How to overclock usb modem tele2. Modem optimization

  • 13.04.2020

Probably almost everyone has come across such a thing as slow Internet. In our time of high speeds, this problem is gradually becoming a thing of the past. "Gradually" ... There are still many places where such an Internet is present, but somewhere it does not exist at all. Not everyone has the opportunity to run a high-speed cable, and here a 3G modem comes to the rescue. But the level of reception in most cases leaves much to be desired, even if the device is located in close proximity to the transmitting tower. The reason for this is the presence of all kinds of obstacles in the signal path. For example, such as high-rise buildings and terrain. In some cases, reception and speed can be made more stable by spending a few simple actions. As an illustrative example, I will give a sequence of tricks on a 3G megaphone modem E352 under Windows 7.

After installing and connecting the modem, after inserting the SIM card into it, the main panel appears. Go to the "Settings" sub-item by simply clicking on it with the mouse, and then "Network". In the new window we see "Network type", select "Only WCDMA". In the "Range" item, click on "GSM900 / GSM1800 / WCDMA900 / WCDMA2100". After that, in the "Registration mode" select "Manual search" and "Update". Next, look for "Megafon (3G)" and click "Register". Then "OK" and restart the modem. The second point will be the appeal to the operating system of the computer itself. In the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel", and then in order: "System and Security", "System", "Device Manager". In the dispatcher window, we are looking for everything related to the Megafon modem. Namely, click on the "Modems" tab and go to "HUAWEY Mobile Connect-3G Modem". Set the "Port speed for the modem" to the maximum. After in "Ports" we perform a sequence of actions in both sub-items: "Port settings", "Bits per second", "128000".

Also, an external antenna will help to increase the stability and speed of the 3G modem, which you can either buy or assemble yourself, since there are many articles on this topic on the Internet. In addition, you can walk around and look for where the signal level will be the best. This will help a special program Mobile Data Monitoring Application, which shows the level of signal strength in decibels. The lower the number, the better the signal. A special color bar also helps in this, which changes color in accordance with the change in the signal. You need to launch this application after closing the main panel that appears when you connect the modem. Otherwise, the program will simply refuse to work.

Summing up, we can say that there are still a lot of ways to speed up the Internet, but they already require more serious intervention. From changing the modem firmware to interfering at the physical level. This article is focused on simple techniques that can not cause serious harm in the event of a mistake.

For those who live in a village, in a village or even in a hard-to-reach farm, the issue of access to the Internet is more relevant than ever. Dedicated wired lines will not appear in the remote corners of our country soon, so we have to use an alternative option in the face of 3G modems.

Let's try to figure out what kind of device and 3G modem it is. And to do it most painlessly in terms of price and quality of reception.

What is a 3G modem

This is a device that uses operators to receive and transmit. And most importantly - wireless networks. The advantages of this type of transceivers are the absence of wires, ease of connection and mobility. Back side sins with poor communication quality, coupled with an unstable signal, so 3G Internet speed can fluctuate in a wide range - from 0 to the declared 5 Mbps.

Why 3G?

ISPs reinsure themselves by running leased lines to more or less large settlements, counting on a small consumer capacity. Therefore, very often service center you can hear about the lack of technical ability to connect. In the private sectors, there is no talk of a wired network at all.

Some providers offer to pay for the installation of such networks to the administration of a village or farm (all the residents chipped in - it went). But in this case, they are no longer reinsured, but, on the contrary, they take the number of users with a margin, that is, the amount at the output is almost unbearable.

Therefore, the only thing left for a rural resident suffering from Internet communication is to choose a 3G modem. The speed of the Internet, of course, is not so hot in this case, but it is better than telephony with 128 Kbps.

Advantages and disadvantages

The indisputable advantage of a 3G modem is mobility. This is especially true for people who, due to circumstances, are constantly on the move, while using the Internet for work or entertainment. And for residents of villages and farms, this is sometimes the only solution to the issue of communication with the World Wide Web.

The rest are sheer flaws. The Internet speed of a 3G modem is affected by landscape, rain, snow and even fog, and the tariffs of cellular operators, compared to a leased line, are simply extortionate, while the quality of services provided leaves much to be desired. The stability of the signal of this kind of transceivers is not subject to any criticism.

Where is the exit?

Even despite such a weighty list of shortcomings, this does not stop the villager. Literally in every home where there is a computer or laptop, you can see a 3G modem. The speed of the Internet, as mentioned above, leaves much to be desired, so there is only one way out - to increase the speed of receiving and transmitting the signal with your own hands. Kulibins have not yet died out in our country, which means that we will use the methods and improvised means that they have proven.

3G internet

In the vastness of the Web, many ways have been proposed to speed up the 3G Internet, but it is immediately worth noting that all kinds of software and manual help only by 2-3%, and this is a ridiculous increase. Soldering a modem into the block is highly undesirable - the reliability of this method is questionable, but you can easily damage the device.

Winding copper wire and synergy with a tin can will not give significant results either, even if you install the receiver on the roof of the house.

The only option that is tested and plausible in terms of the laws of physics, does not require large expenses and works 100%, is the use of a parabolic antenna, which is used for broadcasting satellite TV. Moreover, the larger the diameter of the “dish”, the higher the 3G Internet speed. It is also worth mentioning the gain - best option in our case - 19 dB.

parabolic antenna

Any antenna is suitable for the experiment, but it is better to take an already proven one with positive side"plate" from "Tricolor". It is inexpensive - within 1000 rubles (the price on the official website is 750 rubles). Installation is simple and is carried out using a standard bracket (for more details, see the instruction manual for the device).

The bottom line is that in the focus of the antenna, instead of the connector, we install our 3G modem. This will allow electromagnetic waves to be focused on the signal at the point of the modem. That is, the "dish" is used for its intended purpose, but with a slight correction - it focuses not on satellite channels, but on the operator's waves cellular communication, thereby increasing the speed of the 3G Internet ("Megafon", MTS, "Beeline" - any provider will not resist).

You can go even further by distributing the Internet throughout the house through a Wi-Fi router. To do this, we connect the modem from the “dish” via a USB cable to the router and connect to the Network from anywhere in the house via a laptop, tablet or personal computer.

To protect our modem from all kinds of elements, you can waterproof it with any plastic flask (a box of vitamins, pills, or something like that). In any case, the technical performance of such a device will not cause problems. But in order for the speed of 3G Internet (MTS in particular) to be at a high level, it is necessary to correctly configure our antenna.

Antenna tuning

To properly configure the "dish" we need any software that allows you to control the signal level on our device in real time. Numerous forums and specialized resources speak extremely warmly about the WlanExpert utility, which can be downloaded from the official website of the developer. It is designed just for dynamic monitoring of the level of the cellular signal (and any operator).

If there is no desire to use third-party software, then you can resort to standard programs that are equipped with operators' flash modems. Although the dynamics of change can be traced too tight and belated, nevertheless, the utilities work. The main thing is that you can control the signal level while tuning the antenna.

All you have to do is turn the "dish" up or down to find a stable and full signal from a mobile operator. Then the antenna is pre-fixed and checked within a day or two. If the signal is normal, then we mount it “tightly” and use high-speed Internet.

Fine tuning

After you have connected the modem and launched the signal control program, you need to technically adjust the receive / transmit level. On the example of the aforementioned WlanExpert program: the signal readings should be smaller in absolute value. In other words, -50 dB will be better than -60 dB.

It is worth noting that the antenna mounts must be loosened during tuning, as tightened bolts will not allow you to fine-tune the signal (too tight and scattered travel). First you need to adjust the reception in the horizontal plane, referring to the readings of the program (an assistant in this matter will obviously not be superfluous). After you have found the desired point, mark the position of the antenna with a marker. Then it is necessary to carry out a similar adjustment in the vertical plane with the same conditions.

After a stable signal is found, fasten some of the bolts to the bracket, but not all, as additional rotation of the “plate” may be necessary. After these manipulations, you can try to twist the modem itself (along with a plastic bulb) for finer tuning. As soon as the optimal signal is found, it is necessary to insulate the junction of the cable and the bulb.

This completes the adjustment. If within a day or two the signal did not change dramatically and the connection was stable, then you can tighten all the bracket bolts and enjoy high speed the Internet.

Nowadays, when Internet access is needed by everyone and always, 3G modems are a very useful item that allow you to use a wireless connection in the coverage area, however, after purchasing this device, almost every buyer is faced with poor connection speed, which interferes with good work. Here are the real solutions to this problem.

You will need

  • PC, modem, cable, open access


  • To establish and improve the speed of the Internet, it is necessary to act in two directions:
  • Software setting

    Hardware (physical) setup

  • Software setting
  • There are only two reasons for a bad 3G connection - the base station is busy and the signal is weak. It is easy to guess that it is impossible to improve the signal or its reception by software means, so you can only save its consumption. To do this, you need to configure the Windows firewall:

    Go to Start - Control Panel - Windows Firewall. If you have it turned off, then turn it on.

  • If you're just going to surf the web, you can block all incoming connections. Then go to the exclusions tab and configure the programs you need. Internet speed will increase significantly.
  • This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to programmatically solve a problem. The super utilities that Google offers to speed up the Internet are either a "scam" or just a service for compressing traffic, which, in fact, we just did.

  • Next is the hardware setup.
  • There are quite a few ways to configure hardware, one of the most effective is to connect the megaphone modem to an external antenna using an adapter, but for this you need to give it to the company that makes this upgrade.

  • The other way is much easier. It consists in the fact that the modem is connected to the computer via a USB extension cable, the length of which can be up to 5 meters. The modem itself is held to the window, or even if you want outside the window (depending on the weather). Internet speed should increase. In this method, a lot depends on the quality of the cable, so it's better to buy in trusted stores.
  • This article will help you deal with your 3G modem.

    What could be worse than no internet? Only slow internet. This problem is especially relevant for places with poor cellular signal reception - for example, cottages, gardens and orchards. Internet signal amplifiers for USB modems are sold in stores, but they have such a primitive design that such a device can be created independently at zero cost.

    The design of the Internet amplifier is obscenely simple: in a plastic case there is a sheet of thin metal that concentrates radio waves on itself, and a USB extension cable, thanks to which the modem can be placed behind this sheet. In fact, this amplifier works as an antenna - it receives a wide range of wave radiation, from which the modem filters out the frequencies it needs, thereby achieving a higher quality of communication.

    You can create an antenna that will work as a cellular signal amplifier from almost any metal object (preferably thin or with holes): pans, large tin cans, colanders, spoons, ladle, sieves, plates, bathtubs, lids, boards, glued with foil etc. The most important thing is to place the modem in the center of the structure where the signal is strongest. You can connect the modem to a computer or router using an extension cable, but do not overdo it - choose the shortest one so that the modem works stably. If you wish, you can find a case where this structure is placed, but this is not necessary, especially since in garden houses, as a rule, there are places where you can put the modem so that it is not visible.

    If the signal is weak, try looking for a better place to mount the antenna. The difference can be felt even within a few meters. You may have to place the amplifier on the roof of the house or on a pole. Keep in mind that not every signal can be amplified, success depends on many factors: the material from which the antenna is made, the frequency at which the connection operates, the distance to the base station, interference from electrical appliances, and even the weather. Unfortunately, even amplifiers sold in stores do not always lead to an improvement in the signal. Experiment with different options and try to find one that will give you the best internet speed.

    Users using 3G networks to access the Internet must have experienced such phenomena as unstable signal, abrupt changes in speed and other troubles that overshadow the exciting sensations of traveling on the World Wide Web. This is especially noticeable in countryside, where wireless Internet just the most in demand. Therefore, probably, there is no “user” who does not think about how to increase the speed of his modem.

    This is not at all such an unrealizable desire as it initially seems.

    The first idea that can arise in the minds of curious users who want to increase the speed of the Internet on 3G modems is the use of a special software. And there is an abundance of such software on the web. However, not all programs really meet the characteristics declared by their creators.

    AxesstelPst EvDO

    This is perhaps the most popular program that allows you to change settings in equipment using the CDMA standard. A useful feature of AxesstelPst EvDO is the ability to fine-tune the antenna, or 3G device. It is impossible to directly affect the speed in this way. However, there is a significant improvement in the quality of reception, due to which, in fact, it is possible to speed up the operation of your modem.

    The principle of operation of AxesstelPst EvDO is that the program helps to determine the position of the antenna or modem, in which the signal level will be clear and stable, "informing" the user about it. For AxesstelPst EvDO to work, you must first connect to the Internet. After creating it, the user needs to do the following:

    This completes the program setup. The Setup window must be closed. After that, there will be two more open windows, where constantly changing information is displayed. The whole point of the setting is to change the position of the antenna or modem, as well as to monitor in which direction this information changes. Pay attention to the 1xEV Status window with the following parameters:

    Having found the optimal parameters for all three indicators, you need to fix your modem in this place. There, the highest level of wireless Internet signal will be provided.

    Under this name, there are many different programs. Basically, their work is as follows:

    The creators of various "3G modem accelerators" praise their offspring in every possible way, however, judging by user reviews, the Internet speed does not receive real "overclocking" with their help.

    Use of Internet Services

    In addition to the use of special programs, Internet services really increase the speed of the USB modem. In this case, it should be understood that, just as in the previous example, we are not talking about accelerating the data transfer stream. In this case, the increased speed of loading web pages is understood.

    To optimize the loading of the content of Internet sites, you need to understand what, in fact, slows it down. Currently, these "brakes" are:

    • overload of the site with various scripts;
    • abundance of pictures, videos, slides;
    • Availability a large number advertising banners and pop-ups.

    Thus, Internet services focused on speeding up the Internet mainly use web page compression or reduction in the size / quality of media content that slows down their loading.

    To date, web page compression is already being used by such giants as Google, Yahoo, Yandex and others. There are also browser tools that perform similar functions. An example of such a service is the Turbo mode in Opera, the Data Saver extension for Chrome, various ad blockers, and the like.

    Another method that deserves attention and is used to increase the speed of the Internet is to use alternative DNS servers that are more powerful than those provided by the default provider. These servers are located in the most strategically important areas, use a huge cache of domain names. This is why requests from users are completed much faster by them. To apply alternate DNS, you must:

    Open DNS:,,,;

    Google Public DNS:,;

    Level 3 Communications:,;


    This list is not final. Using the above addresses is not a 100% guarantee of an increase in internet speed. The user may be better served by the provider's server or another, less well-known, but fast. To determine the appropriate DNS server, there are specially developed utilities, for example, namebench. It's definitely worth trying this option. Speed ​​will only benefit from this.

    Hardware ways to accelerate 3G

    Under the hardware methods of accelerating the Internet, we mean options that involve the use of any technical means to achieve the goal. Unlike programs and Internet services, such methods are more effective. Although in this case, we are talking, first of all, about ensuring its stability and improving the quality of reception.

    Using a USB extension cable

    Use a USB extension cable - affordable way to amplify the signal passing through the modem. Using the extension cord in practice is simple, for this we perform several actions:

    • We purchase a USB extension cable 2-3 m long, connect the modem to the computer through it.
    • We increase the level of placement of the modem above the floor, place it closer to the window.
    • Thus, we improve the work of 3G modems from Beeline, Megafon and other operators.

    An extension length of 2 to 3 m is optimal. If it is exceeded, loss of communication is inevitable. A short extension cord will also not allow you to achieve the desired effect.

    How to increase the Internet speed of a 3G modem using a twisted pair USB extender

    This method is both simple and very effective in order to increase the speed of a 4G modem or a 3G modem. In order to make such an accelerator, you will need:

    • two USB-RJ45 adapters;
    • regular cable twisted pair used on the local network.

    One adapter is connected to the modem, the other to the computer's USB port, and they are connected to each other using a pre-crimped twisted pair.

    The advantage of the method describing how to increase the Internet speed of a USB modem is that, compared to a conventional twisted-pair extension cable, signal attenuation is slower.

    This allows you to use a cable up to 30 m long. Thus, the modem can be easily lifted to a considerable height and taken out into the street.

    For those who are going to make a 3G modem accelerator in this way, you need to remember that the device was originally designed for indoor use and is sensitive to temperature changes during external environment. In addition, care must be taken to protect the case from precipitation by placing it in some kind of case, for example, made from a plastic bottle.


    Antennas are the most important element that ensures the stable operation of the 3G modem and the speed mobile internet. Therefore, by enhancing their characteristics, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in reception from the mobile network operator.

    Antennas for USB modems are:

    • built-in;
    • desktop, placed at a small distance from the modem;
    • directional, carrying out the reception / transmission of a signal in one direction.

    External antennas are taken out of the room, which causes some associations with twisted pair extension cords. The craftsmen also make the antenna for the modem in a handicraft way.


    Naturally, an industrial-made antenna inspires more confidence among users who are not very experienced in network technologies. Network equipment stores offer the widest selection of different types of antennas. When buying, it is recommended to pay attention to the following characteristics: radiation pattern and gain.

    To increase the speed of the Internet using an industrial antenna, it is enough to purchase it, connect it to a modem, and point it towards the nearest tower of your mobile operator.


    Anyone who is not lazy will make an antenna for a 3G modem with his own hands. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and it will be much cheaper.

    We offer a simple way to make an antenna:

    After that, it remains only to bring the antenna out, orient it in the right direction.

    How to increase the Internet speed of a 3G modem using a Wi-Fi router

    Increasing the Internet speed of a 3G modem using a Wi-Fi router also significantly improves the quality of mobile Internet. This is because such routers have their own antennas, which pick up the signal much better. In addition, a clear advantage of this method is that a wireless network is created along the way, distributing the Internet in a house or apartment.

    Naturally, to use this method of signal amplification, router models with a USB port are suitable. Wi-Fi pre-configuration is also required.

    When using the modem with Wi-Fi router try using a USB extension cable at the same time. Keep in mind the limitations described above.

    How to increase the speed of the modem in other ways

    There is a chance to increase the speed of the 3G modem by changing some parameters operating system. In most cases, their values ​​are close to optimal, but, nevertheless, it will be useful to check the following:

    There are also other ways by which it is possible to influence, influence the speed of the modem. But, as in the cases described, this will not be an increase in the immediate speed of receiving / transmitting data, but the removal of restrictions prescribed by developers in the Windows system.