How are abstracts written? What are abstracts and how not to make mistakes when writing them? What are abstracts and why do copywriters need them? Introduction thesis

  • 31.03.2021

Tell about a case from life.

An analogy image.

Question-answer form(perhaps the most convenient and easy way: we ask ourselves a question and answer it ourselves, this helps not to get away from the topic).

|| Be sure to first check the correspondence between the topic and the thesis. ||

In any case, my advice to you: if you have read, re-read your essay and could not say with certainty that the arguments you gave prove exactly the idea that you put forward as a thesis, then you probably need to change the thesis (it’s just sometimes make it easier than picking up new arguments). You can also check whether these arguments really suit you by the micro-conclusion that you write at the end of each argument. Such a check must be done in order for the “thesis-argument” correspondence to be complete.

Main part


So, the thesis is formulated, now you need to bring an argument from literary sources. The main part, as we remember, consists of one or more literary arguments supporting the thesis. Each argument is separated into a separate paragraph. There should be a micro-conclusion at the end of each paragraph.
It is possible to bring one literary argument to one thesis, but it is better that there are two arguments.

If there are several theses, then each of them has its own argument!

That is, if you answer a question on the topic, for example: “What does love bring to people: suffering or happiness?”, Answer that, from your point of view, love can both make a person happy and make him unhappy, then you need to give two arguments , in one of which love helps a person to find happiness,
to feel the fullness of life, and in another it brings sadness and suffering. And then in this case the thesis will be proved, and completely.

Argument structure

The argument consists of several elements and includes:

Appeal to a literary work: we name the author and the work, its genre (if we know; if we don’t know, then we write like this - “work” to avoid factual errors).

Its interpretation: here we turn to the plot of the work or a specific episode, characterize the hero (s). It is advisable to mention the author several times, using speech clichés such as “the author narrates”, “the author describes”, “the writer argues”, “the poet shows”, “the author considers”, etc. Why can't you just write: "the hero went there, did that"? But because it will no longer be an analysis, but a simple retelling.

Micro-conclusion (it completes only one of the micro-themes, and not the entire essay as a whole; it is necessary for the consistency and coherence of the text): in this part, we, as a rule, formulate the main idea of ​​the entire work mentioned or the author's position on a specific problem. We use clichés like “the writer comes to the conclusion...”, etc.

The micro-conclusion from the argument should be consistent with the thesis that you gave at the beginning of the essay, and not just be a conclusion from the argument!

All elements of the argument are sequentially arranged one after the other.

For example, the topic: “What path can be called a road to nowhere?”.

Sample introduction Each of us has our own path, and there is not a single person in the world who would not make mistakes along this path. It seems to me that this is quite natural. Throughout our life's journey, we all the time have to make one or another choice in order to reach any goal. It often happens that a person realizes that he is doing meaningless actions and deeds. And yet he continues down that road. Often, stubbornness makes you go down the wrong road. But the roads may not lead you where you want to go. They may not lead anywhere at all if you yourself do nothing to move forward.
Thesis The road to nowhere can be called the path that will not bring any significant results.

Now about the arguments.

Elements of the 1st argument Example
Reference to the work In my opinion, we can find the answer to the question about the road to nowhere in the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".
Interpretation of the fragment (it is desirable to mention the author at least 2-3 times) Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a middle-class landowner, "... with dark gray eyes, but the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in facial features." In my opinion, the problem is that he does not set goals for himself. I.N. Goncharov draws our attention to the fact that communication with Olga is a kind of last manifestation of Oblomov's personality, as if the last rise, the last happy time for him, and behind all this - only a fall and a hopeless existence ... Oblomov's soft nature unable to merge with the false, cruel outside world because it is too hard for him. The author says with regret that Ilya Ilyich decides to plunge into apathy in the country house of Agafya Matveevna, where he finds his "peace"
microwithdrawal The road that Oblomov walks can be called the path to nowhere, because he cannot do anything to achieve his goal because of his own laziness and unwillingness to move forward
Elements of the 2nd argument Example
Reference to the work Now let's turn to the remarkable work of F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
Interpretation of the fragment (it is desirable to mention the author at least three times) The life path of Rodion Raskolnikov did not lead him to anything good. In the novel, F. Dostoevsky depicts the collision of a theory invented by the hero with real life. Rodion wants to help all people and at the same time find out: “I am a trembling creature or have the right ...”. Raskolnikov had long hatched his terrible plan, but for the time being all this remained only a gloomy fantasy. In my opinion, as soon as Raskolnikov's thoughts turned to murder, he had to rethink his theory and choose another life path. Didn't he have any idea what such a crime could lead to? Sometimes you need to think about the consequences of what you said or did beforehand.
microwithdrawal I can also call this path a road to nowhere, because killing a person is the greatest sin that cannot be justified by anything, even the theory of a lifetime

Links between paragraphs (micro-themes)

To avoid logical errors, do not forget about "bundles", "bridges" between arguments. Everything should be consistent and logical. For example, you cannot start the paragraph of the second argument with the word “also”, since “in the same way”, like the author mentioned in the previous argument, a new author cannot reveal the same problem in his work: another author, another work - therefore It's not the same, it's completely different. Arguments should be not just a heap of episodes from works, but examples logically related to the thesis.

Note. In the final essay, it is allowed to give arguments based on foreign literature. This was repeatedly discussed in programs with the participation of the Minister of Education and Science D.V. Livanov and Chairman of the Council for School Essays of the Ministry of Education and Science N.D. Solzhenitsyna. They agreed that it was unacceptable to prohibit arguments based on works of world literature.


So we got to the final part of our final essay.

There are several ways to end an essay:

Conclusion. It is customary to conclude an essay with a conclusion from all of the above. This is probably the most common way to end an essay. Sometimes it is very difficult to write a conclusion, since one cannot repeat those micro-conclusions that have already been made in the essay after the arguments. In any case, the thought is the same, it is simply expressed in different words! The main thing is not to get away from the topic of the essay.

Conclusion-call. This is another fairly common ending. Of course, these should not be pathos slogans “Protect our Earth!”. It is better not to use 2nd person verbs: “take care”, “respect”, “remember”. Limit yourself to the forms “need”, “important”, “let's”, etc. Then no one can reproach you for an unethical attitude towards the addressee (after all, it is the teacher who will be your first reader).

The conclusion is an expression of hope. This is one of the most advantageous options for the final part, as it allows you to avoid duplication of thought, ethical and logical errors. It is necessary to express hope for something positive. You can not write, for example, that "nature will avenge itself on future generations."

Conclusion Options Examples
Conclusion Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the problem of assessing talent is still very relevant. People need to look for talents, not let them go out, because it is they, these talented people, are the engines of progress and society as a whole
call Summing up, I want to believe that every person should set himself high and noble goals. You always have to think about whether I need it at all? It is impossible to be inactive, because this is called the road to nowhere. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes along our path, because, as one wise man said, "since you have gone astray, it means that you have a path, a person who does not go anywhere cannot get lost"
Expression of hope I would like to hope that the problem of the true concept of the word "beauty" really should be very relevant in our time. And if we pay as much attention to this issue as possible, do not forget about such important concepts as nobility, kindness, courage, then our world will become a little better and more beautiful!

Completion of the story about the case that made you think about the topic (if such a story was given as an introduction).

A quote that makes sense. You can pre-select quotes in all thematic areas, maybe some will do.

For example:

“War is one of the greatest blasphemy against man and nature” (A. S. Pushkin).

“The defense of the Motherland is also the defense of one’s dignity” (N.K. Roerich).

“Nature is the creator of all creators” (I.V. Goethe).

“You are forever responsible for those whom you have tamed” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

“Love for parents is the basis of all virtues” (Cicero).

“It is not difficult to despise the court of people, it is impossible to despise your own court ...” (A.S. Pushkin).

“True love purifies and elevates every person, completely transforming him” (N.G. Chernyshevsky).

“To live means to feel, think, suffer...” (V. G. Belinsky).

“Man is the whole world...” (F.M. Dostoevsky).

“Happiness is achieved by those who strive to make others happy and are able to forget about their interests, about themselves at least for a while” (D.S. Likhachev).

"Blessed be the love that is stronger than death!" (D.S. Merezhkovsky).

“There is no happiness in inaction ...” (F.M. Dostoevsky).

“Russia can do without each of us, but none of us can do without it” (I.S. Turgenev).

It is important that the quote necessarily correspond to the main idea of ​​the essay. You cannot use a quote just because it contains a keyword (for example, in an essay on nature, a quote with the word “nature”), and not take into account its general meaning.

Text editing

Before copying an essay from a draft into a special form, it is necessary to carefully check and edit it. How to do it?

We read the text in parts.

First, the introductory and final parts. We make sure that they correspond, firstly, to the given topic, and secondly, to each other, they talk about the same thing. Well, if in the introduction you ask a question, and in the conclusion there is an answer to it.

Abstracts. They should be compactly stated logical answers to the question that you ask in the introductory part of the essay. It is desirable that the last phrase of the thesis be the very main answer, for the proof of which you will give arguments.

We read pairs "thesis + argument". We are convinced that the example corresponds to the main idea, the thesis, and does not just talk about something close to the topic of the essay.

"Bridges", "ligaments". Read the end of each paragraph and the beginning of the next. We make sure that the transition from one micro-theme to another is smooth, there are no logical errors.

Only after we are convinced that the essay is written in accordance with the topic and does not contain logical errors, we proceed to check the speech design, i.e. detection of speech, grammatical, punctuation, spelling errors. Here, too, there will be several stages.

We read the text for individual sentences. We find grammatical foundations, ask questions to all minor members. Long and boring? But on the other hand, this will allow you to check the compatibility of words and their grammatical connection. We determine whether the sentence is simple or complex, which makes it more complicated. At the same time, pay attention to punctuation marks. If you doubt the need for a particular sign, change the design. After all, this is an essay, not a dictation! Don't be afraid to change sentences, change words. Here you can and should change the text.

We read each word syllable by syllable. So you will better assimilate what you heard - they will immediately become more active different types perception (auditory, visual). Moreover, it is better to read the text not from the first sentence, but from the end. Or just not from the beginning of the sentence, but from the last word in it, then you will pay attention not to the meaning, but to the spelling. This is how spelling errors can be found. It's famous
way to check "from the end".

After that, it is desirable to count the number of words. All words are counted, including prepositions, conjunctions, and particles. Numbers such as the year (1978) and a hyphenated word are treated as one. If you get less than 250 words, you will have to increase the volume to the required minimum, otherwise the work will not be counted. There are times when a couple of words are missing, then it’s very disappointing to receive a “failure” for good in general
in terms of content and literacy essay. But there are evaluation rules, criteria that must be taken into account.

If a few words are missing in the essay, then you can add to the thesis introductory words such as “certainly”, “certainly”, “undoubtedly”, “undoubtedly”, etc., as well as adverbs for verbs and adjectives for nouns. For example, instead of “it is important to take care of our parents”, write “of course, it is very important to take care of our parents”, etc.

If a significant number of words are missing, then you can, firstly, add a comment to the arguments (just do not retell the episode). Secondly, you can add your comment on the topic to the introduction.

In any case, do not despair, you will succeed!

Unfortunately, in domestic schools they do not teach such a useful thing as writing theses. The only oratorical effort, the report that we read to the class, is an abstract - that is, a review of the views existing in the scientific world on this topic. But now we grow up and become students. And then the supervisor puzzles us with the task: to write abstracts for the term paper. Or for a student conference. But how the theses are written, the leader does not specify. As if we should know about it a priori. Well, let's study. Moreover, these two or three pages of text create your portrait as a scientific researcher and predetermine the success of your work.

and how to write them

Inexperienced students believe term paper or a large scientific article. Others consider the abstract to be a recorded presentation at the conference. Still others - a simple list of the main provisions. All these students are both right and wrong at the same time. Abstracts are a small but self-sufficient article. It includes the main provisions of your scientific research, while it is written in simple and clear language and is a short summary of the whole great work. There are certain requirements on how to write abstracts for an article, for a conference, for defending a dissertation, but, in principle, the essence of such an essay is the same: to make it clear to the reader what the work is about, what its novelty and uniqueness are, what postulates you defend and what is your evidence base . At the same time, the course of your logical reasoning should be clearly traced in the work.

Thesis structure. Topic

As we have already mentioned, these are 2-3 pages of text written with 12 crucibles in Word. Or 10 minutes of reading slowly. The report is usually given 15 minutes, so that it is possible to mention in it what could not be included in the abstract. This short article should have a clear construction structure. We start with a topic. It should be as specific as possible and really relate to the essence of the article. In addition, it should correspond to the theme of the conference. And it is desirable that it touches on novelty. The topic should not be too long - a maximum of one and a half lines. There are two approaches to how abstracts are written. The first is that they first choose the topic they want to cover, and then, without deviating from it, they create a small article. And the second method is writing abstracts, to which they come up with a title. You can do whatever is more convenient for you. Students are often left with no choice, as the topic is given to them by the supervisor.

Introduction. Novelty

The small volume of the article excludes all spilling of thought along the tree. No lyrical digressions and departure from the topic are not allowed at all. Therefore, the very first sentence should carry valuable information. It answers two questions at once: “What will I write about?” and "Why is what I'm talking about here important?" From this, listeners or readers understand whether yours is new, or is it just a school essay listing all known facts. This is how experienced speakers write abstracts. They begin their text with the following words: “In this work we will consider ...” or “Our article is devoted to the problem ...”. And next sentence: "Despite the popular belief that ...", "I will try to prove ...". The introduction is usually devoted to one paragraph.

Main text. Examples and evidence base

The novice speaker is torn between the desire to give concrete examples to prove his case, and the presentation of global conclusions. It is important to stick to the golden mean here. A simple statement of facts will lose all meaning, and unsupported conclusions will seem like an allegation. Compose good text structured thinking will help you. There are several techniques for adding abstracts. The most common is the analysis of the logic of the development of your thought. Why did you come to these conclusions and not others? What facts are you referring to? How did you analyze them? At the same time, try to avoid logical gaps. It doesn't matter if you first structure your thoughts into points: 1, 2, 3. Then it will be convenient to create a presentation from this draft or. But the points themselves are best told in a lively but clear language. Examples confirming your correctness should be one or two for each position.


This part of the theses summarizes everything that has been said above. It repeats the introduction, only reformulated in the past tense. “Thus, we have justified…” is the most common beginning of a sentence for conclusions. It would not hurt to remind the audience again about the novelty and uniqueness of your work. But if in the introduction it is appropriate to ask the question: “Is this really the case, so I will justify it now?”, Then the conclusions must be completely categorical. How to write abstracts with bibliography? It would be foolish to cite all the sources that you use for your dissertation in a three-page text. It suffices to mention four or five works that are either authoritative in this field or are cited in the abstracts.

Conference report

At scientific symposiums, speakers are asked to write abstracts in advance. Sometimes these articles are published in collections. But regardless of whether this text of yours goes to print, it has its own specifics. How to write abstracts for a conference? Such a text can be more concise - after all, you will have time to fully reveal the topic in the report. Usually conference abstracts are limited to two pages. Or even one. This is necessary in order to enlighten a potential listener what your article will be about in general. Sometimes the work is carried out in sections, and a program with abstracts of speeches will allow those interested in this topic to find a speaker. In such articles, you can do without tables, diagrams and diagrams - all this can be presented in handouts or beautifully highlighted in a presentation. You also need to prepare for the fact that after the report you may be asked questions. Think in advance where the weak points in the evidence base are, so as not to get into trouble. The report at the conference should definitely be longer and more extensive than theses. Otherwise, why did you even come to the podium if you read from a piece of paper what is in the hands of the audience? But exceeding the regulations in scientific circles is a sign of bad taste. Make up a speech and practice - your recitation should be within fifteen minutes.

Publication date: 02.12.2016

Any essay must begin with the construction of a plan, but for this it is necessary to learn how to formulate a thesis.

The thesis is not an introduction, do not confuse. Thesis is the main idea introduction, which is placed in one (maximum two) sentences, expresses your personal opinion, and is written at the very end of the introductory part of the essay. It is to the thesis that we select the arguments.

All topics of the essay can be divided into three groups:

  1. Nominative sentence ( keywords)
  2. Question
  3. Quote

Depending on this, the topic needs to be disclosed in different ways.

Let's start with keywords. Such topics serve as a ground for reflection, but do not require a specific outcome, that is, you can move in any direction and come to any thesis, the main thing is to rely on keywords.


Theme: Mom's love

Thesis: I believe that mother's love is the strongest feeling in the world.

Arguments: “Daughter of Bukhara”, “Mother of Man” (mother loves the child no matter what and is ready for anything for him)

You can come to another thesis: It seems to me that excessive love for a child can harm him.

Argument: “Undergrowth” The mother spoiled her beloved son, did not see any shortcomings in him, and he grew up ill-mannered and selfish.

Theme: Taste of Victory

Thesis: It seems to me that victory does not always bring joy, sometimes it tastes bitter

Arguments: “The dawns here are quiet”, “The fate of man” (Heroes defeated the Nazis, but at what cost? The joy of victory mixed with grief for loved ones), “Hero of our time”, “Eugene Onegin” (Pechorin and Onegin won the duel but it did not bring them joy)

Subject: The price of a mistake

Thesis: I think that by making mistakes, people risk paying for it. supreme value on earth - someone's life.

Arguments: “Sasha” (Due to Volodya’s inexperience, half of the platoon died), “Eugene Onegin” (Onegin, without thinking about the consequences, provoked Lensky into a conflict, which led to the death of a friend)

Thesis: I think that by making mistakes, people risk paying for it with their own happiness.

Arguments: “Hero of our time”, “Eugene Onegin” (the heroes realized love late, which they greatly regretted)

Now let's deal with the topic-question. Questions can be open (it cannot be answered yes or no. For example, when will you arrive? What time is it? Etc.) and closed questions (you can answer yes or no. Will you come?

If as a topic you got open question , then you just need to answer it. The answer will serve as the thesis.

Topic: How to choose in a difficult moment between honor and dishonor?

Thesis: I think that the choice will depend on how much honor is dear to a person.

The thesis can be formulated differently: It seems to me that, being in a difficult situation, a person must decide whether he can live in peace, having committed a dishonorable act.

Arguments: "The Captain's Daughter" (Grinev was ready to die, and Shvabrin preferred to become a traitor), "Sotnikov", "The Fate of a Man", "Sasha"

If met as a topic closed question, then you need to explain your answer (yes, because ... / no, because ....). An explanation of the answer is required, otherwise the topic will not be considered open.

Topic: Can a person always control his actions?

I think being under the influence of emotions/feelings a person loses control over himself

Arguments: "Lady Macbeth", "Eugene Onegin" (Lensky, in anger, without thinking, challenged Onegin to a duel), "Mozart and Salieri" (Envy overshadowed Salieri's mind, and he poisoned a friend), "The Captain's Daughter" (Shvabrin was possessed hatred and vengeance).

The most difficult topics, in my opinion, are quotes. For myself, I shared the statements the greatest people into "understandable" and "incomprehensible".

In the first case, it is enough to mentally agree with the author and explain why you agree.

IMPORTANT!!! in no case do not write in the essay the phrase: “I agree with the author ...”, this is the final essay, not the exam. This option is only acceptable if you have absolutely nothing else to write.

Topic: Youth is a time of mistakes.

The quote is quite simple: in youth, a person makes most of the mistakes. And why? The answer will be the thesis.

Thesis: I think that most of the mistakes a person makes in his youth, because at this age we enter adulthood, but we have absolutely no experience.

Arguments: "The captain's daughter" (Grinev escaped from the supervision of his parents, got drunk, lost money, offended Savelich, but received a lesson for life). "Ionych" (Young Katya believed that a career was more important than a family, but she was mistaken)

But there are also complex quotes, the meaning of which is difficult to understand, or it is difficult to find an argument. In this case, the statement needs to be “deciphered”, translated into available language. Then there are 2 ways: either “decoding serves as a thesis, or we rely on the phrase that we got, and the thesis is an explanation.

Theme: Love is a magical flower, but you have to be very brave to go to the edge of the abyss and pluck it.

The edge of the abyss is a risk

Picking a flower means falling in love

And what is the risk of a man in love? He risks not getting reciprocity and being left with a broken heart.

So we write in the thesis: I believe that only a brave person can fall in love, because he risks being left with a broken heart.

Arguments: "Garnet bracelet", "Lady Macbeth", "Sunstroke". You can write about Pechorin, maybe he closed himself from feelings because he was afraid?

After you have formulated the thesis, you can proceed to the next step -

Newbies often enter the field of copywriting with the thought “What could be easier than writing articles.” In fact, it turns out that the texts they compiled are a frank set of letters that does not carry any meaning and is difficult to read. Only professionals can write in such a way that their material is read in one breath.

What are abstracts and why do copywriters need them? In this article, we decided to touch on this important topic. It is clear that not everyone and not always use it, but you need to develop and discover something new. This helps to improve the quality of the content created, which is immediately reflected in the interest of customers and buyers.

Thesis, what is it?

There are two opinions to explain this term. Some believe that the thesis is a meaningful material compiled on the basis of a voluminous text. Others claim that, on the contrary, detailed materials are created according to the abstracts. Both opinions are correct, theses are used for both.

Most often there are scientific theses, since a complex topic must be presented in a short form. Speaking of brevity, if you think that this is a couple of words, then you are mistaken. Key terms are written on more than one page. For example, if they are compiled for some conference.

Novice copywriters may not understand this topic if you need to write a thesis text from some site. Enough to find out.

A little away from the topic of copywriting in order to explain in more detail the meaning of the word “Thesis”. But now you have an idea of ​​what this material is.

Examples of theses can be searched on the Internet, they can be several times larger than the text on this page.

If you look at the second meaning of the thesis, which is used to create a large article, then most often it is a set of answers to questions. For example, the customer asks to write a text about the company. How does a copywriter know what the company does, what it sells, what stands out in the market, and so on.

To get the necessary information, The client is asked questions:

  • what is for sale;
  • how it is produced;
  • features and characteristics;
  • Advantages and disadvantages;
  • what is the difference from analogues;
  • what confirms the quality;
  • the target audience.

The answers received can be considered as theses, and voluminous material is compiled on them. Generally, large companies they try to prepare this information in advance in order to pass it on to the authors, otherwise, the article turns out to be insufficiently informative.

How to write a thesis?

Quite a lot of them have been created, the most interesting and popular examples are collected in collections of abstracts. Until you see how other people do it. Theses examples on the Internet is not difficult to find. Let's take a look at one of them, a thesis was drawn up for an essay on the topic of reason and feelings:

A small explanation, which makes it clear what this work is about. These texts can be very different, it all depends on what format you want to use and what the thesis is created for.

When creating abstracts, you need to rely on several simple rules:

  1. The title is selected for the main topic, it is better to write the text first, and then figure out how to name the thesis, this increases accuracy.
  2. The topic is narrow and precise, the short content of the theses does not allow deviating from the main idea.
  3. One of the main factors of abstracts is the availability of examples. Fit them even in compressed text format.
  4. You need to start with an introduction, it should answer main question. It is advisable not to stretch it, fit into one paragraph.
  5. The main content needs to be structured, use several subsections and statements, accompany them with examples.
  6. The conclusion summarizes the results and explains where people can find the extended version of the material.
  7. If the thesis is scientific, then it is desirable to include all kinds of footnotes, quotations and explanations.

Seven simple rules necessary for the author of the thesis. Even for the article you are currently reading, you can make a short message so that users can first find out what it will be about, and only then decide whether it is worth studying. This approach saves time, even bloggers use it.

The text thesis is most often used for lectures, reports and other educational areas. A short summary of a complex topic helps to properly assimilate the material. Should you use abstracts in copywriting? Of course, at least they help when creating complex articles.

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An article on how to properly prepare and write, using all tactical literary techniques in writing an essay in the form of reasoning.

A reasoning essay always has the goal of convincing the reader (listener) of something, changing or reinforcing his opinion on a particular issue (if the opinions of the author and reader coincide.

Therefore, the basis of reasoning, its core becomes a clearly formulated, understandable and justified from different positions one main idea .

We write an essay-reasoning on a free topic

Step one . Clearly and completely state the idea you want to prove.

You can verify the success of this step as follows. Read the wording to several people: if they have no questions about your position (objections on the essence of the issue do not count), then the wording is successful. Now you can move on to writing an essay-reasoning.

What parts does an essay consist of?

A complete essay-reasoning consists of 3 parts. It:

  • thesis(that thought, judgment, position that you have formulated and which you will prove);
  • arguments(each of them should serve as a clear, accomplished, and therefore convincing proof of your thought);
  • conclusion(he essentially repeats the thesis, but brings it to new level broad generalizations, forecasts, recommendations, etc.).

An optional but desirable part of the discussion is a brief introduction, the task of which is to engage the reader in a dialogue, to indicate the essence and relevance of the problem.

Example . The theme of the essay-reasoning - "The first love…". You can talk about first love endlessly (as well as about other issues), therefore we immediately do step one - formulate a thesis.

With the thesis “First love is the most important stage in a person’s life, which will affect all future relationships and the personality itself,” the introduction can be as follows: “For teenagers, it becomes the meaning of life, and for adults it causes a condescending smile. However, in vain parents and acquaintances grin: according to psychologists, the source of our “adult” happiness and unhappiness is hidden in the first love.

Main body: arguments, content of arguments

Argumentation in an essay-reasoning should occupy at least 2/3 of the total volume. Optimal quantity there are three arguments for a small (school or examination) essay.

The best arguments are widely known historical facts(or not very well-known, but which can be easily found in authoritative sources - encyclopedias, reference books, scientific papers, etc.). Good proof will be statistics, discussed events. In the practice of school essays, the most powerful argument is literary work, but not all, but that episode of it, the storyline, the story of the hero, which confirm your idea.

To choose the right arguments, mentally pronounce your thesis each time and ask him the question “Why?”

Example . Let's take another thesis related to the topic "First love" - “To love means to become better". Why?

  • In an effort to please another person, we improve. literary argument. Tatyana Larina, wanting to unravel Onegin's soul, spends her days in his library reading books, eagerly peering at the notes left by Eugene, and reflecting on what she read. She not only finally understands what kind of person fate brought her together with, but she herself grows spiritually and intellectually.

An argument can also be personal experience , but remember that such a proof is the least convincing and it is good to present it as an extension to the main facts known and authoritative.

step two . Select the arguments that support your idea and arrange them in the following order: very persuasive - quite persuasive - most persuasive.


The conclusion deepens the thesis, contains - albeit not explicit - advice, rules, offers forecasts.

Example. First love, at whatever age it happens, can make a person a tough, ruthless cynic, an incorrigible romantic, and a realist who does not exclude any possibilities for himself.

The first will be deeply unhappy: he will not be able to love, which means he will remain alone. The second from the absolute optimism of "love forever" often passes to the same pessimism of "love is not." And only the third is able to find harmony. In order to increase the number of such people, adults, relatives, friends should carefully and seriously treat the feelings of adolescents and children.