New Year's script letter from Santa Claus. Letter to Santa Claus New Year's scene. Documents for download

  • 01.04.2020

Scenario New Year's fairy tale"Letter to Santa Claus"

Characters: Host


Snow Maiden

Father Frost

The Snow Queen










Chinese women


The Bears

(Children enter the hall, dance around a smart Christmas tree, read poems about the New Year holiday).

Scene 1

Leading: Hello dear guys! And again we gathered in an elegant, bright hall to cheerfully meet New Year. Adventures and miracles await us today. Are you ready for them, friends?Children answer: "Yes!"

Well, what is a holiday without Santa Claus? I will send an invitation to grandpaputting the letter in an envelope)and he will certainly come to us (throws the envelope in the mailbox).

(Because of the Christmas tree, everything that happens is watched by the imperceptibly appeared Dyudyuka, who quietly walks around the Christmas tree and appears before the presenter).

Dudyuk: Hello girls and boys! You didn't recognize me?

I'm a kind Dudyuk, not a wretch, not a mean one,

I don't hate anyone, but I love kids!

I am very glad that I came to you for the holiday. It's so much fun here! Oh, I'm so curious, I really want to know who you sent the letter to? What was in this envelope? Share your secret with me!

Leading: We sent a letter to Santa Claus,

We invited him to a cheerful holiday.

We asked that Santa Claus rush to us,

So that he brought gifts to all the guys!

Dudyuk: I want gifts too!

When will I receive my present?

Leading: You will receive, you will receive, have patience,

First, you need to please the children.

Dyudyuk (with resentment ): Well, okay, it's time for me to run ... And let me take the letter to the post office myself, I'm just on the way (takes the envelope out of the drawer, runs away).

Scene 2

(Dyudyuka comes out slowly, reading the letter as he goes.)

Dudyuk: Aha! Invitation! Great!

I will make Santa Claus late for the Christmas tree,

So that grandfather does not give gifts to the children.

There will be gifts for us - me and my friends!

(gloatingly): Do not wait for him, your Santa Claus!

(Thoughtfully): I'll send a letter ... far to Africa!

(Dyudyuk writes a different address on the envelope and runs away with the letter).

Scene 3

(The Snow Maiden appears to the waltz melody, sings a song, dances)

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! (Children say hello).

I was born in a Russian fairy tale of snowflakes and ice.

Blizzards, winds and snowstorms brought me here.

Happy new year to you guys

Happy New Year to you, friends,

We cannot do without cheerful round dances on this holiday!

Together at our holiday we will play, sing,

Let's laugh and sleep!

(The Snow Maiden makes riddles for children about winter, the Christmas tree, winter sports).

Leading: Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden: It can be seen that he was delayed on the way, he couldn’t get through the snowdrifts.

Guys, don't be discouraged! While Santa Claus gets to us, we will not be bored! Truth?

(Children sing a song about a Christmas tree, participate in the game "What grows on a Christmas tree?")

Scene 4

(To the majestic, solemn music, the Snow Queen appears, sits on the throne, she is surrounded by fabulous villains: Kikimora, Karabas Barabas, Evil Genie)

The Snow Queen:Well, my faithful villains, tell me who did something bad? Speak, swamp Kikimora!

Kikimora: I lit the swamp lights to lure everyone into the swamp.

The Snow Queen:Well done Kikimora!

Karabas-Barabas:And I opened a free cafe so that the kids would overeat cakes, cakes, ice cream and not come to the holiday!

The Snow Queen:Good idea, Karabas Barabas! And you, Evil Genie, what will you tell us?

Evil Genie: And I in one school quarreled among themselves all boys and girls!

(Dyudyuka runs out of breath).

Dudyuk: And I, and I ...(trying to catch his breath) I also want to brag. I sent an invitation to a holiday for Santa Claus in Africa!(cackles mischievously).Now there won't be any holiday! Ha ha ha!

The Snow Queen: Well done, Kikimora, you did your best!(thinks) But what if the letter still reaches Santa Claus? ... No! I will not allow this! And you, my assistants, will also try to prevent the invitation from reaching the addressee. Let it fly more around the world!(frowns brows) And if you can't do it, I'll turn everyone into ice! (Villains tremble with fear.)

Kikimora: We'll do whatever you want!

Karabas Barabas and Evil Genie:Now let's go to the end of the world!

The Snow Queen: Okay, let's go!

scene 5

(The melody of the song "Chunga-changa" sounds. Scenery is taken out: palm trees, creepers. African girls run out).

1 girl: In hot Africa - bananas, monkeys on vines.

2 girl: Summer is all year round, the children are so pleased with it!

3 girl: At the palm tree on New Year's Eve we dance,

And the African Santa Claus brings us gifts!

Performing "African dance"

(The girls find a letter under a palm tree, examine it).

3 girl: What is this letter? From whom? To whom is it?

4 girl: The address here is corrected...badly,

Probably not a letter for us.

(Tries to read) De-dush-ke Mo-ro-zu...This is an invitation for our friend Gusalekh (African Santa Claus) from Russia.We need to send a letter to the right place!

(An Evil Genie appears to oriental music).

Evil Genie: Oh, kindest and wisest beauties, give me this letter. Don't worry, the great and powerful genie will deliver it to the address.

(The girls give the letter back. The genie conjures, tears off a hair from his beard).

Evil Genie: Avada Kedavra!
Abra cadabra!
Sim weak!
Fuck tibidoh!

(Genie spins in place and "disappears").

Leading: A letter is circling in the air - here it is in Italy.

(To the sounds of "Tarantella" puppets appear).

Malvina: I am beautiful Malvina,

I'm smart and so beautiful

What flowers to my hello

They wave the leaves.

Pinocchio: Who does not know Pinocchio?!

My nose is sharp, my nose is long.

Here's the job I'll do

Wooden shoes!

Pierrot: I am poor, unfortunate Pierrot,

I mourn and sing under the moon,

I'm not afraid of cold and heat,

Only Malvina would be with me.

Arlekino: I am a cheerful and perky Harlequin,

I never get discouraged for no reason.

I'll ring bells - I'll cheer everyone around!

Performing "Dance with Tambourines"

(Artemon comes running with a letter in his mouth).

Malvina: Artemon, what did you bring us? Pinocchio, read the address, you have already learned a lot at school.

Pinocchio: (reads the address on the envelope)Friends, this letter is not to us, but to the Russian Santa Claus - our friend Babo Nattale.Let's not hesitate to send a letter to Russia!

(To the formidable music, Karabas Barabas enters with quick steps).

Karabas-Barabas:Come on, children, give me this letter!

Pinocchio and Pierrot:And we won't give up!

Artemon (barks): No! Not! Not!

Karabas-Barabas:Well then hold on! Now I will catch you, but I will put you in a chest!

Arlekino: We are not afraid of you, Karabas! Piero, hold the envelope, run!(Pinocchio and Harlequin are trying to divert the attention of Karabas-Barabas to themselves by running around him).

Pinocchio: Try it, catch up!

Karabas-Barabas: Ah well! (waving whip)

(The dolls try to run away from Karabas. Unexpectedly, Pierrot stumbles and falls, Karabas immediately grabs him. Artemon hurries to the rescue and bites Carabas, who releases Pierrot with screams, but manages to take the letter away. An angry Karabas cracks his whip. The dolls run away).

Karabas-Barabas:That nasty dog ​​bit me on the finger! Well, nothing, but now the letter is with me(stroking him).And the children at school are waiting for Santa Claus, they are worried.(grimaces, speaking in a thin voice):Maybe the road was covered with snowdrifts? Maybe the invitation did not reach?...Ha ha ha! And I have a letter! Now I will throw it even further! (Runs away).

Scene 6

(Two large folding fans are taken out and placed on both sides of the Christmas tree)

Performing "Chinese dance"

1 Chinese girl:A white envelope arrived to us,

Santa Claus in him hello.

2 Chinese girl:But we don't have it here.

If you want - believe, but if you want - no!

3 Chinese Girl:Dong Che Lao Ren - our Santa Claus,

But someone did not deliver the letter to Russia!

(Kikimora comes out in a Chinese costume, pretending to cry)

Kikimora: Oh, save, help - I lost the letter.

Find it quickly and give it to me!

4 Chinese Girl: Is this your letter?

kikimora (joyfully): Yes, yes! Of course mine! I'm so distracted, so distracted, I'm losing everything. Thanks!(folds his hands, joining his palms, bows).

(Girls leave)

Kikimora: Hee hee hee, stupid. How I deceived them! I'll send this letter to the right place, hee hee hee...(Runs away).

Scene 7

Dance to the American folk song "Jingle Bells"

Boy: That's the letter! Travels all over the world!

Girl: It was in Africa, China and flew to Italy.

Boy: Look, guys, here the address is crossed out in ink!

Girl (reading): Santa Claus, to the North. This is a friend of our Santa Claus. Let's send the envelope to the correct address.

All: Let's, let's.

(The children drop the letter in the mailbox and leave. Dyudyuka appears, sneaks, looking around, takes out an envelope from mailbox. The host comes up to her from behind and takes her hand).

Leading: So you set it all up, you want to ruin our holiday?!

Dudyuk: It's not my fault, it's all her, the Snow Queen! I so wanted to be the first to receive a New Year's gift, and what did you tell me? "Wait. First, Santa Claus will please the children." That's where I got offended. Forgive me, please, guys, I won’t be harmful anymore, I will become good!

Leading: Well, guys, forgive Dyudyuk?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then immediately correct your mistake - deliver the letter to the North.

Dudyuk: ok i'll do anything(takes the letter and runs away).

scene 8

(The melody "Songs about Bears" from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus" sounds. Reindeer and polar bears come out).

Deer: The wind howls, the blizzard blows and the frost grows stronger,

We live among the snows and do not freeze.

Bear: Both deer and bears are very friendly neighbors!

(Dyudyuk runs in with a letter in his hands).

Dudyuk: Well, here I am. Hello people of the North!

Deer are fast, bears are strong, please pass the letter

Santa Claus. The kids are looking forward to Christmas.

Deer: We can do anything for Santa Claus.

In a moment we will deliver a letter to him, we will bring it to the holiday ourselves.

A dance is performed to the melody of the song "Oh, winter!"

(Deer and bears run backstage and return with a sleigh in which Santa Claus sits).

Father Frost: We've arrived! Stop! What a great run!

Well, we guys met again!

Hello my friends, hello my granddaughter!

(Santa Claus wishes everyone a Happy New Year, lights the lights on the Christmas tree.

Games, round dances are held, children read poetry. At the end of the holiday, Santa Claus gives gifts).

Egorova Anzhelika Yurievna,


FGKOU "Secondary school No. 24"

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Scenario new year holiday.“Mail of Santa Claus”. The holiday and especially the preparation for it took place within the circle " Project activity". The costumes, the scenario for the New Year and the decorations of the hall were invented and implemented by the students of Grade 4A of MBOU Lyceum No. 3 together with their parents.

Video "Santa Claus" in a sleigh pulled by deer in the night sky to the song " Christmas toys, candles and crackers.

Snow Maiden(enters to the music). Hello my friends. Hello dear guys. We have known each other for a long time, because we meet every winter; And this time I'm helping my grandfather parse the letters. The Snowman should deliver them just about. Did you recognize me?

And I recognized you. You - funny company who welcomes the new year. What do they do when they meet? That's right, hello. And now we will say hello, but unusually

Game with the hall "Hello"

The boys will greet me: "Happy New Year." Girls will say: “With new happiness!”, And adults: “Hurrah!”

hello boys
hello girls
hello adults

Where is our snowman? Something he was behind. And here he is.

Music for the Snowman's exit.

SNOWMAN: Something I'm not myself today ... That is, something is wrong with me! Children, look at me carefully. Let's see if everything is in place, shall we? Suggest YES or NO

Playing with the audience YES/NO

Did I wear a dress suit?

Are my gloves on?

Is the bucket sitting straight?

Is the scarf pretty?

Is there a carrot?

What then is not?

Snow Maiden: Snowman, where are the guys' letters?

SNOWMAN: Oh, the Christmas trees are green, I left them in the clearing where I rested. I'll go and get it.

Brings a bag of letters.

Snow Maiden: Do you know where these letters came from? From Lyceum No. 3 of the city of Sarov J, i.e. from you guys . (Pointing to the box) I have a lot of unsorted letters here, but we will sort them out together with Santa Claus, who should come up any minute. Still, I'll take a look.

Dear Santa Claus! For the New Year, I want you to be cheerful and kind, the Snow Maiden is the most beautiful, green Christmas tree with the highest and sparkling with colorful lights.

Is this letter from? class. So glad! Thank you for such wishes. Well, it's getting cold. I feel the approach of Santa Claus.

Music for Santa Claus.

Father Frost. I hear, I hear, they are talking about me, they are waiting for me here! And with what impatience I waited for this meeting, my friends! We haven't seen each other for a whole year, but despite this, I've been watching you all winter... Do you want to know how? And here's how: I paint the windows with different patterns and see who does what, how they behave at home.

Snow Maiden: Do you have to see a lot of interesting things, Santa Claus?

Father Frost: Highly. There are many interesting things in the letters. Here, for example, the guys from 2B ( purple letter) (4B pink letter) wrote to me that they study very well and behave decently. They asked me to give them a lot of gifts - candy, legos, dolls, robots, etc. But under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve, I can only put one gift.

And one girl asked me for a Lenovo tablet? Selfie stick and evening dress, and earrings with crystals ... (quadcopter, gold bracelet, selfie stick)

But I cannot fulfill your request, these are very expensive gifts and parents may be offended.

Snowman: And here is a letter from 4A class. It asks: is Santa Claus friends with Santa Claus?

Father Frost: I'm not only friends with Santa Claus. He is my cousin. Oh, you know how many relatives I have all over the world, in almost every country ... Do you know them? Let's try to guess which country my cousins ​​and sisters live in.


Video quiz with the audience

Presentation "Relatives of Santa Claus" 3 min. + Guessing countries. The Last Fairy of Befana...

Snow Maiden: Oh, and I thought it was our Baba Yaga dressed up ...

Music for the exit of Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga Are you talking about me here? ( Hall asks.) And I wanted to get to the holiday, but they never call me. They think I'm going to be mean. But I won't, I'm good.

To get to you, I had to use a trick, to make a hole in your magic bag with letters, so that some of your letters would be lost. And I found them in the forest Guys, but you wanted to see me at the holiday. I would really like you, Santa Claus, to come to our holiday not only with the Snow Maiden, but also with the mischievous Baba Yaga.

Snow Maiden. Baba Yaga, Please give us the letters.

Baba Yaga. Anyway, I won't give them to you just like that. Before, after all, as it was, in order to receive a letter, one had to dance. So you will fulfill my desires, and I will read the letters for now ...

Starts looking at letters.

It doesn’t fit and I don’t like it either ... I found it,

(Shows two letters.)

I want the Russian folk song "Kalinka-Malinka" to be performed, and even the boys to dance ... They definitely won't be able to ( to the side)…

Father Frost: I like this desire. I'll drink myself. Well guys, let's sing and dance? …. Come out dancers. And you, Baba Yaga, help the guys.

4 boys come out of 4A, they put on earflaps and felt boots. Baba Yaga shows movements to the song, children dance.

Kalinka Malinka Phonogram.

Baba Yaga: Well, respected, old lady . Okay, I'll give you letters.

Father Frost (reads a letter about catch-ups.) Hello Dedushka Moroz! Happy New Year! I wish you to remain as smart and fast. At the party, I would like to play catch-up with you . They write to me from 4A.

After all, I’m not a young grandfather, so I won’t be able to play catch-up here in the gym. But on the street I will get so cold that I will have to run very fast, I will catch up with the guys with my prickly wind and drive them up. Maybe a new Olympic record will be set.

SNOWMAN: Do you guys know why our Russian team won the Sochi Olympics last year?..

SANTA CLAUS: It was I who helped her ... when necessary, I blew in the back, where it was necessary to freeze the ice. Wouldn't have won without me. I even invented new types of Olympic disciplines.

Presentation with new sports.



figure drawing

Running through snowdrifts

Ice surfing (sled with a sail)

Winter walrus swimming

They will definitely be at the next Russian Winter Olympics.

Snowman: And let's try one of them now with you. Snowball. We will throw each other snowballs to the music. Yes, not on stage, but from row to row to throw. As soon as the music stops, everyone freezes, especially those who have a snowball in their hands.


Game with the hall

Throw snowballs to the music.

The music stops.

Santa Claus asks those who have snowballs to go on stage, if the children are shy, then you can simply call the children from the audience.

Father Frost: We will play forfeit with you.

Snow Maiden. Yes, that's what it says in one of the letters: "I want there to be a FANTA game at the party."

Baba Yaga: Chur I will get tasks, they are hidden in my pocket.

Fanta 1. Repeat tongue twister

Not at all slippery
Not slippery at all.

Masha sewed for a monkey
Fur coat, hat and pants.

Snowman: And now I'm giving you a task.

Fant 2.

If Koshchei is weighed together with Baba Yaga, you get 80 kg. If you weigh Baba Yaga without Koshchei, you get 50 kg. How much does Koschei weigh? (30 kg.)

Snow Maiden: I will pronounce the words, and you call them a rhyme

Fant 3


Father Frost: And you next fantasies

Fant 4

Sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" as if you

  1. soldier in the ranks (for a boy) /
  2. three-year-old baby (for girls)

Or play a song on your lip / sing with kisses “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” 1 verse

Fant 5-6

Baba Yaga: And you play with me in Miracle Yudo

Lived in the world Miracle Yudo!
Nobody knew where it came from.
Seeing him, people laughed.
Teasing him, everyone repeated after him.
With one hand it waved
The other hand scratched the stomach,
One foot trampled the snow,
Jumped on the other leg.
Booty waggled fun
Strongly shook his head!
And it did it all over again!

background music

Game with the hall

And now all together, the whole hall and everyone on the stage

Who repeat faster is taken,
Won't fall and won't go astray?

Players repeat the movements of Miracle Yud with words at a fast pace.

It turned out that here
There are many Miracles and Judas!

Father Frost: Oh, and you are a joker, Baba Yaga. Look, what are these Miracles-Yudas? Look at what they wish each other!

Baba Yaga: So, from 2A they write “I want everyone to be healthy and there will never be a war ... I want all students to have good marks in the second quarter ...”

Snowman: Bring, please, a large bag of health, so that there is enough for everyone! This letter is from...

Snow Maiden: And here is a letter from 4B I want to ask you to let everyone live together in Lyceum No. 3

Father Frost: Thank you very much, guys, for such good wishes. And we continue to sort out the New Year's mail. I want to go to Tibet and find Bigfoot. Santa Claus, do you know if he is a man or a monkey?

I think it's still human. Although I have never seen him. But monkeys are my good friends.

Snow Maiden grandfather, and in this letter a girl from grade 1 writes: “I want to get a monkey Mila for the New Year.”

Snowman: And I also have a letter about a monkey: Hello Grandfather Frost! How are you? Congratulations on the year of the monkey. From? Class.

Baba Yaga: And here, too, about ... cactus: I want normal snow for this 2016! And cactus...

Father Frost: Nothing is impossible!


Marina Ryzhova with Song

Snow Maiden: But the monkey did not appear here by chance. 2016 is the year of the Red Monkey.

Baba Yaga: What do monkeys like to do the most? (children's answers) That's right, hooligans, fooling around. Curse, repeat.

Phonogram screams of monkeys or "In every little child."

Monkey girls run through the hall.

Snowman: Ltd! Monkeys are right here. Why did you come running?

Monkeys: We want to play with the guys. We will show the movements to the music, and you repeat after us. Ready?

Phonogram we are funny monkeys.

Musical game with the audience "We are funny monkeys."

We are funny monkeys.
We play too loud.
We clap our hands
We stomp our feet
We puff out cheeks
Jumping on toes
And even to each other
We'll show you the tongues.
Together we jump to the ceiling,
Let's put a finger to the temple.
Let's stick out our ears,
Tail on top.
Let's open our mouth wide
We'll make all the grimaces.
How do I say the number 3, -
All freeze with grimaces!

Snowman:(Takes out a fake camera.) Photo for memory! And now a selfie taking pictures of himself).

Father Frost: Oh, well done, pleased, laughed!

Snow Maiden:

The New Year is coming, friends!
The lights are burning on the tree


You can't hide your joy
We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time!

Baba Yaga:

May each of you
All wishes will come true

Father Frost:

Let the year give more than once
Only good knowledge!

ALL: Happy New Year, friends!

Father Frost: Well, it's time for me to deliver the promised sweet gifts to the Christmas tree, which you asked for in letters. And my assistants will escort you to another room. The holiday continues! ( leaving)

Phonogram for the departure of Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga: I am the first! 1A (3A) - follow me!

Snowman: And behind me 2A (4A)

Monkey: I spend 1B (3B)

Snow Maiden: And 2B will go with me (4B)

Action 1.
Two fashionistas sisters spin in front of a mirror.
New Years is soon.
Oh, and we haven’t written a letter to Santa Claus yet!
Yes, it's not too late. Let's write right now.
Sveta. Sits down at the table.
Bring paper and an envelope.
Marina. Brings. Sits next to him.
I need new jeans.
And I want a new bag.
Sveta. Writes down.
What else? Remembers. Also a new computer chair. Writes down.
Marin, what else to write for you?
I would like a new phone.
Sveta is recording.
Further, the audience does not hear the words: the girls whisper and write down, write down ...
That's it!
Isn't it too much for one Santa Claus?
Nothing! Let him try.
Right! That's the kind of job he has.

Action 2.
At the residence of Santa Claus. The setting is home. Santa Claus at the table parses and reads letters. Snow Maiden Puts gifts in a bag.
Father Frost.
That's what kids are today!
Snow Maiden.
What, grandpa.
Father Frost. Take one envelope.
Listen to what the two sisters are writing.
Reads a letter from Marina and Sveta.
Hello old man.
We remind you that the New Year is coming soon. You should put the following presents under the Christmas tree....
Here is such a list, granddaughter !!! Out of twenty points!!! And they need jeans, and some kind of cosmetics, and a phone ....
Snow Maiden.
Do you order toys?
Father Frost.
But not a word about toys.
Snow Maiden.
Yes, kids are different now.
Father Frost.
But what to do? After all, I'm just fairy tale character and my abilities are very limited. Toys, books, treats...
Snow Maiden.
Grandpa, write a letter to these girls and explain everything.
Father Frost.
But you're right! So I'll do it.
The Snow Maiden brings paper, a pen and an envelope. Santa Claus writes a letter, puts it in an envelope. Both leave.

Action 3.
Marina and Sveta run in. Looking for gifts under the tree. They take out an envelope.
There are no gifts here. Well, Santa Claus! Deceived!
But look! Letter. From Santa Claus.
Interesting. Let's honor.
Marina. Reads a letter.
Hello Sveta and Marina. Your list of gifts is great! If I were a millionaire - and he could not fulfill all your desires! And I'm just Santa Claus.
Sveta. Continues to read.
I know that you are 9 and 11 years old. And you have some desires that are not childish. Your letter says nothing about books, toys, sweets, sleds, skis and skates.
Marina. Continues to read.
I can't send you what you ask. But I won't leave you without gifts.
Sveta. Continues to read.
Come to the window. See the fresh fluffy snowball? How it sparkles in the sun! I made it for you!
Marina. Continues to read.
See the trees in the silver dress? I made them for you!
Sveta. Continues to read.
Do you see the pond sparkling with hard ice? I did this for you too! That's what Santa Claus can do!
Marina. Continues to read.
Take the sleds, skis and skates that mom, dad, grandma and grandpa gave you last New Year and that have been standing idle for a year, and go outside!
Sveta. Runs to the window.
Marin, look! Really beautiful!
And really beautiful! It's like a fairytale! Let's go for a walk!
Thank you Santa Claus for the fabulous gifts!

Nadezhda Mikhailova
Scenario New Year's party"Letter from Santa Claus" for children of middle and senior groups

Scenario New Year's Eve« Letter from Santa Claus»

for children of middle and senior groups

kids under « Christmas toys» run into the hall and perform a dance.

1st child

Why is everything silver

And sparkles and sparkles?

2nd child

Why is everyone having fun

Rejoice and frolic?


Because the kids

Both girls and boys -

Friendly, joyful people -

Celebrating the New Year!

1st child:

Finally, the New Year

Our favorite holiday!

Let him bring with him

We have different toys.

2nd child:

Let him give us candy

Joy and fun!

Let this happiness be for everyone

New Year will divide.

3rd child:

Snow is falling outside the window

fluffy snow, New Year,

Music and laughter in the hall

New Year's ball today.

There are lights on the tree.

To the music, the Snow Maiden enters the hall with letter in hand, stops in the center of the hall.

Snow Maiden.

I am the Snow Maiden, and again

I came to you for the holiday.

I see you are all set.

Hello my friends!

Our Christmas tree is fluffy, and slender, and green,

Only, something doesn’t burn with lights in our place.

Snow Maiden.

We will fix the mess, we will make the lights burn.

Let's say it loud: "One two Three! Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Near the Christmas tree New Year's

I will read to you letter.

Everyone, take a seat

Grandfather Frost sent him

The Snow Maiden begins to open the envelope, at this moment, to the music, Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broomstick, flies around the entire hall, stands opposite the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga.

There you are! I knew it!

I didn't see you for a whole year.

You are sitting on a holiday

You are looking at the tree!

And you want to Freezing Have you brought gifts?

Well, what about me? I fly all day

I don't get anything!

And never Grandpa Freezing

They didn't bring me presents!

You the letter was not read?

Where were the gifts not recognized? (looks around everyone children.)

I will extinguish your tree! (Running up to the tree, the tree goes out.)

BUT I will take the letter!

Baba Yaga snatches from the Snow Maiden letter, screams around the hall, hiding behind the door).

Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga arrived

And took the letter from us.

Well, you have to go to the forest,

I must find a letter.

The Snow Maiden leaves.

Christmas trees come out.

"Song of Christmas Trees", words and music by M. Sidorova

The Snow Maiden comes out to meet the Christmas trees.

Snow Maiden.

fairy trees,

prickly needles,

How can I find a way

To go to Baba Yaga?

You go straight all the time

You will go out to the bears in the meadow.

Bears know everything in the world

Helping good people.

How unlucky bears are!

Everyone celebrates the New Year

And the bears wanted to meet

But everyone overslept.

"Dance of the Bears"

Snow Maiden.

bears, bears help

Would you please say:

How can I find a way

To go to Baba Yaga?

It's a magical forest!

You will find many miracles here.

Don't be surprised at anything

Hurry don't be afraid!

Ghosts run out to the music.

"Dance of Ghosts"

Snow Maiden (suitable for ghosts).

I'm not afraid of you at all.

I'm just in a big hurry.

How can I find a way

To go to Baba Yaga?

The ghosts wave their arms as if they are frightened, they run away.

Snow Maiden.

Where did you run off to?

Apparently, they were scared!

The light goes out.

Snow Maiden.

This is where the stars shine.

Stars go down.

"Dance of the Stars"

Snow Maiden

How can I find a way

To go to Baba Yaga?


You won't get there

You will be lost in the snowdrifts!

Mark, Blizzard, paths

Show me where the grandmother-hedgehogs are.

Metelitsa appears to the music.


I'll whirl with a white blizzard,

I'll cover everything with snow

Flocks of fabulous snowflakes

I'll put it in the snowdrifts.

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

Snow Maiden.

Dear Metelitsa, mark the paths,

Show me the path to the harmful old hedgehogs.


I know about your trouble.

I will help, of course.

Only with Baba Yaga

It's hard to handle alone.

(Serves "ice").

I give you ice

She will help out in trouble.

How do you get around with her?

Wait for the rescue of friends.

Mark the path, Snowmen,

Which leads to Grandma-Ezhka!

"Dance of the Snowmen"

Snow Maiden.

Here is the track! I'll run!

I know there I will find a letter!

Baba Yaga appears with her granddaughters.

"Dance of Babok-Yozhek"

Baba Yaga.

Stop, stop dancing!

Grandfather is writing Frost for the guys,

Where did you hide the presents?

(Serves letter to the 1st grandmother-hedgehog)

1st grandmother-hedgehog.

I don't know the letters

What will I read to you? (transmits a letter to another grandmother-hedgehog) .

2nd grandmother-hedgehog.

And I only know points.

I won't read a single line here!

3rd grandmother-hedgehog.

I can fly on a broom

We need to call Leshy.

Baba Yaga.

Sharing gifts with him?

We don't want to call him!

(looks around, listens).

Someone seems to be coming...

Maybe he is read the letter?

The Snow Maiden appears.

Baba Yaga.

How did you get here with us?

How did you find the way?

Snow Maiden.

Per I have been writing for a long time,

Finally found him.

Baba Yaga.

We we won't give the letter,

We will harm your children.

To not be able to reach them

We will bewitch you.

Baba Yaga with grandmother-hedgehogs walk around the Snow Maiden and conjure.

The Snow Maiden lifts an ice floe high and whirls around with it.

Icicle-magic, help soon,

Call on all my friends to help me.

Music sounds. Children start a round dance around Babka-Ezhka.

round dance "Children and Baba Yaga"

Baba Yaga.

Oh no! Don't be ashamed! Here take your letter! (throws letter)

Yes, calm down you evil blizzard

We are flying away!

Snow Maiden raises letter, rotates around itself.

Snow Maiden.

Look, there is no trace left of the path.

This fabulous piece of ice brought everyone here.

Is reading: I bring gifts to everyone.

There are many paths in the forest.

So that I don't go astray

To suddenly get lost

Shout out loud, kids:

"Grandfather Freezing, we are waiting for you!"

The children are calling Santa Claus.

Music. Grandfather enters Freezing.

Grandfather Freezing:

Hello guys, girls and boys.

Happy New Year to all guests!

I visited you a year ago, I am glad to see you all again!

grew up (looks at the child's head) became big. and did you recognize me?

All the same I am gray-haired and with a fluffy beard!

Holy holiday New Year we meet every year!

Who wants to have fun, dances and sings with us!


Grandfather Freezing, you wait

You look at the tree.

The tree is sad

And the lights do not shine

Grandfather Freezing:

We will fix this problem

Let's make all the fires burn.

1,2,3 - our Christmas tree burn (staff taps, but the fires do not burn)

Christmas tree lights are not on (shrugs)

Let's all say together

1,2,3 - our Christmas tree burn (tree lights up)

Get up, guys, hurry up in a round dance

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!


Grandfather Freezing:

Hey dance! How wonderful!

Here's what's interesting...

How can I get out of the circle?

Snow Maiden:

We won't let you out!

The game is being played "Let's not leave the circle".

Grandfather Freezing:

What are these other things?

I'll freeze your hands!

The game is being played « I will freeze.

Grandfather freezing running around and trying freeze pens, knees, heels, noses. Children must hide them in time.


What are you Grandpa Freezing,

You are not so children frost! Look, they are completely frozen!

Grandfather Freezing;

Well then, kids

A new game is waiting for us.

What will grandpa show you?

Let's do it together!


We got a little icy, sat down, got up, sat down, got up;

On the freezing let's wave our hands one-two, one-two;

Let's knock on the ice with our feet top-top, top-top;

Won't get us freezing, hide the handles. ears. nose.

They took each other's hands, sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up.

Grandfather Freezing:

Something weak? Looks frozen?

We were not warming together, we need to repeat faster!

(all words are repeated, only faster)

Well warmed up?

Grandfather Freezing:

And now at our Christmas tree

We all dance together together.

DANCE " "minutes"

Snow Maiden:

In the yard it's white and white.

All paths are covered

All paths, all paths -

To us Frost will not pass!

Help the kids

Clear the snow from the paths!

The game "Let's clear the snow from the paths"

Two teams stand in lines, on both sides of which hoops are laid out. In the first hoops are snowballs. On a signal, the children must pass each other a snowball and release the hoop from "snow".

Individual teams of parents and children or mixed teams.

Grandfather Freezing:

And now, I will play a game with you "Who loves what". If you love what I call you scream "I" If you don't like it, then shut up, don't answer anything.

Who loves tangerine?

Who loves an orange?

Who loves pears?

Who doesn't clean their ears?

Who loves strawberries?

Who loves strawberries?

Who loves banana?

Who is always stubborn?

Who loves tomatoes?

Who loves fly agarics?

Who loves flyers with poppy seeds?

And who is capricious?

Who loves yogurt, cottage cheese?

Who eats snow?

Who loves different types of candy?

And who walks around with dirty hands?

Who loves a holiday?

And who is the swindler?

Grandfather Freezing:

Oh thanks baby

Well played

It's time to dance again

Russian dance

Grandfather. Freezing:

Oh, how hot it became for me, I’ll sit down, sit down, look at the guys, and listen to poetry.

Poetry (3-4 no more)

Grandfather Freezing:

Well read poetry

Are you tired of sitting?

I need to stretch my legs

Let's play hockey.

Dance "Hockey players"

Grandfather Freezing.

And let's see whose train gets to the station faster "New Year"?


A chair is placed in front of the tree.

The game is being played "Who is faster and stronger"

Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.

Grandfather frost and girl.

Grandfather Frost is exercising.

Grandfather Frost chooses a boy, who did the exercises best of all.

Freezing offers another game.

Takes out the weight. Barely carries.

Offers dad to pick up.

Grandfather Freezing. The record of our garden is six times. And who is more?

A child comes out, lifts the weight ten times.

Grandfather Freezing declares him Champion of the garden.

Grandfather Freezing,. we sang and danced

All around became friends.

Have you forgotten about gifts?

Grandfather Freezing:

I won't be in debt

I'll treat everyone today!

Grandfather Freezing calls future Olympic champions, puts them one after another and they pull out a bag with gifts from a snowdrift.

The light goes out. Distribution of gifts.

Grandfather Freezing: Good you guys

But it's time for me to leave

This festival New Year

Never shall I forget.

Children stand near the chairs, waving grandfather frost and under

SONG "JELLS" leave the hall.

Matinee "Letter to Santa Claus"

The presenter enters

Presenter: Our dear guests

We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you.

Let for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries

It will not just be new,

And Happy New Year!

To the music, big children enter, form a semicircle

Sveta: Happy new year, happy new year

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

New toys.

Artem: How beautiful in our hall,

We invited guests here.

All the people have fun -

We are celebrating the New Year!

Lida: Will be with us soon

Our beloved Santa Claus.

He won't forget anyone.

Will bring gifts.

Presenter: Dads, moms are with us,

We are celebrating the New Year!

He is both adults and children

It will bring a lot of happiness.

Presenter: Fairy Christmas tree

prickly needles

Let's stand together

And we will sing you a song

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" or "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree"

Everyone sits on chairs. The Snow Maiden comes out to the middle.

Snow Maiden: I am the Snow Maiden, and again

I came to you for the holiday.

I see you are all set.

Hello my friends!

Soon, soon the New Year

Santa Claus is not coming.

What are we to do, friends?

Without it, it's impossible.

Presenter: Maybe, maybe

The snowman will help us

Snow Maiden: Let's kids, together together

We need to make a snowman.

We will snowball

Let's write a letter to Santa Claus later

Let hurry to the holiday to us

We've all been waiting for him

Everyone repeats the movements, rolls a lump, and the presenter rolls three lumps from behind the Christmas tree, and rolls them in the same place, gives a hat, a carrot there.

To the music, a snowman comes out from behind the Christmas tree.

The game "Song of the Snowman"

Snowman: I am a funny snowman

Used to the cold since childhood

Here is a carrot - instead of a nose

Embers my eyes

Hat - black pan

Hello, friends!

Snow Maiden: We blinded you to help us. Deliver an urgent letter to Santa Claus. We are looking forward to our holiday. Hurry up.

He gives the Snowman a letter and everyone sees him off.

Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday

Have fun, sing, dance.

On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale

Full of wonders

Presenter: Over mountains, over rivers

There is a magical forest

You will meet many miracles here

Let's take a look there and find out what's going on there. And Vasilisa the Wise will help us. She has a tablet with a magic apple. The apple will roll on the tablet and show us what we wish.

Vasilisa: Roll the apple on the tablet, show us the Snowman.

Where is he now and what happened to him.

A Snowman walks along the road with a letter, and a Wolf goes to meet him. In the middle they look back together and collide, scream. The snowman hides behind a letter out of fear.

Wolf: Who are you? (looks the Snowman up and down, removes the letter from the Snowman's face) Have you fallen from the moon? Are you scared? Everyone in the forest is afraid of me, you see how strong, toothy and terribly hungry I am.

Snowman: And I'm not at all afraid (speaking in a trembling voice)

I'm just in a hurry

You forgive, I'm sorry

Let me go rather

And of course say

How can I find my way

To a letter like this

Take it to Santa Claus.

Wolf: Ah, well, it's possible. You will go to the mountain, then to the mountain, then you will see three pines there, then to the left, then to the right, then all the time straight, then to the right (The wolf shows, and the Snowman stomps after him. The wolf confuses him)

Snowman: Listen, my dear, is your last name Susanin by any chance?

Wolf: What a hare with a mustache, no, he has no mustache.

An angry snowman leaves.

Wolf: (speaking after) Go, go, where you need to get, (gloatingly) and you will disappear in the snowdrifts. I'll run to Baba Yaga, I'll tell you that some white tadpole with a bowler hat on his head was looking for Santa Claus.

The wolf runs away.

Presenter: And you roll the apple, show us the house of Baba Yaga. Well, she's plotting there, we'll find out.

Baba Yaga appears with her nephew in glasses and with a laptop.

Baba Yaga: What a joy, my nephew welcomed. Look, what a scientist, and you probably know everything, do you read different books?

I don't know the letters

What am I reading here?

Ah, I only know the dots

I won't read a single line here.

I can fly on a broom

Nephew: Oh, you retarded aunt. It's not a book, it's a computer. Okay, I'll teach you how to read and play games on the computer.

Baba Yaga: Here, thank you.

There is a knock on the door, Wolf enters.

Wolf: Hey bunch of hello. I saw a wonderful tadpole in a bowler hat. He was in a hurry to Santa Claus, he said something about the letter. Come on, old lady, let's stir up the crime of the century, otherwise something is so boring, even howling at the moon.

Baba Yaga: To Grandfather, you say, he goes, you say, he carries a letter. It probably says where he hid his presents.

Wolf: Let's catch up with him and take away the letter, and your nephew will read it to us.

Baba Yaga: Yes, I have some kind of correct one, but oh well, I'll deceive him. Now let's talk about the plan. (whispering). The nephew overhears them.

Nephew: And I heard everything, how not ashamed. Like a woman in years, and all the dirty tricks in the brain. I'll go and tell Santa Claus everything.

Baba Yaga: Oh, well, then I'll put you in a bag and tie you tightly.

She stuffs the Nephew into a bag, and he is without a bottom. The nephew runs away, sneaks.

Baba Yaga: Well, they got rid of this sneak, and you go Wolf, get ready for the crime of the century: the rope is there, pistols, black masks, everything is as it should be. And I’ll go and call the Bear, although ... I’ll have to share with him too, but oh well.

The wolf leaves, and Baba Yaga addresses the audience.

Baba Yaga: Forest people, have you seen the Bear? Sleeping as always probably, winter after all. We have to wake him up. Can you scream loudly? I'll check now.

The game "And the girls - ha-ha-ha, and the boys - hee-hee-hee"

We come out from behind the Christmas tree Bear with a pillow.

Bear: What made a noise, let's sleep. ( lies on the floor on a pillow)

Baba Yaga: Look loose. Let me sleep, let me sleep. Now we'll wake you up.

The game "Who fell asleep under the bush."

After the game, the Bear leaves with a pillow behind the Christmas tree.

Boogie Woogie Game

Baba Yaga: I messed up here. It's time for me to prepare the crime of the century. Oh, nephew, how did you get here? How did you get out of the bag, well done, my breed, just some kind of magician.

Nephew: Eh, you, sometimes your bags are torn, you couldn’t even sew them up, and there’s also a woman called. Nothing, you can't.

Baba Yaga: Tsyts, teach me here again!

Nephew: I already saw your Snowman to the very house of Santa Claus, so that your crime of the century was crying, nothing will work out for you.

Baba Yaga: Oh well, we'll see about that. Grey, where are you? Plans are changing. It is necessary to harm the children and drag the Snow Maiden.

They grab the Snow Maiden and the Nephew and tie them up with a rope.

Baba Yaga: You, gray, guard them here, look, do not fall asleep. And I will fly to the children for a ransom. They need the Snow Maiden - let everyone give us gifts.

He sits on a broomstick and flies away. At this time, the snowman arrives. He sees that the Snow Maiden and Nephew are connected, and the Wolf is guarding them.

Snowman: Disorder, need to help friends in need. Think, think, Snowman! I forgot, my brains are frostbitten, what to do. Ah, I figured it out!

Refers to the wolf. Hello Susanin! How are you? Do you want me to show you the trick? I just need a rope.

Wolf: Will this one fit? (points to the rope with which the captives are tied)

Snowman: That's it! Just close your eyes and count to 10, don't peek.

Unties the captives, they run away together. The wolf counts, then opens his eyes and also runs away.

Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga: Tech failed again...

I flew by here

I saw you through the window

There you are! I knew it!

I didn't see you for a whole year.

You are sitting on a holiday

You are looking at the tree!

And you want frost

Have you brought gifts?

Well, what about me? I fly all day

I don't get anything!

And never Santa Claus

They didn't bring me presents!

That's what, kids, pay me a ransom for the Snow Maiden. Well, show me your gifts, where are they? Maybe hide them somewhere? Why no gifts? Oh, Grandpa hasn't brought it yet! Where is he? Call him quickly! And I'll hide for now.

Presenter: Roll Apple on the tablet, show us Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello children!

Finally I have arrived.

Barely found you. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone good health and good luck!

May your life with his coming

Get brighter and richer

I hurried to you from afar,

I was afraid to be late.

Now I am here!

And we can start our holiday.

But what is? The lights on the tree are not lit.

Disorder. I walk around her, conjure with my magic staff.

Come on, tree, wake up,

Come on, tree, smile!

Come on, tree, one-two-three!

Burn with the light of joy!

The tree lights up.

Father Frost: And where is my granddaughter, Snegurochka?

Baba Yaga comes out in disguise.

Baba Yaga: Yes, here I am, here.

Father Frost: Granddaughter, you don't look like yourself.

Baba Yaga: And the hairstyle - so I just didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t put on makeup, there was a long line at the hairdresser. And I'm beautiful, don't you like me.

Father Frost: Or maybe you got sick?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I'm healthy, I'm healthy.

Father Frost: Some suspicious, but I'll check you now. Sing a song about a Christmas tree. Ah, so I got it, you are not my granddaughter, who are the children?

Here the Snowman, the Snow Maiden, the Nephew appear at the celebration, followed by the Wolf.

Father Frost: Well, everything became clear - who is who. Again Baba Yaga is being mischievous, again you are for your own, so I’ll take it and conjure it, I’ll freeze it forever.

Baba Yaga: Come on, you can't even joke.

Well, forgive me

I'm good friends.

Father Frost: Excuse me?

The holiday will continue

Come out to dance

Round dance "Father Frost was walking through the forest"

Santa Claus walks in a circle.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, and we will not let you out of the circle!

Father Frost: No, no, I'll take care of myself.

Game "Dwarfs and Giants"

Father Frost: Okay, okay kids

It's time to play.

Freeze game

Father Frost: Oh, tired Santa Claus

Who would bring me some water

Presenter: Have a seat Santa Claus. We will give you tea to drink, as it should be according to Russian custom.

They serve a cup. It has chopped tinsel. It blows, the tinsel scatters.

Presenter: This is how Grandfather froze our tea - only ice, snowflakes flew.

Father Frost: Thank you for your concern, the iced tea was good.

I'll sit for a while

I'll take a look at the kids.

Presenter: We will continue our holiday

Let's listen to the lyrics now.

Father Frost: Well done boys! Do you know how to play hide and seek?

Well, then I'm hiding, and you look for me.

One, two, three, four, five

We will play hide and seek

We close our eyes, we do not leave slits

Game "Hide and Seek"

Father Frost: Well thank you guys

We played hide and seek well

I played with you

Well now it's time to go home

Goodbye friends!

Presenter: Father Frost! Wait!

The children sang and danced

Have fun playing with you

And they led a round dance

Your turn has come

Bestow honest people.

Father Frost: Oh, forgive me

Apparently very old

I forgot about gifts.

Somewhere my bag was here

Gives gifts. Photo for memory. Then he says goodbye and leaves.