Nice bird feeder. DIY bird feeders: interesting ideas and tips for their implementation. Video: pumpkin feeder

  • 02.03.2021

How to make a bird feeder

Bird feeders are a great topic for both bird lovers and inventors of small architectural forms. How to do simple or fancy feeder from cardboard boxes, from plastic bottles, from cans, from a wooden block or a bucket of mayonnaise, as well as from packaging for a cake and from everything else, what to feed titmouse and what sparrows eat look and read - ideas fly in the air and land on this page.

The cutest and most beautiful "cafe" for birds

What a beauty!

Master Class
1. With a hot knife, cut the bottle in two places along the basting. See for yourself what width of the strip to cut, there are no exact dimensions.

Cut according to the mark

2.See the picture below. Cut out a wider strip, get a more squat figure, cut out less - the product will be higher.

The height of the feeder depends on the height of the cut piece

3. At the bottom of the bottle, cut a hole for the birds to land on, as shown in the photo. Do not forget to walk along the edge of the window with a hot knife so as to melt the cut and make it not sharp. The bird will sit on the edge of the window with its paws and should not be cut.

To prevent the birds from cutting their paws

Paint the bottom of the bottle with acrylic paint.
4. When the paint is dry, make two holes with a hole punch (or a hot nail) in the bottom of the bottle, on either side of the entrance to the feeder at the same distance.

Hole punch makes holes neater than a nail

5. Symmetrical holes must also be made in the upper part of the bottle, twine will be threaded into these holes, with which the upper and lower parts of the bottle will be connected and this beauty will be hung.

Connect the bottom and top of the structure with twine

6. Color the top of the bottle and don't forget the cork. Let dry.
7. The twine will be threaded according to the scheme:

The twine connects the top and bottom of the feeder, and the knots are pulled up through the hole in the cork

8 Make a hole in the cork, take the knots and pull the two ends of the twine by the knots through the hole in the cork.

Pass the twine through the hole in the cork

9Decorative detail. Make additional holes, as shown in the photo, on the bottom and top of the bottle and fasten the parts with decorative rivets. This will additionally fasten the details and give the look of a “brand item”.

Rivet holes

Align the rivet holes on the bottom of the product with the same holes on the top.

Rivets especially decorate Raffia palm string bow

And from such bottles, funny feeders would also turn out.

minion feeder

From cardboard boxes.

Any cardboard box with a hole cut out, hung up and filled with food, is a feeder. For example, a box from Rafaelo or boxes from New Year's children's gifts, which are accumulated in every house in abundance after the New Year.
We use milk bags, paint and decorate with buttons and twigs. Glue with silicone glue with a glue gun. (I bought myself a glue gun at a hardware store, it was 3 times cheaper there than in a needlework store).

Feeder from a milk bag with buttons
Cardboard box feeder
Raffaelo box
Christmas gift boxes

By the way, if there is no balcony, but only a window, then the cardboard device will come in handy, it will not break the window when you lower it out the window onto the windowsill. My only fear is that in this house the neighbors are not happy to feed the pigeons so close to the cars. It would be necessary to make the hole in the box small, then the pigeons would not be able to feed on the windowsill, but the tits would scurry back and forth and delight the child and the kitten with their bustle. And so after all it's boring to look at the dove's ass sticking out of the box.

The girl hangs the feeder outside the window (So much effort, but only the pigeon's ass is visible).

Bird "bistros" from cans

Tin can feeders
To prevent the birds from cutting themselves, smooth the landing edge of the feeder.

Baby formula cans are very bird-friendly.

Lauren Martin, a French horticulturist, has set up a whole feeder garden in her home.

From plastic bottles, it's easy.

The simplest homemade bird canteen that allows you to pour a full bottle of seeds, as a small hole prevents the seeds from getting enough sleep.

The simplest bird feeder

We do this according to the scheme:

How to make the easiest feeder out of plastic bottle
Make it easy

From other improvised materials.

From the packaging for the cake.

Cake for tits

wooden bar idea

bird bar idea

From plastic buckets for mayonnaise.

Bucket for birds1 Bucket for birds2

wooden blocks

It is quite difficult to make, but the look is very eco-friendly

From whole coconut.

When the holiday is over and the flesh of the coconut is eaten, the capacity of the coconut feeder will be filled with simple food in the form of seeds and the exotic restaurant will turn into a budget eatery.

Two options for one technology:

How and where to place top dressing.

This is actually an important question. After all, we live among people and our interests or the interests of our feathered friends should not conflict with the interests of the people around us.
If the droppings of birds that we bring to our window or balcony regularly fall on the lower balconies or on the cars of our neighbors, expect trouble. And do we need it?
Solving this problem is simple. You need to know a few things.
1 Feed pigeons only on the ground, away from parking lots, balconies and window sills, so that pigeon droppings do not harm us and our neighbors.
2 Sparrows, unlike tits, do not fly away immediately as soon as they take food, they sit in the same place where there is food and poop in the same place and throw the husks from the seeds in the same place. Such a fellow sits on the edge of a bottle or a perch, takes the seeds, pecks and throws the husk back into the seeds or next to them. Spit, brat, all around. Tits are afraid of him and wait, sitting on the branches nearby, when he is full. Therefore, a container with seeds should be hung away from the wall of the house,

1. Here's at least how my neighbors did, look at the video.

This is a Yurok, they are wintering with us. These birds are like sparrows, they sit until they are full and try not to let the tits in, and the titmouse fly up, take a seed and peck out a seed from a branch.
2.Or place inside the balcony so you can clean up after your guests.

Cup on the balcony
Titmouse love fat
Serious feeder
Titmouse on the slope of the window
We fix the feeder with a dowel
Feeder with lid - very convenient for filling with seeds "Bread pipeline"

A child living in this house called this structure a "bread pipe"

What do tits eat

For feeding tits, unroasted sunflower seeds, unsalted lard, fat, nuts (chopped, with soft pulp, such as walnuts) and an exotic option - a sawn coconut suspended on a string, are suitable.

What not to give birds
You can not give salty fat, roasted sunflower seeds, smoked products, rye bread.
Titmouses will not eat either buckwheat, or millet, or rice.
But sparrows will eat millet and crushed grains and raisins.

By the way, wild grapes () on your balcony will also attract birds. An alpine jackdaw flies to us, see the video at the end of the article.
Fat treat

Treats for the birds

Salo can simply be hung on a thread or cut into pieces and put in a vegetable net, I'm on my feeder, which is both observation deck for my cats in the summer, I made such a design.

We offer you a selection of various options for making bird feeders with your own hands. Here we have collected the best master classes and step by step lessons, as well as dozens of original ideas and photos for inspiration. In this article, you will find crafts of varying degrees of complexity: from those that take no more than 5 minutes to create, to those that you have to tinker with.

Creating feeders is one of better ways organize excellent leisure and at the same time help feathered creatures survive the cold. This is a really useful and very good deed - by hanging a feeder, you will not let the birds die of hunger (in urban conditions, this, unfortunately, is quite possible).

What do you need to pay attention to?

Earlier, we already told you about how to choose the right wood for creating birdhouses. If you are planning to make a tree feeder, check out our tips. However, feeders can be made from other materials. Here are some general important tips before starting the creative process.

  1. If you want to make the feeder look bright, only paint the outside of the feeder to prevent the birds from accidentally pecking and ingesting harmful chemicals.
  2. When creating feeders, make sure that the hole into which the bird flies is smooth on all sides (this is especially true for bottle feeders, the edges of which can be scratched if not carefully cut). This will help protect the birds from accidental injury.
  3. If you use glue or varnish in your work, carefully study their composition. They should not contain toxic elements.
  4. Do not make paper feeders too large - if a bird sits in it, the craft may tear and harm the bird.
  5. Remember that wooden feeders can get dangerous mold, and metal ones can rust. Therefore, it is better to protect them with a special coating (without harmful chemicals).
  6. It is important to check the cleanliness of the feeder from time to time and examine it for damage.

from wood

Let's move on to the manufacturing process. A standard wooden feeder is made in the form of a birdhouse or a house. They can also be made in several variations. We offer you the most popular of them.

House with uprights

Use this drawing with dimensions. The picture is clickable, and it has step-by-step instruction on assembling a feeder with your own hands.

Please note that vertical posts can be replaced with thick branches.

The hut can be made of plywood, but it will need to be varnished.

Vary the size and height of the sides.

House with side walls

An approximate assembly scheme for this hut looks like this. Please note that the dimensions can be proportionally changed and adjusted.

The side walls can be made solid. Interesting decor will add attractiveness to the house.

You can cut neat round holes in the side faces. Remember to sand them so that the birds do not pick up a splinter.

If the design turned out to be small, it is better to fill it with cereals and seeds glued together into a special treat. More on this below.

edible feeder

To feed the birds, you can do without the feeder in the usual form. We will prepare special “cookies” for birds and simply hang them on branches.

We will need:

  • 2 packs of gelatin;
  • 2/3 cup of water;
  • 2 cups of food (seeds, cereals);
  • skewers;
  • cookie cutters.

Pour gelatin with hot water and wait for it to swell. Then we mix it with cereals and seeds. Mix the mass well and fill its molds for cookies or muffins. Insert a skewer to make a hole.

When the mass has cooled and “grabbed”, carefully remove it from the mold and pull out the skewer. Insert thread into the hole.

If you don’t have molds, spread the gelatin mixture on the sleeve from toilet paper and roll it over the stern to make it stick. Let dry, then attach to a branch.

You can also roll the mixture into lumps and place them in bags in a large mesh.

Such a treat is very popular with birds.


Didn't find a suitable option? This video shows 50 more original ideas and many different ways to make a bird feeder out of wood or bottles.

Choose any of the presented feeders, decorate it, fill it with seeds and cereals. So you will have a wonderful opportunity to observe the life of birds and do a good deed!

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Winter time is a serious test for birds. Every day it becomes more and more difficult to find food. Take care of the birds - hang a feeder made with your own hands from the simplest materials at hand, which we usually throw in a landfill. We took photos and original ideas making feeders that do not require special skills and complex drawings.

By accustoming the birds to the feeder, you can observe the entertaining turmoil of birds and the secret life of birds.

Some of them defend their rights in a fight with relatives, others enter into competition with other species, but without exception, all carefully look around so as not to miss the attack of a small hawk, which is very interested in the visitors of the feeder.

simple feeder for birds will bring great benefits to birds

Materials for making a feeder can be very diverse, but there are some general rules construction:

  • the feeder should be, first of all, convenient for the birds, there should not be any difficulties when extracting food;
  • the roof and sides will help protect the food from snow, rain and wind. From exposure to moisture, the food can deteriorate and become moldy, which means it will turn into poison for birds;
  • it is desirable that the material from which the feeder will be made is resistant to moisture, otherwise this design will not last long and a new one will need to be made;

The feeder should be safe: not have sharp sides and be located high enough above the ground
  • walls and corners should not be sharp and prickly;
  • feeders for small birds are made small so that larger and more aggressive species do not encroach on their food;
  • it is better to place feeders on the branches of trees or attach them to the walls of outbuildings at a height of about one and a half meters so that cats do not offend the birds, and it is convenient to add food to feathered friends.

Advice. Birds get used to a permanent feeding place and are ready to travel many kilometers to the feeder. Therefore, feeding must be constant, otherwise the birds may die.

Plywood bird feeder

You can buy a feeder in a hypermarket, or you can make it yourself in a few hours. A plywood feeder can be made open, with a flat or gable roof, a bunker compartment can be provided if you cannot constantly monitor the amount of feed in the feeder. Of course, you will need drawings, fortunately, there are plenty of them on the Internet with ready-made sizes of parts for cutting. Choose the design that you like, the drawing will facilitate the work and ensure that the end result is exactly what is shown in the photo.

Lightweight and durable plywood feeder

When choosing a drawing for a future feeder, consider the bird population in your region. Jays, pigeons and magpies can eat all the food, leaving little titmouses hungry. To prevent this from happening, make the size of the openings of the feeder such that big birds couldn't get to the food.

So, you will need a hammer, an electric jigsaw, nails of a suitable length, water-based glue, sandpaper, plywood, 20 x 20 mm timber. Consider the simplest feeder.

Wooden bird feeder ideas and drawings

Wooden feeders are attractive because they will last a long time, keep their shape well - this is due to the properties and reliability of wood. To make such a feeder, you will need at least minimal skills in working with tools and a drawing. The board for manufacturing should be 18 - 20 mm thick. Consider the option of making a feeder, which you can do yourself or take a photo as a basis for a drawing. We will need a 4.5 x 2 cm timber for the racks, a 25 x 25 cm square of plywood for the bottom, two pieces of 35 x 22 cm for the roof, nails, self-tapping screws and glue.

Feeding trough made of wooden beams

Such a feeder can be installed permanently on a dug-in pole or drill two holes in the ridge, screw in a screw with a hook and hang it on a wire. Several birds can fly up to the feeder at the same time, the food is protected from the wind by the sides and the roof, the feathered friends of the garden will like such a cozy dining room.

Finished wood feeder

If there is a gazebo on your site, hang a simple feeder without a roof there. It is enough to make a side and a bottom. If you want to paint the feeder or open it with varnish, then use water-based compounds so as not to harm the birds.

Advice. To prevent the tree from splitting, the tip of the carnation must be made blunt, and a hole must be drilled under the self-tapping screw before screwing in.

Making a cardboard feeder (suitable for children)

One of the simplest feeders. The cardboard option is interesting in that it can be made in a place with children and at the same time have a great time with them. This would be a great craft for kindergarten or elementary school. There is a lot of room for creativity here. Cardboard is a great option, it is only afraid of straight water. But if you want to play it safe and make the feeder more resistant to moisture, then you can glue the outer elements of the feeder with wide adhesive tape, especially its upper and lower parts. In the forest or in the park, such a feeder can easily last all winter and part of spring.

Cardboard feeder collage. Photo

The set of tools and materials is minimal, and if you don’t have something from this list, you can always find a replacement for it. So we need these materials and tools:

  • A pair of cardboard sheets, (A4 format or more) ;
  • Ruler;
  • Adhesive tape (for structural reliability);
  • Stationery knife;
  • A tourniquet or a piece of nylon rope to hang the feeder;
  • Pencil or felt-tip pen;
  • Glue for cardboard or glue gun;
  • Hole puncher.

If such a feeder is going to take the prize as the best craft in your kindergarten, then you have to sweat a little in terms of external design. Here our cardboard will give odds to any Tetra-Pak (this is a milk or juice bag), you can draw beautifully on it and decorate it in every possible way. Undoubtedly, the prize from kindergarten will be yours!

pumpkin feeder

But here, as they say, words are superfluous - everything can be seen in the photo collage. I would like to add that such a feeder looks very attractive and unusual and will be a real decoration of your garden, this is due to the shape of the feeder and its color, which looks great against the background of white snow.

This option is also suitable for making with children. And such a beautiful, bright craft in kindergarten will definitely not go unnoticed.

Bird feeder out of the box Tetra pak) from juice or milk

You can make a feeder from a milk bag or a tetra pack from under the juice, like this. This is even for a child. For this you will need:

  • a clean juice bag;
  • a piece of nylon rope or wire to hang the feeder;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • marker;
  • scissors or utility knife.

Bird feeder from a milk bag

First of all, we mark and cut holes on opposite sides of the tetra pack. To make it convenient for the birds to take food and fly out. We glue the window on the underside with adhesive tape for the convenience and safety of the birds. We pierce a hole under the holes with scissors and insert the cardboard folded into a tube, which remains from cutting the holes above. In the bent corners we make small holes for the wire or rope. And tie to a branch.

The feeder can be attached to a tree trunk. Such a feeder will not sway in the wind. For this, feeding slots are made not on opposite sides of the package, but on adjacent ones. On the opposite side, we fix the wire in the slot and fasten it to the tree.

Tetro pack horizontal feeder

You can make a feeder out of two juice bags. We cut the first package along the narrow sidewalls, leaving the top not cut. We cut off the third part from the second tetra pack and cut a hole on the front side of the package - this will be the stern board or the bottom of the feeder. We combine the bottom with the first package so that we get a triangle. Parts can be connected with glue, wrapped with tape or pierced at the bottom of the sidewalls to insert tubes for cocktails.

Bird feeder from plastic bottles 1.5 - 2 liters

Consider some variations of the execution of the feeder with your own hands from plastic containers.

Option number 1. The simplest feeder

Symmetrically, on both sides of the bottle we cut out two holes: round, square, rectangular or in the form of an arch. Jumpers should remain between the holes. If you make a slot in the form of an inverted letter "P" and bend the plate up, you get a visor from the rain. You can stick a band-aid or fabric tape on the bottom edge of the hole - the edges will not be pointed and the birds will sit comfortably. We make symmetrical holes in the lower part and insert the stick - the result is a feeder with a perch.

A simple plastic bottle feeder

You can attach such a dining room for birds on a tree by wrapping a jumper with tape, rope or other suitable material, as seen in the photo. If you make a hole in the cap of the bottle and insert the ends of the twine, and then tie them into a knot, you get a loop that can be thrown over the branches of garden trees.

Be sure to make the edges of the plastic feeder safe - seal the cuts with electrical tape

Option number 2. Bunker feeder.

This design is rational in use in that the feed can be poured with a margin for several days. The feed, as it is eaten by the birds, will automatically fill up on the feeding ground itself.

Bunker feeder made of plastic bottles

You will need two bottles of the same volume. We mark one bottle with a marker before cutting. We make holes at the bottom, as in feeder No. 1, and remove the upper third of the bottle. We make two symmetrical holes at the top - a ribbon or twine will later be attached to them for hanging the feeder. In the second bottle, we cut several holes at the narrowest part - food will spill out of them. Do not immediately make large holes, it is better to expand them later. We fill the bottle with food, tighten the cork and insert the bottle into the first bottle cut off by a third.

Option number 3. Feeder with spoon

We make a hole in the cork and insert the twine for hanging. Then we symmetrically make two holes the size of a spoon. Above the bowl-shaped deep part of the spoon, we cut a hole in the bottle, slightly expanding it so that the birds can take food. We fill the feeder and hang it up.

Feeder with spoon

Advice. With a red-hot needle or small nail, make several holes in the bottom of the feeder to remove moisture that has got inside.

Bird feeder from a plastic bottle 5 liters

Probably, in every house there is an empty plastic five-liter water bottle. It is very simple to make a feeder in one evening for feeding birds in the winter from this material. Such a container will hold much more food than a smaller plastic bottle, as can be seen in the photo. Several holes will allow you to comfortably feed several birds at once.

Feeder from a five-liter plastic bottle

This is a very simple and quick option, invite your children or other family members to take part in the manufacturing process: find a ribbon or wire to tie the finished feeder to a tree branch, prepare a treat for the birds. Prepare a clean bottle, a sharp knife, secateurs or a clerical knife.

We cut the hole based on how we plan to fix the container on the tree:

  • horizontally - cut a wide hole from the side of the bottom of the bottle and the same from the side of the neck;
  • vertically - at a height of 5-7 cm from the bottom of the container, we cut several square holes or three rectangular ones.

Materials needed to make a feeder

It is convenient to tie a bottle by the neck to a branch with wire or twine. If the feeder is made in a horizontal version, then make two holes on the wall with a knife, through which pass the twine for tying. To prevent the feeder from swaying in the wind, put a quarter of a weight brick on the bottom, and load a treat on top.

From a five-liter bottle, you can also build a bunker feeder. To do this, you will need a five-liter bottle and two 1.5-liter bottles, a marker, a stationery knife and a rope.

You can place the feeder under the roof to make the birds more comfortable

With a little ingenuity, you can create unusual canteens for birds from the simplest plastic bottles that will decorate your site.

Shoe box bird feeder

Everything is simple here. We take a dense shoe box with a lid. We make a round hole in the lid. The hole needs to be shifted slightly from the center to the bottom edge of the box (a little different in the photo), this is necessary so that the birds can get to the food that will lie at the bottom of the box.

We make a small hole in the upper part of the box and insert a tourniquet or rope into it. Tie an old pencil or stick to the end of this rope. We will then tie the other end of the rope to the branch of the tree on which we plan to hang the feeder. Then you can wrap the box with wrapping paper, but this is for the aesthetic component, you can not do this.

We make a roof from ordinary cardboard and put it on glue. Next, we glue the lid to the box itself with tape, as in Figure 3, 4, and also thread the rope through the lid.

At the moment when we hang the finished feeder on a tree, the roof may peel off from the box, but this is not scary, it cannot go anywhere, because. rope will hold it.

And in the picture below, an even simpler version of the feeder from shoe box. But there is no need to explain anything, everything can be seen in the photo. The whole box is simply rewound with tape, which, by the way, is very practical. And in our opinion it turned out - original and unusual.

Cardboard box bird feeder

To make a bird dining room with your own hands, the simplest material will do, which is stored in abundance on the balconies of most families: boxes of electrical goods, cardboard packaging from food products. Choose thicker cardboard with a laminated coating, the laminate will slightly increase the life of the feeder. Although, as written above, wide tape can be used for these purposes. The advantage of this design is that there is already a bottom, walls and roof of the future feeder, which needs to be slightly modified by cutting square or rectangular holes on the sides.

Even a schoolboy can make a cozy feeder from a mailbox

You will need a nylon cord, scissors or a clerical knife and adhesive tape. Since cardboard is a very short-lived material and is afraid of moisture, the finished feeder wrapped with tape will last until the next season. Having cut through the side holes and fastening the cord, you can hang the feeder and fill it with treats for birds that will not take long to wait. Put sand or some pebbles on the bottom so that the structure does not shake much with the wind.

If cover cardboard feeder paints, it will last longer

You can do it a little differently. We glue the lid of the box perpendicularly so that the lid serves as a stern stand, and the second part of the box is a side and a roof. We glue the structure with adhesive tape. We make two hooks from the wire: we bend a piece of wire in half and pierce the “ceiling” of the feeder with the ends, twist and bend from the inside. By connecting the hooks, you can hang the feeder on a branch. As you can see in the photo. Now pour the food and wait for the guests.

Bird feeder on the window (with suction cups)

Such feeders are a very interesting option for the overall development of children, and adults too :). The feeder is attached to the window, or rather to the glass, with the help of suction cups. Usually such feeders are also made transparent in order to fully enjoy watching the birds. If you have suction cups, you can make such a feeder yourself, for example, from the same plastic bottle, but you must admit that it will still not be as aesthetically pleasing as the finished version from the store. Children will probably start taking pictures of it all, and photos with yellowed, cloudy bottles will, to put it mildly, not so hot. Purchased options look very nice.

With the advent of cold weather, snow and frost, conscious nature lovers hang bird feeders near the tree house (or near the window of the apartment). These simple devices will not only delight children and the elderly, they will help many birds to overwinter. How to make feeders and from what improvised means, we will tell in this article.

Variety of feeders

Human imagination is limitless. And having looked at what and from what people come up with bird feeders, this fact is beyond doubt. After analyzing the basic materials, we can divide the devices for feeding birds into the following groups:

  • from glass containers;
  • from grids;
  • from iron cans;
  • from old dishes;
  • from plastic containers;
  • wooden;
  • from fruits;
  • all kinds of garlands.

After examining each group in detail, you can definitely find exactly the one, the feeder, which will go in all respects. And most importantly - you want to make it and hang it near your home.

Glass container feeders

For this, jars with a volume of 1l to 2l are suitable. Put a plastic cap on the neck and cut a hole in it. Pour food inside. Hang in a horizontal position. Advantages of this feeder:

  • snow does not fall;
  • does not blow the wind;
  • large birds (ravens, magpies) will not be able to take food from small birds.
  • Long service life.

There are more original feeders from cans. They can be seen in the photo.

But there are more feeders from glass bottles. They need to be fixed upside down, substituting a saucer below, into which the food will be poured.

Alternatively, you can drill or cut a hole in the bottle into which the bird will fly for food. In this case, you must not forget about the footboard for the bird.

Mesh devices

You can also feed the birds in a more primitive way, the main thing is that the birds are full. Grids from polymer material, with small holes, you need to fasten it so that you get a bag into which food is poured and hung on a string near a window or on a tree. The advantage is the simplicity and speed of production.

For those for whom this method is too simple, there are more original and beautiful feeders from nets, but their production will be longer:

  • You need to take a garden plastic mesh with small holes.
  • Twist the cylinder out of it and fix it in this position.
  • Take two pallets from flower pots and fasten them to the top and bottom of the cylinder.
  • After attaching the lower saucer, pour the food inside.
  • In the upper saucer (or along the edges of the net) make fasteners to hang the feeder on a branch.

Iron can feeders

In this case, there are two product options:

  • Vertical feeder: small incisions are made in the walls of the jar so that the birds can peck at the food. Be sure to make steps at the bottom base. The top must be closed.

  • Horizontal feeder. To the hole into which the birds will fly for food, you need to attach a footboard. Decorating the jar itself is at your own discretion.

The advantage of such feeders: the relative speed of manufacture, long service life, not afraid of shock.

Old crockery as a bird feeder

old ceramic tableware good for creating original feeder, which will not only saturate the birds, but also decorate the gloomy cold landscape. This is the main plus of these feeders. After all, the process of their manufacture will require some skill: to make holes for fasteners without destroying the product.

Plastic feeders

Suitable for feeders:

  • eggplants from 3 l to 6 l;
  • bottles from 1l to 2l;
  • canisters from 1 to 35 l;
  • containers with lids;
  • not big buckets.

How to adapt them to feeders is already a matter of fantasy. The main models of such canteens for birds are shown in the photo.

The advantages of feeders made of plastic products are:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • long service life;
  • not afraid of shock and temperature changes;
  • low cost of raw materials.

The main thing to consider is that thin plastic from bottles and eggplants, when cut, becomes sharp. And it can damage the thin paws of birds. Therefore, that part of the cut where the birds will land must either be melted on fire, or rubber tubes must be put on.

Wooden feeders

  • a solid cut of the trunk (chocks);
  • from boards;
  • from branches or sticks;
  • plywood or other wood sheet.

It is recommended to make feeders with a roof so that there is protection from direct snow and rain into the feed. Wood products always attract the eye, as they show the skill and dexterity of the master. Therefore, the advantage of this type of feeders is not only the environmental friendliness of raw materials, but also an attractive appearance.

Plant fruit feeders

Original feeders are made from:

  • pumpkins;
  • coconut shells;
  • orange peel.

Having cut the fruit and stretched out the pulp, you can safely pour food, cling to a rope or wire, and hang it on a branch. Original, beautiful and simple.