Call customs to inquire about the package. Customs clearance of international mail. Outcomes of the dispute due to "the goods did not pass customs"

  • 31.05.2020

From today, customs introduced new customs regulations, which affected parcels from foreign online stores. Parcels from Aliexpress including.

Timing and essence of experimental innovations

For six months, from December 7, 2017 to July 1, 2018, customs will require buyers who have made an order in foreign online stores to provide a TIN and a link to the goods.

Customs officers explain these requirements by the fact that they are forced to introduce additional measures monitoring compliance with the duty-free limit. Since sellers of foreign online stores can underestimate the cost of goods. As a result, buyers exceed customs limits and pay no toll.

Who will be affected by the new rules?

This innovation will affect only those orders that go by courier companies. Those parcels that go first by national postal services, and then by Russian Post (Singapore Post, Finnish Post, China Post, etc.) will not be affected by the new rules.

How to provide a TIN and a link to an order?

Information about the TIN and a link to the product will need to be provided to courier companies. While there is no exact data, according to what scheme they will collect additional information for customs, but hopefully there will be information soon. On the this moment For more information, you can call hotline the courier company to which your package is going, and check with them.

Will the new customs rules affect the speed of delivery of parcels?

Customs officials argue that these innovations will not affect the speed of customs clearance. Although last year, during the period of inspections, the time for passing through customs increased noticeably. And the buyers were very worried that the packages were stuck in customs.

According to customs officials, no delays are planned for the duration of the experiment, since the check of parcels will be carried out automatically. But let's see how the words will correspond to reality.

What happens if you do not provide the TIN and a link to the product?

Employees of courier companies say that these rules will not be circumvented. The data will need to be provided, otherwise the parcel will not pass customs clearance and will be returned back to the seller.

In a dispute, it will be possible to return the money, but there is a chance that you will be refunded the cost of the goods minus the cost of delivery, since the parcel did not go through customs through the fault of the buyer.

Where can I find a link to a product if it has already been removed from the store?

How to open a dispute if you do not provide a TIN and a link to the goods and the parcel does not go through customs?

If you do not have time, or do not want to provide your data, then the package will not go through customs and it will be returned back to the seller. In order to get your money back, you will need to open a dispute. Detailed information and instructions can be found here.

If the value of the goods in the IGO (international mail) does not exceed the limit set by the state, and their total weight does not exceed the maximum allowed, then the parcel is sent to the recipient.

In the event that customs officers have discovered an “overload” or found out that the price of goods exceeds the duty-free limit, then the parcel is sent to the recipient in the post office in the same way. The only difference is that a customs notification will be attached to the shipment, which will indicate the amount payable for exceeding the norms.

The cost of the parcel is indicated by the seller when sending the IGO in the "Declared Value" (Value) column. Practice shows that sellers most often indicate a slightly lower cost of goods (especially when it comes to expensive products, such as phones, laptops, etc.). However, the customs officer can check whether the price of the goods is true. And if he sees too much difference in the estimated cost of the parcel and the price of the goods in one of the catalogs (well, on the same Chinese sites), then the customs officer himself can overestimate the product at his discretion.

If the product was bought at a sale or sale on Aliexpress or won in some kind of promotion, you should ask the seller to enclose a sales receipt or some other documents that can confirm the suspiciously low cost of things.

Sometimes on the forums, people are advised to ask the seller to indicate the word “Gift” in the “Cost” column. Practice shows that customs officers will still evaluate all the goods packed in the parcel at their own discretion - it may turn out to be more expensive than if the seller indicated their real price. Moreover, misunderstandings with the assessment will specifically delay the IGO at customs.

It happens that the customs finds it difficult to assess the value of the goods, then the recipient is called to account, forcing him to fill out customs declaration for customs clearance of IGOs ​​or payment of customs duties (if required). The buyer is informed of the need for a report to customs by regular mail.

Customs regulations of Russia

The Russian Federation is part of Customs Union, so the following rules apply:

An individual to whom an international postal item is sent has the right, within one calendar month receive duty-free goods intended for personal use for an amount not exceeding 1000 euros equivalent, while total weight goods must not exceed 31 kg. The quota is updated (reset) every month, but the customs value and customs weight of all parcels for the month are summed up.

If the specified limits are exceeded, then a fee of 30% of the difference in the value of the goods and the allowed 1000 euros is charged on the IGO. In case of reloading, a fee of at least 4 euros per 1 kg of weight is charged for the difference between the actual weight of the parcel and the allowed 31 kg. Perceiving information can be difficult, so let's take an example:

If the value of the goods is 1300 euros and the weight of the parcel is 15 kg (there is only an excess of the price, but not the weight), the buyer will pay:

(1300-1000)*30% = 90 euros.

With a value of goods of 800 euros and an overload of 45 kg (exceeding the weight, but not the value):

(45-31)*4 = 56 euros.

If both the weight and the value of the goods are exceeded, both indicators are calculated, but the duty is taken only on one of them, the maximum.

According to postal rules, it is considered that until the parcel is delivered to the recipient, it belongs to the sender. Therefore, all responsibility for the correct filling of postal documents, search in case of loss, receipt of compensation in case of theft, etc. lies on the shoulders of the seller.

Plus, on Aliexpress, according to the buyer protection rules, if the buyer has not received the package, then he can get back the entire amount that he paid for the order. Moreover, buyers who no longer needed the goods could simply not pick up the parcel from the post office and after 30 days it went back to China, and the buyer opened a dispute and returned the money. Moreover, there were no problems if suddenly the parcel did not go through customs. And it did not matter for what reasons: whether it was a product prohibited for import, or stolen goods, or the need to pay customs duties. Previously, it was easy to open a dispute, attach a screen of the tracking system, where it was clear that the parcel did not pass customs and went to the seller. In almost 100% of cases, the dispute was resolved in favor of the buyer. After all, he did not receive the parcel.

But, recently, problems have begun for those whose parcel was unwrapped at customs or if the buyer does not want to pay the duty. When opening a dispute due to "Problems with customs" you will see a list of reasons why customs usually holds packages. Such reasons as: lack of an invoice, licenses or certificates, underestimation of the cost of goods, counterfeit goods are the responsibility of the seller. And goods prohibited for import and the need to pay customs fees are on the shoulders of the buyer. That is, now, if you are not ready to do customs clearance and pay the duty, then you will be refunded minus the cost of shipping the goods.

If you escalate the dispute for a reason "Problems with customs", then most likely the Aliexpress administration will ask you to provide documents within 7 days stating that the parcel did not pass customs through the fault of the seller.

The buyer receives a message with the following content:

“Please confirm with your local customs and provide official documents from them to clarify the exact delayed reason to AliExpress within 7 calendar days.

If we haven’t received the official document from customs during this time, we would assume that you’re responsible for the shipping fee and compensate seller for the freight.”

(Please contact your customs office and provide official documents within 7 days explaining the reason for the delay of the package. If we do not receive an official document from customs within this time, we will assume that you are responsible for the cost of shipping the goods and compensate her seller"

But this requirement is very difficult to fulfill within 7 days. Since the standard time for registering a request for a document is 3 business days. And the document itself can be prepared by customs officers within 30 days. That is, it is extremely difficult to meet the allotted time and the result does not depend on the buyer, but on other persons.

Moreover, the fault may be entirely of the seller. There were situations when the seller forgot to fill out the customs declaration, when he accidentally wrote in the cost of sending the amount one order of magnitude more than the real value and the goods did not fit into the norms and it was necessary to pay a substantial amount of duty. There were cases when the seller sent copies of tablets and phones that did not go through customs due to being counterfeit. Or significantly underestimated the cost of the goods, which was clearly visible at the customs.

Unfortunately, over the past few weeks, we have not yet seen a single positive outcome of the escalated dispute due to "Problems with customs". In all these cases, when opening a dispute, buyers attached screenshots of the tracking service, where it was clear that the parcel was going back to the seller. And they described the situation in detail, that it was not their fault. Unfortunately, mediators require a document with a signature and seal.

Outcomes of the dispute due to "the goods did not pass customs"

In the letter, the mediators inform that if there is no evidence that the parcel did not pass customs through the fault of the seller, the buyer will receive a refund minus the cost of shipping the goods.

But there are also situations when the money goes completely to the seller, although the buyer has not received the goods. Most often, if the goods are detained by customs or are due for payment customs duty.

That is, buyers end up without money and without goods. Which is very embarrassing.

How to open a dispute due to "Problems with customs".

First of all, you do not need to rush to open a dispute. Wait until the package arrives in China. Then the seller will see that he will now receive his goods back and it will be easier for him to agree to a return.

Secondly, do not rush to aggravate the dispute. Try to arrange a refund with the seller first. If the reason is clearly in you, then agree to a refund minus the cost of shipping the goods.

If the reason is the seller, then you can request a document stating that the package was deployed through no fault of yours in advance, even before opening a dispute. Then you will definitely be able to meet the required 7 days to provide evidence of the reason for the delay in the parcel.

Status on Aliexpress "Customs clearance failed"

Since the end of April 2018, strange statuses began to appear in the tracking of parcels on the Aliexpress website, saying that "Customs clearance has not been passed." Of course, buyers are very worried when they see that their package has been detained at customs.

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Today, many of us at least once in our lives used the services of foreign online stores and ordered the delivery of goods through various postal services. Any product purchased in a foreign online store, as well as a package from relatives living in another country, undergoes a quality customs control. As practice shows, not in all cases the cargo passes the customs check without any problems. Very often he is detained by customs officers. Therefore, quite a few people are interested in the question of what to do if the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point.

general information

Any private or commercial cargo that enters the territory Russian Federation from any other country, passes customs control. And everything would be fine, but very often it happens that the parcel is delayed at the border. In this case, many fall into despair, believing that the cargo is lost forever. However, if the parcel does not contain any prohibited goods provided for by law, then it is possible to receive your cargo.

Reasons for the delay of cargo by the customs service

So, let's imagine that you ordered some product in a foreign online store, but received a notification that the shipment was delayed at the customs clearance point. What does it mean? Everything is very simple: you will not be able to receive the parcel.

This may happen for the following reasons:

  • if the cargo is imported into the country without making a declaration and paying customs duties, then it may be delayed if the value of the parcel exceeds 1,500 euros;
  • the total weight of the parcel exceeds 50 kg;
  • package consists of a large number goods of one group;
  • any goods are prohibited for import into the Russian Federation.

These are the most common reasons why a shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point. What to do in this situation? This will be discussed further.

What to do if the parcel is delayed?

Most often, this problem is faced by ordinary citizens who, in order to save money or purchase exclusive goods, prefer to make purchases in foreign online stores. Delivery can be made by regular mail or by various companies providing similar services. most big company for international shipping is EMS. All of them are very convenient, because they deliver the parcel to the post office specified by the client. When the cargo arrives at its destination, the buyer is informed about this by SMS or registered mail. In addition, if the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, you will also be notified about this.

If the purchased goods are delivered by regular mail, then the client does not receive any notification, and he will have to find out the fate of the parcel on his own. This takes quite a lot of time, because first you will need to go to the post office, then check the status of your order with the seller, and then submit a request to the customs service.

Contacting the customs service

After you are really sure that the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, you need to contact the control service.

This will require the following documents:

  1. An invoice from the seller confirming the purchase of the goods.
  2. A document confirming payment for the goods.
  3. The passport.
  4. If the parcel contains the same type of goods that were ordered not only for themselves, but also for relatives, then photocopies of their passports will be needed.
  5. Photos of each item included in the package.

also in customs service it will be necessary to fill out a special form, which lists all the goods present in the parcel, as well as their purpose. If the reason for the delay of the cargo is the excess of the cost or the weight limit, then you can pick up the cargo after paying the customs duty.

Storage periods for delayed goods

If the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, then the cargo is placed in storage. Maximum term is two weeks, of which the first 5 days are free, and the rest are paid by the owner of the parcel. If the cargo was delivered by airmail, then in this case the storage period is extended to 30 calendar days.

What goods are prohibited from being imported into the territory of the Russian Federation?

In order not to run into problems when sending goods, you need to know which groups of goods are prohibited from being transported across the border of our country.

These include:

  • weapons and ammunition;
  • narcotic substances;
  • flammable and explosive substances;
  • plants and animals;
  • waste that poses a potential threat to environment as well as human life and health;
  • materials promoting terrorism and containing pornography;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • devices for collecting information;
  • cultural heritage values;
  • human organs;
  • any Nazi-themed materials;
  • jewelry and antiques;
  • radioactive substances.

If the parcel contains any of the goods of this category, there is no doubt that a message will come stating that the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point. How long will they be stored in this case? Any prohibited goods are subject to disposal, so they are not placed in storage. In addition, criminal liability may follow for trying to import many prohibited goods, so it is better to immediately abandon the attempt to bring them across the border.

How to avoid problems when shopping abroad?

If you plan to regularly order various goods from China, America, Europe or any other countries, then in order to avoid problems with their delivery, it is best to use the services of logistics companies. One of the largest in Russia is SPSR, which operates not only throughout the country, but also far beyond its borders. Thus, if your shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, "SPSR-Express" will solve all the problems for you, provided that you have used the services of this courier service.

What services does SPSR provide?

The SPSR-Express company has become one of the national leaders in the field of cargo delivery in Russia and abroad. Most customers choose it because of the wide range of services that the carrier provides to its customers.

Among them are the following:

  • fast delivery of parcels in Russia and abroad;
  • postal transportation;
  • courier services;
  • package of parcels;
  • storage of goods;
  • notification of customers about the status of delivery;
  • the ability to track the parcel online;
  • delivery of goods to the address at a convenient time for the client;
  • transportation of goods "from door to door".

The company works with both private and legal entities. If, however, the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, SPSR will notify the customer of the problem and help in solving it.

"SPSR-Express": delivery in the shortest possible time

Most consumers note the efficiency of the work of the company "SPSR-Express" and very fast delivery, and regardless of the region of the country. The time that the parcel will be in transit may vary. It depends on the company or online store in which the goods were ordered, as well as on its remoteness from Russia. Within the country, the delivery time takes no more than two days, and if the parcel comes from abroad, you will have to wait about a week. However, if you compare its speed with other companies, then this courier service is indeed one of the fastest in Russia.

Convenient notification system

The company "SPSR-Express" is very popular among many shopaholics who prefer to shop online, also due to high-quality service. Clients receive SMS notifications about the status of their orders, and if there are any problems at the border, your order will be assigned the status: “Departure delayed at the customs clearance point”, which you will be instantly notified about.


Every person who ordered an expensive item in a foreign online store wants to receive it safe and sound, as well as in the shortest possible time. If the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, "SPSR" will resolve the issue very quickly, as the company takes its duties very responsibly, as evidenced by consumer reviews. According to customers, all parcels arrive on time, and there are never any problems with their safety. Not only the product itself is intact, but also its packaging.

Cargo tracking

The ability to track the location of a package is a very convenient service that any self-respecting company providing logistics services should provide. "SPSR-Express", being a national leader, provides its customers with such an opportunity. Having access to the Internet, you can always look at the order number on the company's website, where your cargo is currently located. If your shipment is delayed at customs, SPSR will update this information and you will be notified in time. Also, after the cargo arrives at the post office specified by the client, an SMS notification arrives informing that it is possible to receive the parcel. It is worth noting that due to some system failures, there may be delays in timely updating of information, but such situations are extremely rare.

Service cost

The cost of logistics services has always been of great importance for consumers when choosing one or another courier delivery service. Especially the price of the issue has become very relevant in last years. This is due to the fact that due to the devaluation of the ruble, there was a significant increase in the price of all groups of goods when purchased in the national currency. Therefore, each person tries to save on everything that is possible. In particular, this applies to the cost of shipping goods from the seller to the buyer.

As for the cost of the services of the SPSR-Express company, although they cannot be called the cheapest, they are nonetheless one of the most attractive on the market. Today, for example, many people order smartphones in foreign stores. When ordering through a logistics company, they will cost significantly less, including delivery, compared to a regular postal service. If the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, and LeEco smartphones, for example, or products from another manufacturer did not pass the test, the logistics company will immediately notify the recipient.

Thus, given the relatively low prices, high-quality service, fast delivery and a convenient order status notification system, it makes sense to buy goods in foreign online stores and deliver them to Russia through the SPSR company. In this case, consumers receive a full guarantee of the safety of the parcel on the way, and also minimize the associated hassle associated with delivery and customs clearance.