Aliexpress shipping via pickpoint. How to receive a parcel from Aliexpress? Receiving a parcel from Aliexpress at the post office, through a courier, in a post office: instructions. Is it possible to receive a parcel from Aliexpress by mail without notification? How to pick up a parcel from Alie

  • 31.05.2020

Today we will tell you good news for Russian online stores, which naturally affect us, the buyers.

The No. 1 international online retailer Aliexpress and one of the leading logistics operators PickPoint operating in the territory Russian Federation in the field of e-commerce, agreed on mutually beneficial cooperation. It is aimed at a large-scale entry of manufacturers and sellers from Russia to the most popular trading platform on the Internet.

Representatives of PickPoint announced that they have become the first official integration partner company of AliExpress in Russia. This should provide a significant optimization of business processes between Aliexpress and local companies in the Russian Federation.

In fact, PickPoint, as an operator, will ensure the involvement and integration of Russian sellers into the sales system on the Aliexpress site, and will also fully take over their marketing and technical support at all stages of working with the main trading platform.

Thanks to the Russification and adaptation of the rules of work of Aliexpress to market standards e-commerce Russia, which was carried out in the PickPoint company, the connection of our retailers to the system will become an order of magnitude easier. The introduction of such a new mechanism significantly reduces the timing of the release Russian companies to the AliExpress platform and simplifies further sales by optimizing the use of the main promotional tools provided by trading floor. Access to all instructions and templates will be provided in a specially designed PickPoint web interface.

Despite the fact that all new Russian sellers will connect to the AliExpress system through the PickPoint functionality, all the rules and opportunities for working with the site will be the same and unchanged for them. This also applies to the possibility of using the services of third-party logistics companies. That is, if the buyer wishes, the goods will be sent by the Russian Post, and maybe by other logistics companies represented in the customer's city.

Acceleration of integration processes of Russian retailers on Aliexpress

According to Mark Zavadsky, Ali Express Business Development Director in the Russian Federation and CIS countries, cooperation with PickPoint will speed up the integration of Russian retailers and get rid of the difficulties associated with their connection in the so-called "manual mode". In addition, this approach will allow an even greater number of domestic manufacturers to enter Aliexpress and take advantage of all the benefits of trading on the site (a huge the target audience and a large set of tools for interacting with it) to provide buyers from the Russian Federation with an excellent range of quality goods.

Nadezhda Romanova (CEO of Pickpoint) announced the launch of a project for the mass connection of sellers and resellers operating in the Russian Federation to the most popular online hypermarket. According to her comment, any Russian store will need no more than 2 weeks from the moment it makes such a decision to enter Aliexpress. In turn, PickPoint will provide all possible tools to increase the client flow, and, as a result, increase sales when interacting with the AliExpress platform. The services provided by Pickpoint to Russian e-commerce will provide companies with high-quality growth and compliance with the ever-tightening requirements of the modern market.

From personal experience

Not so long ago, the editors of AliTrust made an order in the store of a Russian seller. There were two options to choose from: PickPoint delivery and Russian Post. Having chosen the first option, we decided to ask the seller to send the goods by regular mail. The manager agreed.

What a surprise it was when PickPoint representatives called the phone number indicated in the order! When asked if they weren’t told that the order should be sent by Russian Post, they answered in the affirmative: they did, and they will send the goods the way we want. The operator specified the delivery address and other data indicated by us.

By the way, delivery using this carrier company from some Russian sellers free, regardless of the region of the buyer, not only in the product card, but also at the stage of payment! And many sellers send goods for free using transport companies only in big cities.

Please note that it turns out that the Russian Post is sent not by the store representative, but by the PickPoint service? Perhaps the company decided to get involved in the sales chain as actively as possible, or maybe this is an isolated case when companies offer to shift all delivery concerns onto the shoulders of PickPoint on a “voluntary”, additionally paid basis. In any case, this logistics company started working with Russian sellers before the official announcement of this event. And we will find out the details and be sure to share them with you.

About PickPoint

The company operates throughout Russia, and its main "trick" is post-amates, which are automated terminals for issuing shipments, where orders are delivered from online stores. In fact, these are such mailboxes into which things are loaded (moreover, in one terminal there are cells different sizes for small or not very goods).

The buyer independently comes to the post office and enters an individual code for opening the cell. Payment for the order is made by card or in cash, after which the postamat screen shows in which cell the things are located. In principle, it is very convenient, especially considering the speed of parcel delivery.

On the PickPoint website, you can see a list of cities and points where.

What is the benefit for buyers?

Russia is a huge country where there is not a single normally operating logistics operator. Due to the huge distances, the cost of parcels to the regions reaches sky-high heights. It is this fact that explains why Russian buyers do not want / cannot take advantage of the excellent opportunity to order goods in the country's online stores, although everyone understands that such purchases are more profitable than offline purchases.

Are Aliexpress and PickPoint possibly preparing a revolution in Russian e-commerce? Indeed, thanks to this tandem, buyers from the regions will be able to fully “go shopping” on the Internet, just like residents of large Russian cities.

Have you already ordered goods from Russian sellers with PickPoint delivery? How does it feel? Write in the comments.

When ordering goods on the Aliexpress website, the buyer has the opportunity to track the entire path of the parcel.
And after waiting for the parcel to your office, the question arises, how to receive the parcel from Aliexpress correctly?

How to receive a parcel from Aliexpress at the post office?

1. If the parcel is delivered to the post office, you mailbox You will receive a notification that you can pick up the parcel.
2. Take your passport (any other document with a photo proving your identity).
3. Grab your phone to record a video of the package being opened and head to the post office.
4. At the post office, check the parcel for opening, in front of you, the parcel must be weighed by a postal employee.
5. If everything is fine with the parcel, put a signature on its receipt, if something is wrong, then invite the head of the department and report the problem. In case of any shortcomings, the postal employees draw up an act (signed by authorized postal employees and you) and one copy is handed to you.
6. Record the process of opening the parcel on video (on the phone).

What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress is damaged?

If you find signs of damage (opening) on ​​the parcel, then inform the postal employees who are required to draw up an act in this case (signed by authorized postal employees and you) and one copy is handed to you. After that, the parcel can be sent back to China.
And you must open a dispute and request a full refund, indicate that the parcel was sent back to China to the seller, and also attach a scanned copy or photo of the act drawn up by mail.

If the parcel is damaged, you can take it home and also open a dispute, but in this case you should have very good arguments in order to get the money back for the purchase. It will be easier for you to return the money if you refused to receive the parcel.

How to receive a parcel from Aliexpress in a post office (post office)?

More recently, buyers of the online store have the opportunity to receive parcels in parcel lockers (post offices).
A post office is an automated terminal for issuing parcels ordered in online stores and catalogs, a kind of vending machine.

How to find out that the package from Aliexpress has arrived at the post office?
If your package with an order from Aliexpress arrives at the Post Office, then you will receive a corresponding SMS or a call that such a package has arrived and the address of the Post Office will be indicated.
Also, an SMS will be sent to your phone with the track number of the parcel - the number matches one of the orders from Aliexpress.
For buyers from Ukraine, as a rule, parcels arrive at parcel lockers, which are installed in Privatbank branches.

How to pick up a parcel from Aliexpress at the post office?
1. In order to pick up a parcel in a parcel locker, enter your phone number in it, then enter the confirmation code from SMS, you will enter your office.
2. On the screen of the post office, you will see an inscription that you have an unreceived shipment.
3. Click on this inscription, after that you need to click the receive parcel button. after that, one of the cells of the post office should open, in which your parcel with the order is stored.
4. Collect your package and carefully inspect for damage.
You don't have to pay anything extra at the post office.

If you received an order through a postomat, information about this is transmitted through the owner automated system sender, that is, the seller.
Postamats have a parcel return function: if the product does not suit the buyer, he can immediately return it to the postamat (if he has previously connected the corresponding service, if it is not connected, then film the process of receiving and opening the parcel on video in order to open a dispute if necessary).

How to receive a parcel from Aliexpress from a courier?

Sometimes it happens that a parcel from Aliexpress can be delivered to you by a courier.
Before delivery home, you will be called and specified the time of delivery convenient for you.
The process of receiving the parcel from the courier is simple - you will be asked for an identity document, then if everything is in order with the parcel, you will sign in the documents of the courier service about its receipt.
If you find any traces of opening the parcel, you can refuse to receive it and then Courier service must also draw up an act (most likely this will take place in their office).

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In this article, we will discuss the question of how and where you can pick up a package from Aliexpress.

The most desired and long-awaited when buying goods with Aliexpress always is the receipt of the parcel. Experienced buyers do not experience any difficulties with receiving parcels, but beginners may have a lot of questions. In this article, we will talk about the main nuances of receiving parcels from Aliexpress.

Do I have to pay when receiving a parcel from Aliexpress?

The main question that worries many beginners is whether it is necessary to pay something when receiving a parcel at the post office? Yes, indeed, this is a completely logical question, especially considering that for many online stores in Russia it is considered normal to pay for delivery upon receipt and additional commission fees. What is swinging Aliexpress then you don't have to pay anything. If the delivery was indicated as free, then it will be free, and if it is paid, then you pay for all services immediately, even when placing an order.

In exceptional cases, you may be faced with additional charges if you make large bulk orders or simply buy a lot and often. The fact is that when delivering goods from abroad, customs restrictions apply. For Russia and Kazakhstan on this moment sum duty-free import is 1,000 euros, in Belarus - 22 euros, and in Ukraine - 200 euros.

In such cases, you will have to pay an additional 30% of the amount exceeding the limit. So, if you order goods for 1100 euros, then the fee will be paid from 100 euros. 100 euros x 30% = 30 euros. For Ukraine, the duty is calculated a little differently - 10% of the amount that exceeded the limit + 20% VAT on the entire order amount.

In addition, please note that there is also a weight limit for parcels. For Russia and Kazakhstan it is 31 kg, for Belarus it is 10 kg, and for Ukraine it is 50 kg. If you exceed the weight limit, then for each extra kilogram you will need to pay an additional 4 euros. Again, in Ukraine, the calculation is carried out in the same way as for the amount.

Therefore, if you are a very active buyer Aliexpress, then be prepared for the fact that you will receive a document from customs to pay the duty for the parcel.

Where do they receive parcels from Aliexpress?

Often buyers with Aliexpress wondering where to receive the parcel. In general, of course, it all depends on which delivery method you have chosen. There are many of them and we talked about them in detail. Despite this, there are only 4 main ways to receive parcels:

  • Very small items in some cities, postmen throw in the mailbox
  • You can pick up the parcel yourself at the post office. To do this, you need to wait until the appropriate notification arrives that a parcel has arrived in your name
  • The parcel can be delivered by courier to your home or to any convenient place, but it is better, of course, to your home, as you may be asked to pay extra for services for changing the address
  • Relatively recently, another delivery method has become available - in parcel lockers. These are special large structures with many boxes where parcels are placed and the client comes and picks them up.

The smallest goods, as a rule, postmen try to throw into the mailbox, or call the buyer and ask him to come pick up the parcel. The bulk of the items today still come to the post office. Slightly fewer buyers order goods by courier delivery.

How to receive a parcel from Aliexpress at the post office?

The simplest option, if the product costs less than $ 2, then the postman will most likely just put it in your mailbox. So you don't even have to go anywhere. If the size of the parcel does not allow you to simply put it in a box, then you will be given a notice and you will have to go and receive the parcel in person. To do this, you will need a notice directly, a passport, and, well, time to visit the post office.

As a rule, regardless of whether the package is tracked or not, a notification always comes through it. It must be filled out and after checking the data, the goods will be given to you. Although, it happens from time to time that the goods seem to have already arrived by tracking or it is not tracked, but too much time has passed, and there is still no notification. What to do in such cases?

Is it possible to receive a parcel from Aliexpress by mail without notification?

If you find yourself in such a situation that the parcel has already arrived at the place of delivery or it went without tracking, but quite a lot of time has passed, then the question arises of whether it is possible to pick up the goods from the post office without notice? Actually, yes, you can.

First of all, you can download and fill out the form yourself. The Russian Post website has a special link with a file where it can be downloaded. Follow the link and fill in the details of your package, and then download it. Then print it on a printer or download it to a USB flash drive and contact any salon where printing services are provided.

You can do it in an easier way. Just write the track number of the parcel on a piece of paper, take your passport with you and contact the post office where your order arrived. If the goods went without tracking, then you can try to ask to search for it by name and surname. The fact is that your request may be denied, since according to the rules for receiving parcels, employees are not required to search for them by name and surname. In any case, go to the parcel delivery point and talk to the operator. Perhaps your notice was simply lost and you will be given a new one, which you can immediately fill out and pick up the goods.

How to pick up a parcel from Aliexpress from a courier?

Concerning courier delivery With Aliexpress, then everything is much simpler here. Upon arrival in your city, the parcel is sent to a special warehouse, and you receive a notification that the goods have arrived and the courier will contact you soon. And indeed, after a while he will call you and specify a convenient time and place of delivery. At the appointed time, a courier will come to you and give the goods.

It is worth noting that sometimes problems can arise with obtaining such goods. This is because the address may contain an incorrect phone number. In this case, in a few days your order will receive the status "Delivery Failed" or something like that. Depending on the delivery company, the name may differ, but the essence remains the same. So, if you saw a similar status, then do not panic, but simply contact hotline the company that transports your order. Describe the problem and correct the data through the operator. Or you immediately appointed a convenient delivery time.

How to pick up a parcel from Aliexpress in a post office?

Relatively recently for users Aliexpress Another interesting way to receive parcels has become available - through a post office. The pioneers of this method were the inhabitants of Kazakhstan, but gradually this technology is moving to Russia and other countries.

Postamata are special points for issuing parcels without the need to visit post offices. This is very convenient machine, allowing you to quickly and without a queue to receive goods from Aliexpress. It doesn't even require notification.

Receiving goods in a parcel terminal is a very simple process, which consists of several stages:

  • When the parcel arrives at the post office, you will receive a message on your phone. After that, within three days you must pick up the package
  • Once near the postamat on its screen, press the button "Receive the parcel"
  • Next, the system will ask you to enter your phone number so that it can identify you.
  • Immediately after entering, you will receive an SMS to your phone with a special confirmation code.
  • Enter it in a special box and confirm the entry
  • If after that the door is open, it means that everything is done correctly and you can pick up your order without any problems.

How to confirm receipt of a parcel from Aliexpress?

Immediately after you receive the parcel, you need to note this fact in the system Aliexpress. This is done for various reasons, in particular, so that the seller receives his money and the transaction closes. In addition, it is important to confirm parcels for those who use cashback. After all, while the transaction is open, then the cashback will not be credited.

  • To confirm receipt of parcels from Aliexpress, you need to open the section "My orders" and click in front of the purchase.

  • After you click on the button, you will immediately be taken to the order details page. Check the box next to the received product and click again

  • In the next window, the system will ask you to confirm the action. To do this, click on the button.

To start writing a review, first put overall rating order.

Next, a window will open where you need to describe whether you are satisfied with the product, what features it has, whether you recommend buying it, and whether you liked the work of the seller. In any case, write everything that may be important to other buyers. For example, if you ordered shoes or clothes, then describe your parameters, what size you chose and whether it fit you.

Additionally, you can take pictures of the product from different angles and add them to your review.

Then put a more detailed assessment of the work of the seller. It consists of three criteria - the accuracy of the company, communication and speed of delivery. Rate objectively, as the rating of the seller depends on them. Aliexpress and overall reliability. Imagine if a salesperson did a poor job and everyone rated him well. Agree, then people would no longer want to buy on Aliexpress because that would be a lie.

When the review is written and the ratings are affixed, then click. This completes the confirmation of receipt of the order.

What should I do if the parcel from Aliexpress is not received?

Very rare on Aliexpress you may encounter the fact that the parcels do not reach. As a rule, this can only be in two cases - your package was not even sent or it was lost during the movement. There are also situations when goods arrive defective or damaged. In such cases, first contact the seller and discuss the situation with him. If he ignores you or cannot help in any way in this situation, then ask for your money back. If the goods are not received, then, of course, we ask you to return the entire amount, and if it is damaged, then it is better to partially return it. Otherwise, the administration may require the goods to be sent back to China, and this is not cheap at all.

Video: How to receive parcels from Aliexpress?