Scenario of an ecological fairy tale about a birch. Scenario of the ecological fairy tale “Saving the Droplet. Scenario of ecological fairy tale

  • 13.11.2019

Scenario #1 "Forest Adventure"

Scene 1

Early morning in the forest. Hut of Baba Yaga. It's dark inside the hut. B-I lies on the stove and sleeps. The cat meowed.

B-Ya: (Rises, stretches) woke up, Vaska. Perhaps it's time to get up. (Starts to walk around the hut, puts things in order). How about preparing breakfast? Where are my dried mice? Yes, here they are (throws mice into a pot), add a couple of spiders (removes spiders from the web and throws them there), and here is marinated centipede (throws there too).

He moves his hands over the cast iron, saying:

Chufir, chufir, kurly, murly,

The fire is crackling, boil the cabbage soup, and for now I'll take care of the morning toilet.

(looks in the mirror)

X-x-x-ara-a-asha I (kisses with a mirror).

I love and cherish myself,

I do not regret anything for my joy.

I wanted shoes, I wanted a dress

I am unconditionally ready to give myself everything.

I want cake, I want jam

Berries, ice cream, sweet cookies,

Roast duck, smoked sausages,

I eat persimmons and pineapples from morning to evening.

A knock is heard at the door. Goblin and Vodyanoy enter.

Goblin: Knock-knock, grandma, are you home?

B-Ya: A-ah-ah, it's you, Leshy. And where should I be?

Vodyanoy: And suddenly you are walking in the forest.

B-I: And you're here, Vodyanoy?! Yes, I rarely leave the house. What for? I have everything here: canned snakes, dried toads, smoked spiders. And if you want something else, I will conjure.

Goblin: Well, you give, so after all, it won't be long to run wild.

B-I: What are you, what are you, dear. You see a box in the corner - it's called a telly. I’ll look at him for Verka Serduchka and Glucose, new Russian attendants and Lolita - so, as if I’ve been among relatives. And you don't have to go anywhere.

Vodyanoy: So, then, you don’t know anything about what’s going on in the forest?

B-I: I don’t know and I don’t want to know! (turns) What's going on?

Vodyanoy: Schoolchildren from the city came to the forest to rest.

B-Ya: So what, let them rest. And do not persuade me to eat them, I will not!

Goblin: Why so?

Vodyanoy: Before, I remember, you caught kids, put them on a shovel, and sent them to the oven.

B-Ya: So it used to be. Then the kids were delicious, natural products ate. Now what? For example, last summer I met a tourist in the forest. And, characteristically, he walked in a strange way. Not straight, as all people walk, but staggered from side to side. He hit his head on a birch tree. She's broken, poor thing. I put him in a bag, and he sits there so quietly, only snoring with his nose. I was really glad that I was so calm.

B-I: Well, now, I brought him home, put him on a shovel, he could not sit by himself. As soon as I brought him to the stove, and he was breathing on the coals ka-a-a-ak, everything around him flared up at once. I barely managed to jump out the door, and my hut burned to the ground. Yes, and the forest in the district for seven miles burned out.

Vodyanoy: Aaah, I see that you built yourself a new outlandish hut, not from logs.

B-I: Well, you are an unpaved village. These are modern building materials: silicone bricks, beer-concrete blocks, metal-cusiding. Need to know!

Vodyanoy: Yeah, yeah, I'll know. What about that tourist?

B-Ya: He's fried. Ha-a-a-r-r-ra-aasho fried. But the smell from him, I'll tell you, was kind of strange. I didn’t, I eat it, threw it into the swamp. Since then, I vowed to touch people.

Vodyanoy: That's it, I see that in our swamp last summer a lot of living creatures died.

Goblin: Yes, Grandmother, sorry. And we hoped so much for you. We thought you could help us clear the forest of schoolchildren.

B-I: What did they do to you? Why did you take up arms against them?

Goblin: Come with us, you'll see for yourself.

B-I: Well, let's go.

Scene 2.

Baba Yaga, Leshy and Vodyanoy sat in the bushes and looked at the clearing. Picnic in the field. Music is playing. Everyone is dancing.

1. Dance of girls of the 7th grade.

2. The song of the dancing "Byaki-buki" (remake).

They say we are badass - beeches, how does the earth endure us?

Give me sticks in your hands - we are chasing a sparrow,

Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, we do not feel sorry for the sparrow.

We will beat the bear, let the raspberries not tear here,

Let's push him into the swamp, let him die of longing there.

Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, we will trample the bear,

Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, uh-huh-huh.

And we’ll set fire to the “oblique” tail, we will repaint the fox,

We wanted to spit on everyone, we are the masters in the forest.

Uy-lu-lu, uy-lu-lu, we are masters in the forest!!!

B-I: (Screaming) No! I can't look at this mess anymore! How dare you disturb the forest silence and order!

Goblin: (Running up) What did I say! They scared away all the animals and birds of the forest.

Vodyanoy: And in the swamp even Kikimors drowned themselves from such noise.

B-Ya: Well, you wicked hooligans, tell me, from which school and why did you come to us ?!

Children: (in chorus) We are resting here.

Goblin: Yes, where has it been seen that they rest like that ?! Previously, it used to be that people went to the forest for berries and mushrooms. Quietly they walked, so as not to disturb the living creatures of the forest.

B-I: What are you doing? Birds and animals now have small kids.

Vodyanoy: You'll scare them away.

Children: (Sing the song “But we don’t care”).

And we don't care, and we don't care

We are not afraid of grandmother Yaga,

We have business in this quiet hour,

We trample green tryn-grass.

B-Z: (Knocks his feet, waves his arms)

Worthless! Worthless! I'll bewitch everyone!

Children laugh, make faces.

B-Ya: (Speaks a spell): I twist and turn, I want to turn

naughty guys into helpless kittens.

Let them freeze for 100 years, and there will be no trouble from them.

I will blow on them now: turn into statues!

Everyone freezes, except for one girl. She was the youngest of all and sat at a distance, playing with a doll.

Vodyanoy: Oh, Grandma, look, but your charms did not work on this girl.

B-Y: So this girl is good, unspoiled, loves nature. Am I right, girl? What is your name?

Girl: I'm Katya. Yes, I love nature. And birds, and animals, and various insects. I asked the guys not to make noise in nature and not to litter. Only they didn't listen to me. They are big and I am small. Grandmother, will they remain in the forest now? Their parents are waiting for them at home.

B-Ya: I haven't decided what to do with them yet.

Goblin: Flog them and be done with it. Pick up twigs, and smack-smack.

Water: And then tie them up and give them to the gypsies. They will quickly re-educate them.

B-Ya: Nah… It will be too good for their parents. Gypsies are not obliged to do their work for them. But to flog - a good idea. Okay, in a hundred years I'll take care of them, but now I'm reluctant, let them stand like that.

Girl: Grandmother, grandmother, well, disenchant them! Whatever you wish I will do for you!

B-I: Really? Well, okay, so be it. I'm going to my hut now, I'll have breakfast. And then because of you, tomboys, I didn’t have poppy dew in my mouth in the morning. Here's the task for you: if you manage to come up with 5, no - 10 rules of behavior in the forest, then I will disenchant them. If you don't have time, let them wait for 100 years. Agree?

Katya: I agree, grandmother, I agree! Go ahead, eat in peace.

B-Ya: Let's go, neighbors, let's have a cup of tea. (Leave)

Katya: Guys, help me cope with the task. Let's think together, what can not be done in the forest?

(Hints are heard from the hall, the girl writes them down.)

Well, that's all I managed to write down.

B-I showed up with friends.

Threesome: Well, how? Did you manage?

Katya: Of course, I promised.

B-I: Then read.

Katya: 1. Don't make noise in the forest.

Goblin: In-in, and I'm talking about the same thing!

2. Don't leave trash behind.

Vodyanoy: Of course, who will clean it up after you in the forest!

3. Do not make a fire anywhere.

B-Ya: The fire in the forest spreads quickly, you can’t put it out with anything. It will burn until the whole forest burns out.

4. Do not touch the chicks and bird nests.

Goblin: Otherwise, their parents will leave them, and the chicks will die. Birds do not like the smell of others.

5. Don't break trees.

Vodyanoy: And don't carve "Vasya was here" on them. After all, spores of the fungus or microbes can get into the wound, and the tree will get sick.

6. Do not pick forest flowers.

Goblin: All the same, you won’t bring it home, they will wither.

7. Do not ruin anthills.

B-Ya: Ants also need to live somewhere. And if they decide to leave the forest, who will destroy pests?

8. Do not destroy the springs.

Vodyanoy: Spring - from the word "Motherland", and the Motherland must be loved and protected.

9. Do not cut Christmas trees in the forest on New Year's Eve.

Goblin: Get out of them, artificial, how many are sold in stores! Better yet, grow a Christmas tree in your yard and decorate it however you want.

10. Do not destroy the mycelium.

Water: The mushroom picker has been recovering for more than 10 years, so the mushroom should not be pulled out of the ground, but twisted or cut with a knife.

B-I: Well done! So small, but she coped with the task, helped her friends out. So be it, I'll break them up.

Zarya-zaryanitsa, red maiden,

You start a new day, you help people.

Give your strength to frail children,

Yes, teach them the mind! And I forgive them!

Claps hands 3 times. Children come alive. They move slowly. They take turns saying:

What happened to us?

Why is it so dirty in here? Must be removed! (Collect garbage in a bag)

Oh, how ugly we behaved. Forgive us, forest dwellers! Forgive everyone we have disturbed with our presence.

We'll fix it.

And we will follow the rules not only in the forest, but also wherever we are in nature.

B-I: Well done!

Leshy and Vodyanoy: We believe, we believe!

Water: Friends!

How beautiful Russian nature is!

How many herbs, trees and flowers!

How many people surround us:

Midges, butterflies, beetles and ants!


Don't hurt a tree or a branch,

Not an ant, not a butterfly in the grass.

Do not offend the hen with chickens,

Do not leave them in fear and trouble.


It's high time for adults and children to know

What is the most important thing for nature?

It is to maintain cleanliness everywhere

And you don't need almost anything else.

Garbage - dumps, and the bird - a nest,

Squirrels and hares - forests and fields,

Never pollute anything

Together: And the Earth will be grateful to you!

Ecological fairy tale "The Complaint Book of Nature"

On the stage - the scenery of a forest clearing


Guys, sit back - we're starting!

Not far from the city in a dense forest lived-were forest animals. They lived together, did not offend each other ..... (music sounds, small dialogues are played out)

Scene “Squirrel and Bear” N. Sladkov.

Hey Bear! What are you doing at night?

Am I? Let's eat!

What about during the day?

And I eat during the day.

And in the morning?

I also eat.

Well, what about in the evening?

And I eat in the evening.

When do you not eat?

Yes, when I'm full.

And when are you full?

And never...

(The Hedgehog and the Hare come out. Staged.)

Here you are, Hare, and fox teeth!

Uh, Hedgehog, it's still bad.

Here you are, gray, and wolf legs!

Uh, Hedgehog, happiness is not great.

Here you are, oblique, and lynx claws!

Uh, Hedgehog, that I have fangs and claws!

My soul is still hare.

(The Fox and the Hedgehog come out. Staged by N. Sladkov)

You are the Hedgehog to everyone, good and handsome, but thorns do not suit you.

And what, Lisa, am I ugly with thorns, or what?

It's not that it's ugly....

Maybe I'm clumsy with thorns?

Yes, not that - to clumsy!

Well, what am I with thorns?

Yes, some you are with them, brother, inedible!

Leading. But not only animals lived in this forest, sometimes other guests appeared in the forest….

Tourists appear with fishing rods and backpacks; at the sight of them, the animals hide, look out frightened, follow people. “Tourists” pass between the Christmas trees to the music, sing a song (And in the Moscow region there are breams, berries, mushrooms ...) and sit down in a clearing. Take out disposable utensils plastic bottles, "I'm going." They rest and leave to the music, leaving all the garbage in the clearing.

Leading. The forest dwellers did not like it at all!The animals emerge from their hiding place and speak indignantly.

Fox ( looks around) - It's dirty in our forest.

Bear (angrily) - Again, people littered and left! Didn't get away!

Hare - And I hurt my paw on the glass, it hurts to walk!

hedgehog - And I got tangled in the package, I almost suffocated.

Bear (angrily) - I have already scared them so many times, but they keep walking and walking ..

Hare - And every day I clean the forest, I'm already tired - I have no more strength!

hedgehog - We can't do it on our own, we need to ask someone for help.

A fox (thoughtfully) - I know who. There is a magic book. If you write our complaint in it, help will come right away!

A complaint book is out. The animals approach the book and write a complaint.

The animals go, the book remains. Schoolchildren come out (they have bandages on their sleeves). The book addresses them.

J.K.P .(mournful book of nature): "Help, guys, the forest needs to be saved!"


We rush to the aid of nature,

Who suddenly found himself in trouble,

Do not worry, our dear forest,

Now we will help you!

(Children collect garbage in a bag)


We ask you to behave with dignity,

In the forest, remember, we are only guests!

Children hang a poster "Take care of the forest" or "Do not litter in the forest"

Animals and children take bags of garbage and leave.

Change of scenery. A river appears. Musical accompaniment.

Staged: The wolf catches the fish (shoe, tin can, empty juice bag).

The Fox and the Bear come out

How is the fishing?

Can you give us some fish?


Eh! And what a clean river it used to be! Now I don't fish, but I catch garbage. What now? As help the river?

A fox: We know who can help you

Bear. There is a magical book...

J.K.P comes out. “You called me? What happened? What's the trouble?

Animals write in a book

Schoolchildren come out. The book addresses them.

J.C.P. : "Help, guys, we need to save the river!"

Children: “All adults know, all children know,

That man is responsible for nature.

Children clean up garbage, hang a poster "Take care of water bodies" the water becomes cleaner.Change of scenery (we remove the river, a bed appears).

Staged by N. Sladkov

(Dandelion comes out, followed by the Hare under an umbrella. The Hedgehog comes out and the Bee flies up )

Dandelion - How good it is in the garden. Oh rain! Hooray! Guard! Hooray! Guard!

Hare - What's the matter with you, Dandelion? Are you sick? You are all yellow! What are you then “cheers”, then

Are you shouting "guard"?

Dandelion - Scream here! My roots are happy with the rain, everyone shouts “hurray”, and the flower

“Guard” screams – afraid that the pollen will spoil.

So I was confused: hurrah, guard, hurray, guard!

Hare - What are you doing in my garden with carrots?

Dandelion - Where's your carrot? Show me?

Hare - Here she is, rising.Now I'm pouring...

(Points to the garden, mutants appear there)

Hare - Oh, what kind of plants are these?! I didn't plant these!! What is happening to the earth.

(Suitable Hedgehog)

Hedgehog - Bunny, how is your harvest?

Hare - Look - what has grown in the garden ....

Hedgehog - Oh, no, you can't eat it!

Hare- the land is heavily polluted... The crop is poisoned!

(a bee has arrived)

bee - Barely got to you, the air is very dirty. They say that you have some kind of magic book?

(The animals call the plaintive book)

J.C.P. : "Did you call me? What's the trouble?

Dandelion says, and the hedgehog and the bunny write in the book

Dandelion - The earth is poisoned and the air is dirty! We need helpers here!

J.C.P. : "Help, guys! Our land and air must be saved!”

Children come out

We know how to help! Let's plant trees. They will purify the air.

Music is playing. Children take a tree to the middle of the stage and “plant”. Hang posters "Don't pollute the air", "Plant a tree". All the heroes come out and stand in a circle around the tree.

Children read poetry

All adults know, all children know,

That live with us on the planet...

Lion and crane, parrot and fox.

Wolf and bear, dragonfly and marten.

White groves, forest oak forests,

Rivers, streams, trees and grass!

Wildlife from century to century

She trusts you man!

You are the smartest, which means in the answer

For everything that is alive on the planet!

Galina Pyatkina
Scenario of entertainment "Ecological fairy tale"

Children sit on chairs

Reb. See a fairy tale, Would you like?

There are many stories in the world,

Don't read right away

But like ours

You won't find it in the world!

This story is not easy

About nature - that's what!

Reb. We can not live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

In the summer, magical, fairy forest

He invites us to visit.

Comes to the music "Little Red Riding Hood" sings a song

Reb. Little Red Riding Hood:

How cool in the spring in the forest,

What's the beautiful!

The birds are singing merrily

That sun is shining bright!

I hurry to my grandmother

I bring her pies

And I rejoice at the flowers around

And butterflies in the forest.

I walk boldly along the path,

Nobody scares me

And my favorite song

I sing everywhere.

Sounds disturbing music enters "Wolf" little red riding hood hiding

Wolf: Well, finally I came,

It's so good to relax here.

Sits on a stump, eats, scatters garbage, goes to bed

They jump out to cheerful music "Bunnies"(3 boys)

1 hare: Oh, how nice it is for us to catch,

Summer sunshine!

We love to run and jump

Play hide and seek with each other.

2 hare: naughty, laugh, laugh

And never be discouraged.

Dancing to cheerful music

3 Hare: Oh, trouble, hurry, save,

Call the doctor here.

I stepped on something

My poor paw.

Comes in "Bear"

bear: Good afternoon animals,

Lovely bunnies.

Why don't you download

And what are you crying about?

2. Hare: We hurt our paws

About cans.

Someone here broke the glass

It hit the paw.

bear: Oh, how disgusting!

Ah, how bad!

Someone very evil

I've been here in the woods

Rubbish scattered everywhere.

We will bring the hare to the doctor,

And then we'll clean it up together.

The bear takes the hare to the doctor, bandages the paw

The fox gathered in the forest and punishes the children

A fox: I got up early today,

For food to go to the forest.

I beg you: be obedient,

Remove everything around.

Do not take matches in your hands

Don't play with fire!

1st fox.

We promise: foursome

We will clean everything in the house!

A fox: Well, look, don't be naughty

And wait for me for dinner.

The fox leaves.

2nd fox.

Mom left home

Gotta get down to business!

I will water the flower now.

To the music, the foxes begin work: clean up toys, water flowers, sweep the floor.

4th fox

Well, it's all done

Let's drink tea!

1st fox

But what about the teapot?

Will we warm up?

After all, mom is strict

I didn't tell you to take matches!

2nd fox

Think! What nonsense!

We only need one match

Moreover, I have seen many times

How mom lit the gas in the kitchen.

3rd fox

Or maybe not?

4th fox

Yes, I see you, just a coward!

The 4th fox comes into the house, takes a box of matches.

3rd fox

Our brother still took the matches!

cubs (together) .

Oh, there would be a fire!

The cry of a fox cub is heard from the house

Oh-oh-oh-oh! I got burned!

I dropped a match!

Our house is on fire! Hurry over here!

fox cubs run to the house, on the roof of which flames appear. (They can be made from red paper or fabric.)

cubs (loud). Fire! Fire!

3rd fox

Not! We can't handle this fire!

We'll have to leave the house and run away!

Suddenly a cloud appears with thunder and it started to rain

Oh, something frowns the weather,

The cloud is coming

Gotta get under the birch

Wait out the summer rain. (hiding)

Running to the music "Droplets"(2 girls) and put out the fire

children read

1. The light is always like this -

Both good and bad:

He shines, he warms,

And he knows how to play pranks.

2. So that the forests can bloom,

And gardens and rivers

Take care of all living things

You are in this world.

3. Garbage, friend, do not leave,

In the forest in the meadow.

Don't pollute the rivers.

We will declare the battle to the bottle.

We will love nature

Let's live together with nature

Everybody (together): And then at any time of the year,

We will enjoy nature!

All children: Always remember this!

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Ecological fairy tale "The Complaint Book of Nature". This performance was staged in our kindergarten for the city theater festival, which.

Ecological fairy tale "Forest Pharmacy" Program objectives: education of respect for nature, animals, love and care for all life on the planet. Vedas: Forest - not only.

Once a month, in our Kindergarten the Kineshma theater arrives with its performances. This time they came to us with an ecological one.

ecological fairy tale.

The presenters come out to the music. They start talking to the music.

Vedas. On our earthly ball

Where we were born and live

Where is the summer dew in the grass.

And blue skies

Where is the sea mountains steppe forest

Full of mysterious wonders

Wandering through the forest Gray wolf

And a thin lily of the valley blooms

In the steppe, feather grass is like delicate silk

The breeze combs

A waterfall thunders on the rocks,

And rainbow splashes fly

And in the blue sky a fat whale

Big as a house, sleeping on the waves.

Don't destroy this world

Girls and boys

Otherwise these miracles

Remain only in the book

To be in the source of Narzan,

From the clearing - strawberries

Be careful like tarzan

Make friends with wild nature

You, too, are part of her wonders.

And the forest darkens for you

And the bright river flows

And in the spring lilacs bloom

And we must try not to part with it

An unusual fairy tale

We offer you

Heroes who love nature

We present to you

In the lake district

Among the pines, birches

In the forest on the edge

Girly lives

Mom gave her a hat

And visit grandma

asked to go

Mom: "Take a basket

And pies from the oven

Granny visit

Daughter, go."

Vedas: The girl took the basket

I put on my hat and went

(music sounds. Little Red Riding Hood goes and sings a song)

K.Sh.: Hello, forest, dense forest

Full of secrets and wonders

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

(Music. Hare jumps out.)

K.Sh.: Hello, bunny.

Who was scared?

Where did you run from?

Completely out of breath.

Hare: Oh! The wolf came to us.

Big teeth.

Wandering through the forest

Fear brings.

Breaks the bushes

The nest is destroyed.

Scared all the birds

Animals dispersed.

If he meets you

Then trouble awaits you

Run to your grandmother.

And leave the forest.

(Hides behind a tree. The wolf comes out)

Wolf: Something not animals, not birds

Not to be seen today.

And I urgently need

Test a new slingshot.

Things to do?

The forest is completely empty.

(I saw an anthill. Ants swarm around)

Finally an ant

Standing in front of me again

Come on, just for fun

I kick him with my foot (kicks the anthill)

Ha! Ants stirred.

And then they fell asleep completely in the silence of the forest

(imitates ant bite)

Ah, damned! Have you thought of squabbling with me?

Well, you will pay with your head.

I won't let you bully me!

Fu, mouth! It's time to take a break

Refuel properly

And again on the road (tears flowers, throws and sits on them)

I'm well settled!

Yes, where is my food?

I always like to eat well (spreads a newspaper, takes out a package of juice, a bottle of cola, scatters it all)

Oh! Here I rested

I can go, but the garbage is superfluous on the way.

Under the pine, I'll throw it

On the trunk I will carve my name

If there are animals and birds here sometimes,

May they remember my name forever.

And so that I myself do not forget this place

I'll drop the tree. Let it be seen

I've been here.

(breaks tree)

Little Red Riding Hood comes out from behind her.

Little Red Riding Hood: What are you doing, villain

You are acting like an animal.

How many troubles have you done

Our forest almost destroyed.

Garbage and glass around, you scattered.

I offended the ant and the bunny,

And also broke the Christmas tree.

Wolf: Please forgive me for

What made a lot of trouble!

I promise on earth

Leave a good mark

I will protect nature

Protect from evil people

Where are you going, girl?

It smells so good in the box! Cinnamon?

Little Red Riding Hood: As if gray, you don't know

That I'm going to my grandmother,

I carry pies in a basket

(looks in the basket)

Wolf: Oh, pies!? And here is the cheesecake!

Where does your old lady live?

Come on, I'll go ahead of you

And I'll take the pies to her?

K.Sh. Thank you, gray kumanek

Did the pie spirit attract you?

No, I'll go there myself.

And I'll take her pies

Wolf: What a stupid girl

I ate pizza today.

I'm going to the disco

I invite you there with me.

And what a bore it is.

Sitting with granny is torture!

And eat pies together with her

And all get fat, get fat.

And in our forest-phyto bar

All the animals were waiting for the disco.

Let's go, we're together and

And in the dance we will shake the bones.

Just go to the lake

And it got dirty on the way

Wash your face, drink some water

And come quickly girl.

Red Riding Hood. I quickly go to the lake,

I'll put myself in order.

(Music. Goes to the lake. There is a sign “Swimming is FORBIDDEN. You CANNOT use water”

Near the lake lies Vodyanoy and sings a song.)

I am a lonely merman.

Nobody hangs out with me

my frog friends

Sick like old women

At the bottom of my apartment are bottles, rags, pitchforks.

Garbage on the lake

Don't go, stay!

There are tin cans all around.

Spare parts, glass, cans.

And I want to live like this

Hat help.

Little Red Riding Hood. Who did this?

Is the lake so polluted?

Vodyanoy: Wolf came to us-

big teeth

Walks through the forest

Fear brings.

Little Red Riding Hood: You can see this vile type,

Been here too.

Glass, garbage in the lake-

scoundrel sketched

Will have to take action

Nature needs help

I need to find a robber

To have a conversation with him.

Tell it like it should

always behave.

Not causing disaster and harm to nature

Well, squirrels, bunnies, animals.

All honest forest people!

Help, get down!

We will clean up the lake in time! (Dancing, they clean up all the garbage)

Leading: Friends called all the animals

Birds, insects, swans,

And the whole world fell upon

And the lake was freed from garbage

Lake: Thank you my friends

I became clean again

And I want the Water

Returned, you are home

Well, you are a beautiful girl

Wash your face, drink some water

rest here and go

The road is ahead

And what about our wolf?

Our wolf quickly ran

And he knocked on the old woman.

Grandma opened the door.

When she saw the wolf, she screamed.

Grandmother: Oh, may goth, oh, may goth!

Why did you come to us Wolf?

B: I came to you here,

To eat you faster.

To seize your hut

And happily live here!

Grandma: I'm tasteless, dry

And quite young.

Wait for your granddaughter

She will bring pies.

Presenter: The wolf swallowed granny,

The door to the hut closed.

Got into bed, put on a cap

And said:

Wolf: What a good fellow I am!

Granddaughter is coming soon

Bring me pies.

Let's sit down and have a cup of tea

Then we'll go dancing.


Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! How bad for me!

Maybe you don't like lunch.

Maybe the old woman turned out to be

Not cooked in the stomach.

Yes, she was right

Which is dry and tasteless.

Oh, it's really bad for me!

Granddaughter, granddaughter to me

Leading: Then the granddaughter came.

Granddaughter: Hello, Grandma, how are you?

You get off the stove,

I brought pies.

Leading: The wolf lies quietly.

And she looks after her granddaughter.

And he also thinks

Swallow, don't swallow.

(Granddaughter, approaches the Wolf and looks carefully)

Leading: Volku Granddaughter says:

Granddaughter: What is this outfit?

And what fell apart here?

Do you have sciatica?

You, get off the stove,

Call Grandma to the table.

We'll drink tea with you

And let's have a conversation

How to be friends with nature

And love all living things.

Presenter: The wolf from the stove like a siganul

Threw the cap into the corner

Wolf: Ah, a conversation?! Well no girl

I'll gobble you up with mustard!

Little Red Riding Hood (surprised): You're crazy, my friend

Eat better pie.

I have a Black Belt.

In a moment I will calm you down.

Answer me quickly

Where is grandma? Well, villain?

Or else I'll be angry

And I'll deal with you!

Wolf looked at Riding Hood

and sneezed out of fear.

Wolf: Sneeze, knock-knock (foot) -2 times

Host: Look, granny is right there.

She hugged her granddaughter tightly.

I walked along the wolf with a rolling pin.

And then set the table

Made tea with mint.

Served, ate

and handed out candy.

The granddaughter and the Wolf treated themselves,

They were delighted with the pies.

The granddaughter said to the wolf

Mind - taught the mind.

How to protect nature

Love her, don't hate her.

Little Red Riding Hood: Crying air, river, field

Animals, birds, the sea are dying,

The forest, the earth and the meadow are moaning.

Everything we see around.

The branches are pulled towards us by a pine tree,

She is looking for help.

A snowdrop is waiting for sympathy -

The beauty of the earth's heir.

There is no warmth in us to nature

There is no spiritual goodness.

There is one simple law

We take everything from nature.

What kind of barbarism is this?

We poison the air, the river, the sea.

We muffle fish, we tear flowers

For momentary beauty.

But we can't understand one thing

Without nature we can't

Don't breathe, don't sing, don't live

Don't laugh, don't love.

We are one with nature

We are not separated from her.

After all, nature: me and you

River, air and flowers.

The Wolf was ashamed here

He says:

Wolf: Sorry, old woman

Granddaughter, forgive me.

I did it, oh, I'm the case here.

I will be friends now

Forest, always love animals.

I will protect nature

Protect from evil deeds.

I really want friends

For all of you to forgive me.

Host: Fairy tale lie

Yes, there is a hint

Good fellows - a lesson

He flies over the whole planet

Take care of this Earth!

He shouts to all the people

We all need to protect nature!

Let's people be friends with each other,

Like a bird with the sky

Like grass with a meadow

Like the wind with the sea

rain field,

How friendly the sun is with all of us.

Come on people

Strive for that.

To be loved by both the beast and the bird.

And they trusted us everywhere

Like your most loyal friends.

Come on people!

Protect the planet!

There is nothing like it in the entire universe!

She is the only one in the entire universe!

What will she do without us!?

Let's protect it together

We are like a friendly family.

Let's take out the trash!

Do not litter, do not offend!


Somewhere in the world

There is only one planet

Where the birds sing songs

The blue river murmurs

Let's save the planet

She's the only one with us.

Beautiful in the whole universe

And we really need

Chorus: La-la....

love you earth


Always be green

Galina Markevich
Scenario of the ecological fairy tale "Saving the Droplet"

Scenario of the ecological fairy tale "Saving the Droplet"

Goals and objectives:

Development of cognitive interest in nature;

Education of a careful, humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth;

Development moral qualities personality, camaraderie, willingness to help friends;

Attraction to Russian folk art.


the hall is smartly decorated, there are trees. A boy and a girl walk into the hall.

Girl: look how elegant all around. The trees are dressed in spring attire, the sun is bright in the sky, and the first grass is underfoot.

Boy: Yes, it's good in the forest in spring, you hear the birds sing. Oh, and who is there near the tree?

Girl: let's go and see (they approach the tree, a girl is standing by the tree - a droplet)

droplet: dear tree, have you drunk the living water, have you had enough?

Girl: hello stranger, who are you and what are you doing in the forest?

droplet: I, a living droplet, check whether all the trees and grasses have enough water, whether the water in rivers and lakes is clean.

Boy: Wow! The real living drop! (touches her)

droplet: what are you doing in the forest?

Girl: we came to the forest to admire the spring.

Suddenly thunder sounds, Evil appears, grabs a drop

Evil: Look at me, I'm Evil in nature

I am in the river, and in the pond, and at the sea too.

People carelessly litter reservoirs

All living things die, because nothing lasts forever.

Blurred oil stains

Through the seas

Breathe all around

Kill all living things!

droplet: Help!

Evil takes a drop backstage.

Boy: I need to save some urgently!

Girl: but how can we find it? Oh, look, there is a living flower!

Thumbelina: hello guys, I heard about your trouble. It will be bad for all living things without a clean droplet, but I can help you. Here is a magic ball for you, follow it, defeat evil, and return a drop to the ground.

Children together: thank you inch.

They take a ball and roll it.

Children fall into the swamp

in the fairy tale "Flying ship"

Together (admiringly): Wow! And we really were in a fairy tale!

(I saw a merman, sad mermaids. The merman sits with his legs crossed, drooping.)

Boy: Who are you?

Water: (Sings to music from a fairy tale):

I am Water, I am Water!

Nobody hangs out with me

Around all the banks, bottles,

Papers, in general, garbage,

Fu, what a disgusting, uh-uh,

My life is a tin, but let it go to the swamp,

I live like a toadstool

And I fly, and I fly

And I want to fly!

Girl: Yes, you are a real Water! You are what we need, have you met a living droplet?

Water: I don't have her. You came late, look, all the water has become dead! ( Disturbing music sounds. EVIL appears, dancing dance)

Water: People come here to rest on the shore, burn fires, throw all sorts of garbage into the water. My reservoir became dirty and uninhabitable. Look for living water elsewhere.

Boy: we will find living water, we will return, and your swamp will come to life, but now we need to hurry. ( roll a ball. Change of scenery on stage. Fairy tale "Golden Key"

Turtle Tortila: (sitting in a chair, singing to the music from the film)

It dragged on with brown mud,

The smooth surface of an old pond,

Oh, she was like Pinocchio,

I used to be young

Our pond was remarkably clean

And water lilies grew in it,

The fish swam and played

And the flowers bloomed all around!

The years flew by quickly

A new age has come

And made many discoveries

Modern man.

People pour poison

Everything that grows in the fields

And with the rains this muck

Underground flows into my pond!

(The theme of EVIL sounds)

Boy and girl: Hello turtle! We came to you for living water, Evil dragged away a living drop, but we see that we cannot find it here either. Do you know where to look for it.

Turtle: Look for a clean drop in the rivers, maybe they are not polluted yet.

Boy: we will definitely find living water, and then your pond will come to life! (they roll a ball. On the stage, a change of scenery. The tale “After pike command". Emelya is sitting on the shore, Nesmeyana is crying nearby).

Emelya: Don't swim, don't drink water, you'll die.

Girl: What happened to you? (The theme of EVIL sounds)

Emelya: I don't know myself. I used to be able to catch a fish in a pond, my favorite pike, make wishes, make the princess laugh, just say “At the command of the pike,” but now I don’t know if I’ll live to see tomorrow. A monster appeared on the bank of my river. Smokes the sky with its pipes, pours its waste into the water. All living things were destroyed.

Girl: and we are looking for a living droplet, Evil grabbed it and hid it at home.

Emelya: You will not find her here, go to the blue sea, the golden fish, she is the queen of the seas and oceans. Maybe she can help you!

(music sounds. Change of scenery on stage. Fairy tale "About the fisherman and the fish")

(An old woman sits on the shore with a broken trough. She saw the children).

Children: Hello grandma!

Old woman: Hello dear!

Girl: Can you tell us how to find the goldfish?

Old woman: Take the seine, throw it into the sea. Maybe you'll catch a golden fish, I haven't seen it for a long time! Ask her for a new trough for me, otherwise the old one is completely leaky!

boy: Okay, grandma! ( they take a seine and throw it into the sea. Pulls a goldfish

Girl: Hello goldfish! You are our last hope! We are looking for a living drop, and for this I will let you go back to the sea!

Gold fish: Don't let me back into this sea. EVIL settled here big! (The theme of EVIL sounds) It spread over the surface of the water with a thin oily layer, covering large spaces. All living things die here. I'd rather live in an aquarium with clean water. I do not want to be an oil fish, but I want to remain gold. Something is getting bad for me, I feel evil is approaching!

Children: Don't be afraid, little fish, we won't let you get hurt, we won't let you destroy all living things! Come out EVIL, let's meet you in open battle!

Fish: for your courage, I will give you my soldiers to help you.

(music sounds, The battle of the boy, soldiers and EVIL. Evil wins, a drop appears)

droplet: thank you guys, you helped me, they freed the whole planet from Evil!

Together: (addressing the hall): Let's all fight Evil together, and then the water in the reservoirs will become clean and alive.

Song to the motive of A. Pugacheva's song "You know, it's still going to be

1. Earth is a common home,

Where we live together

And to preserve its beauty,

We need to unite.

We are masters in our house

And we need to remember this

We are responsible for all living things

On our small planet.

CHORUS: Here she flies like this

small and blue

It blows with unsteady coolness,

2. Here she swims through midnight,

Calling all people for help

So that the seas, oceans and rivers,

Became clean and blue:

To have more fish in them,

So that penguins live on the pole,

For whales to walk on the waves

And the dolphins played with us

CHORUS: Here she flies like this

small and blue

It blows with unsteady coolness,

Still lives, still believes people!