Message about the man of labor. The title of "Hero of Labor" and the people who were awarded it. What is labor and how does it work

  • 02.04.2020

There are many in the world different professions. Some of them are considered prestigious. But, not all people can work as bankers, economists and producers. No one can do without ordinary workers.

Even when a very talented architect develops the most wonderful building design, without a builder, he will not be able to translate his drawing into the real world. Astronauts fly into outer space on ships designed by the smartest engineers. Again, without the workers who make the parts and then assemble the spacecraft out of them, space exploration would be impossible.

A huge number of workers who stand at the machines work in factories and plants. They produce cars, tractors, televisions and refrigerators: everything that makes our life easier. Even the toys that children play with were made by working people.

Every day we go shopping. And where would we get milk, meat and bread if rural workers did not grow grain and milk milk on farms. What a huge number of professions are required in order to feed the people of our entire planet. How much labor they invest every day in the land, and with what care they treat animals.

Everyone wants to dress beautifully and comfortably. Without seamstresses and tailors, there would be no one to create clothes.

Even doctors cannot do without simple workers such as nurses and orderlies. At school, we need teachers to teach lessons, but without technical workers, cooks and janitors, there will never be order in any educational institution.

There are many working professions that require physical effort from a person. Day after day, hardworking people work to make our lives comfortable and easy. It is necessary to respect these people and be grateful to them for their hard work. Let's say thank you to the people of work!

Composition 2. People of work

Of course, since ancient times, work has occupied a special niche in the life of every person. No person can fully live and develop without labor. Only being constantly in work can we learn something new, know the unknown, achieve great success in any area of ​​life. Unfortunately, many people think that modern world you can live without work at all. However, this is a complete delusion, since while a person lives, he works.

Any of your actions, conscious or not, is work. In any case, you eat, cope with natural needs. all this is work. Yes, what is there, even those who are an avid fan of lying on the couch and watching TV also work hard, because you need to turn it on, select the channel of interest. And so, it is quite natural that any person in his life to work, and is familiar with the concept of work. even if you don't know it and don't want to. Only now, all of the above examples of work will not be enough if a person has a desire to achieve some success in life, make a career, find Good work with decent pay, arrange personal and family life.

For all this, you need a lot, and most importantly, work and work every day. First of all, over oneself, over one's laziness, over unwillingness to do any deeds. Believe me, only those who are not afraid to get up early or go to bed late because of work, who are ready to work on weekends, who do not choose easier work, who do not constantly talk about how tired they are, will be able to achieve real success in any business, whatever wants. A person was born to work, and it is very important to understand that while we are working, we live, develop and improve.

Labor is capable of making a worthy representative of modern society out of any person. It is also very important to understand that work and work must be taught from an early age. After all, it is in childhood that it is easier for a child to get used to doing certain work every day, and to help parents in the future. You should not do all the work for your child, because he himself is able to clean up his things, for example, even at a seemingly very early age. For this, it is to allow him to understand from an early age that the one who works will definitely achieve everything he wants.

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Previously, the Motherland had bins. People engaged in the most necessary professions harvested crops in them, about which they reported to the whole country. At the same time, people at the TVs had something to be proud of, and they did not worry about tomorrow. Even at the Motherland were "on the mountain." There - "to the mountain" - the miners from under the ground gave out coal, poetically and earlier than oil called "black gold". And there was something else in the same semantic series.

At least in school textbooks, harvesters were drawn pouring golden grain into trucks; cute miners against the backdrop of waste heaps; polar pilots; sailors on fishing boats, etc. The whole holiday of peaceful life was guarded by rocketmen, anti-aircraft gunners, pilots and sailors, painted next to it. It was really calm. Then something happened, and a lot of professions, together with the people who deal with them, were forced out of the border of consciousness. Not on the periphery of consciousness, but beyond its borders. That is, like pieces in a broken chess game, people and professions were swept away from the board. Nature, which abhors a vacuum, immediately filled the vacuum with stock market analysts, comedy actors, dancing girls, bankers, boxers and so on.

People, things and phenomena reveal their value only when they disappear or threaten to disappear. Health is not valued while it is; parents and their guardianship seem eternal; the familiar landscape seems pale, and only in someone else's front garden the flowers are for some reason more beautiful. I remember how I got used to "falling asleep in the bins" and "issuing to the mountain" and got tired of them. But today, when the impression is artificially created in the mass consciousness that only fashion designers and creators of toothpaste work tirelessly, and bread grows in the field by itself and coal is spit out of the ground, the working person in the semantic world has become sorely lacking.

Psychologists (many-sided and endless, like English scientists) no, no, yes, and they will utter a word for good. It was said by one of them that if you want to raise a complete lazy child out of a child, make sure that he does not see you yourself - parents - working. Make sure that a mother with her hands in a bowl, a father with a screwdriver or a rake, never appear on the child's retina and in his mind. By the age of seven or earlier (here psychologists differ in numbers) you will get a complete blockhead, a hysteric and a slob. In a word, immoral nonsense. And since, as it was said above, the nature of emptiness cannot endure, the soul, which is not occupied with anything, will be filled, after idleness, with all evil. One could confine oneself to the fable of the Dragonfly and the Ant. But the fable is chaste, but life is not. In the fable, only "winter rolls in the eyes", but in life - and drug addiction, and drunkenness, and Sodom and Gomorrah. This is about a separate person, not only not taught to work, but also not seeing how mother and father work.

As for entire nations, they are also children. "Public consciousness," said an American congressman, "is the consciousness of a five-year-old child." That is, you need to lisp with him, you need to praise and scare him with alternations, flash bright pictures in front of his nose, rattle with a rattle, promise sweets. In fact, all of the above is a portrait of that informational approach to life that has been formed in the West and has climbed into our souls without taking off our shoes. Pure Hollywood. They scare with the apocalypse, bind with bare flesh, beckon with sweets, promise paradise after the next election, whisper: “You are the best.” They pour showers of hundred-dollar bills on the characters with whom the viewer associates themselves, and, as you know, they don’t teach them how to work. At the exit from the people, a depraved child may soon turn out beyond his years, who has not developed an antidote for sin and has no skill for work and creativity.

The Indians were once driven into the reservation by vodka. They do not have any enzymes in the body that help to cope with alcohol. Fast addiction and even faster degradation. And we still have not developed an enzyme that allows us to digest information without harm. Killer behaviors are pushed into ordinary people like a disc into a drive. The “Play” button is pressed, and the person will not be reached for a long time. And now, in the eyes of a person, there is a “Ninth Wave” picture of the world, where there are Forbs analysts, Grammy winners, producers, nightclub friends, and so on. But, excuse me, but where are those who sew clothes? Does he drive subway trains, weld pipes of the very pipelines on which the country's budget depends? Who does heart surgery, who makes furniture, repairs in old and new houses? Or rather, not who, but where are they? According to the television picture of the world, all people engaged in professions, without which one cannot live, are just a gray background for showing people engaged in useless nonsense or outright crimes.

And it's not just that it's unfair and disgusting in a moral sense. The fact is that one day the time will come when eight marketing managers will run after one electrician; when we find ourselves inside a lazy and armless civilization.

Within this civilization, the works of human hands may refuse to serve the handless man. So from Fedora in famous fairy tale ladles and pots ran away. And among the creations of human hands, we have not only gadgets or Fedorina's ladles, but air and sea vessels, nuclear power plants etc. They are not only difficult to invent and create. They are quite difficult to operate. They can be operated and repaired by a hardworking person who knows how to learn and does not spend his life in nightclubs. If this is clear and even axiomatic, then conclusions must be drawn. And information, and educational, and educational.

When the Church prays “for an abundance of the fruits of the earth and times of peace,” she assumes that everything is in order with a person. That is, there are fruits of the earth, and a person can collect, save, process, use them. All this is not hard for him and even pleasant, if only there was useful work. But if a person loses the habit of labor, becomes enslaved to idleness and sin in various forms, the fruits of the earth run the risk of rotting in the fields. Indeed, today many people do not want to work at all. They agree to live on handouts, alms, social programs, theft, and other types of sin, but not to work. And these are the fruits of many wrongly lived years. So soon it will be time for the Church to pray not for “the fruits of the earth”, but “for giving people an aversion to idleness and the gift of industriousness.”

Temporary removal from the Soviet era allows you to separate the wheat from the chaff and highlight the best in the past. This "best" is not so little. A man of labor, placed in the field of attentive vision, is one of the “best”. Films about officers of distant outposts, about geologists and test pilots, and about people of other heroic and complex professions were shot plentifully and with high quality. And any primer, as mentioned above, made the little reader remember that there are polar explorers, astronauts, submariners, and grain growers in the world. In contrast to today's era of new "heroes", such a picture of the world resurrects the forgotten concept of "deficiency". This word in the Union was called a lack on the shelves of different varieties of sausage and much more. Today, when there are no problems with clothes and what to chew, a healthy outlook on things, a smart and responsible attitude to life suddenly fell under the definition of “deficiency”. This deficit is not difficult if you want to overcome or at least start thinking in this direction. Start thinking, for example: “Why is the light bulb above my head on? Who is this and where is it now working to keep it burning?” So you think - and turn off the extra electrical appliance.

So imperceptibly we move from the theme of a working man to the topics of environmental responsibility and economical life. I told you: all good topics are related to each other.

Composition on the topic People of Labor

There are many different professions in the world. Some of them are considered prestigious. But, not all people can work as bankers, economists and producers. No one can do without ordinary workers.

Even when a very talented architect develops the most wonderful building design, without a builder, he will not be able to translate his drawing into the real world. Astronauts fly into outer space on ships designed by the smartest engineers. Again, without the workers who make the parts and then assemble the spacecraft out of them, space exploration would be impossible.

A huge number of workers who stand at the machines work in factories and plants. They produce cars, tractors, televisions and refrigerators: everything that makes our life easier. Even the toys that children play with were made by working people.

Every day we go shopping. And where would we get milk, meat and bread if rural workers did not grow grain and milk milk on farms. What a huge number of professions are required in order to feed the people of our entire planet. How much labor they invest every day in the land, and with what care they treat animals.

Everyone wants to dress beautifully and comfortably. Without seamstresses and tailors, there would be no one to create clothes.

Even doctors cannot do without simple workers such as nurses and orderlies. At school, we need teachers to teach lessons, but without technical workers, cooks and janitors, there will never be order in any educational institution.

There are many working professions that require physical effort from a person. Day after day, hardworking people work to make our lives comfortable and easy. It is necessary to respect these people and be grateful to them for their hard work. Let's say thank you to the people of work!

Composition 2. People of work

Of course, since ancient times, work has occupied a special niche in the life of every person. No person can fully live and develop without labor. Only being constantly in work can we learn something new, know the unknown, achieve great success in any area of ​​life. That's just unfortunately, many believe that in the modern world you can live without any work at all. However, this is a complete delusion, since while a person lives, he works.

Any of your actions, conscious or not, is work. In any case, you eat, cope with natural needs. all this is work. Yes, what is there, even those who are an avid fan of lying on the couch and watching TV also work hard, because you need to turn it on, select the channel of interest. And so, it is quite natural that any person in his life to work, and is familiar with the concept of work. even if you don't know it and don't want to. Only now, all of the above examples of work will not be enough if a person has a desire to achieve some success in life, make a career, find a good job with decent pay, arrange personal and family life.

For all this, you need a lot, and most importantly, work and work every day. First of all, over oneself, over one's laziness, over unwillingness to do any deeds. Believe me, only those who are not afraid to get up early or go to bed late because of work, who are ready to work on weekends, who do not choose easier work, who do not constantly talk about how tired they are, will be able to achieve real success in any business, whatever wants. A person was born to work, and it is very important to understand that while we are working, we live, develop and improve.

Labor is capable of making a worthy representative of modern society out of any person. It is also very important to understand that work and work must be taught from an early age. After all, it is in childhood that it is easier for a child to get used to doing certain work every day, and to help parents in the future. You should not do all the work for your child, because he himself is able to clean up his things, for example, even at a seemingly very early age. For this, it is to allow him to understand from an early age that the one who works will definitely achieve everything he wants.

In 1921, the Central Executive Committee established the title of "Hero of Labor", which was mentioned in the letters awarded to the best workers on behalf of the enterprise. Not everyone enjoyed it. Only those people whose size was large enough could count on such a title. In the spring of 1921, a significant event took place: approximately 250 first-class Moscow and Petrograd workers were recognized as Heroes of Labor. Since 1927 honorary title began to be appropriated to people who have done a lot of useful things for production, who have distinguished themselves in public or public service, as well as in research activities. The important point was that only those who had worked for at least 35 years could be called Hero of Labor. Of course, this is a very solid period. Not everyone can work hard for such a long period. The current rank has been abolished. Why? It was just that the Presidium of the Supreme Council issued a decree according to which a new title, "Hero of Socialist Labor", was to come into force.

Leaders of labor in the post-war period

After the end of the war, people faced a difficult task - to raise the country from ruins. Some settlements actually had to be rebuilt. It is not surprising that during this period there appeared many leading workers, among whom were the pioneers. The most famous of them, perhaps, are N. Chelebadze and T. Matkazimov. They were recognized as Heroes of Socialist Labor.

Tursunali Matkazimov

Tursunali worked in Tajikistan, on a collective farm named after Frunze. Working conditions were difficult. The future Hero of Labor was in a squad that included the same pioneers as himself. One day the guys were given a plot where they sowed cotton. The pioneers took great care of the plants. However, frosts soon occurred, as a result of which all crops could die. But Tursunali was determined. He told the guys that cotton must be preserved at all costs. For several nights in a row, the pioneers did not leave the field and kindled bonfires. They also put homemade paper caps on each plant to try and keep the tender shoots out of the cold. Of course, some bushes died, but most of the crop survived. Gratitude was announced to the entire squad, and soon after that, in 1948, the resourceful and determined Tursunali received the title of "Hero of Socialist Labor".

Natella Chelebadze

Natella Chelebadze is a young Georgian pioneer. She worked on the plantation, picking tea. The work was not at all easy, and not every adult woman could do it. The workers usually took large baskets in their hands and walked around the plantation, collecting leaves. But their activities were not limited to this. At the next stage, they sorted out the leaves and sorted them into varieties. All this took a very long time. It seemed that only a very persistent, stubborn person, a real Hero of Labor, could cope with such work. However, such activities, oddly enough, were the prerogative of fragile women, who often lost their health on the plantations. But Natella, obviously, was a smart girl, and was able to make her work easier. She asked her mother to make her a special bag with several pockets. Natella hung the bag around her neck, as a result of which both her hands were free, which is very convenient for collecting tea. The girl tore off the leaves and immediately sorted them, distributing them into pockets. Great idea, isn't it? Chelebadze collected over 5,000 kilograms of tea leaves, and it is not surprising that in 1949 she became a Hero of Socialist Labor.

Valery Gergiev

May 1, 2013 is a special date that went down in history. On this day, the title "Hero of Labor of Russia" was established. The President awarded outstanding workers with diplomas.

This title, in particular, was awarded to Valery Gergiev - People's Artist of our country, conductor and director of the Mariinsky Theatre. This is an extraordinary person. He is one of the best conductors in the world. Gergiev brought up many outstanding actors. Most of his work is to support young artists, talented domestic singers and musical groups.

Having received a well-deserved award, Gergiev promised that in the coming years his theater would certainly please the audience. The whole world will understand that the support provided by the state has only benefited.

Yuri Konov

Mechanic Yuri Konov, who has worked diligently for 38 years, is now also a Hero of Labor. Today, this person is one of the most respected employees of the Rossiya-Agro enterprise. How much time has passed since the twenty-year-old Yury had just started working on the collective farm called "Memory of Lenin"! While still quite a young man, he received several departmental and state awards for labor success. Konov was one of the pioneers who began to use new technologies in the field of agriculture, thanks to which every year it was possible to collect abundant crops of sunflower, as well as sugar beets. Today, the Hero of Labor is very proud of his title, and all his friends and colleagues believe that he really deserved it.

message about working people


BEST ANSWER alkion alef Enlightened (28946) Labor is the basis of human existence. Since ancient times, man himself took care of himself, cooked food, sewed clothes, ennobled the dwelling and the place near it. Nowadays, people also work hard to make their life habitable. In addition, work gives a person a lot of joy when he, a person, chooses a job to his liking. Work can do wonders. People create new developments in production, achieve great success in medicine, creating new devices for the treatment of patients with the most serious diseases, building new houses in which it is comfortable to live. Thanks to the newly created agricultural machines, the village workers collect huge crops of grain and other agricultural products. Work makes a person necessary to society. Every year we learn about one or another huge achievement in various fields: in education, medicine, sports, etc. These achievements are the result of huge painstaking daily work, combined with the desire to do something useful for ourselves and others, and each a person who has achieved great success is valued according to the merits for his work. Work unites people, instills in them a sense of duty, responsibility, a sense of joy from the fact that "my work is merging into the work of my republic" (V. Mayakovsky). A person of labor is always distinguished by discipline, the consciousness that labor is also a material component of his life, therefore, each person must understand that any deed is done for the benefit of a person. Dear students, please remember this! Try to be helpful to yourself and others. It depends on you, on your work, what will be the school corridors, the yard along which you go to school! Work so that everything around you gives great pleasure, makes your life more interesting and meaningful.