Anniversary of the naval organization holiday script. Scenario for the project on the theme "birthday of the Russian Navy"

  • 13.11.2019

A festive performance in part of the Day of the Navy was held today, July 30, at the CSKA water sports base in Vladivostok, PrimaMedia news agency reports. This time, in the scenario unchanged for many years, inquisitive journalists noticed, albeit small, changes. About what happened on a segment of the embankment closed to most of the townspeople, read and see in our report.

A few minutes before the official start time of the holiday, the orchestra of the Pacific Fleet lined up on the square in front of the stands. At 12.00, under a solemn march, the guard of honor took out the flags: Russian and Andreevsky.

While waiting for the boat of the fleet commander to moor to the shore after congratulating the ships lined up on the raid, you can look around and notice: several dozen foreign sailors, apparently from Iran, are sitting in the center of the podium. Do they understand what is happening without translating the speech of the announcers?

Foreign guests. Photo: Zhanna Belyaeva for IA PrimaMedia

There are also a lot of mothers around with small children, including those with babies, and this is at least strange, given that during the performances the military will shoot a lot.

Meanwhile, the commander of the Pacific Fleet Sergey Avakyants, acting. Commander of the Eastern Military District Alexander Chaiko, Governor of Primorye Vladimir Miklushevsky and Metropolitan of Vladivostok and Primorsky Veniamin.

A couple of words of welcome into the microphone, and the delegation follows to the stands. Under the anthem of Russia, the Andreevsky flag and the flag of Russia are raised on flagpoles. This process is accompanied by volleys from guns hidden somewhere nearby and salutes from passing combat boats. Just then, the first cry of a child was heard.

The already traditional waltz of tugboats in the waters of the Amur Bay seems to have become boring to the sophisticated local public. While they circle with varying degrees of synchronicity, a sea monster emerges from under their fountains with the Wicked on board.

By the way, for a couple of years now there have been neither devils in his retinue (against whom the Orthodox Church once opposed), nor pirates with their dashing songs about the fact that "I now like the sea devil." Only mermaids, starfish, goldfish and other marine life remained, as well as oriental-looking (the jester knows why) servants with fans.

Exit Neptune. Photo: Zhanna Belyaeva for IA PrimaMedia

Neptune loudly congratulates the sailors in verse and leaves his retinue to entertain the public. The mermaid dance may not be as incendiary as pirate dances, but the synchronized movements of scarf ribbons (almost like in rhythmic gymnastics) still leave a pleasant impression.

Further, instead of a whole parade of cars with installations based on various historical events, the organizers limited themselves to just one, dedicated to the 345th anniversary of the founder Russian fleet- Peter the Great.

Moreover, the figures in the back did not freeze like sculptures, but played out a whole scene in which Peter I asks Prince Menshikov why, they say, such a meeting is here? Yes, in your honor, your majesty, and in honor of the fleet you founded.

After the ball, Peter the Great, addressing the sailors, interspersed with congratulations, says: "The time has come that will decide the fate of the state." I wonder if he means the Great Northern War of 1700-1724 or the current international situation?

From what happened next, I would like to especially note the dance of the sailors (by no means a bullseye). Live choreography forced corr. editors to watch what is happening without interruption, and the way the ensemble depicted various units of the engine room with their own bodies deserves a separate medal.

Another innovation of the holiday was the demonstrative dive of a diesel submarine right in front of the stands. According to the announcers, the depth in this place of the Amur Bay is only 19 meters, and the height of the boat is 15 meters. The team had a jewelry job, which they did quite well.

Demonstration performances. Photo: Zhanna Belyaeva for IA PrimaMedia

Demonstration performances. Photo: Zhanna Belyaeva for IA PrimaMedia

Demonstration performances. Photo: Zhanna Belyaeva for IA PrimaMedia

Demonstration performances. Photo: Zhanna Belyaeva for IA PrimaMedia

Demonstration performances. Photo: Zhanna Belyaeva for IA PrimaMedia

Demonstration performances. Photo: Zhanna Belyaeva for IA PrimaMedia

The combined orchestra of the Vladivostok garrison, to the delight of the guests, sang a song from the cartoon "In the blue sea, in the white foam ...", inviting "the boy to stay with us and be our king." It was very difficult to keep from singing along.

The performance of CSKA athletes in itself did not become something very special. But the performance of the gymnast, twisting somersaults right on the parade ground, was accepted by the audience with a bang. Applause in his address sounded after each completed element.

The parade of military equipment of the Pacific Fleet was limited to five elements: a ZIL loaded with infantry, a tractor with a Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, a Grad multiple launch rocket system, an Osa anti-aircraft missile system and a chemical reconnaissance vehicle.

And finally, warships come into play. Anti-submarine - they fire bombs and torpedoes at conditional targets on the coast, minesweepers undermine conditional mines and free the fairway, and a detachment of armored personnel carriers descends from a large landing ship into the water.

When they get to the coast, the Marines begin to act, which destroys the enemy stronghold, captures someone else's armored personnel carrier and neutralizes the minefield. Apotheosis - a demonstration of skills in hand-to-hand combat with throwing each other on the asphalt and breaking bricks and boards.

On this, the celebration of the Day of the Navy 2017 in Vladivostok ended.

To songs on the marine theme, children go to sports ground and take seats on the benches.

Presenter: The date has a special meaning

Sons of the brave birthday

All the Russian people on this day

Sends greetings to the sailors from the ships

Out in the blue sea reliable outpost

And the people say not in vain

Marine Fleet - GLORY!

The march of the Navy sounds, under which the flag of our city is brought in

Presenter: Dear guys, today is a holiday in our city.

The Russian Navy celebrates its birthday

This is a holiday of brave, strong, brave people!

A small boat in a huge city

In the sky above the Neva, blue and spacious.

The little boat floats high

This is the symbol of the city - the St. Petersburg fleet!

Our fleet was born in the Admiralty,

Russian power stronghold

There was a young man in the city, he became a sailor.

Now he is the ruler of the seas - the captain!

The music “Song of Captain Vrungel” sounds, Captain Vrungel appears.

Vrungel: Whistle everyone upstairs! Stand on the tanks, weigh anchor!

Presenter: Dear Captain Vrungel, hello.

Vrungel: Hello!

Presenter: We are glad to welcome you to the Navy Festival in our garden.

Vrungel: Captains boldly drive ships across the oceans,

It is interesting to swim them on the blue roads.

Day and night, day and night

The course is laid out accurately and thrown

Anchors in the oceans and seas.

The sea loves the smart, the brave,

If you can do it

Mind and courage to prove

You can become a captain.

Presenter: Dear Captain Vrungel, our guys love physical education, they do exercises in the morning, so they have become strong and dexterous, skillful.

Vrungel: and we will check this now. I will tell you sea riddles.

Riddles of Vrungel

He is on the bridge

And he looks through the binoculars of the sea,

The ninth wave is not afraid -

He firmly holds the helm.

He is on the ship - the king and pan.

Who is this? … (Captain)

He is both a cook and a sailor.

What is his name, tell me?

Everything is naval, porridge, juice

Cook delicious ... (Cook)

You, like a private in the infantry,

You serve as a private in Morflot.

Boatswain ordered? Quicker

Climb up the ladder to the yard.

And do not be afraid, do not hang your nose!

You are in a vest! You are ... (Sailor)

I'm sailing on a ship

Sometimes I lie at the bottom

I keep the ship on a chain,

I watch the ship at sea,

To keep the wind from blowing

I just rode on the waves. (Anchor)

- To see me in the distance ships, ships.

I’ll quickly look into it, tell the whole team ... (Binoculars)

wide wide,

deep deep,

Day and night

It beats on the shore.

It does not drink water

Because it's not tasty

And bitter and salty. (Sea)

Presenter: well, how, dear captain, did the guys cope with your riddles?

Vrungel: Well done, you guessed everything correctly. But to serve in the Navy you need to love the sea.

Presenter: The guys are dashing sailors, they are not afraid of a formidable storm!

They are all sea wolves, they will grow up - they will go to serve in the fleet!

1 We guys love the sea,

Over the seas, over the waves.

In combat we go on patrol,

Today here, tomorrow there.

2 Cap and vest,

And on the anchor ribbons,

Large buckle on the belt

The sailor is not given in vain.

3 Andreevsky banner above the ship,

And behind the stern - an azure wave.

We will grow up and become sailors.

We will protect you country.

4 And today is a glorious holiday

And we want to dance

Hey guys get out

"Speakless" dance!

Dance "White peakless cap"

Vrungel: You are all dashing sailors and good dancers.

Well, do you have power?

Let's check it out now.

Attraction "Tug of war"

Vrungel: I see that you all grow up as strong guys, eat porridge in the morning.

Vrungel: On the blue transparent lakes,

In the ocean salty expanses,

On any water near Russian land

Ships serve in the military!

Hear my command: start building ships!

Build a ship competition

Vrungel: And now we will go to the sea,

Seagulls swirl in the open.

It's good for all of us to sail on the waves!

Children “swim” to the music, Vrungel looks through binoculars

Vrungel: I see the land ahead, I propose to go to the port.

(children sit down)

Presenter: A wave runs after the wave - white lambs

The waves suddenly began to play tag-tags.

And they run, hurrying, rejoicing and arguing.

So the surf composes a song about the sea.

Ribbon dance.

Presenter: take a break so that ships come to the port from worries.

Vrungel: now we'll see whose ship will enter the port the fastest

Attraction "Ships"

Presenter: I propose to play, show marine figures

Musical game "The sea is worried."

Vrungel: In our service, children, there is always a place for a joke.

A basin filled with water is a blue sea

And it’s not the shell that floats in it, guessed it?

This is ... a boat

Vrungel: I announce a comic boat regatta!

Competition: Sailing regatta

Vrungel: It was a pleasure for me to stay with you,

But the time has come for me, friends, to leave.

And let's say goodbye, friends,

Let's shout: the Russian fleet

Scenario dedicated to the day Navy

Date: July 30, 2017-07-24

Time: 11:00

Venue: V-K "Salute Victory!"


We praise those who grew up with the fleet,

Who all the seas and oceans came,

Who endured a hundred storms so heroically,

He conquered all the difficulties of the campaigns.

(Musical number without the announcement "Motherland")

Beat out, leader's exit

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to the festive concert dedicated to the day of the Navy. This day is celebrated on the last Sunday of July.The history of the Russian Navy spans three centuries. The first warship that meets modern requirements was built during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.To date, the Navy is confidently guarding the interests of the Russian Federation.

Russia is a great maritime power. She bears this proud title thanks to many generations of Russian sailors who continue to faithfully serve for the good of our great Motherland, increasing its naval power.

In 2006, the Orenburg Regional social organization"Orenburg Maritime Assembly",where every person who wears a vest is considered his own.It unites in its composition about 900 Orenburgers who served in the ranks of the Navy, river and merchant fleets of the USSR and Russia.

We warmly and cordially congratulate our countrymen on the Day of the Russian Navy.

And today there are guests of honor at our festive concert. A word for greetings and congratulations is given: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


(Musical performance by DTDiM pupil Eva Agarkova “Wind in the sea, storm in the sea”, teacher of the DTDiM Klimentyeva Arina “Neighbor”)

Leading: And although there are no seas and oceans in our region, there are enough connections with the Navy in the region.

The crews of the Orenburg nuclear submarine are on combat watch in the Northern Fleet. Orenburg residents are serving on the large landing ship "Orsk", the Black Sea Fleet.We wish them naval health, success in work, personal happiness and new achievements for the benefit of our country!

(Musical number Workshop of Modern Choreography "Siren" - "Mother", pupil of DTDiM Eva Agarkova "Leningrad roe-n-roll")

Leading: Today since morning
We shout to the Navy - hurrah!
Today is the sailors' day
Over the edge splashes from the shores.
It's time to congratulate on the holiday -
Good luck to the fleet! Navy - wow!

(Musical number DTDiM teacher Daria Pavlova “Oh, how I like you”, “I wish”)

Leading: Our holiday concert came to an end, we once again congratulate you on the holiday! We wish you happiness, health and good mood. We invite all those present to go to the bus going to the Zauralnaya Grove for a sports event. Until we meet again!!!

Nomination: scenario of the holiday of the navy.
Author: Orlova Yulia Vitalievna
Position: senior teacher
Place of work: MBOU secondary school No. 133 structural subdivision"Kindergarten"
Title: Navy Day for children in kindergarten.

Scenario of the holiday of the Navy "On the seas, on the waves"

Materials and equipment: compasses, guidebooks, a rope for the competition of captains, fish, satin ribbons according to the number of children, a saucepan, a ladle, chalk, medals for children, musical equipment.

Actors in:
Host: Orlova Yu.V. (main role)
Pirates: Bogoutdinova I.V., Lomaeva I.A., Balinskaya A.V. (the main role)
Musical accompaniment: Kuznetsova A.I.

Preliminary work: educators in groups come up with a name
own ship and motto, preliminary conversation about the day of the Navy; preparation of a pirate dance (by pirates)
The children and the teacher have sailor ribbons on their heads. Children go to the pier to sea music.

Event progress:
hello sailors and captains!
Children's answers.
Leading: today you came in sailor's ribbons for a reason. After all, you will go on a real journey through the expanses of the sea. And whoever passes all the tests will be awarded the most honorary sailor's medal. Well, are you ready?
Children's answers.
Leading: If we are ready, then we can start. And so the first team - imagine your ship.
The first team says the name of their ship and their motto.
Leading: second team - introduce your ship.
The second team says the name of their ship and their motto.
Leading: third team - introduce your ship.
The third team says the name of their ship and their motto.

Leading: all the teams have presented their names and are ready to go on a journey. Now let's look through the telescope, if there is anyone on the horizon. (the presenter, together with the children, look around, a ship with a black flag is visible on the horizon). Guys, I see a ship that is sailing in our direction, only it is with a black flag. Who could it be?
Children's answers. Pirates appear to the music, dance
pirate dance.
Pirate 1: hello kids, girls and boys.
Children's answers.
Leading: hello pirates. Please let us through, we are just learning to be sailors. And we don't have anything. Is it true guys?
Children's answers.
Pirate 2: and that there is not even gold?
Children's answers.
Pirate 3: and silver?
Children's answers.
Leading: Here I am saying that there is nothing.
Pirate 1: And what are we going to do with these newcomers?
Pirates confer.
Pirate 2: we thought about it and I decided that we were in a good mood, because very soon the holiday of the navy and we agree to let you pass just like that, even to help you become sailors. Let `s start?
Children's answers.
Pirate 3: and we'll start with the captains. The captains of the 1st and 2nd teams are invited to hold the captains' competition.
the captains are given a rope, in the middle of which an anchor is tied, whoever reaches the anchor ahead wins and is the first to receive a compass (landmark for teams). The game is played with all captains.
Leading: did all teams get compasses?
Children's answers.
Leading: good luck then! As you pass all the tests, I'm waiting for you here.
Teams go on a journey through the stations. There are pirates at the stations.

Day of the Navy in kindergarten.

Station 1

Game "Sea Knot".

Equipment: a rope at the end with sticks, and an anchor is attached in the middle.
Rules of the game: the pirate pulls the rope between the supports, and hands the children satin ribbons. The captain lines up the team and the children take turns running, tying their ribbon and returning to the team. After the first participant has completed the task, the next participant starts the task.

Station 2.(located on the sports ground)

Sea cook game.

Equipment: fish, saucepan, ladle.
Rules of the game: a pirate in a chef's hat scatters fish on the sports ground in advance. Children collect fish and put them in a pot. The captain stirs the cooked soup.

Station 3.(located at the main entrance)

The game "Sea mines".

Equipment: a piece of chalk.
Rules of the game: the pirate draws mines on the pavement in advance. The team, led by the captain, must overcome the path without stepping on mines.
All teams meet at the harbor. Pirates also come to their destination.
Leading: so you coped with all the tests and passed the course of a young sailor. Did the Pirates get it right?
Pirates confer and give a positive answer.
Leading: well then everyone should get awards. We give awards to all sailors to your captains. And the captains will reward you.
Pirates: Well, it's time for us guys, different things are waiting for us. Goodbye.
Leading: well, we guys will finish our holiday with drawings on the pavement. Small children draw the sea, and large ones, of course, ships.

Target: introduce children to the holiday of the Navy.

  • educational: to acquaint children with the history of the Navy, with marine terminology.
  • educational: to educate patriotism, a sense of pride in our Motherland.
  • developing: develop the ability to work in a team.

Training: music, two construction kits, two water basins, paper boats, related pictures, anchor-shaped tokens.

The course of the holiday.

caregiver : Hello guys. What season is it now? (answer). That's right, summer. And in the summer a lot of people go on a trip. Can you please tell me what kind of transport you can use? (answers). Correctly. There are a lot of them. All transport can be divided into three types: land, air and sea. Ground type includes: car, bus, train. To air: plane, helicopter, Balloon. And to the sea? Raft, boat, ship.


Guys, but there are ships on which we do not travel. These ships have a special task: they protect our Motherland!


All of these (and many more) ships make up the Navy!!! (Dunaevsky's song "Captain" sounds.)

Guys, today you came to us unusual guest: captain of a warship.

Captain: Hello guys. Today I came to you because the holiday dedicated to the day of the Navy is approaching. Our fleet began to form a very, very long time ago, at the end of the 17th century. "Sea ships to be" - said the Russian Tsar Peter I. And over time, he began to grow and gain strength and power. At present, Russia has a large and powerful Navy!!!

Guys, I want to play with you a little. You are ready? Let's imagine that we are on a ship. But since you are still young, then you have to think: who will you be with us? (thinking) Got it!!! You will be cabin boy!!! Who knows who is a cabin boy? (answers). Jung is a young sailor who sails on a ship. What qualities do you think a cabin boy should have? (brave, dexterous, decisive). Are you like that? (answers). Then we divide into two teams: cabin boys and cabin girls (shared). And now we choose the captain in your teams (chosen). For each completed task, the team will receive such an anchor (show).

And what do we get? There is a captain, there are cabin boys, but there is no ship.

So, the first task: we are building a warship. (The teacher distributes a pre-prepared constructor.) You are given 10 minutes. (At the end of the time, the captains take turns showing the ships that the teams have built.)

caregiver : Well, comrade, captain, what do you think: which ship is better?

Captain : Both one and the second team - well done! Teams earn one anchor each.

Second task: I ask you questions, and you answer. The first team to raise their hand answers first.

Who is COC?


Correct Answer: Chef


What is a CAMBOOSE?

So they jokingly call the fattest passenger,

(Children's answers.)

Correct answer: kitchen


What is an anchor for?

Used as a flashlight

Used as a radio

So that the ship could stand still and, at the same time, that it would not be carried away.


Educator: Summarize. This competition was won by the cabin boys (mal/dev). Total score:…

Captain: Third task! Each team has 2 cabin boys. You will have your own, small sea (water basin). It has a paper boat on it. You must create windy weather: blow on the boat so that it gets to the other side faster than the other team. Whose swims faster, that team earns an anchor.

caregiver : so the anchor is earning…Total score:…

Captain: Well, the final task is the competition of captains. Guys, we are getting ready to celebrate the holiday dedicated to the Navy. What country do we live in? (Russia.) So: from the many flags you must find the flag of our Motherland!!!


Captain: Guys, you are all great! Who won?

Educator: (announces the results).

Captain : Guys, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday. Grow up brave, strong, healthy. The sailors of the Navy send you congratulations and a big hello, and our cook has baked sweets in the form of an anchor for you!