How many time zones are there in china. The time in China is now. Vacation in China

  • 05.03.2020

Geographically, China is located in five time zones. But officially throughout the country there is a single Beijing time - UTC + 8, which differs from Moscow by five hours. An exception was made only for the most western regions of the country - Xinjiang and Tibet, where Xinjiang time is also used, which is two hours behind the general Chinese. TV guides and traffic signs in these regions usually show both Xinjiang and Beijing time.

Curiously, China also does not have daylight saving time. In 1986, the federal government decided to implement Daylight Saving Time. However, the innovation did not take root, in many regions with a long daylight hours, the transfer of arrows not only did not bring the expected reduction in electricity consumption, but also created confusion. Therefore, in 1991, daylight saving time was officially abolished.

Time zones in Chinese history

From ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century, there was no single time in China. In each province, the clock was counted in its own way, based on astronomical observations. In the 19th century, when conferences were held in Europe to establish international Greenwich time, parallels, meridians and determine time zones, China tried to solve its socio-economic and external problems. Every year the country plunged deeper into crisis, and the question of establishing a common time was pushed further and further.

It was only in 1928 that the first reform concerning time calculation was carried out. In this case, European standards were used. The country was divided into 5 time zones:

  • UTC + 5:30 - in the west of Xinjiang and Tibet;
  • UTC + 6 - in the east of Xinjiang and Tibet;
  • UTC + 7 - for the central regions of China;
  • UTC+8 for coastal areas;
  • UTC+8:30 is for the northeast of the country.

Soon after this reform, China plunged into civil war. After the victory in 1949, the communists, who sought to introduce uniform standards throughout the country, abolished the division into time zones. Since this system turned out to be inconvenient in some cases (in the east of the country it began to get dark after lunch, and in the west the sun came to its zenith in the evening), after some time, regional methods of calculating time appeared in China (for example, in Xinjiang and Tibet).

The leaders of China argue their decision by the fact that China did not have such an urgent need for division into time zones, as, for example, in Russia. Firstly, the country is located near the equator, and each time zone in it has a very large extent, and, secondly, the most densely populated region of China fits into the territory of one time zone.

The People's Republic of China has a longitudinal extent of almost 60° or 240 minutes, but legally the entire country is located in a single time zone ( locals called it Beijing time). Summer time used earlier, today it is not used.

If we consider the situation geographically, then China is located in 5 time zones. Not so long ago, for ease of use, the only time UTC +8 was set here (except for two regions). The Chinese leadership today does not see much need to divide the territory into several time zones. Firstly, China is not as long as, for example, Russia. And Beijing, as the most densely populated region of the country, lies in a single time zone.

Even before the beginning of the 20th century, a unique time was not established in this country. The clocks were counted in different ways, taking into account astronomical observations. In China, socio-economic and external issues have been resolved for a long time, and the situation with determining the exact time zones has been pushed back more and more often. This issue was first addressed only in 1928. By the reform that was carried out at that time, China was decided to be divided into belt times. According to it, the east of Xinjiang belonged to the UTC +5.30 time zone, the rest of these regions - to +6, the central part of China - +7, the coastal regions - +8, the eastern and northern parts of China - +8.30.

In 1949, the communists after civil war in general, they proposed not to divide the territory into standard times, but to introduce regional methods of temporal calculation.

In 2005, they proposed to divide the territory of China into 2 time zones (at a meeting of people's representatives). But this proposal did not even come up for a vote.

China has abandoned daylight saving time. In 1986, it was still seen as an opportunity to save electricity, but the federal government noticed that not only did it not produce any results, but also confused some residents. Because of this, in 1991, DST was officially abandoned in China. If we look at historical data, then it was also used for a short time in 1940-41.

Time difference between China and Moscow

Almost all of China is in the 8th time zone, which differs by 5 hours from Moscow time. The exceptions are Tibet and Xinjiang, whose time differs by another 2 hours from the general Chinese one.

Time in the West of China: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the difference with Beijing

In the Chinese West, there is the Xinjiang Uyghur region (autonomous), which is geographically noticeably distant from Beijing and the main part of the country. Local residents of the area unofficially use for convenience, in parallel with the official time, the hour of Urumqi, which differs by 120 minutes from the main Beijing one.

For residents of the western Chinese region, this has become a simple necessity, because if in Beijing lunch came, as expected, at 12.00, then in Kashkagar - about 3 days. Such a shift was very noticeable and inconvenient for people. Although the Chinese use Beijing time and the Uyghurs use Urumqi, workers and school days(by solar hour) they pass simultaneously.

Since there is a difference of 120 minutes between Beijing and Urumqi, the working hours of representative organizations are also different. Compared with Beijing time, in the western part of China, unlike the central or eastern territories, the working day will start 2 hours later. At bus stops, both Beijing time and Urumqi time are usually fixed.

Often in Beijing at 9 pm there is already nowhere to eat and the locals are already at home and preparing for rest, then in Xinjiang, by Beijing time, the dinner period is in full swing, since they go to rest only at midnight. In Western China, in some hotels, you can see clocks with two dials to navigate by the official hour and Urumqi.

Working mode comparison for those who use Beijing time and Urumqi hour.

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