Nodar shonia biography. Altai monopoly "karlin-elbows". About landmark projects

  • 20.04.2020

The property of the bankrupt Altaigrad, which was part of the Emerald Country holding, was sold at an auction at a price almost one and a half times lower than the starting price - for 162.3 million rubles. 17 buildings and land plot in the historical part of Barnaul went to the Altai company "Match", owned by the son of a well-known businessman in Altai, Nodar Shonia. The purchase has significant encumbrances, part of the property belongs to the monument of urban planning and architecture of federal significance - the Barnaul silver-smelting plant. Experts do not rule out that the new owners may demolish some of the buildings for new development.

As part of the bankruptcy of Altaigrad LLC (part of the Emerald Country holding), a land plot of the Barnaul silver-smelting plant and 17 buildings and structures located on it were sold. The lot included a production building, a school building, a vegetable store, a workshop, a warehouse complex, an administrative building, etc. Total area real estate exceeds 13 thousand square meters. m, land - 75.3 thousand square meters. m. The Barnaul silver-smelting plant is located in the historical part of the city.

The Ryazan LLC "Russian Credit" became the buyer. It offered to buy out the lot, which had previously been unsuccessfully put up for auction several times, for 162.3 million rubles. The initial price of the property was 233.2 million rubles. As the bankruptcy trustee of the company Sergei Rokhin clarified to Kommersant, Russian Credit acted as an agent in the transaction: the property was acquired in favor of the Altai construction LLC"Match". The co-owners of the company in equal shares are Vladislav Shonia and the trading company 5-gamma LLC, owned by Vitaly Denisov. Vladislav Shonia is the son of the owner and CEO of the construction company Self Nodar Shonia. In 2015, the revenue of Self LLC amounted to 3.1 billion rubles. Altai media call Vitaly Denisov a business partner of the Rakshin family, who own the Maria-ra food chain. Now Vitaly Denisov and Evgeny Rakshin are co-owners trading company LLC "Dawn" in the Altai Territory.

According to Sergei Rokhin, "about half" of the sold buildings and structures are classified as historical monuments. In this regard, the property is burdened with an obligation to protect an immovable monument of history and culture. The new owner will have to ensure its safety, restore and improve it, prevent the use of the territory for new construction, not make extensions, not carry out earthworks without special permission from the state body, and also not use the monument and its territory for warehouses, the production of flammable materials and freely allow representatives of the body for the protection of cultural heritage sites.

The website reports that the Barnaul silver-smelting plant was founded in 1739 on the initiative of the industrialist Akinfiy Demidov, and in 1747 it became the property of the royal family. The enterprise worked in the XVIII-XIX centuries. In 2006, the company's property was sold to "Altaygrad". The company promised to create a historical and cultural center on this site. The regional media wrote that Altaigrad tried to obtain permission to build a shopping and entertainment center with a multi-level parking lot on this territory, but to no avail.

Analysts do not exclude that part of the acquired real estate, which is not of historical value, may be demolished by new owners for the construction of other buildings. “Let's not think about such gloomy things as, for example, a fire that will destroy buildings that have encumbrances. It is possible that this real estate will be redevelopment and modern offices will be created in historical buildings,” says Elena Ermolaeva, director of RID Analytics.

Tomorrow, August 29 CEO construction company "Self" Nodar SHONIA celebrates its 50th anniversary. So there is reason to talk about the present and the future.

Time symbol

In that distant time, when the borders of the USSR stretched from sea to sea, no one was surprised that graduates of the schools of the Union republics went to enter Russian universities. And when Nodar Shonia was going to continue his education at the Altai Polytechnic Institute, his family approved of his decision. Then there was a desire to stay here to work.

Historical events flickered quickly, one era was replaced by another, business began to develop actively. Nodar Viktorovich smiles, remembering: “I decided to open my own business, I quickly decided on the profile, but I had to suffer with the name - I wanted it to be recognizable. Translated from English self - "I myself." However, we are still a team.

To date, the most discussed objects that the company is building are the Pioneer shopping center and the Stolichny residential complex at the address: st. 1905. The fact that people are interested in data is logical: “Barnaul residents want to see their city beautiful and modern,” says Nodar Viktorovich. “And the fact that sometimes there are different points of view about the objects being built is right, there can be no single opinion.” “I will take this opportunity to explain my choice of project. The city starts from the station, the house under the spire dominates the space. And it will remain a historical symbol of the city! And when a new spire rises, it will complete the picture, become a symbol of everything new. People will have the opportunity to see how it was and how it has become. Is it bad? And the fact that another residential building will appear in the city center is also good.”

For many, it is too obvious that the organized meeting with President Vladimir Putin, Oleg Khorokhordin, is a “fire-fighting” way to raise the small popularity on the territory of the acting governor of the Altai Republic.
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The General Director of SELF LLC spoke about the prospects and problems of development, the basic principles of activity and cooperation with the authorities Nodar Viktorovich Shonia.

Nodar Viktorovich, a little about the history of your company, which today is one of the 10 largest construction companies in the Altai Territory.

The company was established in 1996 on the basis of the Sibkhimremont trust. By the way, we still have specialists who worked in the trust. Yes, and I myself began my career as a foreman at Sibkhimremont. No development strategy was thought of in the 1990s. Looking for any job to survive.

Today, unlike those years, we do not survive, but develop. We have formed a portfolio of regional, municipal, federal contracts. Currently, we are building facilities not only in the Altai Territory, but also in the Altai Republic, in Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk Region. Since 2011, the construction industry in the region has revived, the demand for housing has grown, which allowed us to more actively develop construction sites. Today, the company is building about 100 thousand square meters at a time. meters of housing, given that a little more than 600 thousand square meters are built annually in the region. meters of housing. We can say with confidence that the volumes of SELF in the construction market occupy a significant share. Last year, they handed over about 20 thousand square meters. meters, in this we plan to hand over 40-50 thousand square meters. meters. Today, our company is able to perform almost all tasks of any complexity, both in the field of civil and industrial construction.

- You also build objects of the special economic zone of the tourist and recreational type "Turquoise Katun"?

Over the past twenty years, such a scale and complexity of a project as the construction of engineering networks on the Turquoise Katun, which was carried out by LLC SELF, was probably not carried out by anyone in the Altai Territory. This year we are completing work on contracts we signed in 2009. For the whole five years, in extremely difficult conditions both in terms of landscape and logistics, we have been building life support facilities for the tourist zone, without which its further development would be simply impossible.

By the way, the development of the recreational zone is mostly carried out with the participation of state investments attracted by the Administration of the region for the development of our region, which helped to preserve the construction industry of the region during the years of crisis. After all, one must understand that the work of the construction complex, like a locomotive, pulls production in other industries, loads their capacities with work. And then there were programs for the construction of housing for young families, the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing, the governor's program "75x75", "80x80" and many others. Many facilities are being built according to the regional targeted investment program. In general, there is a front of work for all Altai builders who can realize their plans. And in this, in my opinion, the great merit of the governor of the region Alexander Bogdanovich Karlin.

- "SELF" builds not only housing...

Yes, indeed, we have a mixed portfolio of contracts, which includes both residential objects of complex development, as well as individual administrative buildings, social facilities. Last year, work was completed on the reconstruction of the building-monument of the school for the memorial museum of M.T. Kalashnikov in the village Kurya Kuryinsky district. Work is nearing completion at the facilities of the Special Economic Zone in the Maiminsky District of the Republic of Altai (“Altai Valley”) and in the Altai District of the Altai Territory (“Turquoise Katun”). Today under construction administrative building"Cultural and Leisure Center" Pushkin "on Lenin Ave., 7 in Barnaul." One of our latest projects is the Pioneer shopping and entertainment complex, which will feature modern achievements in building technologies and European design.

I believe that we still have few worthy objects that could be proudly shown to the guests of the regional center, so we need to actively develop the central part of Barnaul. The administrations of the region and the city are doing a lot in this direction, supporting public-private partnership projects. But this requires effective mechanisms to attract private investment in the program of resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing. This would be to the benefit of the townspeople, would decide social problems, contributed to the development of the construction industry, and, of course, formed a new look for the urban environment.

How acute, according to your estimates, is the problem of personnel in the construction industry of the region? How do you see ways to solve it?

Today, a resource center has been created on the basis of PU No. 16. But I think this school alone will not save us. After all, if the volume of construction will not decrease, then the need for qualified personnel will grow. Today you can't build badly - you won't be able to be competitive. There are problems, there are difficulties. There is a shortage of masons, monolithic concrete workers and many other specialists. The shortage of qualified personnel often creates an unhealthy atmosphere in the labor market, provokes separate categories workers to unreasonably high demands for wages. We need normal competition in the labor market, when the employer can choose the employee, and not vice versa.

By the way, today the problem of the professionalism of architects, designers, engineers, economists, accountants, etc. is no less acute. Alas, the qualifications of many of them do not meet modern requirements. Unfortunately, there are no young designers, their new generation. Maybe, construction companies we must ourselves worry about the training of personnel, pay attention to them even from the student's bench. We must encourage and interest future professionals, stimulate young professionals, grow and educate our own cadres. Competent HR strategy of the company allowed us to create our own team of high-level professionals who are able to ensure the process of organizing construction at the highest level. Thanks to a thoughtful approach to the formation of a highly qualified team, SELF embodies one of its main principles - to build high-quality, modern and sought-after housing at affordable prices.

Has it recently become more difficult to interact with banks, to attract bank loans? Many builders complain...

SELF has a fairly decent loan portfolio. We work with banks such as Vozrozhdenie, Sberbank, VTB 24, Altaikapitalbank, etc. Today, the requirements and conditions of banks are becoming more stringent for borrowing enterprises. For example, we are actively working with Sberbank on project financing for the construction of real estate, both residential and commercial. Such a format of cooperation, when the bank directly controls the progress of construction, it must be said that once again gives reason not to doubt all customers in meeting the deadlines and the quality of the work we perform.

- How do you see the prospects for the development of SELF in the coming years?

We will continue to participate in social programs, the governor's program "80x80". Today we are working on the concept of a number of major projects that we plan to implement as part of a public-private partnership. Moreover, as investors, we are ready to co-finance housing construction under various social programs, for example, the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing according to Federal Law-185.

- How would you, Nodar Viktorovich, characterize the relationship between the construction industry of the region and the regional authorities?

The implementation of a large number of targeted regional and federal programs related to the construction of various facilities, including infrastructure, in our region is largely due to the governor of the region. Thus, the authorities do not disregard the independent existence construction industry Altai Territory, highlighting serious financial resources for its development and our region as a whole.