Chris Guilbaud - $100 Startup. Create a new future by doing what you love. Validity check questions

  • 15.05.2020

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This book will help you change your life. It contains recommendations from those for whom their own business has become the key to self-realization. All her characters, without having any special skills, managed to turn a hobby into a source of income and radically change their lives, and in return received freedom and satisfaction. Try to start small. It will take very little time and money to open your own business, and only when you are sure of success will you take the last, decisive step, leaving your old profession, and start living the way you want.

This book is well complemented by:

Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson

Foreword by the publication partner

The Art of Minimalism

Singularity University CEO Salim Izmail likes to talk about one interesting fact in his lectures. A few decades ago, the cost of starting a high-tech business in Silicon Valley, a good business with a solid customer base, already generating a decent income, was several million dollars. And the creation of such a business was a matter of concern and a point of application of venture capital. Now the cost of organizing such a business in the same place, in California, has significantly decreased - to about 100 thousand dollars. It is no longer necessary to look for such money in a venture fund, it is quite possible to collect it yourself according to the crowdfunding scheme. Moreover, according to Salim, today this applies not only to Internet and IT startups, for which the threshold for entering the business has always been not too high, but also to projects related to biotechnology. Yes, people manage to successfully engage in biotech in a garage on decommissioned equipment (as the founders of today's IT giants once did).

This minimalist trend includes a $100 start-up cost, a 140-character tweet-style company mission statement, a one-page business plan, and a business development plan of the same size. These are the parameters set by Chris Guillebaud in his book The $100 Startup.

But minimalism is a great art. Remember, for example, the most striking example of this style in music - Ravel's Bolero.

High art is also required for organization successful business, although for this, as Chris writes, only three elements are enough: a product or service, customers willing to pay, and a mechanism for accepting payments.

Yes, the skeleton of any business project is simple, you just need to correctly combine these three components. Check your business idea for viability, choose the right business model, attract the attention of potential customers to it.

Chris Guilbaud

Startup for $100. Create a new future by doing what you love

This book is well complemented by:

Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson

whole life

Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Turn yourself into a brand

Tom Peters

Dream, create, change!

Sara Lacy

Create and sell

Svetlana Voinskaya

Foreword by the publication partner

The Art of Minimalism

Singularity University CEO Salim Izmail likes to talk about one interesting fact in his lectures. A few decades ago, the cost of starting a high-tech business in Silicon Valley, a good business with a solid customer base, already generating a decent income, was several million dollars. And the creation of such a business was a matter of concern and a point of application of venture capital. Now the cost of organizing such a business in the same place, in California, has significantly decreased - to about 100 thousand dollars. It is no longer necessary to look for such money in a venture fund, it is quite possible to collect it yourself according to the crowdfunding scheme. Moreover, according to Salim, today this applies not only to Internet and IT startups, for which the threshold for entering the business has always been not too high, but also to projects related to biotechnology. Yes, people manage to successfully engage in biotech in a garage on decommissioned equipment (as the founders of today's IT giants once did).

This minimalist trend includes a $100 start-up cost, a 140-character tweet-style company mission statement, a one-page business plan, and a business development plan of the same size. These are the parameters set by Chris Guillebaud in his book The $100 Startup.

But minimalism is a great art. Remember, for example, the most striking example of this style in music - Ravel's Bolero.

High art is also required to organize a successful business, although this, as Chris writes, requires only three elements: a product or service, customers willing to pay, and a mechanism for accepting payments.

Yes, the skeleton of any business project is simple, you just need to correctly combine these three components. Check your business idea for viability, choose the right business model, attract the attention of potential customers to it.

As for PR, it can also be done in a minimalist style. The first winner of the "innovative" nomination established by RVC and "Rosnano" of the well-known award in the field of PR "Silver Archer" was the company "Sun". Not California, but Novosibirsk - which started with the distribution of Chinese printers, and then invented its own inks for printing - and fell under the wing of Rosnano.

Once Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, representing the company at an investment forum, said: "Oh, these can print even on impossible surfaces." Journalists picked up this phrase, and it got into the mouths of the hosts of the ProjectorParisHilton show. They made a lot of jokes about this and in the end advised Novosibirsk residents to learn how to print on water.

The Sun PR lady came to her developers with this advice. They scratched their heads - and really came up with a way to print on the surface of the water. It is not clear why, but no one in the world can do this yet. Of course, only the lazy did not write about the printer that prints on water. And these notes again ended up in the ProjectorParisHilton - the circle is closed. The Novosibirsk company twice got on the country's main TV channel, and the budget for this PR project was practically zero.

In general, you can become a successful (and famous) entrepreneur within the framework of minimalism, and even without giving up your hobby. The bottom line, warns Chris Guillebaud, is that if you want to call your hobby a business, you need to make money. How? Read Chris' tips and insights.

Editorial Board of RVC Library

This book is for those who are taking their first steps

for those who inspire others with their deeds


Quick Guide to Wish Fulfillment

Imagine that you spend all your time on activities that you enjoy.

Imagine that you are only doing your own projects and you are no longer a cog in a machine that serves to enrich others.

Imagine handing your boss a letter that reads: “Dear Chief, I hasten to inform you that I no longer need your services. Thanks for all. Now I will go my own way."

Imagine that today is your last day working as an employee. Let's say that very soon - in the not too distant and unpredictable future - you start your working day by turning on your laptop in your home office, opening own store, a call to a client who trusts you and appreciates your recommendations, or from something else, but from what you want to; You are no longer following anyone's orders.

Thousands of people around the world do just that. They are rewriting employment standards, becoming their own bosses, and shaping their own new future. This business model has proven itself well on the example of "casual" entrepreneurs who never considered themselves as such. There's been a revolution micro business, thanks to which you can earn decent money, while maintaining independence and purpose in life.

Some books describing the growth of Internet startups end up with eulogies for venture capital and fantastic stories about gourmet restaurants for employees. Many manuals tell you how to write 80-page business plans that no one ever reads and that have nothing to do with a real business. This book is about something completely different. It relies on two key provisions: freedom and values. We all strive for freedom, and values ​​are the means to find it.

Taste of freedom

More than ten years ago, I began a lifelong journey, and this path, one way or another, was to lead me to opening my own business. I never aspired to be an entrepreneur, I just didn't want to work for anyone but myself. From a cheap apartment in Memphis, I watched other people, trying to analyze their progress. I ended up importing coffee from Jamaica and selling it online because I saw others making money doing it. I didn't know much about importing, roasting or selling coffee beans, but I've tasted almost every type of coffee thanks to free 'samples'.

When I needed money, I didn't think about how to cut costs or find a job, but how to create and sell a product. That is, he did everything contrary to generally accepted norms, since usually budgeting begins with a search for a profitable niche and an analysis of the available opportunities. I acted differently: I started with a list of what I would like to do, and then I thought about how to implement it.

My small business didn't bring big money, but allowed to pay bills and gain something more valuable - freedom. I didn't stick to any kind of schedule, didn't fill out timesheets, didn't write meaningless reports, didn't follow office rules, and didn't even attend mandatory meetings.

I spent part of the time doing company business, but I didn’t let busy schedules get in the way of my enjoyment of life, such as cozying up with a book in a cafe or moonlighting as a jazz musician in the evenings.

Wanting to give the world something truly beautiful, I traveled to West Africa and volunteered for four years for a medical charity. I got behind the wheel of a Land Rover and delivered medical supplies to hospitals in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Then I realized that freedom is inseparable from responsibility and I can combine my desire for independence with things that will serve the benefit of humanity.

Upon returning to the States, I built a career as a writer according to my usual scenario: I started with an idea, and learned everything else in the process. Having decided to travel the whole world, I visited 20 countries a year and managed my business from anywhere in the world. At every stage, my constant compass was the desire for freedom.

There are no rehabilitation programs for free addicts. If you ever felt the taste of freedom, then try to live by someone else's rules - it will not work.

The Doctrine of Values

I dedicated the second part of the book values- this word is often used, although its meaning is rarely understood. Value is usually created when a person does something useful and shares it with others. The people you meet in the pages of this book have succeeded because that is what they did. The combination of freedom and values ​​usually occurs when a person enthusiastically gives himself to what he loves and eventually it turns into a business.

Chris Gilbaud Startup for $100. Create a new future by doing what you love

This book is well complemented by:

Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson

whole life

Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Turn yourself into a brand

Tom Peters

Dream, create, change!

Sara Lacy

Create and sell

Svetlana Voinskaya

Foreword by the publishing partner The Art of Minimalism

Singularity University CEO Salim Izmail likes to talk about one interesting fact in his lectures. A few decades ago, the cost of starting a high-tech business in Silicon Valley, a good business with a solid customer base, already generating a decent income, was several million dollars. And the creation of such a business was a matter of concern and a point of application of venture capital. Now the cost of organizing such a business in the same place, in California, has significantly decreased - to about 100 thousand dollars. It is no longer necessary to look for such money in a venture fund, it is quite possible to collect it yourself according to the crowdfunding scheme. Moreover, according to Salim, today this applies not only to Internet and IT startups, for which the threshold for entering the business has always been not too high, but also to projects related to biotechnology. Yes, people manage to successfully engage in biotech in a garage on decommissioned equipment (as the founders of today's IT giants once did).

This minimalist trend includes a $100 start-up cost, a 140-character tweet-style company mission statement, a one-page business plan, and a business development plan of the same size. These are the parameters set by Chris Guillebaud in his book The $100 Startup.

But minimalism is a great art. Remember, for example, the most striking example of this style in music - Ravel's Bolero.

High art is also required to organize a successful business, although this, as Chris writes, requires only three elements: a product or service, customers willing to pay, and a mechanism for accepting payments.

Yes, the skeleton of any business project is simple, you just need to correctly combine these three components. Check your business idea for viability, choose the right business model, attract the attention of potential customers to it.

As for PR, it can also be done in a minimalist style. The first winner of the "innovative" nomination established by RVC and "Rosnano" of the well-known award in the field of PR "Silver Archer" was the company "Sun". Not California, but Novosibirsk - which started with the distribution of Chinese printers, and then invented its own inks for printing - and fell under the wing of Rosnano.

Once Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, representing the company at an investment forum, said: "Oh, these can print even on impossible surfaces." Journalists picked up this phrase, and it got into the mouths of the hosts of the ProjectorParisHilton show. They made a lot of jokes about this and in the end advised Novosibirsk residents to learn how to print on water.

The Sun PR lady came to her developers with this advice. They scratched their heads - and really came up with a way to print on the surface of the water. It is not clear why, but no one in the world can do this yet. Of course, only the lazy did not write about the printer that prints on water. And these notes again ended up in the ProjectorParisHilton - the circle is closed. The Novosibirsk company twice got on the country's main TV channel, and the budget for this PR project was practically zero.

In general, you can become a successful (and famous) entrepreneur within the framework of minimalism, and even without giving up your hobby. The bottom line, warns Chris Guillebaud, is that if you want to call your hobby a business, you need to make money. How? Read Chris' tips and insights.

Editorial Board of RVC Library

This book is for those who are taking their first steps

for those who inspire others with their deeds

Manifesto A Quick Guide to Wish Fulfillment

Imagine that you spend all your time on activities that you enjoy.

Imagine that you are only doing your own projects and you are no longer a cog in a machine that serves to enrich others.

Imagine handing your boss a letter that reads: “Dear Chief, I hasten to inform you that I no longer need your services. Thanks for all. Now I will go my own way."

Imagine that today is your last day working as an employee. Let's say that very soon - in the not too distant and unpredictable future - you start your working day by turning on your laptop in your home office, opening your own store, calling a client who trusts you and appreciates your recommendations, or something else, but from that , What do you want; You are no longer following anyone's orders.

What this book is about This book is about how to live interestingly and meaningfully and at the same time make good money. Sometimes you can find a combination of pleasure and income without leaving your current profession. However, sometimes you have to sweat a lot to get away from traditional earnings and discover alternative sources of income. In any case, you will need to create a small startup with your own money, give it a little time and wait until this company is ripe for serious success in order to reap the fruits of your labor, no longer depend on circumstances and start living the way you want. Who this book is for This book is for those who aspire to a fuller, more interesting and meaningful life. It will be of interest to those who want to stop depending on circumstances and start living the way they have long wanted to. It is definitely worth reading for those who want to stop doing boring, useless things, and start doing something that is both interesting and useful for others. Why We Decided to Publish This Book We know how important it is to do what you love. We know how difficult it is to start a new business. We were interested in learning how to create real business for real money. We liked that the author of this book does not limit himself to general recommendations, but gives the exact amounts, the procedure needed in the first months, in addition, he analyzes the mistakes that novice entrepreneurs made at first. Feature of the book In preparing this book, Chris Guilbaud found 1,500 entrepreneurs who today own businesses that bring in $50,000 or more in annual income, although they started with extremely modest capital investments (in many cases, it was really about amounts not exceeding $100). Then he studied in detail the 50 most interesting representatives of this group. Based on the data of this study, a simple and understandable book was written, containing valuable advice from those who know how to turn their work into a source of joy and pleasure. Moreover, Chris is not limited to general recommendations, but gives the exact amounts, the procedure required in the first months, in addition, he analyzes the mistakes that novice entrepreneurs made at first. Author's Note When I needed money, I didn't think about how to cut costs or get a job, but how to create and sell a product. That is, he did everything contrary to generally accepted norms, since usually budgeting begins with an assessment of profits and an analysis of available opportunities. I acted differently: I started with a list of what I would like to do, and then I thought about how to implement it. My small business didn't make a lot of money, but it paid bills and gave me something more valuable: freedom. I didn't stick to any kind of schedule, didn't fill out time sheets, didn't write meaningless reports, didn't follow the rules of conduct in the office, and didn't even attend mandatory meetings. Please note that this book is not about how to start a big Internet startup or how to create a regular company, put on a business suit and beg for money from the bank. Before you is a story about people who managed to realize their dreams and earn decent money doing what they are really interested in. Maybe we can try to repeat their success? Let's adopt a common strategy and learn from those who succeeded. There are no secrets, cheat sheets and other tricks in this book. There are also no visualization exercises. If you think you can make money just by thinking about it, put it on the shelf and meditate. On the contrary, the book contains only practical advice how to take responsibility for your own future. Read it if you want to create something beautiful on your way to freedom. Is it possible to change everything, live a full life and do only what you like? Can. Is it possible to earn money on this? Yes, and here are the stories of people who have succeeded. Is there a way to achieve this? Yes, and he is in front of you. Thanks to him, you will gain the long-awaited freedom. About the Author Chris Guilbaud is a writer, entrepreneur, and traveler. Chris works for himself and does various projects from online publications to volunteering in West Africa. In his thirties, Chris Guilbaud has already traveled to almost all countries of the world - today he has more than 175 of them. Creator of the World Domination Summit, an international community of creative people, Chris helps people find their calling, as well as share experiences. He has a special talent for turning ideas into revenue, which he uses to drive interesting life and benefit other people. has over 300,000 monthly visitors.