Stole my photos. How to find who stole my photos? Learning and automating the search for similar images. How to protect content from theft

  • 23.11.2019

Many of those involved in photography, in last years faces one global problem - the theft of his photos by various network resources, and sometimes by magazines, the media and even news agencies. There are different ways to fight and counteract this phenomenon, more or less effective. Everyone knows cases when bloggers sought the payment of significant financial compensation from copy-paste thieves through the courts.
But there are resources that are extremely difficult to fight with judicial methods to protect copyright. This applies to resources that only provide a platform for users, but form content already on their own behalf. This is LiveJournal, VKontakte, etc.
As a rule, copy-paste is more than widely distributed on such resources, which often, in fact, bears signs of theft of objects of someone else's copyright without any permission or even notification of the author. As a rule, copy-pasteers get away with it, and often the authors themselves, in general, do not care.
When publishing photos on my blog, I am never against the use of my pictures and materials, but subject to several conditions, which are expressly stated in mine - my consent and an active link to the source in my journal. All normal and civilized people fulfill these simple conditions, because by and large it costs nothing and only emphasizes the decency of the resource.
But there will always be those who not only cannot create interesting content themselves, but also never put a link to the source, simply stealing materials quietly. The most complete eccentrics with the letter M, at the same time, cut off the copyright from the photo and pass it off, as well as text materials in general, as their own. Maybe they even receive money from their editorial offices.
It is difficult to deal with such wise men, but it is possible.
Below I will give an example of such a fight with one of the communities of thieves on VKontakte, which ended the other day.

So, on June 2, I posted a post on my blog. On June 5, I receive a link from one of my readers that he saw one of the photos that was in the post, with cut copyright, in the VKontakte community with a total number of subscribers of 1.6 million. The community is called "Esquire. A smart magazine for successful people-
Naturally, I was outraged that a magazine with a decent reputation would allow its employees to engage in theft and attributing authorship to objects of someone else's copyright.
But looking at the official Esquire website, you can see that there is a link to a completely different official group VKontakte - With only 220 thousand subscribers. If the first group of 1.6 million subscribers has nothing to do with the magazine, then two things surprise me personally - the difference in subscribers and the fact that the supposedly "fake" group uses Esquire's logos, names, and materials with impunity.
I wrote a letter to the editorial office of the magazine, in which I expressed all my arguments simultaneously in two directions - if the group belongs to the magazine, with demands to remove the stolen photo, if the group is fake, then I expressed bewilderment that the magazine does not "itch" at all about this .
I must say right away that I have not received any answer to the letter so far, which is even more surprising.
Having written a letter, I suddenly remembered the story of Sergei Doli, which happened last year and also with this very group, when photos were stolen from him, and then they made an official apology and put down the necessary links - this is the story. It is interesting that in the text Sergey does not mention that the group is not Esquire, but on the contrary, he mentions the magazine several times.
In parallel with the letter to the editors of Esquire magazine, I also wrote a letter to the VKontakte support service, where I detailed all the claims regarding the illegal actions of the ru.esquire group, deciding to check whether it was possible to remove the illegally posted photo from the group page. The result turned out to be unexpected and fast - the VKontakte support in the dialogue mode quickly figured out what was happening, deleting the photo, and also issuing a warning to the thieves.
The algorithm of actions is quite simple:
1. We write a letter with the text approximately as follows:

I, ________________ __.__ 201_, I posted on my resource at http://___________ the material (title, if any) http://______________ (link to the page with the material from where the photo/photos were stolen)
Including my photo http://________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Photo) was posted there. (We indicate a specific link to a photo or photos if not all the material was stolen, but partially)
According to Art. 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, photography is subject to copyright.
In accordance with Art. 1270 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the author of the photograph has the exclusive right to use it in any form and in any way that does not contradict the law. Based on the meaning of clause 1. Art. 1229 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, other persons are not entitled to use a photograph without the permission of the author.
__.__.2013 The photo was posted in the VKontakte group _________ (name of the VKontakte group)

In our country, they are just beginning to get used to the fact that copyright exists. Alas, these changes are most often driven by lawsuits that end in favor of the copyright holder. For some reason, many publishers and the media think it's completely normal to take someone's picture from the Internet and use it for commercial purposes. If the author suddenly meets his creation on the pages of some newspaper, then it will be enough to give him a couple of thousand rubles to calm him down, and the issue is resolved. However, according to the law, compensation of up to 5 million rubles (for each fact) can be claimed for copyright infringement in the field of using photographs. Right now, a similar story is happening between famous photographer Sergei Bermeniev and the Azbuka-classika publishing house. And it can end in multi-million lawsuits. The blame is on the actions of the publishing house (owned, by the way, by Alexander Mamut, the owner of the SUP company and, accordingly, LiveJournal), which placed, without permission, the famous photograph of Joseph Brodsky, authored by Bermenyev, on the cover of one of the books.

All this was discovered quite by accident. Sergey's wife just went to a bookstore in Moscow and accidentally saw her husband's picture on the cover of the book. No mention of whose picture this was anywhere. Considering that the works of the portrait painter Bermeniev are exhibited in the world's largest galleries, and are sold for huge sums, everything did not end with surprise.

When asked by the Azbuka-classic publishing house, on what basis they placed the picture, the answer was given that they received it from the Joseph Brodsky Foundation, but did not have the rights to use it. Therefore, they offer to conclude an agreement and pay the author 5,000 rubles! By the way, this is usually what all the thieves do, getting used to the fact that the author does not know what compensation is possible in the event of a lawsuit.

For example, the story when MK stole a picture taken by Dima Chistoprudov chistoprudov owned by them with Ilya Varlamov photo agency "28-300", ended yesterday with a court decision, according to which the newspaper must pay 80,000 rubles (the lawsuit was actually filed for 560,000).

Another practice: Photographer vs. "Free press". General jurisdiction. 220,000 rubles for 11 photos on the Internet + 50,000 moral damages.

The court awarded compensation of 20,000 rubles for each illegally used photograph. Authorship was confirmed by the originals of the photo catalog, as well as slides and negatives of controversial photographs. By the way, the defendant tried to fight back by the fact that the photos were obtained from a free access network resource in accordance with the permission posted there. However, this did not help him, since the photographer did not transfer any rights to use the photographs to anyone.

Photographer vs. "Russian reporter". General jurisdiction. 15,000 for one photo in a magazine + 5,000 moral damage.

According to the court, the compensation in the amount of 15,000 rubles corresponded to the nature of the offense as well as to the principles of reasonableness and proportionality. In this case, the proof of authorship was, again, metadata (serial number) in the EXIF ​​RAW file, documents for the camera.

LIFESHOWBIZ.RU vs. Moscow's comsomolets. Arbitration. 100,000 for an article and photo online.

An article with a photograph was illegally posted on, the exclusive rights to which belonged to the Plaintiff. This was confirmed by official assignments, employment contracts with the authors, extracts from the royalties sheet, photographs both on paper and in in electronic format, reviewed at the court session, with information about the time of their creation and about the camera with which the picture was taken, the contract for the sale of this camera and other evidence.
The court considered that 100,000 rubles was a sufficient amount of compensation for these offenses.

Life News vs. Metro Newspaper. Arbitration. 50,000 for a photo in a newspaper.

This decision is interesting for the following points: Firstly, the court confirmed that the presence of a reference in the defendant's publication to the legal copyright holder does not exempt the person using the work from obtaining the consent of the copyright holder for such use. That is, the use of a photo with a hyperlink to the source site is illegal. Secondly, the court clarified the concept of a place open for free visits: a place open for free visits should be understood as a place where any person can be, namely: exhibitions, clubs, discos, museums, parks, squares, metro, railway station , street areas, etc. The Internet, in turn, is not such a place.

What to do if a photo is stolen from a photographer?

In general, before answering this question, it is necessary to say the following. In order to successfully protect your rights in the future, it is highly advisable to take the following actions even before the publication of the photo:

* Save RAW file with photo
* Have documents for the camera, from which its serial number would be visible
* Set automatic writing of author's name in EXIF ​​RAW files
* Indicate your First Name and Last Name and (or) personal website on the photos posted on the Internet

The more of the listed points will be done, the easier it will be to protect your rights in the future. All of the above is proof of the authorship of the photographer on the picture taken. If it is impossible to establish the author (and the responsibility for this lies with the photographer), then no claims can be made.

Attention! In certain cases, the use of a work (including photographs) is possible without the permission of the author and without payment of compensation to him (free use). Such cases are expressly provided for by law:

* Use of photography for educational purposes
* Use of a photograph located in a place open to the public (Internet according to judicial practice does not apply to places open to the public) without a commercial purpose and when it is not the main object of use

The basic rights protection algorithm is as follows:

Step 1. We fix the violation

If a photographer discovers a stolen photo, then it is first necessary to fix the fact of theft. The easiest way is if the photo is placed in a newspaper or book. It is enough to buy a copy of the publication or even make a color copy in the library. If the photo is posted on the Internet, you must contact a notary who will inspect the site and record the fact of illegal use.

Step 2. Install the responsible person

Once we have evidence of a wrongdoing in our hands, it is necessary to determine who should be responsible for this. If the photo is placed in a newspaper, the claims will be addressed to the editorial office (or the publisher), if on the website - to its owner in accordance with the whois data. The domain name registrar, at the request of a lawyer, will provide the data necessary for filing claims.

Sometimes it is not advisable to immediately go to court, but first try to negotiate amicably with the violator. In this case, the photographer can avoid quite serious expenses: to pay the state fee for the consideration of the claim, the services of lawyers in conducting the case in court, as well as the time spent on trips to the courts and fussing with enforcement proceedings. In addition, an attempt at a peaceful settlement of the dispute will also be beneficial in court, since it will serve as additional evidence of the violator's bad faith.

Step 4. File a lawsuit

If it was not possible to peacefully settle the dispute, it is necessary to go to court. To apply to the court, you should draw up a statement of claim, in which you must indicate how the authorship of the photographer is confirmed, by whom and what rights were violated, as well as state the legal position and indicate the amount of the claim. Based on the amount of the claim, the state duty is calculated and paid (the receipt is attached to statement of claim). The lawsuit is filed in a court of general jurisdiction (if the photographer is not an entrepreneur) at the location of the defendant. Otherwise, you need to go to arbitration.

Step 5. We achieve the execution of the court decision

In case of winning the case in court, the photographer has the right, after the entry into force of the relevant decision, to demand from the offender to pay the amount of compensation due to him in court. If he voluntarily does not comply with the court decision, the photographer must take a writ of execution and try to recover compensation on his own or give it to bailiffs who will seek enforcement of the court decision (seize accounts, property, etc.).

Stories like this happen all the time. The only thing that can stop this massive theft is huge lawsuits. Therefore, it would be great if Bermenyev sued Azbuka-classik for several million. Then maybe others will think about the observance of laws.

Many thanks to Igor Parkhachev, lawyer of the Ekon-Profi consulting group, who handles the cases of Ilya Varlmov and Dima Chistoprudov, for his help in preparing the legal statement. We will definitely continue to cover this topic. - copyright of photographers

Updated: 2018-8-13

Oleg Lazhechnikov


How can you influence the owners of sites that steal content, or search engines, if the owner does not want to solve anything peacefully? So far, we are considering only official methods, although in principle, if someone knows unofficial ones, you can also tell ...

My humble experience

As a rule, I am very reluctant to fight violators, because I simply have no time, and sometimes it is a pity to waste time. After all, probably everyone is aware that this is quite difficult. Therefore, I’m not specifically looking for anything, but readers tell me about the facts of content theft (thanks, guys!). However, when they tear it up significantly, then whether you like it or not, you should write to the authors of the site and ask them to remove it. Usually at this stage, in 50% of cases, after correspondence, the issue is resolved. Those who maintain a site for people, in principle, it is not difficult for them to do this, reputation is more expensive.

But there is another category of people who take advantage of the fact that the legislation in the Russian Federation is crude, copyright protection works only through the courts (and there are few precedents). These people steal without a twinge of conscience, they say, everything that is posted on the Internet is free for distribution. Here they can, both on trifles, and entire sites with the help of parsers and grabbers. Therefore, do not ask for such, you will not achieve anything. In principle, it doesn’t really matter to me whether someone stole it from me or not (if we are talking about sites), but I would not want such copied and pasted articles to appear in search engine results and people come to them instead of my articles.

Accordingly, it turns out the only thing that can be done from the obvious is to write to the author of the resource, write to the hosting, and then try to complain to the search engines.

Letter to the author of the resource

First of all, it makes sense to contact the author of the resource where you saw your content (text or photo). I usually look for a contact page with links to social media groups or profiles. And if there is nothing of this, it means that you can, in principle, not look for ways to contact. Most likely the site was made in a semi-automatic mode and this is not a SDL.

Here is one example of a very recent letter to the authors of one of the blogs that was torn a large number of my photos from Koh Samui.

Hello! It is not good to steal photos and content. If you did this by accident, please remove it. If intentionally, then within a few days I will send complaints to all search engines, your hosting, and registrar. I have the source files of the photos, that is, you can go to court.

- here is a list of links to plagiarism

I suppose that not only in these articles are stolen photos, and not only mine. I have already noticed several photos from other bloggers I know, I think the guys will support me in complaints. I will study your site with passion. But I hope we can settle this issue amicably.

Letter to hosting

The second stage - you can write letters to the hosting. It is easy to find out from WHOIS, for example. Entering the domain, we will see nserver, which is easy to calculate hosting. True, third-party servers are occasionally used, then you can calculate by the IP of the site. You can also try to write to the domain registrar, but they seem to always send. At least I was always denied due to the lack of a court order.

Hosting can sometimes help. They helped me. Yes, they did not block the account of the negligent site owner, but somehow they influenced it, and pages with copy-paste disappeared from the site. I read that the worst thing is if hosting is in Ukraine, or somewhere else abroad, that they never make contact at all. Such hosting is also called bulletproof. But any hosting can ask for an official court order, and few people will go to court ... And here, as you agree, you can threaten to damage your reputation, for example.

I wrote letters of approximately the following content (depending on the specific situation).

Hello! You have registered site XXXX.XX hosting other people's articles and photos without permission. I assume that it mostly consists of stolen content (copypaste).

Below are examples of articles taken from my personal blog. In addition to the text, photographs were also taken, some of them show me, my wife and my son. Again, we did not give permission for this. Most of the photos still have the “website” watermark, and they are also uploaded to addresses from my server, which only confirms my authorship, although I also have the source.

- here is a list of links to the originals and plagiarism

In addition, the rest of the articles are also stolen, I know the blog owners whose they are. There is also an assumption that articles are stolen using a parser. Please take action to remove pages that violate my copyright.

Complaint to Google and Yandex

If the hosting turned out to be bulletproof (ignores any complaints), then Google and Yandex remain. Below are links to complain.

Unofficial ways

To be honest, I didn’t study the topic of black ways at all, since I don’t often have to fight (I’m not specifically looking for stolen content), and somehow it’s not good or something. From what immediately comes to mind is to buy some links on completely non-thematic sites (porn sites?) in SAPE and indicate there as an acceptor a site that violates your rights. In theory, this should not please the search engines.

Also, for sure, you can order to break the site or send a bot attack on it. True, I don’t know how much it is in terms of money, maybe it’s not worth it from a financial point of view.

Copyright protection in court

There is still the last and most difficult way - the court. As a rule, few people decide on this, because they will have to spend both money and time on the process. But in case of a win, sometimes you can recapture all the costs. True, here we are talking more about the theft of photographs, especially for commercial use, and not about the text.

It seems to me that when litigation over copyright becomes something commonplace, then the number of attempts to steal should decrease. I think that even now major publications have already stopped taking photos without permission, because it’s easier to pay a couple of hundred rubles and buy them on photo stocks or directly from the photographer, especially since many of them will be allowed to use for free while maintaining copyright.

How to find stolen content

To search for texts, you can use the eTXT program, having previously received a list of links to the pages of your site and loaded them into Operations / Checking the site.

And if you are looking for photos, then Google image search will help you. You can either search on Google itself in the pictures section by uploading a file or providing a link to it.

It's easier and faster to install the Search by Image for Google application for Firefox (I don't know what they are called in other browsers). Then on any site on any picture, you can right-click and in the context menu there will be an item Search Image on Google.

How to protect content from theft

In my opinion, protecting content is almost impossible from a technical point of view. Popular tips on putting scripts that prohibit copying, making the right mouse button work are only valid from fools and only cause inconvenience to site users. And those who copy-paste content often easily bypass all prohibitions. Moreover, often this is generally done automatically, and not manually.

Therefore, there is only one way out - to make sure that your pages are indexed as quickly as possible. If the blog is old, then this happens quite quickly, if the blog is young, then this is the problem. True, if the blog is young and hasn’t really shined anywhere yet, then it’s unlikely that they will take anything from it, they just won’t find out about it. It's also worth knowing that trusted sites with duplicate content are likely to rank higher in search engines than the originals. In fact, originality is not as important to search engines as it is to us, authors.

I will list what you can try to do to speed up indexing and protect content:

  • Get confused about Google+ authorship. I won’t tell you in detail, it pulls on a separate post and has already been painted in a lot of places. In short, you need to link to your Google+ profile on every page with the rel=author attribute, and add a link to your blog in the links section of your profile (in My Posts). Don't forget later micromarking verify.
  • Before publishing, you can add the text of the post to the "Original texts" of Yandex. I don’t know how much this is taken into account when determining the primary source, but what the hell is not joking. In order not to waste time, use the Webmaster Yandex plugin. In one click, the post is added.
  • After publication, you need to place links to your post in all social networks, in your profiles and groups (Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter). The Nextscripts Social Networks Auto-poster (SNAP) plugin helps a lot here. It automatically cross-posts to the configured accounts when publishing. All this should speed up indexing.
  • You will have to add handles to your Google+ profile, since the ability to cross-post to G+ in the SNAP plugin is paid. And you can post to the Google+ group through this service. By the way, placing a link in G+, in addition to speeding up indexing, as far as I understand, also speaks of the original source.
  • If your profiles / groups are not promoted, then you can buy publications and tweets in promoted groups and accounts.
  • It is important to publish posts regularly so that the robots know that the site is being updated. When I just started, the fast robot came after 2 weeks, now it often comes here. But again, only on the main page, and in the new sections he is a rare guest.
  • There is a manual way to add to the Google index, almost instantly. You need to go to Google Webmaster Tools, select "View Like GoogleBot", add a link and click "Crawl". See the screenshot below for more clarity.
  • There is also a similar way to add to the Yandex index through Addurilka, but no matter how much I tried, in my opinion it does not work and does not affect the indexing.

P.S. The information is quite simple and banal, but nothing more serious has yet to be applied. I would be glad for additions, especially if someone knows how to write a letter to a hoster with links to laws more competently.

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    • Oleg Lazhechnikov

        • Oleg Lazhechnikov

          • Oleg Lazhechnikov

This very unpleasant topic has touched me for a long time, I gathered my thoughts for a long time to bring it up and each time I forgot. But this time, I will still express my opinion: stealing a photo (the result of your work / your images) is the same theft as stealing a wallet from your pocket. And you can and should fight it too.

To a person from the outside it may seem that I just paint my nails. Nothing to do and it's just a whim. And here it is not. This is my hobby, passion to which I give everything free time. It gives me pleasure and I am really happy to do nail art. Do many people have such an activity that makes you happy every day? But I have.

My blog, my photos, my texts are tens, hundreds of hours of work: searching for inspiration, embodying an idea on nails (and each design takes from 40 minutes to several hours (!) of work), photography (in most cases, using professional equipment, with the arrangement of light, sorting through dozens of angles of the hand), selecting the best images, processing them in editors so that they can be uploaded to the blog in high resolution, writing the text, checking for errors and readability, publishing.

And if you do something beautiful/unusual/stylish....and share a photo on the Internet - there will always be people who want to cash in on you. You can collect subscribers due to your talent, or you can even earn money. For example, passing off your work as his own.

I don't want to think that these people are doing this on purpose. And, most likely, they simply do not think when they do so. And if at least one of them sees this post and thinks - I think that my mission is completed.

Some time ago, I had a dialogue with one girl (manicurist), who posted my photo on her Instagram page, without attribution / reference to me.

I share it with you:

mistress Vipmanic stupid people are annoying.

Don't let these ladies scare you, they scream very loudly and throw links to various laws that are simultaneously googled on the Internet. They're just trying to hide behind something.

I immediately filled out an Instagram complaint form and, mysteriously, a few days later my photo was removed from her page.

In this post, I will tell you in detail how to deal with other people using the results of your work.

The author of the work or other copyright holder owns exclusive right use the work in any form and in any way that does not contradict the law (exclusive right to the work)


In the terms of use social network Facebook has a very clear copyright policy.

As the author of the work (in our case, nail art "a) and the author of the photograph, you own the copyright to both. Since it is photography that is distributed on the network, I focus specifically on the photographer's rights to photography.

Therefore, if you find a photo you took on Facebook, feel free to fill out complaint form

The rules for using the Vkontakte social network say that Vkontakte users can use content only for personal non-commercial use (hello to manicure studios, manicure masters, cosmetics stores) and do not have the right to change / remove copyright marks (change / overwrite your logo, put your logo on your work) and must retain the author's name (this is the answer to the question "should I mention the author when reposting?")

As a good example of the fight against photo theft, I will give a print screen Instagram pages a large chain of manicure studios by Lena Lenina:

I suspect that among the nine images, not one belongs to SLL itself (Lena Lenina's network of studios). They went about a simple and convenient path "I saw it, I liked it, I took it for myself, I passed it off as my own"

The centerpiece is my design with Marge Simpson, drawn by me and photographed by me.
This isn't the first time my images have been used by other artists/studios/salons, but SLL went one step further - it erased my signature in the editor. Top notch, Lena!

And now I will tell you how you can and SHOULD deal with such thieves on Instagram. This can be done from a computer, and from a tablet, and from a phone.
In fact, it is not long and not difficult at all, I just tried to show each step and each item in order to clearly demonstrate how it is done.

Opening a stolen photo on Instagram.

- Click on the "..." icon in the lower right corner. In the pop-up window, click on "Report indecent material"

- Click on "This photo does not belong on Instagram"

- Click on "Infringement of intellectual property rights"

- Click on "Learn more about how to report copyright infringement"

- Select "Fill out the form"

- Check the box "Confirm the creation of a complaint of copyright infringement"

- Select the item "I have found materials that infringe on my copyright"

- Click on "Click here to continue filing a copyright complaint"

- We fill contact information. From the required data - Last name First name, in the column "Your organization" I write my nickname on the blog and Instagram - let "s nail Moscow

- Type of activity - "nail-artist", Postal address - Country and City, E-mail address is needed so that the Instagram representative sends you your application number and the result.
Select "Outside USA"

- In the column "Country" put the country of your location.
"Who owns the copyright?" - select "I"

Next, fill in the information on the materials, i.e. the photo you want to report.
Copy the address of your photo from the thief and paste it in the "Provide links .."
"Why are you filing a complaint about these materials?" - Because "Materials copy my work"

- The best description of my work is "Photo taken by me"

- The data from the form was sent successfully!

- Usually, within a couple of hours (sometimes days), you receive a response from Instagram in the mail, in which your application is assigned a number.
You don't need to answer it, it's just an information letter.
It also contains links with help on hacked Instagram accounts, help to combat people who are spamming and insulting you, etc.

After another 2-3 days, another message arrives in the mail, stating that the image that violates your copyright has been removed.

That's it, everything is so simple)

Checking Lena's page -

"Contrary to what many people may think, I don"t do what I do to receive free polish. I don "t do what I do to gain followers or likes. I paint my nails and take pictures of them because, as a mom, it"s quite literally the only thing I do for myself. This "hobby" of mine has always been something I loved, and as of last Friday, I lost that love. 😔 Every ounce of respect I had for the professional nail world is gone. It "s disheartening that a worldwide nail corporation thinks it is ok to troll OUR nail pages to find what is popular and take those designs. This situation has angered me. It has hurt me. To , I "m just some crazy nail lady in Oklahoma who spends hours upon hours on each manicure, but was a moron who didn't copyright her work. Guess what? That's how they view YOU too. How can they work with other IG nail artists to design for them, but fail to contact me before printing my design onto their press-ons? Email is still a thing...right? Am I flattered they took my design No. The path they chose to take is far from flattering for all parties involved. Guys, this is NOT ok. This is blatant stealing, and I won't be quiet about this. I "m not just some crazy nail lady...I" m a fighter. Consumers need to know who they're giving their hard-earned money to.💗 FEEL FREE TO REPOST. 💗 "

My free translation (you can also use any translator)

"Many people probably think that I do what I do to get free polishes, but that's not true. I also don't do it to get more followers or collect likes. I paint my nails and take pictures of them." because, as a mother, it's literally the only thing I do personally for myself.This "hobby" has always been for me something that I loved, and since last Friday, I have lost that love.😔All the respect I had for the world of the professional lacquer industry is gone. It's frustrating how international corporation considers it normal to rummage through our pages, look for something popular and just take these designs. This #imPRESSnail situation made me angry. She hurt me. For this company, I'm just some crazy Oklahoma girl who paints her nails hour after hour, but also a complete idiot for not notarizing copyright protection. Do you know what? They look at you the same way. How can they even work with other Instagram nail artists to design for them and not even try contacting me before printing my design on their fake nails? Email do they still use it? Am I flattered that they took my design? No. The path they have chosen does not put anyone in a good light. They thought I was such an ignoramus that they could take advantage of me, so now I'm doing the only thing I can: use my right to vote. Guys, this is NOT ok. This is shameless theft and I will not be silent. I'm not just some crazy with my nails...I'm a wrestler. And consumers need to know to whom they are taking their hard-earned money.💗SHARE 💗 "

Immediately after the publication of this photo, reposts began. The photo went viral in a matter of days, and was even reposted by one of the most famous American nail magazines, NailIt!

After some time, the representatives of the brand realized that due to their publicized theft they were losing hundreds of potential buyers, each of whom may be read by hundreds more potential buyers, and made an official apology to the blogger.

I don’t know how exactly this situation ended (solid monetary compensation? signing an agreement on the commercial use of the design?), but the fact remains: one vote was supported by many, and the guilty party suffered losses and was forced to publicly apologize.

Therefore, you should NEVER be afraid to stand up for your work, your work and your talent.

And here I will quote thepolishedokie: this is NOT ok, this is shameless theft!

And this needs to be stopped.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

You are creators! You need to be carried in your arms, and not robbed.

I'll try to help with advice)

  1. Do not pay scammers for the safety of the photo - it's useless.
  2. If the extortionist can be identified, feel free to go to the police and sue.
  3. Look at the situation with humor and take care of your nerves.

Marina went on a business trip to Vladivostok, and her boyfriend stayed in Moscow to cook. Marina does not want him to be bored, and sends him her photos without clothes. She didn’t send such photos to anyone except him, so she was very surprised when she received this message:

Daria Kasatkina


What happened?

Amateur hackers most often do not choose their victims on purpose. They collect batches of logins, passwords and files passing through an insecure connection, and only then they look at how to cash in on the collected ones.

Hacker attacks most often target the rich and famous. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are paid for the safety of compromising frames - if the leak was not planned in advance for the sake of PR.

Nobody knew who Kim Kardashian was until her homemade porn hit the internet in 2007. Now she is an American television star. Her mother, Kris Jenner, is accused of encouraging her daughter to record and publish the video herself.

Hackers don't always demand a ransom for intimate photos. The photo may come up on an anonymous forum or in a thematic public. Sometimes photos are posted for fun, and nothing can be done about it.

If a hacker has the intention to blackmail a person, he will spend time and check the victim’s social networks: are there parents and relatives among friends? Who is the victim's partner, what kind of relationship are they in? Who is she friends with? Where does he work? So he will determine how much it will hurt the victim from the publication of the photo and how much to demand for silence. Some anonymous extortionists can send up to 15 messages demanding to pay different girls per day and not remember a single face. If at least one of them pays, the swindler has achieved his goal.

What should I do if I am being blackmailed?

If you are being blackmailed, do not even think about transferring money to the scammer. This will only give him a reason to continue to blackmail you. There is no guarantee that he will not publish your photo.

Get ready for the fact that even if you pay the extortionist three times, nothing will prevent him from sending photos to your friends and colleagues, or attaching them to an archive that will be distributed on anonymous forums.

Better to be naked with money than naked without money

The criminal code has articles 163 “Extortion” and 137 - “Violation of privacy”, suitable for the case of blackmail, but it is unlikely that an anonymous extortionist will be sued. Most likely, he sits through the anonymizer. You can't figure it out by IP.

But if a former young man or acquaintance blackmails you, it is quite possible to intimidate him with a court. Take screenshots of threats and contact a lawyer and the police. Depending on how much money is extorted, the blackmailer faces up to five years in prison and a fine of 200,000 R.

In no case do not show the blackmailer that he scared you, upset or pissed you off. It will only amuse him - save your nerves.

If you are sure that the blackmailer's intentions are serious, look at the situation with humor and warn friends and acquaintances in advance that they will soon have to see you without clothes. Most likely, they will sympathize with you, and for a couple of days you will become an Internet star.

One of the ransomware victims honestly told his Facebook friends that they could see him without his pants on. The record became popular, celebrities noted in the comments.

What can be done to prevent this from happening again?

Keep all your accounts secure. Especially mail, social networks and instant messengers. Any hack will lead to problems for you and your loved ones. This can be avoided by using complex passwords, two-factor authentication, and password managers.

Do not access mail and social networks from other people's devices. Do not rely on conscientiousness and decency. On any device, suspect a "keylogger" that records every letter you type. If you forget to check the “foreign computer” box when logging into the social network, the password will remain in the browser cache. It can be taken out without any problems.

Use public Wi-Fi with caution. If a person with bad intentions is watching a router in a cafe or hotel, any information that is transmitted through this point will be in his hands - including personal correspondence and intimate photos.

On public networks, it is better to use a VPN. It will create a secure "tunnel" from you to the Internet, and even being in an unsecured WiFi networks, you can not worry about the safety of data.

Use self-destructing chats. These are secret chats with a self-destruct timer in Telegram and snaps in Snapchat.

In secret chats and Snapchat, you can see when the other person takes a screenshot. It will not work on the sly to save nudity to the phone's memory. Talk to your partner ahead of time about not saving self-destructing photos and videos. If the partner ignores the request, you should seriously think about the level of respect and trust in the relationship.

Encrypt nude photos and home videos on your phone and laptop. If the device itself is stolen, they will try to download data from it. Do not give attackers the opportunity to engage in blackmail in addition to theft. Use encryption. The iPhone will encrypt the data itself if a password is set on the device. On a MacBook, in the settings, you can turn on the Filevolt function. Windows uses the Bitlocker encryption system.

Make sure that your interlocutor has also secured the correspondence. If you're super safe and your partner isn't, your photos will remain at risk.