Foreign trade turnover

  • 14.04.2020

Newcomers to foreign economic activity very often succumb to the temptation and thoughtlessly conclude deals, looking only at an attractive difference between the purchase and sale prices. As a result, not all operations have the expected commercial efficiency due to unaccounted for customs payments, which can significantly increase the final cost of products and, accordingly, reduce profits. Therefore, even at the stage of planning a foreign economic transaction, it is important to correctly calculate customs payments.

What are customs payments and how to calculate them?

Import / import and export / export duties, excise, VAT, customs fees - costs that are commonly called the general term "customs payments".

Depending on the product code and the direction of the foreign economic operation (import / export), along with the price of the warehouse and delivery, customs payments are levied on the final cost of the purchased / sold products.

  • Importer pays: customs duties, import duty, excise (for excisable goods) and VAT (if it is not zero).
  • Exporter pays A: Customs payments are usually limited to the clearance fee. Except for those cases when the exported products fall into the category of goods subject to export duties. To help the novice exporter, we have published on our website.

At risk:

  • goods, the export of which is considered by the state to be little desirable (the goods have high demand within the country, for example, industrial forest);
  • goods that are always in demand on the world market (the presence of an additional payment in favor of the state does not detract from the demand for this unique product, for example, Far Eastern sturgeons).

To calculate customs payments, you first need to, or, find out the TN VED code. In ambiguous cases, you can make an official request to customs and they will determine the product code from the description provided. The list and description are available in a special section of our resource.

Calculation of payments according to the TN VED code

Why is code so important?

With the code in hand, we can:

  • calculate nominal customs payments;
  • receive information about the need for additional certificates/permits for import/export of goods;
  • find out if the goods are excisable;
  • whether export duty is payable;

Knowing the code and the country of origin, we can:

  • see if there are preferences for the product (preferential rates)

If there are preferences (reduced rates) in the country, then it is necessary to ask the supplier for confirmation of the country of origin in order to reduce the duty.

customs duty

This is a mandatory payment collected from the declarant when the goods cross the border.

Customs duties depending on the types of rates are:

  • ad valorem, i.e. calculated as a percentage of the customs (contract) value (for example, chipboard, code 4411949000, the rate is 7.5%);
  • Specific, i.e. calculated in monetary terms per unit of goods (for example, carpets, code 5703201209, the rate is 0.25 Euro/m2);
  • Combined(for example, knitwear code 6103290009 rate 10%, but not less than 1.88 Euro/kg).

The rate depends on the product code and country of origin. Rates are reviewed regularly. For certain groups of goods sometimes introduced special conditions, implying a decrease, increase or cancellation of rates. The list of goods for which the export customs duty is established and their amount is fixed in the resolution of the Russian Federation Government of August 30, 2013 N 754.

Customs duty rates are reviewed regularly.

excise tax

Import excises apply to the same goods as in domestic trade. Of those that everyone hears are alcohol, tobacco, cars. A more detailed list and all excise rates are specified in article 193 tax code RF.

Payment of excise duty by the importer is made before the fact of filing customs declaration to customs.

When exporting excisable goods given type no payment is made from the exporter.


When exporting goods outside the Russian Federation, VAT is not charged.

All imported goods fall into 3 categories depending on the VAT rate applicable to them:

  1. VAT is charged in full (18%)- this is where the bulk of the goods go;
  2. A reduced rate is charged (10%)- this includes some categories of food products and a number of products for children. A detailed list is indicated in paragraph 2 of Art. 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  3. Zero VAT rate applied (0%)- if high-tech equipment that has no domestic analogues is imported into the country. The list of equipment is constantly changing. The decision on whether imported equipment is subject to exemption from VAT is made by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and fixed by the Cabinet of Ministers with relevant resolutions.

How to calculate VAT on customs payments for imports?

The VAT calculation base is determined as the sum of the customs value of the purchase, customs duty and excise tax, and then 18% or 10% VAT is calculated from the amount received.

For example, the invoice value of the goods is $1,000, delivery to the customs territory of the Russian Federation is $150, duty is 7.5%, the goods are not excisable, VAT is payable at 18%.

  • Customs value 1000+150 = 1150 USD
  • Duty 1150 * 7.5% = 86.25 dollars.

The base for calculating VAT will be the amount of 1150 + 86.25 = 1236.25 dollars. As a result, VAT will be 1236.25 * 18% = 222.53 dollars. (in rubles at the exchange rate on the day of sending the declaration).

Remember that import VAT is paid together with general customs payments, that is, before the declaration is sent to customs, and not at the end of the quarter.

Customs duties

Separated by a separate group, but in fact these are three completely different payments:

The procedure for calculating customs payments according to the formula

To calculate customs payments, you need to know the product code, its customs value and country of origin. You can contact a broker, or you can calculate customs payments online calculator or even by hand. How to calculate payments?

  • When exporting: if the goods are not included in the list on which the export duty is set, then customs payments are limited to the clearance fee (minimum 500 rubles).
  • When importing: everything is also simple if the goods are not subject to duties, excises and does not imply preferences.

The calculation formula literally looks like this: we take the customs value of the goods, add the clearance fee to it and calculate VAT based on this amount. The resulting VAT, together with the processing fee, will make up the customs payments.

However, to be safe, it is better to use the services of a broker or a professional online calculator of customs payments, where payments are calculated according to the TN VED code.

When exporting excisable goods, this excise duty is not levied.

Calculation example

For a full calculation, you must specify the product code, its quantity, customs value (invoice value plus delivery to the customs border of the Russian Federation) and the country of origin of the goods.

Watch a video containing useful information on the procedure for calculating customs payments:

Let us give an example of a calculation for a small batch of Chilean wine.

Suppose we managed to buy 500 liters. wines of Chilean origin for 2000 dollars. already with delivery to the Russian Federation.

  • We determine the product code 2204 10 980 1 (sparkling wines with an actual alcohol concentration of at least 8.5 vol.%)
  • Information about the product gives us a duty of 15% and an excise tax of 25 rubles / l.
  • We enter all the known data into the calculator and get the result:
Customs clearance costsPayment typesIn the currency of the supply contractIn the currency of customs payments
Customs value of goods2000.00USDRUB 138351.00*
customs duty12.5% 250.00 USD17193.88 rub.
excise tax25 rub/l – Sparkling wines180.70USD12500.00 RUB
VAT18% $437.5330266.08 rub.
customs duty500 rub.$7.23500.00 RUB
Total- customs clearance costs $875.46 60559.96 rub.
*The calculation was made at the rate of 1 USD = 69.1755 rubles.
  • Of pleasant surprises: the duty rate for deliveries from Chile is reduced by 25%, i.е. when confirming the origin of the goods (usually with a certificate of origin), instead of 300 USD, only 250 USD will be paid.
  • From unpleasant: customs payments in this case increased the cost of goods by more than 40%.

Which reflects the essence of net exports is the difference between exports and imports. The formula looks like this:
* Xn \u003d Ex - Im.

If imports are higher than exports, then we can say that the calculated value is negative; if there are more imports, then exports are positive.

If you look at macroeconomic models, you will see that they refer to net exports as the current balance. If it is negative, then we can talk about the deficit of the operations account, if it is positive, then there is an account of operations on this moment.

When determining net exports, it is important to take into account the factors affecting financial factors. According to the IS-LM model, this quantity will take the following form:
* Xn \u003d Ex (R) - Im (Y)

This formula shows that exports are negatively dependent on R - rates, but at the same time do not depend on Y - the level of income in the country where the goods are exported from. Basically, it is GDP. The interest rate affects exports through changes in the exchange rate. If it grows, so does the exchange rate. As a result, exports become more for foreign buyers, which means that they are steadily declining.

Import in the formula according to the IS-LM model is directly dependent on the income level of the population. Such is the nature of the dependence of imports on the exchange rate. With the growth of the national currency is growing and the solvency of citizens in terms of imports - it becomes cheaper for them, therefore, they can have more foreign goods than before.

It is equally important when determining net exports to take into account the income of the population in the countries where the goods produced in the country go. In this case, net exports can be calculated using the formula
* Xn \u003d Xn - mpm Y

Here Xn is an autonomous net export that does not depend on the income of the producer population, and mpm is an indicator of the marginal propensity of the population to import. It shows how the share of imports will decrease or increase with or increasing income.

Useful advice

The IS-LM macroeconomic model was developed by John Hicks with Alvin Hansen in 1937. It describes the balance of macroeconomics in natural and monetary terms. IS stands for investment and savings, while LM stands for liquidity and money.

With the development of the media, various professional concepts began to enter people's lives. Especially in the media you can meet economic terminology. At the same time, many readers and listeners do not know the exact meaning of such words as " export».

Export is economic concept, meaning the export of goods or services outside the country in which they were produced. The receiving state is called, the sending - export er. Based on basic concepts such as export, a modern one is being built. It should be noted that there are no states that deal only export ohm. The modern global economy implies active mutual and services between countries. There are various classifications export a. For example, experts often share export raw materials and finished goods as facts that have a different impact on the economy. A country that exports only raw materials actually incurs losses due to the fact that the sale trade goods much more profitable and useful for the economy. Since it creates additional jobs within the country. Volume export and can become an indicator that determines the economic state of the state. It is used to calculate the trade balance. A positive trade balance means dominance export and over

These are basic economic indicators demonstrating the involvement of a particular state in world economy. The level of economic development and prosperity of the country largely depends on their balance. But these indicators must be able to calculate correctly.


Calculate the import indicators of a particular state. To do this, you must have information not only about the cost of all goods, but also the price of insurance and transport costs when importing abroad. These data can be obtained on the website of the economic department or statistics service of the country you are interested in. If you do not trust this data, use the information of international economic organizations. Corresponding reports on the level of imports are published, for example, by organizations associated with the UN - the Economic Commission for Europe and the UN Economic Council.

Determine the size of exports as an economic indicator. Unlike imports, when calculating exports, only the total value of goods sold is taken into account.

Use the obtained indicators to analyze the economic situation in the country. For example, by the size of imports and exports, you can find out the trade balance of the state. To do this, subtract the first from the second indicator. The result can be a negative or positive trade balance. The second option is considered more preferable in modern economy, as it provides an inflow of monetary resources to the state both in the form of direct income from the sale state property, and indirectly - as an increase in tax revenues from national enterprises.

Find out the country's export and import quotas. These coefficients, expressed as a percentage, show the ratio foreign trade with domestic consumption.

Compare the import and export figures of different countries. This will help you understand their role in the global economy and consumption. Additionally, you can calculate the total exports and imports of all countries. Such data will be useful for considering the development of the world economy as a whole.

Paragraph 1 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation determines the application of a zero percent tax rate for the sale of goods (with the exception of natural gas, oil, including stable gas condensate, with export on the territory of the CIS member states), exported by customs export.


VAT is not paid on all transactions that are taxed at a zero rate, as well as on transactions that are exempt from taxation. However, there are some differences between these operations.

In the first case, the tax base is formed, and when issuing invoices, you must indicate “0%” in the “VAT rate” column. The costs of "input" VAT, which were paid on goods, are deductible. In the second case, the tax base is not formed, and the costs of the "input" VAT that were paid on goods are not deducted, but are charged to the cost.

To apply a zero VAT rate, it is necessary that the buyer of the exported goods is foreign person.

For payers applying the simplified VAT system, the issue is quite clear, since they are not its payers. This means that with the object “income minus expenses”, the “input” tax is taken into account as part of the expenses, and there simply cannot be any reimbursements from the budget.

For example, in the 1st quarter of 2008, you exported goods at a purchase price of 1,298,000 rubles. (with VAT in the amount of 198,000 rubles). According to the concluded foreign economic contract, the company was not responsible for transportation, loading and unloading, insurance, etc. The amount of customs payments amounted to 82,500 rubles. Suppose that the revenue received in rubles is 1,870,000 rubles.

Determine the amount of tax, under the general taxation regime with the right to a zero VAT rate.
To determine the purchase price of goods (excluding VAT) from the purchase price of goods (including VAT), subtract the amount of VAT: 1,298,000 - 198,000 = 1,100,000. To calculate income tax from the sales amount, subtract the purchase price of goods (excluding VAT) and minus customs payments.

Multiply the result by 24%: 165,000 = [(1,870,000 - 1,100,000 - 82,500) x 24%]. A rate of 0% applies and there is no VAT on sales. "Input" VAT in the amount of 198,000 rubles. will be returned from the budget. The total amount of taxes to be reimbursed will be 33,000 = 198,000 - 165,000.

Under the simplified taxation regime, determine the size of the single tax by subtracting the purchase price of the goods (including VAT) from the sales amount and multiplying the result by 15%. The total amount of taxes will be: 85,800 rubles. = [(1,870,000 – 1,298,000) x 15%]. In this case, it is unprofitable to work under the simplified tax regime.

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To do this, you must have information not only about the cost of all goods, but also the price of insurance and transport costs when importing abroad. These data can be obtained on the website of the economic department or statistics service of the country you are interested in. If you do not trust these, use the information of international economic organizations. Corresponding reports on the level of imports are published, for example, by organizations associated with the UN - the Economic Commission for Europe and the UN Economic Council.

Determine the size of exports as an economic indicator. Unlike imports, when calculating exports, only the total value of goods sold is taken into account.

Use the obtained indicators to analyze the economic situation in the country. For example, by the size of imports and exports, you can find out the trade balance of the state. To do this, subtract the first from the second indicator. The result can be a negative or positive trade balance. The second option is considered more preferable in modern times, as it provides an inflow of financial resources to the state both in the form of direct income from the sale of state property, and indirectly - as tax revenues from national enterprises.

Compare the import and export figures of different countries. This will help you understand their role in the economy and consumption. Additionally, you can calculate the total of all . Such data will be useful for considering the development of the world economy as a whole.

An export quota is an economic indicator that allows you to understand the importance of exports for the economy of a particular state. There is an order in which this coefficient is calculated.


Find out the volume of a country's exports, that is, the value of all goods sold to other countries. Usually this figure is calculated on a yearly basis. You can choose the currency in which payments will be made. For example, if you compare economic indicators various countries, then the expression of numbers in dollars or in euros will suit you.

Specify the gross domestic product (GDP) of the state for which you are making calculations. This indicator reflects the total value of goods and services produced in the country. At the same time, material values ​​​​made on the territory of the country at the expense of the capacities of transnational companies are also taken into account. In this coefficient, it is not the national source of capital that matters, but the place where the goods were produced. GDP is calculated monthly and annually, after which it is published in various economic publications and on official websites state structures. For example, such information is regularly posted on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development - For calculations, you should use the total GDP for the year.