New Year's holiday in the younger group. Scenario “Who lost a mitten. Scenario New Year's party for children of the senior group We will join hands to the Christmas tree let's go

  • 13.11.2019

Equipment: one small pink and red mitten each, an adult white mitten, a huge blue mitten with gifts from Santa Claus, a breeze stick, a translucent hide-and-seek fabric.

The hall is festively decorated. Under the branches of the Christmas tree are two small children's mittens and one adult. Teachers and children enter the hall, everyone stands near the Christmas tree.

1st teacher

A wonderful winter brought us a holiday,

The green tree came to the guys.

She was dressed up, toys were hung,

Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

2nd teacher

Let's take a look at the toys guys -

They hang everywhere to the very top!

Adults and children examine the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree, naming them.

1st teacher

We invited the elegant Christmas tree to visit,

What an elegant Christmas tree in our hall!

How beautiful she is with a silver star

Good for us, Christmas tree, have fun with you!

2nd teacher

Our tree is fluffy,

She is green, slim,

Just something with lights

No, it doesn't glow!

1st teacher

We'll fix the mess

Let's make the fires burn!

Let's say out loud: "One, two, three -

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Children pronounce the words together with adults: “One, two, three - come on, Christmas tree, burn!”. The lights on the tree do not light up.

2nd teacher

Nothing works out

The lights don't turn on...

1st teacher

Come on girls and boys

We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger. (Children wag their fingers.)

And now we all clap. (Clap hands.)

And let's all stomp our feet. (Stomp.)

2nd teacher

Nothing works out

The lights don't turn on...

1st teacher

What? How so?

It doesn't come out, no way

Light the lights on the tree!

We tried everything to no avail...

2nd teacher. We all did it wrong.

1st teacher. Tell me, how?

2nd teacher

And do not stomp, and do not clap

And do not threaten with a finger,

Just need our Christmas tree

Very quietly ask:

1st and 2nd teachers(together)

Christmas tree-beauty, play with us,

Christmas tree-beauty, light up with lights.

Let's say together: "One, two, three - Christmas tree, burn!"

Adults and children say: “One, two, three - Christmas tree, burn!” The lights on the tree are lit.

2nd teacher

It worked out, it worked out

Our tree is lit up!

Everyone clap.

1st teacher

Let's go around the Christmas tree

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.

Adults and children, holding hands, walk around the Christmas tree and sing M. Krasev's song to the words of 3. Alexandrova "Herringbone". Then everyone goes to their places.

1st teacher(discovers a mitten lying under the Christmas tree, picks it up)

Oh look guys

What's under the tree...

Mitten! Here's another...

(Picks up gloves from the floor.)

And there will be three of them!

Come on, kids, look

Maybe yours? So take it.

The 1st teacher goes around all the children and adults, showing the find, but no one recognizes his mitten.

Who danced by the Christmas tree

Lost your mitten?

The 2nd teacher takes out a large plush hare - there is a mitten on one of its paws, there is no mitten on the other paw.

2nd teacher

This bunny danced here

Lost my mitten!

The 1st teacher approaches the bunny, puts a pink mitten on his paw, and sits him down by the Christmas tree.

1st teacher

Oh, really, it's a bunny mitten!

Get a mitten

Don't lose her again!

And let's, kids, sing a song for a bunny. Listen, bunny. Children and teachers sing a song.

Song "Bunny"

There is snow on the ground,

(Children hold hands-“paws” in front of the chest.)

Bunny running in the snow

(Shake hands-“paws.”)

Ears are cold

(Cover their ears with their hands.)

Freeze paws

(They press their hands-"paws" to themselves.)

No boots

(Show their legs, spread their arms to the sides.)

And no hat

(Put hands on head.)

(Hold hands-“paws” in front of the chest.)

Musical game "Bunny and breeze"

1st teacher(shows all adults and children a red mitten). I wonder whose mitten is this?

Who else danced here

Lost your mitten?

2nd teacher(takes out a big teddy bear - there is one mitten on his paw)

This bear danced here

Lost my mitten.

1st teacher(approaches the bear, puts a mitten on his other paw). Oh, really, it's a bear's mitten!

Get a mitten

Don't lose her again!

Look, guys, at the bear ... (Puts the bear on a side under the tree.)

How to put on a mitten

The bear immediately snored.

Is it possible, bear, to sleep?

We want to play with you!

Come on, guys, let's try to wake up the bear.

Let's sing to him our song about the couch potato.

Musical game "Hey, you couch potato"

(to the motive of the Russian folk song "Ah, you, canopy")

Hey, you are a couch potato, (Children threaten Mishka with a finger.)

You slept long and deep, (They put their hands under their cheeks.)

To wake up the bear, (They stretch.)

We will clap our hands. (Show palms.)

Any dance tune sounds. Children clap their hands - the bear does not wake up.

1st teacher

We won't let Mishka sleep,

Let's kick our feet.

The dance sounds again, the children get up and stomp their feet - Bear does not wake up.

Nothing works -

Our bear does not wake up!

Let's stomp

And clap your hands together.

Children go towards Mishka, stomping and clapping. The bear “wakes up”, growls, the 2nd teacher speaks on his behalf.


Who is disturbing Mishka's sleep here?

Who is dancing here, who is playing? Rrr...

Children run away from the bear and sit on the chairs.

1st teacher.

Mishka, Mishka don't be angry,

Better be with us

Here at the Christmas tree kids

Have fun from the heart.

The 2nd teacher places Mishka under the Christmas tree and leaves behind the Christmas tree.

The 1st teacher shows everyone the third mitten.

Look, kids, what a beautiful mitten! Who can she belong to? Who lost her?

2nd teacher(comes out from behind the Christmas tree, leading the Snow Maiden by the hand)

Here the Snow Maiden danced,

Lost my mitten.

1st teacher. Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you at our holiday!

Snow Maiden. Hello kids! Hello adults! And I'm glad to meet you. (To children.) How smart and beautiful you all are today!

1st teacher. Of course, beautiful! After all, we have gathered here for the holiday of the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden. Yes, the Christmas tree is so wonderful, fluffy! There are so many different toys on it!

And twenty-five lanterns

Eight cones of gold

Six blue icicles

There are also exactly six birds,

Yes, do not count everything!

2nd teacher. How did you know that?

Snow Maiden

Decorated the Christmas tree

(looks around)

Lost my mitten!

1st teacher. Isn't this glove?

Snow Maiden. This one. Found my glove! (Suitable for the 1st teacher.)

1st teacher

A mitten to pick up

You must dance for us.

Snow Maiden

I will dance with all my heart Together with you, kids!

Come on, "Russian" let's play more fun!

The Snow Maiden, children, teachers perform the dance "Russian Dance".

Dance "Russian dance"

(lyrics by A. Anufrieva to the motive of the Russian folk melody “From Under the Oak”)

Come on, Russian, let's

(Children walk freely around the hall, arms spread out to the sides.)

Start more fun

Let's take a walk, let's take a walk!

The foot pounded louder

(Putting their hands on their belts, they stomp their feet.)

For all of us to hear

Let's try, let's try!

We clap our hands

(Clap hands together.)

We'll clap a little.

Let's have fun, let's have fun!

Here we are spinning and dancing

(On the step they circle to the right side, circle to the left side.)

And to our good children

We smile, we smile!

How well we danced

(Spread their arms to the sides, as at the beginning of the dance.)

A little tired...

(They lower their hands - “tired.”)

Let's say goodbye, let's say goodbye!

(They wave their hand - “goodbye.”)

1st teacher. Oh, Snow Maiden, is it really time for us to say goodbye?

Snow Maiden. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere yet.

I love to dance very much

I also love to play!

2nd teacher. Our kids love to play too! Our favorite game is hide and seek.

Snow Maiden. And I love to play hide and seek!

1st teacher. Then turn away, Snow Maiden, and our kids will hide from you.

Snow Maiden. Good. I agree.

The Snow Maiden approaches the Christmas tree, turns away from the guys. Children squat down. Adults cover them with a transparent white cloth - a screen.

One, two, three, four, five -

I'm going to look for the guys.

(Walks around the room.)

I walk, I walk, I walk

I can't find guys.

I'll go for the Christmas tree -

Maybe I'll find the guys there?

The Snow Maiden goes behind the Christmas tree, the adults remove the fabric - the children get on their feet. The Snow Maiden is back.

I went all over the tree

But I didn't find the kids.

2nd teacher. And we are here! You couldn't find us, Snow Maiden. Now the kids will close their eyes, and you hide. We will look for you.

Snow Maiden. Good. Try to find me now, guys. Close your eyes with your palms, and I will hide.

Children close their eyes. The Snow Maiden is hiding behind the Christmas tree.

2nd teacher. One, two, three, four, five - we're going to look for you!

Adults and children walk around the hall, looking for the Snow Maiden, find her, take her out from behind the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. Well done kids! And how could you find me so quickly? Well, since you are so good at searching, let's try together with you to find gifts from Santa Claus: I know they are hidden somewhere here. Can we find them?

Teachers and children(together). We can!

The Snow Maiden, children and teachers walk around the hall, looking for gifts from Santa Claus. Here the Snow Maiden discovers a huge white and silver mitten by the Christmas tree - this is Father Frost's mitten, it contains gifts for children.

Snow Maiden. Look what I found! Ego... grandfather's gauntlet! How heavy is she! There seems to be something in it. What could it be? (Looks into the mitten.) Yes, here ... New Year's gifts! So Santa Claus - that's what he came up with: to hide gifts in his mitten. But the guys found them quickly! Well done kids. Get presents from Grandfather Frost and from me, from the Snow Maiden.

Adults distribute New Year's gifts to children.

The teachers thank the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus for the gifts.

The Snow Maiden wishes all the children a Happy New Year, says goodbye and leaves.

Children and adults leave the room.

Scenario New Year's party for kids senior group.

AT units:

Colored lights

This room sparkles

And invites all the children to the New Year's ball

So let music sounds,

The holiday time has come

And calls everyone in a circle to dance

Merry carnival!

It happens in the worldLera

that only once a year

On the tree are lit

lovely lights

The star burns, does not melt,

Glittering magic iceTomyris

And immediately it comes

Happy New Year!

Vedas : We give hands to a friend

Let's go around the Christmas tree!

1. Round dance song: "Blizzard and snowstorm"

Christmas tree lights up, Rose

All covered in silver dust

To us from Grandfather \ Frost

This tree was brought

Our Christmas treeYaroslav

Congratulations to all guys!

Hold hands tightly

Let's say:

All together: Christmas tree, light up!

2. Song "We will join hands, we will go to the Christmas tree"

Vedas: Showers the New Year

Land of wonders

Here is the tale at the gate

Looking forward to meeting you!

Vedas : The Christmas tree lit its lights, it would be time for Santa Claus to drive up. We need to call him.

Santa Claus, come, come,

And bring gifts

3. (Baba Yaga appears to the music)

Vedas : The magic didn't work!

Instead of Grandfather, it fell to us

Something strange!

Tolley grandma, or bump,

In a word, chill!

Baba Yaga : (beautiful, adjusting his outfit)

Grandmother! Kochka! Zamorochka!

Call right away!

Gotta figure it out first

They themselves called here

And here you are - they called you!

Vedas: grandmother, please,

Where did you fall from?

We called Santa Claus,

And you weren't expected!

Baba Yaga: And what about Santa Claus!

Beards, red nose!

He's old, this is Grandpa!

And it makes no sense

I'm better! And yet

The holiday will be one hundred percent!

I promise you!

Vedas: No, leave your pranks

And don't spoil the children's holiday!

We came here to dance

Play with Santa Claus

And meet the new year-dogs!

Baba Yaga : So I can play with you. Here, do you want to play with my magic broom?

4.Game: "Overtake Baba Yaga on a broomstick"

Vedas: All is well, but even so where is Santa Claus? Is our holiday going to be cancelled?

Baba Yaga : That's done, Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

By the way, I'm in the forest, I found an envelope in bliss, look. Maybe it's from Frost?

Vedas: New Year's message for older children

Happened to my dog ​​again

She not only had a cold in her throat,

But she broke her paw on the rink

Help in this trouble - probably

Nobody can me!

I ask your forgiveness for this

And my New Year's Eve"

Vedas: Well guys? It turns out that New Year's performance really cancelled?

Baba Yaga : Ha-ha-ha, the performance is canceled! And the new year will not come without a dog!

Vedas : Wow, and you are evil, children, you must drive her away! Let’s call the robbers, she will be scared of them and run away! (Baba Yaga runs away)

5. "Dance of the Robbers"

6. The Snow Maiden enters (I came from a wonderful fairy tale ....): Hello guys!

I'll tell you frankly

Nothing is canceled

Our holiday continues!

Snowflakes are my favorite

Fly to me soon

Let's dance more fun! (Because winter is great! Music)

7.Dance of snowflakes

Snow Maiden: I am the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Santa Claus

Happy New Year, you friends!

I wish you all good health!

I know about your situation

And I promise to help you.

We will definitely fix everything

And let's force the year of the dog to come!

I'll go to the forest and fly the dog there! (leaves)

8. Dance "Snowball"

Vedas: How fun they danced, and now we will all call Santa Claus together!

Let's say out loud:

"Santa Claus, come quickly

Give the children a holiday!

9. Song to the soundtrack "Santa Claus is fooling around"

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and a dog come in.

Father Frost : Hello, children! Hello, guests! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

I came, were you waiting for me?

Here is my greyhound with me, not lame and not angry.

They treated the paws of the dog, took him to the doctor.

A faithful dog is always with me, because it is not for nothing that he is a hero!

And now

Take, guys, all of us in your round dance

Let everyone in this hall sing a song today

10. Song round dance "Hello, Santa Claus!" (phonogram minus)

Leading: Santa Claus, we were waiting for you, play with us!

11. Game: “Hands are cold!”

Vedas: Sit down and rest, Santa Claus, tired from the road?

Tell us grandfather, how can we continue to be? Will the New Year come and will children receive gifts in the year of the dog?

Father Frost: Okay, I'll tell you , listen. The symbol of this year is a dog. Only my dog ​​cannot bark, it has a cold! Will you guys help us? We need to recapture a year from Petushka.

Vedas: So our children scream and bark the master! Tell the children, yes?

12. Santa Claus : Well, well then! When we hear the voice of the Rooster, you get ready - bye bye. You need to quickly bark loudly. And make the Rooster silent! Ready! The phonogram “Crow of the rooster” turns on; the children bark, drowning out the cry of the rooster.

Dog : Hooray! My voice returned to me again!

I felt like I was sleeping and then I woke up!

I could not bark, sing, dance

And even celebrate the New Year! (Bows to the children)

Father Frost : Well, now the real new year is coming. Happiness and health will bring you!

Vedas: Did you bring gifts for the children?

Grandfather Frost: Oh, where are the gifts? Oh, I scolded them in the forest

Snow Maiden: No, the bag is not visible here, Grandfather, how insulting!

Will the children leave the holiday without gifts?

Dog : As soon as they leave, I won’t let it in! I’ll run into the forest and find gifts!

Wait, children, we will come and bring gifts! (Leaves with the Snow Maiden)

13. Vedas: And we invite you tothe game "We rake the snow with our hands"

Father Frost: Tell me poems, and amuse me! (Poems)

14. live bag A bag “enters” the hall, Baba Yaga hid in it, she dances and sings “Jingle Bells”

Vedas: Wow, what a smart bag, he came himself! How many gifts, enough for everyone! (knocks on the bag - he answers “ding!” Grandfather, he is angry about something ....

Father Frost: Come on, bag, do not be capricious, treat the children with gifts.

Baba Yaga: Or maybe it’s not necessary ... Teeth will ache, tummies will ache ...

Father Frost : Stop talking to me, I'll untie it now

Baba Yaga cleans up

Father Frost: And you, how did you get here?

Baba Yaga: Fu, what a dusty bag when you washed it ...

D. Moroz: Don't talk to me about your teeth, tell me where did you put the gifts?

B. Yaga : I will not say!

D. Moroz: Then I will turn you into an icicle. One, two, three, freeze!

(freezes in a comical pose)

Baba Yaga: Oh, I'm cold! Hands numb, legs frozen to the floor!

Forgive me D. Moroz, I won’t joke like that anymore.

Vedas: Well, is the New Year really going to be like this without gifts?

(The Snow Maiden and a dog come in, carrying a bag of gifts on a sled)

Baba Yaga : (runs in) I won’t give you a bag, I’ll eat everything in it, yum-yum ...

Father Frost: Well, if so, help yourself, take your gift first! (Baba Yaga takes a gift with snow, screams and takes offense)

Father Frost: What you deserve, you got!

Who touches my bag with unclean hands,

That of the gifts has cold snow

Get away from the New Year's party until you freeze! (Baba Yaga cowardly runs away)

Vedas: Santa Claus, yes, here all the gifts turned into snow, do something, you're a magician!

Father Frost: I am a magician, it's true, I will surprise you now!

Snow is cold, snow is sparkling

You are beautiful, white, pure

Turn into gifts soon

For guys in bright packages!

(Gives gifts from the bag)

Here are the miracles

Happen in the new year

Happy New Year. You, friends!

Help yourself, Kids! (distribution of gifts)

Santa Claus: I wish you all to grow and not be bored

Well, next year

I will come to visit you again)

Goodbye, guys!

Happy New Year!

Hear someone coming
hurries up the stairs to us
And softly sings a festive song
Knock on the window stand and hide
This is Santa Claus fooling around with us

He worked all year so that without delay
On New Year's Eve, all wishes came true
Children really like this holiday of miracles.
No one will be left without gifts

Chorus: A round dance of snowflakes swirled us along the street
Who is the grandfather at the gate angry, grumbling
It can be seen this is a new year Wandering around the outskirts
The Christmas tree is lit brightly in our house

Irina Gavryushina
The scenario of the New Year's party in the senior group "Year of the Dog"

1. Heard "call signs"(minus, to the song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree". music by L. K. Beckman, lyrics by R. A. Kudasheva


Colored lights

This room sparkles

And invites all the children

On the New Year's ball.

So let the music play

The holiday time has come

And calls everyone in a circle to dance

Merry carnival!

1. Under a cheerful musical phonogram: "AT New Year's forest» (Squirrels are jumping, hares are jumping., Children in carnival costumes, enter the hall, surround the Christmas tree, walk in a circle and sing.


1 verse:

New Year's stars hung on a tall Christmas tree

And the bear is cheerful today and the wolves are dancing.

Again Santa Claus walks through the forest apartments,

He treats with lollipops, creamy ice cream.

Chorus: (movements in the lyrics)

Squirrels dance, hares dance

The forest people are very happy.

Meet with song, meet with dance

New Year!

Chorus: the same


Children perform dance movements at the choice of the music director-

After the round dance


It happens in the world

That only once a year

On the Christmas tree are lit

Great lights.


The star burns, does not melt,

Shiny magic ice

And immediately comes

Happy New Year!


We give hands to a friend,

Let's go near the Christmas tree!

3. Children sing a round dance song: « New Year's song» music by I. Kirillov, lyrics by N Shakhin.

Magazine "Music Director" No. 10 - 2016, p. 50


1. Blizzard, yes blizzard,

Snow falls on the ground

A beautiful winter has come to us.

And on every street

Santa Claus is playing around

Frost decorated all the houses.

2. And in houses today

Holiday New Year-

Christmas trees were dressed up for children.

stars, lanterns,

Beads and balls

Everything shines with many lights.

3. Christmas tree fluffy,

Fresh, fragrant.

We are leading a round dance at the Christmas tree.

Songs and dances,

Games and fairy tales

Happy New Year!

After the round dance


The tree will shine with lights,

All covered in silver dust

To us from Santa Claus

They brought this tree.


Our Christmas tree is full of toys

And the balls on it shine.

Our Christmas Tree

Congratulations to all guys!

Hold hands tightly


Together: Christmas tree, light up!

4. Performed by children round dance song: "Christmas Tree"

music and lyrics by N. Goldina. Magazine "Music Director" No. 10-2016, p. 51


1. We will join hands, we will go to the Christmas tree.

We will sing a sweet song about her.


Christmas tree, coniferous aroma,

A cheerful round dance of children is spinning.

2. Christmas tree, waving a twig affably

And light the magical bright lights!

Chorus. Losing.

(movements in the lyrics)

3. Christmas tree-beauty, the joy of the kids.

Stars and balls sway on the branches.

Chorus. Losing.

(movements in the lyrics)

-After the song: children, fun new year song: "I, one night, dreamed of the New Year" (phonogram) sit down in their seats

(after the dance, the children go to their places in pairs)


Showers the New Year

Land of miracles.

Here is the tale at the gate

Looking forward to meeting you!

5. Surprise moment "Letter from Santa Claus"

The musical insert of their program sounds "Visiting a fairy tale",

(in the door "flies" new year envelope)

The facilitator draws the attention of the children to the letter -


Guys, I wonder who wrote this letter to us? (is reading)

Yes, this is a letter from Santa Claus! I wonder what he wrote to us? And why didn't he come to us for the holiday?

(opens envelope and reads)

“Dear children! Santa Claus is writing to you.

My Ice Kingdom is in trouble! My beloved is sick Dog. And without her, I can’t get to you on a holiday, because she has to take the baton new year from Cockerel-Ku-ka-re-ku!

6. Surprise moment: "Snowman" (adult)

Music soundtrack sounds (1 verse and chorus): "Song of the Snowman"(the words songs: “Every Snowman knows - Snowman, children sculpt only for a moment, not for centuries”.

The snowman enters staged in motion lyrics


Exactly! And what am I trying to tell you for an hour! You don't want to just listen to me!

Santa Claus is in trouble! We have trouble!

Dog Santa Claus is sick!

Looks like I overate ice cream yesterday.

And Santa Claus said that without this dog,

Can't New Year

Enter your correct turn!

After all, it is necessary that the Cockerel,

Meanwhile, dog barking loudly,

I was able to enter into my legal rights -

And take this year from the Rooster!

And the poor dog does not bark, only is silent.


But what about the New Year?


Will have to cancel!

After all, without dogs-

The year won't come!

(Snowman leaves)

Leading: (confused)

Blimey. Affairs. How to cancel?

After all, the New Year must come!

(approaches the Christmas tree, notices the envelope again)

7. Surprise moment: "Second message from Santa Claus"


Guys, look, again some kind of envelope!

Probably the Snowman forgot it on our Christmas tree.

Leading: (reads letter)

Written: « New Year's message for older children»

“Dear children!

With my dog grief happened again.

She not only had a cold in her throat,

But she also broke her paw on the rink.

Help in this trouble - probably

Nobody can me!

I ask your forgiveness for this

And my new year's apology»

Your Santa Claus


Well guys?

It turns out,

What New Year's performance is really

From me?

8. Surprise moment "Snow Maiden visiting children"

Under "Song of the Snow Maiden"(phonogram, the Snow Maiden enters - an adult character.

(The beginning of the words of verse 1: “I came from a wonderful fairy tale, snowy aunt-Winter”.)

-staging Songs by the Snow Maiden near the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys!

I'll tell you frankly.

Nothing is canceled

Our holiday continues!

Snowflakes are my favorite

Fly to me soon

Let's dance more merrily!

Music soundtrack sounds minus: "Because winter is great!" from New Year's musical

(5-6 snowflake girls run up to the Snow Maiden)

9. Performed "Dance of Snowflakes and Snow Maiden" (after the dance, the snowflakes run away to their places)

Snow Maiden:

(referring to children)

I am the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Happy New Year, you friends!

I wish you all good health!

I know about your situation

And I promise to help you.

We will definitely fix everything

And the year let's make the dogs step!

I want to tell you a secret.

Rooster, decided not to give up his year

And do not give up your power!

dog he fed with ice cream,

Then, he gave away his skates.

After all, he knows, a kind of prankster,

What a year the dog didn't come.

Here is the result: broken leg

The guys sit sad

And they look at the Snow Maiden.


Blimey! So it means Rooster

Decided to spoil the children's holiday?

Snow Maiden, what about us?

How can this be wisely resolved?

Snow Maiden:

What to be wise? Get in the circle!

Come out soon friend

Clap your hands loudly

Don't spare your hands today!

Children go out one after another, surround the Christmas tree -


A happy holiday has come to us -

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to dance


Hello, hello New Year!

Arrange in pairs, turning to face each other

10. Movable steam room dance: "Snow Ball" (phonogram)

Baby New Year's songs"Christmas Tree Lights" "Carnival"

(Dance movements according to the song)


1. Fluffy snow is spinning, the holiday is coming.

(children, connecting their palms with each other, perform circular movements)

Everything froze with happiness, the New Year is coming soon.

(press hands to chest)

Snow knocks on the window and lies at the door,

(knock with the right fist, then spread their arms to the sides)

Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden,

Hurry to visit you.


New Year is a holiday

(children, joining their hands in a boat, walk with an added step to the right)

New Year's Carnival.

(return with an added step to the left)

The snow is spinning, flying,

(circling in pairs)

We are starting the ball.

(repeated twice)

Losing. (clap right, left)

2. Fluffy snow is spinning, everything is spinning around.

The snow ball flares up and the guests are just waiting.

Here you and I are wearing masks, no one will recognize us.

It's like you're in a fairy tale stage, or in the movies.

Chorus is the same:

After the dance, the children surround the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden:

How fun you danced, and now we will all call Santa Claus together!

Let's say it out loud the words:

"Santa Claus, come quickly,

Give the children a holiday!

Children repeat words:

11. Sounds new year song(phonogram) "Santa Claus is fooling around"

Children sing the words of the first verse songs:

1. Do you hear someone coming?

He hurries up the stairs to us.

And sing softly

Festive song.

Knock on the window

Stay and hide

This is Santa Claus

Fooling around with us!

2. He worked all year,

So that without delay

AT new year's eve

All wishes came true.

This holiday of miracles

The children really like

Nobody without gifts

Definitely won't stay!

12. Surprise: Santa Claus and a child enter, in a suit dogs

Father Frost:

I hear, I hear! I'm coming!

Santa Claus and baby dog, come to the fore, and

The Snow Maiden at this time quietly leaves the hall

Father Frost:

Hello children! Hello guests!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

I came, were you waiting for me?

Children's answer:

Father Frost:

Here with me - my greyhound, not lame and not angry.

I treated the dog's paws, I took him to the doctor.

Faithful dog is with me everywhere, because it is not for nothing that he is a hero!

And now.

Take it guys

And me in your round dance,

Let today in this hall

Every song will sing!

(Santa Claus with dog- become a child in a circle)

13. Song-dance " "Hello, Santa Claus!" music by V. Semyonov, lyrics by L. Dymova (phonogram, minus)


Grandfather Frost, we have been waiting for you for so long, play with us!

Father Frost:

Are you afraid of the cold?

Children's answer: Not!

Father Frost:

Well, then everyone beware!

The game starts!

14. Held musical game with grandfather frost: "It's cold, your hands are cold!". (We hear sounds in the distance.)

After the game, the children, holding hands, sit down in their seats.


Sit down and you rest, Santa Claus, probably tired from the road?

Father Frost:

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit down.

(Santa Claus sits down, child- dog standing next to)


Father Frost:

Okay, I'll tell you, just listen carefully.

This year is a symbol dogs.

Only here is mine dog can't bark,

I've caught a cold!

Help us guys

New Year to recapture us from the birds?


Oh if that's the only reason

Then the guys and I will chase away the chicken year!

'Cause we're screaming and barking masters,

Tell kids, huh?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost:

You get ready for now.

You need to quickly bark loudly

And silence the Rooster!


Father Frost:

Well then, get down to business

To The dog took over the year!

15. The phonogram turns on: "Cry - a rooster"

(Children should bark loudly to drown out the crowing of the rooster)

I felt like I was sleeping and then I woke up!

I could not bark, sing, dance

And even celebrate the New Year!

(bows and sits down to the children)

Father Frost:

Thank you guys for your help

Helped my dog.

Now the real New Year is coming,

Happiness, health and friendship will bring you!

Happy New Year!


Santa Claus, did you bring gifts for the children?

Father Frost:

First, tell me poems,

And then talk to me about gifts.


Well, Santa Claus, listen to our poems that the children have prepared for you.

16. Reading poetry:


I've been waiting for the new year for a long time

I blew on snowflakes through the window.

In the yard of a growing Christmas tree -

Snow sprinkled needles.

If Santa Claus knocks -

Yolkin's nose will not freeze.

Two kids come out


Outside the window a blizzard swirled

We worked for an hour

To take - and get

We have a snow woman;

2. Child:

So that, as in a fairy tale, she came to life,

To come to us for the holiday

And to the delight of the children

Didn't melt in the heat.


When ice-

Does not go and does not go

Falls well!

Why is nobody

Not happy?

Several children come out

« new year letter»

Vladimir Stepanov


Got Santa Claus

Letter from children.

The kids ask him

Fairy tales and sweets.

Asking Santa Claus

They brought gifts:

Teddy bear - locomotive,

Squirrel-bow bright,


So that the Christmas tree has

Top of the sky,

Where would I wind the clock

New Year's cuckoo.


In warm big boots,

He winks his eye

And they will be fulfilled

All desires at once.


Waiting for him to dance

He will rise with the Snow Maiden,

Otherwise New Year

It won't be long.

Santa Claus thanks the children for wonderful poems, treats them with candy

17. Surprise moment: "Return of the Snow Maiden"

Father Frost:

Well, since the New Year will not come without the Snow Maiden, let's call my granddaughter and have some fun!

Children scream:

Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

18. The Snow Maiden enters

Sounds like new year's merry potpourri:»Baby new year songs» ( Start: "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree").

The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus invite the children to round dance:

19. A musical game is held with acceleration: "Shoveling snow with our hands" (phonogram)


Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, play with the children again!

Father Frost:

Here are the restless people, these kids!

Let's play some more!

20. Musical the game: “If it’s fun at the Christmas tree, do it!” (phonogram)

After playing, the children sit down


Everyone knows: New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for a gift!

Father Frost:

Yes, I'm in store for you Christmas gifts! (looks around)

Snow Maiden, it's time to hand out gifts to children, but I don't see a bag of gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Or maybe you left it in the forest?

Father Frost:

No, I know for sure that I put the bag somewhere here, but I can’t remember where? (They go looking for a bag around the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

No, the bag is not visible here!

Grandpa, what a shame!

Is it without gifts?

Are the kids leaving the party?

Father Frost:

How will they leave? I won't allow

I will find gifts!

Wait kids, we're coming

And we'll bring gifts!

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden go behind the Christmas tree)

21. Surprise moment: Any surprise melody sounds (phonogram)

Baba Yaga and Koschey appear. Koschey carries a bag with gifts -

Baba Yaga:

Cat, come here quickly! Yes, carry the bag carefully.


Wow! Barely brought the bag! And why is he so heavy? It must have been a lot of gifts!

Baba Yaga:

Come on, come on! Here, here! How will we share?


And so! Did I carry a bag? I! So, most of the gifts are mine!

Baba Yaga:

Look you! What a smart guy! And who inspired you to do this?

(Baba Yaga and Koschey are arguing, fighting slightly)

The Snow Maiden comes out from behind the tree

Snow Maiden:

It's you again! Why are you arguing? (saw bag)

Where did you get this bag?

Baba Yaga and Koschei are blocking the bag-

Baba Yaga:

We found a bag in the forest,

I had to outsmart the fox.

Now he's ours, and no way

No one sticks their nose into it!

Snow Maiden:

Yes, it's a bag of Santa Claus!


We don't know anything!

This is our bag!

Snow Maiden:

Well, let's see. Santa Claus is coming, then speak differently!

Grandpa, come here!

Santa Claus comes out from behind the tree

Father Frost:

What happened, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus, found, found! Here's your gift bag!

Baba Yaga and Koschey:

We won't give you a bag

We ourselves will eat everything that is in it!

Father Frost:

Well then, eat up!

Baba Yaga and Koschey quickly, pushing each other away, take them out of the bag and take them out. cotton wool snow.

Father Frost:

What you deserve is what you get!

Who touches my bag with unclean hands,

That one of the gifts has cold snow.

Baba Yaga:

Is it possible that Koshchei and I will pass the New Year without gifts?

Father Frost:

I'll deal with you later. And now, (staff taps) go away with new year holiday until it freezes!

Baba Yaga and Koschey:

Santa Claus sorry! Santa Claus do not lose!

(cowardly run away from the holiday)

22. Surprise: the miracle of Santa Claus

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus, is it New Year's Eve?

Will it work without gifts?

You are a magician

Create a miracle for children.

Father Frost:

I'm a magician, it's true

I tell you without embellishment.

And I want guys

surprise you today.

(Santa Claus begins to make circular movements near the bag with his staff, saying)

Snow is cold, snow is sparkling

You are beautiful, white, pure.

Turn into gifts soon

For guys in bright packages!

(Santa Claus takes out a gift from the bag)

Here are the miracles

Happen on New Year's Eve.

Happy New Year, you friends!

Eat up, kids!

23. Under the fun new year song, Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

Father Frost:

I wish you all to grow and not be bored.

Well, next year

I'll come visit you again!

Goodbye, guys!

Happy New Year!

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden leave the hall)