franchise aquarium. Overview of reviews about the franchise “Sea of ​​Desires. Negative aspects of the company

  • 16.04.2020

"Sea of ​​Desires" are unique aquarium machines with live fish, installed in large shopping centers, railway stations and other popular social facilities. A unique project that combines business with pleasure has no analogues in our country. Its essence lies in the creation of simple and original at the same time entertainment for the general public.

  • business statistics
  • Franchise Services
  • Franchise Benefits
  • Franchising offer
  • Requirements for the franchisee
  • Tasks of the franchisee
  • Reviews

The principle of operation of the aquarium is extremely simple. Visitors to the premises in which it is installed can not only admire the fish, but also feed them. To do this, you need to put money into a special bill acceptor, press the power button and enjoy the process of feeding the inhabitants of the aquarium.

In conclusion, everyone has the opportunity to receive a small souvenir as a keepsake (a magnet from the Russian FFW). It is important to note that a special intelligent fish feeding system is built into the aquarium, which dispenses food in portions, in a rationed amount.

Despite the fact that the project is still very young, it already has a developed network of entertainment outlets. At the moment, 32 Sea of ​​Wishes partners are already operating under the company's brand in Moscow and the surrounding region. Concluding a franchise agreement is extremely simple - just leave an application on the official website of the company or drive up to its office.

business statistics

To evaluate the benefits of such an original project, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the official statistics provided by the Sea of ​​Wishes company:

Franchise Services

The "Sea of ​​Desires" franchise implies the transfer of a basic package of services to the partners of the company, which allows you to open a popular project from scratch. The offer includes:

  • aquarium production (the company owns own production and extensive experience in the assembly of devices);
  • assistance in finding a site for placing an aquarium and negotiations with its management (the franchisee only needs to sign an agreement);
  • assistance in the development and preparation of a business plan (includes such items as the amount of investment, payback period, profitability, revenue);
  • delivery, installation and launch of the device, as well as its subsequent service;
  • selection and settlement of fish for the aquarium;
  • supplies of souvenirs for filling the device. The device-aquarium also has a built-in GSM module that transmits service messages (including the amount of money earned) to the franchisee's number.

Franchise Benefits

Franchise from "Sea of ​​Wishes" has recently been in high demand among entrepreneurs different levels. The unique offer differs from hundreds of other business projects in the following features:

  • the possibility of obtaining income with minimal financial and labor costs;
  • quick payback of the project;
  • the possibility of combining business under the brand "More Zhelaniy" with other types of commercial activities;
  • complete lack of competition (analogues of aquariums in the domestic entertainment industry simply do not exist, the project itself is patented and cannot be copied);
  • resolving the issue of renting a site for placing an aquarium, the company's partners do not need to spend time looking for a suitable location and negotiating with its owners;
  • no need for additional costs (choosing such a business scheme, you do not have to spend money on repairs or pay staff);
  • minimization of risks at the expense of the franchisor, who is ready to return half of the invested funds at the request of the partner during the first two months of the point of operation (the latter does not even need to explain the reasons for breaking off the relationship). This possibility is formally fixed in the contract between the parties;
  • implementation of turnkey support for partners, the parent company ensures the production, assembly, delivery and launch of the device, solving almost all current issues for the franchisee;
  • help environment(part of the proceeds goes to charity, deductions from the project are received by the protection fund wildlife).

Franchising offer

The financial feature of the Sea of ​​Desires franchise is that, in fact, there is no lump-sum fee for its acquisition. The principal amount to be paid by the partners of the company implies an investment in the purchase of an aquarium.

According to the company's calculations, partners have the opportunity to receive about 1,000,000 - 3,500,000 rubles in just two years of work net profit without spending any significant resources on organizing the workflow. From the first month of operation, the average profit of the company is 50,000 - 150,000 rubles.

At the moment, according to the company's statement on its official website, the franchise price is optimal. In the future, as the network develops and new machines are opened, the cost of the offer will increase proportionately.

Requirements for the franchisee

The company does not impose special requirements on a potential partner. Main wishes - availability financial assets sufficient to purchase an aquarium, the desire to participate in the project. It is possible to carry out regular cash collections and measures to check the condition of the device.

The place for accommodation is selected directly by the More Zhelaniy company. Suitable locations for installing aquariums are located in large shopping centers, airports and train stations, as well as amusement parks, cinemas and other public places with high traffic.

Tasks of the franchisee

Working under the Sea of ​​Desires brand allows the franchisee to receive a stable, passive income. It requires a minimum of effort to successfully run a business. So, the tasks of the entrepreneur include:

  • registration legal entity or IP;
  • signing a lease agreement with a tenant provided by the franchisor;
  • control of the state of the device and its collection.

Aquarist, circus performer and financier came up with the new kind vending - feed aquarium fish for money. More than a hundred aquariums across the country brought 126 million rubles to the Sea of ​​Desires project last year. proceeds

Maxim Artyushenkov

Once, a mother and daughter came to the Stanislav Ryakhovsky aquarium store on Ryazansky Prospekt in Moscow. As is often the case, the child was interested in fish, and she began to ask to buy an aquarium. Mom, of course, was against it, she began to explain that the aquarium needed expensive and constant care. “Well, let’s at least feed the fish,” the girl asked. Of course, Stanislav allowed to do this. And I realized that there can be much more people who are ready to pay just to feed the fish or to please their children than those who are ready to buy an aquarium.

This idea has turned into a large-scale business that is now developing in Russia, the USA and France.

party investor

Ryakhovsky, 33, is from Uzbekistan, where after graduating from the local pedagogical university he worked as head of the freshwater department of the Tashkent Zoo. In 2012, he moved to Moscow and opened a small shop with aquariums, rare fish and food for them. The business was not very profitable, so Stanislav was constantly thinking about new ideas.

Paid feeding of fish seemed to him a promising undertaking, and he shared this idea with a childhood friend, 34-year-old Mikhail Chebotarev, a circus acrobat by occupation, a graduate of a circus school. He proposed to develop a "vending aquarium" - that is, equipped with a mechanism that would accept coins or banknotes, and then ensure that food enters the water. Friends made a prototype of such an aquarium at home. It remained to figure out how to turn the idea into a business and find the money to implement it.

The investor was found unexpectedly. In one of the Moscow clubs at a Halloween party, Chebotarev met 34-year-old Maxim Artyushenkov, the owner and financial director of a design and installation company engineering systems. Business was on the knurled, and he wanted to do something new. Having seen the prototype of the aquarium, Maxim suggested installing them in large shopping centers.

“I was so fired up with the idea that I constantly thought about it, but could not decide whether I should get involved in this matter. It all seemed too risky to me, ”recalls Artyushenkov. Fate gave him a sign: somehow, walking his dog in the morning, he turned off his usual route and saw graffiti depicting goldfish and the words "Trust the best." Artyushenkov and trusted - left previous job and took up the "fish" business. He also invested 3 million rubles in the project. own savings.

vending aquarium

Turning a prototype into a vending machine was no easy feat. Specialized companies knew how to build a bill acceptor into a soda or sandwich machine, but they didn’t take on aquariums. Moreover, the order is one-time and complex - it was a design that would withstand the tank with a total weight of 1.4 tons.

I had to look for an engineer and programmer and take on the design ourselves. A small workshop with an area of ​​20 square meters was rented for production. m near the metro station "Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad" (30 thousand rubles per month). The partners were pleased with the result. “Our team designed a vending machine with additional devices – in addition to a bill acceptor and a coin acceptor, it has a built-in monitor, a feeder, a life support system for fish, and a modem,” says Artyushenkov. “All information about the state of the aquarium is transmitted to the office and to the mobile phone via the Internet.”

From the very beginning, the partners decided that the project would have a charitable component. It is possible that there was also a marketing calculation. It's one thing to just feed the fish, it's another thing to do a good deed at the same time. Chebotarev agreed on a partnership with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which receives a part of the funds from each transaction, which is written on each aquarium.

“All the fish in Sea of ​​Wish aquariums are originally captive bred and are traditional aquarium fish species. The company does not use animals caught from the wild,” says Dmitry Burenko, Development Director of the World Wildlife Fund in Russia. According to him, Sea of ​​Desires is designing a habitat for aquarium inhabitants, taking into account their biological characteristics and observing all necessary conditions content, and the money raised through the project is used to support and implement WWF programs for the protection of wildlife in Russia. Both parties have not disclosed how much of the sales the fund receives.

nervous period

In March 2013, the partners delivered the very first vending aquarium made by Chebotarev and Ryakhovsky at the State Darwin Museum in Moscow. Visitors - mostly parents with children - readily responded to the call to "feed the fish", written in large letters on the device. It quickly became clear that the business model was working.

Maxim Artyushenkov (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC)

One serving of food costs 100 rubles, the monthly revenue of the machine is about 100 thousand rubles. Maintenance costs were minimal - the museum agreed to put up an aquarium for free, less than 10 thousand rubles were spent on food. per month. Once a week, Ryakhovsky cleaned the aquarium, added food to the apparatus.

In June 2013, the partners managed to place a second aquarium free of charge in the Gallery Moscow shopping center on Manezhnaya Square. There was an exhibition of wildlife photography organized by WWF. This device has already brought 150 thousand rubles. per month.

Meanwhile, investments were rapidly burning down - the salaries of an engineer and a programmer, the rent of a production facility, took much more monthly than the first aquariums brought. More investment was needed. Maxim's father, businessman Viktor Artyushenkov, came to the rescue - he took a consumer loan in the bank in the amount of 12 million rubles. secured by your property; another 2 million rubles. Aryushenkov Jr. took a loan himself. All this money was spent on finalizing the vending aquarium and organizing production, which moved to the Moscow region.

“During that period, I was very nervous, because we were growing very slowly, and costs were increasing rapidly. I constantly had to order new fish, invest in development, hire new employees, ”recalls Artyushenkov. He was responsible for the development of the network, called shopping centers, was engaged in design and promotion. The technical part was taken over by Chebotarev. Ryakhovsky experimented with the "fish assortment" - it was necessary to select compatible species that could tolerate an irregular diet.

The work of the first two devices helped to understand the bottlenecks of the technology. “There are usually few visitors on weekdays. On Monday, for example, the fish may never be fed at all, and on weekends they may be fed 150 times,” says Artyushenkov. It was necessary to develop such feeding algorithms and select such species so that on "empty" days the fish would not die of hunger, and on weekends - from overeating.

Now food is supplied to the aquarium, even if no one has approached the apparatus during the day. If there are too many clicks, then the portion is automatically reduced. Malkov company writes out from Thailand and Singapore. Fish under the supervision of Ryakhovsky are quarantined, during which they adapt to portioned feeding.

By March 2014, the partners managed to deliver two more aquariums - at Sheremetyevo Airport and the Retail Park shopping center. In total, the machines brought about 500 thousand rubles. However, the company's expenses amounted to more than 1.5 million rubles. monthly. To support the production of aquariums, it was necessary to increase sales dramatically.

Vending aquarium in numbers

One every five years you need to change all the fish in the aquarium

260 feedings per day - such a record was set by visitors to the Golden Babylon shopping center in Moscow

200 thousand rubles monthly brings the most profitable aquarium installed in the capital's "Central Children's Store"

800 l- the volume of each aquarium, in an hour the filtration system cleans the entire volume

60 aquarium fish in each aquarium weigh 3.5 kg in total

16 people work in a company, of which 5 - in production

Source: Sea of ​​Desires company

franchise fish

By this time, the fashion for aquariums in shopping centers had already become ubiquitous. Therefore, when Artyushenkov began calling potential partners with his proposal, many willingly agreed. After all, an aquarium is not only an additional rental income, but also a way to entertain visitors.

By the middle of 2014, the Sea of ​​Desires company began to independently assemble not only the hardware, but also the aquariums themselves. The company also developed an original filtration system to automate the cleaning process as much as possible. The improved machines not only poured out food, but also issued a souvenir magnet with WWF symbols and a picture of a fish to each "breadwinner". “We plan to make a whole collection so that people have an incentive to collect them, perhaps even switch to sticky toys to increase the percentage of repeat purchases,” says Artyushenkov about the plans.

He decided to scale the business by selling a franchise. After all, the business requires minimal effort on the part of the franchisee - information about sales and the condition of the vending machine is sent to mobile phone, you can check the serviceability and cleanliness of aquariums once a week. "Sea of ​​Desires" brings and installs an aquarium, sometimes even takes over negotiations with the shopping center. The franchisee only has to pay rent, purchase expendable materials- food and souvenirs (10 rubles each), as well as monitor the condition of the aquarium.

The cost of the franchise starts from 900 thousand rubles. - this amount includes the supply of equipment (with delivery and installation) and fish. Rent 3 sq. m for the aquarium costs 10-40 thousand rubles. - depending on the city and the location of the shopping center. On average, over the network, one device brings 100 thousand rubles. revenue per month with a profitability of about 50%.

Such a proposal interested many - now the "Sea of ​​​​Desires" has more than a hundred aquariums in 50 cities of Russia, including 13 of its own. The main risk is incorrect choice shopping center. According to Artyushenkov, six franchisees have terminated contracts since 2015.

Maxim Artyushenkov (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC)

There were also imitators who began to copy vending aquariums. Artyushenkov wrote to the managers of several shopping centers where they stood that competitors were violating Sea of ​​Wishes patents, and a few months later the aquariums disappeared. Maxim himself does not know whether the letters worked or the fish let down his competitors. Still, creating an ecosystem with random feeding is not so simple.

overseas swim

“Recently, we signed a franchise agreement for a third aquarium - we will put it in one of the shopping centers in St. Petersburg,” says Sergey Mikhailov, who began working with Sea of ​​Desires a year ago. He installed the first two devices in the city of Kolpino near St. Petersburg. At first, there were some surprises. For example, the entrepreneur did not take into account that the business is seasonal - during the holidays and holidays, revenue increases significantly. “It’s just not worth falling into a pre-infarction state, when at some point the actual state of affairs suddenly diverges greatly from the expected, based on average annual figures. Sometimes you just have to wait,” says the franchisee.

“I spend no more than one, maximum two working days of my personal time per month on the aquarium,” says Dmitry Kholodov, the Sea of ​​Wishes franchisee. “You can safely engage in a parallel business with a stable passive income.” He installed the first aquarium in Moscow in the fall of 2014 in a shopping center on the Moscow Ring Road. And for the first two months there was a colossal wow effect, which made it possible to recoup a third of the investment. Although after that there was a recession, the device reached a stable level and makes a profit. With the second aquarium it turned out worse. “I made a big mistake with the place, so I decided to change the location. The aquarium was jointly transported to Smolensk, where it still stands, ”says Kholodov and adds that it is already too late to enter this business in Moscow and St. Petersburg - the novelty has become boring.

Now the total revenue of the two companies of the project Vending Group LLC (franchising) and Sea of ​​​​Desires LLC (own aquariums) for 2016 amounted to 126 million, profit - 10 million rubles. LLC "More Zhelaniya" is 34% owned by Viktor Artyushenkov, Maxim's father, the other three partners have 22% each. Vending Group LLC is owned by Maxim Artyushenkov (51%) and his partner Sergey Degtyarev (49%), who manages the development of the franchise.

Maxim Artyushenkov's new fixed idea is to sell vending aquariums abroad, he has not seen analogues there. In 2016, he began calling the largest shopping centers in the United States - the first to respond to the offer was a shopping center in the city of San Jose (California). “The delivery of the aquarium by plane cost almost 300 thousand rubles, but the revenue there is much higher than in Russia,” says Maxim Artyushenkov. In the US, the company operates under the Fisheez brand.

In Europe, the company sells master franchises - the first contract was signed with a businessman from France. The franchisee partner is ready to invest more than $50,000 in the purchase of equipment and exclusive rights to develop a business with vending aquariums in this country.

The Sea of ​​Desires franchise project is ready business turnkey, automatic aquarium with live fish. It is installed in shopping centers, airports, railway stations and other places with high traffic.

Project partners receive from 60 to 170 thousand rubles a month of passive income from each machine! At the same time, the real return on investment is from 5 to 12 months.

How does an aquarium work?
1. Visitors to the shopping center lower the banknote into the bill acceptor.
2. Click on the special button.
3. Watch the exciting process of feeding the fish.
4. Receive a gift - a souvenir magnet from WWF Russia.

Bring joy to people, help the planet and get passive income!

Franchise Benefits:

1. Fast and efficient way to create passive income
(you start to receive monthly profit from 60 to 170 thousand in 1 month with almost no labor costs).
2. Lack of competition
(the Sea of ​​Desires aquarium is a unique patented device that has no analogues in the world).
3. Lack of staff in the state
(and as a result - there are no problems with the control and registration of employees).
4. Guarantee of a place for an aquarium
(Management Company on their own finds a place for an aquarium.
Please do not attempt to contact shopping malls and other potential landlords, so as not to make mistakes in negotiations that cannot be corrected later).
5. Guaranteed profitability
(the management company shares the risks with the partner 50/50 and is ready to return half of the invested funds without explanation from the partner).


A network of entertainment aquariums

Sea of ​​Wishes launched this project in 2011 together with WWF Russia (World Wildlife Fund).

The franchise program has been operating since 2015.
Over 2 years, more than 80 partners from 56 cities of Russia and Kazakhstan have joined the project.

In 2017, the first Sea of ​​Wishes devices appeared in the USA. In the near future, according to the owners, they will also appear in the EU - in the UK and Poland.

How does an aquarium work?
1. Visitors lower the banknote into the bill acceptor.
2. Click on the special button.
3. Watch the fish being fed and make a wish.
4. Receive a gift - a souvenir magnet from WWF Russia (World Wildlife Fund).

What does the management company do?
— Produces automatic aquarium.
- Finds a favorable place for installation.
— Provides launch (delivery and installation).
— Supplies souvenir magnets from WWF.

What the partner does:
- Registers an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity.
- Signs a lease agreement.
- Present when starting the aquarium.
- Monitors the status of the device.
– Monthly loads magnets and carries out collection.

Franchise Benefits:
1. Profit immediately after installation (from 50 to 120 thousand per month).
2. The franchisor himself finds a place for the device.
3. Business management requires less than 4 hours per month.
4. There are no competitors.
5. Full automation and lack of personnel.

According to representatives of the franchise, the management company shares the risks 50/50 with the partner. And I am ready to return half of the invested funds after the launch of the project without explanation from the partner.

Part of the money from feeding the fish is transferred to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the largest conservation organization in the world. By promoting the spread of devices, you are helping to improve the future of your children and our entire planet.

Room requirements:
— Shopping and entertainment centers;
— Airports, railway and bus stations;
— Shops and sports facilities with high traffic;
— Circuses, cinemas;
Zoos, amusement parks.

Financial conditions:
Investments (including a lump-sum fee) - from 900 thousand rubles.
Royalties - no
Monthly profit - 50-120 thousand rubles from each machine
Payback period - from 8 months.


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Franchise Sea of ​​Wishes Reviews: 100

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