Greenhouse preparation. How to prepare the soil for the greenhouse for the new season in the spring. Preparing greenhouses for spring

  • 21.04.2020

Daylight hours are getting shorter and colder, and it's time to start thinking about how to prepare your greenhouse for the winter months so you can start planting flowers, vegetables, and fruits for the first time in early spring. The essence of preparing a greenhouse for winter in the fall is that in the spring you can do what the greenhouse is intended for, and not repair it.

Mandatory activities

Disinfection of greenhouses and other greenhouse devices is carried out immediately after the removal of vegetation. Crushed sulfur is mixed with potassium permanganate on metal bases and, evenly distributed in several places, ignites. For safety, throwing sulfur on coals should be carried out in a gas mask. After burning, after about 24 hours, the object should be well ventilated.

Use of the greenhouse during the cold season

Many gardeners are unwilling to give up fresh vegetables on the table and therefore use their greenhouses in winter. Agriculture in winter is associated with operating costs, but, after all, you only need to go to a nearby store once to see the difference in the price of vegetables out of season. Of course, the most important issue in preparing a greenhouse for winter in this case is heating, which can be done in different ways, it all depends on the location and the availability of technical solutions.

When heating a greenhouse in winter, there is a problem with the supply of hot water, but electric heating can be provided. It is advisable to calculate the economic component in order to see if one or another type of heating is suitable in each specific case.

In the greenhouse, you can use a small heating. Many vegetables can withstand low temperatures and even short-term freezing.

At the end of the summer season, when the crop is harvested, the processing of a polycarbonate greenhouse is a prerequisite for its further operation. A set of autumn and spring events will help prepare the greenhouse for the new season and significantly extend its service life. About the need preparatory work few beginner summer residents know. But experienced gardeners sometimes simply ignore the implementation of the basic rules of care.

Why is it necessary to process polycarbonate greenhouses

First of all, it is necessary to process polycarbonate greenhouses and greenhouses for sanitary reasons. Unfortunately, a favorable microclimate with high levels of humidity and temperature regime contribute not only to the growth of vegetable crops, but also to the development of various pathogenic flora:

  • causative agents of infectious diseases;
  • Spores of pathogenic fungi and mold;
  • Pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Pathogenic bacteria.

Without the treatment of the greenhouse frame, polycarbonate coating and disinfection of the soil in the beds, the accumulated pathogens will infect plants planted in the new season. At the same time, many pathogens are able not to lose their viability for a long time. For example, phytophthora spores that infect tomatoes in greenhouses for 3–5 years retain their ability to develop when exposed to favorable conditions.

Neglect of the rules of crop rotation leads to the depletion of the soil and the accumulation of toxins and pathogenic bacteria in it. In this case, autumn processing and disinfection of the soil in polycarbonate greenhouses is an excellent prophylactic against most of the ailments that affect vegetable crops. Such a measure avoids the appearance of fusarium, vertex rot. Soil cultivation is effective and at.

Processing greenhouse structures in the fall allows you to effectively deal with insect pests. As a rule, by winter, adults penetrate the ground and there they perfectly wait out the cold. Digging the soil or partial replacement of the soil can prevent the appearance of whiteflies in the greenhouse and other pests. Fumigation with sulfur checkers will save plants from spider mites.

That is why processing a polycarbonate greenhouse in autumn and spring helps not only to reduce the risk of infectious diseases on cultivated crops, but also to clean the structure itself from dirt, rust and dust. In addition, the preparation of the protected ground construction involves the cleaning and disinfection of garden tools, racks, trellises and other auxiliary elements.

The main stages of greenhouse processing

Autumn and spring processing of polycarbonate greenhouses consists of a whole range of mandatory activities:

  • Cleaning of all aids
  • Removal of plant debris, including weeds.
  • Soil replacement or disinfection.
  • Cleaning and processing of all parts of the greenhouse structure.
  • Preparing the building for winter.

Autumn cleaning

You can start processing the greenhouse in the fall immediately after harvesting. First of all, the garter material, pegs and other auxiliary materials should be removed. Racks and trellises are removed from the facility for their further cleaning and disinfection. In designs involving the removal of polycarbonate, the coating is removed. After all, they can also accumulate pathogens.

Before processing the greenhouse soil, it must be freed from all plant residues: stems, tops, fallen seeds and roots. In the event that the crops grown in the greenhouse were susceptible to any disease, then the vegetation is destroyed. Healthy greens can be used to fill the compost heap.

ATTENTION! Compost cannot be used to grow the plants from which it is derived.

All auxiliary elements(racks, trellises, stakes, twine, inventory) located in the greenhouse are subjected to disinfection treatment. To do this, you can use Fitosporin or a maroon solution of potassium permanganate. All inventory is soaked for 1 hour, after which it is washed, dried and stacked for winter storage.

Soil sanitation

Since crop rotation in protected ground facilities is not always observed, it is worth replacing the greenhouse soil or disinfecting it. In the first case, the top layer of soil with a height of about 7 ... 9 cm is removed. A new layer of healthy soil is laid in its place. After that, the processed greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate is applied with organic fertilizers and dug up together with the remaining bottom layer of soil. If preparation for the upcoming season is carried out in the spring, only rotted organic matter can be used.

IMPORTANT! Infected soil removed from the greenhouse is best placed in piles at the edge of the site and processed. For this, stacks are laid in layers (15 ... 20 cm), pouring each layer with bleach at the rate of 250 grams of lime per 1 m 2. AT summer period frozen stacks are carefully dug up and left again for the winter. And only next spring, the treated soil can be brought into your polycarbonate greenhouse.

In the event that there were no outbreaks of diseases and pests in the greenhouse, the soil can be left. But then, for preventive purposes, it is disinfected. The soil is dug up in autumn. All insect larvae are removed from it. After that, disinfection is carried out with one of these means:

  • 3% solution of ferrous sulfate;
  • copper sulphate solution;
  • solution of lime with chlorine;
  • watering the soil with boiling water.

IMPORTANT! when preparing in the fall with chemicals, it is safe to do it only in the fall. In the spring, it is better not to use them.

Frame and cover processing

The frame to which the polycarbonate is attached is carefully inspected for rust and other damage. The rust is removed, the cleaned place is painted over. Any structural damage found is being repaired.

All elements of the frame are washed with a warm soapy solution. The greenhouse is processed in autumn or spring, both from the inside and outside. Then the soapy solution must be removed with a damp cloth. This must be done carefully, avoiding soap getting into the soil. For processing polycarbonate, only non-abrasive detergents and rags or soft sponges are used in order to avoid damage to the coating.

How to process

The disinfection of the greenhouse is completed in the fall by treatment with chemical or biological preparations. Moreover, you should know that not everything that can be used to process a greenhouse in the fall is suitable for spring processing. In the spring it is better to limit yourself to biological means.

The most common greenhouse processing methods in autumn are:

  • fumigation with a sulfur checker;
  • fumigation with cutting sulfur;
  • pollination with bleach;
  • irrigation with copper sulphate.

ATTENTION! Fumigation of the greenhouse with sulfur is unacceptable in cases where its frame is made of galvanized steel. The sulfurous anhydrite released during combustion will accelerate the corrosion of the metal. These products can be used to treat painted and wooden greenhouse frames.

Sulfur fumigation

IMPORTANT! Before processing a polycarbonate greenhouse, keep in mind that sulfur dioxide released during the combustion of sulfur is harmful to the metal parts of the structure.

Using this way disinfection of the greenhouse, protective equipment should be used: gloves, gas mask (respirator) and goggles. After all, the gas emitted by sulfur is very toxic. All cracks in the building are sealed, transoms and doors are closed.

10 m 3 will require 600 gr. substances. Checkers are evenly placed around the entire perimeter of the building on metal sheets or stone stands and set on fire. Set on fire, it should be from the side farthest from the entrance. The greenhouse must be immediately left to avoid poisoning.

Fumigation with cuttings sulfur

When fumigating with cuttings sulfur, it is also necessary to use means of protection against the toxic effects of sulfuric smoke. The greenhouse must be tightly closed in order to achieve the desired concentration of the emitted gas.

For processing 10 m 3, you will need 1 kg of cutting sulfur, several metal baking sheets, the same number of basins or similar containers. Sulfur should be crushed and mixed with an equal amount of charcoal, put on baking sheets, which are put into basins and spaced evenly over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse. After burning the substance, the greenhouse should be left.

It will be possible to open a building treated with cutting sulfur or sulfur checkers only after 5 ... 7 days. Another 2-3 weeks it should be ventilated. At this time, no work can be carried out in the greenhouse. Processing with the help of fumigation helps to disinfect not only the structure itself, but also the greenhouse soil.

Chlorine treatment

You can disinfect the greenhouse in autumn and spring with the help of bleach. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 400 gr. bleach;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • Spray.

Bleach is added to the water, thoroughly mixed and infused for four hours. The soil and the structure itself are sprayed with the finished solution. At the end of the treatment, the greenhouse is closed for 1-2 days, then it is well ventilated. The tool also needs to disinfect inventory.

Treatment with copper sulphate

An excellent disinfectant for disinfecting a greenhouse in autumn or spring is a solution of copper sulfate. To prepare it you will need:

  • If there were no outbreaks of diseases in the current season - 75 gr. copper sulphate, if any - 150 gr.;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • Spray.

Copper sulfate is dissolved in 10 liters of water. All parts of the structure are treated with the resulting mixture using a spray gun.

Preparing the greenhouse structure for winter

In autumn, after processing, a polycarbonate greenhouse does not have to be dismantled for the winter. But it is worth making sure that she successfully survives the cold. To protect the greenhouse from possible snow overload, 3-4 T-shaped wooden supports should be installed. They will strengthen the roof of the building before the onset of spring.

In the leeward parts of the greenhouse, where a greater amount of accumulated snow is likely, more supports should be installed. It is better to place the supports on a hard surface so that they are not pressed into the ground. By strengthening the frame in this way, you can be sure of the safety of the structure in the winter.

spring processing

In the spring, the greenhouse treated since autumn is washed with a detergent. The polycarbonate coating is cleaned with a soft sponge and soapy water. This will ensure that the planted plants receive the maximum amount of sunlight. Dig grooves along the walls of the greenhouse. They will allow unimpeded removal of melt water from the structure. Dig up the beds and cover them with black non-woven material to warm the soil.

If the greenhouse was not processed in the fall, this can be done in the spring. But it is important to remember that in the spring it is undesirable to use chemicals to clean and disinfect the soil and structure. It is better to start preparing the building for the upcoming season in early March.

Greenhouse spring processing includes:

  • Cleaning of old plants and auxiliary materials;
  • Cleaning and disinfection of the building;
  • Disinfection and soil preparation.

Cleaning up dust and dirt

Before treating the greenhouse in the spring from phytophthora and other unwanted diseases, everything superfluous should be removed from it. After cleaning the soil from vegetation and fixtures, the frame of the greenhouse is treated with soapy water. If the plants were sick with any disease, a remedy for this disease is added to the solution. Then the soap solution is washed off with a damp sponge or rag.

Greenhouse processing in the spring includes cleaning and disinfection of inventory. It can be disinfected with boiling water, a solution of potassium permanganate. Wooden elements should be treated with bleach.

Soil preparation

Processing a polycarbonate greenhouse in spring, as in autumn, involves soil preparation. It is best to replace it, especially if the plants are sick. If there were no diseases, the soil can not be changed, but it should be disinfected by dousing with boiling water or spilling a solution of potassium permanganate.

The greenhouse is a special agroecosystem. All year round, the soil in the greenhouse is not directly affected environment: inside the greenhouse it does not rain, the wind does not blow, there is no direct sunlight. Preparing a greenhouse and greenhouse for spring is a very important event.

On any sunny day, the air inside the greenhouse heats up under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and the soil is not supplied with life-giving moisture, it is not covered by snow, as happens in ordinary beds. Because of this, the properties of the soil inside the greenhouse change during the winter season, and in the spring, the first thing to do is to reanimate it and moisten it, tone it up, as they say.

Soil preparation

During the winter, the soil in the greenhouse dries up very much, it becomes almost dusty. On the one hand, this is good. Dry soil is an excellent thermal insulator. In a greenhouse, the ground does not freeze deeply or does not freeze at all, unlike open ground. On the other hand, it is bad, because in spring dry soil warms up for a long time. That is why it is so important to bring the soil “to life” in advance in the spring.

In the greenhouse, the soil must be warmed up to a temperature of +10 - +15 ° C. When the bright sun shines, the air inside the greenhouse warms up almost instantly, it is kept inside the structure by the walls and roof, and the ground remains cold for a very long time - several weeks. To provide plants with normal growing conditions, the soil in the greenhouse must be warm.

First of all, the soil must be loosened to make it breathable. Then you need to make small trenches in the beds with a depth of a shovel bayonet. Such procedures will significantly increase the contact of warm air with cold soil.

After that, the soil must be moistened with warm water.. To do this, you can use ordinary heated water, or you can shed the soil in the greenhouse with a warm solution of nutrients, for example, a solution of EM-1, Emochek, Baikal-1. You can also use a dry biological product, for example, Emochki-Bokashi, which is enough to sprinkle on top of the ground and pour with ordinary warm water. These procedures will “revive” the soil, soil microorganisms will wake up in it and get to work.

The ridges between the trenches will warm up the fastest, since their area is small, and the water temperature is high. Having leveled the ridges, we will distribute the heat throughout the soil, we will get a relatively large layer of warm "living" earth.

Important! Do not throw snow into the greenhouse from the street. Many do this, explaining that this is how they try to saturate the earth with water. Water, of course, will penetrate deep into the soil, it will be saturated with water, but it will not warm up, and the greenhouse season will begin 2 to 3 weeks later.

By irrigating trenches with hot water, we almost instantly raise the soil temperature to +10 - +15 °C. This will allow you to immediately sow cold-resistant and early-ripening crops: radish, leaf lettuce, onion on a feather, watercress, parsley seedlings. Further, the temperature of the soil in the greenhouse will be maintained by solar energy.

Soil treatment from diseases

The soil was warmed up, soil microorganisms were awakened. What's next? Do not forget that the risk of fungal and bacterial plant diseases is extremely high in the greenhouse. Late blight, Alternaria, black leg, powdery mildew and others are the scourge of greenhouses.

To carry out preventive work, it is necessary to process the soil, as well as all the details of the greenhouse - wooden parts, boxes, base, walls. Any biofungicide can be used as a fungal treatment. For example, "Fitosporin", "Mikosan-N", "Trichodermin", "Planriz", "Phytocid", "Healthy Soil".

To better warm the soil in the greenhouse, it can be covered with black agrofibre. Heating up under the rays of the sun, it will transfer heat to the earth. This is in the event that landings will not be soon. But mulching the soil before a constant positive temperature is established in the greenhouse is not worth it. Although it all depends on the color of the mulch. Under a dark mulch, the soil will warm up, under a light mulch, it will remain cold.

Before planting cucumbers in the greenhouse, prepare the soil - treat it with Azotofit or another drug that forces nitrogen to be fixed from the air.

In order to saturate the air in the greenhouse with carbon dioxide, which is necessary for plants, a container with compost or something else that roams can be installed inside the greenhouse. For example, you can fill a container with chicken manure, compost from a pile, or EM compost from plant residues or organic food from the table. Plants grow faster in a carbon dioxide-rich environment.

Having planted early plants in March, be ready to get the first harvest in April.

Spring work in the greenhouse

If you do not have a greenhouse, it does not matter. You can quickly build a greenhouse on solar heating. This is a great option for summer residents who come and go. In the greenhouse, you can grow seedlings and the first spring greens.

It is necessary to prepare a greenhouse in advance in the fall. The place for the greenhouse should be well lit and high enough so that it is not flooded with melted spring waters. The depth of the pit for a greenhouse should be about 70 cm. A convenient width is the size of a frame with glass or film.

Up to half of the pit must be filled with humus, compost or other plant residues. A layer of fertile soil is poured on top. In late February - early March, the greenhouse must be covered with a frame with glass so that it warms up. It is necessary to position the frame with a slope in south side.
Before planting seedlings or sowing seeds, the greenhouse should be well ventilated and spill the soil with warm or hot water, as is the case with a greenhouse.

In such an earthen greenhouse, you can safely grow seedlings of crops such as tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, peppers and various flowers. From time to time, the greenhouse must be ventilated so that the plants do not get sick with fungal or bacterial diseases. Better yet, treat the soil with fungicides.

Please note that in sunny weather, the leaves of immature plants may turn yellow - “burn out” in the sun, as glass enhances the heating effect. To protect the plants, they should be covered with a covering material and only on top with glass.

Using a greenhouse for growing seedlings in the open field allows you to grow strong plants with dark green leaves and a developed root system, and also eliminates the need to use many cups for seedlings. And the window sills are not cluttered.

"Housing" for seedlings: distribution bed and stalk

If it is better to grow seedlings of vegetables and annual flowers in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then for breeding seedlings of perennial flowers it is more expedient to equip a special bed - wiring. On such a bed in the summer - in June, seeds of perennial flowers are sown, and in the fall, bulbs are planted for growing.

Small bulbous "children" are grown on breeding beds for 2-3 years, and the buds that appear on them during the growing season are carefully removed. On a seedbed, you can, for example, plant lily bulbs. After 2 - 3 years you will get large lily bulbs.

It is better not to sow the seeds of perennial flowers directly into the garden, but first in plastic cups or containers. At the bottom of such cups or containers, a drainage layer must be provided. It is advisable to sign the container, indicating the name of the plant and variety. And only then the container should be dug into the ground in the garden. This method avoids the loss of "fighters". After all, sometimes plant varieties are mixed up, and it happens that weak seedlings suffer in the process of weeding.

The distribution bed is best placed in partial shade or, conversely, in a site illuminated by direct sunlight, but on the north side, the site should be protected from the wind by a wall or fence. It is advisable to limit the beds with boards from wooden planks 15 - 30 cm high. You can also put arcs over the bed, allowing you to cover the plants from frost with a film or from the scorching sun. The optimal width of the distribution bed is 1.5 m, the length can be any. But the orientation to the cardinal points should be from west to east.

It is extremely important that the soil on the spreading bed is fertile, light, air and moisture permeable. If the soil in the area is clayey, then it is necessary to perform drainage. To loosen the soil, you can add sand to it. Leaf and sod land will also be useful, but adding compost to the soil is undesirable. Ash can be used to fertilize the soil. Its secretions stimulate the formation and development of the root system. Watering the plants in the distribution bed must be carried out in a timely manner, to prevent severe drying, but it is also not worth over-wetting. It is better to loosen the soil once again or even better to mulch, keeping moisture inside the soil and reducing evaporation.

It is also inconvenient to propagate berry and ornamental shrubs in ordinary beds. For this purpose, they construct cutting plant. After all, the main condition for the successful rooting of cuttings is high humidity.

The cuttings must be placed in a shady place and covered with glass or plastic wrap on the arcs. It is desirable to position the frame under a slight slope to the south. If plastic wrap is used, its edges must be securely pressed to the ground.

Some gardeners root cuttings with plastic bottles, installing from above the handle upside down.

So that water does not stagnate in the beds for cuttings, it is necessary to equip drainage from crushed stone, gravel or expanded clay with a layer of 10–15 cm. A layer of sand 5–7 cm is poured on top of the fertile layer. Spraying is necessary from time to time. Rooted cuttings are left for the winter in the cuttings and only the next year they are transplanted into open ground to a permanent place.

Remember that soil preparation in a greenhouse, hotbed or seed bed is the key to large yields. Healthy seedlings, and then plants, are a direct consequence of taking care of soil fertility and preventing dangerous diseases. Delight your family with fresh, clean, home-grown vegetables and herbs as early and as often as possible. And bad weather or late frosts are not a hindrance if you have properly prepared a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Protected ground facilities enable amateurs to grow seedlings of garden crops, seedlings of flowers, root cuttings of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. But before settling by green residents, they must undergo certain training. How to properly prepare the outside and inside the greenhouse so that in the spring you can start growing the planned crops in it, you can find out from the article.

Cleaning the interior from plant residues

The process of preparing a greenhouse in the spring also includes such an obligatory item as liberation from the remains of plants that live here last season. This step makes it possible to prevent the development in a closed system of closed ground of some diseases that affected the predecessors. For example, most pathogenic fungi do not die with the plant, but safely overwinter on dried leaves and stems.

Attention! Remains removed from the greenhouse are best taken outside the site or burned.

The roots of obsolete plants should also be removed from the greenhouse without fail. At the same time, you can replace the top layer of soil. Step by step, this procedure looks like this:

  1. Remove from 5 to 7 cm of soil. Roots are picked and discarded. The earth is transferred from the greenhouse to the open space.
  2. Lay a layer of humus, and then manure.
  3. All are sprinkled with a small (about 3 cm) layer of garden soil.

Additionally, soil disinfection should be carried out. To do this, use a solution of copper sulfate, which is poured into the soil in the greenhouse after loosening.

How to disinfect

Spring treatment with disinfectants interior when preparing a greenhouse, it is very important, since only this technique can destroy the spores of a fungus that is dangerous for crops and causes late blight. It is carried out in several ways:

  • with the help of sulfuric gas checkers;

Disinfection with checkers
  • spraying with slaked lime mixed with copper sulphate;
  • treatment of walls, ceiling and soil with special biological products.

Attention! All dez. solutions are poisonous. They should only be handled with appropriate protection.

For gas treatment most often used checkers with sulfur "Climate". During their combustion, acids are formed that penetrate even into imperceptible cracks. Thus, fungi, slugs, spider mites are destroyed. The procedure is carried out with the door and vents tightly closed. 50 g of sulfur are required per 1 m³. Ventilate the greenhouse 3 days after fumigation. Some greenhouse owners oppose this method of disinfection, citing its low efficiency and the high percentage of sulfur compounds entering the non-draining soil of the protected ground, which is a guarantee of its absorption by plants.

Processing in the following way consists in spraying the walls, ceiling and frame with a solution of a mixture consisting of 3 kg of slaked lime and 500 g of copper sulfate (per bucket of water). This method is also not good enough due to the fact that the drugs are toxic to humans.

The use of biological preparations during the preparation of the greenhouse for spring plantings is considered the most effective, safe and promising way to get rid of fungi and harmful microflora. In addition, according to manufacturers, such processing increases productivity. For 10 liters of water you need 100 g of the drug.

How to prepare the soil

For the normal growth of plants and, accordingly, obtaining good harvest an adequate supply of nutrients in the soil is required. Therefore, before planting crops in a greenhouse, prepare the soil.

Here you can use 2 methods:

  • introduction of organics and minerals;
  • sowing .
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • phacelia;
  • mustard.

They are sown in the greenhouse very densely, early in the spring. A week or two before the planned planting of vegetables, green manure is cut with a flat cutter and added dropwise to a depth of 3-4 cm.

The preparation of the greenhouse is a very important event, on the correctness of which the well-being of the planted crops depends. After reading the article, viewing the photos and videos attached to the article, most fans will be able to figure it out and do the work on their own.

What to do in a greenhouse before planting: video

All preparatory operations of the greenhouse and greenhouse for the new planting season should begin after the harvest, in the fall. However, intensive training begins in early spring, in March or April, depending on the region. The main spring stages include cleaning the greenhouse and preparing the soil for planting vegetables or ornamental plants. Soil preparation is the most important point, since not only a successful harvest, but also the composition of the grown fruits depends on its composition. The ideal composition of the soil is selected by trial and error and requires more than one season of experiments. The optimal solution is the golden mean, since an excess of various fertilizers can cause intoxication, and as a result, the death of the plant, or the accumulation of negative substances. After sowing seedlings, care and due attention should also be carried out.

After the snow has melted and freed the greenhouse, it is necessary to carry out a complete or partial dismantling of the greenhouse. Namely, check the structure for defects, connecting parts, frame and covering material. After winter, if a lot of snow falls, even the most reliable greenhouse design can be deformed.

If the greenhouse has a wooden frame, then it is necessary to check for loose elements, guides and beams.

All staggering wooden rails and supports must be securely fastened with nails, bolted joints. If the paint on the wooden frame is cracked or worn off, then you need to cover it with a new paint and varnish material. If the greenhouse has a metal frame, then you need to check for the strength of the connecting elements - are there any gaps in the welding, are the bolts firmly tightened. In places where corrosion occurs, treat with paintwork material.

The main thing in these actions is one thing - the safety of being in the greenhouse, as well as ensuring safety for the crop. Plants need to be grown safely.

Preparing the greenhouse for spring

After checking the strength of the greenhouse structure, the next step is to clean the soil from all plant debris and dry leaves. In the remains of last year's plants, larvae and pests may remain, which will awaken under favorable conditions. Also, they can be pathogens of many diseases for seedlings.

With a rake, it is necessary to remove all the remnants of last year's withered foliage, branches and dry plants.

If the roots of plants remain in the soil, then they need to be pulled out, dug up, that is, completely removed without residue. Next, the earth must be dug up and left to dry. The next step is the processing of the walls and ceiling of the greenhouse.

To do this, you must first wash the walls and ceiling of the greenhouse from dirt and dust, then you need to process and disinfect from pests. Disinfection is carried out with a soapy solution, for this a piece is taken laundry soap and rubbed on a grater in proportions of 100 grams per bucket of hot water.

The prepared solution foams and wipes with a rag inside the greenhouse and outside. The solution must be applied with a richly moistened rag on the walls and ceiling of the greenhouse, then wiped dry with a clean, dry cloth. Pests do not like alkaline solutions and begin to run out of cracks, and their larvae die. You should not resort to glass cleaners and various chemicals, as this can adversely affect seedlings, and therefore human health.

Greens in a greenhouse in spring: sowing

As soon as the climate in the greenhouse has returned to normal, and this is a positive temperature day and night, you need to prepare the soil for seedlings. Soil preparation for sowing begins with the formation of beds and loosening the earth, removing plant residues, roots and stones. Before planting seedlings, you need to determine the acidity of the soil, which is determined by several methods, including both free and the purchase of a special device.


  1. Put a little earth on a spoon and pour vinegar over it, if the reaction is similar to extinguishing soda in vinegar (boils), then the acidity is normal. If nothing happens to the soil, then the soil is acidic.
  2. Three leaves of blackcurrant are placed in a glass and poured with boiling water, filtered and a spoonful of soil is placed in the solution, if the solution turns red, then the soil is very acidic, if it turns pink - medium acidity, turns green, then neutral, and if blue, then alkaline.
  3. A special device is an acid meter. In stores, both conventional acid meters and those with a combination of various functions (measurement of soil acidity + measurement of soil moisture + measurement of light level) are commercially available.

Soil preparation is carried out depending on the type of planted plants. For tomato seedlings, we dig up the soil, sprinkle with sawdust, cover with lime and manure from above. Next, the “sandwich” obtained on the soil is poured with a fresh layer of earth and sprinkled with a hall. The ash fraction corresponds to flour, boil water at a temperature of 60 ° C, water the soil and cover with a film, after two weeks you can plant tomato seedlings.

A month before planting cucumbers, the soil is dug up and beds are formed with a height of 30 cm to 50 cm and a width of 80 cm to 100 cm. The formed beds are fertilized with a solution of potassium sulfate, wood resin and urea. After that, the beds are dug up and watered with a solution of bird droppings and covered with a film. A week later, you can sow cucumbers.

Greenhouse work in spring: installation and processing

After cleaning from the remnants of last year's plants and cleaning the walls and ceiling of the greenhouse from dirt, the processing of the upper layers of the soil should begin. One method is to use sulfur balls to prevent fungal infection. Sulfur balls should be in proportions of 1m 3 per 50 grams of sulfur.

A metal bucket is placed in the middle of the greenhouse, in which a sulfur ball is placed with a couple of sheets of newspaper or paper and set on fire, and fumigation is carried out in a tightly closed greenhouse.

At this point, being inside the greenhouse is prohibited, as this can cause poisoning and dizziness. You can open the greenhouse after it has been closed for about a day. To increase the fertility of the soil, it is possible to replace the topsoil, removing from 10 cm to 25 cm. Then, purchased soil is poured or the soil mixture is prepared by themselves.

For self-preparation of soil mixtures, turf soil is mixed with river sand (fine fraction without stones), humus and peat in a ratio of 1: 1: 3: 5. Also, to normalize the acidity of the resulting soil, lime is added per 1 m 3 per 3 kg.

Hanging beds for seedlings also need to be prepared and then installed. All last year's land is replaced with a new one. Boxes are checked for rot and deformations, replaced or repaired. Before sowing the main plants, cold-hardy, mustard, radish, lettuce and onion seeds can be planted.

Ordinary preparation of a polycarbonate greenhouse for spring

After wintering, polycarbonate covering material may experience deflections, deformed and cracked channels, dark areas that need to be replaced. The main element in a polycarbonate greenhouse is the transparency of the roof. If dark areas are found in some places, then this indicates damage to the air channels in the polycarbonate, in this place it may burst over time.

If deformations were not detected or were eliminated, the next step is to disinfect the entire structure.

To disinfect and wash polycarbonate, you need to prepare a soap or vinegar solution. In order to make an vinegar solution, you will need clean warm water and vinegar in the ratio of a bucket of water per 100 grams of vinegar. Next, with a richly moistened rag, the solution is applied to the walls and ceiling of the greenhouse. This work should be done with rubber gloves to avoid skin burns with vinegar solution.

Preparing the greenhouse for spring (video)

In order to plant and grow healthy and tasty vegetables, it is necessary to start preparing the greenhouse for the new season from autumn and until spring, plan all operations in stages. This includes the proper storage of the covering material, its dismantling, and the repair of the greenhouse.