Budargin may step down as CEO of Rosseti. Budargin Oleg Mikhailovich

  • 19.04.2021

1994–1995 - Norilsk, First Deputy Mayor

1995–2000 - Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, Deputy CEO

2000–2002 - Norilsk, head of the city

2003–2006 - Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, Governor

2007–2009 - Siberian Federal District, Assistant Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation

2009: Chairman of the board of FGC

From 2009 to 2013, he headed the Federal Grid Company (FGC), later included in Rosseti. Since October 2009 - Chairman of the Board of FGC UES.

In 2010, the head of Energostroyinvest-holding (one of FGC's contractors), Igor Yaroslavtsev, in an interview with Kommersant, accused Budargin of not controlling the company, and that FGC top managers act based on their own business interests.

2012: Head of Rosseti, 22nd place in the list of the most expensive managers in Russia

In 2012-2013, Mr. Budargin won the hardware fight for the post of head of the Rosseti electric grid holding being created against his first deputy Andrey Murov, who headed the FGC.

In November 2012, Forbes included him in the "25 Most Expensive Top Managers in Russia" rating, where he took 22nd place with an annual compensation of $4 million.


January 22, 2017 in Moscow announced new composition Supreme Council of the party "United Russia". Boris Gryzlov was re-elected head of the Supreme Council of the party. From new members to high council included:

  • Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin,
  • head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov,
  • CEO of Rosseti Oleg Budargin and

a number of governors in whose regions "United Russia" scored a result higher or comparable to the result of the party in the country as a whole (54.2%).

Resignation from the post of head of Rosseti

In August 2017, it became known that the permanent CEO of Rosseti since the creation of the holding in 2013, Oleg Budargin, is leaving the post, which was taken by the head of the Moscow housing and communal services department Pavel Livinsky, who worked for many years in electric grid companies.

Since the creation of Rosseti in 2013, Oleg Budargin has been invariably in charge of them. Almost from the moment of his appointment to Rosseti, Oleg Budargin was expected to resign soon. In 2013-2014, Kommersant's sources suggested that if he left, he would replace Alexander Khloponin, who was on the rise (for 2017 - deputy prime minister), his predecessor as head of Taimyr, as plenipotentiary in the North Caucasus Federal District. Subsequently, rumors regularly predicted Mr. Budargin in the team of the Deputy Prime Minister, and Andrey Murov or, more rarely, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Kravchenko was called his possible successors. But Oleg Budargin invariably managed to keep the chair of the head of Rosseti.

Rumors about his resignation resumed by June 2017, when his candidacy was not included in the government directive on the new composition of the board of directors of Rosseti. Sources of the Kommersant newspaper called him the successor to the first deputy chairman of VEB Mikhail Poluboyarinov or the general director of the Russian Energy Agency (accountable to the Ministry of Energy) Anatoly Tikhonov. Oleg Budargin himself, in an interview with Kommersant on June 30, denied these rumors, linking his absence from the list of candidates with the decision to increase the number independent directors and claimed that he did not see "any risks in terms of his participation in the further management of Rosseti".


  • By decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, and the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
  • In 2017, he supported the restoration of the Church of Saints Michael and Fyodor of Chernigov in Moscow, which was consecrated by Patriarch Kirill on March 11, 2018.
"On this day, I would like to thank those who made their significant contribution to the reconstruction of this holy temple, first of all, Oleg Mikhailovich Budargin, who put a lot of work and raised a lot of money to paint this temple, build an iconostasis, so that today's event took place" , - noted

Today, August 31, sources in Rosseti reported that the company's CEO Oleg Budargin will leave his position in the short term. According to the federal media, the decision could be made as early as September 2. The name of the successor has not yet been disclosed, but among the most likely candidates are the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Kravchenko and the head of FGC UES Andrey Murov.

“Kravchenko has recently shown great interest in the network sector. It is possible that he will make efforts so that he himself or his closest creature is appointed to the vacant position, ”the source of the publication in Rosseti believes. However, the source points out, "the last word will remain with the largest lobbyist Igor Sechin."

The interlocutors of the publication in the company believe that the resignation of the general director of Russian Grids will entail a change in the personnel composition in subsidiaries. First of all, managers, “appointed with the support of Oleg Budargin, may lose their seats. Among the creatures of the head of "Rosseti" in the Urals Federal District, experts first of all name the head of the branch of JSC "FGC UES" "MES Ural" Yevgeny Zhuikov.

Head of MES Ural Evgeny Zhuikov

“Zhuikov is considered to be the creature of the head of Rosseti. It is possible that in the event of Budargin's resignation, he will then lose his chair. At the same time, the head of IDGC of Urals, Sergey Dregval, the general director of Tyumenenergo, Pavel Mikheev, and the head of MES of Western Siberia, Alexei Maltsev, are likely to retain their seats, as they represent other groups of influence. The last two were appointed at all before the arrival of Budargin, and if he somehow participated in their fate, it was only in maintaining the status quo, ”an insider in the state holding believes.

Pravda UrFO previously reported that claims were repeatedly made against Zhuikov regarding the implementation of strategic facilities. Thus, the company has not yet begun construction of the 220 kV Nadezhda substation in Yekaterinburg, which, according to the government of the Sverdlovsk region, is necessary to ensure energy security during the 2018 World Cup matches. Also, the Ural branch of FGC UES regularly turns out to be the main character in conflicts with contractors who call the company's policy “gray and not always clean”.

Analysts, meanwhile, note that with the departure of Budargin, Andrey Murov, the chairman of the board of JSC FGC UES, who was previously in confrontation with the head of Rosseti, will probably take the leading role in the company.

Head of Rosseti Oleg Budargin

“Murov, most likely, will begin to put his people in the regions. But this is due not to the proximity of local management to Budargin, but to personal interest. Previously, he was prevented from completely taking control of the personnel policy by the confrontation with the head of Rosseti, now with the departure of his opponent this will become possible. I do not rule out that Murov had long ago prepared a personnel line that was waiting for an opportunity. On the other hand, if the current management in the regions shows loyalty and swears allegiance, their places can be saved, ”the interlocutor of Pravda UrFO suggested.

Another source of the publication, close to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, noted that such a scenario was considered the most likely, but it does not take into account the interests of third parties that have not previously shown obvious interest in the personnel policy of the state-owned company.

“As we can see, the name Kravchenko surfaced, that is, some officials of the Ministry of Energy got involved in the process. Another center of influence is Sergey Shmatko (ex-Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation. - Ed.). Accordingly, the configuration may change taking into account their interests, ”the insider argues.

Regarding the fourth largest distribution network in the Russian Federation - OAO IDGC of Urals - experts do not expect major changes. However, they indicate that the managerial staff is likely to be optimized in the network of branches.

“If we talk about IDGC of Urals, then first of all, presumably, they will “cut” the management of the Sverdlovenergo branch. "Permenergo" and "Chelyabenergo" will be preserved due to their remoteness and will remain as production departments. Tyumenenergo is a single structure, more streamlined, despite its size. Accordingly, corporate reformatting is unlikely to affect them, ”the source of Pravda UrFO believes. Note that Sergey Dregval, CEO of IDGC of Urals, is likely to retain his position, as he represents an "outside group of influence."

Now sources close to IDGC of Urals are talking about the weakening of Sverdlovenergo that has already begun. In particular, the recent dismissal of the deputy head of the branch, Vadim Mironov, according to the employees of the distribution company, "very much weakened the position of the division as an independent production unit."

However, one of the industry experts explained that the optimization of the managerial staff within IDGC of Urals has been discussed for a long time, even before the announcement of Budargin's resignation.

“The main goal is to optimize costs and abolish posts that, in fact, duplicate each other. This will not affect the production workers in any way, however, local managers will be reduced. This has been talked about for a long time, and the implementation of such a scenario is not connected with reshuffles in Moscow,” the expert believes.

As another scenario for optimizing the management of Rosseti, analysts call a “rollback to the past” to the system of a single company that combines the functions of FGC and MRSK. According to the industry community, this form of management is the most effective and eliminates the presence of a "bloated management apparatus".

Pravda UrFO is following developments.


FSK will temporarily remain without SD, Budargin can finalize in Rosseti until September 1

Oleg Budargin was also not included in the list of candidates for the board of directors of Rosseti and may leave the post of general director of this company. According to Reuters, the document on the resignation of the top manager is now being negotiated by the presidential administration, but has not yet been signed. The chair of the head of the company, according to agency sources, may go to Mikhail Poluboyarinov.

The fact that Budargin will not enter the new composition of the boards of directors of FGC and Rosseti is indirect evidence of his possible resignation, said an employee of the Ministry of Energy and confirmed a source close to the department. But they do not know about the preparation of the corresponding document. The contract of the head of Rosseti expires on September 1, until this date he will continue to work in the company, both interlocutors say. The representative of Rosseti said that he had no information about the resignation of the top manager.

Rumors about the resignation of Oleg Budargin have been circulating for years. This time, the top manager will definitely leave, another federal official is sure. Oleg Budargin is a good politician, he established ties with different groups influence, but the company is not involved, explained the interlocutor. The government's order on candidates for the FGC Board of Directors is dated March 31, but it was published only on June 13 in the evening. On May 15, the Board of Directors of the company convened an annual meeting of shareholders, and on May 29 approved its agenda. This document contains the issue of electing a new board of directors, but there is no list of candidates in the materials and draft decisions. Candidates could not be agreed upon for so long that the FGC had to publish materials for the meeting without this list, a federal official told RBC. The fact that the list was finally formed was not known until the last moment by two other federal officials who oversee the company's activities, RBC reports.

According to the law on joint-stock companies, the board of directors of FGC, after the publication of materials, can no longer supplement the list of candidates nominated for its new composition, says Anton Panchenkov, partner in corporate practice at Goltsblat BLP. And although the issue of a new council is on the agenda, shareholders will have no one to vote for, the lawyer warns. According to him, the absence of a new board is an extreme situation for the company: after the annual meeting of shareholders, the powers of the current board will be terminated, it will only have the right to convene an extraordinary meeting of shareholders, which should elect a new board of directors. Such a meeting must be held within 70 days. FGC's board of directors will be formed at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders within the time frame stipulated by law, a company representative said. According to him, the transfer will not affect the company's operations.


Budargin may leave the post of general director of Rosseti | Business

Rosseti CEO Oleg Budargin is not included in the list of candidates for the company's board of directors, follows from the materials for the shareholders' meeting. In total, the board of directors of Rosseti includes 15 people, the same number were nominated for the new composition. The list of candidates included all current members of the board of directors, and only Budargin was replaced by Anatoly Tikhonov, director general of the Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy.

According to Reuters and Interfax sources, it may be about the imminent resignation of the general director of the power grid monopoly. They do not name the reasons for this decision. Both agencies name Vnesheconombank's first deputy chairman Mikhail Poluboyarinov as a possible successor.

Talk about Budargin's resignation has intensified recently, two familiar top managers and a source close to the company told Vedomosti. Two of them had heard of Poluboyarinov's candidacy. But, according to one of them, presidential elections in March next year, no high-profile resignations in the energy sector were planned. According to the interlocutor of Vedomosti in one of the companies of the state holding, everything is calm in their company and no one is nervous. However, an Interfax source says that the appointment can be made in the coming days. Budargin's resignation was already discussed in the fall of the year before last, Vedomosti sources said, then one of the reasons was the situation with Lenenergo, which was on the verge of bankruptcy due to 16 billion rubles lost in the Tavrichesky bank. But in the end, nothing happened.

In state-owned companies, CEOs are on the boards. But, in principle, shareholders may not include the general director in the board, but invite him to meetings where he will not have the right to vote, says Mikhail Alexandrov, partner at the A2 Law Office.

Poluboyarinov began his career in 1988 as a senior economist at the central office of Sberbank, in 2003–2009. worked as First Deputy General Director of Aeroflot, and in 2011 became Deputy Chairman of VEB. Poluboyarinov has experience in the energy sector. In 2013, he headed the board of directors of RusHydro. He appeared on the board of directors of Rosseti last year. It was not possible to get his comments over the weekend.

The representative of the Ministry of Energy declined to comment on the rumors. The representative of VEB also declined to comment. Representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Property Management Agency and Rosseti did not respond to requests.

Rosseti holding was established in 2013 - in the capital of the manager distribution networks"IDGC Holding" was introduced by the state stake responsible for the backbone networks of the Federal Grid Company. Budargin, who previously headed FSK, was appointed CEO of the new company. According to the charter of Rosseti, the term of office of the general director is determined by the chairman of the board of directors. The council is now chaired by Energy Minister Alexander Novak. There is no standard term of office, Alexandrov says, it could be a year, two, five years, depending on what the shareholders want to see in the charter.

Since 2011, Russia has been implementing a policy to curb tariff growth, says Natalia Porokhova, head of the research and forecasting group at ACRA. One of the key tasks of "Rosseti" was the centralization of management in the power grid complex and minimization of costs, she recalls. As a result, network tariffs in real terms decreased by 14%, the costs of network companies - by 19%, and investments - by 41%, Porokhova notes. "Rosseti" is not engaged production activities and receive payment from subsidiaries for the management of the power grid complex. The company's revenue under RAS in 2016 amounted to 26.7 billion rubles, 23.3 billion of which were dividends from subsidiaries.


Budargin is preparing for "landing"? - articles about economics

13 June 2017 16:01 Author: Maxim Gurkin
UTRONEWS sources report the possible resignation of the head of Rosseti, Oleg Budargin. The Russian authorities decide his fate. New appointment or release? The possible resignation of Oleg Budargin is being discussed on the sidelines of the Russian authorities and among the energy market players. It was predicted as early as the year before last, when Lenenergo, one of Rosseti's subsidiaries, was on the verge of bankruptcy. 13 billion rubles were lost in the Tavrichesky bank. companies. And the government had to save it.

The reason for the resignation rumors was that Oleg Budargin was not included in the new list of the board of directors, although usually the head of the company is always included there. Mikhail Poluboyarinov, the first deputy chairman of Vnesheconombank, is called a possible contender for the position of head of Rosseti.

Mikhail Poluboyarinov.

The reasons for the resignation are the financial condition of Rosseti's subsidiaries, Budargin's inability to regulate relations with energy sales, as well as low dividends from the state holding.

Another reason for resignation could be personnel policy Oleg Budargin. Top managers of Rosseti constantly get into scandals with bribes and kickbacks. Some have already been convicted and are in prison. It is possible that Oleg Budargin will suffer the same fate.

Corruption in Lenenergo.

The ex-head of Lenenergo Andrey Sorochinsky and his ex-deputy Denis Slepov received four and three years, respectively, for placing 13 billion rubles in the Tavrichesky bank. Top managers took loans from Sberbank and placed them in "Tavrichesky" on deposit accounts.

In 2014, the bank's license was revoked, and he could not return the money. According to investigators, they were taken abroad. Lenenergo was on the verge of bankruptcy. Since power outages could begin, the government had to allocate 32 billion rubles to Lenenergo so that the company could function.

And recently, the ex-deputy head of Lenenergo, Ilya Meshcheryakov, hit on the run. It was he who gave the order to pay for the manufacture and laying of the Petersburg-Kronstadt submarine cable. No one thought to make a cable. The damage caused by Lenenergo is 400 million rubles. In the same case, the ex-director of the Directorate for Objects Under Construction, a branch of Lenenergo, Dmitry Gapon and his deputy Alexander Fedorov, were charged.

It turns out that the top managers of Lenenergo shamelessly do what they want. But Oleg Budargin does not notice this. Or does he receive shares from the theft of the leaders of Lenenergo?

Corruption in FSK.

Last summer, while trying to escape abroad, the ex-deputy chairman of the board of the Federal network company"Unified Energy Systems" (FGC UES) Valery Goncharov. FSK is part of Rosseti, it is headed by Andrey Murov, the son of Evgeny Murov, the former head of the Federal Security Service (FSO).

Valery Goncharov.

Goncharov was accused of fraud with the purchase of equipment. The top manager of FGC overestimated the price for him by as much as 400 million rubles. Now Goncharov is getting acquainted in the pre-trial detention center with the final wording of the charges brought against him.

Evil tongues say that Valery Goncharov has become a "scapegoat" for Andrey Murov and Oleg Budargin. And he was simply thrown to the investigation as a victim. It is doubtful that both leaders did not know about the "tricks" of their top manager.

Andrey Murov.

Oleg Budargin led FSK in 2011-2013. Over the years, the volume of financial violations amounted to 900 million rubles. FSK was suspected of fraud with government contracts. Many of the companies with which FGC worked were registered offshore. And, it seems, their founders were former employees FSK.

The prosecutor's presentation ended for Budargin in the "Ishim case" in 2013. It turned out that the largest facility in the energy system of 5 regions - the high-voltage line "Kurgan-Ishim" ("Dawn") - is being built without documents on agricultural land. How could a state-owned company afford such a thing? Or did Budargin decide that everything was allowed to him?

Apparently, it was Oleg Budargin who laid the corruption schemes in the work of the Federal Grid Company, which can exist to this day. And successfully work already under Andrey Murov. The criminal case of Valery Goncharov confirms this assumption.

Corruption in IDGC.

In addition to FGC and Lenenergo, Rosseti also includes interregional distribution companies (IDGCs). And it seems that they are also infected with the virus of corruption, which, most likely, was brought into them by Oleg Budargin, who came to the leadership of Rosseti in 2013.

In 2015, an employee of Arkhenergo, a branch of IDGC of the North-West, was suspected of commercial bribery. According to investigators, the suspect received 154 thousand rubles. from the director of a commercial firm for winning the supply auction computer technology at Arkhenergo.

And earlier, the FSB detained two employees of Arkhenergo, who were suspected of collusion and extortion of 3 million rubles. from the director of one of the firms for ensuring her victory in competitions.

A corruption scandal also flared up in the Chelyabinsk branch of IDGC of Urals. Representatives of the contractor companies believed that hundreds of millions of rubles could have been withdrawn from Chelyabinskenergo as a result of the "cuts" and "kickbacks" that flourished in the company.

Suspicion of corruption fell on the ex-deputy general director for capstroy "Chelyabenergo" Artem Shabunin. And Budargin had to urgently intervene and, in order to hush up the matter, dismiss all the defendants in the scandal. Still would! It was about a lot of money. And, perhaps, the head of Rosseti himself took part in their "cutting".

IDGC of Center gave contracts to firms affiliated with the company's management. And received kickbacks up to 30%! Representatives of the Association of Builders of the Energy Complex and minority shareholders of IDGC of Center even wrote about this to Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. However, Budargin got away with it.

From MOESK controlled by Rosseti, the largest distribution grid company in Russia, the attackers withdrew 1 billion rubles! They did this with the help of a contract concluded with the Business Group company, which does not even have official registration.

Harris Ravilov, Head of the Department of Logistics and Procurement, Chairman of the Permanent Tender Commission of OAO MOESK, fled to Spain without waiting for his arrest. Was it not with the connivance of Oleg Budargin that the top manager managed to evade responsibility? It is possible that Ravilov shared the stolen money with Budargin.

Corruption in Rosseti.

IDGC Center was also accused of raider seizure of EnergoTrest LLC. Its leaders Potekhin, Shadrin and Konchenkov were arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center. And this was done at the suggestion of FGBOU VO NRU MPEI, controlled by Rosseti, which presented expert assessment, proving the guilt of the leaders of EnergoTrest.

And here Rosseti itself and Oleg Budargin were already under suspicion of a raider seizure. However, in this case, he managed to evade responsibility.

In 2015, three top managers were fired from Rosseti at once: the first deputy general directors Dan Belenky and Andrey Demin, as well as the deputy general director Khasan Likhov. It is possible that top managers knew too much about Budargin's "deals".

And earlier, Dmitry Gotlib, Budargin's ex-deputy, left Rosseti. Information was leaked to the media, then Gottlieb took 5% of the cost of the issue from sales companies and earned 200 million rubles from fraud.

Dmitry Gotlib.

Experts suggest that without the help of Budargin, his deputy would not have been able to put the "rollback" issue on a grand scale. Most likely, the experts are right, since it is difficult to imagine that the deputy acts at his own peril and risk without the knowledge of his superior.

A conflict is also flaring up within Rosseti itself. FGC actually bankrupt Lenenergo! He demands from her a debt of 3.5 billion rubles, which was formed through the fault of the state regulator of tariffs - the government of St. Petersburg. And how Oleg Budargin endures squabbles within his own company. Or is he no longer in control of the situation?

What awaits Budargin?

It is strange that Oleg Budargin is still sitting in his chair. Even the laying of the Kerch energy bridge, which FGC was involved in, did not knock down the head of Rosseti. Instead of mid-2014, laying began only at the end of 2015. And the fourth branch was launched at all in May 2016.

It is possible that both Budargin and Murov were "covered" by Murov Sr., who, with the onset of retirement age, moved to the position of chairman of the board of directors of the state-owned Zarubezhneft company. And he probably still uses his influence.

The resignation of Oleg Budargin has been waiting for a long time. And he deserved it. However, it's not just the resignation. Oleg Budargin must answer for everything he did in his post. And the list can be presented to him very long. So Oleg Budargin may not get off with one resignation. Most likely, it may be followed by criminal cases. And then, perhaps, Budargin will have to sit down. For a long time!

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Anatoly Tikhonov, head of REA, replaced him At the meeting of shareholders of Rosseti, the head of Rosseti, Oleg Budargin, who was not nominated by the state to the board of directors of the energy holding, was replaced on the board by the head of the Russian Energy Agency (REA) Anatoly Tikhonov. Mr. Budargin explained this to Kommersant by the need to increase the number of independent directors. Among those who have retained seats on the board are its chairman, Energy Minister Alexander Novak, as well as a number of top managers of state-owned companies, for example, the head of the Federal Grid Company (FGC), which is part of Rosseti, Andrey Murov. Also on the board is Mikhail Poluboyarinov, the first deputy chairman of VEB, whom, like Mr. Tikhonov, sources in the industry called a possible replacement for Oleg Budargin. As expected, the head of the state-owned Rosseti (which includes interregional distribution grid companies (MRSK) and FGC), Oleg Budargin, did not join the new board of directors of the state holding, elected on Friday at the annual meeting of shareholders. His place on the board was taken by the director general of REA (accountable to the Ministry of Energy) Anatoly Tikhonov. The rest of the council members retained their seats. In particular, the chairman of the former board of directors, the head of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak and his deputy Vyacheslav Kravchenko, as well as the deputy head of the Ministry of Economy Nikolai Podguzov, were re-elected. The board of Rosseti includes the heads of key state energy companies - the heads of FGC and RusHydro Andrey Murov and Nikolai Shulginov, the chairman of the board of System Operator Boris Ayuev, and the deputy chairman of the Market Council association (energy market regulator) Oleg Barkin. In addition, Mikhail Poluboyarinov, First Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank, remains on the Board of Directors. In total, there are 15 people on the board of directors of Rosseti. Among them are the head of Mezhregionenergosbyt (part of the Gazprom group) Stanislav Ashirov, senior vice president of the development fund of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies Vasily Belov, adviser to the director general of the Institute of Professional Directors Oleg Dubnov, president of Opora Rossii Alexander Kalinin, rector NRU MPEI Nikolai Rogalev, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in the Electric Power Industry, ex-Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Sergey Shmatko.

Oleg Budargin has been a member of the board of directors of Rosseti since the company was founded on the basis of IDGC Holding and FGC in 2013. In an interview with Kommersant on June 30, in particular, Mr. Budargin explained his absence from the list of candidates for the board by the decision to increase the number of independent directors. “I have a normal attitude to the innovation itself - to increase the share of representatives from non-executive management bodies in the board of directors. We (the management of Rosseti. - Kommersant) participate in the work of the council as an executive body, ”he explained. After Oleg Budargin was not included in the list, rumors about his resignation resumed in the industry. In his place, Kommersant's interlocutors predicted Mikhail Poluboyarinov or Anatoly Tikhonov. But in an interview with Kommersant, Mr. Budargin said that he did not see "any risks in terms of his participation in the further management of Rosseti."

Tatyana Dyatel

Why Rosseti dividends will be symbolic

The electric grid holding "Rosseti", despite the growth of the adjusted net profit in 2016 to 144.8 billion rubles. and the declared requirement of the government to accrue 50% of profits as dividends, will pay shareholders only about 2 billion rubles. This is due to the deduction from the calculation base of the costs of the investment program and various non-monetary and additional income. Analysts estimate the total amount of dividends as non-critical for the holding and remind that Rosseti, in fact, subsidize the holding's troubled structures at the expense of dividends from profitable subsidiaries. Read more

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Is Oleg Budargin facing a criminal case?

A loud scandal erupted in the Russian energy sector after information was leaked that a criminal case could be initiated against Oleg Budargin, General Director of Russian Grids JSC and Chairman of the Board of JSC Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System (FGC UES). As it turned out, Budargin is a new target for the security forces during the federal anti-corruption campaign.

Why will they open a case against Budargin?

The fact that the head of Rosseti, Oleg Budargin, may become a defendant in a criminal case does not surprise experts. After all, taking into account the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin himself ordered to deal with corruption in the energy sector, the arrest of Budargin is, in fact, a matter of time. Yes, and recently it is obvious that the investigators have literally “overlaid” Oleg Mikhailovich. Moreover, now investigators are checking both his activities as head of the Federal Grid Company and as general director of Rosseti. As it became known to the press as a result of a leak of information from the special services, Budargin may become a suspect in a criminal case that may soon be initiated in the Tyumen region!

The thing is that the prosecutor's office of the Tyumen region revealed serious violations of the law during the construction of JSC FGC UES, the largest facility of energy systems in 5 regions of the Ural Federal District at once - the high-voltage line "Kurgan-Ishim" ("Zarya") with the reconstruction of the 500 kV substation "Kurgan".

As the prosecutors found out, construction is being carried out without permission, moreover, the actions of the contractor FGC UES caused damage to the state in connection with the construction of an object without documents on agricultural land. As a result, Oleg Budargin, the chairman of the board of FGC UES, was presented with a prosecutor's proposal.

Moreover, two branches of JSC FGC UES, together with the federal management of the company, and now the head of Rosseti, Oleg Budargin, have already been drawn into this scandal. Ishim (Zarya) with the reconstruction of the 500 kV Kurgan substation, which is carried out on the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the territory of the Tyumen and Kurgan regions, violations of land and town planning legislation were committed. Kurgan-Ishim (Zarya) with the reconstruction of the 500 kV Kurgan substation is JSC FGC UES, the contractor is JSC GlobalElectroService. In violation of clause 1, part 1, article 51 of the Town Planning Code, the construction of this facility is carried out without a building permit issued in accordance with the established procedure,” Dmitry Yakovlev, an official representative of the Tyumen Region Prosecutor's Office, a first-class lawyer, told reporters.

Further, a second scandal was revealed related to the fact that this construction “with the light hand of Budargin” is being carried out on land plots that are objects of federal property and classified as agricultural land!

Why does FGC not penalize contractors?

Moreover, the entire construction takes place without duly executed documents for the land!!!

“Agreements providing for the transfer of the right to use the specified land JSC FGC UES did not enter into a contract with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Ishimskoye of the Russian Agricultural Academy, to which the indicated objects of federal property were provided for use. As a result of construction, the fertile soil layer was damaged, crops were destroyed perennial herbs, the total area of ​​destruction amounted to 39.6 hectares,” the prosecutors revealed.

So, according to the information of the investigating authorities, Budargin should become the suspect in all this!!!

Moreover, according to the results of the detected violations against the borrower this moment Oleg Budargin, the head of JSC Russian Grids and the chairman of the board of FGC UES, submitted a proposal to eliminate violations. However, as outraged representatives of the Tyumen public told reporters, Budargin did not eliminate anything. Well, at least according to local residents, the requirements of the prosecutor's office of the Tyumen region are not fully met!

Moreover, the contractor OJSC GlobalElectroService made obvious flaws in the construction of Zarya, but sanctions were never applied to him.

Building "Dawn". The object was supposed to be commissioned a year ago, but it is being built and built ...

But a year ago, according to the terms of the contract, "GlobalElectroService" had to complete the overhead line 500 "Kurgan-Ishim"! However, this work was never completed! Against this background, no one applies penalties to the contractor!

Under the terms of the contract, the penalty is 0.1% of the contract amount for each day of delay. The amount of the contract is 8 billion rubles. By a simple calculation, we get that the fine for JSC "GlobalElectroService" is more than 2 billion rubles!!! And he hasn't been redeemed yet!

"Kickback" for Oleg Mikhailovich in 300 million rubles?

However, everything becomes clear if you pay attention to who was involved as a subcontractor for the construction of the 500 kV Kurgan-Ishim (Zarya) overhead line and the reconstruction of the 500 kV Kurgan substation.

So this subcontractor turned out to be the infamous company in the Urals, ESK Energomost LLC. And ESK Energomost LLC is known for the fact that it is considered a structure close to the son of the ex-director of MES Ural Gennady Nikitin, who was dismissed from MES after Vladimir Putin's demands to put an end to "nepotism, kinship and affiliation in the Russian energy sector."

Gennady Nikitin, Oleg Budargin and other power engineers

But what does it do?! While Putin is expelling corrupt officials from the energy sector, Budargin, using the “last days” as chairman of the board of the Federal Grid Company and his new powers as the general director of Rosseti, deliberately imposes “mutual responsibility” in the energy industry?!

So, against the background of how Putin “expelled” Nikitin from MES Ural, Budargin established a business with his son!

From this information, the security forces made a completely logical conclusion - either Budargin decided to deceive Putin and cash in on the "cut" of the money allocated for this construction, or he receives "kickbacks" from contractors!

According to the intelligence services, the second option is more preferable for Oleg Mikhailovich. So now there is a version that a very suspicious delay in construction was due to the fact that the money allocated for the construction of Zarya, according to rumors, was "sawed" by top managers of GlobalElectroService OJSC and Energomost ESC LLC. However, why, then, did Budargin not recover from JSC GlobalElectroService in favor of JSC FGC UES at least 2 billion rubles. a fine and did not write appropriate statements with suspicions of "cutting" to law enforcement agencies?!!

At the moment, a source from law enforcement agencies has already told the press that the investigators have suspicions about the chairman of the board of JSC FGC UES in a bribe. So, according to preliminary data, Budargin could take a bribe in the amount of 300 million rubles. from the management of JSC "GlobalElectroService" for not demanding a fine of 2 billion rubles!

When will the head of Rosseti be arrested?

Of course, while this is only a version, however, it seems quite plausible. And since it was deliberately “leaked” to the press by the security forces, it means that this version should, at a minimum, correspond to reality, and, at a maximum, become the basis for the speedy initiation of a criminal case and the arrest of Mr. Budargin. However, when will this “effective manager” Budargin be arrested?!

Rumor has it that this will happen at the end of November. This delay with the expected arrest of Budargin is associated with personnel changes in the Russian energy sector. So recently, the board of directors of JSC Russian Grids decided to hold an extraordinary general meeting on November 11, 2013 of a subsidiary of JSC FGC UES on the issue of early termination of the powers of the chairman of the company's board and election of the chairman of the board.

Andrey Murov has been nominated for the position of Chairman of the Board of FGC UES. Currently, the chairman of the board of the company is the head of Rosseti, Oleg Budargin. Murov holds the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Board of FGC UES.

Rumor has it that a criminal case against Budargin can only be initiated after Murov is "strengthened" as head of FGC UES and a "personnel purge" is carried out there. This is due to the fact that the current top management of the FGC is unlikely to allow the security forces to seamlessly investigate Budargin's activities. But when Murov kicks out all the swindlers and corrupt officials from the FGC, the investigation will start with Oleg Mikhailovich himself!

By the way, Andrei Murov is the son of the head Federal Service Protection (FSO) and is a clear creature of the security forces. So, perhaps, Budargin and his alleged accomplices will be arrested in order to promote Murov to the post of head of not only FSK, but also Rosseti!

Budargin decided to run away to London with VEB money?

However, these are far from all the scandals associated with Mr. Budargin! The thing is that several sources close to him immediately stated that the current head of the FGC and Rosseti already suspects his imminent arrest, so Oleg Mikhailovich is rumored to be preparing to escape to London.

Yes, and according to rumors, he has a version of obtaining political asylum in the UK. Moreover, it is not only about the fact that Budargin can always declare his support for the democratic opposition in the person of Alexei Navalny or Mikhail Prokhorov!

By the way, Oleg Mikhailovich is really a "native" from the "Prokhorov's nest"! After all, before joining the business, Budargin was involved in politics! So in 2000 he became the mayor of Norilsk, in 2003 he was elected governor of Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) autonomous region, and in 2007 he became an assistant to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Siberian Federal District.

Of course, at first glance it seems that Oleg Budargin really achieved everything himself. However, as it turned out, at that time he was in the "orbit of interests" of the owners of the companies Interros and Norilsk Nickel - the oligarchs Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov. So the oligarchs always stood behind Budargin!

However, it seems that he himself will go to London, as a "disgraced oligarch" who had the audacity to "argue Putin"! However, they say that Budargin will go to Britain not alone, but with budget money.

How to "grab" 20 billion?

The thing is that shortly before the resignation of Budargin, FGC attracted 20 billion rubles. by issuing infrastructure bonds. Moreover, on October 23, 2013, it became known that these securities were bought by VEB. The maturity of the bonds is 35 years, the offer in 33 years. The first coupon rate was 7.1% per annum. In other words, on the eve of Budargin's resignation, FGC "quietly" issues bonds for $625 million, which are redeemed by VEB in one day, also without much publicity. Moreover, it is completely incomprehensible to the public what all this money should go for, and why such an atmosphere of secrecy !!!

However, the security forces learned that, according to one of the versions, this money should be “sawed” between Budargin, who will “dump” them abroad, and between top managers of VEB, who will let them pass through offshore schemes.

Of course, with this "fraud" Budargin, apparently, deliberately sets up Murin! However, "setups" and "thieves" for Oleg Mikhailovich, in fact, are quite familiar activities. Moreover, after the expected escape to London, it is unlikely that Budargin will have to look Murin in the eyes at least once again! ..

"Offshore empire" Oleg Mikhailovich Budargin?

However, it seems that Budargin was running scams worse than the one that will soon happen with VEB's money! After all, it is no secret that the energy industry under the sponsorship of Rosseti now has many intermediaries and contractors, the founders of which are former FGC employees. Moreover, according to rumors, Budargin works with many offshore companies like Medved LLC, through which a large-scale withdrawal of budget money takes place.

For example, journalists write that a certain CJSC Metrostandart received 7 billion rubles even before Budargin arrived. for the metrological check of high-voltage equipment and, having raised prices by 1.5 times, could not cope with the task.

Despite this, the firms continued to cooperate with FGC, filling out more and more super-profitable energy orders. "Metrostandard", as in the past, desperately hacked - only for 2009-2010. claims against him exceeded 180 million rubles, but the management of the FGC continued to be complacent. Perhaps such a strange behavior is due to persistent rumors about the presence of Igor Khvalin, deputy chairman of the board of directors of FGC, behind the back of the successful CJSC, and maybe not him alone.

However, this was until Oleg Mikhailovich “stood at the helm”! So with the advent of Budargin, corruption in the Federal Grid Company increased significantly. Of course, this became the subject of dissatisfaction with the former Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Sergey Shmatko, but there was little he could do ...

Although the press claims that on the sidelines of the industry, the unfolding confrontation between Shmatko and Budargin is almost openly spoken about. So, it is known that it was at the insistence of Shmatko that in May 2012, FGC UES significantly cut funds for investment programs - by 50 billion annually. Shmatko had good reasons for this: the company, which has recently been spending from 130 billion to 170 billion rubles a year on the investment program, does not disclose many contracts for the supply and overhaul equipment, laying of cables and networks, and a significant part of FGC's contracts implemented within the framework of major projects (such as Sochi and APEC) are not included in the reporting at all. At the same time, some large contracts that are posted on the site are for some reason split into separate lots. Others are published without cost. Among the contractors there are often interesting companies, the composition of the founders of which is generally incomprehensible, such as, for example, Medved LLC, already mentioned above.

In addition, according to media reports, Budargin almost completely and long ago removed himself from the leadership of the FGC, throwing everything on the shoulders of his subordinates. And they were not slow to take advantage of it. So, the recently departed Deputy General Director of FGC UES - Director of Informatization Andrey Chernov became famous as a big supporter of outsourcing. For example, about 20 organizations are involved in the administration, operation and support of information and telecommunication systems, successfully mastering the money of the Federal Grid Company.

Moreover, in some of these companies, the leaders or founders are former employees of FGC, and some (Energodata, Datafort) are registered in offshore companies. Not a very pretty picture for a state holding. And what will happen to the management of the country's power grid in the event of a conflict between the operator and one of its offshore contractors? These projects by Deputy Budargin have already led to the fact that, according to experts, the information technology infrastructure created for FGC UES turned out to be fragmented, with multiple and random duplication of functions and cycles, and in addition, in principle, not operated without the third-party company that created it .

On the sly, in addition, these firms registered a product created by order of FSK and with its money for themselves. Moreover, it was not the purchase of stationery of the central office that was at risk, but the most important sections, without which the power transmission system simply cannot work. Naturally, these firms, which set traditionally inflated prices, spent FGC funds amounting to billions of rubles. Budargin did not react to this situation in any way for three years. The deplorable results of Budargin

Of course, with such a colossal scale of corruption in FGC and Rosseti, there is no question of any effective process for managing energy assets by Mr. Budargin!

Here are just some of the results of Budargin's "effective management" in the Russian energy sector.

Firstly, under him, the depreciation of the domestic electrical system reached a peak - 15% of substations are currently in poor condition.

Oleg Budargin Secondly, FGC spent billions, but there were no positive changes in the Russian energy sector. Thus, in 2009, FGC invested 200 million rubles in improving the quality indicators of power grids, and in 2010 - already 3.1 billion rubles. The money was spent, but it did not bring a specific desired result. So, really, Mr. Budargin tritely “sawed” these billions?!

By the way, FGC does not deny that the state of the domestic electrical system can safely be called deplorable. According to the company, 15% of 6-10/0.4 kV substations are in an unsatisfactory condition, and more than 40% of air and oil circuit breakers have long served their time. Due to the deterioration of power grids, energy losses reach 20-30% instead of the usual 6-8% for Europe. About 60% of power grids do need to be rewired.

And after all this, Budargin still dares to use his “talent” in Rosseti?!

Are prostitutes to the head of Rosseti more important than Russian energy?

However, one should not think that Mr. (or already Mister? - Ed.) Budargin is involved only in financial and corruption scandals. After all, Oleg Mikhailovich has a bad reputation on the Internet as “lovers of night butterflies” (in the sense of a frequent client of prostitutes)

For the first time, the head of Rosseti became the protagonist of a sex scandal when a video appeared on the Internet, where, according to the blogger Elena "coachfine", Budargin is clearly visible along with the BMW "seven" assigned to the FGC chairman in the company of prostitutes.

After the appearance of the video where Budargin shoots prostitutes, the site where it was first posted was immediately hacked! However, then fragments of this video got into YouTUBE, so now everyone can see the "removal process" so to speak.

A frame from the same scandalous video recording in which Budargin's official BMW drives up to the "priestesses of love"

However, the sexual scandal with Oleg Mikhailovich did not end there, since a “burning video” appeared on the network, in which a person very similar to Oleg Budargin has sex with a prostitute (and, apparently, a minor - and this is a corresponding article Criminal Code of the Russian Federation!!!

It is curious that, judging by the photographs taken from this video, the person on this tape seems to be really the head of Rosseti Budargin (photo) !!! Agree that, judging by these photographs, Budargin's participation in this orgy seems obvious !!!

Curiously, despite this grandiose scandal, Oleg Budargin is still the head of Rosseti. However, according to experts, after initiating a criminal case against him, Budargin will lose not only his post, but also his freedom!

However, now the most important thing for the investigation is to have time to detain Budargin before he escapes to London! Otherwise, he will turn into a "London exile" and a "disgraced oligarch" for a long time. So, without a doubt, the arrest of the head of Rosseti is just around the corner!..

Oleg Alexandrov

"Inter Wright"


Russian authorities are discussing the change of the head of Rosseti

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian authorities are discussing the resignation of Oleg Budargin, head of the state-owned power grid holding Rosseti, which was set up in mid-2013 to manage all of the country's power grids, a government source, an industry source and a source close to one of the company's board members, told Reuters.

They did not name the reasons for the possible resignation.

Two sources said that the resignation document was ready, but not signed. At the same time, a source in the government said that the draft order is being approved by the presidential administration, and a source in the industry says that the document has already been signed.

According to all three sources, Mikhail Poluboyarinov, a member of the board of directors of the holding, the first deputy head of Vnesheconombank, is the main candidate for the position of head of Rosseti.

A source in Rosseti told Reuters that a meeting of the board of directors was held on candidacies for the new board for voting at the annual meeting of shareholders, and Budargin was not included in the list of candidates. Now Budargin is a member of the board of directors.

The press service of Rosseti confirmed that the company received the minutes of the board of directors without disclosing its contents.

Rosseti spokesman Dmitry Bobkov did not confirm the information about the upcoming change of the head of Rosseti and said that he "does not comment on rumors."

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy, the Federal Property Management Agency, VEB, the press secretary of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the representative of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who oversees the industry, declined to comment, and it was not possible to contact Budargin and Poluboyarinov.

Rosseti Holding manages the entire power grid complex of Russia with revenues of over 900 billion rubles in 2016, including the FGC operator of backbone grids.

Budargin, 56, took over Rosseti in mid-2013 after authorities handed over a controlling stake in FGC to the holding. Prior to that, he led the Federal Grid Company since 2009, and even earlier he was the governor of the Taimyr district and the head of Norilsk.

In August 2015, the Vedomosti newspaper reported on the possible departure of Budargin from the post of head of Rosseti, citing six sources without giving reasons. Three Reuters sources then confirmed the likely resignation (http://bit.ly/1UnA3ng). One of them called the head of the holding "a skilled lobbyist." Another said that the reason for dissatisfaction with Budargin was the inflated costs of the state-owned company.

A source at a major Russian energy company and a source at the Energy Ministry told Reuters that talk of Budargin's resignation has intensified in the industry over the past two weeks.

A source in the Russian energy company among the possible reasons for dissatisfaction with Budargin on the part of the authorities named the financial condition of some grid companies, the inability to regulate relations with energy sales companies and the low dividends of the state holding.

The manager of Rosseti, who asked not to be named, said that company employees are discussing this topic, including the name of Poluboyarinov as a replacement. He refers to this "philosophically", since "no one has seen the finished documents."

"The company is working, Oleg Mikhailovich (Budargin) is at his workplace. There is a normal working process," he said.

(Anastasia Lyrchikova, Ekaterina Golubkova, Daria Korsunskaya. With the participation of Polina Nikolskaya, Gleb Stolyarov, Oksana Kobzeva. Editor Anastasia Teterevleva)

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian authorities are discussing the resignation of Oleg Budargin, head of the state-owned power grid holding Rosseti, which was set up in mid-2013 to manage all of the country's power grids, a government source, an industry source and a source close to one of the company's board members, told Reuters.

They did not name the reasons for the possible resignation.

Two sources said that the resignation document was ready, but not signed. At the same time, a source in the government said that the draft order is being approved by the presidential administration, and a source in the industry says that the document has already been signed.

According to all three sources, Mikhail Poluboyarinov, a member of the board of directors of the holding, the first deputy head of Vnesheconombank, is the main candidate for the position of head of Rosseti.

A source in Rosseti told Reuters that a meeting of the board of directors was held on candidacies for the new board for voting at the annual meeting of shareholders, and Budargin was not included in the list of candidates. Now Budargin is a member of the board of directors.

The press service of Rosseti confirmed that the company received the minutes of the board of directors without disclosing its contents.

Rosseti spokesman Dmitry Bobkov did not confirm the information about the upcoming change of the head of Rosseti and said that he "does not comment on rumors."

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy, the Federal Property Management Agency, VEB, the press secretary of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the representative of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who oversees the industry, declined to comment, and it was not possible to contact Budargin and Poluboyarinov.

Rosseti Holding manages the entire power grid complex of Russia with revenues of over 900 billion rubles in 2016, including the FGC operator of backbone grids.

Budargin, 56, took over Rosseti in mid-2013 after authorities handed over a controlling stake in FGC to the holding. Prior to that, he led the Federal Grid Company since 2009, and even earlier he was the governor of the Taimyr district and the head of Norilsk.

In August 2015, the Vedomosti newspaper reported on the possible departure of Budargin from the post of head of Rosseti, citing six sources without giving reasons. Three Reuters sources then confirmed the likely resignation (http://bit.ly/1UnA3ng). One of them called the head of the holding "a skilled lobbyist." Another said that the reason for dissatisfaction with Budargin was the inflated costs of the state-owned company.

A source at a major Russian energy company and a source at the Energy Ministry told Reuters that talk of Budargin's resignation has intensified in the industry over the past two weeks.

A source in the Russian energy company among the possible reasons for dissatisfaction with Budargin on the part of the authorities named the financial condition of some grid companies, the inability to regulate relations with energy sales companies and the low dividends of the state holding.

The manager of Rosseti, who asked not to be named, said that company employees are discussing this topic, including the name of Poluboyarinov as a replacement. He refers to this "philosophically", since "no one has seen the finished documents."

"The company is working, Oleg Mikhailovich (Budargin) is at his workplace. There is a normal working process," he said.

(Anastasia Lyrchikova, Ekaterina Golubkova, Daria Korsunskaya. With the participation of Polina Nikolskaya, Gleb Stolyarov, Oksana Kobzeva. Editor Anastasia Teterevleva)


Medvedev invited the head of the housing and communal services department of Moscow to head Rosseti

From the website of the Moscow City Hall

The Russian government will recommend Pavel Livinsky, head of the housing and communal services department of Moscow, to the post of head of Rosseti. According to Interfax, this was announced today at a meeting with Livinsky by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “I will give instructions to sign the directive. After the board of directors of the company passes, you must take office,” Medvedev said.

He recalled that Livinsky already has experience in the energy sector, and expressed the hope that this will allow the new head of Rosseti to successfully solve the tasks assigned to him. In turn, Livinsky thanked the head of government for the trust placed in him.

Livinsky was born on February 19, 1980 in Chelyabinsk. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. From 2006 to 2013, he held the positions of Deputy General Director for the development and sale of services at OJSC Moscow City Electric Grid Company; Deputy General Director for Customer Relations and Technological Connections of JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company", headed JSC "United Energy Company". In January 2013, he was appointed head of the Department of Fuel and Energy Economy in Moscow. In March 2017 of the current year, Livinsky headed the housing and communal services department of Moscow.

For the last 4 years, Rosseti has been led by Oleg Budargin. Budargin's resignation began to be discussed in public this summer. The reason for the resignation was not given.

What is Oleg Budargin, expelled from the board of directors of the state holding, being smoothly led to - to the next "responsible" position or to the first "walker"?

There is no smoke without fire?

Probably, only in our country the fate of the head of a huge state monopolist, who turned the company entrusted to him into a real "den of corruption", can be discussed not in the sense of "sit down - not sit down", but also with the prospect that he can go to jail, but into a new easy chair of some other government agency.

In any more or less civilized country, the only question would be about the terms of imprisonment and the size of the fine - and with almost one hundred percent confidence of society that the thieving villain would get his own anyway. I mean, punishment. In our country, the word “receive”, like most words in the Russian language, has a multifaceted meaning.

But, one way or another, the head of the state-owned Rosseti (which includes interregional distribution companies (MRSK and FGC) Oleg Budargin was not included in the new board of directors of the state holding, which became known at the recent last meeting of shareholders. Expected, admittedly, he did not enter.

And then, with renewed vigor, lately subdued rumors about his resignation began to circulate with renewed vigor, although Budargin himself continues to put on a good face on a bad game, stating that he does not see “any risks in terms of his participation in the further management of Rosseti”. Well, like when the main star of a football team is suddenly put on the bench, there is still the prospect of going to the “base”, but sad thoughts that he, it turns out, are completely replaceable by someone, do not give rest.

But Budargin was truly the "star" of "Rosseti" - a shaft of powers, and during all the past meetings of the company's shareholders, he was always painlessly re-elected to the board of directors. The current withdrawal for the "state" is the first - but, apparently, the center is completely no longer satisfied with the financial condition of the subsidiaries of Rosseti, Budargin's inability to regulate relations with energy sales, as well as the low dividends of the state holding.

However, all of the above is just the tip of the iceberg, for this, in fact, the most that awaits a loser leader is simply excommunication from the feeder. Dismissal, in a word. Where, then, among the listed prospects, in the case of confirmation of rumors about the resignation of Budargin, every now and then they call ... a case? Criminal, in sense, business.

A brand that has nowhere to put

In general, rumors about Budargin's departure do not appear for the first time. For example, the year before last, 13 billion rubles from one of the subsidiaries of Rosseti Lenenergo disappeared from the bankrupt Tavrichesky Bank, which almost ruined the company, and to save it with such sloppiness or criminal negligence of the heads of the enterprise, which was subordinate to Oleg Budargin , had already the government of the country.

Then it passed, but in general, his personnel policy, about which. Scandals with bribes and kickbacks in this system have become something of a daily occurrence, as well as periodic sentences to individual “links” of this chain.

The ex-head of Lenenergo Andrey Sorochinsky and his ex-deputy Denis Slepov received four and three years, respectively, for exactly those same 13 billion in the bank, from which the license was subsequently taken away, and Lenenergo itself, which found itself without money, could well have left without electricity vast areas. So, the government had to urgently allocate 32 billion rubles to Lenenergo, if only the company could function.

Ilya Meshcheryakov, the ex-deputy head of the same unfortunate Lenenergo, who went on the run, who pulled off the scam with the laying of the Petersburg-Kronstadt submarine cable for 400 million rubles, was arrested on the border of the ex-deputy chairman of the board of the Federal Grid Company United Energy Systems ), which is part of Rosseti, Valery Goncharov, who pulled off a combination with purchases, which is a favorite for government officials, acquiring equipment according to the scheme “ total cost+ personal interest. The last - for the same 400 "lyams".

True, they say that Goncharov is no more to blame than others, and certainly less than his immediate superiors - Andrey Murov FSK and Oleg Budargin from the head Rosseti, who simply “leaked” him to the investigation in the form of a “redhead”.

Oleg Budargin himself led the Federal Grid Company from 2011 to 2013, and during this time almost a billion rubles worth of “not criminally punishable” violations alone were found in the company. And how many were not found - despite the fact that FSK was suspected of fraud with government contracts. Many of the companies with which FGC worked were registered in offshore companies, which were allegedly backed by former employees of the same FGC, who retained close ties with those currently operating on mutual, so to speak, interests.

Imitating their leadership, and regional "networkers" began to put their hand into the state pocket. A wave of corruption scandals that swept across the country touched the Arkhangelsk, Urals and, of course, the North Caucasian subsidiaries of Rosseti, where Budargin put his people in positions - of course, not for normal leadership, but for the reliability of the "chain" for draining money and circulation government contracts among the "correct" firms.

We don’t have any inviolable ones - are there those who haven’t been imprisoned yet?

So, Budargin is no longer the best chief boss in Rosseti. True, many experts are sincerely surprised how he is still sitting in some kind of leadership chair.

Well, here, of course, one can draw a certain parallel between him and Mr. Murov Jr., who holds the post of head of the MSC. By itself, the “junior” did not make a serious name for himself - but Murov Sr., even after he was “left” from the FSO and “transferred” to the position of chairman of the board of directors of the state company Zarubezhneft, in the world of political and commercial “behind the scenes” continues to be a significant and influential figure. And the former head of the FSO hardly wants to see his son at the epicenter of a criminal scandal, which is quite real if Budargin starts to spin on a corruption topic. So, perhaps, Murov Sr. is a “guardian angel” not only for his son, but also as a “trailer” for his older comrade. How long will the strength of a retired general last?

True, they also talk about the fact that Budargin is the man of the president of Rosneft, the most influential Igor Sechin, but if the Kremlin gave the go-ahead to “leaking” the presumptuous Budargin, it is unlikely that the same Sechin will spoil his reputation as “close to the court”, fitting into pre-losing defense of his careless ward.

By the way, the Rosseti company itself is a structure that is not directly involved in production, but only receives a fee from subsidiaries for managing the power grid complex. This can be seen from the fact that the company's revenue under RAS in 2016 amounted to 26.7 billion rubles, 23.3 billion of which were dividends from subsidiaries.

And yet, even with such “free” activities, when you only receive and distribute “baksheesh”, they manage to incur losses of 100 billion rubles a year, since the average load of substations across Rosseti is 27%, and it seems that few people worries. As well as the damage from unaccounted for electricity consumption in the amount of 7.13 billion in 2016 alone - all they can do is calculate the damage. Moreover, the damage is not personal - state.

In general, it is time to remove Budargin from this energy "trough" has definitely come. So far, the question is - will they bring him to justice for everything that is stolen, withdrawn, unfastened, “rolled back”? After all, there, in a long chain of possible “presentations” from law enforcement agencies, both IDGCs, FGCs, and the long-suffering Lenenergo stand in line - and Oleg Budargin himself is at the very top of the “distribution” schemes.

If such an investigative machine starts spinning up, a lot of heads will fly, not only the “head” of Budargin. Including, and this may force the center to release all his sins to Budargin and present him “white and fluffy” before the eyes of the public, his potential resignation from Rosseti and a possible appointment to another “responsible” post, calling him a regular rotation of personnel. It's so simple and unpretentious. Honestly, Gleb Zheglov is not enough for them - his signature phrase for all time. Too bad it's not for everyone who deserves it.