail, we decorate in accordance with the intention of the ship. The ship can be "good" or "evil".

During work, the teacher helps students, individually gives advice, assists in gluing ships (fleets sail against each other).

6. Reflection of activity. Summary of the lesson.

What task did we set in our lesson? Did we manage it?
At the end of the lesson, a miracle happens! The ships and sails that were exactly the same (all had the same blanks of white paper) were suddenly transformed into two contrasting fleets, two groups of people with different intentions.

Were you able to express the intentions of a person through color and jewelry?

And we did this with decorations and colors.

Let's summarize our work in the lesson. (17 slide)

Complete the sentences:

1. I learned in class ...

2. I understood in this lesson ...

3. I want to praise...

4. I wanted to know ...

7. Evaluation of student work.

You are all great today! You worked very neatly, cleanly, beautifully. (18slide)

The ships turned out great. All groups tried to paint and decorate the ships correctly. I give everyone “5” for their work today.


Find in the books examples of decorative forms that, by their silhouette, color, and the nature of the elements, could be attributed to the image of the fleet of Tsar Saltan and the image of pirate ships. You can draw decorations for different fairytale heroes.

The lesson is over. Thanks everyone. Rest.


The fleet of Tsar Saltan, the "good" fleet.

A fleet of pirates, an "evil" fleet.

Page 1


Journey game

"Two Fleets"

Grade 2 final lesson 3 quarters

(Theme of the year: "You and Art")
Theme: "Two Fleets"

Lesson type: travel game

Goals: To acquaint students with the concepts of "good" and "evil", the means through which these concepts can be expressed (shape, color, symbols).

Tasks: Create conditions for the development of emotional perception of beauty. Responsiveness to the beautiful and the ugly. Fantasy development. Creation of a specific individual work - a ship. I also consider it my task to create a favorable psychological climate, emotional mood, and create a creative atmosphere.

The lesson includes elements of integration with literary reading. Health-saving technologies are used. Dynamic pauses, relaxation. Combination of elements of artistic work and fine arts. Combination of individual and group work

Equipment: Projector (Reproductions of ships: N.K. Roerich "Overseas guests", I. Bilibin. Sketch. Ship., S. Malyutin "Sadko-rich guest"). Tape recorder (Music of the noise of the sea). Illustrations of merchant and pirate ships.

Teacher: Whatman paper with the image of the sea.

Students: Paper A-3, pencil, scissors, gouache, brushes, palette, jar of water, rag.


1. Greetings

2. Lesson topic message

3. Practical work

4. Summing up the game

During the classes:

  1. Greetings(Creating a game state for participants)
Teacher: Guys, hello, sit down. Have you already noticed that our class today is unusual? What did you notice?

Students: The sea is painted on the wall, the desks are placed unusually.

Teacher: And today you have a new teacher! My name is Olga Viktorovna, I am a teacher of fine arts at the Kitovskaya school. Let's get to know you. (Each of you will say your name at the same time. 1.2.3!) Well, now I remember all of you.

And today at the lesson we have a lot of guests. Look at them and say hello.

But the most interesting thing is that we are going on a sea voyage. Do you love to travel? Well, as in any journey, a lot of new and interesting things await us. Guys, what do we need in order for our trip by sea to take place?

Students: Ship!

Teacher: Yes, we need a ship, and of course a friendly team! Of course, now we are on land and the sea is very far from us, but are you good dreamers? And modern technology will help us with this!

And so, guys, hold your breath, close your eyes and imagine that you and I are on the seashore.

(Music, slide)

You can hear the cry of seagulls, the sound of the surf. Open your eyes. Look, here, indeed, the sea has come to us!

The wind is blowing on the sea

And the boat is pushing

He runs in waves

On swollen sails

The sailors marvel

Crowding on the boat

On a familiar island

A miracle is seen in reality:

The new golden-domed city,

Pier with a strong outpost -

Cannons from the pier are firing,

The ship is ordered to stop.

Guys, maybe one of you knows from which work this passage is from?

Students:"The Tale of Tsar Saltan…"

Teacher: Yes, that's right, well done. This is probably one of your favorite tales of A.S. Pushkin. Or maybe you can tell me one more fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin, which is connected with the sea?

Students:"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Teacher: Well done, and what other literary works related to the sea and ships do you know?

Students:"The Little Mermaid", "Scarlet Flower" ...

Teacher: And there is also a very famous epic about the Novgorod merchant Sadko. (Slide)

Who played the harp to the sea king himself.

“And then he built 30 ships-

30 ships, 30 scarlet.

How he dumped Novgorod goods

On those scarlet boats,

And a wealthy Novgorod merchant went to trade

On their own on scarlet boats.

And scarlet - this means - golden, rich.

Guys, now let's see how the famous artist Sergey Malyutin portrayed Sadko the rich guest. (Slide)

You could see Ivan Bilibin's drawings in many children's books.

Here is another image of a merchant ship by artist Nicholas Roerich. (Slide)

Guys, take a closer look at these ships. What details depicted on these ships caught your attention?

(Slide 3 ships)

Students: Shields, bow, sails, then. What wooden, bright.

Teacher: And with what colors did the artists depict these ships for us?

Students: Red, yellow, green... bright

Teacher: Correctly bright sunny sparkling ships are depicted. What mood do these images evoke in you?

Students: Joyful, festive, enthusiastic.

Teacher: Guys, but in the old days there were other ships in the sea.


-Look, these ships have black sails. Maybe you know what these ships are?

Students: Yes, pirates! (Slide)

Teacher: Did you recognize the work?

Students: Yes, "Aibolit"

Teacher: Of course, this is your favorite fairy tale by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit".

I am reading….

“The doctor looked and saw that from behind the island on black sails a black ship was approaching them - black, like ink, like soot.

I don't like these sails! - said the pig. - Why are they not white, but black? Pirates only have black sails on ships.

“Oink-Oink guessed it: villains-pirates raced under black sails. They wanted to catch up with Dr. Aibolit and take cruel revenge on him for having kidnapped the fisherman and Penta from them.

Describe the pirate ship to me. How could it be decorated?

Students: Dragon heads, snakes...

Teacher: Black, dark, threatening, but dangerous were not only pirate ships, but also ships Vikings- warriors-navigators who devastated the shores of Europe for 3 centuries.

2. The topic of the lesson.

And now, guys, let's imagine that 2 fleets met in our sea. One of them is the fleet of Tsar Saltan, going to a holiday, a joyful meeting with Tsarevich Gvidon, and the other fleet of pirates, jumping out to cut him off, a fleet going to an unkind, predatory, dark deed. Good and evil fleet.

This is the topic of our today's lesson - "Two Fleets". That's what we have to portray with you. Our task is to make them different, immediately recognizable, so that no one will confuse them.

Choose which ship you will depict. Once again, let's pay attention to the shape of the ships, and their silhouettes. (Silhouette of ships)

How do they differ from each other?

Students: Do good - smooth. rounded lines, while those of the evil one are rough, pointed, angular.

Teacher: And the nose of ancient ships was decorated with a large wooden or copper figure.

Or frightening in the form of a dragon's head, a snake, or an amulet in the form of a mermaid, a sea maiden, a sacred bird - this figure was called - tall.

Have you thought about what kind of ship you will portray? And what figure will be on the bow of your ship?

Let's close our eyes again, and on the count of 3 you should open them and quickly depict your sculpture with gestures.

So the sea is churning

Sea waves 2

Sea waves 3

Marine figure in place - freeze ....

Oh what wonderful rosters you have turned out.

3. Practical work.

Now let's move on to practical work. I will give you sheets with silhouettes of ships. Your task is to carefully cut them with scissors. Guys, have you ever worked with scissors before? Do you remember how to deal with them?

(Cut out, music. Trash box.)

So guys, do we have the sea? (There is)

Are our ship preparations ready? (Yes)

And now I would like to check if you are ready for a sea voyage! Get up, please, from your desk and be very careful!

1 cotton - look into the distance(With a hand or binoculars, we stretch the back, we squint our eyes.)

2 claps - run to the deck(stomp feet)

3 claps- climb the mast

4 claps- waving to an oncoming ship

So I see that real sea wolves, strong and brave, have gathered here.

Come on, imagine how in the old days,

Ships went to robbery, to war.

Guns on board on both sides,

On sails, either an eagle or a dragon.

The nose threatens with a bared mouth

Whether it's a tiger, a lion, or someone more toothy.

The flag flies with a black cross,

With a lightning flag, with a snake tail,

Sabers, perhaps, crosswise on the flag.

Draw a formidable ship on paper!

Now imagine a different ship

Sparkling sail above the wave...

Let the seagull soar on the flag

After all, the flag speaks of peace.

On the flag, a butterfly, a bee ...

Think about how to decorate the nose:

A mermaid with a mane of hair,

Dolphin with a nose like a needle

Dolphins do not bring evil;

Dress up the ship like a parade

You are in the most festive attire.

(V. Kalinkin)

And now our task is to dress the ships we carved, to give them a combat or festive color.

(I show drawings of ships in color)

Opening Colors. Think about what colors you will choose for your ship. What will you depict on the sail and on the ship itself?

Today you are working with gouache. Gouache, unlike watercolor, loves a little water, try to squeeze the brush against the edge of the jar.

So, guys, we are finishing, I see that your ships are ready, which means we can go to the open sea.

Listen to my command!

I will give you orders, and you will repeat it to me with the word there is. Clearly, loudly, like real sailors. Let's try!

Get ready for the open sea!

Have get ready!

Drop anchor!

There is to anchor!

Stand in place!

There are places to stand!

Give away the moorings!

There is to give mooring lines!

Full speed ahead!

There is full speed ahead!

And now, guys, slowly, the first ones whose work has dried up. We go out and attach the ships to our seabed.

4. Results of the game.

Let's see what we got.

Whose fleet won? Tsar Saltan or pirates? Please anchor your ships to our sea. Tsar Saltan on the right, and pirates on the left.

(The guys hang their ships on whatman paper depicting the expanses of the sea).

- How cool you decorated your ships, it is immediately clear who is good and who is evil, who has what purpose. Let's remember where our ships are headed?

Students: The fleet of Tsar Saltan is sailing on a holiday, a joyful meeting with Tsarevich Gvidon, and the other is a fleet of pirates that jumped out to cut him off, a fleet going to an unkind, predatory, dark deed. "Good" and "evil" fleet.

Teacher: Well done! Who won? What ships do we have more!

Students: Saltana, good.

Teacher: This is not because the guys who portrayed the pirate ships did a bad job, but because good always triumphs over evil. You and I managed to create two very different fleets of "good" and "evil". You have chosen the right colors and symbols for your ships, and we have a whole picture. What name shall we come up with for it?

Students:"How Saltan defeated the pirates", "Two fleets", "Naval battle" ...

Teacher: Guys, did you like our sea trip? What did you learn new today?

Students: What are the ships. How can you decorate them? Like a mood, a feeling can be conveyed through line and color. They also remembered their favorite literary works. Get acquainted with the works of famous artists.

Teacher: You have shown your creativity. Fantasy, were attentive and accurate. I really enjoyed traveling with you!


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Type of occupation:decoration with color, symbols with the expression of intentions - good or evil.

Goals andtasks: to give an idea of ​​the symbolism of images; acquaintance with works of fine art in applied arts.

Lesson equipment: gouache, large and thin brushes, glue, pins.

Visual range: slides and reproductions of works by artists, illustrations of children's books: I. Bilibin paintings for "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", works folk art; N. Roerich "Overseas guests".

Literary series: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" by A. S. Pushkin.

During the classes

I. Class organization.

Checking absentees, readiness for the lesson.

II. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

- How can jewelry speak? For example, in these smooth forms-patterns there is more calmness and kindness.

And these sharp forms seem angry and prickly. These colors are cheerful: they have a lot of sunlight. And here bright colors seem unsettling because they are surrounded by dark ones.

- What shapes and color combinations will you make decorations for the evil and good fairies?

- Do you remember "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" by A. S. Pushkin? Remember, the fleet of Tsar Saltan sailed to visit Prince Gvidon? The king and his retinue had a good, good mood. They decorated their fleet festively, cheerfully.

- Imagine that Saltan's fleet met at sea with an armada (fleet) of evil and predatory pirates. How could their ships be decorated? (Answers of children and generalization of the teacher.)

III. Working on a task.

Independent work of students.

Divide the class into two groups.

Task: decorate two fabulous fleets - good and evil. Jewelry to choose those that would express intentions - good and evil.

At the beginning of the lesson, on a panel of wallpaper glued in half (attached to the board), we pin two fleets of the same silhouette going towards each other.

Ships and sails are white (the size of two palms). The fleets are exactly the same, and, therefore, it is impossible to characterize their intentions.

- How to decorate Saltan's fleet and the pirates' fleet so that they don't look alike? What colors and patterns to choose? (Children's answers.)

The task of two groups of guys: to distinguish (equip) the fleets with color, elementary symbols.

Children are given either blanks or stencils for tracing and cutting out elements (boat, sail). The teacher can cut out the blanks of sails, ships in advance and come up with their composition in advance.

There is a small discussion about the role of color, the symbols that are suitable here (the sun, the swan, the kite, snakes, dragons, etc.).

By the end of the lesson, ships, sails are fixed in their places on the sheet (blue). The result is two completely different fleets. One is cheerful, joyful, the other is scary, gloomy. You can give the names of the ships (finely write in block letters).

IV. Lesson results.

Analysis of the work performed. Evaluation of works.


Class: 2

Target: to teach students to see and understand what is depicted, decorated and built.


  • Formation of artistic culture of students; give an idea of ​​the possibility of expressing intentions, goals through the decoration of objects;
  • Development of the child's ability to perceive shades of feelings and express them in practical work;
  • Education of moral aesthetic feelings.


  • For the teacher: computer presentation ( Application ), ship templates, sample work.
  • For students: paints, brushes.

Lesson structure

  1. organizational part.
  2. Learning new material.
  3. Repetition.
  4. Practical work.
  5. Consolidation of the studied material.
  6. Summary of the lesson.
  7. Homework.


1. Hello guys, it's great to see you. Check if everything is ready for the lesson. Sit down.

2. (Application . slide 1)

- The topic of today's lesson is "Expressing intentions through decorations."

(Application . slide 2)

- Objectives of our lesson:

  • Get acquainted with the history of ancient sailing ships;
  • Find out: is it possible to convey intentions through jewelry;
  • Do practical work

– We, unfortunately, do not know who invented the first boat. It happened so long ago that those times are called prehistoric. Modern historians believe that the most ancient people swam simply on what came to their hand. For example, on fallen trees.
- Did you swim on logs?
- Comfortable? Why?
– Gradually, people realized that if a tree was cleared of branches and hollowed out, it would float faster. So, in fact, the first boats appeared.
One of the most ancient civilizations we know of is the Egyptian. The only river that flows there and without which life in those parts would be impossible at all, is the Nile. It was only along this river that it was possible to transport goods and people from the northern part of the Egyptian state to the south. But on what? If you have ever had to solve such a problem, then surely the first thing that came to mind was a raft. A raft can be easily made and is capable of carrying a much heavier load than a boat. However, in Egypt, almost nothing, except for reeds and papyrus, grows along the banks of the Nile. Papyrus is similar to common sedge, which can also be found in our area - grass with grass. But when this grass was collected, dried and tied into bunches, it turned out to be a good material for building a raft. It could well be controlled by one person with a long pole in his hands. True, pushing a raft with a pole during a multi-day journey is a very tiring business. I had to come up with something else.

What do you think the Egyptians invented?

- It is true that the Egyptians invented the sail - one of the greatest inventions of all times and peoples.
The rafts moved slowly. To swim faster, it was necessary to make the front of the raft better overcome the resistance of the water. What happened as a result was no longer a raft, but it was not a boat either. It already looked like a ship. And he had a bow, stern and sides. ( Application . Slide 3) Egyptian ships, like rafts, were also originally made from papyrus.
In addition to the sail, the ancient Egyptians invented another necessary thing, without which the ship could not do without - the steering wheel.
The ships were not only commercial, but also military.

- What do you guys think, what is the difference between a merchant ship and a war ship? ( Application . slide 4)

- Merchant ships compared to narrow and long warships were heavier and clumsier. In the bow of the warship there was a “beak” - a ram, and above it was an image of the head of an animal: a crocodile, a ram.
At the end of the first millennium of our era, the famous Vikings declared themselves. They lived in Northern Europe, where it is cloudy, windy, cold and almost nothing grows except trees.

(Application . slide 5)

Look, guys, at the Viking ship, what do you think, were these people friendly or not? Justify your answer. Naturally, they wanted to see how people live in other places, and at the same time find out if they could not be properly robbed if they live richer. The Vikings were well aware that a frightened enemy is an almost defeated enemy. Therefore, they decorated the prows of their ships with images of grinning dragons and other terrible wickedness, and menacingly painted shields strengthened along the sides.

- The inhabitants of the Russian North - Pomors - have always been good sailors. No worse than the Vikings. ( Application . slide 6)

– What are the Pomors, in your opinion? Only they did not like to kill and rob, but were engaged in trade and fishing of sea animals and fish. And now - attention to the board.

(On the board is a strip of drawing paper, on which the sea is drawn and white ships are attached).

The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On inflated sails...

- The fleet of Tsar Saltan went to Tsar Gvidon, but on the horizon the sailor notices the approach of another fleet.
- How do you guys think, is it possible to determine which fleet is approaching: a fleet going on a holiday or a fleet going on an evil, dark business?
- What can be depicted on the sails?

3. What colors will we use? Warm ( Application . Slide 7) and cold ( Application . slide 8).

4. - And we had an evil wizard working here, he took and wiped off all the paint from the ships. And now it is not clear where the fleet of Tsar Saltan is, where the fleet of pirates is.
What do you guys think, what task will you have today? That's right, you need to restore the colors.
- Come on, half of the class will restore the ships of Tsar Saltan, and the other half - the ships of pirates. (I divide the class into two halves.) Now take each of your boat.


(children follow the teacher)

I wanted to draw
But I don't know how to start.
Paints - masks, where are you?
I'll take three basic colors,
These paints are not simple:
All others are made up of them.

- Where are these main colors? (Children name the main colors)

(Application . slide 9)

- Look, guys, at the screen and tell where whose fleet is and explain.

Well, imagine, as in the old days,
Ships went to robbery, to war.
Guns on board on both sides,
On the sails, then an eagle, then a dragon.
The nose threatens with a bared mouth
Whether it's a tiger, a lion, or someone more toothy.
The flag flies with a black cross,
With a lightning flag, with a snake tail,
Draw a formidable ship on paper!
Now imagine a different ship
Sparkling sail above the wave...
Let the seagull soar on the flag
After all, the flag speaks of peace.
On the flag, a butterfly, a bee
Call for good deeds...
Think about how to decorate the nose:
A mermaid with a mane of hair,
Dolphin with a nose like a needle -
Dolphins do not bring evil;
Dress up the ship like a parade
You are in the most festive attire.

V. Kalinkin

Are there any assignment questions? Let's get to work.

5. Our ships are ready, let's see what we got? (we return the restored ships to paper)

- Look, did you restore the fleet of Tsar Saltan correctly? And the pirate fleet?
– How can intentions be conveyed through jewelry?
- Well done, you did a great job.

(Application . slide 10)

- And now we will turn to the "Dictionary of Terms" and try to explain the following words:

  • Good
  • Beautiful
  • ugly
  • Courage
  • Modesty
  • Sympathy

6. Let's sum up our lesson. What new did you learn in the lesson?

Grade 2


Goals: to teach to understand the symbolism of form and color in the visual arts and in life.

Tasks: color, elementary symbols to distinguish (equip) fleets;

to acquaint with works of fine art, literature;

develop imagination; to cultivate accuracy, to work out the technique of working with a brush, the ability to obtain composite colors.

Type of occupation : decoration with color, symbols with the expression of intentions - good or evil.

Lesson equipment : gouache, large and thin brushes, glue, pins.

visual range : presentation.

Literary series : A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

Music line: the song is a screen saver for the TV show "Visiting a Fairy Tale".

Lesson Plan .

    Class organization.

    Conversation on the topic of the lesson: how can jewelry “speak”? (presentation).

    Conversation "Remember the fairy tale ..." (presentation).

    Conversation - reasoning "How to decorate ships."

    Assignment: decorate two fabulous fleets - good and evil. How to compose color and how to work with a brush.

    Independent work of students.

    Lesson results. Analysis of the work performed.

    Evaluation of works.


During the classes

1. Class organization.

Checking absentees, readiness for the lesson.

2. Conversation on the topic of the lesson: how can decorations “speak”? (presentation).

Slide #1

The topic of today's lesson isSea battle of Saltan and the pirates. Expressing intentions through decoration.

How can"talk" decorations?

Slide #2

For example, in these smooth forms-patterns there is more calmness and kindness.

Slide #3

And these sharp forms seem angry and prickly.

Slide #4

These colors are cheerful: they have a lot of sunlight.

Slide #5

And here bright colors seem unsettling because they are surrounded by dark ones.

3. Conversation "Remember the fairy tale ..." (presentation).

Slide number 6 - 8

In order for us to work further, we will recall the beloved by many "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" by the world-famous Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and look at the illustrations of the no less famous Russian artist Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin.

Slides #9 – 17

4. Conversation - reasoning "How to decorate ships."

Now let's fantasize a little. Imagine that Saltan's fleet met at sea with an armada (fleet) of evil and predatory pirates. How could their ships be decorated? (Answers of children and generalization of the teacher.)

Well done boys. Indeed, each fleet should have its own symbols: Saltan has the sun, a swan, flowers, and the robbers have a kite, snakes, dragons, monsters. Jewelry to choose those that would express the intentions of good and evil.

Slides #18 - 23

And now the riddle.

Slide #24

5. Assignment: decorate two fabulous fleets - good and evil. How to compose color and how to work with a brush.

Before practical work Let's remember the basics of mixing colors, that is, obtaining compound colors from the main ones.

View presentation slides.

Slides #25 – 28

Brush technique.

Slides #29 – 35

6. Self student work .

Children are given blanks (boat, sail).

During independent work a melody and a song sound - the screen saver for the TV show "Visiting a Fairy Tale".

Slides #36 – 38

By the end of the lesson, ships, sails are fixed in their places on the sheet (blue).

The result is two completely different fleets. One is cheerful, joyful, the other is scary, gloomy. You can give the names of the ships (finely write in block letters).

7. The results of the lesson.

Analysis of the work performed.

Conclusion: with the help of color and form, the artist can show the intentions of the hero, express his thoughts and feelings through the image.

8. Evaluation of works .

9. Homework.

Slide number 39

self-analysis of the lesson.

This lesson belongs to the topic “What Art Says” and is the first in the final stage.

The purpose of this lesson is to teach children how to express various intentions (bad or good) through a variety of shapes and colors.

The construction of the lesson is aimed at the formation of subject and

key competencies. Each stage was aimed at fulfilling these tasks.


The following competencies were used in the lesson.

subject - children worked with paints and a brush, repeated the technique

mixing paints and obtaining compound colors;

educational and cognitive - the children got acquainted with the illustrations of the artist Bilibin for "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and remembered the content of Pushkin's fairy tale, memory, attention, thinking were involved here;

Informational - children received information that the shape and color can express the intentions of a person;

personal - children used the knowledge that they received earlier (

accuracy in the execution of painting work and closing with color in

painting technique).

The result - the creation of two completely different intent works.

The results of the lesson allow us to say that the students of the class did a good job with the task, and during the lesson they improved various competencies.