Association of experimental aviation trade sale of air. Annual meeting of the Association of Experimental Aviation of Russia

  • 24.11.2019

Title: Re: Triplane for sale
Created Vadimich in 10.02.10:: 11:38:22 Good day everyone! How many emotions about the Comet! So he touched something, so I post scans of the Youth Technique magazine for November 2000 - about the history of creation of this type devices. In general, I think that now in winter, not a single flying hang-glider pilot would refuse a closed and warm cockpit, and for chemistry ....., and for other purposes ...., but in summer, what would be like birds, but what would be a warm wind in the face and speed not according to instruments, but according to pressure, and to friends, but to the song Hang Glider ... Oka, so that each device has its own purpose and has the right to be (if it is of course safe).
In the journal Science and Life for February this year, there should be an article about this particular last option Comets.
If anyone gets a chance, drop me a PM or
here - I think many will be interested. Well, and one more thing - the device is constantly being finalized and now it looks a little different than in the photo above - so I'll post its modern look.
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It is customary to refer to experimental aviation all aviation, which, for one reason or another, does not fall under any of the other categories. According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, aviation is divided into civil, state (military, strategic) and experimental.

Experimental aviation

Experimental flights can be carried out for development purposes and for research, testing, and so on. One of the areas that experimental aviation comes into contact with is trade. It is in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation that questions on state regulation in the field of experimental aviation. The competence of the department includes the operation of airfields for small and experimental aviation, the issuance of permits for these airfields, the procedure for registering ships, the issuance of license plates and other identification marks.

Experimental aviation developments may be of commercial interest. Air shows are always a crowded place.

Experimental aviation

Another area that is closely related to experimental aviation is small aviation as well as sports aviation. Among amateur pilots, there are enough people who are so passionate about airplanes that they are ready to spend hours figuring out models, drawings; often assemble their own small aircraft.

Experimental aviation

The small aircraft market is highly developed in many countries and continues to develop in our country. In particular, for amateur aircraft designers, the industry produces special kits from which you can assemble an aircraft (drawings are attached).
There are social platforms for experimental aviation on the Internet, where more experienced ones share their knowledge with beginners. The forum of the public organization "Association of Experimental Aviation" is a fairly popular place to meet and communicate online. Among its regulars you can meet not only amateurs, but also professionals: aviators, designers, aircraft manufacturers and owners of private jets.

In order to consolidate the efforts of state bodies and the aviation community on the development of small and regional aviation, in Russian Federation a professional aviation union was created - the Association of Small and Regional Aviation "AVIASOYUZ", which held on August 17 of this year. in Salekhard the first joint meeting with the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region(YNAO) on the topic: "Ways to solve the problems of small and regional aviation for transport support of the Far North regions and the implementation of the strategy for the development of the Arctic zone of Russia." At this meeting, the problems of air communications and ways to solve them were discussed in order to create effective conditions for the socio-economic development of the region.

Before the start of the meeting, on the airfield of the Salekhard airport, there was a demonstration of the An-2MS aircraft, developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Siberian Research Institute of Aviation. S.A. Chaplygin (SibNIA), as well as the Canadian-made DHC-6 Twin Otter Series 400. Anatoly Kvashnin, Chairman of the AVIASOYUZ Supervisory Board, Hero of Russia, together with SibNIA Director Vladimir Barsuk and General Director of Vityaz Aviation Corporation Sergey Antsiferov (), told the guests and representatives of the Government of the YaNAO about the prospects for using these aircraft for the development of local aviation in the region.

The An-2MS differs from the original aircraft in the presence of a Honeywell TFE731-3 turboprop engine running on jet fuel instead of the ASh-62IR piston engine running on jet fuel, a propeller manufactured by Hartzell Propeller Inc., an autonomous diesel generator, an engine preheater and a cabin heating system , as well as the presence of synthetic fabric lining, instead of percale, modern digital avionics, engine and propeller anti-icing system, and a hood made of composite materials. In addition, the possibility of installing a weather radar to ensure instrument flight at high altitudes and an autopilot for long flights is being worked out. You can read more about the modernization of An-2 aircraft in

The DHC-6 Twin Otter Series 400 is a modern short takeoff and landing turboprop passenger aircraft developed by the Canadian division of deHavilland. The aircraft is suitable for operation from unprepared unpaved grounds. The first aircraft entered service in 1966. Serial production was carried out by deHavilland Canada and continued until 1988. In 2007, aircraft production was resumed by the Canadian aircraft manufacturer VikingAir. The first aircraft of the new Series 400 modification were handed over to the customer in 2010. In total, more than 850 aircraft in all modifications were produced. On the this moment, IAC certified the aircraft for operation at temperatures environment-40 degrees C, however, in November, the temperature range is expected to expand to -55 degrees C, with the possibility of hangar-free storage.

general information

Take-off weight ............................................ 5670 kg

Structure weight .............................. 3121 kg

Crew................................................. ........... 1-2 people

Number of passengers ....................... 19 people

Fuel supply:

- with standard tanks...................... 1172 kg

- with additional tanks (option) .... 1445 kg

Engine type .................................. PT6A-34 Pratt & Whitney

Power ............................................. 2x620 hp

propellers................................ Hartzell, HC-B3TN-3DY, reversible, constant speed, feathered, 3 paddle - standard

Flight characteristics

Takeoff distance (H - 15 m) ............... 366 m

Landing distance (H -15 m) ............ 320 m

Maximum cruising speed

(H=3000 m) ............................................... 337 km/h

Fuel consumption in economy cruise mode

(V=270 km/h, H=3000 m) ...................... 215 kg/h

- at a distance of 185 km ......................... 1941 kg

- at a distance of 741 km ......................... 1474 kg

Maximum flight range:

- with standard tanks ....................... 1435 km

- with additional tanks in the wing... 1815 km

Maximum flight duration:

- with standard tanks...................... 7 hours. 10 min.

- with additional tanks in the wing .... 9 hours. 00 min.

Well, as expected at any air show, the static platform was soon replaced by demonstration flights of the presented aircraft, which showed excellent flight capabilities and characteristics. AVIASOYUZ President, Hero of Russia, Honored Military Pilot of the Russian Federation Alexei Novikov proposed to give the name to this first air show of small and regional aircraft - "AVIAREGION", which will be held annually together with manufacturers aviation technology, operators and representatives of federal and regional authorities.

After the demonstration flights, in the building of the YaNAO Government, a joint meeting was held with the leadership of the AVIASOYUZ. The governor of YNAO made a welcoming speech Dmitry Kobylkin:

“I am glad to welcome you to Salekhard, the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Many of you know firsthand our land, its harsh climate, the conditions in which polar aviation has to work. There are enough problems in this area - and not only in Yamal, but in all northern regions countries. This is the state of the runways, the engineering and technical equipment of airports, the lack of qualified personnel and, of course, the renewal of the fleet itself. In Yamal, aviation is perhaps the most popular mode of transport.

On the territory of about 9 airports receive and send passengers, mail and cargo both within the district and in interregional directions. In addition, there are 35 helipads. Currently, the situation has developed when the available resources are largely outdated and require modernization. The requirements for technology, flight safety, and quality of service are growing. In this regard, we also need changes.

Since last year, we have adopted a regional targeted long-term Program for the development of a network of civil aviation airports in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug until 2020. The Okrug subsidizes inter-municipal flights and the most popular inter-regional flights today to cities such as Moscow and Tyumen.

I hope that the result of our discussion will be reasonable ways to solve the problems of small and regional aviation for the transport support of the Far North and the implementation of state policy in the Arctic in the development of the Arctic borders.”

The relevance and timeliness of this meeting was noted by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the AVIASOYUZ, Hero of Russia Anatoly Kvashnin:

“I want to congratulate all of you on the fact that we have created the Russian professional association of small and regional aviation - AVIASOYUZ.

All aviation has three levels: long-haul; regional; as well as intra-regional, that is, local or, as it has always been called, small aviation. Small and regional aviation in Russia is now at a zero level, and small aviation does not exist at all, even by law, because of this it is not possible to effectively develop and master the vast territory of our Motherland. We must revive intraregional (small) and interregional (regional) aviation so as not only to fly from region to region via Moscow. This is a task of national importance. For this purpose, the most professional specialists who have a lot of life experience in this, and know what and how to do, taking into account current situation and all circumstances.

Russia has its own specifics: climatic and natural conditions; lack of necessary infrastructure; air traffic control system. It turns out like this: they will buy imported aircraft, but they stand and do not fly, because they do not fit into this specificity - they flew and got up for repairs, and it is difficult and impossible to repair due to lack of service centers. Also, our legislative and regulatory framework requires perfection for the development of small and regional aviation, because does not take into account its specifics, and hence such underdevelopment. We, together with state authorities (the Federation Council, the State Duma, the Federal Air Transport Agency, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry) must eliminate all gaps and shortcomings so that everything works for the benefit of the development of domestic small and regional aviation.

Then the Vice-Chairman of the AVIASOYUZ spoke, CEO International public fund for the support of aviation and astronautics "AVIATION AND SPACE FUND" Alexey Novikov, who told the participants of the meeting about the goals and directions of the AIRSOYUZ activity:

“AIRSOYUZ was registered in July of this year, the decision to state registration was adopted by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow. When registering the association, it was noted at the federal level that AVIASOYUZ is represented by nine Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, twelve Honored Pilots and Military Pilots of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. There is not a single such organization with a more representative personal composition in the Russian Federation today.

Focusing on the goals of the AIRSOYUZ activity, it is necessary to single out three main areas:

- Interaction with federal and regional government bodies in the field of creation, improvement and development of the system of state aviation regulation and management, control of flight safety and aviation security in small and regional aviation;

- Unification and coordination of activities of airlines and organizations in the field of small and regional aviation on the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign states;

- Representation and protection of the interests of AVIASOYUZ members in federal and regional government bodies, in local government, as well as in various structures and organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign states.

The main tasks of the AIR UNION are:

- Development of mechanisms for public-private partnership in the field of management, control and administration, as well as the creation of uniform rules and standards for small and regional aviation on the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign states;

-Organization of air transportation and aerial work, including aviation forest protection, aerial chemical work, aviation environmental control and exploration of subsoil for small and regional aviation on the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign states;

- Interaction with authorities public authorities on issues of legislative support, management and control of small and regional aviation.

In the plans of the AIR UNION for the next year:

- Creation of an Interdepartmental Expert Council on the issues of legislative support for the development of small and regional aviation;

- Creation of Working Groups with the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) and the Federal Agency air transport(Rosaviatsia) on the development of small and regional aviation;

- Interaction and consolidation of joint efforts with all interested subjects of the Russian Federation on the development of small and regional aviation.

AVIASOYUZ in the near future will determine strategic investment projects in the development of small and regional aviation, which will be supported at all levels of government.

AIRSOYUZ will closely cooperate with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE), as well as international public organizations and stakeholders, including the United Nations (UN), the African Union (which unites 54 states in Africa).

Russian Pilot-Cosmonaut Yuri Lonchakov

The significance of the creation of the AIRSOYUZ in the Russian Federation was noted by prominent public and political figures: Hero of Russia, pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation Yuri Lonchakov; Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Vyacheslav Shtyrov; Hero of Russia Artur Chilingarov; management of DOSAAF of Russia, the Interstate Aviation Committee and the Federal Air Transport Agency.

At the meeting, a solemn ceremony of awarding the highest international public award - the Order named after Yu.A. Gagarin, established by the International Public Fund for Support of Aviation and Cosmonautics "AVIATION AND SPACE FUND", the Chairman of the AVIASOYUZ, Hero of Russia Anatoly Kvashnin and the Governor of the YNAO Dmitry Kobylkin.

At the end of the welcoming part of the meeting, a protocol of intent was signed between the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and AVIASOYUZ on the development of small and regional aviation in the region. On behalf of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the protocol was signed by the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin, and on behalf of the association, the President of the AVIASOYUZ, Hero of Russia, Honored Military Pilot of the Russian Federation Alexey Novikov. The parties agreed to establish a joint Working Group under the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug on the development of small and regional aviation, as well as to prepare recommendations based on the results of the joint meeting for state authorities and all interested parties.

The meeting was followed by presentations by the participants. Thus, the President of the Air Transport Infrastructure Development Fund "Partner of Civil Aviation" Oleg Smirnov made a presentation on the topic “The state of regional and small aviation in Russia. Vector of its development”.

Alexander Berezin, Director General of Vector NG Rus, LLC spoke about the program for the development of local and regional air transportation, noting it as a significant factor in increasing the competitiveness of the region.

Vladimir Barsuk, director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "SibNIA im. S.A. Chaplygin”, presented a report on the topic “Modernization and renewal of the aircraft fleet of local and regional airlines”.

The topic started by Vladimir Barsuk was continued by Petr Kozhevnikov, General Director of Rusaviaprom LLC, who noted the problems of the regulatory framework in the framework of the An-2 aircraft modernization program.

A report on the topic "On-board system for increasing situational awareness of the crew (BSSO)" was made by the chief designer of the company "Airborne Air Navigation Systems" Andrey Titov.

General Director of Vityaz Aviation Corporation LLC Sergey Antsiferov presented a report on the topic “Ways to upgrade the fleet of small aircraft for use in the Arctic zone and in the conditions of the Far North. Development of local airlines and implementation various kinds aviation work using DHC-6 Twin Otter Series 400 aircraft to implement the strategy for the socio-economic development of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug until 2020.

General Director of "Airline "Vertical-T" Vladimir Skurikhin presented the report “Development of small and regional aviation through public-private partnership mechanisms”.

Vasily Akhrameev, General Director of CJSC "Techaviacomplex", Director of the Aviation training center School of test pilots LII named after M.M. Gromov, spoke about the newest unified airborne complex (KBOMA) being created in Russia for information support, intellectual support for the crew and ensuring the safety of light aircraft for regional and local air transportation.

TsAGI representative, Yuri Zakharchenko, acquainted the participants of the meeting with State program development of the Arctic zones of the Russian Federation.

At the end of the meeting, the Vice President of Viking Air addressed the audience Dominic Struck, who thanked the meeting organizers for the opportunity to attend the meeting and demonstrate the capabilities of the DHC-6 Twin Otter Series 400 aircraft. He also noted that, having been in Russia, one can more clearly understand all our needs and requirements for aircraft and stated that Russia should be priority market for Viking Air.

Ultralight aircrafts- devices with a maximum take-off weight of not more than 495 kg (excluding the weight of air rescue equipment). Ultralight aircraft are divided into non-powered (hang gliders, paragliders) and motorized (microplanes, hang gliders, motorized hang gliders, aerochutes, paragliders, motorized paragliders, gyroplanes, ultralight helicopters, hydro-SLA, amphibian-SLA).

By mid-April, 430 participants, over 200 volunteers and 77 different aircraft from 22 regions of Russia and the CIS countries had already registered to participate in the rally; own aircraft will be represented by representatives of 17 regions of the country.

Among them are aircraft of our own design and construction, assembled from kit kits, and mass-produced aircraft. Visitors to the rally will be able to get acquainted with a wide range of aircraft - here is an incomplete list of the fleet of participants in the rally, which promises to become one of the highlights in the life of aviation enthusiasts in Russia and the CIS:

  • hang-gliders "Search", "Aist-07", "Eros-2", MD-50;
  • gliders Blanik L 13;
  • aircraft L-13BV, Zodiac 610XL,
  • a whole family of Piper aircraft: PA-28-140; -L4; -23-250E; Arrow; Cessna: -150G; -172; Extra 330L and 300sc;
  • foreign Wittman Tailwind, Sport Cruiser, Jabiru 450, WT9 DYNAMIC, Cetus-700 (Rv-7) and RV-9A, Long EZ and Vary Ezy,
  • ultralights "Aviatika-890", "Chick-2", "Aeroprakt-22L",
  • amphibians L-42, La-8, SK-2 "Orion",
  • helicopter R 44,
  • "oldies" Yak-18T, Yak-52, An-2.