How to terminate the contract online. OnLime ISP - "Dirty customer retention practices." Application for termination of the contract with Rostelecom

  • 28.03.2020

Hi all! I signed an agreement (account number 4470887) with Rostelecom/Online in the hope of getting a quality package of services: Internet, IP-telephony and IP-TV. For some time the quality was acceptable, but the last 3-4 months of disconnection from digital services have become permanent (at first about once a week, and in October - almost every day). We called the service technical support and explained that there was no Internet, the phone did not work, and a service menu appeared on the TV screen with the inscription: “IP address found, server unavailable, try rebooting.” When you press the reset button, the router and the set-top box go in cycles. In response to my message, the operators always advised me to check if there is a break in the twisted pair cable inside the apartment. I explained that the wires are hidden in the baseboards, and cable damage is 100% excluded, moreover, disconnections often occurred in our absence, i.e. they left the house when everything was working, and came back - nothing was functioning. And only after persistent requests from our side to check whether the signal is coming to the apartment, the operator made an application to call a specialist. Then the “magic” happened - within 1-2 hours without the arrival of any masters, the services were restored, but in the morning everything was turned off again. However, a couple of times specialists still came to us, and without finding any damage to the cable and equipment malfunction (the router was still replaced), they informed us that the ports simply “fall off” due to lack of power, which implies conclusion that some subscribers are disconnected from the Internet in the hope that they this moment not at home, while others are turned on at this time.
As a result, we made a firm decision to close the Treaty, because. OnLime cannot provide us with the services for which we pay money, and we want to receive them, respectively, but in fact, almost every day, all 3 services from the package (Internet, telephone, television) turn out to be disabled. I want to note one more remarkable fact, which is a direct violation of the law on consumer rights. When we asked the operator what we need to do to terminate the contract, we were told that in addition to the application for termination of the contract, we still need to buy a TV set-top box and a router, because. we are allegedly obliged to buy them in installments, which is indicated in some databases. I wrote to them: “I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in our copy of the contract, which I am attaching to the application, there are clearly marked “ticks” opposite the “rental” column for all devices.
OnLime employees ignore these facts and stubbornly write that it is necessary to buy out a router and a TV set-top box, although I did not sign any installment agreements. Despite the statement-claim sent by me to the provider with a scan of the contract, where it is written in plain text that I am unilaterally terminating the contract, due to the fact that OnLime cannot provide me with the services for which I pay money, they put me on the "counter" and regularly send me text messages with a growing amount of debt. How to call it softer?

It is not uncommon for Rostelecom customers to have serious difficulties when trying to terminate the contract. Sometimes they lead to scandals, disappointment and resentment against the company. To avoid this, you need to know what documents are needed to terminate the contract, what problems most often arise in this case, and how to avoid them.

Action algorithm

So, you have decided that you no longer need the services of Rostelecom. The first thing to do is prepare everything Required documents, namely:

  1. Your copy of the agreement.
  2. The passport.
  3. The act of acceptance and transfer of equipment (if provided).
  4. The equipment mentioned in the act.

Can't find my copy of the contract

This is a common problem, especially when it comes to a contract for home phone. In this case, come to the company's office with all the other documents - there is always a second copy of the contract, which employees can find according to your passport data.

The contract is not for you

If the contract was drawn up for one of your relatives, then it is necessary for him to come to the company's office and write an application for termination of the contract. If for some reason this is not possible, then you will need a power of attorney on his behalf.


Before visiting the office of the company, make sure that all bills for services are paid off - otherwise you will not be able to terminate the contract.

Writing an application for termination of the contract does not yet exempt from payment for services. Therefore, if you do not want to overpay, then notify the campaign of your intention to stop using its services ten days before the expected date.

Common Problems

As already mentioned, the shutdown procedure is not always smooth and often hides a number of pitfalls, not knowing about which you can encounter unnecessary difficulties. Now let's look at the most common ones.

Service debt

Such a problem may arise, for example, if you have moved and forgot about the need to terminate the contract. Often, outraged customers come to the company's office and wonder where the debt came from if they have not used the services of Rostelecom for some time.

And this happens because although the service is disconnected for non-payment after some time, the subscription fee and equipment rental fee (if any) continue to accumulate, from which we can draw a simple conclusion: by immediately terminating the contract, you will avoid overpayments and fines, and therefore, stressful situations.

Equipment debt

When terminating the contract, it is extremely important to hand over the leased equipment at a time if it does not need to be dismantled. If this is not done, then the rent for it will continue to accrue even after the refusal of services, and not at promotional rates, but at the standard cost, which is higher, and a debt is formed.

The need to buy equipment

This can come as a complete surprise and cause a storm of indignation. This most often happens with an inattentive reading of the contract and the act of acceptance and delivery when connecting Rostelecom services.

You will have to redeem the equipment if in your contract, in the paragraph on the type of transfer of equipment to you, the method "Purchase and sale" and the method of payment "Deferred or installment payment" are indicated. Therefore, you may be required to either deposit an amount equal to full cost equipment (if the payment method "Deferred payment" is selected), or pay the rest of the cost (if there was an installment payment).

Sample application for termination of the contract.

Frequently asked Questions

What should be indicated in the application for termination of the contract?

In the application, you must indicate your full name, passport details, contract number and details of the company indicated in it, the full name of the person in whose name the application is written, the text of the request, date and signature. Also, the application form can be downloaded and printed from the Rostelecom website.

Can I apply on behalf of a relative?

Yes, this can be done with a power of attorney, your passport and a copy of his passport.

Can I terminate the contract from another city?

Yes it is possible. To do this, you need to send the following documents by valuable letter:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the contract (if any);
  • a copy of the power of attorney (if necessary).

Considering all of the above, we can summarize: in order to avoid problems and misunderstandings when terminating an agreement with Rostelecom, it is important to carefully approach its conclusion at the very beginning, before visiting the company's office, carefully study all its points and prevent the formation of debt. This approach will eliminate unpleasant surprises and will help make the procedure for terminating the contract easy and painless.

More than a year ago, I connected the Internet from OnLime in my apartment. In general, I am satisfied with the quality of the Internet itself, but not so much with the quality of their service and technical support. This especially enraged me when I connected the same OnLime with my mother (Stream-MTS completely rolled into fucking shit).


I have been an Onlime subscriber for a little over a year. I have no complaints about the quality of Internet services, no complaints about the quality of the signal. I enjoy using the Internet provided by Onlime and recommend it to all my friends and family. However, I have questions and complaints about the procedure for providing equipment, in particular, a wi-fi modem.

Recently, my router lease expired, which, by the way, does not receive any notification either by mail or in personal account, not by SMS. It’s just that the amount of equipment rental starts to be debited from the personal account every month. This is claim number one. Why can't you notify your customers that their equipment lease agreement is being automatically renewed?

When I wanted to return my modem, since I had already installed my own, I was offered to come to the office to make a return. At the same time, the operator of your call center referred to the contract, which allegedly states that the subscriber himself must come to the company's office. Only now, if we carefully read the contract, we will find the following clause there: “7.5. Return the Equipment to the Operator at the end of the rental period under the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate (relevant entry in the Order, Appendix No. 1 of the Agreement) in a technically sound condition, taking into account normal wear and tear, without mechanical damage (cracks, scratches, dents, etc.) and integrity violations seal sticker. Nowhere in the contract is it written that the subscriber is obliged to bring the equipment to the company's office, which, moreover, is the only one in all of Moscow! From this, I have a second claim dash question: why can't such a huge corporation as Rostelecom open several more offices for subscribers in different parts of Moscow? Why Rostelecom Corporation cannot organize courier service even if it's paid?

Less than two weeks ago, I persuaded my relatives to change their Internet service provider to Onlime. They, like me, were provided with a modem for rent, but less than a week later, interruptions appeared in the work of this modem - nominally there was a connection to the network, but from no wifi devices the Internet was not available, the situation was corrected only by rebooting the modem. I contacted the company's technical support, the technical specialist gave me recommendations on how to reconfigure the modem, but this did not help, the router continued to fail. A few days later, I again contacted the support service, asked how I could return the equipment and return 600 rubles for the lease (two weeks had not yet passed since the connection). I was informed that, again, the equipment can be returned only in the office and only with the personal participation of the person for whom the contract is drawn up or with a notarized power of attorney. However, this is not possible due to the high employment of this person, as well as due to the extremely inconvenient location of the company's office. I offered to come with my passport, with a photocopy of the passport of the person for whom the contract was issued and with the original contract, but I was told that this option does not fit the company's policy. My references to the contract, which does NOT state that the subscriber is obliged to come to the office himself, positive effect did not get. I was only able to get an application to replace the router, which is an unsatisfactory solution for me, since the equipment provided by Onlime does not inspire confidence (in my case, the modem also worked very unstable).

In connection with the above, I want to be explained to me why a company that provides quality Internet delivery services has such an unfriendly campaign to provide rental equipment? Why is it impossible to simplify as much as possible the return of equipment whose rental period has expired, and even more so equipment that is initially defective? Why is it impossible to notify the subscriber that the equipment rental period has expired? Why do call center operators and technical support employees refer to a clause that does not exist in the contract I signed, which allegedly says that I am obliged to come to the company's office myself? Why do the operators, when they offer to jointly study the contract carefully and find this clause there, answer that they are not lawyers and cannot help me in any way?


It feels like they didn't even read my questions and complaints. Here is the support response:

Dear Anton!

In response to your e-mail, we regret to inform you that at the moment the service for the removal of Equipment in case of termination of the contract by OnLime is not provided.

Please note that according to clause 6.5.7. Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement (Procedure of settlements) during the period of suspension of the provision of the Service (s) (blocking), the subscription fee is not charged, with the exception of the subscription fee for the “Equipment Rental” service.

We inform you that the termination of the contract and the withdrawal of accruals for the rental of equipment for the Internet service will be fully made after the application for termination of the contract and the transfer by you or a person authorized by you of the equipment to the subscriber office of the company (clause 7.5. Appendix No. 7 to the Agreement (Procedure for the provision of additional equipment) To transfer the equipment to the office of the company by a person authorized by you, you need a handwritten power of attorney from the owner of the contract and a copy of the passport of the owner of the contract.Also, to send the Equipment, you can use the courier delivery service.


Electronic request processing specialist

Service Department of JSC "National Cable Networks"

Recently, the termination of the contract with Rostelecom has become a difficult procedure due to own conditions company upon cancellation of the contract. This article will discuss in detail how to terminate the contract in cases of disconnection of the Internet, television, as well as telephone connection in different life situations.

What documents are needed to terminate the contract with Rostelecom

By default, you need small set documents, which include:

  • The contract itself.
  • Identity document.
  • In some cases, the act of acceptance - transfer of equipment.
  • Equipment from this act.
  • Certificate of ownership of the apartment and its photocopy.

And, of course, a personal appearance at the Rostelecom office of the person with whom the contract was concluded. If everything is clear with the first two points of the list: they are mandatory and there can be no termination without them, then the remaining points must be specified separately.
The equipment transfer act is drawn up separately by Rostelecom employees when you connect a particular service, if the company issues you a device. For example, it can be a router or an ordinary adapter that you even forgot about. All of them are included in the list of this act. Upon termination of the contract, you need to return all devices back to Rostelecom or pay their full cost.
Look carefully at your transfer deed, if it says “Purchase and sale of equipment”, then you will have to pay part or all of the cost of the device, namely:

  • “Delayed payment” method – payment of the full cost,
  • “Installment payment” method – payment of the remaining cost of the device.

The certificate of ownership of the apartment is not included in the official list of documents for termination on the company's website, however, users who have gone through this procedure claim that this will speed up the process several times.

Having collected this package, you can contact the office and fill out a special application, or do it right at home, thereby reducing the time spent in Rostelecom. Print your form by formatting it as follows.

Find out all the names and numbers of branches of Rostelecom by hotline your city. Indicate your passport details, Surname, First Name, Patronymic, contract number, as well as company details that are indicated in it. Date and signature are required.

You can download the form form from the official website of Rostelecom, or write it yourself in any text editor.

If you have collected everything you need and arrived at the appointed time, then there should be no problems, however, if you do not have one of these documents, the procedure becomes more complicated.

How to terminate the contract with Rostelecom if the contract is lost

In this case, call the office of the company in advance and tell us about your problem, namely, the loss of your copy of the contract. This issue will be resolved quickly, as employees can find it in the database by the user's passport number and print a new copy of your contract.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom if the agreement is not for you

Termination of the contract occurs with the personal participation of both parties. This means that the person whose name is entered in the contract must himself come to the company's office for the termination procedure. If for some reason he cannot do this, then a power of attorney certified by a notary by this person will be required.
Then you will need a copy of the person's passport, a power of attorney in your name, your passport. The remaining documents remain unchanged from the first paragraph of this instruction.

Please note that all debts will have to be paid off by you, and not by this person, so take care in advance that there are no debts on the account and that Rostelecom equipment is paid for.

Nuances of termination of the contract with Rostelecom

Most often, when connecting to the Internet and home television, the company itself provides a video sender and a TV set-top box or a router and some adapters. Of course, all devices are not free - they are provided in installments for a certain period. Practice shows that usually this period is 36 months. During this period, the cost of the equipment will be fully repaid. If you terminate the contract before the deadline specified in the transfer act, then you will reimburse the company with your own funds for the residual value.

Also, termination is not possible if you have not paid off all debts on your account. Pay for them in advance.

Communication services will cease to operate ten days after the application is submitted to the company's office.

With Rostelecom? Many people have to face this question for various reasons: a provider competitor offers more favorable conditions for the provision of services, relocation, dissatisfaction with the quality of television (Internet or telephony), etc. Whichever of the situations described above occurs, subscribers using the services of Rostelecom, you should know that the principle of termination of contractual obligations is the same. In this article, it will be discussed in detail. Also below are some of the nuances that all users of the provider should remember.

How to terminate the contract with Rostelecom: four simple steps

  1. We prepare documents (a detailed list will be given below).
  2. We go to the office and write a statement. The form will be provided by a service center specialist. You can also fill it out in advance by downloading a sample from the official website of the provider. Third-party web resources should be avoided, as they may not have the most up-to-date layout of the document.
  3. We return equipment. This item is relevant in cases where a TV set-top box, router or other equipment was rented. If the subscriber uses his own set-top box, for example, or purchased it (including on an installment plan) from Rostelecom, then proceed to the paragraph below.
  4. We pay the received invoice. The document for payment will arrive in the first days of the next month. For those who use communication services from the operator in question, they know that the charge for communication services provided, for example, in the current month, will be carried out in the first days of the next month.

Who can terminate the contract?

Only the person whose data was used when concluding the contract can terminate the contract with Rostelecom for the phone (as well as for the Internet and TV). There are cases when:

  • the subscriber does not have the opportunity to contact the provider's salon due to employment / remoteness from the place of residence;
  • the subscriber has died.

In the first case, you can send documents by mail. In order not to lose the original documents during shipment, make copies of them. Waiting for a response with such an application can take a long time, so it is not recommended to resort to it. It is safer to visit the office and complete the application in person.

For those subscribers who are interested in how to terminate the contract with Rostelecom without contacting the company's branch, the fact that you can send your relative or friend instead of yourself will be good news. In this case, you first need to issue a power of attorney (this may be a “general” power of attorney to perform any actions or a power of attorney to terminate the contract for communication services) with a notary.

If a subscriber who has entered into an agreement with Rostelecom has died, then his relatives also have the right to contact the provider's service center and write a statement. What documents you will need to take with you will be described below.

List of documents required to close the contract

During a personal visit to the office:

  • original passport;
  • a copy of the agreement on communication services (if it is missing, then you can do without it, since the second copy is in the archive of the provider);
  • act of acceptance and transfer of equipment (such a document is issued every time a subscriber purchases equipment or rents it from a provider when concluding a contract for the provision of services);
  • equipment listed in the act (this item is required for those subscribers who previously rented a set-top box and / or router).

The equipment must be returned in any case if the contract specifies its rental. Failure to return will result in it continuing to be charged a higher monthly fee than previously charged, although services will no longer be provided by the provider.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet or another service if the subscriber who entered into the agreement has died?

Relatives, having a death certificate in their hands, can contact the service salon and write a statement. You will need to have an identity document with you. If the contract includes "equipment for rent", then it will be necessary to return it. The presence of other documents will be a plus.

When contacting a trustee service center, you must have a complete package of documentation plus a power of attorney to perform operations.

Where to apply with documents?

Far from any salon, over the entrance to which the Rostelecom sign flaunts, should be contacted to perform such a complex procedure as terminating an agreement. Where to terminate the contract with Rostelecom can be found on the provider's website or clarified by the toll-free support line number. Most often, such actions are performed in service centers. Sales offices and information desks will refuse to perform this operation. Rostelecom has combined salons where it is possible to conclude an agreement, obtain information on it, and also terminate it.

Equipment return

Rostelecom provides its customers with the opportunity to use the company's equipment (lease it) and buy it out (immediately or in installments). In the first case, when a set-top box or router is taken for temporary use, they will need to be returned upon termination of the contract. The operability of the equipment will be carried out by a company specialist upon delivery of documentation and equipment.

It is possible that the equipment is purchased by the client. Payment for it can be made one-time (in full) or monthly (in installments).

The type of purchase of equipment is specified in the contract. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully get acquainted with its contents, so as not to receive an unpleasant surprise later.

Under what circumstances can termination be denied?

Often, subscribers who want to stop using the services of the provider we are considering have to face a number of difficulties when closing their personal account. Many complain that they are denied termination, referring to the debt. Indeed, the only reason why a service center specialist would be able to refuse to accept an application is the presence of a debt. The absence of payment for the previous period is not considered a debt (after invoicing, receipt of Money by the 25th of the month).

Other nuances

  • As mentioned earlier, terminate the contract with Rostelecom for home Internet, is possible only if there is no debt on the account. Therefore, it is recommended to pay it off immediately and only after that go to the branch to terminate the contract.
  • In case of early termination of the contract, it is possible to recalculate for communication services for those users who connected to the provider during the period of promotions. The application of the recalculation mechanism in a particular case should be clarified with the company's specialists.
  • After termination of the contract, it will be necessary to pay the accrual for the previous period. The invoice for payment will be received in paper or in electronic format at the beginning of next month.
  • If you want to refuse one service of the company and continue to use the second one (with a complex connection), you should also contact the communication salon and write a corresponding application.

How to find out if there is a debt?

Before contacting the office of the company and writing an application for termination of the contract, you should make sure that there are no debts on your personal account. This can be done by phone, by calling the company's hotline or looking in your personal account (on the official website or in mobile application). Also, during a personal visit to the provider's office, you can find out if there is a debt. Only after that it will be possible to receive a form for filling out an application for termination of the contract. By the way, most of the company's branches have ATMs and special payment terminals, using which you can not only pay the existing debt, but also make a monthly payment on your personal account for any of the services used under the contract.


In this article, we examined how to terminate the contract with Rostelecom for television, telephony and Internet services. Regardless of which service is used, the way to disable it is the same - you need to contact the provider's service salon. This also applies to situations where it is necessary to terminate the contract with Rostelecom for a home telephone.

You can also send an application by mail, but in this case you cannot be sure that it reached the addressee and was considered by him. To perform such serious operations, it is recommended to contact Rostelecom salons.