Parcel from China is not tracked for 2 weeks. The tracking status is not updated for a long time. The reasons. What to do? Physical movement of the parcel

  • 31.05.2020

Some buyers whose orders were not shipped within 24 hours are starting to wonder: Why does the seller on Aliexpress take a long time to send the goods?

There are several reasons why sellers trading platform may delay sending parcels. They may be justified or unfounded.

List of reasons for the delay in sending goods from Aliexpress

  1. Weekend and holidays. Each seller on Aliexpress has weekends and holidays when orders are not processed and sent. In addition, it is important to understand that dates and holidays (for example, Chinese New Year) in the country of residence of the seller may differ significantly from the holidays of the recipient.
  2. Serious workload due to a large number orders. This reason is especially relevant during all sorts of sales (for example, World Shopping Day 11.11), when buyers place hundreds and even thousands of orders in the first hours.
  3. Temporary lack of goods and waiting for new deliveries from the warehouse. The goods tend to run out, and in order not to confuse the buyer with long explanations about the temporary absence of goods, the seller may not send the order, waiting for the delivery of a new batch of goods from the warehouse. In this case, most sellers notify the buyer of a slight delay.
  4. Personal circumstances. The reason is relevant for sellers who have small shops on Aliexpress, and process orders on their own. Life issues and concerns may cause shipping delays.
  5. Negligence and indifference. There are also those sellers who allow themselves not to send an order for a long time without any good reason. This reason is more applicable to those sellers who do not send the goods at all within the specified order processing time. It should be noted that such sellers often do not have a very high store rating (less than 90%), and also ignore customer requests in personal messages.

Unfortunately, most buyers miss one important detail while waiting for the goods to be shipped from Aliexpress. Order processing time- this is the period of time during which the seller undertakes to send the order to the buyer. When this period ends (and the seller has not sent the goods), the order is automatically canceled, and the money paid is prepared to be returned to the buyer.

According to the rules of the trading platform, the seller has the right to send the goods at any time while the order processing period is valid. Despite this, practice shows that most sellers still try to ship the goods within 24 hours after the buyer places an order.

Recall that the remaining time for sending the goods can be viewed in the details of a particular order. You can write your questions in the comments to this post.

The problem of tracking parcels is one of the most relevant for all buyers. There are various reasons: from the desire of the seller to save money when sending to an attempt to deceive. We will tell you about the basic rules and nuances when waiting for your order and the possible reasons for not tracking parcels from aliexpress.

We already wrote what it is and how to find it, so let's get down to business. When choosing a product, you should always pay attention to the possible conditions and options for sending the goods, now all aliexpress pages are in Russian, so there should be no problems. When choosing inexpensive goods (the cost does not exceed $ 2-3), the seller can indicate that the shipment is carried out without a track, so he saves on the cost of sending in order to offer more favorable price. Whether this order will reach the addressee is a big mystery. But on the other hand, many sellers value their reputation and are therefore interested in every, even the smallest order. Therefore, whether it is worth buying a product under such conditions is up to you.

Parcel not tracked

After paying for the selected product, you should not expect an instant receipt of the tracking code, since the seller has a short period, usually 3-5 days, for its packaging and delivery to the transport company. Plus, entering data into the system, updating tracking databases - all this takes some time. So, even after receiving the track, it may not be tracked for the first 5-10, but you should not worry, this happens with all shipments.

But if your package is not tracked even after 15-20 days, then you should write to the seller, because it is possible that among the huge number of orders there was simply a mistake in the number when writing. Feel free to disturb the seller once again, as they say, it is better to be aware of events. Just remember, you need to write an appeal to English language. Here is an example of text, just insert your track number:

“Hi, my track number _______ is not tracked. Check it.”

If the seller has not provided new data or an explanatory answer within 5-6 days, then feel free to open a dispute.

Let's look at a few more options developments:

  • The order was tracked across the territory of China, but after the departure, the changes stopped.

This is usually due to the fact that the delivery of a parcel in the form of a small package is carried out by a small company, and when passing through customs, it will be assigned a different number. In this case, you will only have to wait, but remember about the total delivery period, usually it is 45-60 days, i.e. if 40 days have passed and the package has not arrived, either write to the seller to extend the protection of the order, or open a dispute .

  • The postal item was no longer tracked after moving from customs, i.e. gone.

There are several options here: contact the post office by writing a statement indicating the track number to search and increase the delivery period, or write to the seller that the package has not been delivered and you need to resend or return the money.

These are the main options for solving problems when not tracking a package with aliexpress. Remember that at early shipping dates (less than 10-14 days), you should not be afraid of the message “No tracking information”.

After sending the goods to Aliexpress, the seller gives the buyer a track number by which the parcel can be tracked. And from that moment on, inexperienced buyers begin the most nervous period of waiting for their purchase. During which many regularly panic. One of the most common reasons for concern is the situation when the tracking status of a package is not updated for a long time. And with any minor delays in updating the tracking status of the package, many people panic. They are afraid of losing money, they are worried that the package will not arrive, and that they may need to do something urgently.

Let's take a closer look at what causes delays in updating tracking statuses, what delay periods are considered normal. And what to do if the status of the parcel is not updated for a long time.

Why is the parcel tracking status not updated for a long time?

1. Information about the parcel has not yet entered the database of postal services and track number tracking systems.

If you received a track number, this does not mean that your parcel has already arrived at the post office. On average, it is considered that before it starts to be read. Because first the seller will book the track number, then the courier picks up the parcel, and it goes courier service to mail. Next, it takes time until the parcel data is entered into the tracking system. In this case, you do not need to do anything, just wait two weeks until the information about the package starts to be read.

2. The parcel began to be tracked, but not sent.

It happens that the first tracking status appears in the tracking systems and on the Aliexpress website, indicating that the mail has received information about the package. This means that the seller booked a track number, but did not physically send the parcel. It even happens that at this stage everything stops.

3. Your track number is only trackable within China.

When ordering cheap goods, parcels can be sent to you by courier companies or Track numbers of which, in fact, are internal invoice numbers. And they are tracked only in China. After passing the border, your parcel will be assigned a new track number, with which it will go further. You, like tracking systems, will not be able to recognize it. And the last tracking status will show that the parcel has been sent to the destination country. There will be no further updates to the tracking system. Therefore, it remains only to patiently wait for a notification that the parcel has arrived at your post office.

4. The package is under import.

Basically, the process of importing a package is the longest stage. On average, it can take two weeks. But there are especially slow sorting points with old equipment or high load, in which parcels hang for a month or even more.

You can not influence the speed of crossing the border in any way. Since it is not known in which country it may be located. It may be marked as "Shipped", but in fact it was placed in a container that is waiting to be sent, and then it can lie in a temporary storage warehouse, waiting for its turn for further processing. Therefore, you need to be patient and monitor the terms of buyer protection.

5. Parcel stuck at customs.

There are situations when the last status in tracking a parcel means that it has entered customs. And there is no further movement. There may be several reasons for this. Firstly, there may be a large load at customs and employees physically do not have time to process incoming parcels quickly. Secondly, the package may get lost at customs. If more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the day the parcel arrived at customs, then you can call the right department yourself and ask the employees to find out what happened to it.

It should be noted that the speed of parcel delivery is a seasonal phenomenon. If you placed an order during the holidays (especially during ), during or after the sale, then due to the load or the large number of holidays, the parcels will be slow. Not only can the mail not work physically for some time, but also huge congestion is formed.

We cannot influence this fact in any way. You just need to take this into account and calmly wait for the parcel to wait for its turn and budge.

7. Delays in tracking database updates for some email services.

Some mails are notorious for the fact that the information in the databases is updated with huge delays. And the package can go far ahead, and the data about it has not yet appeared in the database. Or the buyer has already received the package, and in tracking it has not even reached the moment of export. For example, this is very typical for Estonian post. And a standard problem with China Post is that their server can be down for a long period of time. Accordingly, status updates will not occur because of this.

8. Physical movement of the parcel.

At the very beginning of a package's journey, tracking statuses may be updated frequently. And it seems that your product is moving from city to city, going through various stages quickly. And then, at the next stage, it freezes for a week. And all due to the fact that she is now physically sailing on a ship. And, sometimes, she needs to overcome long distances by navigation. Naturally, this stage takes time and the next status will appear when it arrives at the next waypoint.

9. The parcel was lost.

And the last, rather rare case, when your parcel was lost on the way or it was stolen. Many buyers are afraid of this very reason, because they believe that the loss of the package means the loss of their money. And that they need somehow. Actually it is not.

What should I do if the status of the parcel is not tracked for a long time?

H but in fact, everything is simple! There are two options.

The first- if there is no information about the track number, then in the first 10 days you just need to wait. And only then or .

Second - if information appeared in the tracking statuses, then it is considered that the package was sent to you. And no matter what happens to her in the future, you will not be able to open a dispute until the delivery guarantee period (blue alarm clock) has passed. Therefore, seeing that your track is being read, just make sure that your package does not go to another recipient and patiently wait for it. Experienced buyers on Aliexpress advise 5 days before the expiration of the buyer's protection period to extend the timer if the parcel was delayed somewhere in your country. Or, a couple of days before the end of the protection period, open a dispute that a lot of time has passed, and the package is still on the way. This will allow you to return the money for the unreceived goods. And it doesn’t matter where and for what reason the package got stuck.

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Why is the package from Aliexpress not trackable?

    Quite often this happens if the goods are very cheap, the Chinese are trying to save their costs, including shipping. By the way, sellers almost always warn me that the track code will not be tracked, especially if purchases are with coupons and big discounts. As I understand it, with a real track number, the parcel is more expensive, that is, sending it. Worth the wait. If nothing appears, open a dispute, the truth is on your side.

    If the parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked, it may simply mean that a little time has passed. In the first days, the parcel is not tracked yet. Especially if the seller works with small local Chinese transport companies. But if 10 or 20 days have already passed, and the parcels are still not visible, you must definitely write to the seller.

    There may be several options, the first is that it was returned back to the seller by the customs officers, then you need to ask: where is my order? ; the second option - it was not registered on Chinese mail(not entered into the computer), the third option, it is tracked on the 17track website, but there is no information on the Russian postal service yet. You need to ask in any case, after a month and a half I asked and the Chinese say: “Oh, sorry, the customs spoiled the goods and returned the parcel to us? We will send you a new quot ;, so the seller does not always respond quickly to the situation and sometimes lets her go at random.

    You can contact the seller, clarify the correctness of the track, there may be some mistake in the numbers, as a rule, the sellers themselves do not deliver parcels to the post office, for this there are companies that do this and your parcel can just lie around in their office, I used to so the parcel was not tracked for a month (it was lying around somewhere) after the seller’s increased shaking, the parcel was somehow miraculously found and started to be tracked. Most likely they paid by Paypal, then you have the right to open a dispute (but it’s like if you don’t receive the parcel within a month) and demand a refund. In any case, you need to seek information from the seller.

    Most likely you have the track number that will start to be tracked only when the parcel is on the territory of the Russian Federation. Not earlier. There are situations and vice versa when the track number is tracked only on the territory of the sender. Therefore, you should not be scared, just wait, in any case, the sender will be obliged to return the money.

    I have the same situation with taobao, it’s been 3 weeks already, the track is not tracked. I wrote to the manager and asked to wait a week, and then we’ll figure it out.

    It happens to me quite often. Even more often than when tracked. Usually the seller gives some kind of code on the left, by which it is unrealistic to track anything. If the package does not arrive on time, then feel free to open a dispute, the truth is on your side. I have won all disputes

    Write to the seller. If it doesn't answer, open a dispute.

    The most likely reasons why a package from China is not tracked:

    1. The seller gave the wrong track number. By mistake. This happens sometimes. Just write to him, he will explain. It was like that for me - it was not tracked for a long time, I opened a dispute. The seller immediately showed up with an apology, said that he was mistaken and gave me the wrong number. asked to wait until the end of the term, and only then, if anything, will return the money. I obeyed. The parcel arrived in a few days.
    2. The package has not yet arrived at China Post. Usually appears in the database within 3-10 days after sending, but sometimes it can take a couple of weeks, especially if the holidays.
    3. The seller gave the left track number. Alas, this happens, scammers are everywhere. Open a dispute, the money will be returned to you. And don't be fooled by suspiciously cheap things.
  • As I understand it, the seller does not want to bother with the track numbers (barcodes) of the sent parcels, especially if it is free for you to send. Sometimes they write that if you want to track the parcel, then pay money for sending, that is, by paid mail. If the track is not tracked, then this does not mean that the package has not been sent or the seller is deceiving you. If it's gone for too long, then you should already worry and open a dispute.

    Recently I have been making small purchases on Aliexpress - within 100 rubles. So about a fifth part goes without tracks or with left tracks, I'm already used to this. Some sellers after payment wrote, they say, we minimize costs, cheap goods, no track. Others gave the left track, which was not tracked in any way, and the parcel was already received at the post office with our internal numbers, Russian ones. And last option- the seller did not send the goods.

    In all cases, follow the expiration date of protection, and open a dispute in about 7-10 days. You can do this earlier, but the administration of the Ali site will wait for the deadlines. You can write to the seller, but the answer will most likely be this: everything is OK, the package has been sent, wait.

    Once, after a dispute, its aggravation and 2 weeks of silent consideration by the administration, the money was returned to me, and then the parcel arrived. There was another case, the seller apologized and returned the money without a dispute.

    And yet, often the parcels begin to be tracked only after a month, I don’t know why. Anyway, 2 weeks is short term, wait.

    The parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked for several reasons. Maybe not an expensive package or not big discounts that the tracking fee does not pay off. Also, the seller may send you an erroneous track number. Or the parcel can be tracked only in one of the countries of destination.

    As practice shows, almost all parcels reach the addressee, although they were not tracked. In extreme cases, sports with the sender, they are always willing to make concessions.

Approximately every third parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked. Why is this happening and what to do in this case?

In general, there are several common situations when a parcel from Aliexpress may not be tracked. We will talk about the causes of their occurrence and consequences further.

Why is the parcel from Aliexpress not tracked?

The main reasons for the inability to track the movement of the parcel are:

  • the seller's desire to save money - he sends by regular parcel, without the possibility of tracking (most often);
  • fraudulent actions - a deliberately false track code, and the parcel can be sent (without tracking), or maybe not;
  • an error on the part of the tracking service (rarely enough);
  • individual tracking systems are being slowly updated and the package simply has not had time to “appear” yet.

Most often, the movement of the parcel cannot be tracked when the goods are cheaper than the tracking service. And she, according to different sellers, costs from $2.5, which does not prevent some of them from demanding both $5 and $10 for the possibility of tracking. Therefore, when buying a penny trifle, mentally prepare for the fact that you will not be able to track its movement with 90% probability.

If we consider the causes of this situation with reference to the cost of the goods, then we can notice the following pattern:

  1. Goods under $5 are extremely rarely tracked, and if they are tracked, it is usually before crossing the border with China. You should not be especially worried about this - the usual situation, there is nothing out of the ordinary.
  2. Goods up to $10 are usually tracked, although they travel quite a long time. Reasons for not being able to be traced may be fraud or the seller's desire to save money.
  3. Goods over $10 are almost always tracked. If after 6 days from the date of sending the parcel you cannot track it, this is the reason for the reason "No tracking information". And then - to see how the seller will get out of this situation.

In any case, you either get the package or you don't. Most often, the package still arrives safely, sometimes even on time :-)

What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked?

If the goods are inexpensive, just wait and monitor the order protection period, up to the legal 60 days, if necessary, or by opening a dispute about the goods that did not arrive.

I advise you not to succumb to opening a dispute about a deliberately untraceable package, the cost is less than $ 5. You will win it, but we are all human, and the Chinese want to eat too. And according to Ali's rules, they do not have the right to sell us anything without providing a track number, albeit a false one. So be smart :-)

In other cases, act according to the circumstances. Expensive purchases should always be monitored, I have already talked about this.

We will talk about where and how you can track the track code another time. And now, if you have questions about why the package with Aliexpress is not tracked, you can ask them in the comments, I will try to help :-)

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