Game by February 23 in elementary school. Comic competition program for elementary school "Mr. Charm"

  • 04.01.2021

Defender of the Fatherland Day (game - competition for elementary school students)

Target: Create a festive atmosphere in the competition game.


Development of memory, attention, organization, independence;

Formation of collectivism;

Development of speech, creative abilities, cognitive interest of students;

Formation of an attentive and caring attitude towards their classmates

1. Speech by girls with congratulations:

There is one fun class

We have 12 boys.

Congratulations to them today

That's what we want for them.

Learn only 5

We will help you.

Just, mind you, don't ask

And never fight with us.

Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you

Best for skiing

And beat everyone in football!

May luck be with you

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything

Protect us from others.

In general, cute boys

We will reveal a secret to you

The best in the world

Nobody, of course!

Competitive program (all boys of the class are divided into 2 teams.)

Nomination "The best fisherman"

Team members take turns calling items for fishing. Whoever is last wins.

- Say a proverb(teams take turns completing the task, if the team is at a loss, the fans help)

Birds of a feather flock together)

That's why the pike in the lake, so that .... (carp did not doze off)

On lack of fish and ... (cancer fish)

You can’t catch it without difficulty ... (fish from the pond)

The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man ... (better)

The fish goes out with ... (heads)

You can see the chatterbox by the word, and the fisherman by ... (catch)

There is a bite, there will be ... (catch)

Any fish is good, if on ... (the hook went)


What fish was carried by the godfather in the Russian folk song "Along the Piterskaya"? (zander)

What fish develops speed up to 100 km/h? (sword)

Which fish lies on one side? (flounder)

Which fish has hot blood? (tuna)

Fish herd? (jamb)

The biggest fish in the river? (som)

Male name and fish? (Carp)

Stargazer and Aquarium Fish (Telescope)

- Game "Catch a fish"

The teams are up. In front of each team there is a basin of water, where "fish" - matches - swim. With a spoon you need to catch a match, bring it and put it on a plate. Who quickly.

2. Nomination "Best cook"

- bake a cake

Each team writes the name of the products that are needed to make the cake on a piece of paper in one minute.

- Build a pyramid of donuts

Opposite each team is a stick from the pyramid. There are bagels on the table for each team. Participants take a bagel with their mouth without the help of hands, run to the pyramid, put on a bagel. .Who quickly.

3. Nomination "Best Driver"

- Formula 1

Use the string to guide the machine between the pins without dropping them.

- Race

A pencil is attached to the typewriter. Who will bring the car to him faster, winding the rope around the pencil.

4. Nomination "Secret agent"

- Explainers

Explain the words with facial expressions:



The airport

- Pantomime


chess duel

On the table, each team has a chessboard drawn on a piece of paper and cut into irregular shapes. Who will collect faster.

5. Nomination "Intellectual"

Tricky question

If the chair is lower than the table, then the table ... (higher)

If the river is deeper than the stream, then the stream .... (smaller)

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... (younger)

If the right hand is on the right, then the right leg ... (right)

In which word of five letters 5 -O (again)

What is between the river and the shore? (letter I)

What is the product of all numbers? (0)

What dishes can not be eaten? (from empty)

Collect the word

Collect the word O M K D A R I N on the board. Who quickly.


Summing up the game. Girls give gifts.


1. Magazine "Read, learn, play" 1998 #1

2. V. Georgievsky Holding holidays in elementary school. Moscow, enlightenment 1988

3. E. I. Romashova Cheerful birthday for children. Moscow ART-PRESS.

February 23 in elementary school. Scenario

I part

(The hall is festively decorated. Music sounds. The host comes out.)


Today all mothers and girls know

That they congratulate dads and boys,

February holiday is always for men.

There are many reasons for this holiday.

Defenders helmet congratulations,

Let them be our pride.


We wish men strength in everything,

After all, they need to protect the house from all troubles.

To grow up brave, reliable fighters,

We set the boys as an example of their fathers.

From dads, we, of course, are all crazy,

We want to say simple words to them.

Dear dads! You are the very best with us ... And which ones? You will hear from your children.

(The teacher suggests paying attention to the poster with tin soldiers. Each of them has its own distinctive qualities. With the help of the teacher's prompt, the children give the correct answers.)

To remain so

Never changed

So that you all love children

And always praised for everything

We hasten to give you

An interesting thread

On which is here for you

Everyone has something in store.

(Children give dads their crafts, fastened with a long thread.)

And the boys on this day

Congratulations to all of us is not too lazy.

Even though they are not babies,

But such fools

mischievous tomboys,

Just like their fathers did when they were kids.

They all look like dads

Even if they are much younger.

So they will grow

Stand up for the defense of the country.

To give them strength,

We have to give gifts.

We give everyone a carrot,

So that you jump deftly,

Run like bunnies

Eat up, boys!

(They treat all the boys with carrots cut into pieces.)

Here's an orange for all of you,

To stand alone for all

Well, all for one

Then no one is afraid of you!

(They serve an orange.)

To be friends with girls

Protect and love them

Eat you marmalade

You will be all right.

(They treat everyone with marmalade.)

We want to tell mothers

That we will give them the floor soon.

For every mother there is a son,

Like a little ball

Delicate, soft and lively

In a word, gold.

Let each of the mothers

Wishes to sons

What is more important to them now.

Be brave moms!

Pass the ball to each other

He will circle around everyone.

(Moms, passing the ball, say their wishes to their sons.)

No wonder today in this room

Congratulations were given.

Let's all say together: "Hurrah!"

After all, it's time to start the holiday.

All. Hooray!

(Music. Children move to another room.)

II part

Leading. We continue our holiday program, dedicated to the Day defender of the Fatherland. And in honor of this event, we are holding demonstration exercises in which young fighters, our boys, will take part. Let's welcome them!

(Applause. The host gives the boys berets.)

Leading. Considering that women serve in the army, we invite girls to join our ranks. We hope that they, like the boys, will demonstrate their physical fitness. Let's give them a round of applause!

(Applause. The girls are given caps.)

Leading. The exercises will be observed by the generals, in the role of which the popes will act. After all, each of them was once a soldier. Jury applause!

(Applause. Dads put on their caps.)

Leading. As you know, the usual day of a soldier in the army begins with a rise. I invite 6 people to each team for the first competition.

Rise Competition. At the signal of the pipe "Rise!" the commander wakes up first, runs to the chair, runs around him and returns to the team, tries to wake the soldier (takes his hand), the two of them run to the chair and back, wake up the second soldier (take his hand), etc., until all the team, holding hands, will not run to the chair and will not return to their place.

(Music. Competition.)

Leading. Now the soldier needs to get dressed. And you need to do it in 45 seconds. But for how long our young fighters will manage, we will now find out.

Competition "Military uniform of a soldier" . 2 teams of 6 people participate. During the relay, one of the team members “dresses up”. The participants alternately bring him boots, a raincoat, a cap, a duffel bag, and a machine gun.

(Music. Competition.)

Leading. The most difficult thing for a young soldier in the first months of service is to learn how to wind footcloths. I invite our soldiers to show their skills in this matter. Who will succeed?

Competition "Footcloths" . 2 people participate. When checking the task, dads show the correct winding of footcloths.

Leading. Well, our fighters are ready. We invite them to the parade ground to do morning exercises.

Competition "Push-ups" . 4 people from each team participate. The fighters of both teams are offered to line up in parallel and simultaneously do push-ups 5 times.

(Music. Spectators count to five in chorus. Participants do push-ups.)

Leading. Now, according to the strict soldier's schedule, it's time for breakfast.

Competition "Soldier's porridge". 2 teams of 5 people participate.

Leading. Here are 2 pots of soldier's porridge and 10 spoons. We hope you enjoy your meal! But whose bowler hat will be cleaner, we will find out at the end of this competition.

(Music. Competition.)

Leading. After breakfast, the soldiers have training and drill training. We are now inviting our soldiers to it.

Competition "Crawl in a plastunsky way." 4 people from each team participate.

Competition "Hit the target". 5 people from each team. Participants with the ball must knock down the pins.

Competition "Combat Training" . There are 2 full teams participating.

Leading. I suggest that the fighters march in a circle to the music.

(Music. Competition.)

Leading. Our demonstration exercises are over. We ask the generals to announce the results.

(Summing up. Rewarding.)

Leading. I join the congratulations of the generals and hope that these boys and girls are a worthy replacement for the older generation.

Once again, I congratulate everyone on today's holiday and invite all the guests, led by the winners, to march in front of the tea party.

(The text of the reworked song sounds to a well-known motive:

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking

With a song for the parade

To congratulate on this day

Dad and all the guys.

Left, right,

Left, right,

The boys go

Your service is not easy

They carry it in the army.

All guests march through the circle of honor and go to tea.)

III part. Tea drinking.


1. A poster depicting soldiers.

2. Thread with crafts.

3. Carrots.

4. Orange.

5. Marmalade.

6. Tangle.

1. Berets, caps, caps.

2. Chairs.

3. Boots, raincoats, caps, duffel bags, toy machines.

4. Footcloths.

5. Pots with porridge, spoons.

Competitions for elementary school boys and grades 5-6 should be distinguished by their simplicity and unambiguity, it is worth excluding tasks that may not be clear to children, but in any case Special attention it is necessary to give an explanation of what exactly is required to be done in the competition, how points will be calculated. You can also provide for joint competitions of boys and dads.

  • Swarm trenches

Small boxes of the same size are quite suitable as trenches. The role of shovels can be played by spoons, and finely chopped paper confetti will serve as the ground. The task of the participants is to dig a trench as quickly as possible, that is, scoop confetti out of the box with a spoon.

  • message from the communicator

A good memory is essential for any soldier. A message has been received from the signalman. Their words are read to each team in turn, and after a while the participants must remember and reproduce them. Words can be anything, it is desirable that they are related to the theme of the evening, but there should be no more than 10 of them.

  • Saboteurs

Saboteurs were caught on the territory of the headquarters. They need to be interrogated. To do this, one participant is invited from each team, who carefully examine each other for a minute. After that, the guys stand with their backs to each other. The facilitator asks each one in turn questions about appearance opponent. For example, what color is the opponent's shirt? What are you wearing on your feet? How many buttons, etc. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins the contest.

  • Cooking equipment

Highly fun competition. One member from each team is called. They will have to draw with a marker on a sheet attached to the board as quickly as possible not with the working hand (if the child is right-handed, then he draws with his left hand, and vice versa) the object that the leader quietly whispers to them. The team that first guesses what exactly their participant draws wins. You can draw military equipment(aircraft, tank, ship, missile carrier, etc.).

  • Watch

Our observation post is located in a swamp, you need to be extremely careful. There was a single, very small bump (a thick sheet of paper or cardboard), on which the participants have to stand on one leg. The one who stumbles will "drown in the swamp" and is eliminated from the game. One person from a team, or several can participate.

  • mined field

Participants have to go through a mined field and not be blown up. Blindfolded players must go around 8 mines (pins or plastic bottles). The team with the fewest hits wins.

  • Protected prisoners!

Captured prisoners and they must be put in jail. But to do this is not so easy.

Two people from each team participate in the competition. A circle is drawn on the floor. Participants stand outside the circle at the border and join hands. At the command of the leader, they must drag the opponent into the circle, but at the same time not get there themselves. The one who crosses the circle is out.

  • Military backpack

Each team needs 5 minutes to prepare a list of items that they will definitely need to take on a military campaign.

Games and competitions for February 23 for children 11-13 years old

Teenagers in grades 7-8 are quite inquisitive, so you can come up with competitions for erudition. Children are also very enthusiastic about funny original contests with an unexpected task (for example, "gather your will into a fist").

  • Encryption

The children are given sheets with encrypted texts. A computer keyboard will help decipher them. The texts are written on the sheets in English letters. To decrypt, you need to find this letter on the keyboard and see which Russian letter it corresponds to.

  • Gather your will into a fist

In advance, the children are announced that in the next competition they will need to gather their will into a fist. After that, each participant is given a large sheet of paper on which the word “will” is written in large letters. You need to crumple this sheet into a fist with one hand. The first one to complete the task wins.

  • Nurse

At the front, you constantly have to help the wounded, and from the speed of honey. staff often depends on a person's life. For the competition you will need gauze bandages. Players need to roll the bandage back into the roll as quickly as possible.

  • Difficult position

Soldiers often have to find themselves in difficult situations, extricate themselves from them. A player from each team has their hands tied at the back. A box of matches is placed on the floor in front of each. The task of the participants is to collect matches as quickly as possible.

  • There is strength...

Soldiers must have a certain force. The objective of the competition is to squeeze as much juice as possible from half a lemon with one hand. The winner is the one with the most juice.

  • Terrain plan

Each team is shown a plan of the area with schematic signs marked on it for one minute. After that, the teams are given exactly the same card, only without signs. The task of the participants is to place the same signs from memory on an empty map in one minute. The smartest will win.

  • Defuse the grenade

Each participant receives a knife, an apron, a ripe pomegranate and a container. Players need to clean the pomegranate and extract the seeds. Whoever completes the task faster than others, he won.

  • aerial bomb

Opposite each team, a three-liter jar is installed. The guys take turns, at the command of the host, run with a coin sandwiched between their knees (buttons can be used) and try to “drop a bomb” into a jar without the help of hands. Whichever team has the most coins in the bank wins.

Need to decorate the room? Download ready-made stretch:

Original certificates and diplomas for children and adults:

Games and competitions on February 23 for children aged 14-17

Contests for February 23, in the words of the high school students themselves, should be cool and original - over the years of schooling, they are most likely already tired of jumping in bags and carrying water in a spoon. Competitions with unexpected tasks, tasks for the manifestation of creative abilities, multi-level tasks are perfect.

  • Desperate snipers

A hoop is placed in the middle of the hall. Each participant has five corks from plastic bottles. It is necessary to get into the hoop with a cork from a distance so that it does not pop out. To do this is not so easy. The one with the most plugs left in the hoop wins.

  • army kitchen

Put a knife and potatoes on the table. Participants will decide that it will be necessary to peel potatoes for speed. However, as soon as those who wish come out, you need to ask them to take turns naming dishes in which potatoes are present. Quite a funny contest that causes a storm of emotions among both the participants and the support group.

  • Scout

A rope is tied to the waist of the participants of the competition, at the end of which a potato is fixed, located at the level of the knees. A box of matches is placed on the floor. It is necessary to move the boxes to the finish line, pushing it with potatoes.

  • well deserved award

Players are given pins and round pieces of paper. Children need to depict some of their merit, which no one knows about, on the blanks. There are a lot of options, just use your ingenuity and connect a sense of humor. For example, "For winning the battle with naughty shoelaces" or "For a modest appetite in the dining room." The author of the most interesting and creative merit wins.

  • Epaulets

Shoulder straps or epaulettes are pre-cut from thick paper. The task of the participants is to, putting epaulettes on their shoulders, run to the commander, salute him and return back.

  • news from the front

Each team receives a piece of paper on which the phrase “Hello, mom!” is written on top. The sheet is wrapped so that the phrase is not visible. The next participant writes their completed phrase, wraps the sheet and passes it on. When all players have taken part, the sheet is unfolded and the letter received is read out. The team with the most funny and original news from the front wins.

  • Dispatch

Both legs of the participants are tied one at a time. balloon. At the signal of the leader, the children run to the designated line and return back to the headquarters. The task of each participant is to save their dispatches and be the first to reach the headquarters.

  • Combat wound

Each participant must hit the ball into the basket or bucket. But before that, they draw out a card on which it is written which part of the body was wounded in battle. It can be "right hand", "left leg", "left eye", etc. You cannot use the wounded part. The winning team is determined by the number of hits.

Children different ages love games, so they will be happy to take part and get a lot of pleasure from the competitions held on February 23 at school, from holiday program. funny and interesting contests make any event unforgettable.

The participants are divided into teams. In 5 minutes, the team must prepare a list of items that must be taken with them on a military campaign. However, the listed items should not exceed the size of the backpack itself. Then the teams announce their lists and the team whose list is larger wins.

Relay for the strong

The boys are divided into two teams (if there are too many participants, then there may be more teams). Each of the participants needs to get to the goal and back, passing the baton to the next participant, but everyone will do it in their own way: the first participants on one leg, the second - with their backs forward, the third - “on squats”, the fourth - on all fours, the fifth - 3 times push-ups at the start and then run. The team that completes the relay faster than the rest will win.

Military connoisseurs

The leader in turn calls each participant one of the categories of weapons or vehicles, and the participant must answer that this is, for example, AK-47 - an automatic machine, TU-144 - an airplane, T-64 - a tank, and so on. For the correct answer, the participant receives a point and the one who gives the most correct answers wins.


Many flags are hidden in the room in advance. Participants of the competition are looking for them and for each found flag they receive from the presenter one letter from the word "PATHGER". The one who quickly makes a word out of letters wins. Care must be taken that the number of sets of letters is equal to the number of participants.

radio operators

It is necessary to prepare a sound recording in advance, consisting alternately of various sounds - the sound of water, the barking of dogs, the singing of birds, the creaking of a door, the sounds of machines, and so on. The contestants play some kind of sound and award a point to the one who guesses its source first. The radio operator with the most points wins.

We escape from captivity

Participants are divided into pairs and each participant in the pair is tied behind his hands. At the start command, the participants of each pair must rescue each other from captivity and untie each other's hands. Whoever manages to do it faster than the rest, those guys won.

sea ​​battle

The participants are divided into teams. One of the teams receives blue markers, the other - red. A poster is hung in front of them with many small boats depicted on it. Participants take turns throwing an open marker from a distance of several steps, trying to hit the ship with it. The team that knocks out the most ships wins.

blind sniper

A “blind sniper” is selected from among the participants. He stands in the center, and the rest form a circle around him. At the “Start” command, the participants pass the bell to each other, and the “blind sniper” must grab exactly the one who has it in this moment located. The contestant caught with the bell becomes the next "blind sniper".

Cleanliness and tidiness

The army loves cleanliness and order, moreover, if order is restored very quickly. For this competition, you will need paper figures (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus). Each figure must be at least 10. And for each participant, both the total number and the number of each figure are the same. On the “start” command, the guys begin to put things in order: you need to fold the triangles into a pile of triangles, circles into a pile of circles, and so on. Which of the boys will cope faster, he will win.

Goals: develop attention, observation; create a positive communication experience.

Equipment: bandages, 4 buckets, 2 spoons, rope, fan with numbers.

Game progress

Leading. Guys, today we are going on a round-the-world trip on ships. To do this, all the boys must be divided into two teams.

1 contest

Leading. What ships will we travel on? The ships are hidden, but we will see them when the teams make up the name of their ship from the letters.

1st team


2nd team


Leading. The ships are named. Let's meet the crew.

Awarding badges:


Navigator Radio operator

ship's doctor

II competition

Leading. We cannot move. The tanks are empty, so let's turn to the mechanics.

(Water from one "tank" is transferred to another "tank" with a spoon, then the filled tanks are compared.)

III competition

Leading. Who is the most important on the ship? (Captain.) He must clearly and loudly give commands. Here's a task for you: pronounce the command as a tongue twister.

1st team

The cap is not sewn in the style of a cap. That cap needs to be redone. It should be repackaged.

2nd team

Carl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Carl.

IV competition

Leading. Who helps the captain? Let's check the skill of the captain's assistants.

(Each participant has a fan with numbers from 1 to 3. The correct answer to the test question is a step forward.)

1. Heroic figure:

2. Young sailor:

3. Captain Vrungel's yacht:

- "Bold";

- "Victory". +

4. What does it mean to "lie down on a drift"?

To go with the flow;

Stand still; +

Sailing with the wind.

5. Kitchen on the ship:

Galley; +

6. Cook on the ship:



5th competition

Leading. This competition is for navigators, as they are specialists in navigating the vessel through the reefs. And the pilot helps them.

(“The navigators” are blindfolded, and they go through the “reefs” (skittles), trying not to hit a single one.)

VI competition

Leading. Bosuns on the ship are responsible for the economy.

(It is necessary to sort out the peas and beans, separating them from each other.)

VII competition

Leading. After a storm, there is a lot of garbage left. Who will be forced to clean up? Of course, yung!

(Paper and candy wrappers are scattered on the floor. Which of the cabin boys will quickly remove the garbage.)

VIII competition

Leading. During a storm, a bottle was nailed to the sides of the ship. What might be in it? Of course, a note. Radiators, get to work!

"Shipbuilding" (Make as many words as possible - nouns, using only the letters of this note.)

IX competition

The sailors pull the rope.

X competition

Leading. Feeding the whole team is a cook's job!

(FROM eyes closed feed yoghurt to your friend.)

XI competition

Leading. Emergency on the ship! The help of the ship's doctor is urgently required!

(Make a dressing.)

Leading. They did a great job. Let's have a rest! (Oral questions to teams.)

Questions for the first team

1. Strong storm at sea. (Storm.)

2. Ladder on the ship. (Ladder)

3. Closing hole on the deck of the ship. (Luke.)

4. Room on the ship. (Cabin.)

5. Device for vision at a distance. (Binoculars.)

Questions for the first team

1. Sea robber. (Pirate.)

2. Complete calm. (Calm)

3. A soldier on a ship. (Sailor.)

4. Rope needed on board. (Rope.)

5. She is lowered from the ship into the water. (Boat.)
