Travel manager resume with experience. A resume is a step towards obtaining the position of a tourism manager. Key Skills and Abilities of a Tourism Manager

  • 19.05.2020

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our template for filling out a resume for the position of tourism manager (an experienced specialist or a novice without work experience) will help you. Competent resume greatly increase your chances of getting a job.

There are two types of tourism manager resume template.

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those with no experience yet.

Template Benefits

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people to create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what does not. This travel manager resume template has been tried and tested.

2) Standard format. Every hr-manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in the resume. Everything is simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets with your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a tourism manager.

4) Important things are at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in the selection of personnel. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) Resumes can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find Good work, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's easy - download and use our Travel Manager Resume Template. It allows you to make changes instantly.

Click on the link below to download a Sample Travel Manager Resume.

The primary responsibility of a tourism manager is to sell travel and tourism packages to their clients. Due to the fact that a person of this profession has to communicate a lot with a large number of people, he needs to be charming, talkative and attentive. The main thing in this work is to establish normal relations with the client, to win him over. The sooner you can do this, the more successfully your career will be built at work.

The resume of the applicant should disclose all the necessary qualities of a person who is going to take this position - a number necessary knowledge and abilities, skills, certain work experience in this area. It is advisable to attach a photo to the resume, as a prepossessing appearance will allow you to establish relations with the client much faster. Better to have a diploma higher education in the relevant specialty - this way it will be much easier to get the position of tourism manager. This specialist must be guided in information regarding countries, types of travel, types of tourist recreation. All this information will be useful when communicating with customers.

It is possible to correctly submit information only if a person has analytical warehouse mind and can communicate this information to other people in an accessible way. It is advisable to tell the employer about which countries you have already visited, about foreign languages ​​that the applicant can speak. In addition to these data, a very important point is the skills of working with clients in this area.

We offer you to familiarize yourself with an example of a resume of a tourism manager.

A travel manager is a specialist who sells travel. You need to be charming, attentive and talkative, because most of the working time you will communicate with clients, and the more you impress them, the more successful your work in the agency will be.

Your resume should briefly tell you the most important things about you - the necessary experience, knowledge, skills, add a photo, a pleasant appearance is a guarantee that the client will make contact with you. A specialized education will also be an advantage, because a good tourism manager must navigate a huge amount of information about different countries, travel, types of recreation, and the analytical composition of the mind and a suspended tongue will help you to use it effectively, be sure to indicate these qualities in your resume. Write which countries you have visited foreign languages that you have, skills in working with clients in this industry.

See also other resume examples:

Download Sample Tourism Manager Resume:

Grom Igor Petrovich
(Igor P. Grom)

Target: Replacing the post of tourism manager


September 2000 - June 2006 Donetsk State University tourism and service, faculty tourism business, specialty - "tourism", diploma of a specialist (full-time department).

Additional education:

August 2006 Conversation courses of English language at the language center "Two Days".
August 2008 Training "What do tourists need to know?" in the center of tourism development in Sevastopol.

Work experience:

Tourism manager assistant

March 2006 - September 2008 travel company "Travel-for-Ever", Sevastopol
Functional responsibilities:
- work on the agency's website;
- placement of advertisements;
- advising clients;
— booking air tickets, hotels;

Tourism manager

September 2008 – present. travel company "Travel-for-ever" Sevastopol
Functional responsibilities:
– active sales of tourist tours around the world;
— personal selection of tours;
- the expansion of the customer base;
- accompaniment of tourist groups.
Increased the number of clients, gained its client base.
Received the title of "Best Company Manager" in 2010 and 2011.
Published two articles in Traveling Together magazine in 2012.

Professional skills:

— Experienced user of office programs (MsWord, Excel, Adobe Photoshop);
- Experience with online ordering and booking systems;
– Personal travel experience (Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Croatia, USA);
- Experience working with children;
— Language skills: Russian is fluent; English - above average (spoken, written).

Personal qualities:

Love of travel, communication skills, the ability to win over;
Organizational skills, intelligence, pleasant appearance;
Ability to find an approach to the client and understand what he needs;
Ability to quickly assess the situation and make the right decision;
Good memory.

Additional information:

Marital status: married, no children.
The presence of a passport: yes.
Willingness to travel: yes.
Life position: I go in for sports, there are no bad habits.

We hope that our sample resume for the position of tourism manager has helped you in creating your resume for the job. Back to section..