Exhibition of wax figures in the Baltic house. Exhibition of wax figures in the Baltic House Exhibition of figures

  • 25.10.2020

Far from being the first in St. Petersburg, an exhibition of wax figures was able to complement the Baltic House Theatre. Donkey, who left Shrek, and another figure came out to meet the curious audience. This is not a security guard, but an exhibit - an associate of Fidel Castro, Argentine Ernesto Che Guevara. Famous for the mania of revolutionary activity, carried it out in Cuba, the Congo and Bolivia, where he was killed. Was doomed to become the idol of youth as a symbol of renewal. Regardless of the beliefs and worldview of fans, he was able to gain popularity everywhere.

The exhibition of wax figures greets the visitors who have come in the face of a pretty girl with an apple in her hand. The wax persona was executed perfectly, apparently, there was a worthy model and a skilled, gifted sculptor. There are no complaints either about the display of appearance, or about the pose and attire of an unknown stranger. The fruit in her hand and the heavenly butterflies on the curtain do not yet reveal the essence of the exhibition.

Clarity comes, it is worth considering undersized escorts - gnomes, miners of underground wealth. The story of Snow White, her stay with the dwarves, death and miraculous resurrection has long been known. Introduced to readers by the German philologists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in 1812, the tale is still popular today. At first it may seem that the dwarves are not seven, but eight, but after careful consideration it turns out that among them is the witch who handed Snow White an apple with a "surprise". But why a witch is about the size of gnomes is really a mystery.

Fairy-tale miners are captured at a moment of leisure, set off to entertain their unexpected guest musical performance. Good-natured gnomes are sincerely benevolent, selflessly surrendering to the creative process. The first feature-length cartoon was filmed in 1937 and brought the creator of worldwide fame with a lot of money.

Exhibition of wax figures as a reflection of reality and fiction

A large part of the wax exhibition is dedicated to the characters Russian history, rulers and famous personalities. It is useless to look for an exact chronological sequence here, it is simply not provided by the compilers. Curtains divide the extended hall into several fragments, reminiscent of theatrical stages with dressed up actors. The visit consists of a defile along the aisle and photographing.

By construction of the exposition, the local exhibition of wax figures is similar. Only the hall there is more spacious, the exposition occupies two high-rise tiers, and the characters are partially repeated. Each has distinctive features in the choice of heroes, in the fortress there are great writers, here - show business stars and fictional book characters. The rulers are often the same, the organizers are determined to change only those close to them.

Peter and Catherine, both Great, settled side by side, although the reformer died when the German princess was four years old. Previously, we have already agreed not to look for literal accuracy in time, but the comparability of the scales of personalities is obvious. At the above-mentioned exhibition in the fortress, Peter is depicted with his wife, the future Empress Catherine the First. Nearby there was their daughter, also a future ruler, Elizaveta Petrovna.

On the contrary, Suvorov and Kutuzov are almost the same age, one served under the command of the other. Suvorov had a chance to present Kutuzov for awards and titles, starting with the capture of Ishmael. They are rightfully side by side, but the wax exhibition failed to reflect the differences between these personalities. Suvorov was leaner, with a wrinkled thin face, Kutuzov was much more obese. Kutuzov did not shy away social events, Suvorov did not like them, avoided them and could spoil the event with tactlessness.

Anna Maria Grosholtz, known as Madame Tussauds, turned out to be a character in the exhibition simply as the founder of the genre. Her wax museum in London was the first such institution, burned down completely in 1925. Three years later, Madame's followers managed to restore the vulnerable exposure. The vitality of wax sculptures has been proven by time, and the use of modern materials allows the figures to be displayed outdoors.

Rulers of Russia of different eras

The family of the last autocratic ruler of Russia, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as holy martyrs, is not the first time in such expositions. The aura of sufferers for the Faith and the Fatherland is just, the killing of defenseless people is extremely cruel and completely senseless. The delays of church hierarchs with the recognition of the authenticity of the remains are incomprehensible, is it so important, after all?

By the beginning of the last century, they managed to master photography as a way of obtaining images; it became available to everyone. The family of Nicholas II has been captured countless times, photos have been published many times and are widely known. In such circumstances, the absolute absence of the physiognomic similarity of the central character of this fragment of the exposition with the available sources is puzzling.

The next character is quite traditional - the first Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who killed his son. Much is known about his cruelty, from the household to the crowds of victims of the guardsmen. Even entry into the next of six marriages led to the monasticism of the previous spouse as a favor, and as a rule - straight to the next world. This personality trait did not allow him to appear among the great ones.

Such an assessment of personal vices was able to cross out the historical merits of the first Russian tsar, and they are undeniable. As the great actor Yury Yakovlev spoke on his behalf, he took both Kazan and Astrakhan. Having significantly increased Russia territorially, Ivan the Fourth reformed the administration and the judicial system, and was able to centralize the state. He began to form political and commercial ties, including with England. To develop book printing and start the development of Siberia is his merit.

After the fall of autocracy

The following figures, whom the Baltic House wax exhibition presents to its visitors, are well known to many. After the Emperor's abdication, the Social Democrat Vladimir Ulyanov, known as Lenin, led the overthrow of the Provisional Government. Having reinforced Marx's theory with his ideas about the class struggle, he became the founder of the USSR with a claim to build communism.

Having lived only 54 years, the Bolshevik leader died of a cerebral vascular disease. Stalin won the struggle for power, having managed to push aside the more deserving and authoritative Trotsky. The imperious Georgian was as ambiguous as Ivan the Terrible. He was able to build a powerful industry and ruined collectivization Agriculture, won the war and staged massive repression. Nearby is his countryman and henchman, bespectacled Beria, in an overcoat - the legendary Marshal Zhukov.

Most of those who remember the horrors of the war, at least from stories, do not like to discuss the possessed Fuhrer, as our propaganda called him. Next to Stalin, lounging in an armchair, Nikita Khrushchev sits in an unremoved hat. Also an ambiguous personality, a participant in repression and war, who almost arranged another one in the Caribbean crisis. He began to introduce corn throughout the country, did a lot of other things and died in organized oblivion.

A participant in the Victory Parade, a political worker of the Red Army and a long-term leader of the USSR Brezhnev should be remembered by many. A lover of awards, among which there are well-deserved in battles, he was unable to set society up for development. The era of stagnation ended with difficulty, like a nightmare, and the promising young Gorbachev came to power. He is under the outstretched hand of Hitler, he was able to do the impossible for a neighbor - to destroy the Soviet Union.

Recent past and near future

Gorbachev's accomplice in the collapse of the USSR must be recognized as the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin. Here he is in the second row, distinguished by his inherent high growth and complete dissimilarity during his lifetime. He liked to drink, welcomed the liberals, squandered the accumulated generations in favor of the oligarchs. He pompously renounced power on the eve of the new millennium - that is how he put it in his televised address. He spoke on December 31, 1999, but he made a mistake or was framed, the old millennium ended only a year later.

The incumbent president has swung at the leadership of the country for a quarter of a century, and this is not the limit. The British Queen will still not be caught up, it is unrealistic, but the impunity of the oligarchs and their immunity will ensure for a long time. No wonder Abramovich has such a contented face, laughing at the majority of the population. Minor characters like Princess Diana, who dishonored the old queen by open betrayal of her son, and the younger George W. Bush will be omitted for insignificance.

Idols real and fictional

Showing the stars of our stage, the exhibition of wax figures bypassed the attention of the eternal, like Putin, Pugacheva and Kobzon. This in itself is a sensation, but the loss is not great, and so forever imprinted in the pupils. But there was a place for the great Arkady Raikin, who joked about our reality when it was categorically not welcomed. Arkady Isaakovich is the best performer of Zhvanetsky's masterpieces, he even surpassed the author.

The daring girls of the TATU group, the self-confident and arrogant Nagiyev are next to the spouses Agutin and Varum. Makarevich is recognizable, for fidelity he is dressed in the apron of his brainchild - the TV program Smak (With Makarevich). He handed over the invention to the omnivorous Urgant, and now it is teetering on the verge of oblivion. In vain he joked about our wrongness in the Crimea, for which he paid the price.

Foreign celebrities

Among the stars of cinema and stage, the exhibition of wax figures placed the artist Salvador Dali. The great surrealist and a truly paradoxical personality are surrounded by the luminaries of the scene that delighted the whole world. The silent film genius Charlie Chaplin was never able to adapt to sound cinema, but as a mime he remained inimitable. Behind him is the aging Depardieu, ready to joke even with his own citizenship for the sake of media mentions.

Having become the ideal of men and a symbol of blond beauties, Marilyn Monroe paid for her popularity with her own life. The blonde could not get out of trouble the way the magician Copperfield standing nearby does. Under mysterious circumstances, pop idols Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson left this world. The death of John Lennon is even more tragic, but the Liverpool Four is not shown in the review.

Continuation of the exposition

The movie stars are led by the legendary Marlene Dietrich, actress and singer, in her stage top hat. She survived the first as a girl. world war, The second - already a mature woman. A German by birth, she fought against fascism with the means available to her. She was buried in united Germany, the coffin was covered with the flags of three countries, Germany, France and the USA. The countries of origin, love and creativity mourned along with all the viewers of the world.

Dietrich's company was made up of current actors, the most popular Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie. Their stage success was combined with life's difficulties, sometimes very significant. Jolie underwent several difficult operations for female oncology, which claimed the lives of several relatives. Cruz, due to his passion for Scientology of the Hubbard sect, changed several families, had difficult relationships with children. Behind him are figures of characters from the film The Matrix and characters from John Tolkien's books.

A separate exposition was devoted to the heroes of JK Rowling's books. The secretary-translator found the talent of a children's writer unexpectedly for herself. The Harry Potter novels have become the most published book series in world literature. Next to Harry with a symbolic broom are his friends and teachers at the school of magic. Their young readers know perfectly well, for the older generation they are less known. The appearance of books by Tolkien and Rowling in the school recommendation lists will surely speed up this acquaintance.

The work of these writers is significantly spaced apart in time, Rowling was 8 years old at the death of Tolkien. One has been popular since the 1960s, the other was just born then. With all the difference in creative style, a common feature of their plots was a departure from the contemporary reality of the authors. The return of the popularity of essentially fabulous works does not lead away from the present, they bring up a developed imagination and, as a result, creativity.

Last review photo

A dozing teenager in front of the opening day of wax figures can be interpreted arbitrarily, depending on the impressions received. From what considerations and motives he is placed here, remains the secret of the organizers. The exhibition of wax figures in the Baltic House does not stand out among its kind. As some images, she even loses both the already mentioned and thematic ones.

A sleeping character at a table with an open book can symbolize both boredom and the flight of a dream.

There are no swirling figures, like a beetle of an exhibition of moving giant insect robots on the same floor, but there will be surprises. Some figures are able to perform small gestures, frighten the public with their unexpectedness. We wish you not to lose vigilance during the inspection!

After a festive walk around VDNH, we went to drink tea and warm up in the first pavilion. We knew that there was a cafe on the second floor, but we did not know about the wax exhibition, but we stumbled upon it quite by accident.

My daughter read the list, saw Putin and Medvedev and persuaded me to go and see. There are 40 figures in total, the room is small, two times smaller than the school office, gloomy, in my opinion there is not enough lighting.
Putin still somehow reminds himself

But Medvedev seemed to us not at all like himself, if it had not been signed, we would not have understood who he was.

Tsoi, by the way, also looks a little like Tsoi.

Many figures are too small for their costumes, it seems that they dressed up from someone else's shoulder (Elton John



The only place where we lingered was at the figures of people with congenital anomalies, and even more so in order to read information about them posted on the wall, or on clothes on twisted leaves in plastic bags.
Pig Woman

cancer man

15-20 minutes and we left. Not very impressed. I understand that it is easiest to scold an artist and an individual look does not always coincide with the opinion of others, but this is not only my opinion about the dissimilarity of famous personalities to themselves, besides us there were also visitors in the room and everyone commented on this. Visiting the exhibition is not very expensive (adult 150 rubles, children 100 and photo 100), but I consider the money wasted (((
O! It is worth noting only the figure of a man near the cashier. This is a wonderful exhibit! Just as we were about to leave, we realized that this was not a living person)))

"Catherine the Great in the country and the world"

Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, February 15 - May 28

A huge exhibition at the Russian Museum will be dedicated not only to the legendary Empress, but also to the Renaissance in Russian art and culture during her reign. The curators will collect more than five hundred exhibits from Russian museums and private collections, including painting, sculpture, and decorative and applied arts.

Stefano Torelli
"Portrait of Empress Catherine II"

"Vladimir Yankilevsky. Existential Box"

Moscow Museum of Modern Art, March 1 - April 29

Vladimir Yankilevsky, one of the central figures of the era of non-conformism, has long lived in Paris, and his exhibitions can be seen more often in Europe than in Russia. MMOMA corrects the situation and arranges a large-scale retrospective in honor of the artist's 80th birthday. More than two hundred works will be collected in the space on Gogolevsky Boulevard from Russian collections, the Pompidou Center and the collection of the author himself.

Vladimir Yankilevsky
"Portrait of a Young Man"

"Vasily Vereshchagin"

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, March 6 - July 15

The Tretyakov Gallery will mark the 175th anniversary of the Russian classic of painting with a slightly belated (the artist was born on October 26, 1842) retrospective of his works on Krymsky Val. They promise to exhibit the works in series, as Vereshchagin himself liked: for example, paintings and drawings dedicated to Japan will be collected separately, and India separately.

V. B. Vereshchagin
Mausoleum of the Taj Mahal near Agra

“Transatlantic alternative. Kinetic Art and Op Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America in the 1950s–1970s”

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, March 17, 2018

A major exhibition with a telling title comes to Moscow right after the Museum contemporary art Warsaw. It will feature works by about forty artists, including Julio Le Parc, Jesús Rafael Soto, Constantin Flondor,. The famous work of the latter "Atom", a light-kinetic installation from 1967, will be recreated in the square in front of the museum.

Magdalena Wenzek
Sketch for the work "Arrival / Spatial composition"
Job Lost
Contributed by Danel Vnuk

The era of Rembrandt and Vermeer. Masterpieces of the Leiden Collection.

Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, March 26 - July 22

A year after the exhibition, the so-called will come on tour to Russia. Over the past fifteen years, it has been collected by the American billionaire Thomas Kaplan, who is sensitive to every appearance on the market of works by Sten, Jan Lievens and other representatives of the golden age of Dutch painting. After Moscow, the exhibition will go to the Hermitage, where it will stay from 5 September.

© Leiden Collection
Image courtesy of the Leiden Collection, New York

Ilya and Emilia Kabakov. Not everyone will be taken into the future"

State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, 21 April - 29 July

After London, this one, as it was announced, comes to Russia. First, this unprecedented concentration of nostalgic installations will be exhibited in the Hermitage, and later will go to the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Ilya and Emilia Kabakov
“Not everyone will be taken into the future”
MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, Vienna
© Ilya & Emilia Kabakov

"Dress rehearsal"

Moscow Museum of Modern Art, April 25 - September 16

Joint project MMOMA, funds V-A-C and KADIST is almost theatrical performance, the main characters of which will be works of art by such authors as Mariana Castillo Debal, Phil Collins, Ryan Gender, Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe, Ian Waugh, Arseny Zhilyaev. The action will unfold on several floors of the museum's mansion on Petrovka.

Ian Waugh
"We are the people"
Collection KADIST
Photo: Matthew Booth

Collection Museum

Moscow, spring-summer 2018

She promised to make a big exhibition of graffiti artist No. 1 when she was the art director of the Manege, but in 2014 it was announced that it was canceled. Today, the author of expressive political and social statements is promised to be brought to the Central House of Artists and given to him in the summer of 2018 an entire floor of the building.

"Maid in London"

"Mikhail Larionov"

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, September 18 - January 20, 2019

The exhibition, which took place in Paris in the spring and summer of this year, became a real blockbuster in the French capital: for the first time, the institution gathered dedicated to the Russian dancer, wife and muse of the great artist. Paintings, drawings and sculptures from the museum itself and other collections depicting Olga Picasso or inspired by her will occupy the halls of the main building of Pushkin.

Pablo Picasso
Copyright © 2017 Succession Picasso
Credit photo © RMN - Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso - Paris)

Retrospective of Marcel Broodthaers

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, autumn 2018

The name of Brothaars is well known in Europe, but in Russia it sounds extremely rare. Not a single major exhibition dedicated to conceptualism or surrealism is now complete without it - the directions to which the famous Belgian devoted his life in art. For the first time, Garage will present a full-fledged retrospective of the master, bringing together his works from different years.

I posted this story under the heading "", because. museums and exhibitions are somewhat similar to each other. Today we will talk about the exhibition of sand figures, where we went with a 75% discount by buying a coupon on one of. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, read the link. This exhibition is not located in Kolomenskoye, where they usually visit, and this year there probably is, but in the very center of Moscow near. To be precise, then - near the monument to Alexander II (in winter, the exhibition has changed and supplemented, now it is called).

In general, we came to the center to look at the performance of the Kremlin regiment on. But they were late. Yes, it is possible that there was no performance in such weather. It was raining that day and it was cold. Therefore, although it took about 10 minutes to walk from the Kremlin to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, we took the metro so as not to freeze and not get wet, but on the way we went to.

Much has been written about this exhibition, and, it seems, it was even shown on TV. An ensemble in national Scottish clothes with bagpipes performed at the grand opening. I don’t know what the Scots have to do with it, because the sand figures were created on the basis of the historical events of Russia. Probably those who were at hand were invited.

Exhibition of sand sculptures which I want to talk about is located at the Kropotkinskaya metro station - this is the largest sand exposition in Europe. It is 24 meters long and 7 meters high. In the center is the sandy figure of Prince Vladimir, who baptized Russia, followed by the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the icon of the Holy Trinity - one of the most famous and famous icons in Russia. It seems to me that the artists managed to reproduce them well. See all photos of the exhibition in.

To the left of the temple and the prince are the Apostle Andrei and Alexander Nevsky.

To the right of Prince Vladimir we see the figures of Seraphim of Sarov and Sergius of Radonezh. Seraphim of Sarov is a Russian saint, being a hermit, he fed a bear from his hands. Therefore, this forest animal is depicted next to him.

Sergius of Radonezh is considered the greatest ascetic of the Russian land. He had the gift of influencing people, reconciled the warring princes and predicted the victory of Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field.

The Battle of Kulikovo occupies the entire right side of the exposition.

And in a small nook on the left lies someone's severed head, with open eyes and a shield. I don’t know who Kostya Tszyu “annoyed” so much, but his name is written on the shield. A little later, in the transmission of Galileo, they talked about how these sand figures were made. It turned out that the head was specially made by order of Galileo, and thus "immortalized" in the sand Alexander Pushnoy - the host of this program. Are your scores similar or not?

On the wall, opposite the sand exposition, you can see photographs that tell about the process of creating this sandy masterpiece. And in the center there is a display on which a video is broadcast, which also tells about how this exhibition came into being.

Exhibition of sand figures on Kropotkinskaya left a double feeling. On the one hand, it is undoubtedly beautiful, on the other hand, it is still not enough. I understand that to do this you need to spend a lot of time and effort, but in my opinion, it is more interesting to consider figures that are different in plot. Let them be small, but many and over a large area. I have not been to the exhibition of sand figures in Kolomenskoye, so I have nothing to compare. But when we entered and saw even a large, but one exposition, I was a little disappointed.