Who left work for nowhere. Is it worth it to quit? This work can be used as a transit point

  • 11.12.2019

In this article, I want to give an exhaustive explanation of my idiotic desire retire "to nowhere" and start traveling and, in general, to live the way I want. There will be a lot of lengthy reasoning here, as well as some rather strange diagrams, including chilling soul. I am sure that many readers will recognize themselves in some places and think about something.

Theory of seeds or How much can be cleaned?

I'll start with analogies. I know that there are inaccuracies in them, but this is the picture that seems to me.

If analogies scare you with an abundance of letters, then you can immediately go to the first illustration.

Imagine that you are sitting and eating seeds. At first you peel them and immediately chew them, but then you find that the seeds are tastier when you eat them in large quantities at once. And now you begin to no longer eat the seeds, but peel them and put them in a pile. It’s like you want to stuff them all at once into your mouth and experience unearthly pleasure, but you think: “Well, now I’ll clean a couple more, and only then ...!”

And then a couple more.

And three more.

And five more.

The pile of peeled seeds keeps growing, and you all sit and clean. The cleaning process does not bring any pleasure, but, on the other hand, the realization of what a wonderful slide of ready-to-eat product is on the table warms the soul.

So, here you are in danger.

Firstly, a hill of polished seeds can be scattered by the wind, by a cat, in the end, you yourself can accidentally brush it off the table.

Secondly, you can miss the main thing, smoothly get used to constant cleaning and pushing back THAT SAME moment. And then you will be surprised to find that for some incomprehensible reason you just clean the seeds, increasing and increasing the pile on the table, without even thinking about the fact that you can also eat them. But cleaning the seeds, as such, loses all meaning when they are not supposed to be eaten. And now you are already cleaning the seeds, building up a hill, not thinking about how you will enjoy them, but thinking that yes, you have to do this all your life, so that later, when your nails become dull, you can sit until death and little by little eat from this hill. In the meantime, clean, clean, clean!

This idea is far from new, in particular, something very similar to those seeds is described by Pelevin in his "Empire V" as bablos. But the analogy with seeds is somehow closer to me, so I use it.

This is exactly what I have been doing at work for the last 7 years. I was earning a little more than I needed to meet my needs. However, the value of money is not obvious to me, because. I have no way to measure it, because all the basic needs are satisfied.

Why is it so popular to take loans now? Yes, because credit fills the work with meaning and gives money a concrete, easily perceived value! After all, every ruble earned brings you closer to paying off the loan and the long-awaited freedom from credit slavery. And a hanging loan is a much more serious incentive and organizing factor than a hypothetical opportunity to buy something, simply by accumulating the required amount, because you can postpone the purchase or, in general, change your mind about doing it, but the bank monitors the payment of the loan (yes, I know that a well-planned mortgage or car loan in the end may turn out to be more profitable than buying right away, due to the increase in the cost of the purchased goods, but most of the loans are not taken out of such cunning considerations at all).

So, I have no credit, no rented apartment to work for one rent, no children to support, and no expensive dream like that car or apartment. And here are my hiking and creative plans, i.e. what I'm really interested in is being implemented with difficulty due to lack of time.

Notice time, not money!

Distribution of time by day

But my Napoleonic plans are only tip of the iceberg. The problem is that I do not have enough time for myself and in everyday life. I already wrote about this, but I will repeat myself a little. This is what my time distribution looks like on a typical working day:

As we understand, the red, gray and brown sectors cannot be reduced here. That is, of course, you can reduce sleep time, but this is a bad option, because. this diagram already assumes only 6 hours of sleep per night, not 8. That leaves green and light green.

They must be placed in all: relationships, communication with friends, sports, trips to nature, creativity, hobbies, additional earnings. Those. life really has to do at best only 6 hours a day! And, it is clear that it is impossible to combine friends and creativity, or relationships and sports. You have to choose. The need for choice often leads to conflicts, both internal and external.

You say there are still days off. But! Please note that all week I slept for 6 hours, and on weekends I will sleep off, i.e. the sleep sector will no longer take 6 hours, but, for example, 10. For sure, some time-eaters typical only for weekends will be added, such as “watch a movie” and “clean the room”.

So, there is less time left for what you want to do on weekends than you think. Well, and, of course, we must also mention monday factor, which will begin to torment already on Sunday morning, because the thought that tomorrow you will automatically poison the whole Sunday, leaving only one Saturday as a full-fledged day off.

Distribution of time by year

Some will say that there is still a vacation - that's where you can break away! Oh yes, he is. Scary to say whole 28 days in a year. Plus, you can try to grab them a week due to time off. In the case specifically with my work, the New Year and May holidays can be omitted, because. The peak of activity we have exactly at the beginning-end of the month. In full accordance with what was said, my 2012 year looked like this:

Moreover, the sector "Peter" can be excluded, because. it was a vacation taken in advance from 2013, so if I continued to work in 2013, then the amount of greenery on the diagram would be reduced by 7 days.

The main area of ​​the diagram is painted black for a reason. it black hole where most of the year has fallen. If you now try to remember what happened, then only these green areas will pop up in your memory, everything else seems to have never happened.

The problem of such a distribution of time is also that, due to the limited vacation, I have to spend it all from the first to the last day on all sorts of outings, which, in themselves, although they are active recreation, but in a universal human sense, they are tiring. And to relax, there is no vacation anymore! The endless black hole begins again, into which I fall, often right from the train, without having time to go home.

Getting a sector out of this pie in at least 30 days is almost impossible. And even if it would be possible to take the entire vacation in one block ... Can you imagine - then it will be 11 months without vacation! No, this is not even a nightmare...

Well, one more important point. A piece of 7-14 days is absolutely not enough for a normal trip. It can be very interesting and full of impressions, but it will always be a gallop across Europe.

Take an ordinary bike trip along the familiar and native Black Sea. Vacation - 14 days. Of these, 2-3 days are spent on the road. It is not a fact that it will be possible to leave exactly on the first day of the vacation and return exactly on the last one (minus another 1-2 days). The first day of the journey is, as a rule, not yet quite a hike, but rather, rolling in. The latter is often a purposeful return to the drop point, from where the train will take you home, so it can no longer be considered a hike either. In total, we get that from the available 14 we subtract 4, or even all 7 days, and, in fact, the trip remains, at best, 10 days (if we managed to capture another weekend - 12).

Well, in the case of a week's vacation, it's still worse. Even with perfect scheduling with 4 days off, we can grab a maximum of 7 days (usually 5 comes out).

It is clear that in such a regime, it is an unaffordable luxury to allow yourself to spend an extra day exploring the cave or making a two-day radial trip to that mountain. It will also not work to wait out a rainy day in a tent - time is running out!

Such is the sad situation.

All of the above would not be so scary if we had life endless. Any such reasoning could be shrugged and said: “Ah, nonsense, now I’ll work for another 5 years, save up and go travel ... It won’t work 5, I’ll work 10, which is already there ... But only then !!! Hold me seven!". Unfortunately, the picture I'm about to show you is literally chills the soul

I think this diagram makes sense. It was built on the basis of my estimated life expectancy of 75 years, iron health and the absence of all sorts of force majeure.

The most interesting sector in my past is "Freedom Wasted". This is the period between the end (departure from) graduate school until the start of official work, when I was absolutely free and could do anything, however, due to some strange fences in my head, I wasted all this time, which very well confirms the fact that I can’t remember from this period without leading questions and viewing photos nothing.

And here we come to a turning point. Having built a diagram, I came to a panic horror, realizing that the arrow moves inexorably, and the red sector grows, absorbing the blue one day by day, i.e., in fact, all I have left! Actually, final decision I accepted, only after that.

I suggest that everyone reading this text build the same diagram for themselves and also be horrified.

Resigned. And who am I now?

This article began to be written when I was a working person, and you have no idea how nice it is now to transfer the future tense and the subjunctive to the past tense!

But let's get back to the seeds from which these arguments began. Right now is the time stop cleaning and start eating. You can, of course, get carried away, “save up another year”, but the whole this year, I will have a feeling that I have not done something that I have long dreamed of. And the further you go, the more this feeling becomes unbearable. It's no secret that I've been thinking about quitting since my second year with this organization, but the warmth of the place and the loyalty of my superiors played a cruel joke on me. Right now I've come to turning point retired on August 31, 2013.

Several factors had a strong influence on my plans, because initially I was going to leave at the beginning of the summer.

Especially for citizens who will start sticking labels on me like "loafer" and "parasite", I clarify. There is no talk of idleness. This is simply a change from one activity to another, not originally aimed at generating income. I'm not going to sit on anyone's neck. I honestly cleaned my own seeds and now I want to get all the pleasure due to me from them. (I note that the question of whether I am sitting on the back of society, spending what I have accumulated and consuming the minimum, is quite debatable and is an occasion for lengthy discussions.)

What will I do next?

This question is still open. No one knows how my views will change over the next two or three years. No one knows how my business will go with website building, writing, travel, relationships and one-time earnings, so it makes no sense to think ahead. Nobody knows what geopolitical dirty tricks can happen to us (By the way, this will also affect those who are "firmly on the ground"). But in the ideal case, I will not return to the work of 8x5. Enough.

Short term plans

Unfortunately, on this moment(09/13/2013) I'm not completely free yet, otherwise my wheels would plow the Crimean or Kuban steppes for the second week. After quitting my official job, I was left partially bound by some other obligations, which somewhat limits my ability to move (at least I am strongly attached to places where there is Internet access), but this is a temporary phenomenon.

In connection with the above, my immediate plan (for autumn 2013) is to come to some interesting city (Feodosia, Kerch, Adler) and settle there for at least a month, making unhurried radials, studying the area and imbued with my new quality.

Global autonomous hikes are still being postponed for the 2014 cycling season.

It's no secret that at the moment, and in general in principle, people who decide to quit "nowhere" are looked at as, to put it mildly, strange. Still, only a madman can quit during a crisis, when the labor market has not yet revived, when there are no alternative sources of income, with the risk of looking for a job for several months and unknown prospects. Who are they, people who leave "nowhere"? What makes people leave the comfortable workplace, where almost everything suits???

Option one - future freelancers. Everything is clear here and there is nothing special to analyze.

Option number two - those who are "sick of everything", so much so that there is no strength to endure when the quantity one day turned into quality, so much so that every day lived is tantamount to a nervous breakdown.

The third option is a rather rare species, but it exists nonetheless. Chronically honest. Those who cannot look for a job when they already have one. Those for whom the interview in working time turns into pangs of conscience from the fact that you, even at lunchtime, still stole a couple of hours, which means you have to work them out.

As a rule, dismissal to nowhere is a combination of existing factors. Like you're sitting on good location, with a good social package and not the worst salary, in an excellent company that you (by the way!) Love with all your heart - it would seem, why quit? But if you look from a different angle, you see that the routine "interrupts" the number of interesting tasks, there is nowhere to grow in this place, you are already, as they say, overqualified, and there are no opportunities for advancement in the industry of interest within the company yet, and whether it will be is unknown. And then you start to think, and suddenly ...???

For some reason, leaving "to nowhere" is perceived negatively, with bewilderment - they say, how can you leave without finding a new job? In the same way, when a woman gets divorced, her girlfriends ask: "Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, have you gone nowhere? Just? No, you have someone, admit it! It can't be!"

It is especially strange when the negative comes from recruiters. Gentlemen, you are promoting honesty towards employers, why then such rejection of those who really acted honestly at the behest of their hearts? Didn’t look behind your back, didn’t waste working time, warned you, as expected, worked out, trained, etc.? Isn't that what's in the highest degree loyalty to the company - after all, while they love - they do not change! Why do you shrug your shoulders and do not want to recognize a person's right to choose?

In any case, if you leave for nowhere, it is better to do it consciously. It must be understood that there are much more minuses than pluses, namely:

  • lack of a stable income and all the benefits associated with it (it is worth considering the nursing "fathers of the family" :)
  • per mobile phone you will have to pay yourself - an additional cost to the family budget;
  • uncertainty - it is not known how long the search will drag on, let's hope for the best, but prepare for the worst;
  • a blow to ambitions - you start looking, and then - bam! - and no suggestions. Somehow you think about it.
  • difficult choice - either sit hungry until you find the job of your dreams, or accept the first offer and ruin your life further.

Nevertheless, for those who really decided to look for the job of their dreams, getting fired nowhere is a pretty good chance. This is a great way to find yourself, to discover alternative knowledge and skills that you did not know about before. This is an endless opportunity to learn and discover areas previously unknown, because only when you are alone with yourself, you can understand how much you are bogged down in the swamp of routine and did not notice anything around. There are no more limits, everything is limited only by a flight of fancy and desire. It's an amazing feeling to understand that everything depends on you, only you hold the reins that turn your life around. Only now you can do everything for which there was not enough time, and it is at this moment that it is determined whether your desires were genuine or far-fetched.

And at the same time - there is no one to blame if something does not work out. For all you are responsible myself. It's like starting a business. Business called "I".

Question to the psychologist:


I am a single mother and my daughter is in 1st grade. She got married a little less than a year ago, but her husband lives in another city. It was not possible to move immediately, as it was necessary to buy out a share of the apartment that belonged to his ex-wife. Without her consent, we would not be able to register even temporarily, and to submit documents to Kindergarten or the school needs a registration.

At the beginning of August, the problem with housing was solved, there are no obstacles to moving and registering at a new place of residence. The only problem is finding a job in a new city. I live in the "capital" of the republic, and my husband - in an ordinary city, the level of salaries, of course, is different. I work at a stable large enterprise, the salary is not very high, but sufficient. I am looking for a job in another city, I go to interviews, but there are often overstated requirements for candidates, or an underestimated level of remuneration. In my hometown, I live with my mother, the relationship is tense, since we have to pay the debts of my own sister (we helped her in her time, but she went abroad, she has not yet found a job). Naturally, most of my salary and pension and my mother's part-time job goes to paying off loans. Decision financial problems it may be an exchange of an apartment (we have a three-room apartment), but for this the apartment needs to be privatized. So that my daughter does not participate in privatization and there is no problem of selling and exchanging an apartment (a three-room apartment for a two-room apartment - the deterioration of the child's living conditions), we need to sign out and refuse privatization. And, accordingly, register at the place of residence of her husband. My husband has an income comparable to mine, has a small loan and a mortgage for a small amount. Because of my doubts (whether to quit or not), my daughter will have to go to the 1st grade in my city to a regular school, and in the city of her husband's place of residence - a good lyceum. At the moment I have one job offer, but I have not yet passed the final interview with the management and there is no confidence in employment. Should I quit my current job to reunite with my husband now, or should I still look for a job in absentia? I'm very afraid to stay "on the beans", I'm afraid of delinquency in payments on loans. My husband will not pull his and mine, and I don’t want to sit on his neck. My biggest responsibility is my daughter, I would not want her to be deprived of something. But living in different cities is not an option. Unfortunately, my husband does not want to move to my city.

The psychologist answers the question.

Hello Daria!

Your letter is written so clearly and analytically that there is a feeling that you need more legal advice than a psychologist. You are trying to calculate everything and weigh all the possible risks. This is probably possible, but since you wrote to a psychologist, we will consider the current situation from the point of view of psychology. So, you started the letter by saying that you are a single mother ... and in next sentence write that you have been married for a year. I understand that the child is from a previous marriage, but I got the feeling that the phrase “single mother” is already a state of your soul, and not an accidental expression. I'll explain why. Although you are married, you are trying to rely ONLY on your own strengths, make decisions on your own, trying to think logically and clearly (these are male functions, women are more often guided by intuition, their feelings), do not believe in the strengths and capabilities of your husband (“My husband and mine won’t pull, and I don’t want to sit on his neck”). A natural question arises - why did you get married if you live in different cities, you cannot rely on him, you do not consider him capable of providing for your family and, in principle, you are inclined to make decisions on your own?

From everything that you wrote, as I understand it, the complexity is only in material terms. And these are mostly male tasks, taking on this burden, you lose your feminine abilities and cannot cope with the tasks that you need to perform. A woman is still responsible for the house, comfort and children, for warmth and harmony in relationships, for delicious food and cleanliness in the house. This cannot be done from a distance. And life does not tolerate emptiness, if you do not do this, someone else will take this niche. But to earn and think where else you can get the necessary funds - there is someone. But you, of your own free will, do not want to bother your man with this, thereby depreciating him. With your fears and anxieties, you do not allow your husband’s abilities to manifest in terms of a breadwinner, doubting the move and a sufficient salary at work, you let him know that you do not believe in HIS strength, that he can earn more, change jobs, or find additional income . One gets the feeling that you proceed from the principle that the one who earns more makes decisions. But it's not like that! In a family, two have the right to vote, and if a woman violates the natural laws of the family, then the family begins to collapse.

You write that your biggest responsibility is your daughter, and as I understand it, it would be better for your daughter to study at a lyceum (where her husband is) than at a regular school, but this is not a weighty argument for you. In addition, you have a tense relationship with your mother, and in the city of your husband there is a suitable job offer (but again, you seem to not want to believe that your candidacy will be approved). But this is all secondary for you, it is more important for you to earn money so as not to depend on your husband, to be independent, self-sufficient. But a woman's self-sufficiency lies not in the amount of money she earns, but in her inner sense of self. A true woman in general, without any remorse, can never work, but at the same time not suffer from idleness.

There is a feeling that you are looking for reasons not to live with your husband as a full-fledged family, as if you are clinging to excuses and situational difficulties so as not to take a step forward. Think about it, something scares you in your life together, why do you have so many rationalizations and defenses not to do this? After all, you certainly feel that your place is next to your husband. By valuing your work, you risk losing relationships. What is more important for you? You can always find a job, even if you do not immediately get to the desired position, no one forbids you to continue looking in the process. In addition, the husband will also have an incentive to develop and seek additional features earnings.

As in any business, BELIEF is important in your situation. I think that today you yourself simply do not believe that it is possible to live easier, not to carry the entire burden of material support for the family, and at the same time still feel loved, needed and valuable. As they say, by faith, everyone will be given ... Everything that you think about most often becomes your life. And you think about fears, about what else bad can happen and do not pay attention at all to the good that can happen. Start living with trust in the world, learn to let go of tight control, because you are a woman first of all, it is important for you to think not only about everyone around you, but also about yourself. What does your soul want? Where and what does she aspire to? Have you completely forgotten about your female happiness?! It is important to learn to enjoy in the process of life, and not to achieve some results. Even if something worsens, you firmly believe for yourself that everything will work out and be resolved in the best way for you.

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The situation when even a favorite (not to mention unloved) work becomes unbearable hard labor is very, very common. The reasons why people are disappointed in their place of work are numerous - an inadequate leader, “black sheep” in a more or less normal team, or “the whole team is against you”, etc.

Considering the fact that it is difficult to find a job, especially in a specialty, a person wonders whether it is worth quitting "nowhere", is it really better, or do you still need to endure stupidly if there is nowhere to go?

You can't leave, you can't stay

Needless to say, the situation is not easy. And sometimes it is aggravated by many circumstances - there is no support in the person of a husband-wife, the age is already solid, and no one will take the "old man", health is such that it will not allow either to run in search of a new job, or to run to new job if she turns out to be. And so on and so forth. This is where prioritization is very important. It doesn’t matter to someone where to work, as long as the team is normal, someone gets along well with everyone, but travel to distant lands, and the salary is small. Alas, there will always be disadvantages of this kind, and the task of a person is to decide for himself what is more important, which evil is the least.

From this point of view, before, you need to put it on the shelves, all the pros and cons of the existing work according to the criteria:

  • wage,
  • distance from home
  • own stress resistance and the presence of stress, their quantity,
  • the adequacy of the team and management,
  • impact of work on health
  • prospects,

The last criterion is the most important for many - for the sake of their favorite work, they are ready to endure any difficulties. Health is a very important criterion. Many overestimate their strength, do not take into account the negative impact on the physical and mental state, and after all, no money or position can bring joy if health is destroyed. If the current work gives only negative health in terms of health, you definitely need to leave - no one will return your peace of mind and good physical condition to you.

The question “to quit or not to quit” should remain open until you definitely understand for yourself that there are more minuses for you personally in this job than pluses.

Many people, not finding the answer to the question "what to do", remain in this position for a long time, and this ultimately makes them unhappy. Fear, self-doubt, lack of sufficient energy - all this stops a person, and he rushes about in search of a solution, unable to stop at any of the options. Here, of course, the help of a psychologist is desirable. Whether or not to turn to a psychologist is everyone's business, because this is also fraught with many difficulties - first of all, time and money.

What to do?

An interesting view of the employer on the applicant, who left work for nowhere. Yes, employers in our time are not the Soviet loyal leadership, they are businesslike, sometimes tough and often uncompromising people who care about the result and do not care about the staff, at the expense of which this result is achieved. You can often hear the opinion of the head of the personnel department, conducting an interview with applicants for work: people are lazy, do not want to work, quarrelsome, weak-willed, impatient, in general, unattractive in the eyes of the employer. Alas, such an opinion is not uncommon, and for those who decide to go nowhere, it is better to prepare at least a more or less intelligible and favorable explanation for why they left their previous job.

No one will give you an answer to the question “what to do”, you need to look for it based on the realities surrounding you. The main thing to remember is that without risking, you will not change anything. Well, as they say, risk is a noble cause!

The same piece of advice comes up in articles on personal development: if you're bored with work, don't waste another minute of your precious time on it. Life is one, and time is short, so quit immediately and go do what your soul truly lies to.

Sounds tempting? The day you wake up and think you're tired of your job because it's boring, you're slowly progressing, or you're not doing any good for the world - maybe.

1. Because no one but you will make work interesting.

Quitting your job because "it's not interesting" means running away from the problem, not solving it. Where is the guarantee that the new job will be better? There is no such guarantee, because any work sooner or later becomes a routine.

The only way not to lose interest is to warm it up yourself. Talk to your boss, initiate a new direction, take responsibility for duties that the company never has time for. Find out if it's possible to go training course at the expense of the company. Start transferring your knowledge to new employees: for example, keep a manual of processes within the company. What needs to change to make it interesting to work? How will it benefit the company and colleagues? Formulate these two points - and go to the head.

It is easier to initiate an expansion of responsibilities at the current place of work, rather than starting from scratch. And even more time will be needed if you want.

And then the next point is relevant.

2. This job can be used as a transit point

Especially if you are going to move to another field of activity. In this case, you will need a reserve of time and money: while you are only getting the first experience, let the current job be a safety net, where salary and experience are constantly “dripping”. You will literally have to work for two, but quitting "nowhere" and starting from scratch, without having a stable income, is also not at all easy.

3. Because with this job you have a stable salary

If at work you receive a stable white salary, then you should definitely think 10 times before deciding to quit. Compare current earnings with the average wages in the industry: maybe there is nowhere to quit?

Another important factor- your personal financial plan. If in the near future you plan to take out a loan or mortgage, you will have to confirm to the bank your solvency - that you regularly receive a salary. What other big expenses do you have planned for the current year? Car maintenance, new insurance policy, repairs, surgery? Perhaps quitting is simply not profitable.

4. Because sometimes the social package covers all the minuses

Make a list of all bonuses that your company has. Starting with little things like tea, coffee, biscuits, and ending with a discount on sports, a business library, English tuition, medical insurance, and compensation for expenses on transport or a mobile phone.

We often do not appreciate what we get for nothing. If a company provides a gym and a French tutor, calculate how much you would spend on them yourself: for example, in Moscow it costs more than a hundred thousand a year.

Also, evaluate how “white” your company is. Maybe you are going to go on maternity leave after some time? Or apply for a tax deduction for education or treatment - without an official 2-personal income tax certificate from work, they will not give it to you. Do you have a white salary? Are sick days paid? All this is also a bonus of your work. You can quit quickly, but finding a company from which you can safely go on maternity leave is much more difficult.

5. Because there are more career opportunities

It is easier to prove yourself where you are familiar with everyone. Usually, new employees are not taken seriously until a year after the start of work. By this time, you have already met your colleagues and showed how responsible you are for tasks.

If you suddenly become bored - this is an occasion to set yourself new goals and take on more responsibilities. It is easier to do this at the current place of work. Raising wages is also easier where you have been working for at least six months.

6. Because getting fired for no reason won't make your resume look good.

Before leaving, think about how it will affect your resume. Remember that any HR manager is suspicious of flyers. How will you explain being fired at your next interview? “Relations with the team did not work out” and “it was just not interesting” - this sounds infantile.

Particular attention should be paid to this item for those who have worked in the company for only a few months. A short term of work is one of the filters by which employers weed out candidates. For a beautiful line in the resume, two or three years of work in the company are enough: I worked, learned everything and left, as there are no career prospects.

7. Because sometimes it’s better to “sit out” difficult times.

Finding a job is not easy at all. Sometimes it's important to just have a stable way to make money. Yes, let's say your eyes don't burn from this work. But they need your help and every month they transfer your salary for this.

Look at your work from the outside. Write a list of pros and cons. Soberly evaluate it: maybe it’s not about work at all? If you are tired of long commutes to the office, try to arrange that you will work remotely at least one or two days a week. If you want to do something else, talk about it directly with the manager - maybe you will be able to lay down some of the annoying duties and replace them with new ones. Maybe you just feel the constant groundhog day in your life and are tired of the repetitive rhythm of home-work-home? Then it’s definitely not about work: you just need to try to bring more impressions into your life, for example, go on an excursion or plan a vacation.

In any job, a large percentage of routine duties. Any position with an exciting title will have to sort through mail every day, issue invoices for payment, fiddle with closing documents, check the work of others, and so on. Everyone has their own routine.

Let work remain the place where you earn money for a living. And just let life be your main business.