Hat competition script for children. Script fantasy hat party for preschoolers material on the topic. Prizes, awards, souvenirs

  • 20.05.2020

Natalia Khomenko

Spring holiday script« hat competition»

Target: Activate, unite the creative manifestations of children and parents, reveal their initiative, cause an emotional upsurge.

Tasks: Develop children's creative imagination, musical abilities, self-confidence, cultivate interest in theatrical activities, a sense of mutual assistance and a team. Invite parents to participate holiday taking on the role.


Mary Poppins


Jury 3-4 employees of the kindergarten

Terms and Conditions: all children participating in the entertainment in hats made with parents.

Evaluation criteria hats:

Aesthetic perception of the image,

originality of the idea,

composition solution,

artistic expressiveness of the work,

Creative personality.

Nominations competition - fashion show of hats:



"The most flowery hat» ,

"The funniest hat» ,

"Family hat» ,

"Sports hat» .


"The biggest hat» ,

"The smallest hat» ,

"The most original hat»

"The most fabulous hat»

"The most mysterious hat»

"Most elegant hat»

"The most creative hat»

People's Choice Award

To the sound of music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Vedas. What day is today spring!

He brought us here for a performance

To present bright and grandiose,

funny and serious!

The song Mary Poppins from the movie sounds "Mary Poppins"

Mary Poppins appears: And what kind of performance brought you together?

I love happy holidays

You probably rejoice at the arrival of spring and meet it today?

Vedas. Not! dear Mary!

Mary: You are not happy with spring and do not like spring?

Vedas. What are you, what are you! We are very happy about the arrival of spring and love it very much, we even know a lot about spring.

Children recite poems:

Again the young spring is whirling in a waltz,

She promises sunny and warm days.

Where it passes, traces will remain -

First spring flowers. (Sasha K)

I'll tell you about spring

About the silence of the night.

About sunsets and dawn

And about the rainbow arc. (Sasha S)

comes into its own,

She's coming, she's in a hurry.

Blooms, fragrant,

Spring beauty. (Series B)

It will cloud over with fog,

That will shine with dew,

The sun will play in the sky,

It will rain down. (Sasha Z)

By the bubbling stream

rustling leaves,

Poplar lonely,

Grew up young. (Grisha)

In the shadow of the forests, among the bushes,

Lily of the valley is silver

And beckons and calls

Datura is fragrant. (Kira A)

Children sing « spring song»

Vedas: That's how much we know about spring

And we are looking forward to it

And today we have gathered holiday hats, to show what we and our parents are craftsmen, inventors, dreamers and masters

Mary: Very interesting, but can I stay with you on holiday? I also love holidays and hats(this is what I have elegant hat)

Vedas: Of course you can, but we have one condition: You, Mary, need to come up with some for us competition or dance. And we continue our holiday.

On the our beautiful spring holiday,

We hats present without any doubt.

Of course they will be different.

Cheerful and mischievous, more serious and stricter,

They don't look alike!

It is a task for us to choose the best ones for us.

Show you now your hats are top notch!

Children stand in a circle and to the sound of a song "Fashionista" pass a circle around the hall and through the center pass to their parents, demonstrating their hats.

Mary: Yes, the task is not easy! All the hats are amazing!

really how much different hats here so funny and lovely! and the girls are like hats are good! I tell you this from the bottom of my heart! All princesses are just lovely sight! you from the audience applause admiration!

competition. Hats must be taken,

And pass in a row,

How to reach the end of the row

They need to be sent back. (Whose team is faster to complete the task) (To the sound of music)

Child: We can't sit still

We love have some fun!

We are not too lazy to joke in the morning,

We would dance all day (Olya Z)

Vedas: And we, Mary, are also ready to please you, we have prepared a dance for you

Children are dancing « spring dance»

Mary: Ah, what good fellows, mischievous, nimble, fast, and hats - hats are just wonderful, but unfortunately I have to go, goodbye kids! (leaves)

Vedas: and we will play with you guys

Competition"Move item to hat and not drop»

(to the sound of music "Song Shapoklyak" from m / f bursts into the hall Shapoklyak without hats).

Vedas: Hello, grandma!

Hat: What a grandmother I am to you! YAYAYA SHAPOKLYAK, the most charming and attractive lady!

Vedas: Guys, does this lady look like Shapoklyak?

I also think not. Prove that you are not an impostor!

caps: Exactly (bragging) my handbag, have you seen this? (releases a rat)…Lariska

Vedas: Well, scared! Indeed, Shapoklyak had Lariska. Where is your hat?

caps: I was in a hurry, I'm on holiday to you

Hat fell off his head and rolled off somewhere!

I heard that you have a lot hats, I'll probably pick up some for myself (begins to look out for himself hat, the presenter intervenes)

Vedas: No, no, dear, you must first, us amuse….

Play or dance with us.

caps: Here's another ... Well, okay, I can play with you and check how fast and dexterous you are.

Competition"Dress hat» several chairs are placed in a circle on them hats, to the sound of music, they walk around the chairs, the music stops, you need to take hat and sit on a chair, on the trail. times 1 chair and hat removed.

Then competition done with parents.

caps: On the head everyone can wear a hat and you try "wear it on your stomach" Competition

(Team members boys sit on the floor one after another. The first participant puts hat on the belly, and, relying on hands and feet, overcomes a distance of 3-4m. Then he gets up and takes hat, runs back to the starting point and passes the baton to the next player.

Can dads do it again?

dad competition

Vedas: Well done Shapoklyak, amused, and we are not born with a bast, we will show you our hats, just don’t touch them, the children did it with their parents, and if you hat like it, then you will ask to tell how they did it.

Defile of the first 7 hats with a performance

Vedas: We have these hats ... there will be more can we play some more now?

caps: And here's another competition for the most accurate, "Bring down hat» (3-4 children 2 teams, hats are put on skittles, they need to be knocked down with a ball)

Oh yes smart guys

Vedas: we are very strong, dexterous, skillful, we love to sing songs, play and of course dance! And now we will show you our Shapoklyak hats

Vedas: And here's another hats. (the 2nd seven comes out hats with performances.)

caps: Hats simply amazing…I would put everything in my wardrobe

Vedas: Wait, that's not all

Defile of the third 7 hats with a performance

Shapoklyak admires hats, we give hat to her and she leaves

caps: Goodbye, kids, it's time for me to run! It was interesting with you, they amused me. Thank you! Bye!

Leading. Now invite your parents to happy"dance of friendship"

(during the dance, girls dancing with headscarves go to change clothes)

presenter: Do you know that earlier in Russia there was a headdress - an old kokoshnik, the girls themselves decorated it with embroidery and semi-precious stones, and now our girls in kokoshniks are dancing "dance with headscarves"

"Dance with scarves" to the sound of a song "There was a birch in the field"

Announcement of results and presentation of gifts


Having decided to hold a party dedicated to some holiday or just to escape from boring everyday life, there is a desire to make it unusual, so that a fun pastime will be remembered for a long time. Often in such cases, various theme parties. One of the most fun, bright, but at the same time easy to organize parties is a hat party.

A hat party can be organized for people of any age - from toddlers and teenagers to full grown-ups. In addition, such a party will not require too much cost to create an image, because to purchase or make hat much lighter than a whole suit. Another advantage of the hat party is that it is not tied to any one style of accompanying music and a specific venue. A party of hats can be held both in restaurants and clubs, as well as in nature and summer cottages.

So, the theme of the upcoming party has been chosen, it's time to start preparing it. It is possible, in addition to the main “hat” theme, to further define the style of hats. For example, rustic, straw hats, sports-style hats, or even ridiculous panama hats are suitable for a party held in nature outside the city. For a bachelorette party, crowns, hats with a veil or small romantic hats are perfect. If you want variety, then you can leave the choice of headwear styles entirely on the “conscience” of the invitees.


Having compiled the guest list, it's time to start accepting invitations, which should be sent out in advance so that everyone has time to think over their image and acquire the necessary headdress. The invitation itself can be done in hat shape or any other form, but with the obligatory presence of the image of the main attribute of the party. The invitations must indicate the date, time and place of the celebration. It should be noted that the presence of a hat is a pass to the party. If a certain theme of the headdress is conceived, then this is also indicated in the invitation. To stimulate the excitement, interest and choice of unusual “dresses” for the head among the invited, the invitation indicates the ongoing competitions for the funniest, huge, brightest (etc.) hat.\


Of course, following the theme of the party, the room is decorated with various headdresses, pictures with their images, as well as photographs celebrities in hats. You can make a garland of hats, hang hats from chandeliers and arrange them around the room, or make large decorations in the form of various hats.

An interesting option would be the design of a "corner" dedicated to a variety of hats. These may be headdresses, traditional for different countries, original and funny hats, etc. Accommodation next to the "exhibition" of hats and scarves mirrors will allow everyone to try on any thing they like. You can put a photographer nearby or just a camera to capture the most vivid images.

If the event takes place in some public institution, it will be great to agree with the staff to support the theme of the party and give them hats in which they will serve. You can also dress the musicians of the institution in hats in accordance with their musical style. For example, cowboy hats are suitable for country performers, and curly wigs are suitable for disco.

Tables should also be decorated in the spirit of the party. For example, you can add napkins in the form of various hats and crowns.


For hat parties, a buffet or tea party is best suited. Meals, like drinks, should be easy to prepare and serve. If a sweet table is planned, then you can order cakes and pastries in the form of all kinds of hats. Cocktails can be decorated with umbrella hats.
If a full-fledged feast is planned, then all the dishes on the table can be laid out in the form of hats or decorated in such a way that they are associated with hats.

hat party script

Of course, all the entertainment at the hat event will take place with the participation of hats. But this does not mean that all competitions will be monotonous and boring, on the contrary, everything will be fervent and fun.


Upon the arrival of the guests, you can organize a mini-photo session for each and in the future (it would be great before the end of the party) to present all of them with photographs for a long memory of the fun.


"The Story of My Hat"

This competition should help guests get to know each other better. Everyone present tells why he chose this particular headdress and what it symbolizes. You can supplement the story with an interesting story and a funny one about your hat. If it is difficult for guests to start their story, then you should start with yourself, giving good example the rest. You can help guests “talk” by asking leading questions, such as “Why is the hat this color?”, “Did you make the hat yourself or did you buy it in a store?”, “How long did it take to choose the look and implement it?” etc.

"My image"

You can invite the guests of the party to arrange a kind of fashion show to allow them to better examine the masterpieces on their heads. This competition will be even more interesting if you agree to participate in it in advance and prepare a suitable musical accompaniment for each image.

"In the bag"

You can hold a small quiz, which will be a kind of test of the erudition and ingenuity of the invitees. Questions, of course, should concern headgear. For example: “The country where panama appeared (Ecuador)”, “What is the name of the national hat of the Mexicans? (sombrero)”, “What is the name of a felt hat for men? (fedora)”, etc.

Hat Drop Contest

This will be a music competition where guests will be asked to guess famous songs about headdresses from a small fragment. You can divide the guests into teams to participate in this competition and offer to perform guessed songs. Of course, the team that guesses the most melodies will win.


Guests are invited to create a hat from improvised materials in 15-20 minutes. This competition will provide an opportunity to demonstrate to the participants their talent, imagination and ability as a designer. At the end of the competition, you can organize a defile of participants in their creations.

Contest "Hat-telepath"

Prepare for this entertaining competition in advance. For each guest, you need to choose a suitable excerpt from the song that will characterize him. Then, already at the party, the host approaches each invitee and holds the "mind-reading" hat over his head and the corresponding music or song sounds.

"Tear off your hat"

For this competition, guests are divided into 2 teams. One member of each team with hats put on their heads enter the ring. The participants hold their left hand behind their backs, and with their right they must remove the hat from the opponent, without losing their own. In such "battles" for the hat, all team members participate. The team with the most hats left will win.

"Magic and Prophecy"

For this contest-game, you will need 2 hats with a deep crown. A top hat or wizard's cap is best. Leaves with the names of the guests are placed in one of the hats, and cheerful wishes or prophecies are placed in the second. The “magician” of the event pulls out papers from both hats in turn and reads out the “sentences”.

Competition "Song from a hat"

In this case, notes with nouns written on them are placed in the hat. It is good if the papers are filled by the guests themselves. Next, the hat is passed from hand to hand and, each pulling out a piece of paper, must perform a song with the word that is written on it.

"Best Image"

At the end of the party, the winners in various nominations are announced and commemorative prizes are awarded. Examples of nominations: "The most striking image", "Miss or Mr. Glamor", "The most extravagant image", "Extraordinary romance", "Retro image", "Guest from a fairy tale or film", "Madam or Mr. Creative", etc. d.

Irina Ivleva

hat party.

All children participating in entertainment in hats made by hand.

Queen hats: Fanfares, sound loud!

I am glad to all the guests today.

Take your places soon

The beginning is waiting for you hat parade!

Queen hats: I salute you, my friends! I admire your outfits, and especially your amazing hats and hats. There is no such magnificence and variety even in my hat kingdom. All this is wonderful! But: I have gathered you not by chance. How says: "It's all about hat".Since you love so much hats I suggest you play with them. Well, is everyone ready? Then we start.

1 competition: "Guess whose hat

(children should say who left their hat: Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Aibolit, Sailor, Clown, Dunno, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, etc.)

2 competition: "Dress hat»

(all hats arranged in a circle, one more children, how hats. To the music, the children move in a circle, as soon as the music ends, the children dress hat. Those who don't get it are out.)

3 competition: "Transfer hat»

(hat hung on a long stick, you need to move it without dropping)

4 competition: "Dress Up Your Friends"

(The team captain chooses 5 assistants. On command, he starts to dress everyone hats, certain color, size, type)

5 competition: "Get in hat walnut»

(at a certain distance there is a basket of nuts, you need to hit the nut in hat)

Queen hats: And now I announce the beginning of the main event of our holiday hats. We need to determine the best hats.

(rewarding of participants by nominations: smallest, largest, original, old, colorful, etc.)

Queen hats: Everything was so wonderful and beautiful.

We will say hats to everyone: "Thanks"

And I say goodbye to you

And I return to the fairy tale.

Hat party script for preschoolers

Target: Expand children's ideas about hats. Create a holiday for children and arrange a holiday of hats. Develop motor skills and abilities (speed, agility, strength, accuracy, coordination of movements). To cultivate a sense of collectivism, rivalry, friendship, empathy for a comrade.

Equipment: Hats made by parents with their children. hats different sizes for games 10 pieces, hats fairytale heroes, a chest, 2 gymnastic sticks, 2 racks, walnuts, dummy mushrooms, a hat with sweets, riddles in a hat, prizes.
Presenter: Fanfares, sound louder!
I am glad to all the guests today.
Take your places soon
The hat parade is about to start!
Meet Her Majesty the Hat Queen!

Hat Queen: I greet you my friends! I admire your outfits, and especially your amazing hats and hats. There is no such splendor and variety even in my hat kingdom. All this is so wonderful! And since our holiday takes place in the spring, I suggest you perform a spring song.
1. The song "And in the spring."

Hat Queen: Now get up and start the fun dance.
2. Dance "Funny Hats".

Hat Queen: My dear friends, today I have gathered you for a reason. As the saying goes: "It's all about the hat." Since you love hats so much, I suggest you play with them. Well, is everyone ready? Then we start. I have a wonderful chest with hats of various fairy-tale characters. Your task is to guess whose hat is hidden in the chest.
3. Competition: "Guess whose hat?"

(children should say who left their hat: Little Red Riding Hood, Petrushka, Karabas, Puss in Boots, Aibolit, Sailor, Clown, Dunno, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, etc.)
Hat Queen: Did a great job with the first one. And now meet the guest with the biggest hat, the cheerful Dunno.

4. Exit Dunno.
Dunno: Hello friends! From all the shorties of Sun City
big hello to you. Attention! Attention! Now let's start the competition.
Spectators, get sick more actively,
But don't take tranquilizers.
We will build a tower now from hats.
You will have to show the class -
Keep a tower of hats on your head.
(4 participants are called, two children put hats on their friends' heads)
5. The game "Tower of Hats".

Dunno: Not only can you wear a hat,
You can catch a flying nut with it.
6. "Hit the hat with a nut"
(at a certain distance there is a basket of nuts,
you need to hit a nut in a hat)

Dunno: And now, I invite you all to stand up and play with me with a candy hat.
7. The game "Candy Hat".
(Children stand in a circle, passing a hat with sweets to the music. As soon as
the music stops, the one with the hat takes a candy for himself, sits down)

Hat Queen: I hear, the music is heard, a new guest is coming to us here.
8. The exit of the Mushroom Borovik.

Hat Queen: Hello, dear mushroom Borovik. What a huge hat on your head. I've never seen anything like it.
Mushroom Borovik: I received an invitation
And I hurried to your holiday.
I see a hat ball in full swing.
Well, you didn't call me for nothing.
We will now turn the hat into a basket.
We will not let our hat get bored here.
Let's try to harvest with a hat.
Ready to go? Then start!
9. The game "Harvest in a hat."
(models of fruits are laid out on the floor, children collect in a hat, who is bigger)

Mushroom Borovik: We will take another hat and start playing with it.
10. "Move the hat"
(the hat is hung on a long stick, you need to move it without dropping it, 2 teams of 5 people play)

Mushroom Borovik: I have another hat. The hat is a mystery.
11. Riddles from the hat.

The daughter says to her mother: “The sun blinds her eyes.”
And my mother bought Cute for her daughter ... (Panama.)
Mom said to her daughter: "You will walk in a scarf."
But Dasha said: “No!
Better give me ... ”(Beret.)
A strong wind came up, Dad did not have time to gasp.
Why is dad upset? He flew off ... (Hat.)
A portrait hangs on the wall, This is my beloved grandfather.
He has a white shirt on, And on his head ... (Papakha.)
Pinocchio - playful From the famous children's book
He was a master of eccentricity And he always wore ... (Cap.)
Jan is in a hurry to work, He has a sporty look: He always wears a T-shirt, Visor back ... (Baseball cap.)
We love to walk, play different games.
Look at Pasha! How does he go ... (Forage cap.)
I found a photo album, there is a river in the photo, a house, Pioneers are sitting in a boat,
On their heads ... (caps.)
And our neighbor is a champion, He drives a motorcycle.
So that there are no problems, He puts on his ... (Helmet.)
The doctor will take a bathrobe and a heating pad,
Cook - spoon and plate,
Teacher - grind a pointer,
And the fireman - a hose and ... (Helmet.)
My mother took me to the circus
It's a fun program.
Seated firmly on the head
The clown has a big ... (Cap.)
The wind dispersed the clouds
Katya tousled her braids.
Katerinka instantly tied it on her head ... (Kerchief.)
Hat Queen: I will ask the music to be turned on and the dance of the hamsters to be repeated.
12. Dance "We are hamsters."

Hat Queen: And now I announce the beginning of the main event of our holiday of Hats. We need to determine the best of the hats.
(rewarding of participants in nominations: the smallest, largest, original, old, colorful, etc.))

Hat Queen: Everything was so wonderful and beautiful.
We'll say thank you to all the hats
And I say goodbye to you
And I return to the fairy tale.

A holiday, in itself, is always a joy, but if you are thinking about making it a memorable event, then organization can be one of the solutions. And this is not necessarily an expensive decoration of the hall, props and costumes (although if the possibilities allow, then it's great), sometimes just some expressive details in a certain style are enough and entertainment program united by a single plot or idea.

To help lovers of holidays filled not only with fun, but also with meaning, we offer our new collection of entertainment - Dance, music and table games and competitions for the "Hat Party", which are suitable for organizing any family and friendly holiday, and especially well fit into the scenario of the women's anniversary. The necessary musical (and video) design of all competitions is attached, the congratulatory part and props are at the discretion of the organizers.

Dance battle" It's all about the hat"

A fun dance competition with hats between the male and female visiting team.

(The essence of the competition: the host organizes a team competition on the dance floor, each participant of which receives a hat as a prop)

Leading: Dear friends, there is a dance battle in the program of our holiday, music and, of course, your hats and caps will help us arrange it. The essence of this is traditional for dancing: first, the men in the dance beat their hats to their musical passage, demonstrating their artistry in every possible way in front of a team of beautiful ladies, then, on the contrary, the ladies dance, the men admire and emotionally support. We do not take each other prisoner, but simply give each other good mood and positive. Well, are you ready to show yourself and your hat in all its glory? Then let's go! We greet each other with applause.

Teams greet each other - track 0 sounds in the background(folder Case in the Hat)

Leading: Men, your first exit, imagine dancing yourself and your hat, show yourself in all its glory.

Track 1 sounds . - Presentation of the men's team

Leading: Yes, the presentation of men's hats and their owners is impressive, I would like to see how the women's team will respond?

Sounds track 2 . - Presentation of the women's team

Leading: Well, the application for participation of the women's team is also on top. Men, again your way out, the task is to beat in the dance the insidious property of the hat to fall and fly away.

Sound track 3 . - Men beat

Leading: Ladies, your choice! ....


Musical accompaniment in the folder "The Case in the Hat"

- Dance music game" Defile of hats of the peoples of the world"

Funny game - defile with national hats of different countries with musical accompaniment

(The essence of the game: It is better to arrange this entertainment as a surprise for the guests, having agreed with the participants in advance, for example, during a dance break. In this version, 3 women's and 6 men's national headdresses are presented, but the organizers can replace them and select their number depending on the props at their disposal. The task is to walk beautifully and artistically with a dancing gait with an appropriate hat.)


Leading: And we start with romantic France! What do you think, what kind of headdress have we prepared? (guests answer) Of course, she does, every woman in a beret becomes more romantic and mysterious. We meet, France and her headdress - takes!

Track 1 sounds (folder Defile) - participant presents a beret


Musical arrangement in the folder "Defile"(download the full version of the script)

- Music game" Guess the artist from the song about the hat"

Musical song guessing game on a hat theme given by the script

Leading: Friends, why do we wear hats? We have already found out that this is an element of the national costume, a wonderful decoration for any holiday, but what else? (guests answer) Yes, for beauty, as protection from the sun…………………………. And the hat is also an inspiration for artists, fashion designers, poets and composers. I propose to recall some of these creations, your task is to guess the artist in an excerpt from a song about a hat. First musical composition!

Track 1 plays. (folder Guessing Game) ( Correct answer: Valeria. Serpentine)


Musical arrangement in the folder "Guess"(download the full version of the script)

- Video contest" Guess the name of the movie from its excerpt"

A little table entertainment with guessing movies, in which heroes with hats participated

Leading: Dear friends, today we remembered a lot of interesting things about hats, many managed to try them on, now it's time to remember the films in which, one way or another, they are also beaten. Your task is to guess the name of the movie. Does everyone understand the rules of the game? Ready? Then go ahead. And our first snippet.

On the Movie 1 screen. (guests guess - correct answer:"Prisoner of the Caucasus")


Video excerpts in the folder "Guess the movie"(download the full version of the script)

- Children's play block "Hat Contests"

From the author: On the family holidays or anniversary celebrations, quite a lot of children gather among the guests who also want to play on their own or with adults, especially for this, we offer several competitions on the topic.

1. Competition "Hat quiz"

The essence of entertainment: the competition is made in the presentation format: texts of questions, riddle pictures (a headdress of a fairy-tale or cartoon character) and correct answers (a hero in a headdress with an indication of the name) are shown sequentially slide by slide, the presenter gives a certain time for reflection, tracks for background music designs are attached. If the quiz is conducted with the calculation of points for the correct answers, then the winners are solemnly announced in the final.

Right answers:

1. Dunno

2. Aladdin


Musical arrangement in the folder "Hat quiz"(download the full version of the script)

!! Finished presentation to the competition - in the folder "Presentation"(download the full version of the script)

- 2. Competition for children" Best movie connoisseur"

From the author: the competition has no age restrictions, the only thing is that all children are different and such a situation may arise that children cannot guess the film, then it is necessary to involve adults or make a team competition, whose team will guess more films.

Leading: Guys, do you watch movies? Do you have any favorites? (guys answer) It's great that you love cinema, then you can easily cope with our task. And the task is very, very simple, to guess the hero of the film, having seen a small excerpt. And, of course, we guess the hero in a hat or other headdress. Ready, then the first passage on the screen.

On screen Clip 1. (children guess - Correct answer: Harry Potter)


Video excerpts in the "Film Connoisseur" folder(download the full version of the script)

- 3. Children's animation"Hat Dancing"

Leading: Dear children, do you want to dance? I would love to dance with you. Let's try? First, we need to take the appropriate appearance, because these dances can only be danced by those who wear hats (distributing). We put them on our heads, don't be shy to try them on ( kids put on hats). And now your task is to repeat the movements after me, but first, let's introduce ourselves, take turns, go to the center to the music and show ourselves and our hat.

Sounds Track 1 (folder Animashka)

(The leader is presented first and then the children take turns, the movements are arbitrary)

Leading: Great, now repeat the movements for me, are you ready? Then let's try.


Musical arrangement in the folder "Animashka"(download the full version of the script)

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to deposit a small amount (400 rubles) into the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the following document presents detailed information on how to get the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)

N. N. Cherepanova, 2018