Do-it-yourself pirate photo zone. Party in a marine style: decor ideas and do-it-yourself decoration. Pirate party for kids: decoration

  • 24.04.2020

How to organize not just, but a real pirate party, from which everyone will be delighted, read in our material and be inspired by the collected ideas.

Carrramba! The collection of the most notorious bullies is announced! After all, kids love stories about pirates, treasures and adventures. Therefore, to turn an ordinary children's holiday, or just into a party in the style of pirates - great idea which will please everyone without exception.

Throw a pirate party with themed décor, food and games, and your children's party will be remembered with admiration for a long time to come.

Pirate party: how to organize a children's party

If you decide that you will arrange a pirate party for your child, to which you are going to invite guests, you should take care of the invitations. Print and fill out pirate-themed invitations, and hand out or mail out to all invitees a few days in advance to get guests ready for adventure and fun.

Be sure to indicate on the invitations to whom it is addressed, the date, time and place of the holiday in the style of pirates.

The decor of the room where the pirate party will take place plays the most important role, so decorations should be taken seriously. Children will be happy to help you with, for example, flags and posters.

Let the appropriate paraphernalia meet the guests at the entrance to the pirate party: a banner with a Jolly Roger, ship rigging, treasure chests.

Pirate costume for a pirate party

Invite the kids to transform into pirates: keep ready scarves, bandanas and cocked hats, pirate eye patches, swords. And for the most desperate - pirate prostheses in the form of a hook. All this can be done with your own hands from cardboard and elastic tape.

You can warn the guests in advance or indicate in the invitation that the entrance to the party is in pirate costumes. And let them not be afraid, because in fact there is nothing easier than.

Menu for a pirate party

At a pirate party, all treats must be exclusively pirated. It is not necessary to master the ship's kitchen. It is enough to come up with marine and robber names for treats and provide them with appropriate decor.

But do not forget that a children's holiday is an active event. Therefore, when planning what to cook for a children's pirate party, choose what you would: small sandwiches, cakes and cookies, fruits and vegetables, cut into slices. In a word, everything that you can grab in your hand and run to play on.

With pirate decor, everything is simple. Cookies for pirate party you can bake in "pirate" molds - gold coins, skull and bones, anchors, and so on. Caramel and - color with icing sugar, and biscuits and cupcakes - with cream.

Treats to which it is difficult to apply decorations can be supplemented with pirate symbols on skewers. Or just stick a mast with a black sail into the sandwich. Put pirate stickers on bottles of drinks too.

Games and entertainment for a children's pirate party

Well, what a pirate party for children without fun entertainment and treasure hunting. If space permits, hang ropes and rope ladders. Young pirates will race to climb them to get a prize or a treasure map.

By the way, about the treasure map. No pirate party is complete without this attribute. Of course, on the map you can go through a dangerous path and find a hidden treasure. At each of the points marked on the map, prepare a task or a logic puzzle, by solving which, the children will receive a hint for the way forward. You can draw a map yourself, based on your area or the location of the room.

Hidden treasures can also be dug up or fished from the "depths of the ocean". Sensory boxes with sand and toys to help you!

Walking on the board is one of the traditional pirate pastimes. For real pirates, the other end of the board leads into the sea, and at your pirate party it is enough to throw it over an inflatable water pool if the party is being held, or simply between two stools. Whoever stays on the board gets a prize.

Invite your pirates to compete in accuracy: you need to throw cardboard rings on a stand with pirate hooks.

And you can also invite the kids to touch the treasure hidden in the box. Place the prize boxes with a hole for one hand and fill these boxes with dry sand, wet sand, grass, rocks and other fillings. This will be the most fun at the pirate party, you'll see!

We hope that our ideas will help you arrange an unforgettable pirate party for children and adults, which will be talked about and remembered with admiration for a long time to come.

A fair wind, a hold full of treasures and no dull everyday life - solid adventures. Yes, sometimes exciting, but even more fun! And after the screen acquaintance with Jack Sparrow, the pirate party for adults has become almost the most favorite holiday theme for Halloween, birthdays, corporate meetings and even weddings!


To start decide whether the design will be cartoonish or cinematic. In the first case, almost all the scenery will have to be drawn, cut, painted. There are cartoon attributes for a pirate party in stores - garlands, disposable tableware, flags, boats, etc.

This is a more economical option when you just want to have fun with friends without scrupulously thinking through decorations. Great for family holiday where there will be many children. Read more.

If we are talking about a party in the style of pirates of the Caribbean, the design is supposed to be more realistic. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon the bright holiday paraphernalia. It’s just that the interior in the end should turn out more like a scene from a movie than like a kindergarten hall hung with colorful decorations.

The colors of the evening are black, white-red and white-blue stripes, red and blue, brown. Some attributes can be decorated with "precious" stones. The interior should have silver and gold - spray paint, sparkles.

Easy to implement ideas for a pirate party:

  • remove anything that obviously doesn't fit the theme. Close what is difficult to remove. For this print and glue on thick cardboard (or draw) ships, chests, etc. Replace inappropriate paintings with photos, movie posters, Jolly Roger flags, sails, fishing nets;
  • the ceiling can be closed with cuts of fabric, freely hanging in waves - the same imitation of nets and/or sails;
  • it is advisable to choose furniture rough, wooden or wicker. Instead of chairs, benches, backless stools and even drawers will fit perfectly.;

If the comfort of the guests is a priority, drape regular chairs-armchairs. For a pirate-style party, chiffon, tulle, burlap, nets - tulle, paint, mosquito are suitable.

  • tie marine knots from thick ropes, hang on walls, chair backs, ceiling. On the net here and there, attach seahorses and stars, crabs, fish, algae;

  • arrange barrels, roughly knocked together boxes, fake guns. Forged lanterns, treats in large bowls, deliberately soiled bottles of rum can be placed on barrel boxes;
  • certainly use candles in decoration, you can simulate battery-powered. "Vintage" candlesticks are easy to make with your own hands, for example, from aluminum cans(painted with silver/gold). Atmospheric look candles in "dirty" bowls, glass jars with shells and sand;

  • if you decide to organize a Halloween pirate party, do not skimp on gloomy details - skeletons, cobwebs and spiders, bats, creepy sea monsters, gravestones, ghosts (cardboard, figurines, silhouettes);
  • make anchors, life buoys out of cardboard / plywood, hang and lay out old maps. Great if you can find a marine compass, spyglass, sextant, barometer, telescope. If not, print the photo, cut it out and glue it onto a cardboard base;

  • use fake gems, pearls, silverware in compositions, coins and antique jewelry, symbolizing innumerable treasures. Put the most valuable loot into chests. A real pirate chest is still an anachronism, so it's better to spend time gluing a paper / cardboard template. Although, if desired, you can put together a pirate chest from a base-box or plywood, chipboard. Caskets are also suitable - carved wooden ones, without colorful drawings.

  • although this is an adult pirate party, but without bright festive accents, the decor will turn out to be too gloomy. Add colors:
    • garlands of recognizable paraphernalia and pirate accessories - ships, flags, anchors, skeletons, figurines of pirates, weapons, sea monsters;
    • knotted ribbon decoration on a clothesline or sisal rope (imitation of a rope) they will enliven the space (the fabric is better striped, blue or red and white, plus flags with a skull / bones);
    • buy stylized balloons or draw themed attributes on red, black, blue balloons.


  • If you are having an outdoor party, build a "facade" of a pirate ship from improvised materials. Place stools at the back for guests to climb onto the deck. Cut out porthole windows in the board.

  • Tantamaresque- a brave company of pirates celebrates a successful trip, divides the loot, etc. Cardboard base, print over, windows for faces. Or organize a space - scenery for the selected scene.
  • Boat on a blue background with clouds. In the foreground of the photo zone are paper lambs of waves. We climb inside, take pirate accessories - a map, a spyglass, a bottle of rum (who cares).

  • Banner with photos of movie pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean is especially popular. You can print on the banner repeating photos of characters or your favorite movie scene.
  • Black Pearl cabin, captain's bridge, etc. More suitable for indoor party. Although it can be organized on the street, only the background will have to be covered with wooden shields or a photo zone should be placed against the wall of the house, barn, in front of the fence.


It's great if invitations to a pirate party reflect the level of preparation for the holiday. If the decorations are simple-cartoon, so should the invitations.

All at the highest level? Aged paper, elegant vintage font, pearls, silver.

  • rolled up message in a corked bottle with rock shells;
  • paper pirate schooner, matches, wooden modelka. Text on the sail or in the hold;
  • card with burnt, frayed edges. Schematically the road to the venue of the party (mark several main points on the way). Text over the background map;
  • Black label. Text on the spread of the postcard;
  • miniature paper chests. The text on the letter inside, in a placer of chocolate coins, sweets in foil.

Come up with pirate nicknames for guests if this moment is not included in the script. Include pirate slang and recognizable phrases in the invitation. Write the time, place, dress code and other official information in the bottom corner or on the card attached to the invitation.

On the sixth day, the company of the most notorious pirates gathers on the deck *Name of the ship, cafe*. And you are one of them, *Guest name*
There will be something to fill the holds and wet the throat. Shake the bones in the company of young and very generous girls. sea ​​urchin in your ass if you don't come!
P.S: Rumor has it that in addition to drinking to the devils, the old *Organizer's name* is preparing an exciting and profitable business for us!


Girls in the image of a lady - a dress and hairstyle are retro, elegant, with a needle. Or tomboys, seductive bandits - torn stockings, fishnet suspenders, a retro-style short skirt, a corset with a deep neckline, a creative mess on the head, bright makeup.

Just in time for a pirate party costumes in unisex style. Forgetting for a moment about the stupid bike about women on ships, the ladies can transform into the most charming members of the crew. In this case, the clothes only differ in execution from the men's pirate costume - more open and not so baggy.


  • vest in blue or red stripes. For girls - with a deep neckline, lowered on one shoulder, tied under the bust with a knot, etc .;
  • The image of a pirate girl It is easy to recreate from a couple of elements of clothing: a short dress with a deep neckline, fluffy skirt and wide sleeves, over which a fitted leather tank top is thrown over or a miniature corset is put on. Themed accessories complete the look.
  • white or cream shirt. The sleeves are loose, better with puffy cuffs. "Pirate" cuffs and frills are easy to sew with your own hands or assemble with an elastic band (put on like a bracelet, fasten with buttons, on eyelets, etc.);

  • not in the heat in nature is appropriate pirate frock coat, camisole, vest, leather cloak. But indoors/in the sun they are burdensome. It is better to take a couple of photos and take off your outerwear. Or let this part of the costume be made of light fabric, fake;
  • cropped breeches, like Jack Sparrow. Baggy pants, loose, tucked into boots. Leather trousers, ladies - tight, close-fitting. Boots with high tops, fabric ones are more convenient: fake tops are sewn directly to the trousers. Short boots or high heels are suitable for girls. Tight stockings and closed shoes in color will pass for over the knee boots.

Clothes can be perforated in several places, disheveled, aged. So the image will turn out to be more natural - a battered camisole, an unwashed shirt, trampled boots. Transfer tattoos are also in the subject.

Enthusiasts willing to take the time to create an elaborate costume have plenty to choose from: William Turnet, Billy Bootstrap, Tia Dalma, Elizabeth Swan, Davy Jones, Mr. Cotton. And that's just Pirates of the Caribbean!

Accessories for a pirate-themed party are almost as important as costumes. It is they who make the chosen image unambiguous and recognizable:

  • pistols, saber or sword, knife. Harness over the shoulder, scabbard;
  • compass, spyglass, watch on a chain;
  • wide sling (a scarf is suitable, it can be deliberately bright, with a fringe);
  • leather belt, with a buckle (you can have two at once, like Jack Sparrow);
  • neckerchief, bandana, eye patch, cocked hat;
  • stylized jewelry (large rings, ring earrings, skull bones);
  • various little things in the hair, on the belt, wrists. Talismans, amulets made of skins, bones, fabric, beads.

Menu, serving

Easy Pirate Party Table Decoration Ideas:

  • General buffet table-ship. Close with a tablecloth, put on a net. Decorate the "skirt" of the tablecloth with steering wheels, anchors, ropes. Place the mast with sails in the center of the table or on the back wall, in the background. If there is no room for the mast, you can place the "sail" horizontally, in waves right above the table, under the ceiling.

  • Several garden tables with sticks for installing sun umbrellas. But instead of umbrellas, build masts-sails. Come up with a name for each table-ship, sew it on the tablecloth from the front side of the “board”.
  • Move a large table to the wall, close it to the floor with burlap or a thick cloth. Put boxes on top, barrels - several tiers, randomly. And on them - plates and dishes with snacks, bottles, jars instead of glasses(port surroundings or hold).

  • Choose dishes based on the level of preparation and the importance of the event. These can be stylized paper plates-glasses, glass and crystal, or "silver" - cups, trays, "antique" cutlery.
  • Use pirate flags and other recognizable paraphernalia to decorate skewers, tubules, serving molds. Beautifully laying out / sticking cards is easier than racking your brains over the thematic design of each dish.

  • Several barrels with taps and globe bar fit perfectly into the theme.
  • Buy ice molds - skulls, bones, balls, fish, boats, diamonds. You can replace them with molds for chocolate, baking.
  • Are you having a Halloween pirate party? Be sure to use watermelons, melons and pumpkins to decorate the hall and for serving any dishes (bowls of halves).

  • For a pirate birthday, order a cake in a recognizable style. Islands, treasure chests, ships, etc. An unforgettable surprise for the birthday boy and all the guests!
  • Place sweets in cardboard chests and boats, in decorated transparent jars, vases. Buy a lot of candies in multi-colored foil (gems, in bulk), chocolate bars (also in foil - ingots). Blind flags, anchors, steering wheels, etc. from mastic, decorate muffins, cakes, cookies.

For entourage, include a large whole baked fish and seafood in the pirate menu. And the rest - to your taste. Cutting, vegetables, fruits, any salads. The buffet is ideal when active fun, games, dances are in the plans. Canapes, miniature sandwiches, snacks in baskets and vases, kebabs themselves are a bright table decoration.

Any drinks, but for the atmosphere you can put a few bottles of rum on the table. Print "old" labels, reglue. You can “age” the bottles themselves - dust them, wrap the necks with twine, and glue themed decor.

Since this is an adult pirate party, there is no point in fiddling with each dish for a long time. But some of the appetizers from the menu can be served in "boats" and "sails" can be hoisted. Making a boat with your own hands is very simple. Need a skewer (mast), board and sail. A boat is an empty half of a cucumber, an orange, an egg, a rhombus bread, a basket, etc. Inside, any filling, a sail on a skewer - lettuce, shrimp, a thin slice of cheese, ham, cucumber.


When choosing a pirate party scenario for adults, consider the space available to guests. For example, it is better to organize a treasure hunt on a map in nature. Those. literally look for a place marked with a cross, walking nearby and completing quest after quest. Treasures can also be hidden indoors. But if there is not enough space, you won’t be able to walk around much. This means that the quest itself and the competitions must be doable on the spot.

Pirate scenario options:

  • with the invitation, each guest also receives a piece of a pirate map. Coming to the party guests put them together, into a map with marked points. Tags are games and contests that "lead" to a hidden chest;
  • the map is torn and lost. Guests perform tasks, receiving an award for each competition - another fragment. At the end, the card is folded and just go to the chest;

Theme songs and music for a pirate party will come in handy during competitions. Download several compositions from movies and cartoons, cut them. And you can dance and relax to any incendiary music, especially since there are not so many pirate songs really suitable for a party.

  • instead of a card for games, fragments of the message are given. For example, "The treasure is buried under a palm tree." Cut the text into as many pieces as provided by the competitions. The chest is placed in a box and in the far corner of the room. And above the box or in front of it is a cardboard “landmark”. In our example, this is a palm tree. You can come up with a riddle instead of a direct indication: "The treasure is where the two pirates anchored." In pirate slang, "anchored" - they fought, i.e. on the box you need to stick a picture of two fighting pirates.
  • Several teams are fighting for the right to open the treasury. Suitable for large-scale parties, when at least a couple of dozen "pirates" gathered;
  • in the chest are rewards with price tags. For each competition, the winners are awarded with gold coins, doubloons or black marks. At the end, the accumulated wealth can be spent on gifts from the "dead man's chest".

Regardless of the chosen scenario, you can schedule both team and single competitions. If the plot does not provide for division into teams, just beat this moment, for example, as a training session for a close-knit pirate gang.

Any competitions for adults (paired, far from puritanical - according to the mood of the company) or children's, slightly modified in accordance with the theme, will fit into the scenario of a pirate party. Use pirate slang and nicknames to create an atmosphere:

Moor - sit down
Shake your bones - dance
Fill the hold - have a bite
Where can you whisper with the Jolly Roger? - where is the toilet?
It's storming in the hold - I'm drunk

Pirate Initiation

Leading: to become a real pirate, it’s not enough to be able to tear the throat, fill up the tonsils and drag everything that is badly lying into the hold. Anchor in my liver if I'm wrong! Each pirate is also obliged to keep order on the ship! We are not garbage rats!

Divide the floor in two with masking tape or another mark. scatter Balloons, crumpled newspapers. Give guests mops. Two teams, on either side of the dividing line. The goal is to throw "garbage" from your "deck" on board to your neighbors. For three minutes, the guests, accompanied by a cheerful song, are pushing "garbage" back and forth with mops. At the end, you need to evaluate the "cleanliness of the ship" of each of the teams.


AT: but it’s weak to board a combat frigate without preparation? Not? Well, let's see if you are sea devils or boiled jellyfish!

Two chairs, two teams. The goal is to climb onto someone else's chair-ship in a minute. The team whose members were able to fit on the enemy "frigate" in greater numbers wins.

friendly duel

AT: Hey on deck! How many holds can be filled? Let's see how you draw with sabers. And then all the brave ones grind with their tongues, but when it comes down to it - inept fry!

Thin board or bench, sham weapon. Two of them swing their swords, trying to throw the enemy to the floor. The loser gives way to the next pirate.

Not a single battle

AT: You know how to swing mops and sabers, I admit it. Well, how will there be nothing to scrub and no one to measure the length of the knives with? Suddenly, Fortune will turn around to you as a stern, and will throw you onto an uninhabited island?

For a pirate-style birthday party, you can rent equipment and play Pirates VS Savages paintball. An easier option is to get food on a desert island:

  • spear darts at the target;
  • rings on hooks suspended on a shield;
  • from a bow with sucker arrows into prey (the gunpowder got wet, it has to be done in the “grandfather’s” way);
  • throw a lasso on mops in a bucket (glue a fake deer head to the mop);
  • any other way to test the accuracy of a pirate, depending on the location of the party.

close elbow

AT: It's not for me to tell you how often several worthy teams of thugs and notorious rogues go along the same route. Competition, so that it is torn apart ... But there are fewer treasures that have not been dug out than worthy young ladies in the port at night ... I grind something with my tongue like a drunken boatswain, strike me with thunder! Come on, dig out!

A large basin with sand and buried treasure - any shiny nonsense. The goal is to get more treasures in a minute with a teaspoon (or Chinese chopsticks) than rivals. Can be done in teams or every man for himself.

One leg is good!

AT: The pirate, not ready for any losses, has rotten cuttlefish ink instead of brains! There *pirate nickname of a guest in a blindfold* lost his eye, and nothing - hearty! And if the leg is opened with a core? Let's see how you handle this trick!

Relay, two teams racing or all together. At the finish line is a chair with a bottle and glasses. On the bottle is the label "Rum is a life-giving drink!". The guest bends one leg and jumps to the finish line, leaning on a crutch or cane (for entourage). Having reached the stool, he pours and drinks the “life-giving drink” - the leg grows back! Back running, passed the crutch to the next. If you're having a pirate birthday, have all party guests toast before being "healed".

Regatta on frigates

AT: It remains to test the strength of the pirate spirit. Weak Davy Jones, an anchor in his throat, lets the fish feed in packs!

Miniature paper boats, start-finish on a smooth surface. It is necessary to blow on your boat so that it “sails” to the finish line before the rest. It is possible in teams - two large ships and all together to blow into the "sails" of their frigate.

Where does the rum go all the time? (c) Jack Sparrow

AT: Yo-ho-ho, venerable pirates! I have no more doubts that only the most notorious swindlers, dodgers and other filibusters have gathered here! Let's drink to the bottom of this!

Two teams and two large bowls. Or every man for himself - a large plastic glass. It is necessary to empty the container at speed (it’s funnier through a straw).

Quizzes, board games (minutes of rest)

  • to untie sea knots at speed;
  • guess riddles on the marine and pirate theme;
  • decipher pirate slang (phrases, turns, curses);
  • a test for knowledge of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" or just a pirate life;
  • funny questions and answers. Only one option is correct, the other two are absurd. What was the name of J. Sparrow's ship: Devil's Dozen, Black Pearl or Salty Beluzhin? Using the rhyme generator, it's easy to come up with as many questions/answers as you like.

At the end of the scenario - "open" and open the chest, share the treasures(thematic gifts, medals "The most notorious pirate"). If the party is in honor of a birthday, solemnly take out a pirate cake - a surprise from the cook. You can arrange an explosion in a powder warehouse (fireworks) or money rain (paper show).

is a black mark. You can hand it over with the words: “Cancellations are not accepted! Otherwise, you face dire consequences! ” The invitee simply will not have options. The black mark can be done very easily. You need to print an image of a merry Roger, and on the other side place a message about how, where and what time your merry meeting will take place. Be sure to write everything in a humorous way. Let your friends smile. Can print here is an image:

Pirate party invitation - message in a bottle.

What do you associate pirates with? I think you immediately imagine treasures, maps of the seas, skulls and bones, ships, steering wheels, jolly Roger, rum, caramba !!!, hook and the like. Choose what you like best and decorate. Add to invitation text a bit of pirate jargon.

How to do pirate party invitation with your own hands and what is required for this? Read more…

For a message in a bottle, you will need the following attributes:

- plain sheet A4,
- black tea bag
- black marker
- transparent glass bottle
- if possible, find sand and shells,
- a mesh made of natural material, such as hemp or linen (optional).

Let's start!

We brew and let the tea bag stand, soak a sheet of paper in tea for several minutes, then let the sheet dry, you can help it with a hairdryer, or put it in the oven. You can burn the edges a little to give the sheet signs of antiquity.

With ink we will write the text of the invitation, and with a marker we will draw a black mark (instead of printing).

We fold the sheet into a tube, you can tie it with twine, lower it into a bottle and cork it (if there is no cork, you can use a well-crumpled and then folded newspaper). You can fill the bottle with some sand and shells for entourage. Then put it on the grid. Invitation is ready!

Invitations or invitations to a pirate party in the form of a bottle of rum.

Perhaps everyone knows the favorite drink of pirates. Therefore, we can make an invitation in the form of a bottle of rum. You can cut out the silhouette of a bottle on cardboard and stick a piece of paper to write the text of the invitation on it. Everything is simple and looks, in the end, like this:

The following are images of possible invitations to pirate party. There are a huge number of them. On them you can peep the text for invitations using humor and pirate jargon.

Photos and pictures of various invitations to a pirate party

Why not have a real pirate party at home?! With a drawing of gifts, contests, fun games and reincarnations, delicious pirate delicacies. For this, it is not necessary to invite professional animators, you can do it on your own and with our ideas. So, stock up on a good mood and go in search of adventure! All hands on deck!

Now it is fashionable to celebrate themed birthdays. We have collected Dino Posters for readers ideas for organizing a children's party in a pirate style.

Tired of all those boring tea parties and cake eating? I would like to please the “pirate gang” with something special: unusual invitations, treasure hunts, fun games with reincarnation and shooting, delicious pirate delicacies. Forward! Each parent is a little actor, the main thing is to give free rein to fantasy - and everything will work out!

Pirate Birthday Invitation: No Rejections Accepted

Where are you, lovers of sea adventures? Or send you a personal invitation? And this is an idea!

Invitations can be printed or handmade. It is desirable to come up with a text that is cheerful and with special pirate words. For example:


(Name of party invitee), the most courageous and daring pirate.

Arrive on the deck of a pirate ship Vessel name» ( holiday date).

Have with you: yourself, good mood, strong nerves, a keen eye (at least one), a compass and a supply of provisions in the form of all kinds of sweets and goodies, without which not a single normal pirate will even budge, let alone go sailing.

Those who have skills in working with graphic computer programs, can make a themed collage on their own, using a photo of the birthday boy and pirate attributes as a background.

For those who prefer exclusive, hand-made, advice - age the paper scroll with a solution of strong tea or coffee, burn the edges. You can use kraft paper, it is already coffee-colored initially. Shells, twine, corks, all kinds of prints and seals will look great as a decor.

Those who are familiar with the scrapbooking technique will probably want to use striped textures, sisal, burlap, hemp, all kinds of pendants in the form of anchors and a steering wheel to create an invitation to a pirate party.

Surprise your friends with invitations in the form of a ship, a bottle of rum, a cocked hat, a pirate flag, a black mark, etc. Fantasize! A themed invitation is the first step towards creating a special atmosphere. children's holiday.

Dress code for pirates

To gain access to the pirate party, you must follow the dress code, otherwise you will not pass the face control. Let's practice transforming?

For creating pirate costumes everything that you can find in the closet will be used: bright scarves as bandanas, striped T-shirts, black ribbons, heavy leather belts, chains, baubles, toy pistols and swords. The invariable decoration of pirates - a dashing mustache - can be painted using face painting or built from overhead elements.

Pirate Party Contests

The party host (one of the parents) directs all movements in the occupied territory, i.e. in the apartment. Pirates are divided into two teams (if there are many children invited). Only, chur, without bloodshed! Each team chooses a leader, i.e. captain, together come up with funny nicknames for each other. So...the fun begins!!! For convenience, you can write the rules of competitions on special cards, arrange them in the style of the entire event.

Happiness Cup

Two containers with any liquid are solemnly carried out. These can be juice pots, jugs of tea, three-liter jars of compote, etc., at your discretion. At the command "Board!" all members of both pirate gangs begin to drink (each from their own bowl) with the help of straws. The winning team will be the one whose "happiness" in the cup ends faster, i.e. not a drop of liquid will remain at the bottom.

bone leg

Team captains leave the room and return when all the pirates take off their shoes and dump them in one big pile. The task of each captain is to put on shoes for his team as quickly as possible. The first team to be in shoes wins, moreover, in their own and put on the right foot.

Mystery of the Pirate

All players are pinned on their backs with pictures of a marine theme with numbers. Both teams stand on one leg, the other is pressed under the knee and held by the hand. Jumping on one leg, you need to look behind the opponent's back, see the number and remember the pattern. The team that can "decipher" the most opposing pirates wins.

paper shackles

The captains of both teams (or any two players) put a matchbox lid on their noses. The winner is the one who quickly removes the "shackles" with only facial movements.

sunken treasure

Pirates in turn (one from each team) approach a large bowl with apples floating there. They kneel, holding their hands behind their backs, and try to catch an apple with their teeth and get it out of the water. Whoever does it faster will get a victory point for his team. At the end, the points are summed up and the winning team is revealed.

Nimble Pirate

Inflated balloons are scattered across the floor. One person from each team is called. On command, each of the participants must pick up as many balls as possible from the floor and hold in their hands.

Good luck

Pirate players are given thick winter mittens. Their task is to fasten as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe that is worn over the clothing of their playmate.

sea ​​mummy

Players from each team are called. They are issued on a roll toilet paper. The task of everyone is to shove it all into pockets, by the collar, into trousers, into socks, etc., tearing all the paper into small pieces. Whoever is first is the winner.

Vessel hijacking

Ships are taken out (2 chairs). On the command "Capture", the pirates begin to climb onto the chairs. The team that can gather on deck (on a chair) the greater number of crew members will win.

Pirate dances

All pirates stand in a circle and pass the pirate symbol (black mark) around the circle to the music. As soon as the music stops, the mark remains in someone's hands. This player comes to the center and shows the dance moves that everyone else must repeat, again passing the mark to each other.


Each team is given a bottle with a narrow neck and fifteen pearls (peas, large beads, etc.). Called by one player. They must hold all fifteen pearls in their fist and, at the signal of the leader, begin to lower them into the bottle. You can't help with the other hand. If the pearls suddenly crumble, you need to pick up everything again (even those that are already in the bottle) and start all over again.


The leader stands in the center with a rope (holds it at one end), the rest of the players stand in a circle. The host begins to spin the “rod” (rope) at a height of no more than 30 cm from the ground, and the players must jump over this rope so that it does not hit them. The player who was hit by the jump rope changes places with the leader.

plank walking

A long strip of paper half a meter wide is cut out. Pirates must go through it blindfolded and not step beyond it. Who will cope - receives a bonus point.


At speed, the guys raise the "anchor" in pairs. For this competition, you need to make “winding sticks” in advance - tie ropes of the same length with small weights at the ends (corks, small toys) to any two pencils. The one who wraps the rope around the stick the fastest wins.

Ship terms

On cards of the same color, you need to write various ship terms (cook, cabin boy, gangway, helm, cabin, stern, deck, porthole, etc.), on cards of a different color - definitions. Whose team will quickly connect the words with their meanings will win.

Show your imagination! You can come up with many exciting games for a pirate party. It all depends on the age of the little pirates and the venue of the party. It is good when there is an opportunity to go outside: play outdoor games, search for treasure. More relaxed games should alternate with active ones, it is necessary to provide a snack in order to replenish energy reserves and “recharge batteries”.

Pirate treats: not united with sandwiches

When planning what to serve, keep the pirate lifestyle in mind. While swimming, they chewed crackers, ate porridge, fish, salted meat and drank rum. The current pirates, of course, are more greedy for sweets and Coca-Cola, give them cakes and muffins, well, at most, they will chew a boutique with a fish. Therefore, based on the preferences of a real company, it is worth laying a festive table.

Pirates' signature dish is "salmagundi", popularly a common vinaigrette. Real sea wolves know many recipes for this delicious dish. Hungry, are you? Pirate bellies grumbled in anticipation of goodies? We have a lot of ideas for making pirate treats. I ask everyone to the table!

For the buffet table, all kinds of canapes and sandwiches on skewers are suitable. It is worth decorating them with pirate flags, sails, and other attributes, as they will immediately acquire a special attraction in the eyes of the newly minted "robbers", the appetite will immediately creep up.

Sweet fruit jelly can be arranged in the form of boats. Surely young sailors will not refuse such a treat.

A little work on the fruit, and they will turn into a real pirate treat!

All the pirates in the world will sell their souls for ... of course for treasures! But don't miss out on the cake either.

Take care of drinks. "Rum" should flow like a river, because a company excited by competitions and fun will come "to the watering hole" often. Glasses or individual bottles can be decorated in the form of the famous pirate drink.

Hooray! We found a treasure!

Of course, a treasure map should become an invariable attribute of a pirate birthday! Treasures themselves can be "buried" anywhere: in a closet, on the street near the house, in the entrance. The main thing is that no one before the pirates dug up your "treasure". The card can be issued in parts. Every piece - new competition or an indication of where the next fragment is hidden.

At the end - a well-deserved treat for all members of the pirate gang! You can hide it in a makeshift chest, where everyone can find a long-awaited surprise with sweets and small toys.

We hope that our ideas will help you create a script for an exciting children's holiday on a pirate theme. Everything will work out if you are not afraid to improvise and have fun from the heart! Good luck!

Dear readers! Perhaps you have your own experience on the topic of organizing a pirate birthday party. Share your ideas in the comments.

Who are the pirates? Heroes or villains? If the former, then why did the colonial powers wage a real war with them? If villains, why were they so admired by writers, artists, filmmakers? The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

Many children, and even adults, love the pirate theme. They watch movies about them, read books, play computer games. And each of them sometimes wants to visit the place of their favorite characters.

That is why, if you need to create a memorable holiday, you should arrange a pirate party.

Room decoration

The first thing you need to pay attention to when organizing a pirate-style holiday is the room. The best option design - a sea vessel. Things to consider when choosing a venue for a holiday:

  1. Dimensions. Determine the approximate number of guests at the party. The dimensions of the room directly depend on the resulting number.
  2. Appearance. A room stylized as a tree is better suited for a "pirate ship" than a standard banquet hall in white.
  3. Structure. Ships are multi-level structures. They will definitely have cabins, a hold, a deck and other components. The room with two floors is a bonus to the atmosphere.

Pirate ships have guns, anchors, a steering wheel, and ropes. Without these attributes, a pirate party will not achieve the desired atmosphere. If you have enough time and you are a master of making decorations, then make these things yourself. Otherwise, rent items for the desired period. It is more profitable and cheaper than buying props or making them yourself.

There are many companies that specialize in providing such services. In the capital, you can contact the company "Arenda-Decora". Favorable rental conditions and bonuses for regular customers help create a pirate party at no extra cost.

An important element is also the sea or other large body of water. If there are windows in the room, it is worth sealing them with blue film. You can style them as waves. If there is no film, use curtains of the same color. The main thing is that guests do not pay attention to buildings and people outside.


The party program is no less important element than the design. It is especially important if the meeting will last longer than a couple of hours. The reason is simple - after this period of time, boredom and an attention crisis set in. Guests will lose interest in surrounding events, and your the party will go to the bottom. The program is especially important when it comes to a children's holiday.

Think about the plot, contests, games, characters. It is best to contact a professional organizer. He will provide ready-made options or create a new one especially for you. If you want to do everything yourself, look for programs on the Internet. However, in this case, you will have to act as an organizer. This means that you will not be able to relax at your own party. But if you are organizing a holiday for children, this option is suitable.