The temperature, pulse, respiration of the cow is normal. Measurement of body temperature in animals. Veterinarian Kazakov A.A.

  • 06.06.2020
members of the highest social rank enjoy certain privileges in the herd. They can eat their preferred food, lie down on the best places. The creation of a social order in the herd is established in the process of life communication, the struggle of individuals with the further consolidation of this order in memory. The winner of this struggle for a relatively long time occupies the highest rung of the hierarchical ladder. And in order for an animal of a lower rank to give way or a place, only a threatening gesture on the part of an animal of a higher rank is enough. If this gesture is not enough, a conflict arises. One of the forms of motor social reaction is a threat, the manifestation of which is the pursuit of the enemy, having overtaken him, the pursuer uses the horns. With a weak manifestation of hostility, the animal only shakes its head in the direction of the enemy. Avoiding an encounter with an animal is proof of submission. It happens extremely rarely that an animal of a lower rank is struck or pushed away from the food by an animal located on a higher rung of the social order. If an animal of a lower rank accepts the fight and emerges victorious, then the roles change and the winner becomes a higher social level. Fights in small herds are rare. The more fights - the less social stability in the herd. With fierce fights, anxiety is observed in most members of the herd. There have been cases when in a herd of cattle with antlers not removed, some high-ranking individuals suppress other animals by their behavior, inflict injuries on them and create a restless situation in the entire herd. They drive less aggressive animals away from the feeders, as a result of which these low-ranking animals reduce productivity, because they have less time to feed. The distribution of individuals by rank almost disappears if the animals have their horns removed. When new animals are introduced into the herd, a new rank redistribution occurs. In large herds, the rank behavior of animals has a more negative effect on their productivity than when kept in small groups. From the standpoint of ethology, the most acceptable concentration of large cattle in a herd within 30-50 goals. However, it is also important to take into account a number of other production factors(the size of the herbage, the number of available feeding places on the site, the level of mechanization production processes etc.). In cattle, the daily and seasonal cyclicity of life manifestations is clearly traced. The daily and seasonal periodicity in the behavior of cows in conditions of loose and tethered housing has been studied. Thus, it was noted that during the period from 7 to 16 o'clock in tethered keeping, animals lie down, while in loose keeping, only some animals lay, although they also had very clearly marked periods of maximum rest in the morning, afternoon and evening. Similar results were observed with respect to the timing of distribution of the cud. Rest time in different seasons of the year (summer, winter) varies significantly. Thus, most animals tend to live from day to day in accordance with the established daily rhythm, and they perform different functions at the same time. And this

A high temperature in a cow is an indicator that indicates violations in the animal's body. As in humans, its increase indicates the occurrence of an inflammatory process or infection. It is important to understand what temperature is considered elevated in cows and how to measure it correctly. The article will announce the main causes of animal hyperthermia.

Normal body temperature

What are the normal values ​​​​of body temperature in cows and calves, every farmer should know. Early diagnosis of diseases allows you to quickly restore the health of the animal and prevent the development of complications, and sometimes avoid death. Consider at what values ​​of the thermometer an adult is considered healthy.

normal temperature in cows

The rate of metabolic processes in females and males is slightly different. They proceed a little faster in females, so the body temperature in females is slightly higher. It is not possible to determine the presence of deviations from the norm by the skin. The skin of cattle is always cool.

The following indicators of the thermometer are considered to be the normal temperature in cows:

  • In males - 38-39 degrees.
  • In females - 38-39.5 degrees.

In the evening, a slight excess of these values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be recorded, this is considered the norm.

Important! During pregnancy and estrus, the body temperature of a cow is always slightly higher than normal.


Temperature control in calves is very important - newborn animals and individuals under one year of age are at risk of infection more often than adults. Their immunity is very weak. To identify health problems, you need to remember what is the normal temperature for calves:

  1. At the age of up to 6 weeks - 39-40.2.
  2. Up to 2-2.5 months - 39-40.
  3. Up to a year - 38.5-39.8.

Focusing on these values, one can judge the state of health of the calf. If the thermometer rises to 40.5, this is a reason to call the veterinary service.

Other signs of poor health in cows

It is difficult to imagine that in a large farming daily temperature measurements were taken in cows. This process is fraught with inconvenience, so attentive farmers are guided by other signs that indicate deviations in the condition of animals. An increase in temperature can be judged by the behavior of the cow. If the animal does not feel well, note the following:

  1. The cow is depressed, looks sad, lethargic.
  2. Loses appetite.
  3. The gait becomes wobbly.
  4. There is muscle tremor.

If you notice something like this, you should measure the temperature. There are many reasons for its increase, we will consider the most common of them below.

Causes of an increase in body temperature

Although a veterinarian should conduct a diagnosis of the condition of the animal, farmers still need to have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe possible causes of hyperthermia. Like humans, mammals suffer from various ailments. Bacterial and viral infections often provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the body of a cow. Other causes of hyperthermia include the following:

  1. Poisoning with poor quality food.
  2. Wrong nutrition.
  3. Health problems after calving.
  4. Diseases of the respiratory system.

Reference. If the cow's body temperature has risen to 41 degrees and above, this indicates an acute course of the disease. The thermometer shows such values ​​\u200b\u200bfor viral infections. With sluggish inflammation, the thermometer rises slightly.


Poisonous substances can be ingested by livestock - fertilizers for the garden or substances for pest control. If the grazing rules are violated, the animal can eat grass containing poisons or mushrooms. In this case, the cow has an increase in temperature. It may be minor, but it is always accompanied by other symptoms:

  1. Upset stomach.
  2. General oppression.
  3. Inappropriate behaviour.
  4. Shaky gait.
  5. Sometimes convulsions.

In case of poisoning, you need to act quickly. The main task is to remove toxins from the cow's body. You will need urgent help from the veterinary service.

Reference. A cow can be poisoned even by green potatoes that have been in contact with the sun. Carefully check what the animal eats.

Poor nutrition

Body temperature in cows rises slightly if the animal receives poor nutrition. Rotten root crops, hay or other feed are a source of pathogenic bacteria. Having penetrated the stomach and intestines, they begin to multiply and cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs and the digestive tract.


Infectious diseases are always accompanied by hyperthermia. When the virus enters the blood of an animal, the body begins active struggle with them. Fever and fever are a protective reaction of the immune system. In addition to diseases caused by viruses, various inflammatory diseases also cause hyperthermia. Consider the diseases of cows, accompanied by a change in temperature indicators:

  1. Plague.
  2. Leukemia.
  3. Leptospirosis.
  4. Pneumonia.
  5. Various types of mastitis.
  6. Endometritis.
  7. Brucellosis.
  8. FMD.

Reference. In some diseases, the thermometer shows a decrease in the mercury column, for example, with puerperal paresis. This condition is no less dangerous for the animal and cannot be ignored.

Complications after calving

After the birth of the calf, the cow is weakened and prone to the development of various diseases. Often during this period there are complications after calving, accompanied by temperature deviations. These include:

  • Maternity paresis (temperature drops).
  • Detention of the placenta.
  • Injuries of the birth canal and their infection.

Veterinarians recommend daily monitoring of the cow's temperature. Any deviation from the norm indicates the possible onset of the pathological process.. If the placenta is delayed for more than a day, you need to urgently seek veterinary help. Otherwise, the decomposition of the tissue in the uterus of the animal will begin, and after that the infection will spread to the internal organs.

Body temperature measurement

To measure the body temperature of a cow, you can use one of the following devices:

  1. Ordinary mercury thermometer.
  2. electronic analogue.

Veterinarians recommend taking precautions - a sick animal can butt or kick a person. Before the procedure, the thermometer is treated with alcohol, after the measurement, the device is also disinfected. The tip of the thermometer is generously lubricated with petroleum jelly and gently inserted into the rectum. The mercury thermometer is held for 6-7 minutes before taking readings. An electronic analogue will report reliable data in a minute.

Keeping cattle requires a careful approach to your animals and some knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine. It is important to know what temperature in cows and calves is considered normal, from which it can rise or fall. If you find any significant deviations from the norm (by 1-1.5 degrees), you should contact the veterinary service. Delay can lead to complications of illness and death of animals.

One of the most important indicators of the well-being of cattle is body temperature. Like most warm-blooded animals, cows are characterized by a certain temperature norm, deviation from which in one direction or another may indicate possible problems with health. The cause of such conditions must be established by a veterinarian, but the task of the owner is regular monitoring. What are the norms and how to correctly measure the temperature of cattle will be discussed further.

What is the normal body temperature for cattle

The body temperature of mammals depends on the rate of metabolic processes occurring in the body, and is normally within certain limits, the excess of which may indicate any violations.

Important! It should be borne in mind that in some individuals the variant of the norm may differ from the generally accepted one in one direction or another due to individual characteristics organism, but this fact must be confirmed by a veterinarian.

Cattle are characterized by an average temperature of 37.5–39.5 ° C, but there are differences depending on the sex and age of individuals:

  • in cows, 2 months before calving, thermometer readings can reach 38.5–40 ° C - this is the norm. Bulls are characterized by a temperature of 38-39 ° C;
  • calves usually have a higher temperature than adults - 38.5-40.5 ° C, while as they grow, the indicators may change: up to 6 weeks - 38.5-40.5 ° C, from 6 weeks to 2 months - 38.5–40.2 ° С, from 2 to 12 months - 38.5–39.8 ° С.

How to take a cow's temperature

Measuring the temperature in cows is associated with certain difficulties, so you should follow the general recommendations for this procedure.
Many mistakenly assume that fever in cattle can be detected by the hot skin of the body or nose, but cows regulate heat exchange by slowing blood flow, and the skin can remain cool even with high thermometer readings.

Did you know?A cow's nose print has a unique pattern, similar to human fingerprints. In the United States, this feature is used when searching for stolen or missing animals.

For measurement, a conventional medical mercury or electronic thermometer can be used. If mercury is used, the measurement time should be at least 10 minutes, electronic gives an answer faster: from 10-15 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the model.

The measurement is made rectally. Some farmers practice vaginal measurement of cows, but the reliability of the results can be significantly distorted if the female is in heat or she is expecting offspring.

Before the procedure, you need to wash your hands and put on medical gloves, fix the animal so that it does not buck during the measurement.

Before this, the thermometer is thoroughly washed and treated with a disinfectant, then the tip of the device is lubricated with petroleum jelly and carefully inserted into the rectum for a set time, and when using an electronic device, until a sound signal appears.
After the measurement is completed, the thermometer is washed again and disinfected to avoid infecting other animals in the herd.

Important! In the absence of experience with livestock or with increased aggressiveness and anxiety of the cow, it is better to carry out the procedure with an assistant.

Deviations from the norm

Any significant (more than 1-2 degrees) deviation of the cow's body temperature from the norm should alert the owner and become a reason to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the cause.

An elevated temperature can be caused by a number of situations:

  • violation of the diet and the use of low-quality feed can cause the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines of livestock, which in turn can cause hyperthermia. The solution to the problem lies in the selection of good food and strict adherence to the regimen;
  • postpartum complications such as retained placenta, common gynecological diseases in females;
  • mastitis, in which it is important to provide udder massage and milking every 2 hours as soon as possible in order to eliminate stagnation. An antibiotic ointment is then prescribed by the veterinarian;
  • diseases of an infectious or viral nature (endometritis, plague, pneumonia, and others).

In all cases described, self-treatment is dangerous for the animal and the entire herd. It is necessary to isolate the sick cow and have it examined by a specialist.
It happens that in adult cattle or calves, the body temperature drops below normal. It is hard not to notice such a state: the behavior changes, the animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, may show anxiety, moo plaintively.

Low temperature is not a very common occurrence, however, the causes that cause such a deviation can be life-threatening for the animal:

  • poisoning with toxic substances, oddly enough, is accompanied by a decrease in temperature, in contrast to food poisoning, and this is a very alarming symptom. If there is a suspicion that the cattle could have eaten poisonous substances, mushrooms or plants, you should seek veterinary help as soon as possible. May require intensive care measures;
  • avitaminosis in young animals is also characterized by hypothermia, it is eliminated by nutrition correction, the introduction of vitamins into the diet, and ensuring sufficient exposure of calves to sunlight;
  • hypothermia in calves. Occurs when calves are in a cold room or outdoors for a long time during the cold season. Prevention is to provide young individuals warm room and bedding, exclusion of drafts;
  • the most dangerous cause of hypothermia is maternity paresis: a condition associated with paralysis of the pharynx, tongue, and legs of a cow. If left untreated, the animal dies within a few days, so it is dangerous to rehabilitate the cow on your own. Qualified veterinary care is required in the first hours of illness.

How to bring down

With hyperthermia, it is important to show the animal to a specialist as soon as possible for a diagnosis. As a rule, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the fever: an ill individual may be prescribed antibiotics, vitamins, and a drinking regimen.

Body temperature of healthy animals:

Factors affecting the average body temperature include gender, breed, season, day, temperature external environment, physical activity, feed intake, pregnancy, level and nature of productivity, etc.

Body temperature in newborn animals also fluctuates. In Black-and-White calves, body temperature at birth is 38.8-39.6° (39.2°), and after a few hours it decreases by 0.5-0.6°; it stabilizes on the 4th-5th day from birth at the level of 38.5-39.5° (average 39°).

With excessive (outrageous) action of pathological stimuli, leading to exceeding the boundaries of temperature fluctuations, a general temperature reaction of the body occurs - fever (pyrexia).

Fever. According to the degree of temperature rise, fevers are distinguished: subfebrile (weak) - with an increase of up to 1 ° relative to the norm, febrile (moderate) - up to 2 °, pyretic (high) - up to 3 ° and hyperpyretic (very high) - more than 3 °.

According to the duration of the fever, there are: ephemeral, or fleeting (febris ephemera), lasting 1-2 hours; acute (febris acuta), lasting from several months to several years.

Daily fluctuations in body temperature are noted: in the mornings it is lower (remissio), in the evenings - higher (cxacerbatio); with tuberculosis sometimes the opposite is true (typus inversus - the reverse type of fever).

If the fever continues around the clock with a difference between the minimum and maximum of less than 1 °, this type of fever is called constant (febris continua, if this difference is above 1 °, but does not reach the norm, the fever will be laxative (febris remittens). When temperature fluctuations occur like this that it decreases to normal within a day, the fever is called intermittent (febris intermittens), even if this intermission (apyrexia) lasts 1-2 hours.

With repeated measurements of temperature over a number of days, it is possible to establish not only its daily fluctuations, but also its general dynamics. In various diseases, the temperature reaction (its rise, course and decrease) occurs differently. The fever may increase for a number of days (stadium incrementi), then stay at this high level (stadium acmes, acme - peak), and finally, there comes a stage of gradual decrease in temperature (stadium decrementi).

Sometimes the decrease in temperature lasts several hours, and it can drop to normal or lower, which is accompanied by profuse sweating or a critical ending of the fever. Its gradual decrease is called lysis or lytic ending of fever.

Fever of the wrong type, taking the form of lebris continue, remittens, intermittens, is called debilitating (lebris hectica); it occurs in pulmonary tuberculosis, internal suppuration, and other debilitating diseases. When the fever ends critically, and then a new rise follows, it is customary to speak of a pseudocrisis (pseudocrisis).

Sometimes (for example, with croupous pneumonia), the difference between the minimum and maximum temperature is almost smoothed out, the daily curve turns into a straight line (monothermia - monotermia). With atypical fever, daily temperature fluctuations are not subject to any regularity.

Fever, as well as other manifestations of the disease, is detected only after the expiration of the incubation period, which lasts from several hours to several days, weeks and even months. However, already at this stage, one can notice signs of prodromal phenomena, expressed in a decrease in appetite, productivity, depression, muscle weakness, etc.

In recurrent fever, the temperature rises to a great height, lasts for several days in the form of febris continua, then drops and remains normal for 13 days, after which it rises again and falls critically (second attack). In most cases, the matter is limited to two attacks, but sometimes it reaches five. The fever-free period between two attacks is called apyrexia. Death is preceded by agony in two stages - the stage of the ascending or descending type of the agonal period. The type of fever, in some cases specific to certain diseases, serves as a rationale for the diagnosis.

Hypothermia (hypotermia)- a drop in temperature below normal. This is a rather rare phenomenon, which has a great diagnostic and prognostic value. A temperature 1° below normal is called subnormal (with puerperal paresis, uremia, hypoglycemia, in old, malnourished animals, after blood loss, trauma, brain tumors, hypothermia, etc.). With an improvement in the general condition, an increase in nervous tone, the temperature usually rises to normal. A drop in temperature below the norm by more than 2 ° is called moderate, and by 3-4 ° - algid collapse. The collapse differs from the crisis not only by more severe hypothermia, but also by cooling of the entire surface of the body, a decline in cardiac activity, general weakness, sticky sweat, severe cyanosis, sunken eyes, trembling, and a thready rapid pulse. A typical picture of collapse is observed with rupture of the stomach and intestines in horses, uterine rupture in cows, and severe feed poisoning. Then, individual organs and systems of the animal are examined, after which a preliminary (initial) diagnosis is established, which is then refined to make the final diagnosis.

The course of the disease (decursus morbi) and the ongoing treatment are recorded in the diary of the case history. At the end of treatment, an epicrisis is drawn up - a medical report on the diagnosis, etiology, pathogenesis, characteristics of the disease, treatment of a sick animal, and also provide a rationale for the prevention of such diseases.

One of the most important indicators the state of health in cattle - the body temperature of the cow. It can be a symptom of various diseases. It cannot be stable. If a cow has noticed a slight deviation from the norm, it is worth considering possible treatment.

Normal body temperature of a cow

The body temperature of cattle depends on age. A healthy cow has a normal temperature of 37.5-39°C.

For some types of cows, a slightly elevated temperature is the norm. But such an animal still requires constant monitoring and examination by a veterinarian. The norm sometimes turns out to be a serious pathology.

In newborn calves, the body is weak, with any visible deviations they must be treated. To know if the temperature of a calf is normal, it is worth remembering the indicators for each age:

  • from birth to the 6th week of life - 38.5-40.5 ° C;
  • from 7 weeks to 2 months - 38.5-40 ° C;
  • from 3 months to 1 year - 38.5-39.5 ° С.

At the first sign of deviation, you should contact your veterinarian.

Measuring the temperature of cows

Sometimes control is needed daily, so you should have a special thermometer. A cow thermometer is available at all pet stores. When using, the equipment should be constantly disinfected so as not to infect animals with diseases.

To avoid injury, this procedure should only be carried out when the cattle is immobilized, because. sometimes artiodactyls resist. To measure the temperature of a cow, a thermometer is used through the vagina.

During estrus and after calving, the indicators will differ from the usual body temperature, so it is worth remembering what the temperature of a normal body is.

Elevated temperature in cattle

High body temperature in cows is a sign of an inflammatory process in the body. Most often this is poisoning or bacterial damage. The causes of this disease can be:

  • low-quality feed in the diet;
  • eating moldy or rotten hay;
  • ingestion of fertilizers or poison against insects;
  • eating poisonous plants;
  • poor conditions of detention.

From birth, artiodactyls have the ability to resist viruses and microorganisms, but this does not always happen. The cause of a high body temperature in a cow can be not only microbes.

To determine the poisoning, it is worth observing the well-being of the animal. The main symptom is increased temperature regime associated with vomiting and diarrhea. Sometimes this is accompanied by a violation of the vestibular apparatus, convulsions and an apathetic state. With such symptoms, you should immediately call a veterinarian to establish the correct diagnosis.

In case of poisoning, the owner of the animal should immediately cleanse the stomach of harmful substances and toxins. Enemas and soldering - best method. Medical intervention is inevitable.

Causes of elevated temperature

A number of ailments that cause the problem:

  1. Intoxication after calving. This problem occurs even in the most resistant and healthy cows. After a long and difficult pregnancy, the cow's body lacks bacteria that can cope with the decomposition of the remnants of the fruit shell. It decomposes quickly and causes not quite normal body temperature in a cow who has given birth. Sometimes the thermometer mark rises to 41 ° C. It is impossible to treat such a problem at home, mandatory veterinary care is required.
  2. Varieties of mastitis. If the cow's temperature rises to 40 ° C, this is the first sign of this disease. All attempts to reduce it are useless. Only a doctor can accurately determine the diagnosis after collecting tests.

Dealing with a problem on your own

If a high temperature is noticed, do not immediately try to bring it down. This can lead to more serious illnesses. Sometimes an inflammatory process is a good sign, indicating that the immune system is defending itself against diseases, and because of it, the body temperature rises.

It is impossible to independently determine the problem and begin treatment.


The problem cannot be predicted. It occurs suddenly and for a specific reason.

Preventive measures consist of a standard cattle care kit. A good diet, a warm and clean stall will ensure the normal condition of the animals. It is also worth excluding the possibility of using poisonous plants and poisons from pests. At the first deviations from the norm, they turn to the veterinarian.

It is especially important to monitor the normal temperature of a cow during pregnancy and after childbirth.

How to measure temperature in animals?


Normal temperature in cows is a good sign of a healthy animal. It is impossible to foresee deviations, this is only a signal for the owner that an urgent examination is required. To do this, you need to know what is the norm of temperature in cows.

It is important to control the temperature of the calf and cow after calving. At the first deviations, the help of a veterinarian is a necessity.