What is a lead. Lead generation: a detailed manual from LPgenerator. Good Landing Rules

  • 17.11.2019

You probably often hear such concepts as leads, lead form, lead qualification, and perhaps even vaguely imagine what exactly they mean. But what if you start using them confidently?

Today we will tell you all about the process of generating applications. This is mandatory knowledge for everyone who runs their business not only online, but also offline. Read to the end!

Lead generation tools

Lead generation is the process of creating a database of potential customers, leads (contacts), using various Internet marketing tools. The presence of leads guarantees future sales with the right interaction with them.

The list is very wide, individual ways to attract customers can be found based on the individual characteristics of the business. Below we will offer what really works. Try it and see for yourself.

Offline Methods

1. Telemarketing. Calling the database of potential customers has always been a popular tool to increase sales. If you want to make this process more efficient, first determine the needs of your target audience. Today, outbound telemarketing only works if you prepare for calls by learning what to offer the person on the other end of the line.

2. Organization of meetings, presentations, exhibitions, public speaking are great helpers in attracting leads. For many users, this is an indicator that the brand can be trusted. With a successful development of events, you can then use the role of "opinion leader" for lead generation by publishing expert opinion on guest sites, for example.

Direct Marketing

1. Email newsletters. Attracting customers through cold databases is perhaps even more difficult than using cold calls. Most users send such emails to the Spam folder if it doesn't automatically end up there. Therefore, try to send letters regularly (but not every day), while composing an interesting text of the letter, indicating the subject and, of course, a link to your website or landing page.

2. SMS marketing. Works on the principle of "cold calls". Identify needs, try to interest the recipient and do not spam.

Content Marketing

1. Create interesting collections by offering to receive them in exchange for the user's contact information. One of the Australian companies Quoteroller used this method. Their SEO directory brought in about 1,000 visits, but not a single lead. They added a form where they asked for their email, and began to receive about 5 leads per day. And this database is no longer for "cold" mailings.

2. Video clips can bring a lot of applications. A number of studies have shown that more than 60% of users identify themselves as visuals. This means that they prefer visual presentation of information. By playing on this, you have a chance not only to get more leads, but also to convert them into real buyers. Just don't make the video too long!

3. Guest posts also generate enough leads. However, it makes sense to publish only on large sites that have earned trust, which means that bad content should be excluded. Create interesting posts on the topic of your business and casually mention your services - it works.

1. Work on appearance section "About the company". Clearly, CTA placement is most appropriate on home page, but this element can also be placed in the brand history section. Include a value offer in the title and write an interesting text about you, dividing it into blocks. This will encourage the visitor to fill out the lead form.

2. Not blogging yet? It's time to start! This is one of the obvious truths of inbound marketing. Everyone knows that a blog is an effective lead generation tool, but few companies use it. Don't be left behind, create a consistent and interesting content plan, hire an author or two, and publish articles at regular intervals. But even after driving traffic to your blog, your work is not over. Invite readers to fill out a lead form after each post, thus helping potential customers move up the “sales funnel”. A reader interested in the posts will also subscribe to the mailing list.

3. Create content that is called "evergreen". This name was given to the type of materials, which occupies a high position due to its constant relevance. As a rule, these are highly specialized and “deep” articles. Choosing the right topic is the key to success.

Marketer David Cheng suggests the following way to determine the direction of evergreen content is to analyze existing articles, identify the most popular and commented ones, update them and add calls to action.

One of the most effective ways to attract leads is a landing page. This is the page where your Unique Selling Proposition is posted, but it can be used for other marketing and business purposes as well.

The main components of a quality one-pager:

  • the offer is necessarily unique and attractive, the effectiveness of the entire one-pager depends on it;
  • lead form - by filling it out, the consumer gets access to the offer, and the company gets contacts for further communication;
  • CTA - call to action - as a rule, a button with inviting text.

Below is the LPgenerator page, where all the components are used:

Lead generation through social platforms is one of the obvious methods. Using social networks, you can really expand your subscriber base at times. Choose the platform where your target audience is theoretically present.

You can use the infographic below for the most popular social networks in Runet.

Lead Qualification

So, now that we have dealt with the concept of lead generation and its main tools, it's time to find out - what is lead scoring? In short, this indicator helps determine the level of readiness of the lead to move to the stage of closing the deal.

Most often, qualification depends on how the lead data is obtained. We have listed a few examples for you below:

1. Lead on a job search site

The most popular job search services (HeadHunter or SuperJob) offer to fill out a detailed resume indicating contact information, work experience and personal qualities. A user registered there is highly interested in receiving vacancies and is ready to accept the newsletter.

2. Lead who downloaded the discount coupon

A consumer who left his contacts in exchange for a discount coupon, although he provides little information about himself, is considered to be interested in the company's offer. Marketers of such a service can divide the lead base depending on the coupon for which services a particular visitor ordered, and offer him relevant information.

3. Lead who received free content

The user who left his contacts in exchange for free content is most often not direct potential consumer your goods and services. Perhaps your interaction will end precisely on the receipt of materials. Weed out an uninterested audience, for example, by conducting webinars, and select the leads you really need.

Lead qualification allows you to understand whether you need to further interact and “grow” contact into a real client, or is it not worth the material and time costs.

Required metrics

Every marketer knows that without tracking lead optimization and other metrics, it’s hard to keep up quality lead generation work.

Here are a few metrics to track:

  • profitability;
  • click-through rate on emails;
  • the number of leads in the sales funnel;
  • lead price;
  • average transaction price;
  • number of converted leads;
  • the ratio of leads ready to make a deal to the total number of potential customers;
  • activity on the landing;
  • return on investment.

We propose the following model, which works in 99% of cases:

We explain. There is a specific offer and a unique selling proposition - what you sell to the user. Through various methods and lead management, the offer is converted into sales.

In this model, there are no extra segments that make the scheme heavier and hinder bids.

More about lead management. We suggest the following process:

  • evaluation of leads by their readiness to move to the next level;
  • lead nurthing of leads not yet ready for the next action;
  • evaluation of results.

Do not save time by redirecting unfinished leads to the sales department, this is a mistake of more than half of marketers (especially if you are in B2B). Only 27% will ripen later, you will lose the rest.

Instead of a conclusion

Lead generation should not be done "at random" - so it will not bring any results.

If you need help in organizing the flow of clients, LPgenerator Digital specialists will be happy to help you, check out our services and leave a request to get advice..

Internet marketers and contextual advertising specialists often use the word Lead or Lead generation when communicating with clients. But not all business owners understand what the word really means. However, lead generation is an important concept in online marketing. Therefore, now we will briefly analyze what a lead, lead generation, pros and cons are, and in which business niches this is applicable.

In short, a lead is simply an application for a product or service that a client left. Most often, applications are left on landing pages (one-page sites) or in application forms in in social networks, for example, such a form can be connected for a VK group. Also, the client can simply call and leave a request, in which case he will also be considered a lead.

We can say that leads are all your potential customers. Therefore, we can often hear from sales managers: “Today I processed 20 leads and received 8 sales.” And we can also hear from marketers: “Today we managed to generate 30 leads at 500 rubles apiece.”

The lead has certain data. This can be minimal information about the client - phone number, Email and name. Or maybe a whole questionnaire of a dozen steps and several stages. It all depends on your area and task.

Important! The fewer fields, the higher the conversion. But just do not forget that high conversion is not always good. Much more important is the cost of the application.

Lead Types

Leads are of the following types:

  1. Cold. There is a very, very small chance that they will become your customers right now. Consider these people as an investment in the future, because if they buy, it will not be soon.
  2. Warm. More conscious clients. They know what they want and are at the stage of choosing a product or company. To convince them, you need to make a lot of effort, but the probability of victory is quite high.
  3. Hot. O! These are the most beloved clients of all salespeople, marketers and businessmen. These are the people who want to buy “here and now”, it remains only to sell them correctly and not ruin everything.

Where do leads come from

The types of leads, as well as the cost, depend mainly on acquisition channels. For example, in social networks, most often you will receive cold or warm leads, and from Yandex Direct or Google Adwords contextual advertising, warm or hot leads. But the cost of hot leads is usually higher due to competition.

But leads are also free, for example, from search or due to the natural growth of your communities in social networks. Getting free ones is very tempting, but it takes a lot more time and deep market research, and the return is often very low. You can get paid leads on your own by setting up lead generation or by contacting third-party companies for this.

The cost of lead generation can be reduced by:

  • increasing the conversion of landing pages;
  • reducing the cost per click in contextual advertising;
  • when working with keys, use low- and mid-frequency queries;
  • optimizing ad text.

What is lead generation and lead buying?

Lead generation is a service for buying leads for your business from third-party companies, if you do not want to do it yourself, but only want to process applications and sell your service or product.

There are a huge number of agencies and third-party specialists (freelancers) offering lead generation services. For lead generation (getting leads), they use contextual advertising, social networks, SEO site promotion, mailing lists and other channels for getting traffic.

Lead generation consists of several stages and depends on the terms of the contract. If you pay only for calls, then maximum immersion in the work of the company is not necessary, and you can be supplied a large number of leads at an affordable price, but low quality!

But if lead generation involves paying for customers who have made a purchase, maximum interaction with the customer company is necessary, in which case the quality of leads will be high, as well as the price. Promotion by leads assumes that the company opens the statistics of applications, allows you to change the operation of the site, use customer data. This will allow you to develop optimal solutions.

There are also lead exchanges, but there, as a rule, the quality of leads is very low, we do not recommend buying leads on exchanges.

Compatibility with different types of business

According to experts, there are types of businesses for which the use of lead generation is most justified and effective. First of all, it is insurance (especially in the CASCO and OSAGO segments). "Leads" appear very actively in the tourist segment (when selection of a tour is required). People willingly leave their contact details when filling out applications for participation in training programs, courses, and trainings. Lead generation is one of the best tools in financial segment when a person leaves an application for a loan, credit or credit card.

A classic example of a “lead” is a customer who wants to take a test drive at a car dealership. Almost any service companies (taxi, delivery of goods by courier, Internet provider) work with leads.

This is everything you need to know about leads in order to be fluent in online marketers and contextual and targeted advertising specialists.

[Lead generation] What are leads and where can I get them?

The term "lead generation" appeared in Russian business in 2008 and has since become firmly rooted in the terminology of marketers and sales professionals. The real boom of the new concept fell on the era of entrepreneurship on the Internet, but it is not worth associating it only with the network. Working with leads is possible wherever buying and selling is carried out.

What is lead generation in simple terms

In marketing, lead generation is a search tactic. regular customers by a certain filter and contact information. talking plain language, is a potential buyer who has taken some action.

When a boy distributes leaflets at a bus stop, he generates a stream of future customers.

The target action is the receipt of a leaflet by a passer-by, the filter is the geographic location. At the same time, the boy does not give an advertising booklet to everyone. The supervisor issued a task where it was told about the target audience:

  • Age. Information about the new nightclub will not be of interest to pensioners.
  • Floor. Unlikely store promotion women's clothing directed at men.
  • Social status. The homeless person is not interesting as a potential client.

There can be many such segments, . But in this case, part of the audience will be lost.

A leaflet about a nightclub given to a grandmother has a chance of falling into the hands of a grandson. However, “scattering ads from a helicopter” will be expensive, so the marketer must calculate the effectiveness of investments in lead generation.

Promotion channels

It is customary to distinguish three main channels for finding leads. These are mailing, personal contact and the Internet. Business features make it necessary to use one of them, or several at once, since even the same person can be influenced from different directions.


On the Internet, mailing has moved away from the avalanche of spam that hit users a decade ago. Merchants have become more sophisticated, they have new sources of data collection. Now the targeted presentation of information is becoming more important, the client must “light up” and give out his purchasing preferences.

To do this, offline stores offer to fill out questionnaires, issue loyalty cards, and then flood them with a stream of SMS messages and emails. Visitors to target sites also find themselves in a similar situation, leaving their contact details in exchange for free information.

Personal contact

Many people are familiar with the situation when a stranger calls on the phone, says that “he is a representative of the company” and begins to talk about competitive advantages, to encourage the purchase of goods and services.

This is called lead generation through cold calling. This method often used by forex brokers and binary options banks, installers plastic windows and other mass service providers. Other ways to get leads through personal contact are free training seminars and conferences, social surveys.

Lead generation on the Internet

Although the role of offline marketing is quite high, it was the Internet that became the driving force that led to mass lead generation. In 2015-2016, the online advertising market grew by 30% in monetary terms. The audience of Yandex exceeded all federal TV channels combined.

In the face of fierce competition, selling through traffic generation has acquired clear forms and rules, it follows a knurled sequence:

  • is created;
  • visitors are attracted to it;
  • a potential client leaves his contact details in exchange for some benefits;
  • The sales department is working to sell a product or service.

An example of an LP is Landig Page.

Directly generating income or increasing brand awareness, increasing the number of potential buyers or conveying information about the product.

Success factors - landing and contextual advertising

A one-page website is the very place where a future client comes to. It will be a huge mistake to follow the link to the main page or catalog of the online store. The visitor should not be tormented by the choice and perform a huge number of manipulations.

The lead generation procedure is considered successful if the person on the site has left their contact details. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the cost of one lead varies from 10 rubles to $1000, which depends on:

  1. competitiveness of the offer;
  2. ad topics;
  3. region and target audience;
  4. conversion rate.

Cost of one contextual click google ads in the US is $2. A conversion rate of 2% is considered quite successful. This gives an amount of $100 in spending per lead. Although this figure serves as the “average temperature for the hospital”, general idea about the cost of lead generation can be obtained.

Although Russian prices are lower, but even with such expenses, saving $ 500 on creating a one-page site would be extremely unreasonable.

In 2016, the cost of one click Google AdWords in Russia averaged $0.05. Ukrainian advertisers are ready to pay $0.08 each. This suggests that in Russian business there are enough free niches where lead generation has not yet reached in full.

Good Landing Rules

Each element of the landing page matters, there are no trifles. It is necessary to pay attention to the title, design, structure of the text. The feedback form deserves special attention.


The first thing a visitor to a one-page site sees is the . It is on its quality that the further course of events will depend. It is necessary to describe competitive advantages and benefits in no more than 7 words, to motivate for further study of the resource. In this case, the following methods are applied:

  1. Use of metaphors: "We ate the dog at the air conditioner sales."
  2. Application of contradictions: "Vasilisa the Beautiful lost in a beauty contest."
  3. Questions: “Do you know how much taxes could be returned in 2017?”
  4. Enumerations: "Eight ways to overcome laziness."
  5. Application of negation: "Say NO to a boring day."
  6. Dilution with beautiful epithets: "Choose the BEST off-road car."
  7. Using examples from life: "How I earned an apartment."
  8. Call to action: "Get $100,000 in three days."

At the same time, visitors react remarkably to the appearance of punctuation marks in the headings. But here you have to be careful, a few question and exclamation marks will cause a negative reaction.

An example of the structure of a selling Landing Page

The heading is always followed by a subheading that, in a couple of sentences, expands on the main idea or describes competitive advantage. To the heading: “Get $100,000 in three days”, the subheading can be the phrase: “Pervobankstroy issues a consumer loan at an interest rate of 10% per annum. Only two documents!

Controversial is the recommendation to limit time. When it was time for lead generation, calls “be quick, don’t be late, there are only three places left” worked perfectly, but now the buyer is wary of them. People don't really like to rush, they need to be given time to make decisions.

Landing page design

The graphic content of the site should correspond to the target audience, the cute style will scare away a serious buyer, and the austerity and mass of numbers will be incomprehensible to a teenager.

The rules of good design for getting a good conversion are considered to be:

  • application of the rule "one picture replaces a thousand words";
  • selection of a color solution for the needs of the target audience;
  • the same applies to the font for texts;
  • There must be enough free space on the page;
  • using a minimum number of fonts and colors;
  • The text should be clear and easy to read.

An excessive amount of animation should not be allowed, it causes irritation and makes it impossible to focus on the main idea.

Structure of information delivery

The text content of the landing page for lead generation should lead the visitor through the chain, which ultimately must leave contact information. To do this, one of two selling strategies is most often used.

An example of the "AIDA" model

AIDA came to e-commerce from Western marketing of the 80s. It still has not lost its relevance; in this case, a one-pager is written according to the following scenario:

  1. To attract attention.
  2. Increasing interest in the object of sale.
  3. Arousing the desire to make a purchase.
  4. The target action that the visitor must take to get their result.

A more advanced selling pattern operates through the fear trigger. A person is frightened, then intimidated even more, after which they offer to solve the problem and provide an algorithm for overcoming the crisis.

Feedback form

This is exactly what the whole action was started for. The visitor filled out the form and left the coordinates, the goal was achieved. Most often, the form is posted in the upper right corner, where it is most visible in the psychology of visual perception.

The more information a guest has to fill in about themselves, the less likely they are to successfully generate leads; people don’t really like to disclose personal data. Therefore, most often the visitor is asked to write a name, phone number and e-mail address.

Lead generation filters

The ultimate goal of marketers is to sell. It is she who determines the income of the company, the payback of the advertising budget and the salaries of specialists. You can reach millions of visitors, generate thousands of leads, and not close a single sale.

To get the result, filters are used during lead generation. The first of them is created when advertising is placed, when the place and time of the display are selected.

The second one will be applied directly on the site, since it is written at the request of citizens with certain interests. A well-written resource not only attracts a person from the target audience, but also scares away unnecessary people.

Complex technical terms interest a specialist, they will be incomprehensible to an outsider. Praising healthy and voluminous hair will attract fashionistas and make the bald grunt close the page. Another way to filter and improve the quality of the conversion is to complicate the feedback form.

Lead Generation Traffic Sources

The Internet provides dozens of ways for lead generation, some of them die off, others appear. Spam is a thing of the past, but the role of advertising in social and search networks has increased.

The main sources for this moment are:

  1. search engines Yandex and Google;
  2. social networks VK, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki;
  3. banner networks;
  4. thematic platforms;
  5. YouTube video ads.

This list is dominated by search engines. PPC specialists are able to launch a project in a matter of days by buying a place on the main page of search results.

There are two disadvantages of this method - high price and low duration of action. As soon as the budget ends, the flow of customers stops.

For a more prolonged action, organic search engine results are used.

A page that is in the TOP Yandex and Google will generate an incoming . This issue is dealt with by SEO specialists.

An important direction of traffic generation is the creation of your own groups, although it takes a lot of time to promote them.

We have all been in such a situation when the wife had just removed the delicious spaghetti with mouth-watering cutlets from the stove, laid it all out beautifully on a plate and served it on the table.

And as soon as you feel an inexorable desire to deal with it by taking a fork, the phone rings, and on the other end of the line is an annoying sales manager who is trying to find new customers with a cold call.

That is why today I want to tell you about lead generation methods that do not bother the consumer and do not tear him away from the delicious lunch or dinner prepared by his beloved wife.

What is a lead?

Let's start from the very beginning. A lead is a person who has their own preferences and interests, which may overlap with the services or products that your company offers.

This means that instead of making cold calls trying to stumble upon the right prospect for you, it is better to call those who have already heard at least a little about you and are interested in additional information. For example, you may have taken an online survey to find out how best to take care of your own car. If you received an email from the car company that ran this survey asking how the company can help you maintain your car, then this method of engagement will be less intrusive and more appropriate than you suddenly received a call with similar questions and suggestions when you don't even have a car... right?

And from a business perspective, the information collected by the car company through the survey will allow you to personalize you and learn in advance about what can be offered to you as a potential customer.

When someone who has nothing to do with marketing asks what I do, I often answer that I create content to generate leads, and then they either stop talking to me or look at me with bewilderment.

So, instead, I recommend that you answer “I am working on finding unique ways to attract people to my business. I want to offer them products that they are really interested in, so I need to do some research first and also build their interest in my brand!”

This is usually more understandable to people, and represents . This is a way to warm up potential customers by introducing them to you. Showing a natural interest in your business, they start interacting (with your business), making it easy for you to offer them something to buy.

As part of a larger marketing plan, lead generation falls into the second phase. This stage follows after you have attracted an audience and are ready to convert those visitors into sales leads. As you can see in the diagram below, lead generation is a fundamental step in converting a simple visitor into your customer.

How can leads be qualified?

As you already know, a lead is a person who has shown interest in your company's products or services. Now let's discuss ways to express this very interest.

According to the judge, lead generation is about collecting information. This information can be collected through a job application form that a job seeker fills out, through a coupon given to a customer in exchange for their contact information, or through an online form that users can then download some educational material from. .

These are just a few of the methods by which you can characterize a particular visitor as a lead. In addition, such methods allow you to determine the degree of interest of a person in your company. Let's look at each scenario one by one:

3. Content: downloading a coupon indicates that a person has a direct interest in your product or services, content (educational books or webinars), but the content itself cannot give you such information. Therefore, to really determine the visitor's level of interest, we need to collect more information.

These three common examples show us how lead generation can differ from company to company, and from one visitor to another. You need to collect enough information to determine if the person really has an interest, or is just being led by everything they are asked to fill out.

Let's take as an example. They use educational webinars to generate leads, and collect 7 points of information from potential buyers and leads:

As you can see, the landing page is trying to find out:

  1. Name: basic information for interaction
  2. Surname: basic information for interaction
  3. Email: This information will allow you to offer services via email
  4. Company name: this information will allow you to determine how and if your product will help the customer to benefit (mostly used in B2B business)
  5. Position: information in order to understand the position of a person in business in order to build appropriate interaction with him. Each stakeholder will have a certain stake in the business and therefore the prospects for your proposal will also differ from person to person.
  6. Phone Number: Usually, a phone number is used only when determining strong interest, which ensures that your call will not be sudden and intrusive to a person.
  7. Project Timeline: Ends his survey with a very specific question that allows you to determine how to communicate with the lead.

If you want to learn about other, more complex methods for collecting information, as well as what you need to ask in questionnaires, then you can read about it here. But let's continue... Let's get back to the basics...

Lead Generation Mechanism

Now that we understand how lead generation fits into general process marketing, let's look at the main components of the lead generation process:

1. Landing page: landing or - this is such a web page that the visitor gets to with certain intentions. Although landing pages can be used for many purposes, one of the most suitable is lead generation.

2. Questionnaires and forms: Landing pages usually contain forms from several fields, by filling in which the visitor provides you with his contact information and at the same time reports that he is interested in your company.

4. Call to action: A call to action (or call-to-action) is an image, button, or message that urges the site visitor to take some action. When it comes to lead generation, this component encourages visitors to (yes, you guessed it!) fill out a form on the landing page. Now you understand how it's all connected?

Once you put all these elements together, you can use different promo channels to link and drive traffic to your landing pages, which in turn will generate leads. Here is a small example of lead generation:

By now, you should have an idea of ​​how the lead generation mechanism works. But remember that this is just a baseline and we still have a lot to learn. So stay tuned!

Lead generation is a profitable marketing strategy that allows companies to find customers who are interested in purchasing their products or services. Typically, the lead generation process consists of several key steps:

To bookmarks

Lead generation.

1. Marketing campaigns

Two methods of lead generation are most commonly used: online and offline generation. The basis of these methods is the development of a good marketing strategy.

Your company can develop an effective marketing campaign on its own or with the help of agencies and companies that professionally generate leads for a fee.

In the event that your company has chosen online generation as a basis, then the advantage will be given to marketing campaigns conducted on the Internet. The most effective directions are:

  • Conducting social media campaigns
  • Maintaining a corporate blog
  • Creating Landing Pages
  • Email campaigns
  • contextual advertising
  • Online demos, presentations, etc.
  • Create forms on landing pages with additional integration in CRM

Example: Lead acceptance form on stdesk.com

If you prefer offline generation, then the main directions of your marketing campaign will be:

  • distribution by mail
  • marketing journalism
  • carrying out promotions.

It would not be superfluous to mention the possibility of integrating offline and online resources during the marketing campaigns.

2. Counting and screening leads

As a result of marketing campaigns, your business will receive a certain number of potential leads. However, this does not mean that all the contacts received are exactly what you need. At this stage, it is important to weed out the resulting leads.

In the event that you initially entrusted the generation of leads to an agency, then the selection of consumer or target leads, as well as their further counting and screening, will be the responsibility of the agency. This will be followed by selling them to your business.

If you yourself were engaged in marketing campaigns, then as a result you will also receive a certain number of potential leads, which in the future will need to be divided into high-quality and “unpromising”.

At this stage, it is appropriate to use special CRM databases and programs that will help optimize the lead counting process and their storage.

Example: The place where information about Leads from the site stdesk.com is displayed

3. Support campaign

As soon as you get "promising" leads, start a campaign to support them: it is important not to lose a lead and properly prepare it for buying your product or service. Lead generation is much more efficient if you contact people within five minutes of providing contact information.

As a rule, the following mechanisms are used as a support campaign: email newsletters, webinars, reports, blogging and podcasts, publications in the media, holding various events. Consider in what sequence and in what period of time certain mechanisms will be used.

As an example, the following algorithm can be given:

  • The first day. The visitor has downloaded a report (about a product or service) that interested him from your site. (for which he had to leave his email and name on the site, i.e. you got a lead).
  • Day three. You send a letter to the lead’s email thanking him for downloading the report and inviting him to attend a thematic webinar.
  • Day seven. The lead attends the webinar. You send an email to the lead, specifying whether he is interested in learning more about the product/service.

If the lead responds positively, then you've got a qualified lead.

If the answer is no, the support campaign should be continued (for example, send out periodic emails with offers to attend webinars, read published articles on a website or blog, etc.)

4. Sales support

So you've got a lead ready to buy. The task of your company is to make the purchase process as convenient and simple as possible, as well as carefully work out the procedure for communicating with customers after they make their first purchase.

As a result, you will get not only an increase in sales and a satisfied customer, but also a greater weight in the market for goods and services. Alternatively, a satisfied client can always leave positive feedback about your activities online or recommend you to friends, which will have a positive effect on the company's sales.

Material presented with the support of the company: STDESK

Email: [email protected]