Scenario of a pirate party based on notes in the camp. Scenario of a pirate party. Tasks - contests for a pirate party

  • 13.11.2019

Birthday script for children 8-10 years old. It is recommended to carry out in a large apartment or a country house. Duration children's day birth - 1-2 hours.

* make colorful birthday invitations for each guest ("..., I invite you to the "Pirate Festival" that will take place....! It is advisable to bring a toy knife or gun with you.")

* balloons for room decoration

* make a map to search for treasure

* make a chest, for example from cardboard box

* prepare "treasures": chocolate medals, Kinder Surprises, cake, sweets in bright shiny candy wrappers

* black eye patches

* collect all kinds of toy weapons

* prepare a list of riddles of medium difficulty, numbered from 1 to 20 (ideally - a marine theme)

* make notes with proverbs for a fake chest

* cut out 8-10 large footprints from cardboard or paper

* 6 cardboard coins, each coin has a letter written on it, which makes up the word of a pirate or marine theme

* prepare small balls of wool (their number should be a multiple of the number of children), in one ball - a coin, in the rest - fake cardboard circles so as not to probe in advance)

* prepare inflated balloons (according to the number of children), in one - a coin, in the rest - snags

* prepare opaque bags (according to the number of children) tied on a string, in each - an equivalent set of sweets, chewing gum, souvenirs; in one of their bags there is also a coin

* prepare leaflets with tasks (the number is a multiple of the number of children), wrapped one inside the other, in the very center - a coin

* prepare an envelope with cards on which the capitals of the cities of the world (or simply cities of the world) are written, in the same place in the envelope - the last coin;

* prepare treats for holiday table

* bake or buy a birthday cake

* buy firecrackers for holiday fireworks or sparklers.

* you need a map to find the treasure: pieces of the map (with the map inward, with the back side with a picture of a pirate theme out) are hung around the room (or throughout the apartment) in all sorts of places.

Characters: Master Pirate

Birthday script:

Master Pirate: Rogue kids! Do you want to join the ranks of real pirates? Then you must pass the Pirate Candidate Trials.

Tests are conducted in the form of competitions and games. The main pirate sets tasks, controls the course of the game.

Birthday contest "Cache in the dark".
A candidate for pirate stands in front of a chair with an empty plastic bottle(1.5 l), moves away from him for a few steps, then the child is blindfolded and turned around. You need to go to the chair and take the item.

Competition "Accuracy" .
An ordinary target hangs on the wall. You have to hit it with arrows. It is done until the child hits (you can reduce the distance to the target).

Birthday contest "Rope ladder"
You need to go through the rope ladder lying on the floor blindfolded and not stumble.

Competition "Swamp"
With the help of 2 sheets of paper, go from one end of the room to the other without stepping on the floor.

Master Pirate: well done, pirates-robbers! Well, now show your ingenuity. Cunning pirates asked us riddle puzzles. Can you guess them?

The children are offered in turn to each name a number from 1 to 20. And they make a riddle under the corresponding number. After the child has answered correctly, a black eye patch is solemnly put on and a "weapon" is issued (a toy gun, a knife, a saber, etc.).

Master Pirate: Well, now my young pirates, show your bestial appetite! (Children are invited to the festive table)

Master Pirate: Well, I see that you are real pirates. Now we will move on to the real pirate business: we will look for a treasure hidden many, many years ago by an old and cunning pirate.

Everyone collects the parts of the map hanging around the room and puts them together into the actual map. Having understood what's what, the children rush to where, according to the map, there should be a treasure. In the indicated place, something lies wrapped in a plaid. And instead of a chest with "treasures" - a snag! Namely, a bundle-dummy the size of a chest: a newspaper in a newspaper, and in the very center - a note: "Finish the proverbs correctly - you will find out where the treasure is!" We expand the note - we find the first proverb with possible answers:

Away is good, but at home ...
* worse;
* better;
* more comfortable.

After you answered correctly, we unfold the sheet, and there is the following proverb:
Each thing has its own...
* place;
* time;
* title.

We finished the proverb, unfold the sheet, and there:
Friends get to know...
* in Game;
* in joy;
* in trouble.
And so on.

Expanding the last note, we read: "The treasure in ... the room on the table."

The chest has been found! But it has a lock on it. But there is no key!

Chief Pirate: To open this treasure chest, first you need to collect 6 coins by completing tasks, then add the "magic" word from the coins - the key to the chest.

Exercise 1 : Before searching for the treasure, lay out the "traces of pirates" on the floor, hiding a coin under the last trace.

Task 2: Unwind the balls in search of a hidden coin.

Task 3: The task sheet is wrapped in a sheet with another task. The last one is a coin. Completed the task - pass the bundle to another.

Sample tasks:
* Name the capital of France
* Say 3 words in English
* Read the poem
* Eat candy, etc.

Task 4: Air balloons with a coin hidden in one of them. Everyone catches 1 balloon and pops it in any way.

Task 5: The Chief Pirate gives out leaflets with the name of the city, you have to guess what country it is. When everything is guessed, he gives the pirates a coin.

Task 6: Cutting pouches from rope while blindfolded. In one of the bags, in addition to prizes, a coin is also found.
Now, when all 6 coins are found, the pirates make a word out of them, the Chief Pirate solemnly issues the key, a chest with "treasures" opens.

Master Pirate: Well, now I invite real pirates to a real pirate feast!

The finale of the holiday - fireworks (or sparklers)

Are you having a kids pirate party? The scenario of this event should be fun, interesting and mischievous. This is what we bring to your attention. To make the holiday unforgettable, take care of decorating the room and original invitations for guests.

Regardless of where the pirate-style party is held, the script assumes an adult host. It can be mom, dad or one of the artistic relatives who will dress up as a pirate and will hold all the contests and games.

At the appointed time, the host meets the guests.


That's the whole team in the collection, which means that the pirate party is declared open! We are waiting for the search for real treasures hidden by Captain Flint, battles with monsters and many exciting entertainment! But before you go on a journey, you need to come up with real pirate names and choose a captain!

Children choose pseudonyms for themselves, with the help of adults. If the reason for the party was the birthday of the child, then it is logical to choose him as the main one in the team. In other cases, it can be decided by lot or by voting.


Excellent! Now we need to come up with a name for our ship. After all, whatever you call a boat, so it will float!

Children name their versions and choose the best one.


So, brave team (ship name)! There are many obstacles waiting for us along the way, and one of them is sea rolling. Not every pirate can stay on deck when the waves are raging! Each of you will now pass the test and if you stand it worthy, you will receive a reward.

For entertainment, you need a blanket. Two adults take it by opposite ends, and a child sits in the resulting hammock and swings for a couple of minutes. Believe me, this game will appeal to children of any age.

After the test, all children receive prizes - souvenir medals.


Well, brave pirates, it's time to go in search of treasure and for this we need a map. But, the treacherous Captain Flint tore it to pieces, hid it in bottles and threw it into the sea. To find fragments of the map, you will have to complete tasks. And the first of them is a skill test!

Competition "Fighting with swords"

Participants are divided into pairs. The first two are given "swords" from balloons. Players stand on a low bench and fight. The one who first loses his balance and stands on the floor loses.

After the tournament, the team is given a bottle, inside of which is the first piece of the card.


You did a great job with the first challenge, but there is no time to rest! Let's start the next competition!

  • What does the phrase "Seven feet under the keel" mean? (Wishing you a good voyage. The keel is a longitudinal beam in the middle of the bottom along the entire length of the ship);
  • What is a steering wheel? (Ship's steering wheel);
  • What does a guinea pig look like? (This is a small rodent that has nothing to do with water);
  • What is a ladder? (Ladder on the ship);
  • What is a caboose? (Kitchen on board);
  • Who is a cook? (Ship cook);
  • What is a cube? (Room for sailors);
  • Who is Jack Sparrow? (The hero of the film, the captain of the Black Pearl).

Adult guests can help young pirates.


You are very smart pirates, so you get another map fragment. But what is it? Enemy ships are on the horizon... It's time to fight, brave sea wolves!

Competition "The most accurate shooter"

On the table are paper or toy boats. Each player has five attempts to "sink" an enemy ship with a tennis ball. The one who shot down the most ships receives the "Most Accurate Shooter" medal and a map fragment.


Well done! But, this is not all the dangers on the way to treasures. Right on the course - piranhas. Everyone get ready to defend against the toothy fish!

Contest "Saving a Pirate from Piranhas"

Several couples are involved. One player is blindfolded, and clothespins - “piranhas” are attached to the clothes of the other. A blindfolded pirate must remove all clothespins from a friend. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins. You can't give advice or help.

The facilitator hands over another part of the treasure map.


To find the treasure, you need two more map fragments. You will receive one of them after you show the skills of real sailors!

All participants stand in a circle and hold hands. Then the resulting "round dance" gets tangled without separating the hands. After the leader’s signal, you need to unravel the knot without releasing your hands.

Host (gives part of the card):

You are real pirates, ready to cope with any obstacles. There is one more task and one more fragment of the map left for the cherished treasure.

All children become shoulder to shoulder, creating a tight circle. One leader is selected, who goes to the center. The players hide their hands behind their backs and begin to quietly pass the "black mark" to each other - while the music is playing. When the melody stops, the presenter must guess who has the "black mark". If this succeeds, the player replaces the leader.

The host hands the pirates the last piece of the map. Together they collect it and find the way to the treasure - a chest with sweets, jewelry and toys.


What a huge chest Captain Flint hid! How many treasures are here! Real pirates always have fun celebrating their victories. Therefore, I propose to celebrate the successful completion of our journey by dancing!

Scenario pirate party for children ends with a disco. In addition, at any stage of the event, you can invite the brave sea wolves to eat to recuperate.

Scenario game program
"Pirates' Treasures"

(Pirates come out to the music)
Pirate 1: Hey! Hi guys, girls and boys!

Pirate 2: Today we want to introduce you to the ranks of real pirates! We really need help! So many treasures have not yet been found in the world!

Pirate 1: Let's have some pirate fun!
We are starting a great sea adventure!
To make everyone happy today
Let's go treasure hunting together!
But to go on the road and find the treasure sooner
You now need to pass our test!

Pirate 2: We are pirates of all the seas and oceans, we have seen different countries, and in different countries greet each other in different ways. And let's first say hello to you, as I greet each other different peoples!

(Children go out into a general circle and greet each other, a certain music sounds for each greeting)

1. We are not bored in Kazakhstan. We will shake hands.
2. If you met a friend in Georgia, pat each other on the shoulder
Z. You are in America with friends say hello with your elbows
4. In Africa, if friends don't fight, they rub their backs against each other.
5. In Greece, you should not be shy with a neighbor, you need to hug

Pirate 2: We need dexterity and skill, so everyone is in for a funny workout

Pirate 1: Get up in the big circle and repeat after us!

(dance flash mob - children repeat certain movements after the pirates)

Pirate 2: There is one more unresolved question:
Who will tell me what every sailor should be able to do? (children's answers)
Every sailor should know how to tie a sea knot!
(game "Tie knots" - everyone gets a rope, whoever ties more knots in a certain time)

Pirate 1: And now I want to ask you, do you know how to fish? (Yes!)
(the game "Fishing", children must catch as many fish as possible with the help of fishing rods)

Pirate 2: And if you meet sharks, brothers! Then we will not be afraid of them! A pirate needs to be accurate in order to defeat all the sharks!
Are we the bravest? (Yes!) Are we the most accurate? (Yes!)
(The game "Sharks" put pins with pictures of sharks pasted on them, you need to knock down all the pins with a ball)

Pirate 1: We see that everything is in order with your jumping ability, buoyancy, The team of treasure hunters is the highest class!
But before you look for treasure,
You need to repeat after us!

Pirate chant: (children repeat the words and movements of the pirates)
Our treasure lies at the bottom of the sea, covered with golden sand.
Curled up into a small ball, An octopus is dozing on a stone.
Once a chest with gold was thrown ashore by the surf.
And the fishermen have been saying ever since that there is a treasure hidden on the island.
And many, many years ago, that treasure was guarded by a gray-haired pirate.
I'm glad to see my friends here! Hey!
Children: Hey hey!
After all, together it will be more fun, Hey!
Children: Hey hey!
Raise your hands quickly! Hey!
Children: Hey hey!
Beat loudly with me in your hands! Hey!
Children: Hey hey!

Pirate 2: Hooray! I see, I see the treasure!
And there are no barriers!
I run quickly for the treasure,
You wait here for me, friends!

(pirate runs away, brings a chest (box)

Pirate 1: Shall we open? (Yes!)
Giving gifts to everyone? (Yes!)
Let's quickly open this chest.
Stop! The point here is simple
You don't have to suffer
I will open the chest for you
I can do it (OPENS CHEST)

Pirate 2: Oh, thank you guys for all these gifts! Everyone is happy to receive them on this bright holiday!

Pirate 1: This holiday for the guys is the best in the world,
We congratulate all the children, we wish them not to get sick. Be cheerful, be in time everywhere, Don't worry anyone.
(pirates give out sweet prizes to children from the box)

Pirate 2: Now it's time to leave, we have to return to the sea, adventures are already waiting for us, friends! All happy and bye!

Match relay in the camp

Targets and goals:

Strengthen the health of children during team championships;

Teach children to healthy lifestyle life in a game sports form;

To develop in children observation, ingenuity, resourcefulness and dexterity;

To create a healthy psychological climate in the units in the process of joint gaming, creative activities.

Time spending: 40 minutes.

Location: football field.

Props: matches.

For the relay race, a team of 12 people is formed (6 boys, 5 girls, 1 counselor). All children must be medically cleared to participate in the relay. The dress code is sportswear.

The host portrays the director of a match factory.

Tasks for teams

1. The team approaches a chair with 2 boxes of matches on it. In 3 minutes, you need to lay out the phrase “Matches for children are not a toy” from the matches.

2. A team member takes a matchbox, puts it on the top of his head, goes to the chair and back, passes it to the next.

3. The referee team is given 2 boxes of matches. The player, putting them on his shoulders, like shoulder straps, goes to the chair and returns to the team.

4. The player takes a matchbox, puts it on a clenched fist and carries it in this way to the chair and back.

5. The participant bends down, puts a matchbox on his back in the lumbar region, reaches the chair and returns to the team.

6. The player carries the box by placing it on the foot at the point of instep.

7. The team approaches the chair. In 3 minutes you need to build the highest match well.

8. The player holds the box between his chin and neck and thus walks to the chair and back.

9. The participant brings the outer part of the box, attaching it to the nose.

10. The player carries a matchbox, hooking it on the earlobe.

11. The participant takes 1 match, runs to the chair on which the plasticine ball lies, sticks the match into the plasticine and runs back.

12. The judges for each team scatter 5 boxes of matches in a certain place. The task of the teams is to collect all the matches first.