I want to be a lawyer. Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law. Essay: “The profession of a lawyer is a profession that inspires!”

  • 09.04.2021


Nowadays, there are a large number of higher educational institutions that produce specialists in jurisprudence. Some of them are specialized - for example, law academies, but most of them are law and departments of various humanitarian ones. Educational institutions offer full-time and part-time education, as well as accelerated training faculties, which have recently entered the system - as a rule, they accept applicants who have graduated from specialized colleges and technical schools.

How to become a lawyer?

Get quality education- this is the fundamental factor in a career as a lawyer, however, obtaining a diploma from a prestigious university does not always make it possible to become a good one. In order to succeed, you must always be aware of the events taking place in the field of jurisprudence. Need:

  1. Decide as early as possible on the specialization that you want to do and study everything with which it will come into contact thematically.

  2. Learn to filter information, namely, to understand what is actually relevant today, follow the news in the legislation, know about the entry into force and cancellation of regulatory legal acts.

  3. Be precise, like in mathematics. Be able to confidently refer to specific facts and excerpts from legislation. But remember - this should not mean at all that you need to memorize all the editions of the laws and the numbers of articles in the code. You just need to learn to think systematically and know where to find the answer to the right question.


It is best to start practicing and mastering a profession while still in the process of learning: even if you have not yet managed to show yourself normally and demonstrate your abilities, you will gain invaluable practical experience, test the soil in the environment in which you will plunge after graduation. And most importantly, you will already have a certain work experience, which will play a big role in finding employment in your specialty after completing your studies.


Try to communicate more often with established lawyers, move around in their circle, listen to stories from their practice, analyze everything, learn from their invaluable experience. This will help you quickly integrate into the field of law. All kinds of forums on the Internet, specialized blogs will also help you.

The profession of a lawyer is a profession that inspires!

Each person is on the threshold of choosing a life path. From this choice depends on whether a person will be happy. What profession to choose? What to do?

Many of us choose the most popular and prestigious professions. One of these, in my opinion, is the legal profession.

In my opinion, the main goal of a lawyer is the preservation of law and order.

There are not many professions in the world that are as responsible, respected and honorable, and at the same time as difficult as a lawyer.

It is on the employees of the legal industry that the impeccable implementation of laws, and, consequently, the existence and legal functioning of the state, depends.

Every lawyer must be ready to respond correctly and in a timely manner to the demands of the society, to master the methods and techniques of working with changing legislation, extensive documentation, and published literature.

A lawyer should not only help people with legal advice, but also know the way out of certain situations and circumstances.

Jurisprudence is one of those sciences that is learned throughout life. Since the legislation is constantly changing and supplementing, a lawyer must be able to quickly find and remember the nuances legal regulations to be able to use the acquired knowledge. The main thing is to have a true vocation for this and be ready for long and hard work.

I chose mine life path! My path is jurisprudence.

My future profession inspires me. Every day in educational institution for me, like a holiday. Every day I replenish my knowledge in this area: I study laws, charters, reason, think - it's so great and wonderful!

Recently, after watching the Russian series "Escape", I was delighted with how lawyers were looking for clues, risking their lives for the sake of truth and justice. I think such people are worthy of praise!

Based on the foregoing, I concluded for myself that lawyers are people who have chosen a thorny path for themselves not for the sake of money, not for the sake of position, but for the sake of those people whose lives they are called upon to protect. These words are not an exaggeration, because in our state, as in many others, a person is threatened by criminal elements. And that is why a lawyer takes on the duty to protect such people, despite the fact that people who require protection are of different social status. But there are people who do not have material resources, and they cannot pay for the services of a lawyer. Perseverance, assertiveness, the ability to convince - these are the qualities that also help to become a good lawyer.

I am already a fourth-year student, and not once did my chosen profession disappoint me, but, on the contrary, every day it interests me more and more. In the future, I plan not to stop there, but to enter higher educational institution. And, of course, to work in your favorite field, to be an example, to protect the rights and freedom of citizens.

Each of us is not just a citizen of his state, but also a creator of History. By making meaningful actions, doing everyday work, we become participants in important historical events.

Work is part of our life. And it should be pleasant and loved, like a hobby. This concept very accurately fits the concept of an ideal job, since a hobby is a type of human activity, a kind of occupation, a hobby that is regularly practiced at leisure, for the soul. Hobby is in a good way dealing with stress, in addition, hobbies often help to develop horizons. The main goal of a hobby is to help self-realization. Often, a hobby eventually develops into a main activity, a job that brings income, moral satisfaction. Therefore, the ideal job is an activity that you like, and besides, it brings income. Usually, a person chooses as his main job exactly what he liked, as a hobby or main hobby “for the Soul”.

An ideal job is the purpose and self-realization of a person. After all, we put our soul into work, realize our abilities, satisfy our needs, fulfill our desires. An ideal job should correspond to the rhythm of life and fit exactly into the personal characteristics of a person. It gives a person the opportunity to be in his place and do his job.

I believe that the choice I have made in professional direction, gave an incentive to engage in ideal work, giving the right to self-realization and satisfaction of life ambitions, such as:

  • engaging in activities that are reliable and stable, brings pleasure, both from the process itself and to the result, which is interesting and even creative, preserves the personality, contributes to the development: spiritual, personal and professional growth of myself and my employees;
  • the implementation of reasonable communication with people, social benefit, promoting good relations with employees;
  • receiving income that allows you to support a family, help parents make savings;
  • time for family, rest, self-development.

So, my hobby is the work of a lawyer.

The legal profession is one of the oldest. It originated in ancient Rome. The first professional lawyers were members of the College of Pontiffs, who dealt with almost all contentious issues that arise among citizens. They also helped people close important deals, draft lawsuits and other important legal documents. The very concept of the term "lawyer" comes from the Latin word for "right", and, therefore, jurisprudence means "knowledge of the law." The founders of law, as a branch of science, were such philosophers of the ancient world as: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato.

At present, the essence of the profession has not changed somewhat, and lawyers, like their ancient colleagues, the pontiffs, perform the same functions, widely using in their work the experience accumulated over the centuries.

Modern lawyers provide a wide range of services. They help citizens in resolving various cases. Also, they officially represent the interests of persons in court and appeal court decisions to various instances.

In addition to providing services to individuals, lawyers are also involved in the activities of enterprises. They effectively accompany enforcement proceedings, give advice on legal matters relating to taxation and doing business. Lawyers are entrusted with the registration and support of companies, institutions, organizations. They are also involved in the registration (liquidation) of all companies with limited liability and individuals entrepreneurs. Participate in the development of all kinds of contracts, constituent documents, instructions, and other legal documents.

The positive aspect of this profession is the opportunity to improve the world for the better, to make it safe and fair. Unfortunately, the "fight for justice" does not always end in victory. In addition, every lawyer is constantly under the close supervision of higher authorities, public organizations and media workers, and each of his mistakes can greatly affect his reputation and jeopardize his career in the future.

Now the concept of "lawyer" unites all people involved in diverse professional legal activities - judges, investigators, prosecutors, notaries, legal advisers, lawyers, and sometimes experts. AT Russian Federation a lawyer can be a person who has received a secondary or higher professional legal education. By general rule, in order to defend persons held criminally liable, a lawyer must pass a qualification exam and become a lawyer; at the request of the accused, as well as in cases of private prosecution, another person may be admitted to carry out the defense. To provide legal assistance in civil, administrative and other cases, a lawyer does not have to have the status of a lawyer.

So who is a "lawyer"? A lawyer is a specialist who has professional knowledge in the field of legal sciences, laws and is able to apply them in his practice. Provides services to protect the rights and interests of individuals, legal entities, and also carries out consulting activities on legal issues related to doing business and drafting legal documentation.

I started practicing as a lawyer not so long ago, as I have little experience and an incomplete higher legal education. However, my work has become the meaning of life - my hobby. A job that brings joy from communicating with people from different walks of life and fields of activity, positive emotions, prosperity and popularity, and also develops in such popular industries as expertise - is a dream job, you see ... That's why I chose the job of a lawyer.

Varuzhan Poghosyan, Tula

Why I chose the specialty of an expert

My name is Maria, I am a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, department of criminology. Every 3-4 year student asks himself the question whether he makes the right choice of specialty, and often this question does not depend on whether you have dreamed about this specialty all your life or are trying to decide during your education. My dream has always been to become a criminalist. It all started with unconscious and abstract images in childhood, obtained from books and documentaries, of which I had a myriad of leisure already in primary school. I continued studying the profession at a distance in high school and, finally, entering the country's main university. And now, when half of the training is completed, I wonder if I deceived myself by blindly following a childhood dream. The answer to this question will be the subject of my short essay, which, I hope, will not be too boring and trivial for the reader.

Why did I choose this specialty? Because I am sure (even if we discard the maximalism inherent in young people) by 99.9% that this is my element. Attentiveness, responsibility, education and development - not only these qualities should characterize an expert. The severity and mobility of the intellect, quick wit also need to be mentioned in this list. These qualities are either inherent in a person by nature, or develop with experience, and it cannot be said that specialists in other industries may not possess them. Therefore, I will single out, in my opinion, the most important thing - a person should “be sick” of his profession in the good sense of the word. I chose this specialty because I am "sick" of it not emotionally, but mentally. For me, this is a limitless scope for science - the search for new problems and the study of old ones. For me, this is the living key of creativity - the search for solutions and the innovation of methods. For me, this is an opportunity to direct all the sharpness of the mind to the object and fish out the smallest details, to go from the particular to the general, to put together one big puzzle. For me, the constantly growing interest, the opportunity to learn, cultivate a large amount of material and pour it into practice is important.

I can say a lot about my choice. The key is the dynamics and scientific nature of the profession. Many strong walls are built around these categories, which make my decision solid and unshakable. And now, answering my own question: I was not mistaken.

Ginzburg Maria Alexandrovna.

My speciality

As Confucius said, "Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a day in your life."

While still at school, I learned about the specialty "Customs", I was immediately very interested in it, since one of its specializations is "Commodity science and expertise in customs and TN VED. Entering the university, I absolutely did not doubt my choice, considering this direction scientific knowledge is not only one of the most interesting, but also useful.

Having passed industrial practice at the Tula laboratory forensic examination I was not at all disappointed in my choice. Every day of practice I was in different departments: from handwriting to automotive engineering; I was constantly learning something new for myself. Helping experts conduct their research, working with all kinds of reagents and using special equipment, I realized how interesting and exciting this profession is!

Years of study at the university and the baggage of knowledge, skills, and abilities instilled in us by our teachers, including practitioners of forensic science, allow me to expect the beginning of my career with hope and optimism. labor activity in the field of forensic science. Of course, I still have a lot to learn, but thanks to the experience of our teachers, the instructions of practical workers, I am sure that the profession I have chosen for training is very important and relevant, and the knowledge gained from this will be useful to me in all spheres of life.

Ulyana Ryabova

Why I want to become an expert linguist

I don't know if it is possible to become a specialist in the field of linguistic expertise without having a legal education?.. It seems to me that it is still necessary. No matter how strong a philologist is in his field, it is the profession of a lawyer that teaches you to work with the material the way an expert should work: clearly set tasks, accurately solve them. I think that when working with the material under study, intuition can also play a role, but only at the first stage, then everything must be verified by scientific methods.

My experience of linguistic expertise is so far limited to the analysis of court decisions under Art. 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the study of special literature. I also try to determine the emotional state of the authors of the texts, their (authors) psychological characteristics. Working with written student works, I was convinced that a lot about a person is said by his handwriting. Sometimes even too much.

Of course, this is still naive, in an amateur way (with the exception of the term paper): from time to time I crush myself with the heroines of Daria Dontsova. But this is interesting to me, and I want to take linguistic expertise seriously.

Alevtina Boyarintseva

It is no secret that a person can do one thing all his life with love and full dedication only when his natural abilities, personality traits match those required to achieve success in his chosen profession.

It is difficult to imagine an extrovert choleric as a notary or a phlegmatic as a successful operative. Someone by nature got an analytical mind, and someone had the talent to reconcile people, to establish connections. Someone from mom and dad passed tireless energy and a desire to protect everyone and everyone, and someone - a scrupulous desire to get to the bottom of the truth and basics in every issue.

Sometimes it seems: “I will force myself”, “I will train myself”, etc. But you didn’t notice that if people are late, then they are late for at least 2 minutes all their lives 🙂 And if a person is a pedant, then he even has a mess on the table is a still life. I am not in favor of breaking yourself into a profession - business will take up most of your life, at least in certain periods. And constant tension with an attempt to “tune yourself up”, “educate yourself”, with a lack of pride in yourself, because your work is doing great - they will not lead to anything good, except for hatred of work and yourself, this is my deep conviction. It is much more effective to analyze what qualities of yours will create a pillow for taking off in your chosen profession, will constantly help, and not interfere.

Let me give you an example: fortunately, thanks to my parents and school teachers, a lot has been given to me to be successful in various areas of the legal profession - I have a systemic mind, I can process large amounts of complex information, build diagrams, systematize, I convince well, I speak well, I can convey knowledge so that they will be understandable to people, I am a maniac in terms of order in documents and papers. And yet! After 10 years of legal practice, for example, I realized that the courts are NOT MINE. That's just generally. Starting with the fact that I consider the behavior of many judges humiliating for myself and do not want to put up with it “because such a system” (I remember how I defended the clinic in 2007 in the city court of Krasnoufimsk. We won the case in two instances, but I I didn’t even think about winning. I thought for a long time about why judges, excuse me, go to the toilet inside the building, and visitors were sent to a wooden toilet on the street in the courtyard of the old mansion where the court was located. Let me remind you that the city of Krasnoufimsk is in the Urals , where snow can lie for 6 months. And in the same session, they simply didn’t let us sit down at the table normally and lay out the documents, because, from the judge’s point of view, the table is for a lawyer and a prosecutor in a criminal trial, but in a civil one, we sat on low benches, spreading out a pile of evidence in front of them - well, isn’t it nonsense ???). Further: by nature, I am a completely non-conflict person. I really appreciate relationships with people and inner harmony and psychological comfort. In a state of inner harmony, I can do much more than in a state of war, struggle, battles, manipulation. I'm not a fighting dog and don't want to be. And, apparently, it just so happened that for more than 10 years, representing private clinics in disputes with patients, in most cases I managed to resolve disputes through negotiations. And now I am absolutely convinced that this is MINE: to resolve the dispute so as not to leave ashes behind. As Igor Ryzov says, "negotiations never end" - it is not known where and when you will cross paths with your opponent. It is better to leave smooth civilized relations than hatred, resentment and hurt pride. And I also experienced through experience (8 years I have been teaching business to defend itself at copyright seminars) that I can be an excellent teacher of law. This is my way.

We are all different. And, fortunately, society also needs different lawyers - just like doctors, teachers, artists.

Unfortunately, in law schools they do not talk about the profession of a lawyer and its varieties (in a good way, this should be done at open days or in the very first semester in the 1st year), they do not provide methods for determining what a person is inclined to, what kind of work . The so-called "practice" does not help much in this, although, of course, it gives at least some idea of ​​who does what and how a judge differs from a prosecutor's worker. As a result, already 10 years after graduating from the institute, sorting through the people from the course in my head, I thought, “Here it was necessary to go into science - he analyzed so well, argued, thought categorically ... but this would be a politician, legislator, and this girl would be an excellent teacher and students would adore her. And I myself, probably, would have understood my purpose faster if I had been told at the age of 17-18 who really is and what he does.

To all students and schoolchildren who have not yet decided what to do, I suggest that you fill out the table thoughtfully and slowly (see below). If someone does not quite understand what a judge does, what is the specifics of the work of an operative or a notary - it's not scary, you are not required to understand this in the 1st year. Watch movies about relevant professions, read memoirs of lawyers, listen to lectures by lawyers on youtube.

Films about lawyers:

  1. Criminal talent, 1988 (investigator)
  2. Reader, 2008 (morality and law)
  3. Labyrinths of Silence, 2014 (Prosecutor)
  4. 12 (Mikhalkov), 2007 (trial by jury)
  5. Lincoln for the Attorney, 2011 (bar)
  6. Justice for All, 1979 (lawyer)
  7. Spy bridge, 2015 (lawyer)
  8. Verdict, 1982 (court, independence of justice)
  9. Civil suit, 1998 (lawyer, Social responsibility business)
  10. Law Abiding Citizen, 2009 (judicial independence)
  11. Sea inside, 2004 (right to euthanasia)
  12. Judge, 2014 (court, morality and law)
  13. Series "Force Majeure" (corporate lawyers)
  14. Philadelphia, 1993 (everyone's right to legal protection)


— Alexander Dobrovinsky (negotiation tactics)

— Nikita Nepryakhin (theory and practice of persuasion, argumentation)

— Tamara Morshchakova (Ret. Constitutional Court Judge, lecture “Judicial System of Russia”)


All novels by John Grisham

- Heinrich Padva (autobiography book "From the bag and from prison ...")

- Dina Kaminskaya "Notes of a Lawyer"

— D.P. Fiolevsky "Notes of a lawyer"

Surely, you know even more films and books dedicated to our profession - the better.

Getting acquainted with a movie or a book, listening to a lecture, try to fill in the table:




Judge (SOYU, AC)
Assistant referees, secretaries
Notaries, assistants
Legal adviser, employee of the legal department of the enterprise
Lawyers, assistants
Prosecutors, assistants
Operational workers
Civil servants (tax inspectors, employees of the FSB, State Tax Committee, FAS, Rosreestr, etc.)
municipal employees
human rights activists
Private practice lawyers

And to make it easier to determine the qualities, you can take them from the list: diligence, initiative, accuracy, written and oral literacy, organization, knowledge foreign languages, diligence, vigor, discipline, friendliness, the ability to keep one's word, poise, a broad outlook, the desire to speak in public, determination, perseverance, acumen, scrupulousness, honesty, adherence to principles, the ability to quickly switch from one issue to another, the ability and desire to do a typical work, self-discipline, the ability to build relationships with very different people, ambition, punctuality, desire and ability to work in a team, ability to listen, endurance, tolerance, courtesy, organizational skills, artistry, ability to concentrate on one task for a long time.

There is nothing complicated in such an analysis: gradually learn something about each profession and fill in the table.

Farther honestly answer yourself: what are my strengths and what are my weaknesses (here I know how to take a “blow”, but I don’t want to practice this and test myself constantly in this, attentiveness was my weak link for a long time - but this is the quality without which a lawyer of any specialty cannot work, so here I just trained myself). And so on. As a result, you will see what is closest to you.

And then - and, unfortunately, no one suggested this to me either - you need to look for the coolest professionals in your field and the remaining year or two before graduation is all free time follow them on their heels, helping in every little thing and absorbing their way of thinking, professional habits, knowledge.

There is another scenario: after viewing, reading, talking with colleagues and realizing the essence of the legal profession, you understand somewhere in the 4th or 5th year that you don’t want to be a lawyer at all, deal with law, laws, endless boring reading into somehow written norms ... On in fact, not such a rare story. Pros of this situation: you understood this quite early, and legal education is generally very good as a basic liberal arts - so you haven't lost anything. Therefore, it is possible to develop further in sufficient in large numbers areas: journalism, economics, languages… among my acquaintances who graduated from a law school WELL, there are massage therapists, doctors, musicians, school and university teachers, bank employees, translators. Therefore, do not be discouraged if you understand that jurisprudence is not yours. This is just the next door to understand which path you need to take further in order to live interestingly.

Having been in court proceedings, I have a rough idea of ​​what will be required of me from my future profession: main goal a lawyer is the observance of legislative norms, responsibility for the fate of a person who can be unfairly convicted. As a consequence of this, the whole life of a person can be spoiled by an unjust sentence.

In order to master all the intricacies of the profession, one must perfectly know the criminal and procedural codes, be able to clearly use the code of laws and articles, one must be a psychologist, understand human souls. All this requires perseverance, diligence, memory and endurance.

The specialty "jurisprudence" combines several legal professions. This is a judge, prosecutor, lawyer, investigator, notary, legal adviser. A significant number of lawyers are engaged in politics, scientific and teaching activities. Thus, the professional capabilities of a lawyer extend to specialized structures, i.e. judicial, law enforcement agencies, structures legal services, as well as general managerial and economic structures.

I want to be a lawyer. The lawyer, as you know, defends. He handles either criminal or civil cases in court, but usually has an even narrower specialization. For example, deals with traffic accidents, divorces or housing disputes. To become a lawyer, you need not only to graduate from a law faculty or institute, but also to have work experience (about two years), pass a bar exam and join one of the bar associations. A business lawyer, unlike a lawyer, rarely appears in courts. His task is precisely to ensure that his client - a firm, a bank, a company - does not have to sue. It helps to draw up agreements and peacefully resolve various conflicts. This job has a lot in common with what a lawyer does in a firm. Only a business lawyer has many clients and very often he comes to their aid in critical situations. Business advocacy is the pinnacle that many lawyers would like to climb. But not everyone succeeds.

It is not easy for a beginner lawyer. The main thing is hard work, desire, work on yourself.

I am ready to work for the future, and future difficulties and obstacles inspire me. I want to help people and constantly feel that many of them need me.

Not everything works out right away, you need experience and practice. It is important for novice lawyers to listen to the advice of professionals, learn to be a defender of the law and justice.

I have made my choice in the profession and I want to realize myself in it.

A lawyer must be a man of honor and justice. I like my profession because I can help a person in need. Communication with different people and the desire to solve their life problem gives me pleasure. Everyone probably knows how much effort and work it takes to achieve what you want. But only those who do not give up at the first difficulties, failures achieve their goal. The main thing is to believe in your strengths, knowledge and everything will turn out in this difficult profession.

Essay on the topic “Why did I choose the profession of a lawyer?” updated: December 1, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru