What subjects do you need to know to become a plumber. Learn to distinguish a good plumber from a bad one. What does a plumber do at work?

  • 11.12.2019

Today, working professions have again become highly valued. There are too many lawyers, economists and marketers. The market no longer needs them. In large cities, on the contrary, there is a sharp shortage of people in working professions. Needless to say, getting a profession today is a problem. If you have a certificate of secondary education, you can easily become, for example, a plumber. However, to argue that to become a professional in the field of plumbing communications you need to take only two-month courses, it would be wrong (to put it mildly).

Plumbing courses are only the initial part of the training. Of course, the foundations of the profession are being laid right now. But do not forget that without practice and a work permit, it is impossible to get a job legally. Next will be presented the path that a person must master in order to become a professional plumber (to earn a living from this).

Of course, college (previously it was called Vocational School) can become one of the ways. However, the above is not always possible. However, for people of almost all ages, an option with paid courses is available.

This approach is more efficient. You pay for tuition. Specialists have prepared a program for mastering the basics of the profession. It is hardly worth recalling that in the overwhelming majority of vocational schools teachers don't care about their students by and large.

In the courses, no one will force you to study. However, the presented program will be a set of knowledge, highly specialized in the chosen direction - nothing more.

This will allow you to concentrate necessary experience and not to lose a large number of time. After all, the path to the profession is just beginning at the passage of courses and obtaining a diploma.

This is a paid internship. However, it continues for about 5 years. After training, a young specialist finds himself in an environment where the applied application of the knowledge he has acquired is required.

The benefits of an internship include:

  • gaining valuable experience for further work (you can make mistakes only at the beginning of your career path);
  • receiving positive recommendations upon completion industrial practice;
  • the possibility of obtaining a work permit for official employment with a fixed salary.

In the future, a specialist with a long track record and impressive experience will be able to open his own business and earn many times more.

Sergey Mikitchuk will present a short lesson that will be useful to those who have chosen the plumbing profession:

A civilized person does not know how to do without plumbing, heating systems and sewerage. After all, modern sanitary systems are blood vessels buildings through which heat and water are delivered, making our life convenient and comfortable. Well, since manufacturers of building materials have flooded the market with a huge number of different plumbing fixtures, only specialists can understand such a huge assortment - people who have received the profession of a plumber.

A civilized person does not know how to do without such communications as plumbing, heating system and sewerage. After all, modern sanitary systems are the blood vessels of buildings, through which heat and water are delivered, making our life convenient and comfortable. Well, since manufacturers of building materials have flooded the market with a huge number of different plumbing fixtures, pipes and accessories, only a specialist can understand such a huge assortment. Moreover, to install pipelines and maintain the viability of these arteries is the main task of people who have received profession plumber.

On the shoulders of these specialists lies the responsibility for the full functioning of central heating systems, hot and cold water supply, sewerage, gas supply to industrial and civil structures. This job is included in staffing any organization, factory or plant. This indicates that the specialty "plumber" is not only necessary, but also a popular profession, which has its own characteristics and advantages.

Who is a plumber?

(sanitary technician) - a skilled worker who specializes in the installation, operation, repair or replacement of sanitary equipment (water supply, sewerage and heating systems) in cities and settlements. Other names for this profession: plumber and plumber.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin sanitas (health) and the ancient Greek τέχνη (art). Among the existing achievements of progress that provide comfort and sanitation requirements, plumbing and sewerage are the most ancient. Archaeologists date the remains of treatment and drainage communications and water pipes to the 11th millennium BC. and belong to one of the most ancient civilizations - the Harappan. And there are whole legends about the viaducts and fountains of Ancient Rome. And if in ancient times slaves were engaged in the maintenance of plumbing communications, then modern plumbing facilities are under the close attention of qualified specialists - professional plumbers.

Plumbing work Today it consists of several components:

  • ensuring the working condition of sanitary equipment, which is under the control of a specialist;
  • identification, prevention and elimination of the causes of premature wear of units and systems;
  • elimination of violations in the operation of serviced sanitary facilities (including the elimination of accidents, dismantling of old and installation of new systems, etc.);
  • creating applications for expendable materials and spare parts;
  • performing related work (for example, punching, drilling or drilling holes for mounting fasteners).

Note that the installation and repair work can be of varying degrees of complexity and plumbers need to be able to use a whole arsenal of devices. Gas and Swedish wrenches, various screwdrivers, punchers, grinder, pipe cutters - these are the most simple tools that may be needed plumber when doing it professional duties. Particularly in demand are specialists in the laying and installation of plastic, polyethylene and polypropylene communications. And universal masters have welding skills and are specialists of a wide profile.

What personal qualities should a plumber have?

Sufficiently difficult working conditions require endurance and good physical health from the plumber, since very often work is associated with laying and repairing the external parts of various pipelines. But professional activity plumbing is not limited to "communication" with pipes, fittings and tools. An important component of the work of a plumber is communication with customers, which requires him to personal qualities, how:

  • sociability;
  • excerpt;
  • attentiveness;
  • the ability to anticipate the desire of the customer;
  • accuracy;
  • politeness;
  • a responsibility;
  • patience;
  • perseverance;
  • personal organization.

And of course, a neat and friendly master will be entrusted with important work faster. Also, for a representative of this profession, such qualities as well-developed spatial thinking are very important, which will make it easy to navigate in schemes of any complexity. Well, since the work of a plumber is associated with constant tension of the hands, the development of their covering and holding abilities is no less important than special knowledge in areas such as:

  • physics (mechanics, thermal physics, hydraulics);
  • elementary mathematics;
  • materials science and technology of metals.

Benefits of being a plumber

Benefits of being a plumber are in demand, especially for highly qualified and versatile specialists, as well as enough high pay labor (the average salary of a plumber in Russia today is about 35 thousand rubles, and this is not counting the financial "gratitude" of customers, the total amount of which can be several times higher than the official salary). Among the working specialties, it is the plumber that occupies a leading position in labor exchanges.

At the same time, the demand for this profession opens up great opportunities for specialists in this field to create their own company (team) for the installation and maintenance of heat, water, gas communications and sewerage. Many well-known installation bureaus began their development history with small plumbing teams.

The undoubted advantage of this profession can also be considered useful skills acquired in the course of work. The fact is that modern plumbers are, as a rule, jacks of all trades who can not only install a sink, lay sewer pipes or clear blockages in sewer pipes, but also tile walls, ventilate, level the floor, etc. .

Disadvantages of the plumbing profession

The working conditions of plumbers can hardly be called pleasant, especially if you have to eliminate a blockage in a sewer pipe. And this is one of the main disadvantages of the plumbing profession.

However, many plumbers consider the stereotype that has developed in our country about representatives of this the right profession. Many of our compatriots are sure that all plumbers without exception are always drunk, uneducated and untidy type, whose price for services is calculated in bottles of alcoholic beverages. Such an attitude on the part of society offends modern specialists, who bear little resemblance to the portrait described above and value their work.

In addition, the disadvantages include the lack of career prospects. The maximum that a plumber can count on after several years of hard work is the position of a site foreman or foreman of a plumbing team.

Where can you get a job as a plumber?

The profession of a plumber belongs to the working specialties. Respectively, get a job as a plumber can . During the training, students study electrical engineering, materials science, special technologies and welding technology. Special attention is given to the organization of industrial practice. After graduation, graduates are assigned the 2nd category.

Advanced training takes place at special courses, trainings, master classes or when passing certification exams. Note that real masters continue to learn throughout labor activity, closely follow technological innovations and study special literature. If desired, a plumber can enter a university and get an engineering profession, which will allow a specialist to count on career growth. To the best polytechnic and construction universities in Russia can be attributed:

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering;
  • - VIST;

Your attention is invited to a unique live video interview "Is it easy to become a plumber and how profitable is it?" Vladimir Kozin, author and leader of the project, with his friend, plumber Alexander.

If anyone does not know yet, Vladimir Kozin is the creator of a number of training video courses on home improvement, summer cottages, apartments and any other premises.

You can order this or that video course on the official website of Vladimir (just click on the link of the course you are interested in above) or go to. And below is the text version of Vladimir Kozin's interview with plumber Alexander:

Vladimir Kozin: Hello, dear subscribers, our guest today is a person who started just like me - from scratch. In order for you to understand some questions, Alexander will explain them.

The first question that readers ask me is: “Is it possible to do this business without a construction education?”, that is, what kind of education do you have?

Alexander: My education is generally far from construction, I am an athlete.

Vladimir Kozin: Even so?

Alexander: Yes. But this is long in the past, as age does not allow.

Vladimir Kozin: Great, what job did you have before you started dealing with water supply, heating, and sewerage systems?

Alexander: At one time I tried to work as a coach, but there, one might say, with our economy it is difficult to earn even bread, first of all financial difficulties. You need to feed your family, you need to live somewhere, most likely such problems concern many.

Vladimir Kozin: The third question is: “How did you come to deal with the water supply system, sewerage and the like on your own?”. I understand that you had some first experience? Tell me a little.

Alexander: It all started when I inherited a small house.

Vladimir Kozin: Good legacy.

Alexander: What no, but also a little help. Something in which I didn’t understand anything at all - yes, I had to hire someone, but I quickly realized that I needed a lot of money for this, but there was nowhere for me to get them with my work. Therefore, everything that concerned internal work - gluing wallpaper, laying linoleums, I did it myself, but when it came to water, in principle, the same thing. That friends helped, some with advice, some with something else, that's how I tried.

Vladimir Kozin: It's a good motivation when you are already confronted with a question, moreover, a question point-blank. Did you have any fears, inconveniences, before undertaking it? As far as I understand, it was new for you anyway.

Alexander: No, when I was making a house, I had other thoughts - just do it. And when I did it, and everything worked, I thought about what to do next, I began to think, but should I do this, do it to some comrade, then, of course, it was scary. Because there is no experience, no education, starting something new is always scary.

Vladimir Kozin: Yes, I agree with you. What helped you decide on self-assembly besides motivation?

Alexander: Motivation pushed me, but what helped was that this was my first home, it helped me learn something, understand something, somewhere the Internet gave me a little bit. This is how I slowly started with water, I didn’t climb into the heating, only water.

Vladimir Kozin: How difficult is it in general to master this technology, let's take, for now only water supply and sewerage?

Alexander: How difficult? I don't even know how to say it. It depends on how it is given to someone, and what efforts you make, efforts, desire.

Vladimir Kozin: Can everyone or is it only given to a select few?

Alexander: No, about the chosen ones, of course, I doubt it, here it kindles any pots, do you agree?

Vladimir Kozin: Of course.

Alexander: Well, that's what I'm talking about. Therefore, it requires perseverance, the desire to achieve something. If there is perseverance, there is a desire, there is motivation, like, say, I have, then yes. It doesn't come in one day, it doesn't come in a month, of course.

Vladimir Kozin: How difficult is it in general to work with the equipment, with the tool that is used to mount the systems? Well, if there are sewerage systems, then, in principle, there is no such equipment, but the water supply system ...

Alexander: Well, I don’t know what tools existed for this before, but how big I found those times when there were no tools that we have now, and now everything you want is in the store. Here, in order to hammer a wall, you used to need a hammer and a chisel, but now this is not necessary.

Vladimir Kozin: I even had experience, I hung a carpet in the house and there was neither a drill nor a puncher, and I did it with a hammer ...

Alexander: Well, when there is nothing, you will do it with a nail. Therefore, there is nothing special to compare with, but now there are so many things that we have that it is a pleasure to work simply. There is nothing complicated here.

Vladimir Kozin: Yes, stores are full of various tools, moreover, in different price categories: both cheap and expensive.

Alexander: Yes, whatever you want, you choose from the style of your work. How serious is your job?

Vladimir Kozin: This question was also heard from our subscribers: “How often do you get a defective product and how to avoid it?”. Because in any case counterfeit exists.

Alexander: How to beware? As such, there is no recipe here, just some recommendations can, of course, be given. No need to chase cheap goods, you should always work with trusted suppliers. You don’t need this: “But I went on the Internet and found it there for 1,800 rubles, although it actually costs 3,000, I’d better take it from those, because it’s almost half the price.” Here are recommendations on how to protect yourself from marriage and counterfeit goods - no need to chase cheap ones.

Vladimir Kozin: I also set myself the same challenge.

Alexander: He comes across marriage everywhere, yet people do it, marriage can be everywhere, just somewhere more, somewhere less. Obviously, the price should immediately tell you, it should either attract or repel you.

Vladimir Kozin: Well, as I understand it, you are now just working with regular suppliers who guarantee their goods?

Alexander: Of course, they have guarantees. For example, if I took some pipe, pump or radiator from them, installed it, and it stopped working tomorrow. I know that I will take it off now, I will return it, they will change it for me and there will be no complaints.

Vladimir Kozin: I myself use and, I hope, you also have such that many regular suppliers also give certain discounts for a certain amount of goods. This is also a great help for beginners.

Alexander: Yes, this is a huge plus, which is why it is necessary to work with only trusted suppliers, you earn some kind of discounts...

Vladimir Kozin: The question is: "To what extent high demand experts in this area? Let's take this moment Let's not remember the past.

Alexander: The demand has always been, is and will be. Both for food and for construction work.

Vladimir Kozin: Yes, people keep changing plumbing...

Alexander: People live, buildings, yes, they age, apartments, houses, it constantly requires repair. Houses, apartments are being sold, owners are changing, they don’t like what the previous owner did, I need to redo it the way I want. Therefore, it is a vicious circle, endless - back and forth, back and forth.

Vladimir Kozin: And then I would like to ask the following question: “What contingent of clients do you basically have? Are these organizations or just individuals?

Alexander: In principle, already now, after some time has passed, I have already reached the stage when I have fewer private clients, mostly organizations. Because experience is already slowly gaining, we are growing, we are already moving from smaller to larger ones. Doing small things, as it was 5-6 years ago, is somehow not profitable, and even not interesting. I want something new and bigger financial terms more interesting.

Vladimir Kozin: Well, since finances have been touched upon, the last question is: “What level of income, on average, is it possible to reach, while doing business (let’s take only the area of ​​water supply and sewerage)?”. Because it is clear that if heating is added, then these are completely different levels.

Alexander: You can go to any level. You can even reach infinity, because it all depends on how serious you are about it and how seriously you want to do it. I am even afraid now to name any sums, one hundred thousand, two hundred, five hundred, one million.

Vladimir Kozin: Well then, let me elaborate on the question. Well, what if a person starts from scratch and has no assistants yet, that is, he works in one?

Alexander: I think that with a strong desire and with a not stupid head, let's say, within two or three months, you can reach the salary level of about a thousand dollars.

Vladimir Kozin: Good help already.

Alexander: Yes, I believe that if you work alone, or start as I started, you are quite capable of earning a thousand dollars in two or three months.

Vladimir Kozin: Here, in principle, all the questions that I wanted to hear from Alexander, let's say a big thank you to him, good luck to everyone and goodbye.

Let's see who is a plumber? You won't get a plumbing profession anywhere, not a single one. educational institution does not teach plumbing. There is simply no such profession for training. Why not, you ask? Yes, because a plumber is essentially each of us, i.e. in order to become a plumber, you don’t need a lot of intelligence, the main thing is to see once, or even hear how to install a faucet and that’s it, you automatically become a plumber. It's NOT bad, really, you don't need to take any exams, practice too. Well, you have learned how to install a faucet, but after all, plumbing is not limited to just one faucet, there are a lot of them. And since you called yourself a plumber, you will repair everything and everything. It doesn't matter if you see it for the first time or not. There's nothing complicated about it.) Most often, yes, there is nothing complicated in the work of a plumber, you do everything according to a template and okay, but if the customer asks you to think, then the unfortunate plumber starts thinking, and he comes up with it. True, it turns out to be complete nonsense - he did not go through theory and practice. Only the mixer was installed, they showed how).

Why all this!? I believe that plumbers need to be trained, at least to understand what equipment they work with. It is clear that plumbers are paid a penny and that no one will strain to study something for this money. But think about it, because a smart, smart, educated, versed in new plumbing, and just a person who keeps up with the times - will be valued more! The people around will understand that “yes”, this plumber really fumbles in what he does and he needs to be entrusted with his bathroom or toilet. He may ask a little more, but he was recommended to me by my good friends.

Plumbers and installers - do your job correctly, reasonably, logically, according to all the laws of physics, and so on - I'm sure you will have many more clients.

Watch the video carefully and you will understand what it is about).

You can leave your opinion about plumbers in the comments.

An overabundance of managers is felt more and more sharply by society. The once prestigious and highly paid university professions began to lose their value and popularity. More and more people understand that a handy hard worker will always earn his bread and butter. And the presence of a working specialty will not leave you without work even in difficult times.

Reconomica already interviewed from Minsk, and now the story of another representative is next working profession- a plumber from the DPR.

Job responsibilities, details of the rank increase, the salary of a plumber in Donetsk and the curiosities of the profession are in today's article.

Hello. My name is Shalash Roman Igorevich, I am 26 years old, I live and work in Yenakiyevo, Donetsk region. Experience in one profession for more than 4 years, and my profession is a plumber. Now I work at EMK LLC (Yenakievsky Meat Processing Plant).

I will begin my story about the plumbing profession with general points.

What are the job responsibilities of a plumber?

My profession is related to the repair, prevention, installation and maintenance of sewerage systems, cold water supply, hot water supply, heating systems, as well as ventilation at this enterprise, nothing complicated.

In my profession, it is important to know your job, to have confidence, maximum ingenuity, understand what you are doing and analyze your next steps. You also need to have a sense of lightness and then the work will be done faster. Some special knowledge is needed in the basics in order to simply know the name of the tool, and practice and perseverance will lead to a professional and qualified level.

How to become a plumber

Education, of course, secondary specialized or vocational (they give more practice). Plumbers are required in the housing stock, at enterprises. In general, a good plumber is needed literally at every step. Therefore, you can get trained as a plumber in almost any region where there are construction institutions.


To get a job, first of all, you need to study well and be able to do at least something. Employers make this profession very high requirements, but there are exceptions - and this is good for young professionals, because everything comes with experience. Usually, for employment, you only need to document your qualifications and answer a couple of questions from your boss.

At first, count on a large or even average salary difficult, but if in numbers, then 4-6 thousand rubles, although you can try your luck on a salary of 8-10 thousand - this is in our Donetsk region. It all depends on how well you studied and what you know how to do by profession.

What does a plumber do at work?

When I first got a job, it was at the end of 2012, I didn’t have any practice and didn’t know much more, but they explained everything to me, they took me at first with them to simple jobs, showed me how to do it, an algorithm of actions so that I I knew in my head what to do.

Over time, the list of works became more and more diverse - not just to come, put a cable or string and clean the sewer or shut off a faucet, valve or valve - but already more complicated: installation of sewer pipes, repair of cast-iron sewer pipes, dismantling of ventilation systems, elimination of mixer leaks, stuffing glands in a valve, installation of water-heating tanks, gas water heaters, soldering pipes - you can list what else a plumber usually does. Time goes by and I learn more and more nuances of the profession.

My work days

My work schedule from 8 to 17 usually starts with an outfit from the chief mechanic, I work in a machine shop. An outfit is a list of work that the bosses give to their employees and this, as a rule, sets the work for the whole day.

The work of a plumber can be, as I wrote above, quite diverse: to tweak something somewhere, replace, clean, perform preventive maintenance of devices and mechanisms. Everything is very simple: I took the necessary tool (and there can be a lot of it), understood the meaning of the work and what is required of you, sometimes, however, the authorities themselves suggest how to do the work if it is of increased complexity, and can make adjustments. But in general, the methodology is as follows: I got a job, took a tool and went to work.

I must say right away that almost nothing is done in this profession without a tool.

Plumber at work.

Curiosities from practice

There are interesting cases in my work: a faucet dripped - very commonplace! I took a couple of wrenches, I come - yes, indeed, a 1/2 inch faucet leaked (this is about 20 mm diagonal thread), I take a gas wrench number 1 (the lips of the key are separated by 10-36 mm), I try to twist it first, it might stop flowing. Having started to twist, I notice that it is tight and, most likely, this method will not help. I shut off the main water supply and try to unwind this tap so that I can repack it later (remove it and screw it back on, after putting hemp on the thread), but in the end it breaks along with a piece of thread. That's the number!

Or another case. My workmate and I went to put the faucet on the sink ... As a result, in order to connect it, I had to climb under the sink (and this is very inconvenient!), Wind up the hoses, and a friend helped me with one hand. Not so much difficult in terms of work, but in these conditions the task becomes more complicated at times and we spent a considerable amount of time on it.

Salaries in the DPR are low

When I first got a job at this enterprise, my first salary was only 2,350 rubles, but time passes, and over time, advanced training comes, and with it wages. Now in this position people earn like me. By the way, my salary has also changed, now it is 5500-6200, the maximum that a plumber in Donetsk can earn is about 9 thousand (for this, in my case, I need to change my job and improve my qualifications).

How much a plumber earns depends, as a rule, on the number of hours worked and the hourly rate plus interest. At each private enterprise they are different, but at communal (state) labor rates are the same.

What does my salary or the salary of a plumber of my category consist of:

Hourly/daily tariff rate(I have a daily salary of about 300 rubles), the number of hours worked according to the time sheet from the boss (this depends on how many calendar weekdays are in a month) and another percentage for harmful conditions labor (the influence of sewerage, work in sewer manholes), I have it equal to 25%.

The entire salary, of course, is white with a full social package (sick leave, vacation, trade union, clothes and tools). There are also bonuses when we call a machine from the water utility to punch sewer manholes from fat - hard work that must be done in a limited time. The size of the bonus ... yes, in different ways, I personally was given 20% of the monthly salary.

An experienced plumber will always be in demand and will be able to earn an extra penny.

Pros and cons of being a plumber

The result of all of the above is approximately the same.

The advantages include:

  • Ability to handle various construction tools;
  • Knowledge that can be useful to you in everyday life;
  • You can use the working tool for personal needs;
  • A plumber can always find a large amount of part-time work;
  • Expansion of the list of enterprises in which your knowledge will be needed;
  • Mobile work (and movement, as you all know, is life).

By cons:

  • Failure to comply with the labor protection instructions for a plumber and carelessness in handling the tool can lead to sad consequences, and even death;
  • The work of a plumber is also work with people, and this causes additional requirements for a candidate for a position: a person should not be irritable and conflict;
  • Harmful working conditions. Although the payment for them is higher, but the negative impact on the body, albeit at a minimum, is inevitable;
  • Periods are heavy physical exertion.

A plumber has a place to develop, there would be a desire

Let me tell you a little more about the prospects of this specialty.

Getting a rank

The qualification of a plumber is determined by ranks. At my enterprise, the maximum category of plumbing is the sixth, so far I work in the fifth category. Usually, when a student graduates, he is assigned 2-4 grades (everything on personal experience and depends on how you passed the exam after practice and what grade you were given at the very place of practice).

When I graduated from technical school, I had the third category. An increase in the rank of plumbers occurs by passing an exam at the enterprise, the supervisor must be present in the examination committee, Chief Engineer and a person from the state - a special inspector. It was the same for me when I took the fourth category after a year of my work. The requirements for passing the exam are written in the document " sanitary norms and rules”, it says what a plumber of a certain category should be able to and know.

I was required to have a theoretical part on flushing heating systems in residential buildings after the heating period, because I alone, having the third category, cannot fulfill the documents according to the documents this work, it is already included in official duties plumber of the 4th category.

After another 2 years, I passed the exam for the fifth category, I already passed it in practice: adjusting and starting water through large-diameter pipes, revision of valves with a pipe diameter of 150 mm, as well as starting the heating system at the enterprise at the beginning of the heating period. Workers of the 4th and 5th category have the right to do this, but it is obligatory in the presence of a specialist of the 6th category.

I receive the sixth category in 3-5 years after receiving the fifth. After the sixth category, there is already a position of a master, and then a chief engineer (there must be a completed higher education).

A tip for future plumbers

For those people who wish to go to study and work in this profession in the future, I wish success, determination, perseverance, perseverance in achieving any goals, good luck (where without it).

The profession itself is not difficult, but you need to study and try. Do not forget that given profession will always be needed in life and for a good plumber there will always be a side job: for example, you can go to a neighbor and fix a tap, mixer, drain tank, install a sink, connect a heating system, replace a radiator. The types of in-demand and well-paid jobs that an experienced plumber can perform can be listed for a long time.

And remember: without practice, nowhere!