religious conflicts. Religious Fundamentalism Presentation on Religious Fundamentalism

  • 27.04.2020

The concept and general characteristics of religious fundamentalism.

An analysis of modern specialized literature allows us to conclude that at present there are many political, sociocultural, ideological, moral, ethical and other concepts that unite their supporters around the world.

One of these currents is currently fundamentalism, the definition of which in the most general view can be formulated as follows:

Definition 1

Fundamentalism is a collective name for social, moral, religious and philosophical movements that are extremely conservative in their orientation.

At the same time, it should be noted that in some Western countries, the so-called religious fundamentalism, the definition of which is found in the analysis of special scientific sources, has gained particular popularity:

Definition 2

Religious fundamentalism is a trend that reflects the negative reaction of conservative religious circles to secularization processes, that is, actively unfolding in the 19th-20th centuries. separation of science, cultural and social life from religious life, which, in many respects, contributed to the deterioration of the situation of the latter.

Conducting general characteristics religious fundamentalism, it should be noted that it often acts as a political reaction of citizens and the most influential representatives of the political elite to the current events in society. present stage globalization and secularization processes.

In foreign literature, the emergence and widespread this term at the first stages, it was associated with the designation of a number of Protestant movements in the United States of America, whose followers advocated a literal uncontested reading of the text of the Bible, categorically rejecting any rational interpretation.

Remark 1

Subsequently, this designation gradually extended to any such religious offshoots of the classical faiths.

The key task of the supporters and followers of the ideas of religious fundamentalism is the return to the corresponding confessional structures of dominant positions in social system. One of possible ways To ensure such a situation, in the opinion of the relevant supporters, the need for strict strict adherence to the requirements of the scriptures, with the resolute inadmissibility of criticism or any kind of liberal reading of their content, is advocated.

At the same time, given the religious nature of the considered set of theories, it should be noted that fundamentalist currents are inherent in two world religions - Christianity and Islam, as well as Hinduism, etc. In addition, experts draw attention to the presence of properties of religious fundamentalism in some non-religious movements.

Christian fundamentalism

Dwelling in more detail on the characteristics of fundamentalist concepts formed within the framework of the traditional world religions - Christianity and Islam, it seems appropriate to pay attention to the fact that in the Christian denomination, religious fundamentalism was formed, first of all, in relation to Protestantism. Even the very concept of "fundamentalism", which historically arose in the United States, was originally used precisely in the context of Protestantism.

The principles of Protestant fundamentalism were proposed in 1895 at a Bible conference in Niagara Falls by a group of pastors. They were called "fundamental" principles and included:

  • Inerrancy of biblical (sacred) Scripture;
  • The truly divine origin of Christ and his immaculate conception;
  • The historical authenticity of the fact of "redemption by substitution", expressed outwardly in the death of Christ on the cross for sinners, as well as his subsequent physical resurrection;
  • The non-alternative second coming is the return of Christ in the future in the flesh.

In Russia, some authors affirm the existence of Orthodox fundamentalism, which originated at the beginning of the last century, and the surge of public and church interest in it was associated with the historical and political situation in Russia in 1980-1990.

Among the foundations around which the assertion of Russian Orthodox fundamentalism took place (and is still taking place), it is customary to name uncompromising anti-ecumenism, that is, disagreement with the ideas of all-Christian unity, rapprochement and unification of various Christian denominations, disagreement with liberal and individualistic ideas and values, their open criticism , monarchist sentiments, etc.

Islamic fundamentalism

As noted above, despite the fact that initially fundamentalist views were the prerogative of Christianity, namely its Protestant direction, religious fundamentalism gradually spread to many religious and even non-religious spheres of knowledge. Islam is no exception in this regard, and the corresponding Islamic fundamentalism can be defined as follows:

Definition 3

Islamic fundamentalism is a trend whose followers assert the need to return true Muslims to strict, strict observance of the requirements of the Koran and other scriptures sacred to Muslims, and call for “the liberation of Muslim lands from colonizers.

With regard to the characterization of Islamic fundamentalism in the special literature, it is noted that both its theoretical design and practical attempts to implement it in life are distinguished by a wide variety, due, among other things, to the fact that fundamentalism is currently characteristic of both Sunni and Shiite trends. Islamic religion.

For example, in a number of states, religious (Islamic) fundamentalism not only became extremely widespread, but also directly established itself as the official state ideology (in particular, in Iran).

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The problem of religious conflicts in modern world is quite relevant, since these conflicts affect many countries, the solution of conflicts based on religious contradictions is a complex and long-term process. Religious conflict - a clash of religious individuals and groups over different positions in matters of dogma, religious activities and the rules for building a religious organization. Conflict can take the form of divisions and disputes, competition and struggle, confrontation and religious strife, which is associated with fanaticism and in many cases resulted in religious wars.

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According to the well-known Russian political scientist A. Panarin, the problem of religion in the modern global world stands in a very special way. At the same time, the classics of sociology agree that the ultimate social meaning of any religion is the provision of spiritual and valuable prerequisites for people living together: "religion gives individuals the opportunity to live together and recognize themselves as a society."

If we look at confessional provisions that speak about how one relates to another, different from us, it turns out that different religions describe this in the same language. Buddhism: “A person can express his attitude towards relatives and friends in five ways: generosity, courtesy, goodwill, treating them as if he were himself, and being true to his word.” Confucianism: "Do not do to others what you would not want from others." Hinduism: "Do not do to another what hurts you." Islam: "None of you will become a believer until he loves his brother as himself." Jainism: "In happiness and suffering, in joy and sorrow, we should treat all beings as we treat ourselves." Judaism: "Do not do to your neighbor that which hurts you." Sikhism: “As you think of yourself, so think of others. Then you will be equal in heaven.” Taoism: "Consider your neighbor's success your success and your neighbor's loss your loss." Zoroastrianism: "Only that nature is good, which does not do to another what is not good for itself." Christianity: "In everything you want people to do to you, so do you to them."

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A.A. Korabelnikov:

religious war is a socio-political phenomenon "associated with the transition from the processes of peaceful expansion of one religion in relation to the main spheres of life of a society or state professing other religious types of spirituality, to the use of armed violence in order to conquer and spiritually transform some peoples by others (in order to formation of the corresponding statehood, nationality, and then the nation)".

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Signs of religious wars:

ritual religious departures of military personnel; the use of sacred banners and signals; direct involvement of the spiritual images of the gods in war; belonging of the opposing factions to different religions; full involvement in hostilities of all segments of the population of the opposing states, national-ethnic groups; at the head of the army that wages a religious war are religious spiritual leaders; only adherents of this religion or only this direction of this religion participate in such a war with exclusively religious goals - to protect themselves from the expansion of another religion (its other direction) or, conversely, to impose their religion (their direction in this religion) by force on representatives of other faiths and persons who do not profess any religion (atheists).

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Types of religious wars

1. Autonomist wars; 2. National-iredentist wars; 3. Religious and communal confessional conflicts; 4. Religious-absolutist conflicts; 5. Myalenarist conflicts. The reason for the emergence of religious wars are conflicts and inconsistencies of interests between different faiths or directions within one religion. That is, the main sign of a religious war should be the set and subsequently implemented religious goals. At present, practically none of the modern conflicts in the world is of the nature of inter-religious or intra-religious confrontation in its purest form. Thus, the so-called religious wars are currently absent, and the political component of modern wars is constantly intensifying, often spilling over into open terrorism.

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The most significant religious conflicts of the twentieth century:

Islamic fundamentalism; Religious confrontation in Ireland; Islamic Revolution in Iran; Conflict between Hindus and Islamists; Confrontation between Serbs and Croats; Theology of Liberation.

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Thus, religion plays an important role in contemporary regional conflicts. These conflicts are distinguished by an extreme threat not only to the civilian population, but also to the integrity of states, such conflicts are distinguished by a complex knot of contradictions that have been accumulating for a long time and, when a critical point comes, they result not just in peaceful protests, but in religious discrimination, pogroms, civil wars, terrorism. AT last years the religious factor of regional conflicts takes on a political connotation, and the religious causes of the clashes move into the background, giving way to politics. The image of religion is also harmed by terrorism, which is covered by religion, but in fact pursues political goals.

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Achieving high efficiency of the process of interfaith relations in modern conditions involves the solution of two main, but interrelated tasks. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure the constant improvement of society as a social organism, the forms and methods of its life activity both in general and its constituent areas in accordance with the development of productive forces, the requirements scientific and technical progress through constant implementation of various reforms. Only on this basis can the integrity and stability of society be ensured, its ability to function effectively and develop in the absence of interfaith claims. Secondly, in modern conditions it continues to be vital to achieve and maintain the principle of tolerance in society, to ensure the uniform development of all religions professed by citizens of a particular state. In the course of performing these tasks, it is important to understand that relations between religions, both within the structure of one state and when they are located in different states in the modern interdependent, integral world, are closely related to political, economic, legal, and spiritual and moral factors.

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  • slide 2

    The problem of religious conflicts in the modern world is quite relevant, since these conflicts affect many countries, the solution of conflicts based on religious contradictions is a complex and long-term process.

    Religious conflict - a clash of religious individuals and groups over different positions in matters of dogma, religious activities and the rules for building a religious organization.

    Conflict can take the form of divisions and disputes, competition and struggle, confrontation and religious strife, which is associated with fanaticism and in many cases resulted in religious wars.

    slide 3

    According to the well-known Russian political scientist A. Panarin, the problem of religion in the modern

    the global world stands in a very special way. At the same time, the classics of sociology agree that the ultimate social meaning of any religion is the provision of spiritual and valuable prerequisites for people living together: "religion gives individuals the opportunity to live together and recognize themselves as a society."

    If we look at confessional provisions that speak about how one relates to another, different from us, it turns out that different religions describe this in the same language.

    • Buddhism: “A person can express his attitude towards relatives and friends in five ways: generosity, courtesy, goodwill, treating them as if they were oneself, and being true to one’s word.”
    • Confucianism: “Do not do to others what you would not want from others.”
    • Hinduism: “Do not do to another what hurts you.”
    • Islam: "None of you will become a believer until he loves his brother as himself."
    • Jainism: "In happiness and suffering, in joy and sorrow, we should treat all beings as we treat ourselves."
    • Judaism: "Do not do to your neighbor that which hurts you."
    • Sikhism: “As you think of yourself, so think of others. Then you will be equal in heaven."
    • Taoism: "Consider your neighbor's success your success and your neighbor's loss your loss."
    • Zoroastrianism: “Only that nature is good, which does not do to another what is not good for itself.”
    • Christianity: "In everything you want people to do to you, do to them the same way."
  • slide 4

    A.A. Korabelnikov:

    religious war is a socio-political phenomenon "associated with the transition from the processes of peaceful expansion of one religion in relation to the main spheres of life of a society or state professing other religious types of spirituality, to the use of armed violence in order to conquer and spiritually transform some peoples by others (in order to formation of the corresponding statehood, nationality, and then the nation)".

    slide 5

    Signs of religious wars:

    • ritual religious departures of military personnel;
    • the use of sacred banners and signals;
    • direct involvement of the spiritual images of the gods in war;
    • belonging of the opposing factions to different religions;
    • full involvement in hostilities of all segments of the population of the opposing
    • states, national-ethnic groups;
    • at the head of the army that wages a religious war are religious spiritual leaders;

    only adherents of this religion or only this direction of this religion participate in such a war with exclusively religious goals - to protect themselves from the expansion of another religion (its other direction) or, conversely, to impose their religion (their direction in this religion) by force on representatives of other faiths and persons who do not profess any religion (atheists).

    slide 6

    Types of religious wars

    1. Autonomist wars;

    2. National-iredentist wars;

    3. Religious and communal confessional conflicts;

    4. Religious-absolutist conflicts;

    5. Myalenarist conflicts.

    The reason for the emergence of religious wars are conflicts and inconsistencies of interests between different faiths or directions within one religion. That is, the main sign of a religious war should be the set and subsequently implemented religious goals.

    At present, practically none of the modern conflicts in the world is of the nature of inter-religious or intra-religious confrontation in its purest form. Thus, the so-called religious wars are currently absent, and the political component of modern wars is constantly intensifying, often spilling over into open terrorism.

    Slide 7

    The most significant religious conflicts of the twentieth century:

    • Islamic fundamentalism;
    • Religious confrontation in Ireland;
    • Islamic Revolution in Iran;
    • Conflict between Hindus and Islamists;
    • Confrontation between Serbs and Croats;
    • Theology of Liberation.
  • Slide 8


    Thus, religion plays an important role in contemporary regional conflicts.

    These conflicts are distinguished by an extreme threat not only to the civilian population, but also to the integrity of states, such conflicts are distinguished by a complex knot of contradictions that have been accumulating for a long time and, when a critical point comes, they result not just in peaceful protests, but in religious discrimination, pogroms, civil wars, terrorism. In recent years, the religious factor in regional conflicts has taken on a political tinge, and the religious causes of clashes have moved into the background, giving way to politics. The image of religion is also harmed by terrorism, which is covered by religion, but in fact pursues political goals.

    Slide 9

    Achieving high efficiency of the process of interfaith relations in modern conditions involves the solution of two main, but interrelated tasks.

    First, it is necessary to ensure the constant improvement of society as a social organism, the forms and methods of its life activity both in general and its constituent areas in accordance with the development of productive forces, the requirements of scientific and technological progress through the constant implementation of various reforms. Only on this basis can the integrity and stability of society be ensured, its ability to function effectively and develop in the absence of interfaith claims.

    Secondly, in modern conditions it continues to be vital to achieve and maintain the principle of tolerance in society, to ensure the uniform development of all religions professed by citizens of a particular state.

    In the course of performing these tasks, it is important to understand that relations between religions, both within the structure of one state and when they are located in different states in the modern interdependent, integral world, are closely related to political, economic, legal, and spiritual and moral factors.

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