Scenario name day "Angel Party": a holiday on the day of the angel. What to wear to the party angels and demons Scenario of the quest angels and demons

  • 17.05.2020

April 23, 2016

original idea, impregnated with the struggle of opposites! Vice and morality, good and evil, sincerity and deceit!

Heaven and Hell Party- Another theme that does not go out of fashion. It is perfect for Halloween, birthdays, work corporate parties and even prom!

How to organize such an unusual party, if no one knows what Heaven and Hell are? And do they exist at all? But is it really difficult for people with imagination to imagine the apartments of Evil and Good? What should be the images and what should be the core of the idea? Arrange a face-to-face confrontation between the two forces.

Let's move on to detailed scenario!

  1. Venue and time

Almost any room is suitable: restaurant banquet hall, cafe, bar or night club. A party can be arranged both in a large apartment and in a country house.

Do not organize an outdoor party in this style, you may find it difficult to style the space. A holiday in nature will be relevant only for a part of Paradise.

If there are enough people invited to the party, you can rent a two-story nightclub, put Heaven on the top, and Hell on the bottom floor.

Choose evening time. The exciting part of the day after sunset will be very relevant for the meeting of two mystical worlds.

  1. invitations

It is the invitation that will help set the guests in the right mood even before the party starts. Specify the date, time, location and dress code. We offer a variant of a neutral invitation card using themed colors. They are black, white and red. Try to use lace elements, ribbons or velvet, they create a luxurious and delicate accent on the theme of a perfect, mystical action of the "other world" unknown to us. If you undertake to do it yourself, you will have to tinker with beautiful curls, but the effect will justify itself!

Another option: the invitation can be made in the form of a mysterious envelope with a note. In the text, indicate that the guests are waiting for the inevitable distribution to Heaven and Hell. Or use the prepared text from website:

“Spring call has started! Appear and join the ranks of the army of the Underworld if you like alcohol and vicious relationships! Or join the Angelic troops if you're on pills and therefore can't drink."

  1. Room decoration

Divide the selected room into two zones - Heaven and Hell. To do this, you need to make the appropriate scenery. Of course, guests will not need to be in the zone corresponding to the chosen image all the time.

Decorate the “good” part of the hall in white and pastel colors (peach, delicate blue and pink). Decorate this part with balloons and ribbons. Use white thin fabrics that fall to the floor. Make paper pendants in the form of flowers and hearts. Also use large flowerpots with fresh flowers. A large green tree, at least artificial, will very effectively join this atmosphere. The interior should be airy and light.

The main colors of the Hell side are black and red. Use balloons and dark colored ribbons. Hang a banner with the image of the Underworld on the wall. Print on the printer drawings reminiscent of mortal sins. Some “dark” paraphernalia will complement this part of the room well: large candles, whips, tridents, swords and daggers. If you use fabrics for decorations, let it be velvet and leather (can be artificial). (9)

  1. Meeting with guests

Draw the doorway to the room where everything will take place in the form of the notorious gate, behind which there is a “distribution watch” with a “watchman”. He will decide where to send the new arrivals: to Heaven or Hell. Make an index sign with the appropriate inscriptions behind the back of the person who welcomes the guests.

  1. Dress code

Those gathered must be reincarnated as the inhabitants of Heaven and the Underworld: angels and demons, and you can also play the role of ordinary mortals who got to the banquet of the temptations of light and dark, where they have a chance to change what was destined. In turn, the light and dark forces must continually emphasize the benefits of being in their own world!

Black and red and white colors are preferred but not required. For example, a gossip demon can wear a swamp green outfit, and an angel can wear vanilla-peach tones or pale blue.

A few classic looks:

  • Angels and Deities.
  • Demons and Devils.
  • Cupids and Devils.

You can slightly diversify the images of the guests with costumes of vampires, zombies, Dracula, witches and werewolves - faithful servants of the dark side!

Approach your festive costume with special trepidation. You can rent it or make your own. It’s easier for guys - a regular classic suit in black, red or white is also suitable, but girls will have to tinker.

Themed accessories:

  • Representatives of Paradise - a halo, white wings, gold and silver jewelry, a white mantle.
  • Representatives of Hell - horns and tail, black wings, swords and daggers, black mantle.

For representatives of spiritual purity, daytime makeup with mother-of-pearl lipstick is suitable. And for daring devils - style "smoky eyes" and bright red lipstick.

Whatever image appeals to the representatives of the strong half of humanity, the guys must remain courageous.

  1. Menu

The choice of food is not limited. Everything that the audience loves will be appropriate. A little thematic color will add:

  • Paradise food - delicate desserts, pastries, muffins and cakes, an abundance of fruits and berries, non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks.
  • Hellish treats - savory snacks, spicy and spicy dishes, grilled vegetables and meat, hard liquor.

Focus on serving the festive table. Put festive table in the neutral space of the hall (so to speak, on the border). Cover it with a white tablecloth, arrange small vases with red flowers (roses) and metal candlesticks with red and black candles. Choose white and black dishes. With such a serving, you will emphasize the contrast of the party.

We offer a variant of the buffet, conditionally divided into two. Each half of the table will represent one power or another and will be decorated accordingly. You can make "Food of the Gods" and "Food of the Demon" signs. Put snacks, spicy, fried foods and all kinds of alcohol on the dark part. On the bright side - sweets, fruits, berries and soft drinks.

An extravagant serving of a cake decorated in two styles at once will look spectacular. You can also order a three-story cake, where the design of each level will characterize Paradise, earthly life and Hell.

  1. Entertainment

This part of the party will be especially successful if you invite the organizer of the celebrations or the presenter for the competitions. Discuss all the nuances of entertainment in advance.

We offer a non-standard option. Before holding games and competitions, those gathered need to be divided into two teams according to the chosen style, an equal number of people in teams is not necessary. If there are guests playing the role of mere mortals, they themselves can decide which side they will represent.

The competition will be held in the format of "Battles between Light and Dark Forces". Throughout all the battles, the teams have only one task - to win over to their side as many representatives of the opposite force as possible.

During each of the competitions, guests from different teams are selected, whoever wins takes his opponent to his team. If both teams participate in the game, then the winning team transfers two players to their side at once. You can return the lost participant by exchanging him for two captured opponents. Prepare in advance signs with the inscriptions "recruited by Hell" and "recruited by Heaven" for captured opponents. You will hang such signs around your neck in order to see and remember who is on whose side. Or make a similar plan for hats. At the end of the competitive program, it is calculated which of the two forces managed to win back the greater number of people. So it will be determined what will triumph on Earth: Heaven or Hell. So, the price of victory is great!

"Apple of discord"

One of the most dexterous representatives of each team must take part. The conditions are pretty simple. A rope is tied to the handle of an apple, it is suspended or the leader himself holds them at the same height. For a given time, the opponents must bite off a piece (or several) of their apple, but their hands are behind their backs. The one who bites off the largest piece wins.


For this competition, you will need as many types of different alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks as possible: red and white wine, champagne, martini, cognac, whiskey, rum, vodka, juice, water and tea. One girl is chosen from each side. The host ties the bandages on the eyes of the participants and leads them to the table, where they have to determine what is in front of them in the glasses. It is important that the participants in the competition do not know in advance what they have to do. The first stage - you need to determine only by smell. The second step is to taste. The winner is the girl who, in the sum of the two stages, determines the greater number of drinks.

Play box! That is "The Box Game"

Absolutely all the guests of the party take part in this game. Everyone writes on a piece of paper any quick task, connecting all his imagination. The host himself folds the notes and puts them in a pre-prepared box, where there are several more tasks. Gathered one at a time, draw out a task for themselves and complete it. If someone refuses to fulfill a made wish, he goes to the opposing team. If everyone has completed, it is proposed to choose one of the most courageous from each team, and the game continues with the remaining notes. Task options:

  • Dance a striptease.
  • Depict a wild cat / cat.
  • Write your name in the air with your buttocks.
  • Burst Balloon sitting on it.
  • Imagine yourself as a model for an erotic photo shoot.
  • Drink a glass of any alcohol without the help of hands.
  • Depict without words your occupation in everyday life, the guests must guess.

"Earth Miners"

Compete one guy from each team. The essence of the game is to get things from the representatives of your team that the leader calls in the shortest possible time. When naming things, don't wait for both guys to find her. Set a fairly fast pace, in case someone forgets something. The winner is the participant who brings all (or more) first. You can order absolutely everything: a banknote, a bracelet, a watch, a shoe, a shirt, a tie, a hair clip, a bra, panties, etc.

"In total silence"

Do not define winners and losers in this game, just have fun. We all know the game of pantomime called Crocodile. The host chooses one of the guests and makes him a word. The participant's task is to show it without uttering a sound. The one who guesses first - shows pantomime to the next in turn. You can write the necessary words on the cards in advance so that everyone who will show them can randomly draw out a task for themselves. Words should correspond to the theme of the evening.

"Duel of the Two Worlds"

One guy and three girls from each team are selected. In this competition, girls must play the role of temptress. Their task is to distract the guy from the opposing team without touching him at the same time. You can sing, dance, speak it, expose your body, do anything. At this time, the host calmly walks around the hall, being at an equal distance between the guys, and imperceptibly drops a small piece of fabric on the floor. Guys should not miss this moment and try to pick it up as quickly as possible. Whoever raises it first, he takes one of the temptresses to his team. The main thing is that the leader himself does not get distracted from the game.

Dilute a little competitive program and at the same time you can relax during show programs organized in the style of "Heaven and Hell", if, of course, the budget of the party allows it.

Here are some options:

Don't forget to run a competition for the best costume. You can make several nominations: "Most Terrifying Outfit", "Sexiest Outfit", "Miss Temptation".

Incentive gifts should receive every guest of the party. Prepare otherworldly predictions. To do this, write on a small piece of paper good wishes or motivational quote. Bathe the paper for these notes in tea or coffee in advance so that it gets the effect of antiquity. Roll all the wishes into a roll and tie them with a ribbon. Let each invitee try his luck and choose his own prediction. (35)

Also, chocolates can become uncomplicated presents: of course, black and white - milk chocolate is expensive for chocolate party, any source of endorphin is appropriate there!

  1. Music.

So the hit C.C. Catch - Heaven and Hell immediately suggests itself.

Paradise melodies or hellish rock. What should be given preference? We advise you not to be stingy and invite a professional DJ to the holiday, who should also be in the subject - put on glowing horns or a halo. The musical accompaniment should be quite varied and constantly change throughout the evening.

For active competitions and dance programs will suit club music, techno and rock style. During the feast, you can turn on calm melodies or jazz compositions. If the room cannot be divided into two musical zones, you will have to put up with it.

You can also greet winners in competitions with music - include rhythms corresponding to the side of the winner. For Hell, AC / DC's super hit Highway to Hell is definitely suitable!

And finally... Don't forget to invite a professional photographer to the party, so that you have beautiful evidence of this exciting and insanely interesting meeting of Heaven and Hell!

If you want to allow the forbidden to be done (within reason, of course), then hold a party according to the "Sinful Party" birthday scenario. Simplicity, recklessness and the absence of the need for significant material investments make this scenario attractive for teenagers as the basis for holding a birthday, party, corporate holiday.

Make a guest list. Send each guest an invitation in the form of an imp with the location and time of the party. Both the birthday boy and his guests should dress appropriately. For example, you can dress like a devil - leather clothes, a tail, horns, like hooves. The leader will be a demon-leader, who will tempt everyone to commit sins.

The party room for this birthday scenario should be designed in the style of hell. Make sin zones, for example, a gluttony zone - a mountain of all kinds of sweets. Arrange artificial lights throughout the room. As a gift for such a holiday, things related to 7 sins are suitable. For example, it can be a massage subscription, as a symbol of the celebration, or wrestling lessons, as a symbol of malice, and more... The holiday according to the birthday scenario “Sinful Party” begins with the fact that the birthday boy declares the sinful party open. Further, the host - the demon tries to persuade everyone to sin by holding various thematic games and contests. The first you can hold the competition "Glutton". For the competition, you will need to prepare long rolls of paper, if nothing is at hand, then rolls of toilet paper or napkins laid out in a row will do. Of these, tracks are made, of which there should be as many as there are participants. The same number of products is laid out on each track, for example, it can be grapes or chips. At the beginning of the paths there are participants who, at the signal of the leader, must go along the path and eat everything that lies on it. If you have gathered a cheerful company, then tasty foods can be interspersed, for example, with a heavily peppered piece of bread, a glass of water, or a lemon. All participants must fulfill the condition: until you have chewed the previous item, you cannot move on. The winner is the one who quickly reaches the end of the track and chews everything. He is awarded honorary title"Glutton".

Next, a competition dedicated to greed is held, it is called "Greedy". For the competition you will need a lot of balloons. Before inflation, one coin is placed in them, preferably of different denominations. Then all these balls are added to a common pile. Participants line up along the start line. Near each is a nominal wallet (an envelope made of paper with the name of the participant). At the leader's signal, the participants run to the balls, crush it without the help of hands. They take a coin from it and carry it into their wallet. The contest ends when all the balls are crushed. The winner is the one who scored the most with their coins. He is awarded the title of "Greedy".

The next competition according to the birthday script "Sinful Party" is dedicated to lust. This is the competition "My ideal". For fun, you will need to prepare A4 sheets of paper (there should be as many as the participants), magazine clippings (parts of the body and face, which should be a lot), glue and a pencil or black felt-tip pen. Each participant is given a piece of paper and glue. The clippings are laid out on one common table. Participants, at the signal of the facilitator, should begin to collect the image of the ideal. Three minutes are given to pick up parts of the face and body and stick them on paper, after which the participants show their ideals to the audience. Sometimes very unusual images are obtained. As a prize, each participant receives their ideal, that is, what they glued together.

Graduates are divided into groups that will be employed in various scenes. They are also divided into groups of teachers who will present certificates.

Props for assignments for graduates are pre-made. Usually this work falls on the shoulders of tenth graders.

The final song can be performed by both pre-prepared graduates and any other vocalists from other classes, if there are no singing children among the graduates.

The evening is hosted by two Stewards, whose task is to prepare the scene for the next task and help graduates, as well as Angel and Bes, whose roles can be played by both pre-prepared high school students and school teachers.

Scene 1

Music sounds. Parents, alumni and teachers take seats in the hall. There are two tables on the stage. On one table are certificates and there is a flip calendar, the pages of which are the names of the scenes. During the first scene, the sign says "Congratulations". The second table is for the props that are used in each scene. The stewards take the stage.

Stewards: gala evening, dedicated to graduates, can be considered open! The word is given to the principal of the school.

Director: Graduates, we want to congratulate you

With the fact that the happy hour has come,

When the long road comes to an end

And it's time to rest

Graduates in front of a new road,

So dangerous because unfamiliar.

You call the road to this life,

What will you lose on the road, what will you find,

It's up to you and it's up to you

What to take with you on the road.

Among you there are those who have proven in practice:

With hard work, they will always achieve their goal.

We celebrate their victory with a medal

And now we are handing certificates to them.

Stewards: Our medalists are invited to the stage!

(Music sounds, the stewards call the names of the medalists, the medalists go up on stage, the director hands them certificates, then the director and graduates take their places in the hall. The music stops.)

Stewards: You crossed the school threshold,

To learn our last lesson.

We will not force you to learn formulas:

Let's try to teach today

Choose between good and evil

I tempt in spite of, to step forward.

Only those who overcome the difficult path,

He will be able to get his certificate.

(Mysterious music sounds. Angel and Bes appear on the stage.)

Bes: Hello, my friend!

Angel: But are we friends?

Bes: Do not find fault - you can not joke?

Although the Bes and the Angel are always at enmity,

Do not deny that together we are everywhere:

Without shadow, it is not clear what light is.

Angel: You are right, there are no objections to this.

The struggle for man has long since

Between us has become an old dispute.

Bes: There is a reason to meet today with you -

Clean your feathers and get ready for battle.

Angel: I believe that each of the graduates

Ready for any challenge.

Bes: Where is the truth, where is the lie - they don't know

Everyone is in ignorance.

I bet - I will easily seduce them,

I won't miss this opportunity.

Angel: Let the graduate go through the stages

All that in the life of an adult awaits him.

Bes: Like a cat with a mouse, I play with you

Temptations, I offer temptations,

And if you happen to stumble,

Then the certificate will need to pay:

Then I will not give you a certificate.

Angel: Now the conditions are known to you.

Today an angel or a demon will decide

Whether or not to give you a certificate.

Bes: You will have to choose between the Demon and the Angel,

And not everyone can choose the right one.

(The stewards turn over the sign on the table - the name appears "Unemployment". Music is playing.)

Angel: Graduates are invited to test

(invites graduates).

Scene 2


Fanfares sound, the stewards bring out the props: a broom, the newspaper "Where to go to study", the magazine "Job and Salary", a string bag with bottles, a bottle of vodka and a glass, a rope with a loop, two wedding rings.

All this is exposed to graduates.

Angel: Here is the first test for you!

Bes: Unemployment is too tough for you!

Angel: What should you do if your institution…

Bes: For example, you were laid off.

Angel: A possible ending will be prompted by objects ...

Bes: What do they mean? Suggest answers!

Angel: Please explain your choice to us specifically.

Bes: But - to business! I hasten to give you the floor.

The stewards help the graduates complete the task.

The guys choose objects and explain that you can go to collect empty bottles, become an alcoholic out of grief, you can enter into a marriage of convenience or hang yourself, but they prefer to go to school in order to change their profession, to search new work or temporarily go to the wipers.

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in.




Stewards: For the presentation of certificates is invited ... ( Teachers are invited. The teacher rises to the stage and hands the certificates to the graduates.

Teacher: So, the one who does not give up,

Always saves from unemployment

A new job that you will find

When you go through the painful path

Trial, trial, error, change

Then what you are looking for, you will receive in return.

(Music sounds, graduates and the teacher take their places in the hall.)

Angel: Invited to test


Scene 3


Fanfares sound, the stewards bring out props: a chamomile without petals and petals with the qualities of parents written on them: patience, kindness, love, attention, understanding, wisdom, strictness and rudeness, grouchiness, captiousness, indifference, irritability.

Angel: The birth of a child is the second task.

Bes: First, a pleasure worthy of paradise,

Then scream and snot, pot, undershirts,

Rubella, mumps, porridge, diapers,

Smoking furtively and deuces in the diary,

Date at the door...

Angel: Now a graduate

Try to collect chamomile from the qualities,

Which you should always have

So that difficulties and trials in spite

Your upbringing has given you results.

Bes: Whether the quality suits you or not

Please comment on each answer.

(The stewards help the graduates complete the task: they loudly name the names of the petals, and the graduates say whether they take this petal for chamomile or not, then the graduates stick the petals, collecting chamomile.)

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in!

Angel: Are you ready to pay for your loss?

Bes: I'll have to... I'm playing honestly today.


Stewards: For the presentation of certificates are invited ...

(Teachers are invited. Teachers go up on stage and present certificates to graduates.)

Teacher: Then only your child will be a joy

And the highest award in life,

When you suddenly remember what you yourself

You were children, but forgot over the years,

Than in childhood they breathed and lived,

What they themselves loved in their cloudless childhood.


(Invites graduates. Stewards throw a new sign "Scam". Music sounds, graduates rise to the stage.)

Scene 4


Fanfares sound, the stewards bring out props: 6 cubes with glued letters, from which you need to collect one word denoting a quality in order to get two other qualities on the other sides of the cubes.

Bes: I now invite you to the next sector.

How smart you are, now I'll find out.

Imagine that you are offered to invest

100 bucks to get a million after!

In return, they will give you paper

With print, of course, here and here.

If you want a car - play loto:

Prizes are good, no one is offended!

It doesn't matter that instead of an apartment for now

You won the doorbell button!

Buy another lottery ticket!

Patience, my friend, there are no losers here!

Go, pay, pay without words...

Angel: Just get into the country of fools!

Promises are heard from different sides.

The country has turned into a big scam.

Bes: Quality, quality must be called

Angel: To avoid the intrigues of scammers.

Name one, then two others

You can help protect yourself from them.

Bes: From quality cubes you will collect:

Credulity, greed - what do you want?

Envy and greed, and maybe stinginess,

Greed or ... stupidity.

(Music plays while the task is being completed. The stewards help the graduates complete the task. The music stops.)

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in.

Angel: Are you ready to pay for your loss?

Bes: I'll have to... I'm playing honestly today.

Angel: Then I allow you to hand over the certificates.

Stewards: For the presentation of certificates are invited ...

(A teacher is invited. The teacher rises to the stage and hands certificates to graduates.)

Teacher: Knowledge is a weapon too.

It can protect you from scammers.

Remember: he will be armed,

Who was warned about the danger.

Softly lay the straw where necessary,

Then you can fall painlessly.

Music sounds, graduates and teachers take their places in the hall.

Angel: Invited to test

(Invites graduates. Stewards throw a new sign "Lack of money". Music sounds, graduates rise to the stage.)

scene 5

lack of money

Fanfare sounds, the stewards bring out the props: a crossword puzzle, markers for filling in a crossword puzzle and cards with questions.

Steward: What is money made of?

Question cards.

1. What made a man out of a monkey?

Answer: labor.

2. What dies last?

Answer: hope.

3. For 11 years, students go to school for them.

Answer: knowledge.

4. What quality allows you to make decisions without hesitation?

Answer: determination.

5. Someone who will help, if not with money, then with advice.

Answer: friend.

6. The proverb says that "it and labor will grind everything."

Answer: patience.

(The word "money" is written vertically in the crossword in advance so that the children have a clue: one letter in the word that they have to guess.)

Angel: Imagine being rich

But suddenly the country defaulted.

Bes: You were rich once, and now

It becomes clear - you are a complete bankrupt!

Angel: Lack of money will be a test for you,

We listen to you with the deepest attention.

Bes: You have to choose what to do when

A disaster has come to your house.

Angel: Write the answers in the crossword puzzle.

Time runs! I beg you, hurry up!

(Managers read questions from cards, help graduates fill out a crossword puzzle.)

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in.

Angel: Are you ready to pay for your loss?

Bes: I'll have to... I'm playing honestly today.

Angel: Then I allow you to hand over the certificates.

Stewards: For the presentation of certificates are invited:

(Teachers are welcome.

Teacher: As you can see, a way out is always possible,

When such trouble knocks on the house,

But money can't be an end in itself

And the means will not be justified by the end.

And what money can buy

It's cheap now that it's on sale.

Music sounds, graduates and teachers take their places in the hall.

Angel: Invited to test (Invites graduates. Stewards throw a new sign "Wealth". Music sounds, graduates rise to the stage.)

Scene 6


Fanfares sound, the stewards bring out props: a mosaic depicting the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

Bes: Here is the "Wealth" sector - please come here.

Here money flows like a river.

You can buy yourself an island in the sea

Friends and Love, you will forget in grief.

Everyone will bow before you

And crawl at your feet, and worship you.

The money is yours, for you and you!

Pray, graduate, a favorable fate.

Angel: But there is another purpose for wealth,

And you have to guess which one.

To do this, you need to fold the mosaic.

Wealth can also serve good.

Bes: I ask you, graduate, guess

What does this colored mosaic mean?

(Managers help graduates complete the task.

The guys must collect the image of the coat of arms from the cut pieces and conclude that wealth should serve not only its owner, but also the country, the state.)

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in.

Angel: Are you ready to pay for your loss?

Bes: I'll have to... I'm playing honestly today.

Angel: Then I allow you to hand over certificates!

Stewards: The right to award certificates is granted ... (Teachers are invited. Teachers rise to the stage and hand out certificates to graduates.)

Teacher: What is poverty, what is wealth, we do not know

And often we lose treasures

In a frenzied pursuit of what they buy,

For what is only measured by money.

For all the riches of the world you will not get

You are the happiness that you cannot buy.

Who is generous in soul, and rich in poverty,

His rich man is a hundred times poorer.

Wealth should serve only good,

Otherwise, it will crumble to dust.

Angel: For the test are invited ... ( Names several surnames and names of graduates. The stewards throw the sign "Love". Music sounds, graduates rise to the stage.)

Scene 7


Fanfare sounds, the stewards bring out props: balloons, on which the names of addictions "alcohol", "smoking", "gambling", "marriage of convenience", "selfishness" are written with a marker.

Angel: Now you will sing a song about love to us.

Angel: Now temptation is called Love.

Perhaps there is nothing stronger.

Bes: One kind of love is an arranged marriage

There is money in the account attached to it.

Enjoy the taste of wine if you please -

Get another kind of love - alcohol.

No one can forbid you to smoke -

And you can love the smoke of cigarettes too.

Roulette and cards - that's also love!

This kind of love stirs our blood.

To the car, love will replace your wife!

What kind of love do you prefer?

All that Bes offers you is a lie!

He does not know true love.

You know more than him, I'm sure!

Bes: Let the song be sung - that's when we'll check!

Graduates sing a love song of their choice.

Angel: And what shall we do with the love of vices?

They will get attached to you inadvertently.

that they were able to resist,

Vices must, like enemies, be shot.

Graduates burst balloons with the names of various addictions.

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in.

Angel: Are you ready to pay for your loss?


Angel: Then I allow you to hand over the certificates.

Stewards: (Teachers are invited. Teachers rise to the stage and hand out certificates to graduates.)

Teacher: We wish you true love.

This happiness is great, we know.

Tears give us love and laughter.

Who is in love is the happiest of all!

And unhappy love does not happen,

Even if she kills.

The one who doesn't get it

And unhappy love is not worth it.

(Music sounds, graduates and teachers take places in the hall.)

Angel: Invited to test "Friendship". Music sounds, graduates rise to the stage.)

Scene 8


Fanfares sound, the stewards bring out the props: 15 balloons.

Angel: Friendship is a big test.

Not everyone knows what it is.

Bes: I'll explain to you who they are - friends!

They always need something from you:

To someone money in debt, to whom advice -

Believe me, there is nothing more unbearable!

Your connections to someone for your son -

All this is terrible boredom, melancholy!

When you're in trouble

Look around and you won't find them anywhere!

You are at the top - there are a lot of them around,

But you're downstairs - all disappear suddenly.

I will give advice! Salvation is only one:

When you don't want to be a fool

Always suspect enemies in friends,

Trust only yourself, don't trust them

Live alone...

Angel: But it's not like that at all!

Such a friend is worse than a sworn enemy.

There are real friends, trust me.

They are in joy with you, and in trouble.

They will help you in everything you do.

Your luck is often in their hands.

With friends, things are argued together ...

Bes: But these are all beautiful words.

Try to prove them.

Angel: Have you spoken? Let me tell too.

Friends can do anything.

Bes: Let me explain what I want.

Here are the balls that we scattered here.

I need to be picked up from the floor

All at the same time!

I bet nothing will come of it!

I bet you can't complete the task.

Angel: Everyone can be true friends!

Any business will be on the shoulder,

But no - I'll pay with a certificate.

(To complete the task, the guys must stand in a circle, hold hands and hug all the balls in the center of the circle. By squeezing all the balls at the same time, they will be able to lift them all at once.

Supervisors help graduates cope with the task.)

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in.

Angel: Are you ready to pay for your loss?

Bes: I'll have to ... I'm playing honestly today!

Angel: Then I allow you to hand over the certificates.

Stewards: For the presentation of certificates are invited ... (Teachers are invited. Teachers rise on stage and present certificates to graduates).

Teacher: In the light of the sun, a shadow crawls with you,

And the sky is overcast, and the rain comes with a thunderstorm -

You can't find her anywhere.

So a bad friend leaves us in trouble.

Only a true friend is always with you

Your support, he is in trouble any.

(Music sounds, graduates and teachers take places in the hall.)

Angel: Invited to test... (Invites graduates. Stewards throw a sign "Accident". Music sounds, graduates rise to the stage.)

Scene 9


Fanfares sound, the stewards bring out the props: a bag with the inscription "Gold", a bottle of Coca-Cola, a passport from the TV "Sony", a passport from the radio, car keys, a shovel, a rake, an ax, a knife, a saw, seeds.

Bes: Accident is the next step

Follow me; I'm not your enemy.

I also have a surprise for you:

Imagine you are on a cruise

From the storm your ship is sinking at sea,

A wave throws you onto the island soon.

Angel: Tell me, what is more needed on the island?

What do you think is more important on the island?

Bes: Here's a bag of gold and Coca-Cola,

Here is a Sony TV, a radio tape recorder,

Here is a Mercedes - what you need, choose!

Angel: What's more important to you - answer as soon as possible!

(The stewards help graduates choose the right subjects.

The guys conclude that true values ​​​​are honest work and bread, which are more expensive than gold. )

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in.


Bes: I'll have to ... I'm playing honestly today!

Angel: Then I allow you to hand over the certificates.

Stewards: For the presentation of certificates are invited ... (Teachers are invited. Teachers rise on stage and present certificates to graduates.)

Teacher: We dream about unnecessary trifles,

What, in essence, we need, we do not know,

We spend our lives doing things we don't need.

And we understand how it is alien to us,

When an accident knocks on the door.

And he is not afraid of misfortune,

Who values ​​honest work above money.

Let the graduates understand our lesson.

(Music sounds, graduates and teachers take places in the hall.)

Angel: Invited to test... (Invites graduates. Stewards throw a sign "Glory". Music sounds, graduates rise to the stage.)

Scene 10


Fanfares sound, the stewards bring out props: three rolls of toilet paper.

Bes: Glory will be your great temptation.

She makes us equal to the gods!

As God, you will be honored in glory

Little people are low

And wear it on your hands.

Angel: But those will only gain glory in life,

Which is clear that there is hard work.

Bes: And I heard that hard work is always

It does less good than harm.

By working, you will gain fame, probably,

Only in old age...

I'll tell you frankly:

When you have two teeth and a crutch -

Not glory suits you, but a monastery.

To achieve honors in youth,

You just need to destroy to learn:

It will take decades to build a temple -

Minutes will be enough for you to blow it up.

But there is no more valuable advice than mine;

Do not destroy, do not build anything,

Just throw dust in your eyes and pretend -

Here is the foundation on which

Any glory from time immemorial.

Angel: Less deeds and more words?

Yes, the demonic logic is simple:

The dishes that are empty are more audible.

Bes: And who among us has become famous for centuries,

Who still inspires fear in people?

Tutankhamen, Amenhatep, Ramses...

Angel: Do you want the glory of mummies, stupid Imp?

They became famous for their ugliness,

With death itself, its terrible resemblance,

And not deeds for the sake of man,

What is stored in memory from century to century.

Bes: They are beautiful, because they are kings!

Angel: You are nonsense to graduates

do not say,

They know fate


What is in the memory


They're only for destruction

sought -

For this mummy in the end

have turned.

This glory is empty, we

And this emptiness now

(Music sounds. The guys wrap one of the graduates toilet paper making a mummy. Managers help them to cope with the task. The guys conclude that only the glory that is deserved good deeds, has value.)

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in.

Angel: Are you willing to pay for losing?

Bes: I'll have to ... I'm playing honestly today!

Angel: Then I allow you to hand over the certificates.

Stewards: For the presentation of certificates are invited ... (Teachers are invited. Teachers rise to the stage and hand out certificates to graduates.)

Teacher: Victims, and tears, and pain, and care,

And, of course, work to sweat -

Here are the steps you will take

Before you find glory

The one who does not pick roses from the bush,

From the thorns of her pain does not know.

If you want to find glory -

Through thorns fly to the stars.

(Music sounds, graduates and teachers take places in the hall.)

Angel: Invited to test... (They call several names and surnames of graduates. Stewards throw a sign "Power". Music sounds, graduates rise to the stage.)

Scene 11


Fanfares sound, stewards bring in props: a portrait of Ivan the Terrible, PeterI, CatherineII, Elizabeth Petrovna, AlexandraI, NicholasII.

Bes: I'll tell you about the road to power,

And I'll show you how to achieve it.

I'll start with conscience...

Angel: Unclean without a doubt?

Bes: Only the one that has not been used is pure.

So: only conscience completely lost,

Find what you want and then

You need to remove those who are in front of you:

Don't expect them to give in.

Feed on hate - not love

After all, the thirst for power is quenched by blood.

To get support from others

You pretend as if for the good

Intentions you are behaving like this.

Angel: You will go to hell on this road!

Bes: All means to an end are good.

Angel: But what about the salvation of the soul?

Bes: Soul salvation is so far away

And the power is so close - it is not easy to refuse.

The authorities will write off any of your sins.

Angel: But the cream rises to the top

Until they fade...

Bes: Let me finish.

Power allows you to sin with impunity -

This is what is called a privilege.

It is given only to those who rule.

Stewards: Before you are portraits of Russian sovereigns. You have to name their names and choose one, the most worthy, explaining your choice.

(Managers help graduates. The guys conclude that Peter deserves more respectIwhose interests coincided with the interests of Russia, then power is given in order to serve Russia.)

Angel: What do you say?

Bes: You will have to give in.

Angel: Are you willing to pay for losing?

Bes: I'll have to ... I'm playing honestly today!

Angel: Then I allow you to hand over the certificates.

Stewards: For the presentation of certificates are invited ... (Teachers are invited. Teachers rise to the stage and hand out certificates to graduates.)

Teacher: Power - formidable rocks, standing high,

The noble Falcon flies on them,

But Uzhu, like other slippery reptiles,

It is often possible to be near him.

But everyone should remember

That the Falcon will no longer be forever

Doesn't look like a Falcon at all:

Power does not change the ruling essence.

On the royal throne or next to the throne

Already, as it was, it will remain only a bastard.

(Music sounds, graduates and teachers take places in the hall.)

The final

Angel: All my expectations were justified.

Bes: Alas! They didn't fall for the traps.

Angel: You deserve to go forward in life.

We let you go, let everyone find

In this big life, your appointment,

Through joys and sorrows.

Bes: But please remember: I am always with you.

I'm where it smells nice like money

Where the truth is sometimes called a lie

(And it is not always possible to distinguish them).

It's easy for me to play on your weaknesses.

Angel: But beware: you can lose!

(The vocal group of graduates performs the final song to the motive of the balladWindofchangerock groupsSWithorpions.)

So few years have passed

Was destined

We do maybe

We have become wiser

We have grown older

We'll look back

With a smile.

Chalk mark on the board

Two in a diary

control again

We are dreaming.

But what about school us

Beckons even now

What is not destined



How unsweetened tears taste.

How difficult

Becoming an adult

Live honestly

To be fair.

We are all waiting for summer

With sun and rain

Books and notebook

But again in September

Leaves in the yard

And live without school

Can not.


Here you realized that without a friend

will lose

People on each other's land.

School friend

Better than the new two.

How he laughs and cries

He is with you

And in trouble, which means

Friendship you

Protect more than once.

And youth is a short moment.

And who achieved what -

Time will sober us all.

Save the memory of the young!

The joy of these school years

Remember you


Our meetings, partings,


Remember disappointments

In children's dreams

Pink dreams.

Lies and truth collide again

Just remember

The years of childhood will return again

In the heart let

Briefly sad.

A party about two opposite sides of the world. This world is ruled by two forces. They have been fighting among themselves since the very beginning of the existence of our planet. Good and Evil are fighting to control our world on Party Angels and Demons.

This is an opportunity to choose your side and fight for its rights. On the Party Angels and Demons you can be reincarnated as a pure and immaculate angel, or vice versa, to be a dark and evil being. Who to be on Party Angels and Demons- the choice is yours!

Images of participants of the Party Angels and Demons

Angel, Light Witch, Fairy, Sorceress, Demon, Devil, Devil, Dark Mage, Sorcerer, Werewolf, etc.

Party Program Angels and Demons

  • Dress code / Face control - entrance only with superpowers,
  • Invitations - white or black medallion,
  • At the entrance is a mystery
  • Fire show,
  • Distribution of participants into two teams,
  • Competition number 1 - "Negotiations",
  • illusionist show,
  • Competition No. 2 - "Competition for the best trick",
  • Photo session with Dark and Light forces,
  • Competition number 3 - "Clash of Angels and Demons",
  • Light cocktails and dark drinks,
  • Choosing the best party character,
  • Awarding the winning side with magic banners,
  • bartender show,
  • Disco Angels and Demons.

What to wear to the Angels and Demons Party

For Angels:

  • white short dress,
  • Wings,
  • Nimbus,
  • white mantle,
  • white shoes,
  • soft makeup,
  • white handbag,
  • bright scarves,
  • Mantle,
  • Magic wand,
  • Crown,

For Demons:

  • black mantle,
  • Horns,
  • Bright red or black clothes
  • Hieroglyphs on the skin
  • Black wings,
  • Tail,
  • high heel boots,
  • revealing clothes,
  • spell book,
  • Staff,
  • Items for cults - swords, daggers, candles.
  • potions,
  • snake and bat toys,
  • Things that glow in the dark.

Music Parties Angels and Demons

  • Hans Zimmer,
  • 160 BPM - Hans Zimmer,
  • God Particle - Hans Zimmer,
  • Air - Hans Zimmer,
  • Fire - Hans Zimmer,
  • Black Smoke - Hans Zimmer,
  • Science And Religion - Hans Zimmer,
  • Immolation - Hans Zimmer,
  • Election By Adoration - Hans Zimmer,
  • 503 - Hans Zimmer,
  • H20 - Hans Zimmer etc.

Angels and Demons movie plot

Silent son Pope Irishman Patrick McKenna decides to restore the greatness of the Catholic Church. To do this, he goes to extreme measures: he fakes an Illuminati conspiracy and, on their behalf, commits the murder of his father and the kidnapping of four cardinals who had the best chances for the papal throne, and also organizes the theft of antimatter from CERN to blow up the tomb of a saint Peter.

For greater persuasiveness, a symbology specialist is called in. Robert Langdon, which is included in the investigation and finds the corpses of three cardinals and rescues the fourth from the water. The killer who killed them finds the car with the promised payment, but the car explodes after the killer turns on the ignition. Langdon realizes that the tracks lead to the Vatican. The commander of the Swiss Guard comes to similar conclusions. Richter, but Patrick, who became the head of the Vatican at the time of the elections, slanders him, accusing him of belonging to the Illuminati.

Langdon scrolls the tapes of hidden cameras and the secret becomes clear. Patrick poses as a hero by detonating antimatter in a helicopter far from the Vatican. He has every chance to become pope, but his evil plan is revealed. Realizing his fall, he commits suicide by self-immolation. The cardinal saved from the fountain becomes the new Pope.

Where to hold, celebrate the Angels and Demons Party

  • At home (apartment, cottage)
  • water park, sauna,
  • Banqueting hall
  • Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Canteen
  • Bomb shelter
  • Bowling Club
  • Hotel, Hotel, Holiday home, Boarding house
  • DK (house of culture)
  • Disco Bus
  • Abroad, on an island
  • Underground
  • Club (night club)
  • Camp (pioneer camp)
  • Open air (in nature)
  • Beauty saloon
  • Motor ship
  • Trading house
  • School, Kindergarten
The cost of a birthday is 55,000 rubles for any number of guests!

*Fill out the application to find out the exact cost.

M magical battles, the struggle of white and black, angelic devilish festivities until the morning!

Number of guests: from 5 and above

Party duration: 5 o'clock

Location: any enclosed space (cafe, restaurant, club, ship, office, house, etc.), ship, or open area in the summer

Party script Angels and Demons:

  • The battle site is decorated in black and white, demonic red and softly heavenly angelic color sparkling everywhere.
  • The meeting of all the warriors of good and evil, the receipt of the established rules, which say that the battle can be arranged only with the permission of the "supreme" birthday man.
  • Meeting of the Pontiff, the hero of tonight, greeting and official opening of the angelic demonic activities.
  • Angelic stories with a touch of black forces (interactive game). Congratulations on the bright wishes from the angels!
  • Miraculous anniversary spells and verbal transformations from demons! The demons start their attack and instantly fall into the "silver" captivity to the angels (competition).
  • The situation is escalating and it's time for "dance battles"
  • Start of the search for "cardinals with scorched ambiograms" (thematic competition).
  • The angels call on the demons to come over to their side and give them "bright wings" (competition).
  • The clock has struck that it is time to feed your strength, some will drink blood, and some will simply eat spiritually.
  • Creation of the Anniversary dish "Antimatter" (competition). Lessons on survival in urban environments from demons (competition). Congratulations from the Supreme in the language of angels and demons, ancient predictions and scriptures (competition). Acquaintance with the entertainment of black forces (competition).
  • With an angelic mood and with devilish powers, we find ourselves in the very “heat”, the movements have taken our spirit away, and we cannot stop (dance break).
  • The beginning of the festival "Sin without rules" (impromptu competition). Miss and Mr. "Mystique" (for the best costumes, make-up)
  • Ending the enmity between the dark and light sides with the help of the Almighty sweet "Antidote" (cake)
  • Congratulations from the fiery demon with an angelic smile (fire show).
The cost of the party Angels and Demons: 55000 rub. for any number of guests

Included in cost:

  • Development of an individual scenario
  • Venue selection (if necessary)
  • Preliminary departure of a specialist to the venue of the event
  • Technical support(sound, lighting and DJ equipment)
  • The work of a professional presenter
  • Job DJ (DJ)
  • The work of a professional photographer
  • Show to choose from (ballet show, vocal, original numbers, fire show, etc.)
  • Props for guests. Elements of costumes according to the theme remain as a gift to everyone!
  • Props for jokes, jokes, contests
  • Delivery of equipment and team in Moscow and the Moscow region
*Birthday or anniversary in the style of Angels and Demons can be held in a big way, or you can make it as cheap as possible. The DenRozhdeniya.RU team always has an individual approach to each client and gives 100% of the opportunities, regardless of the budget of the event.