White wind Karaganda promotions

  • 31.05.2020

This online store is the official representative office in Kazakhstan of the well-known Russian company"White Wind", therefore, it is not by chance that the legal name of this company is "White Wind KZ" LLP. Like Russian shop, "White Wind" in Kazakhstan is focused mainly on the sale of computer technology and accessories, cell phones and gadgets, as well as office equipment, photo, video and audio equipment and other various electronics (namely electronics, and not everything in a row, as is sometimes observed in other online stores). Therefore, finding the right product here is really easy. And here are the main sections of the site.

Smartphones and gadgets

Here you will also find software packages for the Android OS and various accessories, including cases, chargers, memory cards, headphones and much more.

Laptops and computers

Parts and accessories, software and even computer furniture are also offered, because it should be convenient to work and relax.

Computer Peripherals and Accessories

In this section you will find any necessary devices - from a monitor to a mouse pad and from a microphone to an uninterruptible power supply. And in the "Components" section, the so-called computer "hardware" is presented, that is, those devices without which the computer simply will not work: motherboards, processors and video cards, hard drives, RAM and power supplies and something else.

Other sections

In the section "Office equipment and expendable materials» there are various printing devices, office and shop equipment, projectors and screens, as well as consumables, you will find in this section. The section "Network and server equipment" also presents various mounting equipment, including cables, connectors and tools necessary for installation.

Cameras and action cameras are complemented by the necessary accessories, and in the category "TVs, audio, video" there are also surveillance cameras. Is here and Appliances including kitchen appliances. In the "Auto Goods" section, auto electronics and accessories are presented. Finally, in the category "Entertainment and Leisure" you will find hoverboards, quadcopters and various electronic toys.

Promotions and discounts

First of all, it is, of course, free shipping, which can be carried out as courier service store, and the post of Kazakhstan. The only condition is that in each case it is necessary to collect the minimum amount in the order. Also, the online store has a rather tricky accumulative bonus system, which can save up to 7% of the order value. And the trick is that not every product can be purchased using a bonus discount, but the discount accumulates with any purchase. We also note that the store is actively involved in charity, collecting funds in favor of Kazakhstani orphanages.

During the year, many online stores host several famous sales. It is, of course, about black friday " and " cyber monday". Following each other, they provide an opportunity to save significant amounts on purchases. "White Wind" takes part in both of these promotions, and therefore, selections of the most advantageous offers. You can find promotional codes for discounts and promotions in the Black Friday 2018 and Cyber ​​Monday sections.

Discount by promo code in Shop.kz

In the White Wind online store, promotional codes may also be called discount coupons. To activate the coupon, copy its code into the appropriate field when placing an order in the basket (highlighted in the screenshot). Well, finding such a code is not difficult - all promotional codes from Shop.kz are available on the Picodi.Kazakhstan website on the store page.

Online store "White Wind" shop.kz Kazakhstan…

In principle, a store of quite decent service has a fairly large selection of various products, both large and small, such as vacuum cleaners and other household equipment. The store also sells computers and accessories for them, the choice is also quite large. If we compare by prices, then PERIODICALLY the store pleases its customers with good and really real discounts, and not fictitious ones, where they first raise and then reset to the previous price limits.

The store, like other market players, is trying to create a reputation for itself as a kind of image of an honest player with reasonable prices and quality goods, but this is where the pitfalls are hidden!

As a rule, all goods in the Republic of Kazakhstan, even if they are branded, so to speak, with the logo of a world-famous manufacturer's goods and an image trademark with the letter ® (trademarks) or (copyright) are released or as they say on branded boxes made in China, which means quality product may be different or exactly different from the same product in the US or Japan. That is why, no matter how much many stores would like to present themselves as sellers of quality goods, they fail to do this, because it is the goods that bring plus roughness among the sales staff or frank horseradishism from the service centers representing these stores, that is, in fact, the second integral part outlets these are their service centers for warranty repairs, where often instead of smiling and friendly sales managers in trading floor You are usually met here by gloomy and unsmiling people who are unhappy with your coming to their service, because you are clearly trying to deceive them by handing them back their own defective goods for a return or repair, and there is no time for joy on both sides, some are trying to hand it over for repairs or get rid of it, others refuse at all costs or put all the blame on the buyer, ripping off some more money from him into the general piggy bank of the store.

When a person, after a purchase, enters the service centers of these stores, he sees the true picture trading platform without hypocritical benevolence and strained smiles of managers... there is a struggle for who will be responsible for the junk that was sold earlier to the buyer.

Just do not think that I want to pour a bucket of dirt on the White Wind because I have a grudge against him!

Although it happened a couple of times, once they really pleased me, and the other I lost a lot, but this was due to my naivety and outdated concepts regarding repairs (I thought it was like under the Union) it turned out not.

So, here I bought in this store and more than once they sent it by mail when it (the store) was only in Karaganda. I bought Defender AVR Initial 1000 and Defender AVR Initial 2000 and Defender AVR Premium 1000 stabilizers, all units work without any problems, the first two names of 4 of them are already about 10 years old and no complaints, the last one was bought 2 years ago, the work is also top class!

The story just came out with the latter when they brought me the Defender AVR Premium 1000, at first glance, not the first freshness, there were scratches, it felt like it was already in use, I refused to receive it and wrote an angry letter, after which the courier arrived with 5-7 stabilizers TO CHOICE, i.e. "White Wind" brought everything that he had on this moment, whatever the buyer chooses himself… and it was great… NO CALL… no scandal, everything is extremely honest… I didn’t pay for the delivery again…!

But there were problems with another purchase in this store, I bought my daughter Prestigio multipad 2 pro duo 7.0 android 4.1 for 16060 tenge and problems started, I bought not a toy for a child, but a problem for myself, because I traveled more with this device to service centers because for once again the software that has flown down or the release of the system board ... if I knew that it was possible to leave it there immediately after the second flight of the software or after the failure of the system board ... I thought, as in the Union, 3 repairs, and for 4 delivery and refund ... I was wrong. In short, the service center is, in general, something, they themselves did not want to repair it and with the very first breakdown they sent it not to their service center, but to ALSI, although I bought it in shop.kz "White Wind" then in correspondence and communication with me the service center "White Wind" ” expressed the repair of the device in ALSI as a claim, such as they cannot be responsible for what was there and was repaired in ALSI, since this is not their service center, BUT THEY FORGOT THAT THEY SENT ME THERE, I AM NOT THERE MYSELF GO!

In the White Wind service center, they did everything for me, the buyer remained extreme and admitted that everything that happened with this device was only because of me and in no case because of the fact that the store sold at essence Mr. which he still refused to repair in his service center!

After all these repairs, this Mr. called Prestigio worked somehow, the performance dropped, the opening of the pages is very long, despite the fact that there are practically no programs and toys on it. All my arguments and nerves are over, I decided that this lesson for me at the cost of 16,000 tenge would be useful. And it is simply unacceptable to allow such a thing in the future, that is, if the program crashed twice, start the procedures for returning this device, but if there is a major breakdown such as the motherboard, you can refuse to repair and ask for a refund through the application, I didn’t know all this then and flew …

But, what is most important in this story is that the service center of the "White Wind" in every possible way denied the Mr. sold by them in the form of Pristigio.

After that, I swore off buying only good and fashionable things for children, instead I bought Mr. daughter SONY Z3 (I didn’t buy it in BV) it works like a watch, clean, quiet, without dust and noise, no crashes software nothing at all, the child and the wife do not let go of this device, so I had to buy my wife SONY Z3 + so that the tablet would be at my daughter's disposal.

After all, I didn’t stop buying goods in White Wind, so at the end of 2016 I bought two goods from them on 11.11 as a gift to my son, a Razer DeathAdder Chroma, Black, USB mouse and a Razer BlackWidow Ultimate 2016 Edition, Black, USB keyboard, so far no problems everything works flawlessly, which pleases!

But I don’t want to get into the White Wind service center, because the style of work, the methods are already known, where they will try to make the buyer guilty ... even that the repair was done in a foreign service center in the White Wind direction ... in short, save you God to get into a hellish office ... hope that your device will safely pass the warranty service and work without repair for 5-10 years without wasting time and nerves with the service center staff! Good luck everyone, happy shopping in the new year!


  • Will there be a publication or not? If not, delete!

  • I mean, we have stores that sell quite cheap and high-quality goods, that is, in the vastness of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan there are real sellers-businessmen who are few in comparison to sellers-speculators-hucksters, maybe someone knows or used this site https: //playo.ru, especially those who have a PlayStation 4 or Xbox, I constantly buy from them PSN payment card, a very large selection of payment, they are sent almost immediately electronically to the buyer's mail ... always WITHOUT FRAUD ... prices are always lower than in our Republic of Kazakhstan , especially when you consider that we Kazakhstanis are registered ru, not kz. So, thanks to communication and information exchange, everyone will find something useful for themselves, and the site will gain additional fans who will read more and look for the necessary information here!

  • Chinese (guest) 13.01.2017 6:54

    So much tenge is not worth this tablet

  • Razer bullshit. One whistle-fake. Quality once in a while. In terms of ease of use, not better than others.

  • Quite real and interesting reviews, claims, just indignation.

    It seemed to me that the negative was precisely because of the second half of the White Wind store (shop.kz) of the WARRANTY REPAIR SERVICE, where, again, it seemed to me, the job is to wash the buyer and leave him with low-quality goods ... the task do not accept back defective and low-quality goods. My correspondence with a company representative under the nickname shopww and I under the nickname Vlad Bah.

    Here is one of the answers that I gave an example: http://radikal.ru/lfp/s014.radikal.ru/i328/1701/dc/b17d82039f94.png/htm

    By the way, I several times offered the representatives of the "White Wind" to take back from me ABSOLUTELY FREE of charge this "r" called "Prestigio" since the child does not play with this junk, he just lies in his box in a complete set. Just at that time, my son bought a monitor from them in the "White Wind" and a courier was supposed to arrive with whom I wanted to transfer FREE OF CHARGE, FREE OF CHARGE, VOLUNTARY, WITHOUT CLAIMS AND CLAIMS of their "Prestigio" in a complete set, repaired by the ALSI service, but hanging and not really opening sites ... none of the representatives of the "White Wind" expressed a desire to take this "g" even on a FREE basis! So here it is...

  • Timur (guest) 14.01.2017 15:49

    Why buy a tablet for 16 thousand tenge? Miser pays twice. They would buy Asus, Lenovo, Samsung and would be happy. And so you yourself decided to save money on a child. So they got it cheap and cheerful. And the most interesting thing is that you continued to use their service, which means you yourself realized your mistake.

  • Hello! Thank you again for your feedback and we will duplicate our official response here:

    We are extremely sorry that this situation happened to your tablet: the equipment can break down, and that is why there is a warranty service, within which a free repair or exchange is made.

    ASC Alsi-service is an authorized service center of the Prestigio company, since we are only a company selling Prestigio products, we therefore do not have the right to independently open, repair and give an opinion on these products. As a result, you were advised to contact them directly.

    In exchange already in our service center It was refused, because at the time of your appeal to our SC, the tablet was operational and you had no complaints about its work at that time.

    In the event that a warranty case was identified, which only Alsi-Service could confirm, then the exchange under the warranty would be carried out.

    As for donating a tablet: You can dispose of it as you wish, and give it to any person who needs it: You can place an appropriate advertisement on the Internet.

  • Still respected "White Wind" Your phrase: "As for donating a tablet: You can dispose of it as you wish, and give it to any person who needs it: You can place an appropriate ad on the Internet."

    Unlike you, I am a completely decent and honest person and would not sell or give away such a "g" that you sold to me and repaired at random in ALSI.

    I would not want to be remembered later with a dirty word after such a gift or sale to another person.

    That is why the still respected "White Wind" I offered this "g" to you, your "g" to you! And please note the still respected "White Wind", I wanted and want to not sell this "g" to you for money, as you did to me, but to give it to you ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE, FREE OF CHARGE, WITHOUT CLAIMS, just hand you your own "g"!

    It is strange that you did not understand this!

    I repeat, neither I nor my family use this repaired “g” of yours, I bought another tablet for my child not in your store, more expensive, more reliable and most importantly from a good seller who sold with a soul, because it works and no problems!

    Dear "White Wind", I offer you once again as a free gift from me personally absolutely free Prestigio multipad 2 pro duo 7.0 android 4.1 which you sold to me for 16060 tenge, and I GIVE you your own "g", let it please you as well like me and my family!

    From the moment I received it from the service center, none of my relatives, friends or I myself used it, it lies in its box in a complete set! Well, what do you take "White Wind"? I really want this "Prestigio multipad 2 pro duo 7.0 android 4.1" to please you as much as it did to me!

  • I also buy from them regularly. good store. There were no particular problems with the guarantee, well ... because I knew about these points:

    if the program has crashed twice, start the procedures for returning this device, but if there is a major breakdown such as the motherboard, you can refuse to repair and ask for a refund through the application

    Although I generally only once contacted them under warranty. A couple of times it happened that they refused the ordered goods due to defects or defects that were discovered even at the inspection stage before purchase. It also went without problems. Until you pay, you can cancel.

  • Time is taking its toll in 2019, three Defender stabilizers failed at once, which are presented above in the review ... 8-10 years of continuous operation and now the refusal to work ... although judging by the video from the Internet from the repair masters, only the electromagnetic relays and devices will work in the same fail-safe mode! So, the store sells quality goods, but the service .... is the Achilles' heel ...

I recently started shopping online. My first purchases were at foreign online stores, I got to the store in my city just a few months ago.

White Wind is a large network computer stores In Kazakhstan. I don't know if this network exists in Russia. I periodically make purchases there, or rather I did in ordinary stores, now I prefer to buy on their website.

Why White Wind? Because of all the major chains of stores, such as Technodom, Mechta, Sulpak, Alser, White Wind has the most adequate prices, which are about 5-30% lower than in other stores. This is when you consider that prices are lower in a regular store, and in an online store their prices are even lower. So, it's beneficial.

I bought 9 times from the online store. There are 12 items in total. Here are all my orders.

My first purchase was the ASUS Fonepad FE375CXG tablet (detailed review). It was with him that the purchase began, since I began to study the sites of all major stores. In the White Wind, this tablet was the cheapest, and I just got on a two-day promotion, and bought a tablet with a good discount. In other stores at that time it cost 36.990 tenge, and I bought it for 27.200 tenge. The difference is significant, as you can see.

I will also leave links to those products for which I wrote reviews.

Tripod Deluxe DLT-101B-A135- a very budget and high-quality tripod with a lot of possibilities and turns.

SteelSeries Rival 100 gaming mouse- a cool gaming mouse for those who like to play Dota 2, Overwatch, Counter Strike.

I will not describe how to register, it is very, very simple. I'll tell you a little about the site itself, and then show evidence that I bought there.

Functional The site is quite simple and all you need to understand it is knowledge of the Russian language.

On the left is a menu with product categories. Choose the one you need. Products can be sorted according to various criteria. The price tag shows the price of the online store, as well as the price in a regular store. Also on each product it is indicated in which city the product is available. In the absence of goods in your city, White Wind will send your purchased goods by mail.

Promotions, contests, bonus system. The site constantly hosts various contests and promotions. There are discounts for every holiday. There is also a bonus system that provides a permanent discount to customers depending on the total amount spent in the store. That is, the more you buy, the more discount you get. At the moment I have the amount of all orders 70.331 tenge and a bonus discount of 2.2%. There is also an internal currency in the form of shops, which can be converted into money and spent as a discount on your order. Charged for writing reviews. Registration. Filling out the questionnaire.

Payment methods and delivery. The store accepts both cash and non-cash payments. You can pay for your order in the following ways.

Your order can be delivered to your home by courier or you can pick it up yourself at the office, which is located in a regular White Wind store. If the product is not available in your city, it will be sent to you by mail.

My orders.

I did not take pictures of the cooler, patch cord and surge protector, for the reason that they are in hard-to-reach places)))).

Each order was processed on the same day. After the first order, the manager called and clarified whether I confirm my order. The next three times they didn’t call me, but they immediately issued it, and on the same day the manager called and said that the order was ready, you can come pick it up. Additionally, they also sent an SMS stating that the order can be picked up.