Jti internship. About why it's great to work at JTI and who will suit the company. About the most pleasant memory at JTI and the atmosphere in the company

  • 22.11.2019

JTI* is a leading tobacco company** and one of the best employers in Russia***. The company's portfolio includes international brands Winston, Mevius, Camel, Sobranie, Glamour, and LD, as well as Russian brands Russian Style, Peter I, and others.

* J.T.I.Russia LLC ** By the volume of product sales in physical and monetary terms, according to research agency Nielsen, October 2017. *** According to the rating of the site "Best Employers of Russia - 2015" and repeated recognition of the Institute of the best employers Top Employer Institute

In 2018 International Institute Top
Employers recognized JTI as the best employer in Russia for the fourth time in a row*

* JTI is recognized as one of the best employers in 2018 in the Asia-Pacific region, including Russia, https://www.top-employers.com/en/companyprofiles/ru/jti-russia/

4 000+ employees

3 factories in Russia

70 offices and regional representations

25 countries to which we export products

Our factories

Factory "Petro"- the largest production complex in the structure of JTI and at the same time largest enterprise for the production of finished tobacco products in Russia*, using advanced technologies and modern equipment.

The history of "Petro" began in 1852, when the former Austrian citizen Josef Gupman de Valbella opened a small manufactory "Laferm" in St. Petersburg. Since then, the factory has always been the flagship of the Russian tobacco industry.

In 1999, the factory became part of the JTI company. The subsequent investment in technical modernization has turned Petro into a state-of-the-art manufacturing and advanced logistics center.

The management of the enterprise actively introduces innovations in the field of personnel management. In particular, one of two international functional training centers is located in the factory, where training and advanced training of technical specialists for JTI enterprises around the world takes place.

In 2017, the International Institute of Best Employers Top Employers recognized the Petro factory as one of the best employers in Russia.**

Petro pays great attention to environmental issues. In particular, the factory installed $2.3 million in innovative Neotechnik Aerox equipment to eliminate industrial odors and purify the air entering the atmosphere. For this technology, the Petro factory was recognized as one of the most environmentally responsible enterprises in the city according to the results of the competition (nomination " Best project on Environmental Protection of an Industrial Enterprise”), organized in 2016 by the St. Petersburg International Business Association and the Committee for Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Ensuring the Ecological Safety of the City.

* according to the industry association Tabakprom for 2016. ** https://www.top-employers.com/en/companyprofiles/ru/jti-petro-factory/

Factory "Kres Neva", located in the Leningrad region, is a major Russian manufacturer and exporter of extended stem and expanded tobacco, which are widely used in production.

Kres Neva is a relatively young enterprise: the factory opened in 1999, and became part of JTI in 2005.

More than 60 million US dollars have been invested in the development of the factory. The company is equipped with the latest technology. Cres Neva products are supplied to JTI factories in Russia and other countries.

"Kres Neva" was twice recognized as the winner of the "Enterprise of High Social Responsibility" competition held by the government of the Leningrad Region. In addition, the factory was awarded in the nomination "Leader of the Year in the field of labor protection" in competition held by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Leningrad Region (for 2014).

Founded in the city of Yelets, Lipetsk region in 1983, the factory for the processing of tobacco raw materials has been part of the JTI company since 1999. Products of J.T.I. Yelets is supplied to JTI enterprises in Russia, and is also exported to Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Poland, Turkey, Canada, Malaysia, Jordan, Philippines and Taiwan. The company employs about 200 people.

Priority in the work of J.T.I. Yelets" - the introduction of environmental innovations and reducing the impact on environment. The company has an environmental management system for international standard ISO 14001. Over the past 5 years, J.T.I. Yelets reduced total water consumption by 24.5%, gas - by 21%, electricity - by 32%, and also reduced carbon dioxide emissions per ton of output by 26%. Since 2016, the factory has been generating electricity and heat at its own environmentally friendly cogeneration station.

In 2015, the J.T.I. Yelets won the competition among industrial enterprises Lipetsk region for quality management production processes. In 2016, it was recognized for the high level of safety and labor protection in the Lipetsk Region following the results All-Russian competition on labor protection. In August 2017, the factory celebrated 1,800 days of safe operation without a single incident. In 2017, the JTI factory in Yelets was awarded a Diploma of the Ecology and natural resources Lipetsk region for the responsible environmental management of the enterprise and contribution to the development of the best environmental practices.

Promotes the employer brand

How to successfully complete an internship and get into the company

I joined the company as a JUMP intern in the HR department. It was not easy to go through the selection stages: the competition for this position is very high. I would recommend that future interns remain themselves, try to demonstrate the best sides and talk about your achievements. Do not be afraid to try your hand: if the first time you did not succeed in qualifying, you need to participate again. For example, I managed to get an internship the second time. The advantage of the program is that throughout the year, interns can respond to open vacancies in the company and eventually get into the state. I managed to stay in the company thanks to perseverance and the desire to develop.

About diverse tasks and how the company changes people

I like variety in my work. It has creativity and work with people: both inside the organization and outside it. Multitasking allows you to develop comprehensively. It seems to me that during my work at JTI I have changed: I have developed the skills of short-term and long-term planning, I have become even more responsible and attentive. JTI provides employees with opportunities for development and creates a comfortable working environment, but the success of employees is in their hands: you need to take it and do it.

About why it's great to work at JTI and who will suit the company

The company has many tools for developing people. Each employee can choose what he needs in this moment, and the company will gladly provide it, whether it be English language, Excel, personal effectiveness training or cross-functional projects. I can recommend JTI to friends as it is the best employer in Russia and one of the best in the world (Top Employers 2018). We have conditions for comfortable work any person. Everyone will be able to express himself here, reveal his potential and feel like a circle of friends. We are looking for people who have analytical warehouse intelligence and good communication skills. You will definitely like us if you are ambitious and know what you want to achieve, as well as set high goals and follow them.

Builds information flows within the company

What is long-term success

The company adheres to the principles of sustainable development. This means that we try to do the right thing and think about tomorrow when making any decisions related to the company. Each time, we evaluate options in terms of long-term impact on business, employees, consumers and society as a whole. First of all, it concerns the quality of products. Secondly, these are high business standards: throughout the entire supply chain, we respect human rights and try to reduce our impact on the environment.

About the secret of success

Being aware of what is happening in the tobacco industry, in other parts of the company around the world, and also in your department is one of the secrets of building a career, because when you understand the context, you know what decisions need to be made. There are many opportunities at JTI to keep up to date with the latest developments: this and mobile app for smartphones, and corporate social network, and weekly news digests.

About how the company introduces employees to the culture

JTI interacts with leading cultural institutions, museums and theaters. The company's employees have a card that allows them to visit museums in different countries peace. In Russia it is a museum contemporary art"Garage", Multimedia Art Museum, Hermitage and Pushkin Museum. In addition, meetings with famous figures of culture and art are held at the JTI head office.

Engaged in the design and planning of permanent and temporary equipment in the trading environment

About the qualities of JTI employees

The main qualities of our employees are initiative, openness and striving for quality. The market is changing rapidly, so you always need to be able to quickly respond to changes. Openness helps in teamwork - we try to keep in touch with various functions of the head office and regions in order to follow the changes. It is impossible to solve the problem alone, with a team it is much easier. I really like that JTI employees are focused on high-quality results: colleagues are not afraid and are always ready to challenge the current state of affairs.

About challenges at work

What I like most about JTI is the variety of tasks. Already during the internship, I was able to participate in the implementation of interesting projects, study the company's business and gain valuable experience. JTI provides many opportunities for growth and development within its structure. To build a career at JTI, a person must understand what he wants, set goals for himself and take the initiative to achieve them. And you can grow not only in your own market, but also moving around the world.

About JUMP internships

The JUMP internship is complex, it lasts a whole year. It is quite difficult to get an internship, because there are several serious selection stages - passing tests, an assessment center, interviews with HR and a direct supervisor. The competition is big. A person gets into one of the departments of the company, his mentor is the manager of the department, who sets tasks and controls their implementation. The mentor gives additional projects so that a person can prove himself, in addition to the main duties. After successfully completing four months of internship, an employee can apply for open positions in the state. It takes into account the achievements of the trainee, completed projects, his initiatives, as well as professional skills.

Supports brands

About new ideas and team

At JTI, everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential: the company supports initiative and the desire to improve. We have a BITL (Bringing Ideas to Life) program aimed at continuous improvement of business processes. Thanks to this program, each employee can offer an idea for implementation. These are not just words: many of the initiatives that were registered in this program have been implemented. The company has a very comfortable and friendly atmosphere: I can ask any employee a question and be sure that I will get an answer.

Combining an internship with study

I started my journey in the company in the brand marketing department a year and a half ago. At the time, I was in my first year of graduate school, and it was important for me to find an internship that I could combine with my studies. JTI gave me this opportunity. By the way, almost everyone who took the program with me were students, and thanks to the flexible schedule, they could continue to study. It's great that many interns remain in the company in permanent positions and work successfully.

About the most pleasant memory at JTI and the atmosphere in the company

One of the most pleasant memories for me is a trip to the Petro factory in St. Petersburg, where I saw with my own eyes how JTI products are created. The trip to Petro is part of the internship. Thanks to this small trip together, we became even closer friends with the whole team. I am very glad that I ended up at JTI. Almost every day I face difficult tasks that are interesting to solve. I am proud of every completed project and I come to the office with a smile, because there is a pleasant atmosphere in which it is comfortable to work.

I didn’t have time to feel them ... except perhaps only a large and beautiful office in Moscow City, but it’s like someone ...

After I was there for an interview, HR rinsed my brain for a long time, constantly changing the time and date of the call to announce the decision on my candidacy, in the end they just sent an unsubscribe by e-mail, and a completely different young lady ... very unprofessional with the side of a JTI recruiter.

01.07.16 18:53 St. PetersburgAnonymous

Good career development prospects. Good workplace equipment. International company. Good base hp.

Complete lack of punctuality. I usually don't leave negative reviews for "we'll call you"+ firms, but this is an exceptional case. 3 months HR delayed with an answer, provided that I called him once a week and wrote letters. Instead of a clear "you are not suitable for us" - postponement of the decision "until Friday, next week, at the beginning / middle / end of the month". To find out that they did not take me, I had to ...

20.06.16 02:12 VladivostokKseniya,

In all my experience in the FMCG industry, however small, JTI is the most interesting company I have ever met. Working as a consultant is a unique opportunity to achieve your goals. Having worked less than a year, I was able to unlearn the law and earn money for a car. Here you can feel the level of investment in people, it is not for nothing that the company is in the top 100 employers in 12th place according to HH. People work here...

14.05.16 13:19 Yekaterinburg cityVitaly Lee,

sing beautifully about the possibilities! But it's all a lie! Don't buy into promotions from JTI.

08.03.16 11:18 Moscow cityBeen there for a long time

Medical insurance, stress resistance.

The company is large, most of the employees are rare sycophants and sycophants. They suffer from populizing, especially their miracle employee Pavel Shershnev. I do not recommend at all, look for another company.

18.09.15 07:32 Rostov-on-DonAnonymous

Those who write negative feedback(and I would call this scribble "a basin of mud"), they probably forgot how much they got when they worked (the average salary level is much higher than in other FMCG companies). And also: how they were treated for free (the company has a good VHI package, including allowing almost free treatment for family members), how they drove around in a corporate car of a fairly high level (Ford Focus ...

Load, multitasking, a good test for stress resistance and "lice"

14.05.15 10:52 Moscow cityRabinovich Rabinovich,

Fleet of guys well done .... There are still a couple of good supers

The leadership on moving except Oleg Yuryevich, full of insignificance ..... Romanov is generally something with something, a huge subject with the intellect of a tractor driver and the manners of a digger ... Buevich is a slippery type who constantly suspects everyone of something, smiles in his face , and he builds intrigues and demands explanatory ones .. Andrey Laryushchin is a dull drug addict !!! how is such a person still kept at all! ??

Today our guest is a graduate of the Higher School of Economics, and now a JUMP intern in the financial planning and FP&A analysis department of JTI - Alexey Malakhov. He became a participant in the 7th recruitment under this program. At the moment, and its introductory part has come to an end. But that's not the end of the JUMP internships. Already on November 15, selection for the 8th wave of interns begins. The JUMP program is an internship with a significant educational element. During the 4 months of the short wave, the trainees underwent a huge number of trainings and team building seminars. At the end of the program, the participants even passed a kind of final exams: business knowledge tests, solving an HR case, and a creative final presentation in front of company employees. Alexey successfully passed these tests, and let's ask him how it was.

- Hello, Alexey. Tell us a little about your educational and professional background.

Hello. In principle, there is not much to say here. Graduated from the HSE Faculty of World Economy, worked in the summer after the third year in a small Russian company in the audit, but realized that it was not mine.

- How did you find out about the internship at JTI? What attracted you?

Really about internship JUMP I learned in 3rd grade. I applied for a headhunter vacancy, but, unfortunately, I was not invited then. At that time, I was attracted by the opportunity to work 20, 30 and 40 hours a week, while receiving relatively good money by trainee standards. After analyzing the market, I, for example, the best option didn't find it at the time. While writing my thesis, I began to think about my future career, and decided to send my resume to this company again.

- Tell us a little about the selection stages that you had to overcome in order to get the long-awaited offer.

The selection procedure, in principle, is no different from any other FMCG company, but the selection process here is not so long. First I sent my resume, a day or two later I got a call from a nice girl who offered to talk a little. There was a question in English in the style: “What was the biggest challenge in your life?” By the way, English in JTI, as they say, must have. All official internal correspondence is in English, well, only if you do not correspond with your friends on the communicator. There you can give yourself a rest and write in Russian. Then there was, in my personal opinion, an incomprehensible test for adjectives. But after 4 months, I found out what the point is, and according to this test, they made up my psychological picture and determine if the job I'm applying for is right for me. Then there was a rather interesting test. By the way, it was then that I realized the scale of those who wanted to get into JTI. The huge auditorium was packed to capacity. This is the best confirmation that JTI ranks 3rd in Russia among employers - a dream for young professionals. Then I had three interviews. And a sudden call, and an invitation to the program.

- Which stage, in your opinion, was the most difficult? What are your recommendations for future interns?

Probably, after all, this is an interview with a line manager. In the future, this is your mentor. You have to work with him for at least 4 months, so you should be comfortable with him. Do not try to somehow adapt to the interviewer, be yourself. If you behave naturally, and the manager understands that he will be comfortable working with you, then he will make a choice in your favor. If you are seven spans in your forehead, but some kind of "muddy" type, then you have almost no chance. Favorable atmosphere in the team is one of the most important in the company. And for the sake of one even very smart, but "muddy" employee, no one will spoil this atmosphere.

What do you remember about this internship? What left the brightest imprint on your memory?

I will say that these 4 months were very busy for trainings. At the same time, the trainings were varied. This includes an introduction to the business with a visit to a cigarette factory, and trainings aimed at improving the efficiency of employee communications. By the way, the LD factory is space. What I saw there left a lasting impression. We also had a thematic team building "Fort Boyard". It was really cool to test myself, and feel the genuine unity of the trainee family.

You talk like you're in an amusement park. Tell us about the work itself.

Good. I work in the financial planning and analysis department. And I am more than satisfied with my work. It felt like I assisted in almost all financial operations of the company, performing one or another block of work. At first, they gave me enough technical work, but over time, when I began to more or less understand what was happening, the work became more and more interesting. For example, I have already begun to be trusted to do calculations financial indicators for the marketing department. Of course, my manager checks my results, and if he finds errors, he draws attention to them and tells how they can be avoided in the future. I can say with confidence that you won’t make the same mistake twice, because after explanations everything falls into place. Well, in general, when you realize that multi-million dollar decisions depend on your calculations, you try to concentrate with all your might and do everything as correctly as possible. Of course, there are routine tasks, but you can also get high from them. You just need to get them right.

- So you think that this is a dream job for any student?

Students are all different, they have dreams too. But I can bet that someone who expects work-life balance, a friendly team and a very good salary in the market from his future job, then this person should go to jti. If a student wants to have everything here and now, and at the same time he is ready to sacrifice his personal life for the sake of rapid career growth, then he should better go into consulting or investment banking.

- Your wishes to our readers.

As our general manager told us interns, your career is in your hands, and no matter where, at JTI or elsewhere, work hard, constantly develop and sooner or later you will achieve your highest goals. The key is patience and hard work. They'll screw everything up for sure. I advise 3rd year students to apply for this internship now. Even if you do not pass, you will get invaluable experience of passing the selection. And if your desire to get into JTI continues in the future, then this experience will allow you to improve yourself and still get into this company.

Thanks for the time you gave us. Now you are officially in the TMStudent league. Good luck in your workplace.

Thanks for the invitation. Good luck with your project.

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